#Emerson Palaye Royale
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The Neighbour [4.6]
A/N: Christ on a crutch, here we are!! Thank you again to everyone for your patience! It was so tough writing a good conclusion to Eva's journey and over all I'm very happy with this! And I think considering that we're about to enter into another new Palaye era speaks volumes to this transition. Thank so much again for your patience! Happy reading!
Warnings: some emotional angst, fluffy reunion, Happy American Thanksgiving to those who celebrate
Thanksgiving was rarely ever a grand, extravagant affair in the Kropp family; nonetheless, subtle nuances from the previous year's celebration were easily discernible. Their once exuberant friends-giving festivity now found a cozy haven within the confines of Remington and Emerson's dining room. The smells of warm spices and gravy wafted through the air, a mouth-watering promise for what was to come. A select few friends exchanged shared, delectable side dishes amid clouded conversations, all the while Sebastian was attempting to carve up the turkey in the kitchen. He had only uttered a few cuss words so Remington figured it was going well enough.
He was only partially listening to Caity's conversation with his mom, catching up on work endeavours and whatever plans they may've had for Christmas. However, Remington couldn't help but keep glancing at his phone, once, twice, his mind racing as he wondered where Eva could've been. She told him she'd call him before their own Thanksgiving dinner, though he noted how quiet she'd been since the latest update on her mother's health. He wondered if he should just say fuck it and call her himself, though he'd panic before he could, assuring him that she probably just needed her space. She was supposed to be home in a day, and it felt like it couldn't come fast enough.
"Earth to Remington!" Caity waved her hand in front of his face and he instantly snapped out of his trance, “Copy if you read us,”
"What was that?" Remington asked.
"What do you want for Christmas, doofus," Caity asked, holding back a chuckle, "C'mon! You've been so quiet all night! I know we're still pandemic-struck but still!"
Stephanie simpered, "He's missing Eva, that's all,"
"Mom," Remington grumbled, "That makes me sound like a whiney pre-teen,"
"Well, you're certainly moping around like one," she replied, "Why don't you go help Sebastian?"
"Mom, he's supposed to be slicing turkey, not me," he replied.
Caity simply just rolled her eyes, "Oh, c'mon Remi! He's not gonna do that. Not with witnesses around, anyway," she joked.
"Speaking of your brothers, where's Emerson?" Stephanie turned her head, glancing around the room.
"Probably seeking refuge in his hobbit hole," Michael said as he passed by, crunching on a cracker with slathered in artichoke dip, "Great dip by the way, Stephanie,"
"Thank you Michael!" she beamed back.
None on them were the wiser to Emerson curled up on the stairs, sketching away in his notebook and far away from the camaraderie in the kitchen. He had Pluto nestled beside him, his leg still wrapped in the blue cast, though he was unbothered as he snored away beside the youngest brother. Emerson would pause between pen strokes to give the tabby an affectionate head pat, he figured this was the coziest the cat had ever been in the time he'd known him.
Emerson's train of thought was broken suddenly when the doorbell echoed through the hall, and his heavy eyes glanced up to the front door. Pluto perked up as well, raising his head and his ears sprung up. Emerson glanced over the railing towards the crowd, calling out.
"Hey! There's someone at the door!" though to no surprise, nobody could hear him. He figured he could've answered the door himself, but he was already comfortable in his spot and he didn't want to disturb Pluto, "Remington! Sebastian! Michael!" and still, no one could hear him.
And so, in true Emerson fashion, he whipped out his phone and began to type...
Remington had just finished pouring himself a glass of wine when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket, whipping it out faster than a gunslinger in the west. However, he was dismayed when he saw Emerson's text:
Someone's at the door
With an eye roll, Remington texted back.
Where are you?
Sitting on the stairs
So why don't you go answer the door?
Because I don't want to disturb the cat
The cat with a broken leg, mind you...
It's sprained, not broken
Same difference
Remington huffed, setting down his wine glass and begrudgingly heading for the front door. Sure enough, he passed his little brother on the stairs, the tabby cat nestled against his legs. He glanced between him and the front door.
