#Equity Future Premium
mariacallous · 3 months
Climate change and its related disasters have brought a new set of risks to homeowners, renters and the value of property—but also a chance for change. The multiple challenges posed by these disasters offer an opportunity to reevaluate our housing policy, especially concerning making traditional housing markets more effective and inclusive.
Among the many sectors and industries requiring climate solutions, stable and affordable housing is critical to developing disaster resilient communities. Despite the need to prepare for a climate-changed future, structural reform in the housing sector is an underused tool for helping communities develop ways to better endure disasters. This is particularly true in the many Black-majority neighborhoods that are more vulnerable to disaster impacts.
Housing issues often amplify the impacts of a disaster on Black communities
Black communities, which are often more vulnerable when floods, fires or disasters occur, often bear the brunt of climate impacts due, in no small part, to poor quality housing and community infrastructure. Yet, many of these same communities have limited control over local housing decisions, exacerbating their vulnerability.
These neighborhoods, often situated in historically devalued areas with poorer quality infrastructure in which homeowners have fewer resources to draw on, face unique challenges when disasters occur. As the damage from floods, storms, and wildfires becomes more severe, the economic security of homeowners in the most disaster-prone areas is threatened by rising insurance premiums in addition to damage to assets and a reduction in home equity, which all eat away at a family’s wealth. Homeowners in cities like Charleston, for example, are likely to face hefty costs to stay dry, such as the expense of raising foundations.
In the most at-risk areas, like low-lying coastal plains threatened by sea level rise, climate-related disasters are undermining the viability of entire neighborhoods. That impact is sometimes increased by city councils that are reluctant to invest in adaptations to the built environment — buildings, design codes and other human-made conditions — that could lower the threat posed by a disaster.
But housing quality can also indirectly amplify the impacts of disasters. Poorly insulated housing, for example, can increase the cost of heating and cooling during temperature extremes and raise healthcare costs when, for example, residents expose themselves to health risk to avoid a high AC bill.
Community-led solutions can help reduce impacts of disasters
Giving residents a voice in housing development processes and decisions can jump-start local efforts to mitigate the effect of climate disasters. Initiatives like Struggle for Miami’s Affordable and Sustainable Housing and the Jane Place Neighborhood Sustainability Initiative exemplify how community-driven approaches can bolster housing resilience and protect vulnerable populations. SMASH, located in Miami-Dade County, uses community land trusts to give residents an opportunity to have more control over their neighborhood. Recognizing that those who experience housing challenges are often best placed to lead the efforts to fix them, SMASH helps residents to weatherize their properties against climate extremes and works with property owners and local governments to stop evictions during disasters.
JPNSI, operating in some of the most disaster-prone areas of New Orleans, advocates for policy change to better protect renters’ rights after a disaster strikes. By building coalitions of local Black, Latino, women, youth, elderly residents— some of the most vulnerable groups across the city — JPNSI has succeeded in changing local regulations. These changes address two of the largest sources of insecurity before, during, and after climate-related disasters: a disproportionate number of short-term rentals and high rates of eviction.
What these initiatives share is the use of community-led action that, by addressing housing inequities, helps lessen a community’s vulnerability to disaster.
The urgency of addressing disaster-induced housing insecurity:
As temperatures rise, intensifying the frequency and severity of climate-related disasters, housing insecurity is likely to escalate the most for households and communities where housing is already precarious. From 2019 to 2023, there were 102 separate billion-dollar climate-related disasters, at an average cost of $122.5 billion per year. Disasters amplify displacement, highlighting the urgent need for proactive measures to safeguard housing stability.
In the most exposed places, like Miami-Dade County, Florida, climate-related displacement is one of the largest threats to Black communities. Census data indicates that roughly 3.1 million adults were displaced by disasters in 2022, 1 million of whom came from Florida, displaced by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole. In the Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach metro area, 39.6% of the displaced population was Black, far exceeding the proportion of Black residents in the area at 19%, and higher than the percentage of displaced Latino residents (37.8%) and white residents (18.8%).
Without structural reforms, disasters could exacerbate housing affordability issues, pricing residents out of ‘safer’ areas, and further marginalizing Black households. In high elevation neighborhoods, such as Little Haiti in Miami, where a luxury real estate development is already planned, residents fear that they will be pushed out. There is a growing concern that cities could see a new form of displacement, “climate gentrification.” The controversial term, used by some researchers, describes what occurs when residents of relatively wealthy communities, finding their higher valued neighborhoods becoming unlivable due to events such as sea-level rise, begin buying-up property viewed as less at-risk, driving up costs and pricing out the original residents.
These challenges demonstrate that structural reform in the housing sector is a linchpin to supporting residents of Black neighborhoods to strengthen their communities. By reframing housing as a vehicle for social equity, we can reduce the adverse impacts of climate-related disasters and empower marginalized communities.
Investing in community-led disaster resilience
By integrating housing reform into broader disaster preparedness strategies, we can build resilient neighborhoods from the ground up, ensuring the preservation of Black communities’ integrity and vitality. Initiatives like those led by SMASH and JPNSI, still nascent across most of the U.S., are demonstrating the potential of structural reforms in the housing sector to reduce vulnerability to disasters, protect communities from mounting costs and diminish the threat of disaster-related displacement.
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sunbeltcanada · 20 days
How to Sell Your Software Company: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Selling your software company is a major milestone that requires careful planning and understanding of the process. Whether you're looking to exit the industry, retire, or pursue other ventures, knowing what to expect can help you navigate the sale smoothly and achieve a successful outcome. In this guide, we’ll answer the most common questions about selling a software company, providing clear insights to help you through each stage.
1. What are the key steps to prepare my software company for sale?
Before listing your company for sale, it’s crucial to get your business in the best shape possible to attract buyers. Key steps include:
Organizing Financial Records: Ensure your profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and tax returns are up to date and accurate. Buyers will want to see at least 3 years of clean financial records.
Evaluating Growth Potential: Highlight future opportunities for growth, such as new markets, product developments, or untapped revenue streams.
Securing Intellectual Property: Ensure that all software, patents, and trademarks are properly documented and legally protected.
Stabilizing the Business: Make sure the company is running smoothly, with a solid customer base, strong recurring revenue, and efficient operations.
By taking these steps, you’ll increase your company’s attractiveness to potential buyers and ensure a smoother sale process.
2. How do I determine the value of my software company?
Valuing a software company involves looking at several factors, including:
Revenue and Profit Margins: Buyers will focus on your annual revenue, profit margins, and how consistent your earnings are. Recurring revenue from subscription models or long-term contracts will be highly valued.
