#Emmanuel the emu
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hornedchick · 1 year ago
If you haven't met Princess and Emmanuel Todd Lopez, you should.
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myobt · 2 years ago
Emus Against Education
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antique-symbolism · 2 years ago
Most embarrassing part of being an ex-Christian is having to admit when a traditional hymn actually does fucking slap
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perfectcovenauthors · 2 months ago
‘Twas the Night Before Yule
‘‘Twas the night before Yule The world slumbers in silence Except for an emu Who’s about to choose violence.”       ~Bad poetry by me~ Well. Bright Yule and Merry Christmas. And thank Santa for the extended break from school, because honestly, I don’t know if I could persuade Emmanuel to leave the house right now. He’s in my room, buried in his nest ( which, because he’s bougie, is made…
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emus-world · 4 months ago
You know I can shit talk the witch all I want and laugh at her, and I'd go against her but there is one person that I can never go against because I know that would mean me losing everything and I'm not about to go against him when I asked for money and asked him to help me.
It's Evil Eilal.
May be fucked up from him, and shit he did, but at the same time I grew to enjoy it, yeah maybe I'm scared of him and have fear of him but at the same time he is the only fucker that will give me what I want and fuck me so..
Again me and him think the same to an extent.. 🤷🏻‍♂️
He did mold me like him and then therefore I mold people to be like me.
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emus-world · 10 days ago
Makes me think of me wanting El and how I do called "fit" him.
God.. hearing someone tell me how they'll fuck me until I'm their perfect fuck toy.. mold me and my holes to fit them. Hngnffjh instantly a wet mess.
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mlundart · 2 years ago
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Recently re-watched GUARDIAN and I kept quoting the Emmanuel the Emu videos every time ZYL wanted to touch the Hallows and Shen Wei stopped him, hahaa!
For those who don't know Emmanuel the Emu, here he is: https://youtu.be/d22r99JPg_M
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camilleisback · 13 days ago
After months of research on the topic, I've finally come to a satisfying conclusion: if he was an animal, Celestino would be Emmanuel the Emu.
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unscharf-an-den-raendern · 2 years ago
Heute in Internetdrama: Offenbar ist ein Teil des Emu Emannuel Shitstorms (inkl. der Todesmeldung) Teil einer globalen Beispielkampagne, die losgetreten wurde, um die Möglichkeiten einer Firma aufzuzeigen, die weltweit Wahlbeeinflussung und Fake News betreibt. Dieser ganze Satz klingt wie aus dem Aluhut gezogen, kann aber in ZDF/Zeit/Guardian Recherchen nachgelesen werden, die ab heute verfügbar waren.
Yay, Internetdrama! Holt euch Popcorn, es wird wild.
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Das ist der tierische TikTok Star Emmanuel aus Florida (vorne im Bild), bekannt für seine große Abneigung gegenüber Smartphones, die er gerne mal mit seinem Schnabel angrifft.
Keine Sorge, Emmanuel hat nichts falsch gemacht, ihr müsst ihn nicht canceln. Wie das ZDF heute exklusiv berichtete, wurde Emmanuel das Ziel einer isreaelischen Firma namens Team Jorge, die gegen Geld Desinformationskampagnen anbietet. Team Jorge behauptet, bereits 33 Wahlen weltweit manipuliert zu haben (vor allem in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika) und dabei 27 Mal Erfolg gehabt zu haben. Um als potentielle Kund:innen getarnten Investigativjournalist:innen zu zeigen, was sie kann, hat diese Firma dann eine Test-Desinformationskampagne gestartet, in der behauptet wurde, Emmanuel wäre gestorben.
Ich hoffe, Emmanuel kriegt dafür wenigstens eine Nominierung für den Pulitzer-Preis für investigativen Journalismus.
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afactaday · 9 days ago
E for Emmanuel the Emu
#1494: Emmanuel is an emu who goes viral for interrupting TikTok videos. in 2022, he was the subject of a death hoax - people started spreading misinformation that Emmanuel had died on social media. it was pulled off by an Israeli group called Team Jorge, led by Tal Hanan, who specialise in that sort of thing. the group was exposed in 2023 using this very hoax: a group of French and Israeli journalists as part of Forbidden Stories asked Jorge to pull off the Emmanuel hoax to test their abilities, and in doing so they discovered 19 other hoaxes and disinformation campaigns they'd done in the past, sometimes in elections, sometimes against famous celebrities.
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didyouknow-wp · 10 days ago
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of-sanguine-eyes · 2 years ago
"Emmanuel, don't do it" is...asking a lot of an emu.
