#Emily DCAS
strawbsswift13-2 · 1 month
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guys, I'm on a mission. I'm starting a chonky sketchbook. And y'all better get to believe that this shit took me like 6 hours (probably less lmao)
The photo quality is absolutely horrendous but idgaf 🤠
I used so much shite for this, it has toblerone wrappers, lovisa tags, and a chunk of the spine of my old sketchbook. Anyways you should expect to see more of these 😃
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pillowspace · 1 year
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I have no explanation for this, they're just my favourite characters
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 4 months
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Funny how things sometimes need only a spark to spiral further than you ever thought it would
Did you know that song was written in 1892
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omori-headspace · 8 months
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i have a headcanon that puppet's music box can play any song it wants/is requested to! it usually sticks to Grandfathers Clock bc i like to believe its Charlie's favorite
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memeshnik · 14 days
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quackle · 2 months
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save us emily. get this season canceled <3 /hj
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re1kohas-arrived · 9 months
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im realizing i basically never draw reiko
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more whiteboarddd
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fykvu · 2 months
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i... made a thing
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monochromeruby · 13 days
if I rewrote DCAS like this who would read it be honest: (Reblogs Appreciated)
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Here are my thoughts. There’s a lot, so sit down and get a cup of coffee:
The BIGGEST thing I would overhaul is the:
Trevek/Emily disaster.
Emily would still help Yul, but because Yul’s manager wants to see him be better and treat Grett better, so she accepts the payment and tries to get him to genuinely change, but gets promptly fired for wrongful assistance.
Instead of Trevor witnessing Kristal and Derek kiss, he could instead see them do something and misinterpret it as a kiss. But instead of being jealous, he wants to be supportive to his best friend, despite his heartbreak. He would be supportive of Trevor and Kristal and leave them alone so they could have “alone time”. Meanwhile, Derek is just like “???” Misunderstanding trope done correct ^^
Emily would help Trevor get closure with his feelings, as Trevor would vent to her about feeling guilty about not being supportive of their (non-existent) relationship. Emily also wants to talk to Kristal about getting her job back (instead of revenge) so the two of them work together to find out plans about the finale so they both have times to talk to Kristal and Derek separately.
During the finale I would want Kristal and Emily to actually have a talk and the scorpions would probably be the result of a freak accident (I’ll get to it if i actually write this) Derek and Trevor will have their closure moment and it WONT be at the expense of Emily. I really hated how Emily turned out to be because I really liked her and her relationship with Trevor… They ragged on my sister!!!! They did my sister dirty!!!!!!!!
If I’m gonna have Tess and Ashley make it further than Jake, Aiden, and Ally, I need:
Tess and Ashley characterization
I would give Ashley and Tess storylines that don’t revolve around the characters they give therapy to. While they can still have those qualities, I think they could just be their own people too. Ashley had a lot of undertones revolving guilt, so I want to explore that more. I also want her and Fiore to resolve their beef because she was fighting with a literal 8 year old… They could have a sister dynamic but like rivals sisters.
Tess I have less ideas for but she deserved better so my ROUGH draft for her would be: I feel like she could instead work with remedying her situation with Gabby that she never really got the chance to it was kinda resolved in a day. She could also POSSIBLY be the catalyst in Alec and Riya’s recoveries but idk too much about that one.
Next is:
Alec and Riya Redemptions
Instead of having a drunken kiss, I want to actually write out the dinner scene, where they both realize their personal flaws. Alec would realize that his lack of will for confrontation is what is killing his relationships, (Connor’s elimination, his divorce, etc.). If Fiore got hurt because of his lack of a backbone, it would be a huge way for him to start caring about his relationships more.
Riya’s acting in front of the cameras was already an implied flaw, I wish they did more with it. I would want her to push Alec off the horse instead of Connor, and instead of regressing to her villainous personality, I think this is when she begins to show actual care and compassion towards other people, instead of worrying what is shown on the cameras. I also believe Alec would understand that they were both at risk of elimination and she did what she had to to win.
I also want Riya, Alec, and Fiore to be a power trio because who doesn’t love a villain mother, father, and daughter dynamic.
In the final 4, I would change it so it’s structured more like Survivor. (Person wins immunity, they pick someone to join them in the final 3, and the last two would compete in a fire making contest.) I think a good end to Riya’s arc would be her helping Alec win the fire making competition, basically quitting. While she still has a LONG way to go, it’s a good start. It would also parallel how Connor quit for Riya, Riya would quit for Alec.
