#End of Chapter 1
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Annotating is so fun
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youngbonescomic · 1 year
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CHAPTER 1 Retrace [pg.11] | End
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End of Arc 1.
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tsarcomics · 11 months
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Chapter 1 is finished!!!
Due to an unscheduled Brain Error(tm) in which the blogger accidentally saved this post as a draft instead of putting it in the queue, we are coming to you now with a surprise post! Here's our brief overview on the fun and challenges of putting together TSAR's first installment. Posting will resume tomorrow on Monday, 12:00pm as scheduled. Expect an exciting announcement in our next post!!
If you enjoy our content and would like to leave us a tip, you can buy a month of subscription to our Patreon for $3.00 and get early access to new pages! New uploads are released on Fridays at 12:00pm MST. All pages will become free-to-read at 12:00pm MST on Mondays. Have a great read!
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mrs-gauche · 4 months
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The Dread Wolf Take You (Part 1)
~~Link to the complete 31 page comic here~~
"Imagine that, overlooking the god in your mids!"
May I present, my attempt at illustrating the last four pages of Tevinter Nights. 😁 (Also, the first time I'm posting art on here!)
As the whole thing was quite literally too long to post on tumblr, I uploaded the full version on a customized site made for reading webcomics (via ComicFury). Feel free to check out the link above if you like to read the rest! Also, if you're on mobile, there's a "Scroll View" option for easier navigation. :)
And, obviously, HUGE spoilers for those who haven't read Tevinter Nights!!
On a personal note though, I can't believe I actually finished it... As it had been a *very* long time since I drew (and finished) anything, let alone a 31 page comic and reading Tevinter Nights again finally sparked my motivation (and the courage to post it lol). So I want to thank Patrick Weekes for helping me overcome this massive art block and over two decades of Case Closed mangas for inspiring me how to draw an overly dramatic "exposing the imposter" moment. 😂 I tried my best to be as faithful to the book as possible and it took me forever, so... hope you like it! :D
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originalartblog · 4 months
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Don't forget to eat to keep the demons at bay
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hinamie · 3 months
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fire nation festival wear aka a blatant excuse for me to push atla clothing design conventions to the absolute Limit
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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linkbetweenlinksau · 2 months
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End of chapter 1- The Mark
Part 1|| part 2||
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scaredy-draws · 1 month
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Egokoro Nao *starts sobbing violently*
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lydiannettelizabeth · 2 months
Pjsekai magical girl au where all the leaders are recruited by miku to be magical girls send tweet
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 months
My Hero Academia - How NOT to do an Open Ending
In 2022, the American animated series Amphibia ended with an open ending that left all of it's ships up in the air, and the question of where the main characters would go from there up to the reader.
That might be a rather weird way to open an essay about how My Hero Academia failed, but the reason I do so, is to illustrate a point.
Namely that there is a way to do what Hori tried to do with MHA right.
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Amphibia ending has the main human trio of that series reuinte after a long timeskip, with all 3 of them having found their passion in life and built careers for themselves, and while there are some suggestions that Sasha and Anne are a bit closer than what might be apparant on screen, it ultimately left the situation of their romantic relationship at this point, and from there on, up in the air withouth confirming or denying anything, beyond the fact that they for whatever reason drifted apart in highschool, but have come back together again at this point in time.
It left you with enough pieces to figure out the specifics, and how you can understand how things got from one point to another, while still giving all the characters a satisfying payoff, continued the shows themes, had no real plot holes, and wheter you ship any of the characters in question or not, it didnt ultimately matter for the quality of the ending.
The fun part about an open ending is that there is room to speculate, so long as it manages to balance all of the above.
A story does not HAVE to end on the main characters hooking up. it does not have to end with tying every single character up in a relationship and showcasing the beginning of the next generation. It does not have to have a definite ending that gives all the answers to be good.
That is one way to end a story, but it's not the only one.
There certainly are stories that NEED to end like that to be good, stories with a greater mystery, or revenge tales, or who's entire story was about one, specific romantic relationship are shit endings if they ultimately end on an open ending withouth answers.
within the context of MHA, Hori managed to weave this balance very well with it's villains.
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The story of the Todoroki family in particular has all the definite endings, and tells us where all the players ends up... but it also leaves the possibility, and question of wheter or not dabi ultimately managed to make peace with his family or not up in the air.
This is a good, satisfying, tragic ending.
Spinner and compress both end up in jail for the rest of their lives, but Spinner resolves to write a book, that for better or worse will tell the league's version of the story. It's not AS good an ending as the above, but it still works just fine.
