#Emily by My Chemical Romance.. u will always be famous
chaoticwholesome · 1 year
13, 21, 30 for the music asks!!
13. A fave 80's song
One thing about me is that I can never just pick one damn thing for these! Crash by the Primitives? Lullaby by The Cure? Bohemian Rhapsody? I Wanna Be Adored? Video Killed the Radio Star???
21. A favourite song with a person's name in the title
HMMM at the moment probably 'Noel's Lament' from the musical Ride The Cyclone! *stops before i start listing more*
30. A song that reminds you of yourself
who is me? (a miserable little pile of secrets)
I'm gonna say 'Vitamin C' by the band CAN because heehee hoohoo i am also named Can >:)
(OR... 'Cartoons' by Louie Zong. for obvious reasons also)
Thank you for asking!!
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I want to get to know you better! When you get this post 10 random facts about yourself and pass it on to 10 lovely people you want to know better too :D
AAAHHH @prossima-nebulosa​ LOVE WHEN U SEND THIS STUFF TO ME ;;;
10 facts seem like A LOT but i’ll try:
1) okay, i’m pretty sure i’ve already wrote this in some other ask meme, but i consider it to be the truly high peak of my obsessions with fictional characters -- when i was seven years old, i dumped my lil bf because i felt that my heart belonged to Lupin III and I wanted to be faithful. Seven-years-old-me was so brave, she shaped my non-existent romantic life right there, thank you dear.
2) I collect cute food boxes, mostly japanese candy ones like mikado or the clipper teas ones
3) I cry a LOT (REALLY A LOT) while reading, playing games or watching tv shows and movies, i really get invested in characters and stories and i don’t think i’m able to watch a movie in a cinema without at least wet my eyes a bit
4) On a similar note, i’m absolutely not a picky consumer when it comes to movies, i rarely exit a cinema feeling disappointed, not even for franchises that i obsess with like star trek, star wars or marvel. Give me 2+hours of only Spock staring at the screen and i’ll be happy and crying anyway.
5) I DONT LIKE CHEESE IN ANYWAY OR FORM AND THE MERE THOUGHT OF BE CLOSE TO IT MAKES ME SHIVER IN DISGUST. IT’S SO SMELLY AND SLIMY AND WET MY GOD H O W. I can tolerate mozzarella on a pizza and i like grana and shredded cheese on pasta BUT THATS IT. 
6) ...i unironically stan some italian tv celebs like Nicola Savino, Paolo Bonolis and Il Trio Medusa. It started innocently enough and now i’m ready to fight for them. I might have made an account on the Rai streaming site just to rewatch an episode of Reazione a Catena to prove a point. Man i really truly love italian tv stuff, catch me in the kitchen watching Techetechetè with the old Rai Archives all summer long.
7) I once wrote to Mr Lui (an italian mime that became kinda famous in 2005/6 for doing lil sketches between a cartoon and the other in the afternoon tv slot) when i was in middle school and i might have linked him my fanfiction yaoi archive to read. And i think he read some of it because i dinstincly remember him encouraging my writing. 
8) In middle school (and first year of high school) i was dee ee e e p in emo culture, i straighted my hair and only wore black and skulls and red striped things. I engraved on a school table some My Chemical Romance lyrics. Everytime we had to draw something for art class, it was always skeletons and crying anime girls. Ruby Gloom and Emily The Strange were things i had stickers of. And the italian emo culture was INSANE, that good mix of buzurro and edgy with a side dish of weeaboo. Art.
9) S O C K S. Cant never have enough of them. I even buy them not exactly in my size since often enough, kids stores have socks of the shows i like.  
10) I have this dream of taking my bike and just. Ride until i reach Sicily.
Thank you again @prossima-nebulosa, AND BE READY TO WRITE 10 THINGS ABOUT YOU
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