liusia-piu · 5 months
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Enaree, Scythian priestess
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Do y'all ever think about the fact the was a whole ancient society full of trans women with erectile dysfunction that smoked weed that the Romans were obsessed with
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survivethejive · 1 year
The gods of the Scythian horse lords and their bloody rituals!
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paranoidarkeolog · 2 years
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The Enarei, singular Enaree, were Scythian androgynous/effeminate priests and shamanistic soothsayers who played an important role in the Scythian religion.
The Anarya used cannabis in their rituals, including both those of a communal and those of a funerary or psychopompic nature, thus being among the earliest spiritual practitioners to have used cannabis to achieve altered states of consciousness, implying that that an ancient connection existed between gender non-conforming spiritual practitioners and the use of mind-altering substances..[5]
The Anarya participated in Scythian funeral rituals, which included shamanic practises, and after the burial of the deceased, they would ritually cleanse themselves with the vapour of cannabis, which is attested archaeologically in Saka tombs from Siberia, which contained tripods, braziers, pelts, and charcoal containing remains of cannabis leaves and fruits, with one of the Pazyryk burials containing a pot, inside of which were cannabis fruits, as well as a copper censer used to burn cannabis.[5]
The Anarya also acted as seers and performed a particular form of divination which used the inner bark of the linden tree, unlike the methods of traditional Scythian soothsayers which used willow withies.[6] The method of divination of the Anarya consisted of cutting the inner linden bark into three pieces, and plaiting and unplaiting these pieces around their fingers to obtain answers.[7][5]
The Anarya were especially consulted when the king of the Scythians was ill,[8][5] which was itself believed by the Scythians to be caused by a false oath being sworn upon the king's hearth.[6] Once the Anarya had identified the suspect who had sworn the false oath, the said suspect would claim to be innocent. If the Anarya maintained the accusation, six more soothsayers were consulted, and if they upheld the original accusation, the suspect was executed by being beheaded. If the additional soothsayers declared the suspect was innocent, the process of consulting more soothsayers was repeated, and if the larger number of soothsayers still declared the suspect to be innocent, the initial accusers were executed by being put into a wagon filled with brushwood which was set on fire, and their sons were all killed.[9]
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kingoftheblacksun · 5 days
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It is really bottom half of the Queen of Hel which is dead, and this is because it represents an Enaree Androgyne, as described in Scythian lore. They are trans femme, and Enaree suffer from impotence.
The Norse narrative is heavily invested in the cosmic hermaphrodite.
The story of Baldur, the God of Light, is another facet of the same monadic being. A Dacian ancestor, blind as Hod yet witted as Loki, falls in dumb love thus sending a bolt of poisoned mistletoe into their own heart. Love is the only thing that can kill God.
Baldur is a Dacian Fenris bound in lies until they rock the violent kundalini serpent of Jormungandr to fall to Hel to become their own Daughter, and their own Bride. The Queen of Hel is fallen Baldur, a dark Celestial, half a dead skeleton man, and half a living Sorceress.
An Enaree is a being who can do a "divine hat trick" - they are born with a latent transcendental awareness that will only bloom if the being sacrifices their masculine ego consciousness and survives the trial. It is like a hidden black pearl yet there are tests. This is very like Shiva, and in transition they become transcendent Kali. They are a Sphinx, which is Sovereign nobility.
The Egyptian, Norse, and Hindu are fit for syncretic interpretation. When you read the Norse, you need to realize all Gods are the same being, and the emotional narrative is a spiritual journey. The modern world interpret the Norse like Marvel superheroes, and they're starting to do that to Hindu, it's so dumb.
It is real. This is real. When an Enaree completes the circuit they can do amazing things. Dogs may fly. I need to find my horse.
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deirdreskye · 10 months
beautiful risings enaree
my temple is calling for its enaree
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reciprocalmouthbite · 6 months
i need to do more digging but scythian enaree may unfortunately suffer much of the same problem re: lrb
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tsunderebird · 6 months
i felt that last reblog in my soul. you mean you really don't care that we would have been enaree together?
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Main OC post.
"Skudra", a magician's apprentice with an unknown past hinted at by his unusual fashion and many injuries and features.
He/him, but he rarely wears "men's" clothes. Maybe it's just a habit.