Clearly Hori CAN write a good open ending that still gives closure.
Which is why it's so baffling that MHA 430, ends up doing EVERYTHING WRONG as far as an open ending possibly could.
It has no closure, it has plot holes aplenty, it manages to leave the question of will they or wont they unanswered, not by being ambigious, but by telling us, in the most unintentionally agressive manner possible that it did NOT happen, and most damningly of all, it shits all over the Story's themes.
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MHA ends with the cast all grown up in an "and the adventure Continues!" ending, similar to justice league Unlimited.
That's not a BAD way to end it... The problem is EVERYTHING ELSE in this chapter.
Because we learn WAY too much in this chapter. the gaps in the timeskip is filled... but not in a good way. instead in an infuriating manner that pisses you off if you actually starts to break it down.
Let's start with Izuku being forgotten.
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So i have seen some people try to shut down criticism about the fact that Izuku didnt win fortune or fame, by noting that from the thematic point, being a hero was NEVER about that from Izuku's point of view.
And that is true... but this argument misses the bigger and more obvious problem.
The story REFUSES to tackle this from that angle.
As many have pointed out, this is a BAD outcome ending for Izuku.
He returned to being quirkless, he had to settle for a job that wasn't being a hero, he has been mostly forgotten after his one big highlight, and his friends have effectively begun to move on.
And he does not care.
At all.
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Hell, a 14 year old izuku who for one brief moment gave up on his dreams to chase a more realistic future, has more genuine and mixed emotion and mixed feelings in one shot, than Izuku has about actually living through a much more bittersweet scenario.
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Hell, the one moment Izuku has when he looks genuinely down in this chapter, is when Aizawa admonishes him for not being strict enough with his students.
Basically the premise here is sound. Izuku ended up in a bad personal ending to set up the return to actual heroics at the end of the chapter... And that could have worked if it committed to that.
If he was portrayed as actually having regrets about his lot in life. you know, the same thing All Might's ENTIRE STORYLINE was built around!
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MHA has ALWAYS been a human story that confronted the fact that people had regrets, and problems, and they need to be honest about them to deal with them.
To not bottle everything up inside and pretend the problems arent there.
For the story to end, with Izuku doing EXACTLY THAT is a slap in the face that goes EVERYTHING this story has preached about how you need to communicate with the people around you. the entire point of chapter 429, the CHAPTER RIGHT BEFORE THIS ONE!
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Then of course there is the whole "Everyone Growing apart" thing too.
Now, it's not as bad as the early translation made it seem, but the point still stands that despite the entire chapter right before the end then emphasises how everyone went their separate ways.
This chapter COULD have shown us moments where Izuku is still in contact with the rest of his class, but it does not. instead it emphasises how distant he is becoming from the rest of his former friend group. He is the lone one out, the one guy who seemingly is no longer in regular contact with the rest.
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The reason for that, is that Hori wanted to make the moment where he returns to the fold that much more impactfull... but it does not work, because it basically tells us that none of the class was able, or willing to make the personal sacrifice to keep in regular touch with him during those 5 years.
But FAR more egrigiously, and spitting in the face of the Theme of actually communicating and talking with the people you care about, is HOW Izuku gets back into the game.
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Apparently they spent the last 5 years pooling their money to finance a high tech suit for him to fight crime in.
And i get it. I get what Hori WANTED to do with this. He wanted to show "See, Class 1-A didnt forget Izuku after all, they still love him!".
Thats the intended message.
But the problem is, it does not work. and in fact, not only does it NOT work, but it completely goes against EVERYTHING that the story has been trying to preach for the entire 10 years of it's run.
The rest of class A never told Izuku about this. ever. Why? apparently because they wanted it to be a surprise. So they just let him go on with his life for 5 years, all while none of them really bothered to keep in regular contact with him.
There is... so much wrong with that.
But before going over the way it just hammers in the point that actually talking with the people you love isnt important after all, let's go over how this entire stupid plan could have backfired SO badly on the part of class A. Hell, it kinda did actually, if not quite as spectacularily as it could have.
What if Izuku had gotten married and moved overseas during this period? What if he had gotten married in Japan, but his entire family dynamic and plans had revolved around the fact he had a job that did not require moving around much and so got to spend a lot of time at home? Hell, even within the context of what actually Happened, U.A is still going to find itself suddenly short of one teacher who his classes relies upon, if he actually wants to go pro for real.
There are so many ways this stupid 5 year scheme of secrecy could have backfired, and it does not take a genuis to be able to see them.
basically the entire class planned out Izuku's life ahead of him withouth telling him anything about it, withouth giving him the context or preparation for how to plan his future with it in mind, and how none of them seemingly cared about how this might upend his actual personal life.