"You really couldn't make the ten foot walk to open the door?" he asked, tone verging on bitterness.
Emerson shrugged back, "Would you disturb this innocent child?" he pointed to Pluto with his pen, "Besides, our visitor is probably catching a cold out there,"
"They'd be catching less of one if you just got proactive," he muttered back, "Did we invite anybody else?"
"I don't think so," Emerson replied, "Maybe it's Amazon?"
Remington reached for the door knob, "I didn't order anything..."
He wrenched the door open, steeling himself to welcome a potential unexpected visitor or perhaps discover a package-bearing Amazon delivery person. Yet, astonishment washed over him as his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of Eva standing on his stoop, luggage in tow behind her.
"-- Eva!?" his voice quivered slightly, yet the edges of his mouth tugged upward in a smile tinged with incredulity.
She locked her left right ankle in front of her left, smiling with giddy and a twinkle in her eye, "... surprise!" she half-sang, half-giggled.
Remington scooped her up in his arms without a second thought, hugging her tightly to his chest, inhaling her vanilla essence. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, her cold nose pressed to his skin but quite frankly he couldn't care. He missed her so damn much.
"I thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow?" he murmured, relief laced in his voice nonetheless.
"I was, but I just... I needed to come home," she replied, "I missed you so much,"
"Fuck me, I missed you more," he kissed her, aching for the comforting familiarity of her chapstick's faint sweetness, the pillowy softness of those lips he could've spent hours kissing. Eva wound her arms around his neck and pulled him to her with an intensity that surpassed mere physical proximity, reveling in the sanctuary of his embrace.
"Eva?" Emerson's voice suddenly rattled from behind them. The couple broke apart and glanced over, Remington was none too surprised to see Emerson hadn't bothered to move from his spot on the stairs. That didn't stop him from craning his neck like a giraffe to try and see what was happening.
"He's still not getting up!" Remington shook his head as he grumbled.
Eva tittered softly, "Hi Emerson,"
"How did you get a flight so fast?" he asked.
She shrugged, stepping aside as Remington moved to grab her luggage from out of the cold, "My sister's boyfriend has a cousin who works for the airline, turns out," she replied, "... I hope you guys don't mind having one more dinner guest?"
"Are you kidding me?" Emerson gawked back, "I'm willing to sacrifice Sebastian in order to make space for you myself. Right Pluto?" he glanced down at the tabby.
Pluto finally made the move from the stairs, slinking down the marble and hobbling over to his master. Eva was nevertheless quite concerned when she noticed the bright blue cast on his leg.
"What the -- Pluto!" she was careful as she picked him, cradling the big baby in her arms as she turned to Remington, "What happened?"
Remington smiled sheepishly, glancing between her and the cat as he nervously puffed his cheeks, "Ah... well, he -- uh... Emerson?"
"Nope, you're on your own here," the youngest brother muttered.
"Remington..." Eva stared up up at him, anxiously awaiting some sort of explanation.
Remington sighed, "He... it's a long story but basically your neighbour is insane and he fell off your balcony. But we rushed him to the vet as fast as we could!"
"I've never seen Sebastian drive that fast," Emerson tacked on.
Eva glowered at her tabby, who was none the wiser as he cuddled into her shoulder, his claws gripping tightly to her jacket, "Jesus Christ. Why didn't you call me?" she asked the brothers.
"Because you had so much you were dealing with and we didn't want to worry you," Remington replied, remorseful and uneasy, "But I should've called you. That's on me, I'm sorry,"
Eva shook her head, "You're damn right you should've! I have pet insurance!" she exclaimed, "I could've had the bill covered!"
Remington simpered, "Honestly Eva, don't worry about the bill," one hand moved to her waist and the other rubbed between Pluto's ears, "As long as Pluto's still running around, I couldn't care less,"
Eva's apprehension settled as she relaxed in his embrace, cuddling the cat closer to her chest, "You god damn chaotic mess of fur; I'm seriously gonna' get you a bell!"