Customer Base: A large, loyal customer base with low churn rates adds value to the business.
Growth Potential: Buyers will assess the company’s potential for future growth, such as new product lines or expansion into new markets.
Intellectual Property: Software companies with proprietary technology, patents, or other unique intellectual property are generally more valuable.
It’s recommended to have a professional business valuation expert assess your company to ensure you get an accurate figure.
3. What types of buyers are interested in acquiring a software company?
There are typically three main types of buyers for software companies:
Strategic Buyers: These buyers are often larger companies looking to acquire your software to complement or enhance their existing offerings. They are likely to pay a premium if they see strong synergies.
Private Equity Firms: These firms look for software companies with stable earnings and growth potential. Their goal is to improve the company’s value and sell it for a higher price in the future.
Individual Investors: Entrepreneurs or investors who are looking to enter the software industry may be interested in smaller, profitable software companies.
Understanding the type of buyer you want to attract will help you tailor your marketing and sales strategy.
4. Where can I find potential buyers for my software company?
Finding the right buyer requires a mix of industry connections and professional assistance. Here are some ways to identify potential buyers:
Work with a Business Broker: Business brokers specialize in helping you find qualified buyers. They can also assist with negotiations and the overall sale process.
Leverage Industry Networks: Attend conferences, events, or join industry groups where you can connect with potential buyers who are already interested in the software space.
Use Online Business Marketplaces: Websites and platforms dedicated to business sales are a great way to reach a wider audience of potential buyers.
A business broker can be particularly helpful in ensuring that you find serious buyers and avoid wasting time on non-committed parties.
5. What legal and financial documents do I need to prepare before selling?
Before the sale process begins, you’ll need to organize several important documents:
Financial Statements: Ensure your profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and tax returns are well-prepared and accurate.
Intellectual Property Documentation: Make sure any patents, trademarks, and software licenses are in order and ready for transfer.
Contracts and Agreements: Review and prepare any contracts with customers, vendors, and employees to ensure they can be easily transferred to the new owner.
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA): Protect sensitive business information by having potential buyers sign an NDA before sharing detailed company data.
Being well-prepared will make the due diligence process faster and give potential buyers more confidence in the deal.
6. How long does it take to sell a software company?
The timeline for selling a software company can vary, but it generally takes 6 to 12 months. Here’s what the process typically involves:
Preparation Phase: This involves organizing financials, securing intellectual property, and making sure the business is operating smoothly. This phase can take several months.
Finding a Buyer: Depending on your approach and the market, it could take a few months to find the right buyer.
Due Diligence and Negotiation: Once a buyer is interested, the due diligence process can take several weeks or even months as they review your financials, legal documents, and business operations.
Being patient and prepared for each phase will help ensure a smooth sale.
7. How do I negotiate a fair deal when selling my software company?
Negotiating a fair deal requires both preparation and strategy. Here are some tips:
Set Your Bottom Line: Know the minimum price you are willing to accept before entering negotiations.
Highlight the Value: Make sure to emphasize the company’s growth potential, profitability, and strong customer base during negotiations.
Consider Earn-Out Agreements: An earn-out is a payment structure where part of the sale price depends on the future performance of the company. This can be beneficial if your company’s growth potential is strong.
It’s a good idea to work with a lawyer or broker during negotiations to ensure you get the best possible terms.
8. What happens after the sale of my software company?
After the sale, there’s often a transition period where you continue to work with the buyer to ensure a smooth handover. This might involve training the new owner, introducing them to key customers, or helping with daily operations. The transition period can last anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on the agreement.
Additionally, make sure to consult with a tax advisor to understand the tax implications of the sale and how to manage the proceeds from the sale effectively.
Selling a software company is a complex process that involves preparation, valuation, marketing, and negotiation. By understanding the key steps and having the right documentation and support in place, you can ensure a successful sale that meets your financial and personal goals. Whether you’re looking to sell now or just preparing for the future, the insights provided in this guide will help you navigate the process with confidence.
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gonzalez756 · 1 month
How to Sell Your eCommerce Business in 2024 | Imagency Media
The eCommerce landscape in 2024 is more competitive and dynamic than ever. As a business owner, you may have decided that now is the right time to sell your eCommerce business and capitalize on your hard work. Whether you're looking to pursue new ventures, retire, or simply cash in on your investment, selling your eCommerce business can be a lucrative opportunity. However, it requires careful planning and execution. In this guide, Imagency Media will walk you through the key steps to successfully sell your eCommerce business in 2024.
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1. Prepare Your Business for Sale
Before you put your eCommerce business on the market, it's crucial to ensure it's in the best possible shape. Buyers are looking for profitable, well-managed businesses with growth potential. Here's how to prepare:
Financials: Make sure your financial records are up-to-date, accurate, and easy to understand. Buyers will scrutinize your profit margins, revenue trends, and expenses. Consider working with an accountant to organize your financials and identify any areas for improvement.
Operations: Streamline your operations to make your business more appealing. This includes optimizing your supply chain, automating processes where possible, and ensuring that your inventory management is efficient. A well-run business is more attractive to potential buyers.
Brand Strength: Evaluate your brand's online presence. This includes your website, social media, and customer reviews. A strong, reputable brand can significantly increase your business's value. Consider investing in professional web design and branding services to enhance your business's appeal.
Legal Documentation: Ensure all your legal documents, such as business licenses, contracts, and intellectual property rights, are in order. Potential buyers will conduct due diligence, and any legal discrepancies could derail the sale.
2. Determine the Value of Your Business
Valuing an eCommerce business is a complex process that involves multiple factors. The most common valuation method is a multiple of your annual net profit, but other factors can influence the final price:
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Revenue and Profit: Consistent and growing revenue, along with healthy profit margins, are key indicators of value.
Customer Base: A large, loyal customer base with low churn rates adds significant value to your business.
Market Position: How well does your business stand out in its niche? A strong market position with potential for growth can attract higher offers.
Growth Potential: Buyers are interested in the future potential of your business. Demonstrating a clear path for growth, such as expanding product lines or entering new markets, can increase your valuation.
Consider hiring a professional business broker or valuation expert to help you determine a realistic asking price.
3. Find the Right Buyer
Finding the right buyer is critical to the success of the sale. There are several types of buyers to consider:
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Strategic Buyers: These are companies or individuals in your industry looking to expand their market share or acquire new capabilities. They may pay a premium for businesses that complement their existing operations.