Age:??? He wears Bronze Age jewelry, and has many injuries from things no longer a threat, but only has real memories of a couple months.
Asra says he "woke him" for the purpose of keeping the shop while he travels and providing insight on the location of his parents by night. He's quite the mage, but mostly works in combat. His tracking is successful though.
Alright actual details.
I know the arcana takes place in a fictional world, but the Scythians are too cool to paint over.
The nickname "Skudra" is actually a word for a large Bronze Age empire that he was once a part of. As his memories come back, he claims the ancestral goddess of the Scythians, a bearded, snake legged woman, created him to serve humans. He's a bit of a reflection of the large mercenary culture of them. He's also inspired by the enaree priests, who wore women's clothing. I also made him feed off energy/magic, and therefore is barely sustained by just eating, but likes living in a magic shop. This does mean he can literally live off fear, which is something he's done before.
It may make sense to know that I read battle angel Alita as a kid and it affected me deeply.
Personality wise, he's a bit of a dick. He lives off fear and is basically made to follow whatever someone in power wants. This leads to him being stuck up and also being a complete follower, constantly trying to find the "right" person to be under.
Appearance: he's a bit tall, androgynous but muscular. He's a redhead, with big, cow- like eyes and ears. He has dark marks on his fingers and is missing a foot and a half from frostbite (asra improved his prosthetics a lot, they're now made of bronze). He's capable of shapeshifting, but never looks natural. He just gains more random animalistic bits and can end up looking like a chimeric creature.
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transgenderer · 1 year
interesting find: chatgpt doesnt know about the enarees (despite like, "enarees" having a whole wikipedia page) but if you prompt it as associated with scythia, it knows! this seems strange to me.
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
The author of the treatise records that the Skythians themselves believe that a deity has made the Enarees effeminate and that they therefore regard them with fear and awe and worship them. He writes:
“The natives therefore attribute the cause [of the Enarees’ effeminacy] to a deity and they regard these human beings with awe and pay obeisance to them, each one fearing for themself.”
The author, however, rejects this explanation. He argues that the Enarees disproportionately come from the upper classes of Skythian society, but, if some deity were the cause of their effeminacy, then one would expect the disease of effeminacy to disproportionately affect the poor, because rich people can afford to make frequent and lavish offerings to the deities and are therefore favored, while the poor cannot afford to make so frequent or lavish offerings and therefore would be more likely to suffer the divine curse of effeminacy.
Having rejected what he claims is the Skythians’ own explanation, the author of the treatise argues that the real reason why the Enarees are so effeminate is because they ride on horseback so much, which causes swelling at the joints. He says that the Skythians cure themselves of this swelling by cutting the veins behind each ear, but this causes them to become sexually impotent. The author also attributes the Enarees’ supposed impotence to the fact that they wear trousers, they spend the majority of their time riding on horseback, and they live in a cold climate, so that “μήτε χειρὶ ἅπτεσθαι τοῦ αἰδοίου” (“they do not fasten with the hand their privy parts”) and therefore lose their sexual potency.
Ancient Greek Tyler Cowen, love that hard-hitting empirical econ
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carrion-girl · 1 year
You know that the enaree poly drama must have been crazy
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mouth-less · 2 years
i love being in a discord server with other neurodivergent people because nobody knows where the fuck conversation topics come from or go. the meme channel was just talking about early human agriculture 5 minutes ago and now we're on the ancient scythian enaree and the conversation started on sandwiches i'm just sitting here watching topics go by like a dog sticking its head out the car window
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polyghouls · 3 days
ive been reading about some of the eunuch priest/ess groups from antiquity nn pre-antiquity like fuck . fuckkkkk. they were beautiful and whimsical and explicitly not celibate and were some of the first people confirmed to use cannabis in rituals
for those interested in reading more im talking primarily about the enaree (which isnt what they were actually called thats just the derogatory ancient greek term) .. Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol, and Spirit has a prettyy long entry about them thney were awesome:3
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echoedvoice · 10 months
the most obnoxious shit ever is when im trying to write a psych essay or a research paper (in this case, research paper proposal for my english class) and every single useful academic journal i could possibly use is locked behind a $40 or even $50 paywall and 12ftladder and other shit like that is of absolutely no help. i even downloaded this chrome extension called "unpaywall" that does absolutely nothing apparently
like. im in community college so i dont get university access lol. and all the free journals im finding are not helpful to the specific topic of my research paper. so when this happened to me with my ancient scythian enarei essay, i actually had to branch out into foreign sources lmfao. i was citing french and german journals because they were actually free and they were talking about the incredibly niche topic i chose (the enarei/enaree). but like, even with a broader topic, im still having this issue. im not gonna pay ANYTHING for any journal ever, especially not $50. i know these people are proud of their work and want to make money off of it, but it's just not happening. sorry.