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animar64 · 2 years ago
Emmanuel and Ollie
Emmanuel The Emu wakes up every single day and chooses violence: Ollie the Chocolate Lab had an emotional support pumpkin. You, Emmanuel,  are descended from dinosaurs. That might explain a lot here. Hamish MacbethPhoto A.M. MoscosoOctober 31, 2022      
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perfectcovenauthors · 11 months ago
The Consequences of One’s Actions
I just downloaded this journaling app thinking that doing some journaling might relax me, since I’d be doing it on my tablet and not in a paper journal that someone might find and read (or tear into confetti because he opted to choose violence). I guess it’s good that I decided to do this because today…I really can’t even. I don’t know where to start. Okay, I do know where to start. Where does…
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honkifurhoary · 2 years ago
Emmanuel the Emu: A Story of HPAI Mismanagement
Emmanuel, the TikTok-famous emu owned by Taylor Blake of Knuckle Bump Farms, made national news last month when Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) hit the farm. According to Blake’s initial Twitter thread, Knuckle Bump Farms lost 99% of their avian flock- over 50 individuals- in only three days. These deaths were attributed both to the disease itself and to a cull carried out by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, who did so with Blake’s permission. Emmanuel and a black swan named Rico were the only two survivors, with Emmanuel left unable to stand, unwilling to eat or drink, and quickly fading. Hundreds of thousands rallied behind Emmanuel on social media as Blake documented Emmanuel’s progress, reaching out to public figures like Dr. Pol of The Incredible Dr. Pol and Bindi Erwin of Crikey! It’s the Irwins for help when she failed to find any other sources for emu rehabilitation. But soon, controversy emerged.
Early on, avian influenza experts expressed concern that Blake was not wearing any PPE when interacting with a presumably HPAI-positive bird. Avian influenza is transmissible from bird to human which, combined with the virus’ ability to mix genes and rapidly change, means that PPE is universally recommended when dealing with a suspected or confirmed HPAI outbreak.
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In response to concerns, Blake explained that “Emmanuel freaks out whenever we approach him wearing a mask” and that the farm is on a state-mandated quarantine for 150 days, which is the amount of time HPAI is estimated to survive in the environment under ideal conditions. This quarantine reportedly only allowed Blake, Blake’s girlfriend Kristian Haggerty, Blake’s family, and veterinary professionals to enter the property. “I have taken every precaution recommended by the FDA” Blake stated, referencing the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) rather than the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Many people, including HPAI experts, found this explanation unsatisfactory and instead decided to contact the FDACS and USDA directly. Both the FDACS and USDA work collaboratively to manage avian influenza outbreaks in Florida. Dr. Danielle Stanek of the Florida Department of Health clarified that the DOH can recommend that private individuals comply with CDC guidelines, which includes wearing full PPE when interacting with HPAI-infected birds, but they cannot mandate that they do so. Therefore, Blake’s decision to forgo PPE was hers to make, even if it wasn’t in accordance with the recommendations of the FDACS, CDC, USDA, and Florida DOH.
Just as discourse between experts and Emmanuel fans reached its peak, Blake announced that Emmanuel tested negative for HPAI. Instead, Emmanuel’s sudden decline was attributed to stress. “Emus are incredibly susceptible to stress. He was incredibly overwhelmed by the state coming in and euthanizing our flock . . . He stopped eating the day they depopulated.” His lingering issues- the inability to stand or walk independently, twisted neck (torticollis), continued inappetence and dehydration, and lethargy- were caused by a nighttime collapse that left Emmanuel “thrashing on the ground for hours, trying to get himself up”. “He never once had a single symptom of AI, other than not eating”, Blake stated.
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HPAI symptoms in birds varies depending on the species and the individual. In chickens, HPAI often presents as respiratory and digestive distress, followed quickly by death. In other poultry species, symptoms may also include the nervous system, causing “tremors, twisted necks, paralyzed wings, laying down and pedaling”. Ratites- referring to the diverse group of keel-less birds that include emus, ostriches, rheas, kiwis, and cassowaries- also tend to develop neurological symptoms. Notably, emus can present with twisted necks (torticollis), ataxia (discoordination), leg and wing paralysis, inability to stand, decreased food and water consumption, purple discoloration or swelling of the legs and head, and lethargy. This corresponds with many of the symptoms Blake has documented in Emmanuel. And it should, considering that Emmanuel did test positive for HPAI.
Test results completed on October 27th, 2022 at the USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories showed that Emmanuel’s serum sample, collected six days after the start of the outbreak, contained antibody levels that were consistent with recent infection.