Financial Buyers: Private equity firms or investors looking for profitable businesses with growth potential fall into this category. They typically focus on the financial performance of your business.
Individual Buyers: These are entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners who see value in taking over an established business.
To find potential buyers, consider listing your business on online marketplaces, reaching out to your industry network, or working with a business broker who can connect you with qualified buyers.
4. Negotiate the Sale
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Once you’ve found a potential buyer, the negotiation process begins. This phase is crucial, as it will determine the final terms of the sale. Key aspects to negotiate include:
Purchase Price: This is the most obvious point of negotiation, but it’s not the only one. Be prepared to justify your asking price based on your business’s financials and growth potential.
Payment Terms: You may receive the full payment upfront, or the buyer might propose an installment plan. Consider the tax implications and risks associated with different payment structures.
Transition Period: Many buyers will request a transition period where you stay on to help manage the business during the handover. Define the duration and scope of your involvement during this period.
Non-Compete Agreement: Buyers may ask you to sign a non-compete agreement, which would prevent you from starting a similar business in the same industry. Ensure the terms are reasonable and won’t limit your future opportunities.
5. Close the Deal
Once all the terms are agreed upon, it's time to finalize the sale. This involves:
Drafting the Purchase Agreement: Work with a lawyer to draft a purchase agreement that outlines all the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, payment terms, and any contingencies.
Due Diligence: The buyer will conduct a thorough review of your business, including financials, operations, and legal documentation. Be prepared to provide all requested information promptly.
Transfer of Ownership: After due diligence is complete and both parties are satisfied, the final step is the transfer of ownership. This includes transferring all business assets, such as inventory, intellectual property, and customer data, to the buyer.
Post-Sale Transition: If a transition period was agreed upon, ensure a smooth handover by providing the necessary training and support to the new owner.
6. Celebrate Your Success
Selling your eCommerce business is a significant achievement. Take the time to celebrate your success and reflect on the journey that brought you here. Whether you're moving on to a new venture or enjoying the fruits of your labor, you’ve accomplished something remarkable.
Selling your eCommerce business in 2024 requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a clear understanding of the market. By following these steps, you can maximize the value of your business and ensure a successful sale. At Imagency Media, we understand the importance of a well-executed exit strategy. If you're considering selling your business and need assistance with branding, web design, or preparing your business for sale, we're here to help.
Take the next step today. Contact Imagency Media to learn how we can support you in maximizing the value of your eCommerce business and ensuring a successful sale.
This article serves as a valuable resource for eCommerce business owners looking to navigate the complexities of selling their business in 2024. By following these guidelines, sellers can approach the process with confidence and increase their chances of securing a profitable and smooth transaction.
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swarajfinpro236 · 8 months
Maximizing Savings through Income Tax Planning Services in Jabalpur with Swaraj FinPro
Residing in Jabalpur and seeking avenues to reduce tax burdens? Implementing income tax planning strategies can serve as an investment avenue to retain a larger portion of your earnings.
Through astute financial management and capitalizing on available tax-saving avenues, you can curtail tax obligations and bolster your savings.
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Here's a breakdown of how you can minimize taxes through Income Tax lanning Services in Jabalpur:
Familiarizing Yourself with Tax Deductions and Exemptions: The Indian government offers various deductions and exemptions to individuals aiming to mitigate tax liabilities. By scrutinizing your expenditures and investments, you can pinpoint opportunities to claim deductions under sections such as 80C, 80D, 80CCD, etc., of the Income Tax Act. Contributions to schemes like PPF, EPF, life insurance premiums, home loan EMIs, and health insurance premiums are instrumental in reducing taxable income.
Harnessing Tax-Saving Investments: Allocating funds to tax-saving instruments like Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), National Pension System (NPS), and tax-saving fixed deposits not only aids in tax reduction but also fosters wealth accumulation over time. These investments offer the dual advantage of tax savings and potential returns, making them an appealing choice for individuals aiming to optimize tax planning.
Retirement Planning: Planning for retirement can yield significant tax benefits. Options such as the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Public Provident Fund (PPF) facilitate systematic tax deductions, offering a tax-efficient approach to building a retirement corpus. These avenues ensure financial security during retirement and provide a steady income stream.
Seeking Guidance from Financial Advisors: Consulting with proficient Financial Advisors in Jabalpur is pivotal in formulating a comprehensive tax-saving strategy tailored to your unique financial scenario. Given the challenge individuals face in allocating a portion of their income to taxes, the Indian government provides diverse options to enhance income retention, secure retirement, and offer flexibility and diversification.
ELSS scheme : ELSS scheme is a great tax saving option under section 80c, allowed by Income tax department aims to save on tax and build wealth in longer term. A very important feature of the ELSS i.e. Equity Linked Saving Scheme is it has lowest lock in period for say only 3 years. If invested lumpsum or one time, it will be available to withdraw just after completing 36 months means complete 3 years. Another good point is it gives much better return than other tax saving options. Third very important aspect of ELSS fund is it's tax efficiency. It attracts Long Term Capital Gains Tax after completing 3 years tenure.
In such equity oriented schemes, Long Term Capital Gains rules are different from debt funds. In such cases, profit upto Rs 100000 is tax free and above Rs 1 Lakh profit, only 10% tax is applicable.
These all features make it a favourable case to save tax through ELSS.
In summary, income tax planning presents abundant opportunities for individuals to optimize tax liabilities and bolster savings. By staying abreast of tax-saving provisions, making prudent investment decisions, and soliciting professional advice, you can efficiently manage taxes while safeguarding your financial future.
Embark on your income tax planning journey today to pave the path for a financially secure tomorrow.
For personalized assistance and expert advice on income tax planning, don't hesitate to reach out to Swaraj Finpro, a premier financial services provider in Jabalpur.
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Volatility Smile in the Commodity Market
The volatility smile is a phenomenon observed in the options market where implied volatility tends to be higher for out-of-the-money (OTM) options compared to at-the-money (ATM) options. It refers to the graphical shape of the volatility curve, resembling a smile when plotted against the strike prices of options. The volatility smile suggests that options traders are willing to pay higher premiums for OTM options, indicating a higher perceived risk of extreme price movements in the underlying asset. This departure from a flat volatility curve challenges the assumptions made by the Black-Scholes option pricing model, which assumes constant and symmetric volatility across different strike prices.