"Wouldn't be the worst idea," Emerson said, finally making the move to stand, "C'mon, I'm hungry," and he started for the dining room, notebook still tucked under his arm. Remington simply shook his head as he walked off.
"You know, he just watched while Sebastian yelled at me about peeling carrots. Like -- it's not hard to peel carrots!" he said.
Eva shook her head with a gentle laugh, pressing up on her toes to press another kiss to his cheek, "I'm sure you did just fine. It smells amazing in here,"
"That's mom's artichoke dip,"
She followed Remington into the dining room, still holding Pluto in her arms as they joined their friends. Shy was the first to rise from her seat, rushing over to envelop Eva in a tight hug. Meanwhile, Sebastian poked his head out from the kitchen, curious about the sudden commotion. Eva wasn't surprised to see his apron draped over his stylish pinstripe suit underneath. Chairs were shifted, a new place setting was prepared, and despite Eva's offer to assist, Larissa and Stephanie insisted that she sit back and relax.
The turkey was brought out soon enough, accompanied by a spread of sumptuous sides and a delicious bottle of wine. The table was alive with chatter: Michael animatedly discussing the band's latest video plans, Caity and Hayden enthusiastically sharing their upcoming Christmas trip itinerary. Amidst it all, questions came Eva's way—about her mother, her early return home, her fatigue, and more. Yet, in that moment, Eva couldn't have felt happier. She basked in the warmth of the gathering, feeling entirely at ease, all traces of anxiety vanishing with Remington's arm draped casually across her shoulders.
Only a couple hours later the house was emptied, plates were partially washed and thrown hastily in the dishwasher, any leftovers were packed up and sent home with friends. And because he had shown the least amount of effort in prep, the brothers decided it was Emerson's job to tidy up the table. Remington meanwhile had hauled Eva's bag upstairs, much to her protests that she could do it herself but he remained insistent; he was just so happy to have her home.
Her bag was barely unzipped before Remington threw himself on the bed, chin cupped in his hand as he watched her begin to unpack. There were a plethora of questions burning in his brain.
"Soooo..." he trailed.
"So?" Eva queried.
"Why are you home early?" he asked, "I didn't want to pile on at dinner but..."
Eva placed down the shirts she was about to pull out, sighing as she took a seat on the bed, "Well... you want the long story or the short story?"
He simply shook his head, "Whatever you want to share, where ever you wanna' start,"
She shifted over so she could lay beside him, her hands coming to rest over her stomach as she stared up at the ceiling, "Well... we got a call from the hospital Friday morning..."
Eva's heart dropped when she saw the caller ID flash for the hospital, nevertheless she picked up the call and brought the speaker to her ear, hesitating before she answered, "H-Hello... yes, that's me..."
Magda, Greg, and Theo watched silently as Eva turned her back, her voice coming to a hushed octave. Impatient as ever though, the oldest sister turned to her brothers, "What the hell is going on now?" she asked, tone verging on exasperation.
Greg scoffed back, "Well, in not so many words, Eva's not a match for mom's transfer. But someone else is," he replied.
Magda glowered at him, "And are we waiting for a 90s soap-opera style dramatic pause, or...?"
"She's seeing someone else," Theo admitted, "I guess you guys already knew that -- but he stepped up as a potential donor..."
Magda's eyes went wide, "-- No... Greg!" she turned to him, "Please don't tell me..."
Greg nodded solemnly, "He's a perfect match for the kidney. They're gonna have him prepped this week, after the holiday," he confirmed.
At that, Eva got off the phone with a simple, "Alright, thank you..." and she turned to her siblings. She felt her hands shaking, her heart racing as though she'd had drank coffee on an empty stomach and the caffeine was just beginning to kick in. This whole journey, all of this fighting and tiptoeing and pillage of more trauma had all in turn been for nothing.
"Whelp, she struck again," Magda sighed with a head shake, "Crazy old battle axe did it again..."
Greg steeled himself against the wall, utter defeat overcoming his face, "So, is Julien asking dad for the number of his divorce attorney, or..."
