#English speaking lawyers in Ho Chi Minh City
English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers, English speaking law firm in Ho Chi Minh City with English speaking lawyers is located in the business center that provides convenient access to our clients.
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                      English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers works with corporate and individual clients from across the sectors and offers a true spectrum of legal expertise, both contentious and non-contentious. The range of our experience enables us to advise on various matters from the precedent-setting to the purely procedural.
The common thread in everything we do is our ability to combine both commercial and legal perspectives. This means our clients can rest assured that, whatever the case or transaction, our lawyers have the experience to deliver legal advice and service that works in a commercial context.
Our English speaking lawyers in Ho Chi Minh city offer client with particular services that guide clients throughout investment, commercial transaction, M&A, civil transaction, property sales and purchase, IP registration, and dispute resolution procedures.
Please contact us to book your time in advanced to let us provide our best service.
Call our office at (+84) 28 730 86 529 , send us email [email protected] or visit our English speaking law firm in Ho Chi Minh City at ANT Lawyers HCMC Branch, 7th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower, 2 Ngo Duc Ke Str., District 1, HCMC.
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam
Source ANTLawyers: https://antlawyers.vn/about-us/our-offices/law-firms-in-ho-chi-minh-city
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English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers, English speaking law firm in Ho Chi Minh City with English speaking lawyers is located in the business center that provides convenient access to our clients.
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                         English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers works with corporate and individual clients from across the sectors and offers a true spectrum of legal expertise, both contentious and non-contentious. The range of our experience enables us to advise on various matters from the precedent-setting to the purely procedural.
The common thread in everything we do is our ability to combine both commercial and legal perspectives. This means our clients can rest assured that, whatever the case or transaction, our lawyers have the experience to deliver legal advice and service that works in a commercial context.
Our English speaking lawyers at Ho Chi Minh City office offer client with particular services that guide clients throughout investment, commercial transaction, M&A, civil transaction, property sales and purchase, IP registration, and dispute resolution procedures.
Please contact us to book your time in advanced to let us provide our best service.
Call our office at (+84) 28 730 86 529 , send us email [email protected] or visit our English speaking law firms in Ho Chi Minh City at ANT Lawyers HCMC Branch, 7th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower, 2 Ngo Duc Ke Str., District 1, HCMC.
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam
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vietnamlawyers · 2 years
English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers, English speaking law firm in Ho Chi Minh City with English speaking lawyers is located in the business center that provides convenient access to our clients.
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                      English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers works with corporate and individual clients from across the sectors and offers a true spectrum of legal expertise, both contentious and non-contentious. The range of our experience enables us to advise on various matters from the precedent-setting to the purely procedural.
The common thread in everything we do is our ability to combine both commercial and legal perspectives. This means our clients can rest assured that, whatever the case or transaction, our lawyers have the experience to deliver legal advice and service that works in a commercial context.
Our English speaking lawyers at Ho Chi Minh City office offer client with particular services that guide clients throughout investment, commercial transaction, M&A, civil transaction, property sales and purchase, IP registration, and dispute resolution procedures.
Please contact us to book your time in advanced to let us provide our best service.
Call our office at (+84) 28 730 86 529 , send us email [email protected] or visit our English speaking law firms in Ho Chi Minh City at ANT Lawyers HCMC Branch, 7th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower, 2 Ngo Duc Ke Str., District 1, HCMC.
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam
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English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers, English speaking law firm in Ho Chi Minh City with English speaking lawyers is located in the business center that provides convenient access to our clients.
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                   English Speaking Law Firm in Ho Chi Minh City
ANT Lawyers works with corporate and individual clients from across the sectors and offers a true spectrum of legal expertise, both contentious and non-contentious. The range of our experience enables us to advise on various matters from the precedent-setting to the purely procedural.
The common thread in everything we do is our ability to combine both commercial and legal perspectives. This means our clients can rest assured that, whatever the case or transaction, our lawyers have the experience to deliver legal advice and service that works in a commercial context.
Our English speaking lawyers at Ho Chi Minh City office offer client with particular services that guide clients throughout investment, commercial transaction, M&A, civil transaction, property sales and purchase, IP registration, and dispute resolution procedures.