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When Blake announced Emmanuel’s stress diagnosis, she was likely relying on information provided by a rapid test, which can provide results within 48 hours. These tests detect viral proteins that indicate active infection and virus shedding. Serology tests, on the other hand, look for the presence of antibodies produced in response to infection, not necessarily active infection. For an indeterminate number of days prior to the sample collection (October 17, 2022) Emmanuel had an active HPAI infection that, rather than stress, likely led to his rapid decline.
Why, then, was Emmanuel not included in the state’s cull on Knuckle Bump Farms? An email between Dr. Michael Short, the FDACS’ Animal Industry Director, and Kassandra Curiel of the FDACS’ Office of the Commissioner, answers this question. Dr. Short states that “USDA guidance is that ratites (emus and ostriches), black swans and exotic pet birds do not have to be euthanized due to lower risk”. Blake echoes this on her Twitter, when she says that “the state only focused on the “super spreaders” which are poultry species and ducks. Ratites aren’t included because they typically aren’t as susceptible.”.
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This allowed Knuckle Bump Farms’ four emus (Emily, Eliza, Elliot, and Emmanuel) and three black swans (two unnamed females and Rico), to be exempted from the cull. I cannot find any reference, either in USDA literature or anywhere else, that supports Dr. Short’s statement. In fact, all the literature that I reviewed and all the experts I talked to during my research only confirmed the devastating effects that HPAI can have on both ratites and black swans. This, coupled with the fact that three of Knuckle Bump Farms’ four emus and two of their three black swans died when “the virus hit them extremely hard and very quickly”, calls Dr. Short’s statement into question.
The USDA was also unable to substantiate Dr. Short’s statement. When asked how exemptions to culls were determined they explained that, rather than look at individual species, the USDA classifies HPAI-infected domestic birds as either commercial, backyard poultry, or backyard non-poultry. These definitions ascribe risk of potential HPAI spread by determining the level of contact a poultry premise has with other poultry premises. If a private farm or private household, where the poultry does not have any contact with poultry beyond the property, has an outbreak then they are classified as a non-poultry premises, even if they have chickens, turkeys, or other poultry birds. These non-poultry premises can thus be exempted from culling all their birds by being placed on quarantines by state officials, provided that they adhere to the quarantine and continue to not have contact with any poultry facilities. Knuckle Bump Farms does not sell poultry products; therefore, they were classified as backyard non-poultry and eligible for quarantine. The FDACS seems to have added their own interpretation onto this guidance when they specify ratites, black swans, and exotic pet birds as “lower risk”. I reached out to Dr. Short for comment but received no response.
This isn’t the only time Dr. Short and, by extension, the FDACS demonstrated faulty logic. In that same email between him and Curiel, Dr. Short used this comparison to explain why a citizen’s concern about Emmanuel’s exemption from the cull was unfounded.
“I have heard of only one report of a clinically ill human, over the past 1.5 years of a national response to the current avian flu outbreak. The risk of HPAI to the owner is much less than occurred with household pets that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (Covid).  I am assuming no one would advocate to euthanize all pets testing positive for Covid (At least I have not heard of anyone asking us to euthanize pets).
The risk of avian influenza is constantly occurring with all the wild birds in South Florida.  My understanding (not being a human health expert) is the risk to people, especially children and those immuno-compromised at public or private lakes, ponds and waterways from the AI being shed by water fowl is much greater than the sick emu at knuckle bump farm.”
Dr. Ben Golas, a VMD and postdoc with the USGS who is currently working on avian influenza research, weighed in. “It’s a bit like comparing apples and oranges to talk about risk of transmission of COVID vs. HPAI. With COVID, our primary concern is human-to-human contact. [. . .] With HPAI, farm animals are euthanized not only because the disease spreads within the farm flock like wildfire, but also to prevent spreading infection locally to other farms, because HPAI virus can be stable in the environment.”
The CDC agrees. “There is no evidence that animals play a significant role in spreading SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, to people. [��] It’s important to remember that people are much more likely to get COVID-19 from other people than from animals. There is no need to euthanize or otherwise harm animals infected with SARS-CoV-2.” When it comes to HPAI, however, they emphasize that human-to-human spread is rare and often limited to only a few individuals. Bird-to-human transmission is the primary method of human infection, with each new infection increasing the risk that a new, more virulent strain will emerge. This, along with the potential for massive bird-to-bird outbreaks that could devastate both wildlife and industry, is why complete depopulation (euthanasia) is standard for HPAI and not COVID-19.