I want to leave romantic implications as just implications. I think Riyalec is a fine ship, but the show has enough romances as it is, so I can leave it up to interpretation. But I LOVE them as a power duo, so that’s why I want them to be that. Connor just tarnished that for me idk.
Jake Consequences
I am a Jake hater, that much is known. I’m not biased, and I want to give him his redemption too, I still think he needs to be given consequences for his actions that isn’t someone else getting eliminated because of him.
If I got rid of his jealousy spiral, he wouldn’t really have much of a story. So, I want him to get eliminated as a result of his bad behavior. So here’s what I’m thinking.
Ashley would’ve found a totem early on. (Wasn’t it weird how the totem was added to the game so late?) She overhears the villains planning to vote her, so she has to beg Jake to vote a villain so they can idol one out. Jake is stubborn and wants to vote Aiden (possibly because he believes it was Aiden’s fault that Tom got eliminated)
Ashley tried to convince Tess and Ally to vote Aiden (because Jake refuses any other logic), but because they’re both closer to Aiden, they stick to voting for Jake without telling her.
Ashley uses her totem and Jake gets eliminated from a 5-3-2 vote (3 for Jake, 2 for Aiden, 5 for Ashley that are nullified)
Now instead of Ashley getting eliminated as a result of Jake’s pettiness, Jake is eliminated because of his own actions. My soul is healed in the process.
So if he’s not in the finale, what will we do with:
I don’t really like TomJake as a ship, as they both need a lot of work before they get into a relationship. But I think that the motel episode could plant the seeds they need to start reconciling, and I don’t think they should necessarily get together. I believe they should both talk about their issues and be able to get closure with one another and be friends, and eventually see where things would go down the line. I know, right, why would I make the motel about yaoi? It’s the trade off to eventually have Jake fix his issues instead of it being shoved in our faces in the finale. Sacrifices must be made, I fear. I COULD leave them apart and Jake unredeemed (and listen to my biased parasites) but I think everyone should have their closure and redemption if All Stars is the last we’ll see of them competing.
Let’s also fix:
The Purge
Ally would be the victim of the purge, but I want to fix it so it’s a little fairer. I think Ally being eliminated like this is best, because for my visions to work, she would need to be out of the picture (unfortunately), but then voting Ally logically makes no sense. So the purge is (unfortunately) in order.
I would change it where the duo who lost the challenge would be the only ones up for elimination. Tess and Ally could be a pair or maybe Gabby and Ally. Either case, I feel like they’d vote Ally over either one of the two. The golden watch will also be replaced with an idol.
ALSO GOODBYE TIKTOK CHALLENGE. INNER PEACE. JESUS WHAT WASSS THAT. I’ll replace it with them taking pictures of the beautiful scenery instead. Or maybe selfies. Ally could have an inner conflict with looking ridiculous and didn’t want more online drama, so she opts to retake the photos. But, when she realizes that it’s slowing her down, and that her and Tess may get eliminated, she decides to grit and bear it. Realizing that, she gets an inner awakening that what she does not mattering actually felt really good. It would help her realize that fan opinion didn’t matter and help her resolve that inner conflict. Perhaps with the help of Tess and Riya’s words, it would be the snowball with this challenge being the climax of her revelation.
Grett winning
I want her to still be a villain, but in the sense that she made logical and strategical moved. I have lots of ideas, including her, Gabby, Tess, and Ashley being an alliance and having a turf war with Riya, Alec, and Fiore.
I also want her to be the result of Yul’s elimination too once she realizes that he’s an ass thanks to Gabby. Once she starts playing the game for herself, she starts making outstanding moves and winning immunities, setting her up to be a great winner that deserves it. I also want her to help Gabby overcome her ‘evil’ persona, so she isn’t just a comp beast, and actually has more things to do in the story.
In Yul’s elimination, I’ll also have everyone vote for him, including Alec and Riya. In the show, while satisfying, Yul’s elimination was a blunder on Grett’s part, as she was again at a number’s disadvantage with the villains. But with the villains being the majority, Yul’s elimination could be done without it being illogical. I know it wasn’t supposed to be logical, but I think Grett would’ve been smarter to do the math and realize that Yul being eliminated when he did would be bad for her. Now she can do it without it being bad for her game!!! Win for everyone.
I think she would not only be a deserving winner, but a satisfying one, as she made the game moves that are required. Above everything, all I want in a winner is someone who PLAYED THE GAME and that’s what she’ll do.
