#Eren Kruger
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joogios · 5 months ago
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I wanna grow the apple, keep all the seeds
But I can't help but get so angry
You don't listen to me
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thena0315 · 1 year ago
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Ymir, the Scouts, the Warriors and every past Subject of Ymir in the last 2,000 Years that died, are now all finally freed from the Paths
They can now all rest in peace
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zestygraph1te · 10 days ago
One years worth of improvements
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hangesglassessweat · 1 year ago
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thisonemadact · 5 months ago
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eren krugerhuygxbywybxdbhhbxehxuunxweunx
Also all the ao3 stories about him are utterly beautiful like what
I seriously need to draw more fanart of aot like Isayama those noses you draw are beautiful
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atruewarrior · 4 months ago
Drabble challenge 2024 | Day 6: Act character: eren kruger
With Marley's top brass in attendance, Kruger couldn't afford to skip the play.
But the relentless prying into his love life has become tiring. So, he asks you a favor.
Your role is simple: look beautiful on his arm. And you succeed effortlessly.
As you amble to the foyer during intermission, all eyes are on you. It'd be overwhelming if your senses weren’t already dulled.
Eren’s cologne left your head spinning during the first act, and the hand resting on the small of your back now has your heart fluttering.
When he leans in to whisper, "You're perfect,” it's overkill.
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attack-on-titan-confessionss · 10 months ago
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Tr: "I judge SNK fans by how niche they get with their favorite characters. Anyone can love Levi, but it takes a true fan to appreciate Uncle Kenny, Eren Kruger, Uri Reiss, etc. This goes double for the equally niche ships (Kruger/Grisha, Kenny/Uri...)"
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ladywitch700 · 5 months ago
Eren Kruger x f. reader
• English is not my first language.
Eren was lying on the bed in his bedroom, smoking his cigarette, lost in thought. Until you came.
You crawled onto the bed and rested your body on top of his, your head on his shoulder, and your thighs on either side of his waist.
Eren watched you for a few seconds silently, then turned his head, stared outside, out the window, and quietly watched the sunrise.
Eren turned his eyes to you again, watching your sweet and calm facial expression, as you closed your eyes, feeling your warm breath on his neck, and your head on his shoulder.
His body was muscular and solid, but he was very warm, which helped you relax. The smell of cigarette didn't bother you, since you were already used to it. Besides, you used to smoke from time to time, too.
You raised your head, and your eyes met his. Although his stony and cold facial features did not even change, his sky blue eyes were filled with warmth and strong emotion towards you, and they carried you in their embrace, filling you with the deepest and warmest feelings that his heart had always held for you.
He kept staring at you with warmth and love, until he finally decided to speak, after he pulled his cigarette from his mouth and gently placed it between your lips, his long, cold fingers touching your soft and warm lips. He spoke quietly, with a warmer voice than usual.
“You look a little more tired than usual..”
Your cheeks became a little warmer, but you maintained a calm and relaxed expression, and took a puff from the cigarette, before answering him.
“It's work, you see. Being a spy isn't easy for either of us.” You chuckled softly, gently putting the cigarette back into his mouth, and resting your head on his shoulder again.
“In that case, relax.” He spoke softly, and began to smoke again.
You remained relaxed for a while, until you noticed that he reached over to the nightstand to take another cigarette from the pack. He opened the pack and pulled a single cigarette between his lips. You extended your hand to the nightstand, and took the lighter to light his cigarette for him.
Eren smiled at you sweetly, allowing you to light his cigarette. He took a puff on his cigarette and looked out the window again. You knew that he had difficulty expressing his feelings, which is why he remained silent most of the time.
You slowly closed your eyes and listened to his quiet heartbeat, the sounds of birds chirping, and the rustle of the trees. You felt the cool breeze gently caress your skin, and smelled the familiar scent of cigarettes. You enjoyed the feeling of closeness and warmth between you two. This comforting silence helped you relax even more.
After a long period of silence, Eren moved slightly, wrapped his strong arms around your waist, and gently placed you on the bed next to him.
"I'm going to work, I have to leave." He spoke quietly. He gently put his cigarette in your mouth, and kissed your cheek, then your forehead very gently, and looked at you warmly.
“Rest well, I will be back soon..” he whispered softly, and gently covered you with the blanket, before standing up and leaving the room.
After he left, you took a few puffs from the cigarette, before you put it away, and began to rest.
You slowly closed your eyes and fell into a deep, comfortable sleep...
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tamarahtalkstv · 2 years ago
Boyfriends In A Band
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joogios · 6 months ago
The way that the only chance you have of staying a good person in the Jaeger family is to be dead. <3333
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melishade · 10 months ago
Attack on Prime Chapter 90: The Big Twist
Spoilers ahead if you haven't read the chapter. I recommend that you do if you haven't.
let’s talk about Primus. Eh?
