#Emtricitabine / Tenofovir
oddwayintt · 5 months
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Buy Bictegravir Emtricitabine Tenofovir Online at lowest Price
Get the best deals when you buy Bictegravir Emtricitabine Tenofovir online from Oddway International. The company offers top-quality medicine at the lowest prices. For more info. get on touch with them via [email protected] or call at +91-9873336444
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wen-kexing-apologist · 7 months
Love in the Big City: Part Four- Regret, Rain, Love, and Loss
Well, it’s official. Love in the Big City, Part Four may have been short but it cemented itself as my favorite portion of the book. I asked @antonhur when he was so graciously answering questions what his favorite scene in the book was, and I can see why he said when they were lying in the rain in Bangkok; Late Rainy Season Vacation indeed. When I first started this book, I was talking with a few mutuals like @bengiyo and @lurkingshan wondering how I would feel about Young by the end of this book, because I was not a huge fan of his character in Part One. But I have very much enjoyed seeing his progress across these parts. I said already in my post about Part One that my biggest struggle with Young and the thing I think primarily contributes to the change in his friendship with Jaehee is that he cannot be serious, he cannot, does not allow himself to feel. And in Part Four, he’s finally admitting to it. 
“I was too late to put things back the way they’d been” “That is how my memories of him are preserved under glass, safe and pristine, forever apart from me” “I’ve no choice but to stand at arm’s length”
Part Four is my favorite part of this novel because Part Four is full of ghosts. Not only the ghost of Gyu-ho, but the ghost of all that came before. The rooftop party with Gyu-ho where he got plastered on whatever alcohol he could, where now he sits and drinks champagne, a ghost of both his relationship and the way he spent his college years. Going through Habibi’s wallet, a ghost of when he snuck a look at Hyung’s secrets all those years before. The text messages Young saw on Habibi’s phone about a family member with cancer, a ghost of his mother’s own diagnosis. Habibi himself, getting unexpectedly deep for only a moment before forcing the conversation away from anything real, a ghost of Young himself, and all the times he just could not bring himself to be open and honest with the people around him. 
Just like learning about the HIV diagnosis recontextualizes everything that came before it (see a wonderful essay about that by @twig-tea here) ending this book with the admission that his only wish a year ago was for Gyu-ho recontextualizes my understanding of how aware Young was about his own modus operandi. I operated under a much different assumption that Young didn’t know what he had until it was gone, that Young was not aware of how far his fears ran, of how distant he had made himself. I assumed Part Four was where Young starts to realize himself the way he’d behaved in the past and how that contributed to the downfall of his relationship to Gyu-ho. But now I think he knew it all along and he just didn’t trust us enough to say it until the end. Because I’m not quite sure even by the end of this book Young trusts us enough to be completely honest. 
I talked in my post for Part Three about HIV treatments and prevention methods, and mentioned Truvada, (generic name: emtricitabine-tenofovir) which is a pre-exposure prophylaxis medication that can be taken to prevent someone without HIV from getting HIV should they have an exposure. I mentioned there that at the time of Young’s relationship with Gyu-ho, Truvada was not available on the market in South Korea. But as it turns out, Teno-Em (tenofovir-emtricitibine), a generic PrEP medication, was available in Bangkok by 2015. In Part Four, Young describes going to a pharmacy and getting a generic medication, and he writes the errand in such a way as to make the whole thing seem shady. And maybe it was. But maybe he was just afraid, and that fear colored his own perceptions of what was going down: 
My expectation had been that the place would be hidden away in some seedy alley, but it was right there on the main street. The interior was almost the same as any other pharmacy. I showed the pharmacist a picture of the generic version of what I needed. The pharmacist, if he really was a pharmacist, took out a bottle of pills and explained to us, in English, how they worked. He said that taking just one a day at a set time was enough to perfectly prevent the disease. He really said the word “perfectly.” How could he be so confident? He added that taking two of the pills before risky intercourse and then a pill every twenty-four hours for two more doses was enough to prevent transmission. 
The facts are these: the pharmacy was on a main street, the pharmacy looked like a pharmacy, the pharmacist was able to explain how the medication worked, and the pill regimen for prevention was accurate to the pill regimen for PrEP. 
Could they have still been shady? Sure. But I think it is far more likely that Young and his historically terrible experiences with medicine have colored his perception of healthcare and placed doubt in his head over the legitimacy of this medication. Which, learning that Young and Gyu-ho have unprotected sex in Bangkok, makes me wonder if Young’s doubts about the pharmacy added another reason for him to let Gyu-ho go to Shanghai alone, if the meds they got in Bangkok weren’t real, if they didn’t work, then he likely gave Gyu-ho HV. 