Reference [1] proposed to use the new method developed by Carr and Wu in order to study the volatility smile of commodities. Specifically, the authors examined the volatility smile of the United States Oil ETF, USO.  They pointed out,
In this paper, we study the information extracted from the no-arbitrage Carr and Wu (2020) formula based on a new option pricing framework in the USO option market and investigate the predictability of the information in forecasting the future USO returns. The risk-neutral variance and covariance estimates can be obtained from the no-arbitrage formula under the new framework. We document the term structure and dynamics of the risk-neutral estimates which lead to a “U”-shaped implied volatility smile with a positive curvature.
The figure below shows the volatility term structure for the United States Oil ETF,
[caption id="attachment_9704" align="aligncenter" width="427"] Volatility smile of the United States Oil ETF, USO[/caption]
Usually, an equity index such S&P 500 exhibits a downward-sloping implied volatility pattern, i.e. a negative implied volatility skew. Oil, on the other hand, possesses a different volatility smile. This is because while equities are typically associated with crash risks, oil prices exhibit both sharp spikes and crashes, leading to a different implied volatility pattern. This highlights the importance of considering the specific characteristics and dynamics of different asset classes when analyzing and interpreting implied volatility patterns.
Let us know what you think in the comments below or in the discussion forum.
[1] Xiaolan Jia, Xinfeng Ruan, Jin E. Zhang, Carr and Wu’s (2020) framework in the oil ETF option market, Journal of Commodity Markets, Volume 31, September 2023, 100334
Originally Published Here: Volatility Smile in the Commodity Market
from Harbourfront Technologies - Feed https://ift.tt/dBFR1Yf
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nseexpertacademy · 2 years
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forblogmostly · 19 hours
Hazoor Multi Projects Limited: Strategic Fund-Raising Initiative with Equity Share Conversion
On September 30, 2024, Hazoor Multi Projects Limited (HMPL) made a significant move in its growth trajectory by conducting a crucial fund-raising committee meeting, which culminated in the decision to convert 216,350 warrants into an equal number of equity shares. This decision marks an essential milestone for the company, aligning with its strategic objectives to enhance its financial position and shareholder value.
The meeting was a pivotal step following the previous communication dated June 25, 2024, concerning the allotment of these warrants. The committee convened to review and approve the allotment of equity shares that would result from the conversion of the warrants, a procedure governed by the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The warrants, which had previously been allotted at a preferential price, allowed the holders to convert them into equity shares at a predetermined issue price.
During this meeting, it was resolved to convert 216,350 warrants into an equal number of equity shares, each with a face value of ₹10. The conversion was executed at an issue price of ₹300 per share, which includes a premium of ₹290 per share. This transaction was facilitated by the receipt of the remaining balance amount, totaling ₹48,678,750, at a rate of ₹225 per warrant from a group of investors classified as "Non-Promoters/Public Category."
Among the prominent allottees were Seabird Leasing and Finvest Private Limited, Piyush Gupta, Nishita Mittal, Resonance Opportunities Fund, and Rajeev Kumar. Each of these investors applied for the conversion of their respective warrants, with Seabird Leasing and Finvest leading the charge by converting 80,000 warrants, contributing significantly to the overall amount received.
The issuance of these new equity shares is projected to bolster the company’s issued and paid-up capital, which will now stand at ₹199,177,020, comprised of 19,917,702 equity shares of ₹10 each. The newly allotted shares will rank pari passu with the existing shares, ensuring equal treatment for all shareholders.
It is noteworthy that there are still a substantial number of warrants outstanding for conversion. Specifically, 1,137,813 total warrants remain available, which provide their holders with the opportunity to convert these into equity shares within the stipulated timeframe. Each holder is entitled to convert their warrants by paying the remaining 75% of the issue price, which amounts to ₹225 per warrant. This provision emphasizes HMPL's commitment to fostering investor confidence and engagement, encouraging further participation in the company’s growth.
The Board meeting commenced at 5:00 PM and concluded at 6:00 PM, marking a decisive moment in the company's strategy to strengthen its financial foundation. The implications of this conversion are significant; not only does it provide immediate capital influx but also enhances HMPL's market standing by attracting more institutional and public interest.
In compliance with regulatory standards, the company has also issued a detailed disclosure under Regulation 30 of the SEBI Listing Regulations. This disclosure outlines the particulars of the equity share issuance and conversion process, ensuring transparency and adherence to best practices in corporate governance.
As HMPL navigates the complexities of the current business environment, this strategic fund-raising initiative signifies its proactive approach to capital management and shareholder engagement. The successful conversion of warrants into equity shares not only serves as a testament to the company’s robust financial strategy but also positions HMPL for sustained growth and increased market competitiveness.
Moving forward, stakeholders can anticipate further developments as the company leverages this capital to fuel its future projects and expand its operational capabilities, reaffirming its commitment to delivering value to its shareholders and contributing positively to the broader market landscape.
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plannerproperties · 5 days
How Can I Book an Apartment at Prestige City, Sidharth Vihar?
Booking a home at Prestige City in Sidharth Vihar is an exciting and rewarding step for those looking to invest in a modern, luxurious lifestyle in Ghaziabad. This project, developed by the esteemed Prestige Group, offers a range of 2 BHK to 4 BHK apartments equipped with top-tier amenities and excellent connectivity. If you’re interested in making Prestige City your new home, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to book an apartment and what to expect during the process.
1. Research and Explore the Project
The first step in booking an apartment at Prestige City, Sidharth Vihar, is to gather detailed information about the project. You can start by reviewing the floor plans, apartment sizes, available configurations, and amenities offered by the development. Make sure to also explore the strategic location near NH-24 and its proximity to key areas like Noida, Delhi, and Greater Noida.
Understanding the project and how it aligns with your requirements is essential to making an informed decision. Reach out to our team for any specific details you need about the apartments, pricing, and the overall Prestige City community.
2. Schedule a Site Visit
Before making a final decision, it’s always a good idea to visit the actual site. A site visit will give you a firsthand look at the construction progress, surrounding environment, and upcoming infrastructure in the area. Seeing the project’s location and the early construction phases can help you visualize your future home and get a sense of the neighborhood.
Our team can assist you in scheduling a convenient site visit to Prestige City NH-24. During this visit, you’ll be able to speak with representatives, ask questions, and get a clear understanding of the project’s timeline and key features.
3. Select Your Apartment
Once you’ve explored the project and are ready to move forward, it’s time to choose the apartment that best suits your needs. Prestige City Indrapuram offers a variety of layouts and configurations, ranging from 2 BHK to 4 BHK units, so you can select the one that fits your lifestyle. Whether you need a cozy 2 BHK apartment for a small family or a spacious 4 BHK for more space, Prestige City Sidharth Vihar has options for everyone.