The FDACS seems to be operating on contradicting and unsubstantiated information when it comes to managing HPAI outbreaks. Unsurprisingly, the employees seem equally conflicted in their internal emails regarding Knuckle Bump Farms. One Florida USDA representative noted, while forwarding a citizen concern about Blake’s lack of PPE, that “her face is real close to a bird that has HPAI”. Another USDA employee responded “actually, in one of the pictures she appears to be kissing it on the head.”. Dr. Kendra Stauffer of the USDA wrote, “. . . part of the allowing the pet bird to live was that there were rules the owner was to follow from DOH, which clearly she is not”.
Other employees, however, were eager to show their support. Commissioner Nikki Fried of the FDACS posted a photo of her, Blake, and Haggerty, and later posted a photo of herself drinking Knuckle Bump Farms’ branded beer while wearing an Emmanuel t-shirt.
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Fried’s support generated a lot of concern, particularly amongst local farmers. One Florida emu farmer stated, “my disappointment and concern is 100% with the actions of Nikki Fried as Agricultural Commissioner to allow some birds to be exempt from depopulation, including emus, for no quantifiable reason. Emus are susceptible to HPAI. Emus in other states have contracted HPAI in this current outbreak and they either died on their own or were put down. Research shows they are susceptible to HPAI, and can spread it to other birds and humans. The decision by Fried and FDACS makes no sense and it sets a dangerous precedent.”
Considering that Blake has over 847.4K followers on Twitter, 938K on Instagram, and 2.4 million on TikTok, the precedent the FDACS and USDA have set here is, indeed, dangerous. Many of Blake’s followers learned about avian influenza for the first time through her documentation of Emmanuel’s illness and the state’s response to the outbreak. “I watch for Emmanuel updates every day! This has also been a great lesson for many people in farming education.”, one follower said. Another echoed this sentiment, saying “Thank you for taking the time to let us know what’s going on, and answering questions. You truly are an educator”.
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Herein lies the problem. Knuckle Bump Farms is a small, backyard operation. Through social media, however, they reach millions. This specific outbreak of HPAI and its subsequent (mis-)management by the FDACS and USDA has now set the standard for many, rather than the exception. Blake’s public failure to comply with PPE recommendations, the lack of transparency regarding Emmanuel’s true diagnosis, a similar lack of transparency within the FDACS and USDA regarding this outbreak, exemptions to cull protocols made with seemingly no supporting data, and a publicly-elected official openly (and financially) supporting Blake through this process, all pose a serious threat to public confidence in HPAI management and future public health. The concerns of farmers, virologists, public health workers and organizations, wildlife rehabilitators, and animal sanctuaries have been ignored, particularly when they asked whether Emmanuel’s fame and the risk of public backlash led to the FDACS’ decision to leave him and several other symptomatic birds alive. It seems, through this research, that there is more support for this theory than the narrative we’ve been provided until now. It is my hope that, with the publishing of this information, the very real concerns raised by people directly effected by HPAI will be given the weight they deserve.
Please take this opportunity to learn about avian influenza from reputable sources:
Protecting Birds from Avian Influenza
Avian influenza and PPE
CDC Avian Influenza
USDA HPAI Response Plan
Florida Avian Influenza Update (Oct 2022)
A huge thank you to the following experts who generously answered my questions: Dr. Ben Golas, Dr. Jim Wellehan, and Dr. Jennifer Riley.
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ms-cellanies · 8 months ago
Read more about Emmanuel the emu here:
@russalex @angreav @iamthebadwolf85 @catedevalois @maneth985   @ogtumble @amatasera @fuckdumblr  @ladyoftheteaandblood @sirrah22 @iris-collects @larouau12 @ughseriously @usearki @ladytuarach @glendathegoodone @cricketcat9 @aregrettablehullabaloo @micaleann @toasty-hancock @hellcatblues  @middleagedandoutoftouch @sabbykatt3 @cursethedarkness @gretchenk0720  @aliceliddellsmirror @inkededucatednnerdy @notpedeka @photoboybg69  @contemplatingoutlander @nildespirandum @izhunny @ladytigrane @wolfsmom1 @phoenix-maat @writernotwaiting  @glitterypeanutmugnickel  @captain-krazy @bitchycatwizard @paulfe  @mishlady @dorcascristyforever @beerboy100 @ultimatenutshackfangirl  @lokilickedme @bakufuhakutaku  @a-sundry-bag @prettyhatemachine01 @texmexdarling @oshea52   @evieplease @queen-of-cats  @jimbr549  @ladygreytea76 @posttexasstressdisorder @azusalover
This is absolutely ADORABLE!!!🥰🥰🥰
@glendathegoodone @moosemittens23 @ms-cellanies @russalex @ladyoftheteaandblood @starynighty @nuggsmum
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