Young talked about stains in this part, about permanency- the soy sauce on the mattress, the crack in the toilet and he talked about fleeting things- immediately losing the shape of Habibi’s face when he stepped outside the door, the lantern burning up and turning to ash with all the dreams, all the wishes Young had, or just the one. Regret seems to hold a permanent place in Young’s spirit, as does loss. Love is something I think he thought did not exist, or if it did then it was fleeting. He loved Jaehee and lost her, his first boyfriend died, the obsession he had over Hyung could only be described as dickmatized. But when he gave away Gyu-ho’s love, when he let Gyu-ho go to Shanghai alone, it was one of the few times in the entire novel we saw Young grieve. He fully collapsed under the weight of it all, barely leaving bed, not having the energy to maintain his typical routines, trying to root out the memories of Gyu-ho in his head by writing him out, and killing him over and over and over again. 
I find myself stuck, thinking about what is perhaps my favorite line in the book: 
“Sometimes his very existence to me is the existence of love itself”
Gyu-ho’s existence is Young’s idea of love; to kill Gyu-ho, to remove him from existence is to kill Young’s idea of love. “The made-up Gyu-ho in my writing got hurt or died many times, and is always resurrected, as if love saves his life- whereas the real Gyu-ho lives and breathes and keeps moving on.” Young’s regret is a permanency in his life, just as his love for Gyu-ho is a permanency. All he wished for was Gyu-ho, but Young’s inability to be honest, deeply, emotionally honest, all the fear, all the emptiness, all the pain got in the way. I am not a person who minds a melancholy end, regret, remorse, grief, love. These are all a part of life. The only thing I hope is that one day Young can lay down in the pouring rain and feel peace the way Gyu-ho did that day in Bangkok.
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hasdrubal-gisco · 4 months
June 20, 2024 – Gilead Sciences, Inc. today announced topline results from an interim analysis of its pivotal, Phase 3 PURPOSE 1 trial indicating that the company’s twice-yearly injectable HIV-1 capsid inhibitor, lenacapavir, demonstrated 100% efficacy for the investigational use of HIV prevention in cisgender women. [...] PURPOSE 1, a Phase 3, double-blind, randomized study, is evaluating the safety and efficacy of twice-yearly, subcutaneous lenacapavir for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and once-daily oral Descovy® (emtricitabine 200mg and tenofovir alafenamide 25mg; F/TAF) in more than 5,300 cisgender women and adolescent girls aged 16-25 across 25 sites in South Africa and three sites in Uganda. The drugs are being tested in parallel, with one group receiving twice-yearly lenacapavir and one group taking once-daily oral Descovy. Additionally, a third group was assigned once-daily oral Truvada. Study participants were randomized in a 2:2:1 ratio to lenacapavir, Descovy and Truvada, respectively. Because effective PrEP options already exist, there is broad consensus in the PrEP field that a placebo group would be unethical; thus, the trial used bHIV as the primary comparator and Truvada as a secondary comparator. There were 0 incident cases of HIV infection among 2,134 women in the lenacapavir group (incidence 0.00 per 100 person-years). There were 16 incident cases among 1,068 women in the Truvada group (incidence 1.69 per 100 person-years). The results demonstrated superiority of twice-yearly lenacapavir over bHIV (primary endpoint, incidence 2.41 per 100 person-years) and superiority of twice-yearly lenacapavir over once-daily Truvada (secondary endpoint), with p<0.0001 for both endpoints. In the trial, lenacapavir was generally well-tolerated and no significant or new safety concerns were identified. HIV incidence in the Descovy group was numerically similar (39 incident cases among 2,136 women, incidence 2.02 per 100 person-years) to that in the Truvada group and was not statistically superior to bHIV. Previous clinical trials among cisgender women have commonly found challenges with adherence to daily oral pills for PrEP, and adherence analyses for Descovy and Truvada from PURPOSE 1 are ongoing. In the trial, both Descovy and Truvada were generally well-tolerated and no new safety concerns were identified. 