If you need assistance in selecting the right apartment, our team is here to guide you through the available units, help you understand the floor plans, and provide advice based on your preferences.
4. Complete the Booking Process
After choosing your apartment, the next step is to initiate the booking process. This involves filling out the necessary forms, submitting identification and financial documents, and paying the initial booking amount to secure your chosen unit.
Our team will walk you through the paperwork and assist you in completing the documentation smoothly. You’ll also be given a payment schedule outlining the future installments, which are typically aligned with the construction progress. This makes it easier to manage your finances as you prepare for your new home.
5. Stay Updated on Construction Progress
After completing your booking, you’ll want to stay updated on the construction progress and possession timeline. With the project currently in its early construction phase, the possession of Prestige is expected in approximately four years. Regular updates will be provided by the Prestige Group, keeping you informed about key milestones and developments.
Call to Action
Ready to take the first step toward owning your dream home?
Book your apartment at Prestige City, Sidharth Vihar today! Our team at Equity Planners is here to guide you through the process, offering personalized assistance every step of the way. Don’t miss the opportunity to invest in this premium residential project at early-stage pricing.
Get in touch with us now to schedule your site visit, explore available units, and start the booking process. Prestige City is set to become one of the most prestigious addresses in Sidharth Vihar, and this is your chance to secure your place in it.
Booking an apartment at Prestige City, Sidharth Vihar is a straightforward process designed to make your home-buying experience smooth and hassle-free. From researching the project to completing the booking formalities, each step is aimed at helping you secure your dream home with ease. Contact us today to learn more about this exciting project and make Prestige City your new home.
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Visit - Prestige City
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ipogmp · 9 days
Top Upcoming IPOs to Watch in 2024: Latest Grey Market Premium Updates
Top Upcoming IPOs to Watch in 2024: Latest Grey Market Premium Updates
As we venture into 2024, the IPO market is brimming with anticipation. For investors, this year promises a wealth of opportunities, with several high-profile companies preparing to go public. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just beginning to dip your toes into the market, staying informed about upcoming IPOs and their Grey Market Premiums (GMP) is crucial for making sound investment decisions.
In this blog, we'll explore some of the top upcoming IPOs to watch in 2024 and provide insights into their GMP trends. These metrics can offer valuable clues about investor sentiment and the potential success of these public offerings.
KRN Heat Exchanger IPO
IPO Details:
IPO Date: September 25–27, 2024
Industry: Engineering & Manufacturing
Price Band: ₹202-₹220 per share
GMP (as of last update): ₹225
Why It’s Worth Watching: KRN Heat Exchanger has gained a strong market position by offering innovative and sustainable solutions in the industrial engineering sector. The company’s consistent financial performance and recent expansion into advanced heat exchange technologies have made this IPO one to watch. With a Grey Market Premium (GMP) of ₹225, there is a strong indicator of investor confidence, suggesting a significant oversubscription is likely.
Investor Tip: As the GMP remains high, keep track of any fluctuations that could provide insight into investor sentiment before the listing date. Strong market interest could result in a profitable listing.
Manba Finance IPO
IPO Details:
Expected IPO Date: September 23–25, 2024
Industry: Financial Services
Price Band: ₹114-₹120 per share
GMP (as of last update): ₹60
Why It’s Worth Watching: Manba Finance has established itself as a leader in consumer and vehicle financing, with a growing portfolio and expanding client base. The company’s robust revenue growth in 2024 and a strong return on equity (ROE) make this IPO attractive to investors. With a current GMP of ₹60, Manba Finance is poised for moderate listing gains, appealing to both retail and institutional investors.
Investor Tip: Monitor any significant changes in the GMP and consider how this IPO fits within broader market trends in the financial sector. Given its stable growth and strong fundamentals, this IPO could offer long-term returns.
TechEra Engineering IPO
IPO Details:
Expected IPO Date: September 25–27, 2024
Industry: Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing
Price Band: ₹75-₹82 per share
GMP (as of last update): ₹10
Why It’s Worth Watching: TechEra Engineering has carved out a niche in the aerospace and defense sectors, with its cutting-edge manufacturing processes. The company has shown impressive growth, with revenue jumping from ₹26.59 crore in 2023 to ₹39.08 crore in 2024. Although the current GMP is a modest ₹10, the company’s long-term prospects and growing order book in the defense sector make it a worthwhile investment for those looking at long-term gains.
Investor Tip: TechEra’s focus on high-precision components and increasing global market share could yield substantial future growth. While the short-term gains may be limited, this IPO could offer strong potential for long-term investors.
Understanding Grey Market Premium (GMP) and Its Importance
Grey Market Premium (GMP) is an indicator of the premium at which IPO shares are being traded in the unofficial market before they are listed on the stock exchanges. A high GMP typically signals strong investor interest and the likelihood of the IPO being oversubscribed, potentially leading to higher listing gains.
How to Use GMP in Your Investment Strategy:
Gauging Demand: A rising GMP often indicates increasing demand for the IPO shares, which could translate into a successful listing.
Risk Assessment: While a high GMP can be a positive sign, it’s important to consider the overall market conditions and the company’s fundamentals before investing.
Timing Your Investment: Monitoring GMP trends can help you decide whether to invest in the IPO or wait until the shares are listed and trading begins on the exchange.
Final Thoughts
2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for IPOs, with several companies poised to make a significant impact on the market. By keeping track of upcoming IPOs and their Grey Market Premiums, you can better navigate the investment landscape and identify opportunities for potential gains.
As always, while GMP can offer valuable insights, it should be just one of many factors considered when making investment decisions. Thorough research and a clear understanding of your financial goals will help you make the most of the opportunities that 2024 has to offer.
Stay tuned to our platform for the latest updates on upcoming IPOs and GMP trends. Whether you’re looking to capitalize on short-term gains or seeking long-term investment opportunities, staying informed is key to success in the dynamic world of IPO investing.