And thats just the logistical issues.
Morally speaking, this just repeatedly hammers in how this final chapters just completely abandons the themes of how you need to actually work, talk and discuss your personal matters and feelings with the people around you.
1-A did none of that.
They let their relationships with Izuku cool, when they didnt have to, seemingly with the idea that it didnt matter in the end because he'd join them anew as a hero later anyway, and they could catch up then.
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Which leads me to discussing the one, actual ship who's ending actually DID matter from a storytelling perspective.
Izuku and Ochako.
Now i have seen so many bad takes across the web from the people who are happy this did not happen, or argue that it does not matter.
But the brutal truth is, it does.
And the reason it does, is not because Izuku HAD to end up with Uraraka, or even that they had to be together in the final moment of the series.
It's because one of the longest running stories of this manga had NO ENDING, NO RESOLUTION, and rather than that, it wants to suggest it might still happen anyway... Despite unintentionally KILLING IT in the most infuriating way possible.
Out of all of the cast, it is Uraraka's character who is butchered by this stupid 5 year plan, to the point it even taints her entire new character direction at the end.
Uraraka ends the story having reformed the Quirk system for people growing up, helping those with difficult quirks get past mental problems... But just all the rest of her class, she chose to neglect her relationship with Izuku under the seeming thought process that she could patch it up later... Or that she could finally confess her feelings.
I'll let Shigaraki speak for my feelings on this way of thinking.
"You heroes hurt your own families just to help strangers. You heroes pretend to be society's guardians. For generations, you pretended not to see those you couldn't protect and swept their pain under the rug. It's tainted everything you built. That means your system's rotten from the inside with maggots crawling out. It all builds up little by little over time."
The intended message of MHA is a refution of this... but in this final chapter, Shigaraki's words ring true, at least as far as class A is concerned.
As they became Heroes, they neglected the one amongst them who needed the most support and instead went off to, as shigaraki put it, Help Strangers.
They pretended that Izuku's situation in the moment did not matter, because in the long haul it would all be worth it.
And just like their predeccessors, it taints everything they do.
But Uraraka most of all. If you ignore the romance angle, she has started a massive program to help strangers in need... while also neglecting and frankly mistreating someone she loves and cares about her who needed her support in his weakest period.
If you do take Romance into account, it gets even WORSE, because then you have to accept that Uraraka ultimately rejected the message that she preached with Toga, the thing that got the blonde girl to turn coat for her.
She in the end did not manage to live a life where she actually was able to do what she wanted to do, and instead remained the exact same wishywashy girl who refused to actually be open about her feelings.
Instead, she, in her final shot of the series, is in the exact same spot she was back then. A girl who would forever pine after Izuku, but never be able to open up about it.
Which would be a bad enough way to end her character on... But then when you take into account that she also participated in the 5 year plan, and there is nothing to suggest she kept in touch with him more than the rest, just makes it so much worse.
I have said before that with this ending, Uraraka's love story was an objective waste of time, and i stand by that.
Hori didnt have to end the series with Izuku and Urarak married, engaged or obviously in a relationship, but by refused to actually make it happen, and lumping Uraraka in with the entire rest of the class, he instead did something way worse.
He made it abundantly clear that regardless of what Uraraka's feelings on the matter, the relationship to Izuku was not something special. She was NOT his Hero in the moment when he actually needed one.
Neither as a friend, or as a love interest.
Her actions tainted everything else.
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And of course, there is the big plot hole of this chapter.
The single biggest, and most obvious hole that is just gaping through it, that for this story to work you have to completely ignore.
Namely that 1. All Might is one of the richest peoples in the world. Class A should not have had to actually fund Izuku's suit. All Might could, and SHOULD have done that all on his own. and 2. That this tech EXISTED 8 YEARS AGO!!!!
All Might's armored suit made him one of the most powerfull figures in this entire series.
Sure it was a bit experimental, but it WORKED! it was not some unstable prototype that coudl explode at any moment, it would have worked just fine as an actual permanent power up!
For this entire stupid 5 years of Sidelines Izuku to work, you have to just PRETEND this massive hole does not exist.
And it's not a small hole that you can justify that the characters didnt think about it. It's there, and it's MASSIVE.
The only reason it's not talked about as much as all the rest is that while this is the big Material problem of this chapter, everything else is so much worse because it attacks, destroys, and taints pretty much every theme MHA had over the course of it's long run.
