rayelle · 2 years
Part 2...I think??
Anyways the reason I didn't add these 4 to the last blog was because they didn't attend O'khasis High and they were just doing different things from the ones from The Main Cast in O'khasis
Anyways this one will cover more intense topics than the last just so beware.
let us begin!
•Rachel Florence
Mention of peer pressuring and anxiety.
Rachel is basically Miss Perfect. Rachel is from the City of Scaleswind and studied in the best schools and are always at the top of her classes.
Rachel is really smart and I cant emphasize that enough. This girl studies astrology, astrophysics and religious history and Ancient history in general FOR FUN.
Rachel can also play Piano and Violin and guitar.
She's constantly pressured by her family to succeed and be #1 in everything this led to Rachel being a perfectionist and constantly worry about whether what she's doing is right and simply just has constant anxiety.
Rachel is actually quite the pessimist when you think about it, she's always worrying and thinking of the worst outcomes possible. (This becomes worse when she finds out what Derek is lol)
Rachel doesn't really get to make proper friends until after college when she finally breaks herself off from her toxic home life.
I actually want to state this now so I don't forget but remember the Lomensa Corporation Derek creates after the whole Forever potion Thing??
Yeah Rachel basically helped him with most of it, Rachel was more of behind the scenes work. Since she already kinda knew how to kick start things.
•Derek Lycan
Derek lycan is kinda interesting to tackle because it isn't clear what kind of life he lived??
I mean yes it's obvious that Derek has generational trauma and many more from the way he treats Aaron and Melissa but it's hard to actually pinpoint what I want to say about him, so excuse me if I say anything wrong and feel free to correct me.
Derek Lycan is the older brother of two younger Siblings and was tasked of taking care of them at a young age.
Derek sadly had to be both mom and dad since his mother passed away and his father was a completely deadbeat.
It didn't help that his father wasn't home often and if he was he would talk about how stupid he was to inherit the Ultima curse even though his father was the one to give it to him.
At the age of 8 Derek already learnt to steal and lie just to be able to feed him and his younger siblings, it didn't help that his younger sibling would get sick very often.
Derek took his anger out on toys when his siblings were asleep, after he'd bottle up all his anger he would take a toy that was his and completely destroy it, it wasn't a healthy coping mechanism but it works.
Derek was a high school drop out since he prioritized his siblings, so instead of living the high school dream Derek was stuck working in minimum wage jobs.
This was until Derek accidentally had a slip up and revealed his werewolf form (with no red eyes) to a few people because he got pissed during work, so he left his siblings with his grandparents and had to leave them to keep them safe.
Derek then was somewhere in the outskirts of Scaleswind and that's where he meets Rachel for the first time.
Derek doesn't really have any talents? Just because he simply never got the time to take a step back and explore the things he could do.
There are more things to Derek I want to say like the reason he kept Drone Parenting Aaron was because he himself never felt safe and secure with his own father or how shouting is the only way he knows how to talk to Aaron and Melissa because that's how his own father talked to him.
(This is not me defending Derek's Abuse towards Aaron and Melissa he should be definitely be held accountable for the trauma he gave to both of his kids, it's just me taking a shot of what Derek's life was like before he had Aaron and Mel)
•Terry Valkrum
Terry is a descendant the demon warlock hence him being the selected vessel (along with travis)
Terry grew up in the demon realm where the entirety of his Childhood-to-Teenage years was spent to prepare him to become a vessel for Micheal.
Terry doesn't really remember his younger years, maybe it was because all of it was spent on preparing him to become a vessel? Or maybe it was because he didn't want to remember it? It wasn't really clear for Terry.
After finally being possessed by Micheal the time comes Terry was finally able to go to the mystreet realm.
For Terry realm crossing wasn't really a new thing, it was part of his training. Yeah sure it took his body a while to adjust to the new environment but it didn't take to long till he started making moves.
Terry's first assignment was to locate the Ultima and inform Micheal of where he is, what he does, what his credit card number is, you get it just information about Derek.
It doesn't take Terry too long to find him, he was actually part of the people who saw Derek's ears and tail pop out during his tantrum.
And so Micheal finally has a location on the Ultima what does he plan on doing with it? In the actual story, Micheal does it for his own gain but I like to imagine that he does this for the revival of Shad the destroyer.
Like Derek there's more to Terry's story than meets the eye but I will tackle that next time.
•Enki Custos
Forced Marriage❗❗
Enki is a beautiful woman think Travis but woman, Enki was very wise and came from a family with power but sadly it didn't take long until Micheal had come to ruin her life.
While Terry was instructed to be his vessel, Enki was instructed to be his wife.
Enki was in absolute disbelief but her parents would be killed if she hadn't agreed to the marriage.
The reason Micheal chose Enki to be Terry's wife was because Enki was a descendant of well enki the keeper and had his relic.
All Enki needed to do was bare a child for Micheal.
Terry tried his best to make Enki's life less miserable by trying his best not to be around her or giving Enki her favorite things and even taking her out on diners.
But one thing was clear. Neither of them wanted this.
Their stories are shorter since most of what they do happens during the Forever potions Agenda. That and I don't really have an honest deep lore for these characters.
I know this was more intense than the last blog and it covered some not so friendly topics but if I did mess up any of the information about the sensitive topics don't be shy to correct me, okay bye
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