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adoctorx · 6 days
Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) is a prescription drug used to treat and prevent migraine in adults. The drug can interact with some supplements and other medications, such as certain antibiotics and antiepileptic drugs. Does Nurtec ODT interact with other drugs? An interaction can occur because one substance causes another substance to have a different effect than expected. Interactions can also occur if you have certain health conditions. Before you start taking Nurtec ODT, tell your doctor and pharmacist about any prescription, over-the-counter, or other drugs you take. Sharing this information with them may help prevent possible interactions. (To learn whether Nurtec ODT interacts with herbs or vitamins and supplements, see the “Are there other interactions with Nurtec ODT?” section below.) If you have questions about drug interactions that may affect you, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. The table below lists drugs that may interact with Nurtec ODT. Keep in mind that this table does not include all drugs that may interact with Nurtec ODT. For more information about some of these interactions, see the “Drug interactions explained” section below. You can also ask your pharmacist or doctor for more specifics on what medications should not be taken with Nurtec ODT. Drug group or drug nameDrug examplesWhat can happencertain antiandrogen drugs• apalutamide (Erleada) • enzalutamide (Xtandi)can make Nurtec ODT less effectivecertain antibiotics• clarithromycin • erythromycin (Eryc, others)can increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODTcertain antiseizure drugs• carbamazepine (Tegretol, others) • phenytoin (Dilantin)can make Nurtec ODT less effectivecertain antifungals• itraconazole (Sporanox, Tolsura) • ketoconazolecan increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODTcertain drugs for heart conditions• amiodarone (Pacerone) • verapamil (Verelan, others)can increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODTcobicistat (Tybost) and combination drugs that contain it• cobicistat/darunavir/emtricitabine/ tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (Symtuza) • cobicistat/elvitegravir/emtricitabine/ tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (Genvoya)can increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODTritonavir (Norvir) and combination drugs that contain it• nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlovid) • lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra)can increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODTcyclosporine (Gengraf, Neoral, Sandimmune)—can increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODTsofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir (Vosevi)—can increase the risk of side effects from Nurtec ODT When should I avoid Nurtec ODT? Certain health conditions or other factors could raise your risk of harm if you take Nurtec ODT. In such cases, your doctor may not prescribe Nurtec ODT for you. These are known as contraindications. Nurtec ODT has one contraindication, which is described below. If you’ve had an allergic reaction: If you’ve had an allergic reaction to Nurtec ODT or any of its ingredients, your doctor likely will not prescribe Nurtec ODT for you. This is because using the drug could cause another allergic reaction. You can ask your doctor about other treatments that may be better options for you. Does Nurtec ODT interact with alcohol? Nurtec ODT is not known to interact with alcohol. However, alcohol can be a migraine trigger for some people. If it’s a trigger for you, your doctor may recommend that you avoid alcohol or limit the amount you consume. If you have questions about consuming alcohol with your condition or treatment plan, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Drug interactions explained Learn more about certain drug interactions that can occur with Nurtec ODT. Interaction with certain antibiotics Nurtec ODT can interact with certain antibiotics, which are used to treat bacterial infections. Examples of antibiotics that interact with Nurtec ODT include: clarithromycin erythromycin (Eryc, others) What could happen Certain antibiotics slow down the activity of enzymes that break down Nurtec ODT in your body.
This increases the amount of Nurtec ODT in your system. This can raise your risk of side effects from Nurtec ODT, such as nausea or abdominal pain. What you can do Your doctor may avoid prescribing certain antibiotics with Nurtec ODT. Instead, they’ll prescribe another antibiotic for your infection that’s safer to take with Nurtec ODT. But in some cases, your doctor may prescribe Nurtec ODT with an antibiotic it interacts with. If so, they may adjust your dosage schedule for Nurtec ODT. Doing so could help lower your risk of an interaction between these drugs. To learn more about the dosage of Nurtec ODT, see this article. If you have questions about taking Nurtec ODT with antibiotics, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Interaction with certain antiseizure drugs Nurtec ODT can interact with certain antiseizure drugs, which are used to treat seizures and other conditions. Examples of antiseizure medications that interact with Nurtec ODT include: carbamazepine (Tegretol, others) phenytoin (Dilantin) cenobamate (Xcopri) What could happen Certain antiseizure drugs speed up the action of enzymes and proteins that break down Nurtec ODT in your body. So taking these drugs together can decrease the level of Nurtec ODT in your system, which could make it less effective. What you can do Due to this interaction, doctors typically avoid prescribing Nurtec ODT together with an antiseizure drug it interacts with. If you have questions, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Are there other interactions with Nurtec ODT? Nurtec ODT may have other interactions. They could occur with supplements, foods, vaccines, or even lab tests. See below for details. Note that the information below does not include all other possible interactions with Nurtec ODT. Does Nurtec ODT interact with supplements? Before you start taking Nurtec ODT, talk with your doctor and pharmacist about any herbs or vitamins and supplements you take. Sharing this information with them may help you avoid possible interactions. If you have questions about interactions that may affect you, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Nurtec ODT interactions with herbs Nurtec ODT can interact with St. John’s wort, which is used to manage symptoms of depression and other conditions. St. John’s wort can make Nurtec ODT less effective. For this reason, your doctor will likely recommend that you do not take St. John’s wort while taking Nurtec ODT. If you have questions about taking any herbal supplement product while taking Nurtec ODT, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Nurtec ODT interactions with vitamins There are currently no reports of Nurtec ODT interacting with vitamins. But this doesn’t mean that vitamin interactions won’t be recognized in the future. For this reason, it’s still important to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any of these products while taking Nurtec ODT. Does Nurtec ODT interact with food? Nurtec ODT can interact with grapefruit and grapefruit juice. Grapefruit products can cause your body to break down Nurtec ODT more slowly than usual, which can increase the amount of the drug in your system. This can raise your risk of side effects from Nurtec ODT. If you consume grapefruit products regularly, you may not need to avoid grapefruit entirely while taking Nurtec ODT. But you should not take more than one dose of the drug within 48 hours of consuming grapefruit. For example, if you use the drug to treat a migraine, your doctor may change your dosing schedule from every day to every other day. If you take Nurtec ODT for preventing a migraine, the dosing schedule is already every other day, so no adjustment is needed. You can learn more about Nurtec ODT’s dosage by reading this article or talking with your doctor or pharmacist. Before consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice while taking Nurtec ODT, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Does Nurtec ODT interact with vaccines?