"He has someone," Theo admitted, his eyes averted to the ground, "He said he's always kind of suspected something was up,"
Magda scoffed, "Not to be a downer but as the saying goes: if they cheat with you, they cheat --"
"Mags!" Greg stopped her with a swift glare, nodding his head to their younger sister. Eva was just frozen on the spot, dark blue eyes glazed over as she stared off into space. There was partial relief overwhelming her, she didn't have to go under the knife after all. However, so much had happened in three days, so much mental strain and it had finally taken its toll on her.
"Eva?" Magda stood up and approached her slowly, picking off the reflection of tears brimming, "Eves, are you okay?"
Eva didn't -- couldn't respond. For once in her life she was at a complete loss for words; and yet she had so many thoughts scratching in her brain, so much jumbled jargon to spew out in a twisted heap of nerves and fear but all she could do was give a silent nod, her eyes clamped shut in a futile attempt to stop herself from crying.
Magda caught her just before the dam burst, holding her tightly as the first few sniffles and sobs left her. The two sisters held each other tightly, the eldest not uttering a word as she just held her, rubbing her back as she cooed softly, "It's okay honey, let it out. It's okay,"
Theo couldn't stand to watch anymore, stepping forward to throw his arms around the pair. Greg followed suit, a solemn scene in the antiquated kitchen with the despair finally being lifted from all of them. Eva had so much anger she was still holding on to, but in this moment she couldn't care less. This mess was finally over, tremendously and brutally over, and all she wanted now was to go home...
"... we didn't really plan for a proper Thanksgiving, so we kind of threw some stuff together last night and called it a day," she finished off, her gaze having never left the ceiling, "And Magda's boyfriend got me a last-minute ticket this morning. I was on the second standby out of town,"
Remington stayed beside her the entire time, listening intently, his mind blown at the full revelation of Eva's trip. He was relieved on the one hand knowing she wouldn't have to go under the knife after all, on the other hand he could see how such a plot twist had rattled her, dredging up old feelings she was sure she didn't have to deal with again.
"Holy fuck..." he gaped in awe, "She just threw away her family like that? No explanation, no nothing?"
"Straight to the calculating point, it's her pattern," she sighed, chuckling with pity, "It's classic: she'll let him play as her white knight until she gets bored and finds someone else to pull into her web. She's never gonna' stop, Rem,"
"And that's not your problem," he cuddled up beside her, gently drawing his arm around her body, enfolding her in the embrace of his chest, "I'm so sorry, Eva,"
"Why?" she glanced up at him.
"Because, you went over there with the best intentions and it just -- I just don't want this to affect you more then it already has. I'm worried, is all," he explained.
"I'm okay, Remington," she turned over onto her side, coming nose-to-nose with him, "I'm okay, I swear to you. I'm a little worried about Theo, but Greg assured me he's gonna keep an eye on him. He's done nothing to deserve any of this,"
"Neither have you. I'm proud of you, though," he said.
"You made up with your sister. That's not nothing, believe me," he chuckled at the end, "And you and Greg got closer, and you gaped bridges with Theo and his dad, that's not nothing,"
Eva simpered quietly, "I think you meant 'mend bridges'? 'To bridge a gap' means having the qualities of two different groups or things or... stuff,"
All Remington could do was laugh, at her train of thought, at the sleepy slur of her voice, how her lips curled when she knew she was correcting him but she tried to play it off as no big deal. Words alone couldn't express how much he missed this girl, and how it would be a long damn time before he spent such time away from her again.
"There's my girl," he awed, pressing kisses to her cheeks and her nose, "I missed you so fucking much,"
"I missed you, too," Eva giggled, squirming in his arms but she made no move to push him away; she was just so happy to be home again. She sighed when he let up, pushing loose locks of blonde hair behind his ears, "Do you think you're ever gonna' cut your hair?" she asked curiously, "Not that I don't love this look on you,"
Remington scoffed, "It is getting a liiiiittle long," he admitted, "You miss my spikes?"