So looking back on the Transformers franchise as a whole, Primus himself isn't really capitalized on. In a few of the shows, he’s only name-dropped or doesn’t even exist like TFA. In shows like TFP and the book the Covenant of Primus, he is alluded to and even given a brief backstory of his and Unicron’s origins before shifting gears to the Primes and their dynamics, but never makes an on screen appearance. He’s shown as the core and that’s it. We don’t know what he looks like in the Aligned Continuity. I think there is a toy out for him, but it was never said to be official. The only Transformers content that really explores on Primus is the IDW comics. Where Primus has aligned himself with three other transformer deities, but one of them got really angry with him for some reason and as punishment, got rid of his god powers, made everyone forget ever knowing him after he so much as left the room. (Look my info on IDW is spotty. I never got the chance to read the comics in full. Although god being a therapist is hilarious).
Besides IDW, there aren’t many interpretations or characterizations of Primus, which is a damn shame, considering we’ve always seen Unicron in almost all Transformers iterations. So it was something that I’ve always wanted to take a crack at: putting my own spin on the creator of the Transformers. I wanted to bring him into Attack on Prime, but before the AOT story was completed, I had no clue how to bring Primus into the story without it sounding so contrived and out of nowhere. I couldn’t have him pop out in the sky, tell everyone to stop fighting, and then have him leave, confusing everyone. It wouldn’t have made sense. In fact, I was all but ready to scrap the idea for AOP…until the Paths chapters dropped in the AOT manga, and I realized:
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And I immediately got to work on how to incorporate Primus into the story while also making it make sense. Which took a while. I’ve worked on multiple rewrites of Primus’ character and his interactions with Eren and Zeke before creating the final draft for the chapter. I started my brainstorming of my characterization of Primus in late 2019 with the document titled RELGN 132 (which was the title of a religion course I took at UCLA, so fairly on the nose). So yeah, I’ve been working on it for 4+ years.
But first let’s talk about the multiple lead up I’ve had up until this point, because again, I’m meticulous with my foreshadowing. Chapter of foreshadowing include:
Chapter 45 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 72 Chapter 77 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 86
(And a bunch of other additional chapter do have foreshadowing and there is a small inkling of Primus' presence, and I might explain that later, but I want to see if people can piece it together by re-reading the chapter. If not, then I'll probably just say it outright, IDK.)
But, some moments might’ve been noticeable, some not so much. I knew that I didn’t want Primus’ introduction in the Paths to feel out of nowhere. Eren and Zeke are talking and suddenly this guy just pops out of nowhere. I needed him to be alluded to, which is where the 4th notebook and Pieck come in, oh and also Unicron. Well, at least Unicron's powerset.
In the Covenant of Primus, Primus and Unicron are said to come from the same being: The One, who split apart due to its own internal conflict regarding the state of the universe. If Primus and Unicron come from the same being, they must have the same abilities. Or similar abilities at least. One of the abilities should include: using their blood to communicate with others who carry their blood. Dark energon flows through Unicron while energon flows through Primus. Through energon, all Cybertronians are connected and return to the place they spawned from after their death, regardless of how good or bad their intentions were. If this concept can apply to Cybertronian, surely it could apply to titan shifters, who’s powers even defy death itself on some level. Once all the titan shifters, or at least the Founder, had access to energon, Primus had access to them, and would have found a way to enter the Paths, either through his own power or Vector’s help, since the Paths operate outside of space time. (Primus himself will provide a brief explanation in the Paths II. And the In Between OVA that I keep bringing up, is simply AOP from Primus' perspective. God I am so happy I can say that now!)
But because the Paths operate outside of space and time and the fact that the full powers of the Founder hadn't been utilized on the flow of time, Primus lacked the tools he needs to figure out what the hell was going on or even eliminate the power of the titans. He is flung through the memories and lives of each titan shifter; however, some memories are blocked from him and he doesn’t know why. And because of Primus lack of control, he can’t properly interact with the world around him. He can only interact with other titan shifters as a distorted image. A shadow. He can’t give so much information to Kruger and Pieck. He can only provide images, hidden clues because of the barrier between them. And Primus wants to learn about the truth of the AOT world, so he sees through their eyes and listens to their stories. Even when Kruger and Pieck interact with Primus and even touch him, they are met with a warm, gentle, touch of comfort. Something to show that he is other worldly. In addition to that, the allusion to the overlap of voices, how Primus knows about even that happened thousands of years into the past, his glowing blue eyes, how he forces Kruger to feel the pain and suffering of the people he turned into titans, how Primus had called Megatron and Arcee by name before asking Pieck to believe in Optimus, proclaiming he would be the one to end the power of the titans. The longer Primus is on screen as the shadow, the more ‘in your face’ the information becomes. If you haven’t pieced together the shadow is Primus, then at the very least, you know that the shadow is Cybertronian.