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Sodhani Academy of Fintech Enablers IPO Debut with Impressive 32% Premium on BSE SME
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Sodhani Academy of Fintech Enablers IPO Debut & made a notable entry into the stock market today, with shares listed at ₹53 each on the BSE SME platform. This marks a robust 32.50% premium over the issue price of ₹40 per share. The strong debut aligns with market expectations, as the gray market premium (GMP) prior to listing indicated a 30% premium, signaling investor confidence in the company. IPO Overview The initial public offering (IPO) of Sodhani Academy of Fintech Enablers opened for subscription from September 12 to September 17. The allotment process concluded on September 18, and the shares officially debuted on September 23. The IPO was a fixed price issue worth ₹6.12 crore, which included a fresh issue of 9.7 lakh equity shares totaling ₹3.88 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of 5.6 lakh shares amounting to ₹2.24 crore. The price band for the IPO was set at ₹40 per share. Investor Demand Sodhani Academy of Fintech Enablers saw overwhelming demand during its subscription period, with the total issue being subscribed a staggering 438.72 times. This translates to bids for approximately 63.70 crore equity shares against the 14.52 crore shares available. The retail segment was particularly robust, with a subscription rate of 358.47 times, while the non-institutional category attracted bids 511.34 times the shares on offer. Market Reception The listing today reflects positive sentiment among investors and market analysts. The significant premium suggests that investors are optimistic about the company’s future prospects, further supported by its recent financial performance. The company reported a 51% increase in revenue to ₹3.06 crore, with a net profit rise of 32% to ₹1.83 crore from FY23 to FY24. Management and Registrar Srujan Alpha Capital Advisors LLP served as the book-running lead manager for the IPO, while Cameo Corporate Services handled the role of IPO registrar. The successful debut of Sodhani Academy of Fintech Enablers highlights the ongoing interest in the SME segment of the stock market, particularly in sectors related to fintech and financial education. As the company moves forward, market watchers will be keen to see how it leverages this strong market entry to further its growth in the competitive fintech landscape. Read the full article
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investspherewealth · 12 days
Tax Saving Strategies for Salaried Employees Make the Best Use of Your 80C Deductions
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The achievement of the most of the money you've earned as a salaried employment requires you to maximise your tax-saving strategies. The provisions of section 80C of the Income Tax Act is an increasingly common tool for reducing taxable income considering that it permits deductions of as much as 1.5 lakh rupees in a single year. Acquiring the right kinds of assets and expenses which come under the above category can help you accumulate wealth while reducing your tax liability.
Maximizing 80C Deductions:
Section 80C offers a variety of ways to save on taxes, from investments to expenses. Here’s how you can make the most of it:
Make investments in Equity-Linked positive aspects Schemes (ELSS) mutual fund investments so you can take full advantage of the tax advantages as well as having a chance to develop wealth through exposure to equity. Among tax-saving options that are available, ELSS Investments has one of them of the shortest lock-in periods of time at just three years. For everybody who is interested in market-linked returns and accepting 80C tax deductions, this seems to be the most appropriate option that investors can use.
Life Insurance Premiums:
The premiums you pay for life insurance policies also qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C. Whether it’s a term plan or endowment policy, securing your family’s future while reducing your taxable income makes life insurance an essential part of your tax-saving strategy.
Some Historical Data:
A Few Historical Information Over time, the parameters of Section 80C have changed. In the beginning, Section 88's tax-saving deduction threshold was ₹60,000. This cap was eventually raised to ₹1 lakh in 2005 when Section 80C took its place. Since 2014, the ₹1.5 lakh deduction ceiling under section 80C has been further increased, giving employees with salaries greater opportunity to invest in a range of instruments and save taxes. The federal government's objective of encouraging taxpayers to make long-term saving and investment decisions is reflected in this evolution.
How Investsphere Can Help:
Trying to strike a balance between tax advantages and financial growth can be challenging when navigating the many tax-saving choices available under Section 80C. Investsphere can help in this situation. In addition to helping you save money on taxes, our knowledgeable advisors assist you in selecting the best investment options based on your financial objectives. Investsphere provides customised solutions to optimise your 80C deductions, whether it's by assisting you with ELSS investments, explaining the ins and outs of life insurance, or helping you maximise your provident fund payments.
A fundamental aspect of personal finance is the preparation of taxes, and for employees with salaries, taking full use of Section 80C deductions might result in large savings. By making the right combination of expenditures and investments plans, you may decrease the obligation to pay taxes while effectively securing your financial future. You can effectively utilize your 80C deductions and effortlessly manage the complicated requirements of completing your taxes with professional guidance from Investsphere.
This content is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always consult a financial professional for personalized guidance.
website: investspherewealth.com
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farademetre · 14 days
The Truth About Green Fintech's $540 Billion Future
We talk about the potential and problems associated with investments in climate tech and green fintech today. It investigates why, in spite of advantageous regulatory tailwinds, many asset-heavy companies are unable to secure traditional venture capital and private equity funding. The significance of government incentives, the protracted path to profitability, and the unpredictability of green premiums are all emphasized in the video. It highlights the need of properly evaluating these investments and warns investors about the hazards associated with investing in green tech ETFs.
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blaze-papers · 19 days
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO Allotment Finalized: How to Check Your Status and Insights on GMP
The share allotment for the Bajaj Housing Finance IPO has been concluded, with successful applicants starting to receive bank debit notifications. Investors who were not allocated shares will soon have their funds returned. The shares are scheduled to be listed on Monday, September 16, and the latest Grey Market Premium (GMP) suggests a potential return of up to 112% on listing day.
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The IPO, which was open for public subscription from September 9 to September 11, saw a remarkable oversubscription rate of 67.43 times. The offer attracted bids for 46,25,57,71,082 shares, significantly surpassing the 68,60,00,009 shares on offer. The price band for the offering was set between Rs 66 and Rs 70 per share.
How to Check Your IPO Allotment Status:
Visit the official BSE website: BSE IPO Status.
Select ‘Equity’ under ‘Issue Type’.
Choose ‘Bajaj Housing Finance Ltd’ from the ‘Issue Name’ dropdown menu.
Enter your application number or PAN.
Complete the CAPTCHA verification and click ‘Search’.
Alternatively, check the allotment status directly on Kfin Technologies' portal: Kfin Technologies IPO Status.
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO: GMP Today
As of today, unlisted shares of Bajaj Housing Finance Ltd are trading at a Rs 78 premium in the grey market, indicating an expected listing gain of approximately 111.43% from the issue price. The GMP reflects market sentiment and may fluctuate.
IPO Details
The IPO comprises a fresh issue of equity shares worth up to Rs 3,560 crore and an offer-for-sale (OFS) of up to Rs 3,000 crore by its parent company, Bajaj Finance. This IPO is part of Bajaj Housing Finance's compliance with Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) regulations, which mandate upper-layer non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) to be listed by September 2025.
