arknights-archive · 1 month
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Skland 1st anniversary
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cerastes · 9 months
Are you going to give Arknights: endfield a go when it releases?
Yep, but I've been honest on stream about my current impression on it: It doesn't look too good. We talked about it, and basically, Liduke wasn't the best option for art director to be honest. She's really good at what she does but what she does, is lacking in scope: The colors don't look good, too muted, too sterile, designs aren't super good, no design has wowed me the way pre-release Arknights designs wowed me (Specter, Hoshiguma and Skullshatterer made me very hype, to name a few). It's like I'm looking at a slab of dirt. Just... Where's the color? In the maps and the designs of the characters. The moment Angelina showed up in her Bloodline of Combat fit, it was so funny to me, because her bright red jacket instantly became the single most colorful thing in the entire game.
Liduke works very well with pale blacks, whites, reds, yellows, and complimentary winter palettes. Look at Hellagur, Schwarz, (her) W, (her) Ines, etc, they look really good. But that's because we have an overarching cast and world of color to contrast them to. When everything is like that, it doesn't look good. I'm a bit disappointed by Endfield's presentation, to be honest.
The gameplay, or what we've seen of it... Doesn't really look fun. It's plain and simple as that.
It's rather difficult for me to write this because I strongly believe in not doomposting and looking at the virtues of things, but at least from what we've seen, it's just being very difficult to find these virtues in Endfield. The best thing I can say is that I still have faith in it simply because Arknights has really delivered to hell and back in terms of being a game and in terms of sheer raw style. The way it keeps evolving Tower Defense (and Tower Offense, to be honest!) is impressive, so I have no doubt brilliant and passionate minds are working behind Endfield, but it feels bad framing it this way because I'm saying "I like their other work" without being able to find a lot to say about Endfield by itself.
I'll give it a try, because I love Arknights and Hypergryph has been phenomenal in my opinion, but if this was a stand alone game not associated with HG or AK, I really don't think I'd look at it twice, and it saddens me to say. I'm hoping to be proven wrong.
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meeblo · 10 months
With the game awards sparking discussion again, I'm once again so tired of seeing misinformation about Arknights: Endfield. People calling it an open world, an action RPG, saying it has an elemental combat system "like Genshin", when none of those things are the case. This isn't just a "people are wrong on the internet" type of annoyance; this could genuinely negatively impact the game on release. If people go in with wildly skewed misconceptions, they are much more likely to dislike the game because it isn't what they thought they'd be playing.
Endfield is not an open world. Looking at shots of the map as well as footage from the CN technical test, the areas are connected linearly with mandatory progression choke points before moving on to the next area. Though the areas themselves have open elements, the game world as a whole is in no way an open world and is not build on open world structures.
Endfield is not an action RPG, and has never been marketed as such. The phrasing Hypergryph has always and exclusively used in official material is that the game is "real-time 3D RPG with strategic elements," not an action RPG. The gameplay, as shown by the gameplay demo and CN test footage, is not action RPG gameplay. It lacks a quick dash or iframes, and is not built on fast paced combat. The combat aims to be more deliberate and strategic by freezing time while skills are aimed, providing area indicators for enemy attacks, and placing a large focus on positioning over reactions. It is misleading to refer to the game as an action RPG.
These are the two more common things I've been seeing around, but I have also seen Endfield's element system incorrectly likened to Genshin's. While Genshin's elemental combat involves applying seven different elements to enemies and triggering reactions by mixing elements, Endfield's works differently. Endfield has a three element system that is a far less omnipresent part of combat than Genshin's ever-present elements. Elements are not applied to enemies in Endfield, but rather can be left as balls of energy on the ground that will explode into AoE damage when hit with another or the same element. From the CN test, it's clear that elemental interactions are just one thing a team can build into, in addition to teams focusing on levitate, grounded, or other status effects that are not inherently linked to any elements or reactions.
I hope people stop spreading inaccurate buzzwords about Endfield. I'm genuinely concerned about it creating improper expectations and hurting perceptions of the game when the game doesn't fall into categories it never was trying to be part of.
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gaemms-chamois · 11 months
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quick little concept for my own endministrator
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alkalische · 6 months
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couldn't stop thinking about this edit of theresis's face on fjall. so i made a sonichu style oc his name is theresisfjall he's so original do not steal
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instead of killing him at the end of the victoria arc they trap him in the body of a catboy and they send him into the future
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superchat · 8 months
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put 👏 her 👏 in 👏 a👏 casino 👏
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freyalise · 11 months
my theory for who chen qianyu is: the hate sex between ch'en hui-chieh and swire got so intense that one of them experienced immaculate conception out of pure spite
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astramore · 20 days
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kc5rings · 11 months
I can’t promise to know what I’ll become when She gets revealed
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Angel woman with a pile bunker mounted on her right hand and what may be a stylized nun habit as well has the potential to ruin me utterly
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dankashuartist · 9 months
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aaand I was not selected for Endfield tech test T___T
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thefrostyknight · 11 months
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I don't think Endfield is a prequel lol
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arknights-archive · 6 months
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Spring in Skland
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kanophane · 11 months
Endfield has an incredible looking UI, amazing cutscenes, and the environment looks exactly like what an embattled space colony looks like: futuristic equipment messily strewn about, nature creeping in between mass produced infrastructure etc. Unfortunately the game play design and to a small degree the character design sucks, which is the main draw of the game.
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meeblo · 11 months
Seeing the Angelina announcement for Endfield has assuaged so many of my fears it's unreal. The phrasing and the mention of Warfarin seems to all but confirm that the game shares the same continuity as regular Arknights, meaning all the similar designs like not!Ch'en and not!Kal'tsit won't just be a cashgrab with no actual lore justification beyond "it's a separate universe lol", they'll likely have actual justification. Angelina's design is also pretty good. I prefer it to her regular Bloodline of Combat skin, it's a lot less visually cluttered without all those belts. After a lot of fairly middling designs they've been announcing, it's good to finally have one that I can say looks pretty good. Here's to hoping that they have a damn good explanation for not!Kal'tsit. Not!Ch'en does have a different family name so I'll begrudgingly accept it just being someone totally unrelated who just coincidentally looks similar in-universe, but that Kal'tsit lookalike has some explaining to do; aside from the lack of shoulder originium crystals and different eye color she's a dead ringer for a younger looking, more upbeat Kal'tsit.
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rinkun1517 · 11 months
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alkalische · 8 months
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the fucking nothingburgerness of wulfgard PISSES me off i've been defeated i've met a character i couldn't redesign. zero interesting qualities FUCK you
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