Other pieces of information that are not so subtle, is actually the local therapist Rung in the Cybertron OVA. If you know your transformers lore, then you should know that Rung is Primus. That was one of the obvious bits of information that I was incorporating here. Some of the interactions that Rung has includes him not batting an eye when Starscream lashes out at him and catches the energon cube with such ease that he completely forgets to react the way a normal person would. The scene that Rung had alone where he looks at the Jackhammer in a remorse manner, almost as if he knows what’s going to happen but can’t do anything about it. Finally, when Rung places a comforting hand on Arcee, Arcee notes that the hand feels warm and comforting, and she feels a swell of emotions. Ya know, like every other interaction he’s had with humans on screen. Not to mention that Rung recommended that Arcee leave the planet on purpose because of prior knowledge of the AOT world because I’ve hinted at the fact that Primus in the story right now is from a time where the events of AOT haven’t happened yet. Right before he sends Optimus (Of course, this will be explain more cohesively within the In between OVA, which is going to focus on Primus and what’s he’s been doing throughout the AOP story).
More subtle bits of information when foreshadowing Primus’ role in the story is the drawing of Optimus Prime’s holoform, or rather Primus, from the 4th notebook. The drawing is led to believe and cement the fact that the Attack Titan can see into the future. Which is true, Primus’ appearance in the story is a future event, however, I have to make a note that what they are looking at is not Optimus. It’s Primus wearing Optimus’ face. So I had to have someone who would take notice of the way that Primus is wearing Optimus’ face. Erwin had to be the observation because he’s the only human that has been known to notice those subtle details and connections. He of course brought this up with Megatron and Megatron does notice the difference. But the drawing is not Megatron’s concern, assuming that someone trying to interpret someone from memory is going to get a few details wrong. Also, they have other priorities to take care of besides a drawing from the past. Megatron and ultimately Erwin let it go, but I’m letting the audience know, something is clearly up. Adding on top of that, Kruger has never met Optimus, but he had seen the shadow’s face before dying. That should be another indicator that it’s not Optimus. It’s the shadow. It’s Primus.
Finally, the more subtle indication of Primus’ presence in the story is the conversation that Eren and Kenshin had about the existence of gods in general. While Kenshin believes that god exists, Eren does not. He critiques god and believe god to be hypocritical while Kenshin believes that god cares and wants the creation to live freely. It’s supposed to be an engaging conversation while also hinting at the fact that Eren’s definitely going to talk to a deity with his mentality and future visions and get the crap kicked out of him.
I’m certain that I missed something but what I’ve wanted to say but the foreshadowing of Primus is there, and I wanted it to be clear. However, Primus’ characterization is something I wanted to discuss for a long time too. Again, we don’t know much about Primus’ character besides Rung, and I didn’t want him to be a stoic deity. That’s boring. I wanted to have some fun. I wanted Primus to be the complete opposite of Unicron. While Unicron is haughty and prideful, Primus is kind and humble. While Unicron loathes the idea of existence and wants death and destruction, Primus believes in life and creation. Unicron believes that everything is beneath him while Primus sees the value of even the smallest living thing. Unicron believes in working alone, and that he is the most powerful being. No one else should have his power. Primus believes in cooperation, unity, and sharing his power. Unicron wants to destroy the universe, Primus wants to be a part of it.
With that in mind, I was able to write a characterization of Primus: a gentle, kind being that cares deeply for the lives of others that may or may not even be his own. Someone who gets excited at the prospect of learning new things about new beings, someone who mourns the loss of life, and someone who gets angry at the prospect of someone wanting to take that life away. Someone who genuinely tries to understand the individual and their experiences in order to truly understand the meaning of life.