Please contact us to book your time in advanced to let us provide our best service.
Call our office at (+84) 28 730 86 529 , send us email [email protected] or visit our English speaking law firms in Ho Chi Minh City at ANT Lawyers HCMC Branch, 7th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower, 2 Ngo Duc Ke Str., District 1, HCMC.
Let ANT Lawyers help your business in Vietnam
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antlawyers · 2 years
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congtyluat1 · 10 months
ANT Lawyers works with corporate and individual clients from across the sectors and offers a true spectrum of legal expertise, both contentious and non-contentious. The range of our experience enables us to advise on various matters from the precedent-setting to the purely procedural.
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luatsuant · 1 year
Cha mẹ chưa đủ tuổi đăng ký kết hôn có làm giấy khai sinh cho con được không?
Cha mẹ chưa đủ tuổi đăng ký kết hôn có làm giấy khai sinh cho con được không?
Căn cứ vào Khoản 1 Điều 8 luật hôn nhân gia đình về độ tuổi kết hôn: "Nam từ đủ 20 tuổi trở lên, nữ từ đủ 18 tuổi trở lên". Việc kết hôn khi chưa đủ tuổi là vi phạm luật hôn nhân gia đình, hôn nhân này không được pháp luật công nhận, giữa họ không phát sinh quyền và nghĩa vụ vợ chồng. Vậy những đứa trẻ sinh ra từ hôn nhân không được pháp luật công nhận có được đăng ký khai sinh hay không?
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Căn cứ vào Điều 13 Luật trẻ em 2016: "Trẻ em có quyền được khai sinh, khai tử, có họ, tên, có quốc tịch; được xác định cha, mẹ, dân tộc, giới tính theo quy định của pháp luật". Điều đó có nghĩa là, mọi trẻ em sinh ra đều có quyền được khai sinh, không phân biệt được sinh ra trong hoàn cảnh, điều kiện nào kể cả việc cha mẹ của đứa trẻ chưa đủ tuổi kết hôn.
Tuy nhiên, vì không có giấy đăng ký kết hôn nên nên thủ tục khai sinh sẽ được đăng kí theo thủ tục khai sinh cho con ngoài giá thú, lúc này, cán bộ hộ tịch sẽ đăng ký khai sinh cho con trong trường hợp chưa xác định được cha hoặc mẹ.
Để ghi thông tin người cha hoặc mẹ vào giấy khai sinh trước hết phải có thủ tục nhận cha mẹ con tại cơ quan hộ tịch, người cha, mẹ cũng có thể yêu cầu làm thủ tục nhận con vào thời điểm đăng ký khai sinh theo quy định tại khoản 3 Điều 15 Nghị định số 123/2005/NĐ-CP: "Nếu vào thời điểm đăng ký khai sinh người cha yêu cầu làm thủ tục nhận con thì Uỷ ban nhân dân kết hợp giải quyết việc nhận con và đăng ký khai sinh"
Như vậy, việc làm khai sinh cho con không phụ thuộc vào tình trạng hôn nhân cũng như độ tuổi của cha mẹ, điều này đảm bảo quyền được khai sinh của trẻ em và quyền làm cha mẹ của công dân.
Trên đây là bài tư vấn của chúng tôi về việc làm giấy khai sinh cho con khi cha mẹ chưa đủ tuổi đăng ký kết hôn. Nếu có bất kỳ thắc mắc nào, hay muốn biết rõ hơn về giấy tờ và thủ tục làm giấy khai sinh cho con, hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn hoặc hỗ trợ chi tiết.
For Clients Speaking English
ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers, located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000. We are Vietnam exclusive member of Prae Legal, an international law firm network, providing full ranges of legal services.
Please contact us via email [email protected] for legal service in Vietnam.
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ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. We are an exclusive Vietnam law firm member of Prae Legal, a global law firm network spanning 5 continents and 150 countries through which we have built up relationship with lawyers from all parts of the world. This cooperation allow ANT Lawyers to handle cases involving matters of international nature involving foreigners.
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Reputable law firm in Vietnam
ANT Lawyers- A reputable law firm in Vietnam has English-speaking attorneys in Hanoi, Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City offices.