"Yeah! They're so quintessentially you!" she replied, "But then there's so many more layers to you than just your hair. I love every side of you,"
With no hesitation he buried his face in the crook of her neck, overwhelmed in her familiar scent, pressing soft kisses to her pulse point as she wrapped her arms around him, "You're so fucking cute. I love you so much," he mumbled.
Eva smirked back, her fingers threading through his hair the way she knew he melted at, "Mmm, I think I love you more," she said.
"Not possible," he squeezed her tighter to him to make his point.
"I don't know about that," she teased, "You're only the greatest thing that happened to me in my life, so..."
Remington couldn't keep the beaming smile off of his face, shifting up so they were at eye-level with each other. His next words spilled out before his brain could catch up, impulsively escaping from his lips:
"I'm gonna' marry you one day,"
To say Eva was a little taken aback was an understatement, "What?" it took her another minute to process what he'd just said to her.
Remington chuckled bashfully, "Not like -- now or anything. But one day down the line... when you're least expecting it, I'm gonna' ask you to marry me," he decided.
"Oh really?" Eva cocked a brow, resisting the urge to bite her lip, "And you just assume that I'm gonna' say yes?"
"Of course I do," with tender affection, Remington traced small circles under Eva's sweatshirt, his touch light and comforting. She turned towards him, a soft smile gracing her lips, and met his gaze with a warmth that spoke volumes, "I love you. I'm a way better person everyday because of you. You are every reason, every hope, every dream I've ever had and no matter where we go in the future, I will always be yours," he brought his hand up to her cheek, caressing the soft skin as though she were porcelain, "And you, my darling, will always be mine,"
Earlier that day, Eva had sworn to herself she wouldn't cry upon her return. Yet, despite her determination, she couldn't stifle the swell in her chest, the insistent pull at her tear ducts, nor the overpowering wave of affection she had for Remington. Each word he spoke felt like a lifeline, flowing from his lips in his husky voice, and she clung to them fervently.
"Oh my God," her eyes fluttered closed as she tried to bury her face in the sheets, "I take it back: that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard you say,"
Remington's expression softened, a gentle smile gracing his lips, "Better than William Blake?"
"So much better,"
Closing the distance between them, Remington reached out to brush a stray tear from Eva's cheek. His touch was tender, his fingers lingering against her skin as if tracing the delicate contours of her emotions.
Their connection intensified in the silence that followed, a subtle electricity lingering between them. Remington gently tucked a loose strand of Eva's hair behind her ear, his touch a tender gesture filled with unspoken affection.
Eva's gaze met Remington's, a softness in her eyes that spoke volumes. In that moment, amidst the quiet intimacy of his -- their bedroom, they shared an unspoken understanding, each wordless glance conveying a depth of emotion that transcended spoken language.
#palaye royale#remington leith#emerson barrett#sebastian danzig#eva kuznetsov#remington palaye royale#remington leith imagine#remington leith smut#palaye royale imagine#sebastian palaye royale#emerson palaye royale#original story#original female character#band blog#band imagine blog#band imagines#the bastards#fever dream
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Do you just randomly catch yourself looking at pictures or band members and giggling like a schoolgirl
#dave mustaine#noah sebastian#bad omens#jolly karlsson#black veil brides#bmth#oli skyes#andy black#andy biersack#ronnie radke#falling in reverse#ville valo#him#gerard way#mcr#my chemical romance#bvb#megadeth#ryan ross#nick folio#nick ruffilo#emerson barrett#palaye royale#remington leith
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PALAYE ROYALE ✦ SHOWBIZ So they kill another dream Feed on my self-esteem "Well, hey, kids, this is showbiz"
#palaye royale#remington leith#emerson barrett#sebastian danzig#palayeroyaleedit#music video#bandedit#musicedit#flashing tw#sammie.gifs
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I 🖤 palaye royale 🖤
#palaye royale#remington leith#emerson barrett#sebastian danzig#emo rock#emo band#emo#emo music#the royal council#soldiers of the royal council
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Love Palaye Royale's new song but all I can think about is this

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Why does he wiggle like a worm ✨🪱✨💃✨🪱✨
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love my boys
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Baby you are not my darkest part I knew that from the start You’re just another ache in my heart
#palaye royale#ache in my heart#death or glory#music video#remington leith#emerson barrett#sebastian danzig
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Just another dump of stuff from the literal best day of my life
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The Neighbour [4.4]
A/N: woo, I'm back! Sorry updates have been coming up slow for this one, I'm trying. But we're almost near the end and I'm so excited!!