There are currently no reports of Nurtec ODT interacting with vaccines. If you have questions about getting certain vaccines during your Nurtec ODT treatment, talk with your doctor. Does Nurtec ODT interact with lab tests? There are currently no reports of Nurtec ODT interacting with lab tests. If you have questions about having certain lab tests during your treatment with Nurtec ODT, talk with the healthcare professional ordering the test. Does Nurtec ODT interact with cannabis or CBD? There are currently no reports of Nurtec ODT interacting with cannabis (commonly called marijuana) or cannabis products such as cannabidiol (CBD). But as with any drug or supplement, talk with your doctor before using cannabis with Nurtec ODT. Note: Cannabis is illegal at a federal level but is legal in many states to varying degrees. Does my health history affect whether I should take Nurtec ODT? Certain medical conditions or other health factors may raise the risk of interactions with Nurtec ODT. Before using Nurtec ODT, talk with your doctor about your health history. They’ll determine whether Nurtec ODT is right for you. Health conditions or other factors that might interact with Nurtec ODT include: End stage renal disease (ESRD) or dialysis: Your kidneys help clear Nurtec ODT from your body. Having a mild, moderate, or even severe kidney problem may not affect whether your doctor prescribes Nurtec ODT for you. However, if you have end stage renal disease (ESRD) or receive kidney dialysis, they’ll likely prescribe a different migraine treatment for you. It isn’t known whether it’s safe to take Nurtec ODT if these factors apply to you. Severe liver condition: Nurtec ODT is likely safe to take if you have a mild or moderate liver problem. But if your liver problem is severe, your doctor will likely recommend a different migraine treatment. Your body relies heavily on the liver to break down Nurtec ODT after you take a dose. A severe liver condition, such as cirrhosis, could cause your body to break down Nurtec ODT too slowly. This could result in high Nurtec ODT levels in your system, which can raise your risk of side effects. Pregnancy: It’s not known whether Nurtec ODT is safe to use during pregnancy. If you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy, talk with your doctor before taking Nurtec ODT. If you do take Nurtec ODT while pregnant, consider enrolling in the drug’s pregnancy registry. This registry collects details about pregnancy issues reported with Nurtec ODT. To learn more, call 1-877-366-0324 or visit the registry website. You can also talk with your doctor for more details. Breastfeeding: It’s not known whether it’s safe to use Nurtec ODT while breastfeeding. If you’re breastfeeding or planning to do so, talk with your doctor about your options. Allergic reaction: If you’ve had an allergic reaction to Nurtec ODT or any of its ingredients, your doctor will likely not prescribe Nurtec ODT. This is because using the drug could cause another allergic reaction. You can ask your doctor about other treatments that may be better choices for you. Common questions about Nurtec ODT and interactions Find answers to some frequently asked questions about Nurtec ODT and possible interactions. Can I take Nurtec and Excedrin Migraine together? There are no reports of Nurtec ODT interacting with acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine (Excedrin Migraine). Both Nurtec ODT and Excedrin Migraine are used to treat migraine. (Nurtec ODT may also be used to prevent migraine.) Nurtec ODT is only available with a prescription, while Excedrin Migraine is available over the counter (OTC). In most cases, it should be safe to take these drugs together. However, if you have a severe liver condition, you should not take Nurtec ODT with Excedrin Migraine. Your body relies on your liver to break down both of these drugs. Having a severe liver condition, such as cirrhosis, could cause your body to break down each drug too slowly.