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How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
Probation is an understanding between a representative and a business on a trial work in a specific timeframe as per the arrangements of regulation. Both the employer and the employee should go through a trial period before signing a labor contract to see if they can work together in the long run. The Labor Code and other relevant guidelines should be followed during the probation. The Labor Code 2019 comes into force as of January first, 2020, various new guidelines as needs be are given in association with the probation, which each organization ought to  review the matter with its labour dispute lawyers in Vietnam for compliance.
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This contract does not apply to employment for less than one month, regardless of the circumstances under which it may be entered into. The probationary clause is not required to be included in the labor contract by the 2012 Labor Code. As a result, an employer and employee may negotiate the probation, as well as their respective rights and responsibilities during the probation period. If the parties are in agreement about the probation, they can sign a probation contract. On the off chance that the probation work meets the necessities, the business will finish up a work contract with the representative. It is clear from these provisions that a separate probationary contract between the employer and employee is required.
When the probation period is over and the employee satisfies the employer's recruitment requirements, the labor contract should be signed. As per the most recent arrangements in the Labor Code 2019, the business and the representative might settle on the probation expressed in the work contract or a different trial contract. If the labor contract includes a probationary period, the employer is obligated to continue carrying out the current agreement once the employee has met all of the requirements. In that case, a new labor contract must be signed.
Based on the nature and complexity of the job, the Labor Code decided how long the probation period had to be. For positions requiring a college degree or higher, the probationary period was previously limited to no more than 60 days. Currently, executives can extend their probationary period by up to 180 days. The owner of a sole proprietorship, the partner of a partnership company, the chairperson or member of the Board of Members, the President of a company, the President or member of the Board of Directors, the Director/General Director, or the holder of another managerial position prescribed in the company's charter (applicable to the enterprise without state capital) are examples of executives who play a significant part in the business and operation of the businesses.
The Labor Code 2019 made another change to the cancellation of probationary contracts, removing the restriction on the right to cancel. Consequently, during the probationary period, either party may terminate the labor contract or probationary contract without penalty or prior notice. On the other hand, if the probationary job does not meet the requirements that the employer and employee have agreed upon under the Labor Code 2012, the probation may be terminated.
The primary purpose of probationary periods is to determine whether an employee and employer are compatible at the outset of an employment relationship. To avoid a potential dispute in Vietnam, businesses as employers must have a clear understanding of the principles of entering into a labor contract and a probationary contract.
ANT Lawyers is an international law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers, located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000. We are Vietnam exclusive member of Prae Legal, an international law firm network, providing full ranges of legal services.
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How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
Probation is an understanding between a representative and a business on a trial work in a specific timeframe as per the arrangements of regulation. Both the employer and the employee should go through a trial period before signing a labor contract to see if they can work together in the long run. The Labor Code and other relevant guidelines should be followed during the probation. The Labor Code 2019 comes into force as of January first, 2020, various new guidelines as needs be are given in association with the probation, which each organization ought to  review the matter with its labour dispute lawyers in Vietnam for compliance.
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This contract does not apply to employment for less than one month, regardless of the circumstances under which it may be entered into. The probationary clause is not required to be included in the labor contract by the 2012 Labor Code. As a result, an employer and employee may negotiate the probation, as well as their respective rights and responsibilities during the probation period. If the parties are in agreement about the probation, they can sign a probation contract. On the off chance that the probation work meets the necessities, the business will finish up a work contract with the representative. It is clear from these provisions that a separate probationary contract between the employer and employee is required.
When the probation period is over and the employee satisfies the employer's recruitment requirements, the labor contract should be signed. As per the most recent arrangements in the Labor Code 2019, the business and the representative might settle on the probation expressed in the work contract or a different trial contract. If the labor contract includes a probationary period, the employer is obligated to continue carrying out the current agreement once the employee has met all of the requirements. In that case, a new labor contract must be signed.
Based on the nature and complexity of the job, the Labor Code decided how long the probation period had to be. For positions requiring a college degree or higher, the probationary period was previously limited to no more than 60 days. Currently, executives can extend their probationary period by up to 180 days. The owner of a sole proprietorship, the partner of a partnership company, the chairperson or member of the Board of Members, the President of a company, the President or member of the Board of Directors, the Director/General Director, or the holder of another managerial position prescribed in the company's charter (applicable to the enterprise without state capital) are examples of executives who play a significant part in the business and operation of the businesses.