Before the public offering, the company secured Rs 1,758 crore from anchor investors, including the Government of Singapore, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, and several major mutual funds and financial institutions. The funds raised through the fresh issue will enhance the company’s capital base to support future growth.
Registered with the National Housing Bank since September 2015, Bajaj Housing Finance is a non-deposit-taking housing finance company offering financial solutions for residential and commercial property purchases, renovations, and more. It has been classified as an “upper-layer” NBFC by the RBI.
For the financial year 2023-24, Bajaj Housing Finance reported a net profit of Rs 1,731 crore, marking a 38% increase from Rs 1,258 crore in FY23.
Recent months have seen successful listings of other housing finance companies like Aadhar Housing Finance and India Shelter Finance. Bajaj Housing Finance filed for a Rs 7,000 crore IPO in June, which received approval from the market regulator earlier this month. Kotak Mahindra Capital Company Ltd, BofA Securities India Ltd, SBI Capital Markets Ltd, Goldman Sachs (India) Securities Private Ltd, and JM Financial Ltd are the book-running lead managers for this IPO.
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amanktreks · 23 days
FD vs Life Insurance: Understanding the Differences and Making the Right Choice
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When it comes to financial planning, two commonly debated options are Fixed Deposits (FD) and Life Insurance. While both serve distinct purposes, investors often find themselves comparing these two due to their long-term financial benefits. However, they cater to very different financial goals. This blog dives deeper into the differences between FD and Life Insurance, helping you understand how to utilize each effectively.
What is a Fixed Deposit (FD)?
Fixed Deposits (FDs) are savings instruments offered by banks and financial institutions that provide guaranteed returns over a fixed period. The investor deposits a lump sum amount with the bank, which earns interest at a predetermined rate for the tenure chosen by the investor.
Features of FD:
Guaranteed Returns: One of the most attractive features of FDs is the assurance of returns. The interest rate is fixed at the time of investment and remains unaffected by market fluctuations.
Safety: FDs are considered one of the safest investment options, especially for risk-averse individuals. They offer capital protection along with steady returns.
Flexible Tenure: Investors can choose the tenure of their FD, ranging from a few months to several years, depending on their financial goals.
Liquidity: Though FDs are fixed for a tenure, they do offer premature withdrawal options, often with a penalty. This provides a certain level of liquidity to the investor.
Benefits of FD:
Low Risk: FDs are perfect for individuals who prefer low-risk investments with guaranteed returns.
Predictability: Since the interest rate is locked in, investors can predict their returns, making it easier to plan for financial goals.
Tax Benefits: FDs with a tenure of five years or more qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. However, the interest earned is taxable.
What is Life Insurance?
Life Insurance is primarily designed to provide financial protection to your dependents in case of your untimely demise. It is a contract between you and an insurance provider, where the insurer guarantees a sum of money to your beneficiaries upon your death, in exchange for regular premium payments.
Types of Life Insurance:
Term Insurance: This is the most basic form of life insurance. It offers death benefits to the beneficiaries if the policyholder passes away during the policy term. Term insurance is affordable and provides high coverage.
Endowment Policy: This type of life insurance combines insurance coverage with a savings component. It offers both death benefits and maturity benefits if the policyholder survives the policy term.
Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs): ULIPs offer insurance along with investment opportunities. A part of your premium is used for insurance, while the remaining portion is invested in equity or debt funds.
Benefits of Life Insurance:
Financial Protection: The primary purpose of life insurance is to provide financial security to your family in case of your death. This can help cover daily expenses, pay off debts, and secure your family’s future.
Long-Term Savings: Life insurance plans like endowment policies and ULIPs provide savings along with protection, helping you build wealth over time.
Tax Benefits: Life insurance premiums are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C, and the death benefit is typically tax-free under Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act.
FD vs Life Insurance: Key Differences
While both FDs and life insurance are important tools in financial planning, they cater to different needs.
FD: The main objective of an FD is to earn safe, stable returns on your savings.
Life Insurance: The objective of life insurance is to provide financial protection to your dependents in the event of your death.
Risk Factor:
FD: FDs are virtually risk-free. Your principal is secure, and you know exactly what returns you’ll earn.
Life Insurance: Life insurance, especially term plans, carries no investment risk. However, policies like ULIPs involve market risk as part of the premium is invested in market-linked instruments.
FD: The returns from an FD are fixed and predictable, typically ranging from 5-7% per annum. However, they are taxed as per your income slab.
Life Insurance: Term life insurance doesn’t offer returns unless the policyholder dies during the term. ULIPs and endowment policies provide returns, but they are generally lower than equity-based investments.
FD: FDs provide some liquidity, as you can withdraw your money before the maturity period, though a penalty may apply.
Life Insurance: Life insurance policies, especially traditional ones, lack liquidity. Most policies have a lock-in period during which you cannot withdraw funds.
FD: The interest earned on FDs is taxable, making them less tax-efficient.
Life Insurance: Life insurance premiums qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C, and the death benefit is tax-free, making it a more tax-efficient option.
When to Choose FD:
FDs are ideal if your goal is short-term savings and earning a fixed, safe return. They work best for risk-averse individuals who want to avoid market volatility. FDs are particularly useful for building an emergency fund or saving for specific short-term financial goals like a vacation or home renovation.
When to Choose Life Insurance:
Life insurance is essential if you have dependents who rely on your income. It is primarily for providing financial security to your loved ones in your absence. Term insurance, in particular, is a must-have for anyone with financial dependents. Life insurance is also useful for long-term savings, particularly if you opt for ULIPs or endowment plans that combine protection with wealth accumulation.
FDs and Life Insurance serve different financial objectives, and your choice should depend on your individual needs. If you’re looking for guaranteed returns with no risk, FDs are the way to go. However, if your primary goal is to secure your family’s financial future, life insurance should be a priority. Both can coexist in a well-rounded financial plan, ensuring both growth and protection.
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lorindisuga · 28 days
Value Investing vs. Growth Investing: Choosing the Right Stock Strategy
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When it comes to investing in the stock market, two of the most popular strategies are value investing and growth investing. Each approach offers unique benefits and appeals to different types of investors. Understanding the distinctions between these strategies is crucial in determining which one aligns best with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. In this article, we'll explore value investing and growth investing, highlighting their key differences to help you choose the right stock strategy for your portfolio.
Understanding Value Investing
Value investing is a strategy that involves selecting stocks that appear to be undervalued by the market. Value investors look for companies whose stock prices do not fully reflect their intrinsic value, typically due to market overreactions, short-term setbacks, or overall pessimism. The goal is to buy these stocks at a discount and hold them until their true value is recognized by the market, resulting in price appreciation.