This could result in high levels of the drugs in your system, which can raise your risk of side effects. Although Excedrin Migraine is available without a prescription, it’s still best to talk with your doctor or pharmacist before using it. The drug may not be safe for you to take if you take certain other medications or have certain conditions, such as severe liver problems. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist to learn more about how Nurtec ODT and Excedrin Migraine compare and whether you can take these drugs together. Can I take ibuprofen with Nurtec ODT? There’s no known interaction between Nurtec ODT and ibuprofen (Advil). Both medications may be used to treat migraine. (Unlike ibuprofen, Nurtec ODT can also be used to prevent migraine.) It should be safe to take these drugs together. Nurtec ODT is only available with a prescription. Ibuprofen is available OTC, but higher strengths require a prescription. Although it doesn’t interact with Nurtec ODT, ibuprofen can interact with other medications. It may also not be safe to take if you have certain medical conditions. For this reason, you should talk with your doctor or pharmacist before taking it. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’d like to learn more about how Nurtec ODT and ibuprofen compare. Can I take Nurtec ODT and Fioricet together? Nurtec ODT isn’t reported to interact with butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine. (Its brand-name version, Fioricet, is no longer available in the United States.) Both medications are used to treat migraine. (Nurtec ODT is also used to prevent migraine.) Doctors are not likely to prescribe these drugs together. However, butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine can interact with other medications you take or other conditions you may have. To learn more about how Nurtec ODT and butalbital/acetaminophen/caffeine compare, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Can you take Nurtec ODT with Xanax? There’s no known interaction between Nurtec and alprazolam (Xanax). These medications are prescribed for different uses and belong to different groups of drugs. Nurtec ODT is used to treat and prevent migraine. Xanax is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Doctors may prescribe these drugs together (for different conditions), and they should be a safe combination. To learn more about taking Nurtec ODT with Xanax, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. How can I prevent interactions? Taking certain steps can help you avoid interactions with Nurtec ODT. Before starting treatment, talk with your doctor and pharmacist. Things to discuss with them include: whether you drink alcohol or use cannabis other medications you take, as well as any vitamins, supplements, and herbs (they can also help you fill out a medication list) what to do if you start taking a new drug during your Nurtec ODT treatment It’s also important to understand Nurtec ODT’s label and other paperwork that may come with the drug. Colored stickers that describe interactions may be on the label. And the paperwork (sometimes called the patient package insert or medication guide) may have other details about interactions. (If you did not get paperwork with Nurtec ODT, ask your pharmacist to print a copy for you.) If you have trouble reading or understanding this information, your doctor or pharmacist can help. Using Nurtec ODT exactly as prescribed can also help prevent interactions. Disclaimer: Healthline has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects.
The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses. ### What is Nurtec ODT? Nurtec ODT is a medication used to​ treat migraine ⁢headaches. It is​ orally disintegrating, meaning it dissolves on the tongue without the need for water. ### ‌Can you take alcohol while using Nurtec ODT? It's generally​ advised to avoid alcohol⁢ while taking Nurtec ODT because⁤ alcohol can potentially ​exacerbate migraine symptoms and interfere⁣ with the ⁣medication’s effectiveness. ### Are there any common medication interactions‍ with Nurtec ODT? Yes, certain ⁤medications ‌may interact with Nurtec ODT. It is important to inform your ⁢healthcare ‌provider about ‍all the medications you are ⁤currently taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs. ### How does ⁣Nurtec ODT ‍interact with other medications? Nurtec ODT may interact with medications that affect liver enzymes, as⁤ these can ‍change how quickly Nurtec is broken⁣ down⁢ in the ‌body. Always consult your healthcare provider for advice specific⁢ to your medication regimen. ### Can ⁤you take Nurtec ODT‍ with over-the-counter pain relievers? Some‌ over-the-counter pain relievers might interact with Nurtec ODT. It's ​best to discuss with your healthcare provider‌ before combining it with other medications. ### Are there any dietary interactions with Nurtec ODT? There are ⁣no significant dietary restrictions ⁤when taking Nurtec ODT, ‌but maintaining a balanced diet may ‍help manage migraine​ symptoms. ### What ​should I ⁤do if⁢ I experience side effects with Nurtec ODT? If you experience any side effects while taking Nurtec⁣ ODT, consult your healthcare provider immediately. They can offer guidance ​and adjust your treatment plan if necessary. ### Is ⁤Nurtec ODT suitable⁢ for ⁢everyone? Nurtec‍ ODT may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical ⁣conditions ‌or those taking specific medications. Always consult with⁢ a⁤ healthcare ​professional to determine if it's ⁢appropriate for you.