The Labor Code 2019 made another change to the cancellation of probationary contracts, removing the restriction on the right to cancel. Consequently, during the probationary period, either party may terminate the labor contract or probationary contract without penalty or prior notice. On the other hand, if the probationary job does not meet the requirements that the employer and employee have agreed upon under the Labor Code 2012, the probation may be terminated.
The primary purpose of probationary periods is to determine whether an employee and employer are compatible at the outset of an employment relationship. To avoid a potential dispute in Vietnam, businesses as employers must have a clear understanding of the principles of entering into a labor contract and a probationary contract.
ANT Lawyers is an international law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers, located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000. We are Vietnam exclusive member of Prae Legal, an international law firm network, providing full ranges of legal services.
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How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
Probation is an understanding between a representative and a business on a trial work in a specific timeframe as per the arrangements of regulation. Both the employer and the employee should go through a trial period before signing a labor contract to see if they can work together in the long run. The Labor Code and other relevant guidelines should be followed during the probation. The Labor Code 2019 comes into force as of January first, 2020, various new guidelines as needs be are given in association with the probation, which each organization ought to  review the matter with its labour dispute lawyers in Vietnam for compliance.
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This contract does not apply to employment for less than one month, regardless of the circumstances under which it may be entered into. The probationary clause is not required to be included in the labor contract by the 2012 Labor Code. As a result, an employer and employee may negotiate the probation, as well as their respective rights and responsibilities during the probation period. If the parties are in agreement about the probation, they can sign a probation contract. On the off chance that the probation work meets the necessities, the business will finish up a work contract with the representative. It is clear from these provisions that a separate probationary contract between the employer and employee is required.
When the probation period is over and the employee satisfies the employer's recruitment requirements, the labor contract should be signed. As per the most recent arrangements in the Labor Code 2019, the business and the representative might settle on the probation expressed in the work contract or a different trial contract. If the labor contract includes a probationary period, the employer is obligated to continue carrying out the current agreement once the employee has met all of the requirements. In that case, a new labor contract must be signed.
Based on the nature and complexity of the job, the Labor Code decided how long the probation period had to be. For positions requiring a college degree or higher, the probationary period was previously limited to no more than 60 days. Currently, executives can extend their probationary period by up to 180 days. The owner of a sole proprietorship, the partner of a partnership company, the chairperson or member of the Board of Members, the President of a company, the President or member of the Board of Directors, the Director/General Director, or the holder of another managerial position prescribed in the company's charter (applicable to the enterprise without state capital) are examples of executives who play a significant part in the business and operation of the businesses.
The Labor Code 2019 made another change to the cancellation of probationary contracts, removing the restriction on the right to cancel. Consequently, during the probationary period, either party may terminate the labor contract or probationary contract without penalty or prior notice. On the other hand, if the probationary job does not meet the requirements that the employer and employee have agreed upon under the Labor Code 2012, the probation may be terminated.
The primary purpose of probationary periods is to determine whether an employee and employer are compatible at the outset of an employment relationship. To avoid a potential dispute in Vietnam, businesses as employers must have a clear understanding of the principles of entering into a labor contract and a probationary contract.
ANT Lawyers is an international law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers, located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000. We are Vietnam exclusive member of Prae Legal, an international law firm network, providing full ranges of legal services.
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vietnamlawyers · 1 year
How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
How does the Vietnam Labor Code regulate probation?
Probation is an understanding between a representative and a business on a trial work in a specific timeframe as per the arrangements of regulation. Both the employer and the employee should go through a trial period before signing a labor contract to see if they can work together in the long run. The Labor Code and other relevant guidelines should be followed during the probation. The Labor Code 2019 comes into force as of January first, 2020, various new guidelines as needs be are given in association with the probation, which each organization ought to  review the matter with its labour dispute lawyers in Vietnam for compliance.