Apparently there is a throw away line in the Trivia section of Volume 39 that All Might apparently spent almost his entire fortune on his Mech suit.
Meaning that while this isn't quite the plothole I assumed it was, it IS still TERRIBLY communicated within the story itself why All Might didn't just fund Izuku's suit themselves.
The themes that more than anything else was what set it apart from every other battle manga that ever existed. The Human themes of actually talking to the people around you that made MHA a special story, far more than it's superhuman battles ever did.
That is why so many people are pissed off about it.
It's also why MHA is such a textbook example of how NOT to do an open ended story.
Hori could have kept the details about Izuku's life, be it his personal or proffesional life incredibly vague, beyond the basics... but he choose not to, and instead peeled back the curtain... but rather than showcasing depth, it just made the whole thing fall apart by giving us the specific details that we did not need, and which pretty much tainted the entire ending down to it's core... All completely unintentionally.
He didnt have to show that Izuku had NO specific remaining bonds with any single members Class A that were still more important to him than the rest.
But he did.
He didnt have to go out of his way to show that Izuku was completely forgotten by society at large.
But he did, and subsequentially did not actually choose to explore that.
He didnt have to show us deep, long, internal monologues from izuku's perspective where he is cartoonishly at ease with his lot in life.
But he did.
He was too specific and detailed about the things he NEEDED to keep vague, and not specific about the details that we actually needed to know, and so it all collapses in on itself in a mess of broken Themes and morals, and shattered logic, and above all else, he managed to carelessly and unintentionally cheapen every single relationship Izuku formed with the rest of his classmates over the course of this story.
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shinynewmemories · 2 months
All the final lines of each part of every Hunger Games book
Part I:
“Because . . . because . . . she came here with me.”
Part II:
Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name.
Part III:
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.
Part I:
It’s my mockingjay.
Part II:
This is no place for a girl on fire.
Part III:
“Katniss, there is no District Twelve.”
Part I:
And his blood as it splatters the tiles.
Part II:
That I’m of more use to her dead than alive.
Part III:
I tell him, “Real.”
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rithmeres · 5 months
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genuinely obsessed with the vol 4 decision to put vash in tight mom jeans & a color gradient hoodie and wolfwood in business casual with sunglasses
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michi-chelle · 6 months
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these might be the cutest towas ever. sorry i don’t make the rules.
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lunarharp · 1 year
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if i just told you i love you would this world change
#witch hat tag#orufrey#these kinda suck lol i feel like i cant draw right now *irritated sigh* BUT I FEEL EMOTIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#if you are gay go watch good omens season 2 right now. NO YOU DONT KNOW THO!!!!!!!!!#i know being this affected by good omens is probably cringe. I dont care any more. the last 1 minute of good omens season 2 was#some of the most affecting acting i've ever seen in my life. sometimes someone acts with the force as if their entire career led to that#like during the credits part the very end im not even talking about before that. holy god#aziraphale i know everything about you. i know what you are feeling right now. i can see everything on your face. we're going to make it#ER.... NOT THAT THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS POST. IT'S NOT SPOILERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!#I JUST FEEL THOROUGHLY CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!! SHIT GETS REAL FROM NOW ON.. LIKE IN GENERAL! IN MY LIFE!#tormented gay love tormented gay love TORMENTED GAY LOVE TORMENTED GAY LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#btw the first 3 images were drawn earlier with an entirely different feeling and an entirely different mood.#Why do you keep pulling away from me?#It is because i love you that i do this#the lyrics from one of my japanese orufrey songs (A SONG THAT THE CREATOR LISTENS TO!!!!) led to feelings#“あなたが知らない私を残さず見ててほしいの” but i'm not translating it cause it just sounds weird. if with his eyes oru's asking “WHY don't you want#to let me in? to see all of you?“ those lyrics are like ”I actually want you to see every last bit of the parts of me you don't know“#oru you have no idea how much i want to lay bare my whole soul for you#maybe it's an alternate version of chapter 40. to me#i need to draw something really fucking good or i'm not going to forgive myself. i will not rest in this life#until i have made the orufrey that fully satisfies me nor until i have seen what the manga is leading to#NO STORY MEANS ANYTHING WITHOUT TORMENTED GAY LOVE AT THE HEART OF IT. THATS THE HEART OF THIS WORLD!!!!!#........... so Hi im normal :) haha *goes and finally makes breakfast*
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pkmn-redirect · 1 year
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Chapter 2 - Page 21
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Heads-up that I'll be across the country visiting family over the next week! There won't be a proper update for the 22nd- but there will be something in the feed all the same!
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