#Enna Saredo
monkeyssalad-blog · 3 months
Enna Saredo by Truus, Bob & Jan too! Via Flickr: Vintage Italian postcard. Ed. A. Traldi, Milano, 605. Phot by Pinto Roma. Enna Saredo (?-?) is a lesser known actress of Italian silent cinema, who still acted in 60 films. Enna Saredo was a Neapolitan actress who started to act at the Roman film studio Cines in 1909, immediately playing leads (e.g. Bianca Capello and L'amorino, both 1910; San Sebastiano, 1911), also in long features such as Due vite per un cuore (1912) and Malía (1913). While few titles of her are known of 1909-1911, she for sure made one film a month at Cines, acting opposite other Cines regulars such as Amleto Novelli and Gustavo Serena. In Il trabocchetto punitore (1912) a bandit (Amleto Novelli) is punished after having killed a farmer. Hunting the farmer's son for the money, it is instead his own daughter (Saredo) who, helping the son, falls down a trapdoor and is killed. In La rupe del Malconsiglio (1913) Saredo played an unfaithful shepherdess who forgets her oath and marries a landowner. Her beloved (Amleto Novelli) takes an awful revenge. Prints of both films exist in the Desmet Collection of the Dutch Eye Filmmuseum, while Eye also possesses a print of L'amorino. After intermezzi at Roma Film and Di Luggo, Saredo moved to Napoli Films where she was leading actress, often directed by Alberto Carlo Lolli (e.g. Amore e morte a Sorrento, 1914). End of 1914 Saredo moved to Latium Film where she acted in the last films of the company directed by Ubaldo Pittei (Angoscia and Conchita). Early 1915 she moved again to the Roman company Helios, where she starred in several dramas which would be released in 1916. But already in 1915 she had moved again, now to the company Augusta, where she starred in several patriotic films such as Come morí Miss Cavell, directed by Amleto Palermi and Oreste Gherardini. Pier da Castello praised her natural and sober performance as the British nurse killed by the Germans for being a spy. In 1916 Saredo also acted in a major part in Il suicidio by Lollo for the Neapolitan company Meridio. In 1917 Saredo was hired by the Roman Caesar Film, where she acted as supporting actress, e.g. in the The Cheat rip-off Malìa (Alfredo De Antoni 1917) starring Francesca Bertini. Major parts at Caesar she had in the serial Parigi misteriosa by Gustavo Serena and Le due orfanelle by Edoardo Bencivenga. In 1918 she worked for Armenia Film in films mostly directed by Romolo Bacchini, such as La dama misteriosa (1918). In 1919-21 Saredo worked again at Caesar as protagonist opposite Amleto Novelli in various dramas by Bencivenga but also in comedies by Camillo De Riso. In 1921 she was paired with Livio Pavanelli in the adventure film Il mistero di Roccabruna. In 1919 she worked for a wide range of companies: Novissima, Cines, Libertas, Palatino. By then her star was descending. Her last part was in Le vie del mare by one of her regular directors, Torello Rolli. Saredo acted in 60 films, marked by prestige and a lack of the excesses of the divas. Sources: IMDB, Aldo Bernardini, Cinema muto italiano protagonisti.
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