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This contract does not apply to employment for less than one month, regardless of the circumstances under which it may be entered into. The probationary clause is not required to be included in the labor contract by the 2012 Labor Code. As a result, an employer and employee may negotiate the probation, as well as their respective rights and responsibilities during the probation period. If the parties are in agreement about the probation, they can sign a probation contract. On the off chance that the probation work meets the necessities, the business will finish up a work contract with the representative. It is clear from these provisions that a separate probationary contract between the employer and employee is required.
When the probation period is over and the employee satisfies the employer's recruitment requirements, the labor contract should be signed. As per the most recent arrangements in the Labor Code 2019, the business and the representative might settle on the probation expressed in the work contract or a different trial contract. If the labor contract includes a probationary period, the employer is obligated to continue carrying out the current agreement once the employee has met all of the requirements. In that case, a new labor contract must be signed.
Based on the nature and complexity of the job, the Labor Code decided how long the probation period had to be. For positions requiring a college degree or higher, the probationary period was previously limited to no more than 60 days. Currently, executives can extend their probationary period by up to 180 days. The owner of a sole proprietorship, the partner of a partnership company, the chairperson or member of the Board of Members, the President of a company, the President or member of the Board of Directors, the Director/General Director, or the holder of another managerial position prescribed in the company's charter (applicable to the enterprise without state capital) are examples of executives who play a significant part in the business and operation of the businesses.
The Labor Code 2019 made another change to the cancellation of probationary contracts, removing the restriction on the right to cancel. Consequently, during the probationary period, either party may terminate the labor contract or probationary contract without penalty or prior notice. On the other hand, if the probationary job does not meet the requirements that the employer and employee have agreed upon under the Labor Code 2012, the probation may be terminated.
The primary purpose of probationary periods is to determine whether an employee and employer are compatible at the outset of an employment relationship. To avoid a potential dispute in Vietnam, businesses as employers must have a clear understanding of the principles of entering into a labor contract and a probationary contract.
ANT Lawyers is an international law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers, located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000. We are Vietnam exclusive member of Prae Legal, an international law firm network, providing full ranges of legal services.
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luatsuant · 1 year
Cha mẹ có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn thay cho con không?
Cha mẹ có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn thay cho con không?
Theo Điều 3 Luật Hôn nhân và Gia đình 2014 có quy định ly hôn là việc chấm dứt quan hệ vợ chồng theo bản án, quyết định có hiệu lực pháp luật của Tòa án. Vậy ai là người có quyền yêu cầu Tòa án giải quyết ly hôn?
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Điều 51 Luật Hôn nhân và gia đình 2014 quy định về quyền yêu cầu giải quyết ly hôn như sau: "Vợ, chồng hoặc cả hai người có quyền yêu cầu Tòa án giải quyết ly hôn. Cha, mẹ, người thân thích khác có quyền yêu cầu Tòa án giải quyết ly hôn khi một bên vợ, chồng do bị bệnh tâm thần hoặc mắc bệnh khác mà không thể nhận thức, làm chủ được hành vi của mình, đồng thời là nạn nhân của bạo lực gia đình do chồng, vợ của họ gây ra làm ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến tính mạng, sức khỏe, tinh thần của họ. Chồng không có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn trong trường hợp vợ đang có thai, sinh con hoặc đang nuôi con dưới 12 tháng tuổi".
Như vậy, ngoài vợ, chồng có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn thì còn có một chủ thể khác không phải là vợ, chồng nhưng cũng có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn trong trường hợp đặc biệt. Đó là cha, mẹ hoặc người thân thích khác. Cha, mẹ, người thân thích khác có quyền yêu cầu Tòa án giải quyết ly hôn khi một bên vợ, chồng bị bệnh tâm thần hoặc mắc bệnh khác không thể nhận thức, làm chủ được hành vi của mình, đồng thời là nạn nhân của bạo lực gia đình do chồng, vợ của họ gây ra làm ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến tính mạng, sức khỏe, tinh thần của họ. Phải đồng thời có cả hai yếu tố trên thì cha, mẹ, người thân thích mới có quyền yêu cầu Tòa án giải quyết ly hôn.