Value investors often focus on established companies with solid fundamentals, such as strong earnings, low debt levels, and stable cash flow. They rely heavily on financial metrics like the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, price-to-book (P/B) ratio, and dividend yield to assess whether a stock is undervalued. The philosophy behind value investing is that the market can be inefficient in the short term, leading to opportunities for investors who are patient and disciplined.
Understanding Growth Investing
Growth investing, on the other hand, focuses on companies that are expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to others in the market. Growth investors seek out companies that are expanding rapidly, often in emerging industries or sectors experiencing significant innovation. These companies may not be profitable yet or may have higher price-to-earnings ratios, as their stock prices already reflect high expectations for future growth.
Growth investors are less concerned with current valuations and more focused on the potential for substantial earnings growth over time. They look for companies with strong revenue growth, high return on equity (ROE), and a track record of innovation. The appeal of growth investing lies in the potential for significant capital appreciation as the companies in which they invest continue to grow and dominate their markets.
Key Differences Between Value and Growth Investing
The primary difference between value and growth investing lies in the type of stocks each strategy targets. Value investors look for undervalued stocks with stable fundamentals, while growth investors focus on companies with high growth potential, even if their stocks are priced at a premium.
Another key difference is the level of risk associated with each strategy. Value investing is generally considered less risky because it involves investing in established companies with proven business models. However, value stocks may take longer to realize their potential, requiring patience from investors. Growth investing, while offering the potential for higher returns, comes with increased risk due to the uncertainty of future growth and the premium prices paid for these stocks.
Choosing the Right Strategy
When deciding between value and growth investing, it’s essential to consider your personal financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. If you have a lower risk tolerance and prefer investing in established companies with a margin of safety, value investing may be more suitable for you. On the other hand, if you are willing to take on more risk in pursuit of higher returns and are comfortable with the volatility that comes with investing in high-growth companies, growth investing might be the better choice.
Combining Value and Growth Investing
For many investors, the optimal approach may be to combine both value and growth investing strategies. This blended approach allows you to diversify your portfolio by including a mix of undervalued stocks with strong fundamentals and high-growth companies with significant future potential. By balancing these two strategies, you can manage risk while still seeking opportunities for substantial returns.
Value investing and growth investing are two distinct strategies, each with its own advantages and challenges. By understanding the differences and evaluating your own financial situation, you can choose the strategy that best aligns with your goals. Whether you prefer the stability and patience required for value investing or the dynamic, forward-looking nature of growth investing, both approaches offer pathways to building wealth in the stock market.
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forblogmostly · 19 hours
Evexia Lifecare Limited Announces Preferential Issue of Convertible Warrants in Board Meeting on September 20, 2024
On September 20, 2024, Evexia Lifecare Limited held a crucial Board of Directors meeting that resulted in an important decision concerning the future of the company’s financial structure. The meeting was conducted under Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, reaffirming the company’s commitment to transparency and regulatory compliance. This gathering, which commenced at 6:30 p.m. and concluded at 7:00 p.m., saw the Board take a significant step by approving the preferential issue of Convertible Warrants.
The issuance of these Convertible Warrants marks a strategic move aimed at raising substantial capital, which will empower the company to pursue further growth opportunities and strengthen its financial foundation. The Board has approved the issuance of up to 24 crore Convertible Warrants, priced at Rs. 3.60 per Warrant. Each Warrant will be convertible into one fully paid-up equity share of the company with a face value of Re. 1, coupled with a premium of Rs. 2.60 per share. This preferential issuance totals an impressive Rs. 86.4 crore, positioning Evexia Lifecare Limited to embark on new ventures and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.
The company’s decision to move forward with this capital-raising exercise is rooted in compliance with several key regulations, including the Companies Act, 2013, and its relevant rules and amendments, as well as SEBI’s (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018. The Board’s approval for this preferential issuance is contingent upon the necessary approvals from the shareholders and other regulatory authorities. This process ensures that all steps are taken in a manner that is transparent and beneficial for the company’s stakeholders.
A notable aspect of the issuance is that 25% of the total value of the Warrants will be called upfront from the proposed allottees. This upfront payment not only helps the company secure immediate liquidity but also reinforces the commitment of the investors to Evexia’s long-term vision.
The Convertible Warrants are being issued to two key investors: Raghuvir International Pvt Ltd and Shree Saibaba Exim Pvt Ltd, both of whom are well-positioned to support the company’s growth trajectory. Raghuvir International Pvt Ltd, which currently holds a 2.60% stake in the company, will receive 12 crore Warrants. Upon conversion, this will increase its holding to 10.98%, a substantial boost that underscores its confidence in the company’s future. Meanwhile, Shree Saibaba Exim Pvt Ltd, which currently holds a minimal stake, will also receive 12 crore Warrants, elevating its holding to 8.85% post-conversion. Both investors will have an 18-month period to convert these Warrants into equity shares, providing flexibility in their investment timeline.
In alignment with corporate governance best practices, Evexia Lifecare Limited has scheduled an Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. (IST) to seek the formal approval of its shareholders regarding the issuance of these Convertible Warrants. This EGM will provide a platform for shareholders to voice their opinions and cast their votes on this crucial decision, ensuring that the company’s future direction is shaped with their input.
Under the leadership of its Managing Director, Mr. Jayeshbhai R. Thakkar, Evexia Lifecare Limited has consistently demonstrated a proactive approach to capital management and stakeholder engagement. Mr. Thakkar’s guidance throughout this process has been instrumental in securing investor confidence and ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met. The Board’s swift yet thoughtful deliberations during the meeting further reflect the company’s commitment to making sound financial decisions that prioritize long-term growth and sustainability.
The decision to issue Convertible Warrants comes at a pivotal time for Evexia Lifecare Limited, as the company continues to explore new opportunities in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. The additional capital raised through this preferential issuance will enable Evexia to invest in research and development, expand its product offerings, and explore potential partnerships or acquisitions that align with its business objectives.
The outcome of the September 20 Board meeting has been formally communicated to BSE Ltd., in accordance with the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. This level of transparency ensures that all stakeholders are kept informed of the company’s actions and future plans. As Evexia Lifecare Limited moves forward with this strategic capital-raising initiative, it reaffirms its dedication to delivering value to its shareholders, strengthening its market position, and driving growth in an increasingly competitive landscape.
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