However, there is a fatal flaw to Primus. People I've talked with in the transformers fandom, myself included, have criticized Primus for his own inaction during the war. He gave the Matrix to Optimus, sure, but he did nothing to stop the War in its tracks or even stop the caste system from taking place. Why didn’t he help out Megatron and his people? Why didn’t he stop Megatron when he had gone insane? Why did he make Optimus shoulder all his responsibilities twice? Why does Primus not step in when there are life-threatening events that could destroy the universe? The very thing he values and wants to be part of? It’s very simple: Primus is an immortal deity, with powers to see beyond the veil of time and defy reality if he wanted to but chooses not to based on the safety of the whole universe and every living creature. A personal theory I've come up with is the Unicron prophecy in TFP. Unicron was set to reawaken on Earth, but Cybertron doesn’t know about Earth until the war happens. Sure, if the war didn’t happen, the caste system could have been fixed and Cybertron could have been a better place to live, but Unicron would have awakened with no one to stop him and would have destroyed the whole universe, Cybertron included. It’s an example of Primus trying to see the bigger picture and that’s where his flaw lies. When seeing the bigger picture, he ignores the sufferings of mortals who lead very limited lives compared to him. Primus has all the time in the universe to figure everything out, but not Cybertron, and not everyone else. His purpose even if Cybertron is destroyed is to battle Unicron once more. It’s an endless cycle. But Primus ends up missing the point that he wants to understand. There’s a quote from Steven Universe’s character Sapphire that encapsulates this perfectly:
“I keep looking into the future when all of this has already been solved, as if it doesn’t matter how you feel in the present. No wonder you think I don’t care.”
The meaning of life to a mortal is vastly different to that of an immortal. As a result, Primus will never fully understand them and can’t be part of the universe like he wants to. He cannot live and die like they can. But even so, he still tries to, and that’s what makes him all the more understanding. This is what I want to encapsulate for my characterization of Primus in AOP. Now he has to confront two titan shifters with their own flaws and failings: one that wishes to die, and one that wishes to destroy. And he is not happy with either of them trying to play god out of selfishness.
(There's other things that I want to discuss, like Primus' design and other actions within the story, but I think I'll take care of that tomorrow. Still if you haven't, please leave a comment. That would be greatly appreciated. And I encourage you to read back through AOP to find those clues of Primus' presence.
Not to mention, chapter 45 isn't Primus' first appearance.)
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zestygraph1te · 7 months ago
vamp and werewolf
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vesinked · 9 months ago
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ermmm first post on here. here’s eren kruger as a vampire 💚
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ukeshik · 6 months ago
I have one Edith by AOT, which makes me goosebumps and almost hysterical every time.
And now I'm thinking about the whole story.
What if Eren Kruger came to see the airship on purpose? Because I saw that it was Eren Jaeger who had to finish everything. Did Kruger come there on purpose to meet Grisha and his sister, and deliberately killed his sister so that Grisha would hate Marley and take the road that was needed, just because Kruger saw it in his memories of the future?
Maybe someone has already talked about it, but now I'm really thinking about it. And I feel bad about it. It's horrible.
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thena0315 · 1 year ago
Take note of the last man Kruger killed
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He was the same man who cut off Grisha's fingers
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karma's a bitch
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koalaforlife · 1 year ago
Eren Kruger or Eren Jaeger?
This is something that bugged me since the moment I saw Grisha scream "Is this what you wanted, Eren??" (after annihilating the Reiss family). Which Eren was he talking about?
Hear me out.
Eren Kruger was the one that sent Grisha into the walls to retake the founding titan. Eren Kruger was the one that first said "you have to keep moving forward. Even if you die. Even after you die. ...This is the story you started, right?"
And then Eren says the same words when he manipulates Grisha in his memories. Now, I wonder, how does that translate exactly in the scene? What does Grisha see or hear?? Does he hear an unrecognizable voice that dictates things in his head, and attributes it to Eren Kruger? Or does he actually know it's his son's voice? Similarly, what did Kruger think of or hear when he said "If you want to save Mikasa, Armin and everyone else..."? Who really is pulling the strings? We never see confirmation that Eren went as back as Kruger to dictate him that mysterious sentence, the only thing we know is Eren accessed his dad's memories and that's how he knew some things, and after also reading the journals, he knew about Kruger and what happened then. We never see him have a mindblowing moment where he realizes he went back in time to change the course of history, as it is implied happened when he kissed Historia's hand.
Now, the rest of that scene after Grisha killed the Reisses and told Zeke he had to stop Eren pretty much hinted at Eren Jaeger being behind all this, but I really wonder what exactly Grisha saw, and when he became aware that he was tapping into future memories, or rather, he was being shown future memories, and most importantly, when did he know that it was his son doing all this, and how did he learn that? It's something I'd like to know more, how do these glimpses of the future get shown to the Attack Titan users, by who? Eren also got some, as well, right? So who shows them? *cough* ymir? *cough*
And can we really know for sure Grisha meant Eren Jaeger when he said "Is this what you wanted"? I don't know but I find it fun to sort of theorize that it could have been Kruger instead and that he thought he just heard the same words that Kruger had said to him before.
If anyone has more proof against my theory please share, I'm sure I forgot some important details or lines and my theory isn't as strong as I'd like it to be. Like I said, I just found it fun (now, when I randomly remembered that scene lol) how that line could be quite ambiguous.
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