Nguyên tắc của Luật Hôn nhân và gia đình là: "Hôn nhân tự nguyện, tiến bộ, một vợ một chồng, vợ chồng bình đẳng". Do đó, quyền kết hôn là quyền nhân thân mà bắt buộc hai bên nam nữ phải tự mình thực hiện, không thể chuyển giao cho người khác, không được thực hiện uỷ quyền. Về cơ bản, ly hôn cũng vậy, là quyền nhân thân mà không ai có thể xâm phạm, thay thế. Tuy nhiên, để đảm bảo quyền lợi cho bên vợ hoặc chồng khi họ bị mất năng lực hành vi dân sự, cũng là để bảo vệ cho họ không vì mất năng lực hành vi dân sự mà bị xâm phạm đến quyền nhân thân, đến sức khoẻ, tính mạng của mình, pháp luật cho phép chủ thể là cha, mẹ, người thân thích khác yêu cầu Toà án giải quyết ly hôn khi vợ/ chồng mất năng lực hành vi dân sự mà còn là nạn nhân của bạo lực gia đình, ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng đến tính mạng, sức khoẻ, tinh thần của họ.
Tóm lại, về cơ bản, cha mẹ không có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn thay cho con, trường hợp duy nhất cha mẹ có thể yêu cầu ly hôn thay con là khi người con vừa bị mất năng lực hành vi dân sự vừa là nạn nhân của bạo lực gia đình.
Trên đây là bài tư vấn của chúng tôi về việc bố mẹ có quyền yêu cầu ly hôn thay cho con không. Nếu có bất kỳ thắc mắc nào, hãy liên hệ với chúng tôi để được tư vấn hoặc hỗ trợ chi tiết.
For Clients Speaking English
ANT Lawyers is an international law firm in Vietnam with English speaking lawyers, located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000. We are Vietnam exclusive member of Prae Legal, an international law firm network, providing full ranges of legal services.
Please contact us via email [email protected] or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529 for legal service in Vietnam.
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vietnamlawyers · 2 years
Reliable Vietnam Law Firm
Vietnam's ANT Lawyers is a law firm with locations in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. We are a law firm in Vietnam that is a member of Prae Legal, a global network of law firms that spans 150 countries and five continents. Through this network, we have established relationships with lawyers from all over the world. Because of this collaboration, ANT Lawyers are able to handle international cases involving foreigners.
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As a reputable English-speaking law firm in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers focuses on offering potential solutions that best satisfy the requirements of business and legal clients. We assist customers in achieving their objectives while safeguarding their interests, reducing risks, and adhering to the law.
The law firm provides a comprehensive range of contentious and non-contentious legal expertise to corporate and individual clients from all sectors. We are able to provide advice on a wide range of topics, from precedent-setting to strictly procedural, thanks to our experienced staff and highly professional personnel.
Our ability to combine commercial and legal perspectives is a recurring theme throughout everything we do as a law firm. As a result, our clients can rest assured that, regardless of the case or transaction, our lawyers at the law firm in Vietnam have the expertise to provide commercially relevant legal advice and service.
Tell us how we can be of service and one of our team members will contact you.
Email: [email protected]  - Tel: +84 28 730 86 529
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Reliable Vietnam Law Firm
Vietnam's ANT Lawyers is a law firm with locations in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. We are a law firm in Vietnam that is a member of Prae Legal, a global network of law firms that spans 150 countries and five continents. Through this network, we have established relationships with lawyers from all over the world. Because of this collaboration, ANT Lawyers are able to handle international cases involving foreigners.
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As a reputable English-speaking law firm in Vietnam, ANT Lawyers focuses on offering potential solutions that best satisfy the requirements of business and legal clients. We assist customers in achieving their objectives while safeguarding their interests, reducing risks, and adhering to the law.
The law firm provides a comprehensive range of contentious and non-contentious legal expertise to corporate and individual clients from all sectors. We are able to provide advice on a wide range of topics, from precedent-setting to strictly procedural, thanks to our experienced staff and highly professional personnel.
Our ability to combine commercial and legal perspectives is a recurring theme throughout everything we do as a law firm. As a result, our clients can rest assured that, regardless of the case or transaction, our lawyers at the law firm in Vietnam have the expertise to provide commercially relevant legal advice and service.
Tell us how we can be of service and one of our team members will contact you.
Email: [email protected]  - Tel: +84 28 730 86 529
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