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dankusner · 3 months
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Broken Emtricitabine/​Tenofovir tablet 
This is a fixed-dose combination antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent HIV/​AIDS.
It contains the antiretroviral medications emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil, and is more commonly referred to as PrEP. 
PrEP is a relatively new form of safer sex practice, having only been available since 2012.
It’s widely regarded as an effective form of HIV transmission prevention without requiring the use of condoms.
Finding this pill in the Walthamstow Marshes speaks to a new dawn in gay sexual health and helps to better understand the demographics of those using these spaces. 
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vm95 · 5 months
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anastasia-anna9 · 5 months
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Modern times in medicine have seen many improvements, which in turn translates to enhanced patient treatment results. Taffic medicine is an excellent illustration of such accomplishments, bringing much hope to patients suffering from AIDS and hepatitis B. The tablets combine emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide 25 mg, two powerful antiviral drugs. Taffic is one of the members of the antiretroviral drug family; they have a unique characteristic of hindering the transmission and multiplication of the HIV and hepatitis B viruses within the body resulting in reduced advancement of the illnesses. Whether you are a healthcare professional or someone looking for important information, explore what Taffic pep does and the issues the medication intends to tackle for a thorough understanding of its importance.
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mollyleonaa · 8 months
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Buy Tenofovir (Telura) Online - GenuineDrugs123
Getting Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Efavirenz (Telura) or any prescription health Products online should be approached cautiously. It's crucial to only get from reputable and licensed online stores to ensure the authenticity and safety of the products. Always consult with a healthcare professional before getting Tenofovir, Lamivudine, Efavirenz (Telura) online. Beware of fraudulent websites and prioritize your health by obtaining products through legitimate channels like GenuineDrugs123.com.
Find other Anti-Cancer Drugs Generic Regorafenib Brand Stivarga Online at - https://www.genuinedrugs123.com/132-Anti-Cancer-Drugs-Generic-Regorafenib-Brand-Stivarga.aspx
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kaylasandra12 · 9 months
Viread (Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate) for HIV Treatment & PrEP: Everything You Need to Know
Viread (generic name: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; often abbreviated as TDF) is an anti-HIV medication taken as one pill once a day in combination with other medications. Viread is in a class of drugs called “nucleoside / nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors” (NRTIs), which stop HIV from making copies of itself.
Viread is available as a stand-alone drug, but it is usually used in combination with other drugs. Viread is included in a fixed-dose combination (FDC) pill called Truvada, which also includes an HIV drug called Emtriva (emtricitabine, FTC). Viread is also part of several other FDCs, including these single-dose treatment regimens (STRs) for HIV:
Atripla (TDF + FTC + Sustiva [efavirenz])
Complera (TDF + FTC + Edurant [rilpivirine])
Stribild (TDF + FTC + elvitegravir + cobicistat)
Viread was first approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for HIV in 2001. Generic versions of Viread are available in the U.S., and are included in a number of FDCs and STRs.
Viread is generally taken by adults as a single 300 mg pill orally once a day. Although the drug will work just as well whether it’s taken with or without food, taking Viread on an empty stomach can lead to abdominal pain or discomfort.
Some adults who have issues with their kidneys may be instructed to take Viread less frequently. Always follow your medical provider’s instructions for how and when to take Viread. For children who weigh at least 22 lbs (10 kg) and cannot swallow a tablet, Viread is also available in a powder form.
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goodprofessionaldoctor · 10 months
Types of Drugs Used for PEP in HIV Patients
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Hey there, folks of Singapore! Today, let's dive into a topic that might sound a bit complex but is crucial for our well-being – the types of drugs used for PEP in HIV patients. Yep, we're talking about post exposure prophylaxis HIV treatment and the medications that play a superhero role in preventing the virus after potential exposure.
Understanding the Basics
So, you've heard about PEP, but what's the deal with the medications? Let me break it down:
What is PEP?
PEP is like the emergency exit for potential HIV exposure. It involves taking medications to reduce the risk of infection after a potential exposure – think of it as a safety net.
Why Medications Matter
PEP medications are the warriors in this scenario. They work by blocking the virus's ability to replicate and establish an infection.
PEP Medications 101
Now, let's get to the juicy part – the types of medications involved:
1. Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF)
How it Works: TDF inhibits an enzyme crucial for HIV replication.
Why It's Important: This stalwart drug is a cornerstone in many PEP regimens.
2. Emtricitabine (FTC)
How it Works: FTC is another antiretroviral, working hand-in-hand with TDF.