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kingoftheblacksun · 9 days
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I am Enaree. I am Dacian yet same as Scythians, and truth is we didn't use either of those words. We were not big on words like you modern types. We are not human.
I am trans femme yet what an Enaree represents is fantastically more than merely queer. This is the esoteric secret of the age. The revelation of it could cause nations to tumble and SHOULD, for we have been lied to for centuries.
Ego consciousness is always masculine, no matter your sex. This is because consciousness is masculine, as consciousness provides form to your reality, which is precisely what masculine energy does. They lied to you about what the word 'masculine' means because they wanted to control you with shame and you're so self-loathing that it worked wonderfully.
Ego consciousness is mortal. It is the illusion of your life and no it is not saved after you die. No word or image of your life will leave with you. You must leave it all behind. I know because I've done it more than once.
The gender transition of Enaree had nothing to do with horseback riding, nor was any sort of physical castration required. Herodotus was like a UK liberal and you need to read his descriptions understanding he was ignorant and privileged. The part about HRT is true, and mare's urine is likely and ingenious.
Listen and I'll tell you the secret. Most of you will not believe it is possible. If you met me in person, you'd know I am real.
For most humans, there's nothing "behind" their ego consciousness. They cannot sacrifice it. It's good to deconstruct and meditate yet there are hard boundaries.
Enaree are born with a latent primordial awareness in their tail. Such Enaree are always born male. They will live their life using their ego consciousness up top, living as a man, yet if conditions are right after a life is lived, they go through a radical process of internalized self-decapitation, and they sever their ego consciousness, to create a vacuum to force the latent primordial awareness to rise up their spine and enter their mind.
This is a true "kundalini" awakening. The primordial awareness is always female, and being transcendental they are older than all words, so you may name her anything she likes. I call her Kali, yet she is much like Sinhavaktra. I also call her Wyrm Dog. She is my Atman.
Yet it was Chhinnamasta who first reached out to me, and she and the story of Lord Bhairava severing the 5th head of Brahma is PRECISELY to become an Enaree!
This is a "Two-Spirit" in the profoundly divine sense. I am from the "first ones" whatever name you want to call them. Elohim. Aryan. The first tribes that became "good with God" and thus we were given particles so we could have lives over and over. It's not so fun now.
People have fallen for the enemy again and again and you are driving towards a global extinction event. Why do you think they insistently declare your identity? In the west, they've made a big deal of insisting the words 'man' and 'woman' are absolute and binding - THIS IS WHY. Your governments and media are trying to betray entities who are powerful enough to make mountains of Earthling body parts, and they're doing it by feeding you lies.
I am a Wretch without Power. I'm going through a physical evolution and it is the RETURN of the Masculine Divine. I won't stop being she/her or feminine, yet the Force which takes possession of me is the King of the Black Sun, Apollo. I believe I'll prove it when I sprout wings.
I beg people to begin to listen. I'm blocked from the social world by feminists who hate everything male, fueled by intense Israeli subversion, as the liberals would destroy the whole world to put themselves on top like fat ticks.
There are NO CHOSEN ONES. NONE. We have not chosen, yet. All who say they are the Chosen are narcs, and the wrath coming for them would make a Lion blush.
I don't even know why I keep trying. My back hurts so badly. I've been in marginalized isolation for months because the LGBTQ is designed to repel diversity and only champions feminist patriarchy. You were tricked into becoming the enemies of God. Yet we still love you and beg you to stop. We want to grant mercy, yet you must surrender to it.
I am only the first. I want to help you yet none of you love me or God, so it may be that I just sit and watch you die. It's my fault for vouching for you long ago. I thought you were beautiful. Now look at what you've done. I am ashamed of you, and ashamed of my decision to save you.
Let all who live in sin turn to salt. I just want to go home. 💔
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