How Would I Do It?
The challenges will stay the same, (aside from the TikTok one), so how I’ll do it is:
In the earlier episodes, I think I’ll take the transcripts from YouTube and only change minor details (example: Emily’s initial motivations). I’ll also not include the very first episode, since that can stay as it is.
So the earlier portions will look exactly the same. The dialog will look like a script, while the actions I’ll write in.
But once I start changing more about the story, I’ll start actually writing it LIKE a story. So it’ll look less and less like a transcript as we continue and more like a book. Once I’ve overhauled everything, it’ll look completely like an actual story.
As to where I’d post it, I was thinking AO3 but to be honest, I’ll put this anywhere. In the end notes, I’ll also include all of my changes to the transcripts so readers know what tiny changes I made. Once I start changing more aspects of the story, the end notes won’t rlly be necessary.
I think these changes would help fix everything I hated about the season.
I have a lot of ideas, but unfortunately I’m very busy, and I also am writing my own things. But, if people think I should right the world’s wrongs, then maybe I’ll do it.
I really do want to know the public opinion, so reblogs are appreciated so I can get some sampling data.
If you think my ideas are fire and possibly want to help with this hypothetical mini-project, include your own thoughts on how to rework my ideas (I listen to criticism DONT worry) or want to share your own ideas, or if you think I’m the zodiac killer and only wish for my public execution via burning at the stake, then my messages are open. (I think). I would really like to hear critics/inclusions. This is our house. Let’s share it.
That’s all >_<
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pillowspace · 8 months
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My wondrous friend @stars-tune suggested I doodle musicbond tea party
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canonically47 · 4 months
me whenever DCAS
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If you want to listen to a barely coherent fnaf theory then here is one, I can’t imagine this goes anywhere but here we go.
I think it’s interesting how the 2 animatronics that are not in security breach, often represent the Aftons in some way. Foxy bro for Micheal, and Bonnie for William. Now listen I know William’s primary fursona is spring Bonnie? Golden Bonnie? Spring trap, however you want to describe that line up. But technically springtrap is a Bonnie variant, so shush. Now yes before you mention that Bonnie is in the game because of dlc, you’re not wrong, but I like to think it means that yes, William afton is still there and is still watching. The connection to the wet floor signs would imply that he’s still there even in the most spiritual sense. I think the replacement of glamrock Bonnie represents the afton virus or the mimic becoming the new primary villain. Or it could just symbolize William’s insanity and rage, becoming a dangerous crocodile. Now for glamrock foxy, it seems like foxy was just a side show, though I suppose he always was, but he's most likely wasn't part of the band in the pizza plex. it's possible that foxy/Michael represent help, Michael was there to help the missing kids move on, I think the lack of an actual glamrock foxy represents that Michael has moved on to the afterlife. micheal being replaced with someone else that is willing to help. now who that is? idk. i think if this theory were to hold true than it would imply that henry's story isn't quite over, since he's usually the Freddy to william's bonnie. i've got no ideas for glamrock chica, they never really gave her substance. i guess she could be the kids. since missing kids is just an endless constant in this series.
I’m not 100% percent sure that the glam rocks are haunted, it’s possible that the glam rocks represent the story of Henry and William. Freddy misses the good in William but he’s been replaced with this angry being. Anyways I hope you had fun reading this. Sorry about the grammar, I have no excuse. Have a good day.
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nightmaretherabbit · 5 months
For the character bingo: Moondrop andd/or Henry Emily
My thoughts on Henry Emily
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My thoughts on Moondrop
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[Character Opinion Bingo Link]
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quackle · 4 months
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why are they arguing when they could solve this by holding hands... 💔
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starl1tt · 21 days
how it feels watching odd nations write off another well written female character just so that damn twink can win
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also im so tired of them antagonizing their female characters to develop mlm relationships i will never not be pissed at how they ruined emily and ellie
ive noticed that most ellie haters are jake fans and thats all i have to say on that topic. that says everything i need to know
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hhhhhhhhhhqaa · 2 months
Small theory about the subplot with the staff— Kristal, for whatever reason, opens up to Trevor about how stressed she’s been, and how much the show means to her. Afterwards, she genuinely apologizes for how she’s treated Trevor, who feels guilty, and tries to talk Emily out of the plan, who, of course, is still going to try to go through with it. At this point, Trevor has to save the show from being cancelled.
Also, if there isn’t a Trevek kiss somewhere in all this, I’ll cry.
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