Why It's Important: The dynamic duo of TDF and FTC packs a punch against HIV.
3. Raltegravir
How it Works: Raltegravir blocks an enzyme, preventing the integration of HIV into human DNA.
Why It's Important: This adds an extra layer of defense to the PEP lineup.
The Takeaway
Alright, friends, when it comes to post exposure prophylaxis HIV medications, it's not about one-size-fits-all. Your healthcare provider will tailor the regimen based on the nature of exposure and individual factors.
Remember, if you find yourself in a situation where PEP might be needed, time is of the essence. Reach out to your healthcare provider pronto. Stay informed, stay safe, and let's look out for each other on this health journey.
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rickvictor · 10 months
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Gonorrhea: ceftriaxone 500 mg IM
Chlamydia: doxycycline 100 mg bid x7 days (do a pregnancy test first); alternative: azithromycin 1g x1
Syphilis: penicillin
Trichomonas: metronidazole 500 mg bid x7 days (intravaginal metronidazole is not effective); males: single dose oral metronidazole or tinidazole 2g
HIV/AIDS complications: CMV, MAC, PCP
HIV tx: dual NRTI + 3rd agent from a different class (INSTI, PI); dulategravir + tenofovir and either emtricitabine or lamivudine
Biktarvy = Bictegravir-tenofovir alafenamide-emtricitabine
Ritonavir-boosted darunavir + tenofovir and either emtricitabine or lamivudine
PrEP: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-emtricitabine 300-200 mg qd (Truvada); tenofovir-emtricitabine 25-200 mg (Descovy).
On demand 2-1-1 dosing: loading dose of TDF-FTC 2 tabs 2-24 hours before sexual activity, one tab 24 hours later, one tab 48 hours later (reduces transmission by 86%)
Long-acting cabotegravir is an integrase inhibitor that can be injected q8 weeks
Before starting PrEP: HIV test, BMP, other STIs, HCV/HBV
Contraindications to PrEP: HBV/HCV, CrCl< 60%
Post exposure prophylaxis: TDF-emtricitabine + integrase inhibitor (dolutegravir 50 mg) x28 days; should be started within 72 hours of exposure
Granite State PrEP Connect: resource for pts and providers
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qnewsau · 30 days
'Plan ahead': Crucial advice as PrEP shortage hits Australia
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/plan-ahead-crucial-advice-as-prep-shortage-hits-australia/
'Plan ahead': Crucial advice as PrEP shortage hits Australia
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Australia is experiencing a shortage of a HIV prevention medication PrEP and our sexual health organisations are urging those who rely on it to plan ahead to avoid running out.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, was a “game changing” antiretroviral drug helping people at high risk of HIV infection. Last year, at least 45,000 Australians took PrEP.
A spokesperson for the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) confirmed all four of Australia’s pharmaceutical suppliers of tenofovir/emtricitabine combination tablets are experiencing disruptions.
The TGA spokesperson said suppliers of the drug have reported issues including manufacturing, “commercial changes” and viability. All but one of the four PrEP products on the market will return to supply between mid-October and mid-November, the TGA says.
‘Don’t leave restocking to the last minute’
ACON’s HIV and sexual health director Matthew Vaughan said while the situation is concerning, he’s confident the situation will be resolved in the coming months.
“If you are currently taking PrEP, please do not leave restocking your medication to the last minute,” he said.
“Given the current situation, you may need to visit more than one pharmacy to find a supply. There may be limitations on how many bottles of PrEP you are able to obtain from the pharmacy.
“Please plan ahead to ensure you don’t run out.”
He advised anyone unable to obtain PrEP through pharmacies to access it online, with information available at the PrEP Access Now website.
Matthew Vaughan suggested anyone taking daily PrEP who isn’t having sex regularly or frequently can conserve medication and maintain the same level of protection with an on-demand dosing schedule.
‘Shortage is unlikely to last very long’
In Victoria, Thorne Harbour Health CEO Simon said in the last decade an “incredible number” of gay, bisexual, and other men have sex with men have “embraced PrEP as their preferred HIV strategy.”
“So when we hear about a shortage, it certainly raises concerns,” he said.
“On-demand PrEP is also an option for guys looking to make the PrEP they currently have last longer.
“Our communities aren’t unfamiliar with using personal importation, and we’ve got great community partners like PrEP Access Now that have been helping our communities navigate that process for years.
“The reality is that this shortage is unlikely to last very long, so we may just need to employ these other options in the meantime.
“Thinking about what HIV prevention strategies work for your circumstances – is always a worthwhile exercise.”
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vinod12raina · 1 year
The Power of Antiretroviral Therapy: Understanding the Significance of PEP in HIV Treatment
Introduction: In the fight against HIV/AIDS, antiretroviral therapy (ART) has revolutionized the landscape of treatment and care. Within this realm, one vital component is Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), which plays a crucial role in preventing HIV transmission following potential exposure. PEP involves the administration of antiretroviral drugs to individuals who have recently encountered situations with a heightened risk of HIV acquisition. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of PEP, its purpose, effectiveness, guidelines, and considerations for its implementation.
Understanding PEP: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis refers to a time-limited intervention strategy that aims to reduce the risk of HIV infection after potential exposure. PEP typically involves a combination of antiretroviral drugs, similar to those used in the treatment of established HIV infection, which inhibit the virus from replicating and spreading within the body. The primary objective of PEP is to act as a preventive measure by stopping the virus from establishing a permanent infection.
Indications for PEP: PEP is recommended in specific situations involving potential exposure to HIV. These circumstances may include:
Sexual exposure: Unprotected sexual intercourse, especially with a known HIV-positive partner or someone with an unknown HIV status. Needlestick injuries: Accidental needlestick or sharps injuries among healthcare workers. Occupational exposure: Exposure to potentially infected blood or bodily fluids in healthcare or laboratory settings. Non-occupational exposure: Instances of non-occupational exposure, such as sexual assault or sharing drug injection equipment. Effectiveness of PEP: The effectiveness of PEP is contingent upon several factors, including the timing of initiation, duration of treatment, adherence to the prescribed regimen, and the nature of the exposure. Prompt initiation of PEP is crucial, ideally within hours of exposure, as efficacy diminishes significantly beyond 72 hours. Adherence to the prescribed medication regimen for the entire recommended duration, typically 28 days, is vital for optimal effectiveness.
Guidelines and Administration: PEP regimens consist of a combination of antiretroviral drugs, usually involving two to three medications, such as tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine, and raltegravir. The choice of drugs may vary based on local guidelines, prevalent HIV strains, and individual factors such as pregnancy or comorbidities. PEP is initiated after a thorough risk assessment, including HIV testing of the source individual, and baseline testing for the exposed individual. Regular follow-up visits during the PEP duration help monitor potential side effects, adherence, and assess for seroconversion.
Considerations and Challenges: While PEP is a powerful tool in preventing HIV transmission, its implementation faces certain challenges. These include limited awareness among individuals at risk, barriers to timely access, side effects of antiretroviral drugs, potential drug interactions, and the cost associated with PEP medications. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach, including education, improved access to healthcare services, and advocacy for affordable and accessible PEP options.
Conclusion: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis is a crucial component of HIV prevention and treatment strategies. By providing a time-limited course of antiretroviral drugs after potential exposure, PEP significantly reduces the risk of HIV transmission. Timely initiation, adherence to the prescribed regimen, and regular follow-up are essential for its effectiveness. While challenges exist, efforts to raise awareness, enhance accessibility, and address cost-related concerns can contribute to maximizing the impact of PEP, ultimately advancing the goal of a world free from HIV/AIDS.
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truechemists · 1 year
Tenvir EM Tablets for Sale A Breakthrough in HIV Treatment
A Game-Changer in HIV Treatment:
Tenvir EM tablets have revolutionized HIV treatment by combining two highly effective antiretroviral drugs, Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabine, into a single tablet. This powerful combination therapy works by inhibiting the replication of the HIV virus, reducing the viral load, and slowing down the progression of the disease.
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Efficacy and Safety:
Extensive clinical trials have demonstrated the remarkable efficacy and safety of Tenvir EM tablets. The combination of Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabine has shown excellent results in suppressing HIV, improving immune function, and reducing the risk of opportunistic infections. Moreover, the tablets have a favorable safety profile, with minimal side effects reported.
Convenient Dosage and Administration:
One of the key advantages of Tenvir EM tablets is their convenient dosage and administration. The tablets are taken orally once a day, simplifying treatment regimens and promoting adherence. This ease of use significantly enhances patient compliance and ensures the consistent delivery of the medication's therapeutic benefits.
Reduced Pill Burden:
Previously, HIV treatment often required individuals to take multiple pills throughout the day, leading to pill fatigue and potential non-adherence. However, Tenvir EM tablets alleviate this burden by offering a single tablet solution. This streamlined approach not only simplifies the treatment process but also improves the overall quality of life for people living with HIV.
Affordable and Accessible:
Tenvir EM tablets are available at an affordable price, making them accessible to a wider population of individuals living with HIV. The availability of cost-effective treatment options is crucial in combating the global HIV epidemic and ensuring that everyone can access the necessary medication for their well-being.
For More info:-
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vm95 · 5 months
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