Warnings: pets at the vet, some self loathing, familial drama
If there was anything more stressful than taking an animal to the vet, it was having to wait outside the office, fearing the unknown just like they were. There was no sitting in the exam room, no clamouring to keep the pet on the table, no reassuring faces from the doctor that your little guy was going to be okay.
Remington sat on the curb, the car was too stuffy but the air was uncomfortably dry. His knee shook incessantly. Emerson had called the vet to get Pluto in while Sebastian drove them, swerving in and out of traffic like a super spy in a Jason Statham flick. The entire time Pluto lay limp in his arms, he would shift his head from spot to spot, cradled in Remington's arms, mewling when his leg was moved.
A doctor had rushed outside just as they'd pulled into the vet hospital, took Pluto and instructed them to stick around, they'd come out soon after their exam. Pluto kept watching Remington as the doctor took him inside, either it was a look of gratitude or a plea to get him the hell out of there.
It had been forty minutes.
Emerson was sitting shot gun in the car, smoking a joint, the brim of his beret was pulled over his eyes. Sebastian was pacing back and forth in the parking lot, taking calls from Chris, Larissa, their mom. He was concerned not just for Pluto, but for Remington as well. He had been unusually quiet through all of this, now and again asking how much longer Pluto was going to be. He wasn't indifferent or in a hurry, he was scared -- for Pluto, to tell Eva, maybe even for the bill for all of this.
Sebastian approached him, "You hungry? There's a strip mall over there," he nodded across the street.
Remington shook his head, "No, I'm good. You guys go,"
"And leave you here to -- what? Worry?" he sat down beside him, adjusting his suit pants, "Maybe you should call Eva?"
"No," he shook his head swiftly, "She's got too much to worry about right now, she doesn't need to tack on me almost killing her cat,"
"What?" Sebastian gawked at him, "Remington -- this wasn't your fault,"
"Eva trusted me to look after Pluto. I left the window open, I didn't pay attention, I made this happen," he deduced, still staring into space.
"And even if you hadn't left the window open, you know how much of a shit that cat is. Eva's told us how many times he almost got himself killed," he reasoned back, "You think she finds out about this, she'll never speak to you again? No way,"
"That's not the point!" Remington snapped, "I was irresponsible -- like always! And if she does forgive me she's probably not going to trust me with him again! And then she won't trust me to take care of the house, or to be without her on tour, or to even -- I don't know, not separating the laundry correctly,"
Sebastian's brow fell, glowering quizzically at his little brother, "Hold on -- what are you...? Eva doesn't trust you to do the laundry?"
Remington refrained from rolling his eyes, "It's the cycle, Sebastian. It's my cycle. I fuck up and my relationships are down the hole from there. And this is a pretty big fuck up," he pointed to the vet's office.
He didn't mean to sound whiny or weak, but he was speaking from experience. It was why relationship after relationship fell through, somehow he always ended up disappointing his lovers. At least, that was the pattern with his ex. Time after time he'd apologize, try to make up for mistakes, for time, but it was never enough. And that little voice in his head would return, taunting him over and over about how done for he was.
However, Sebastian -- ever the voice was reason -- placed his hand on his shoulder, trying to bring Remington back to Earth. His insecurities were never a secret; Sebastian had lost count of the number of times he'd either have to comfort or fight Remington on his own self worth. At the end of the day, Sebastian would go to the end of the Earth to make sure his brothers were okay, and it broke his heart seeing how lowly he thought of himself.
"Remington... Eva is not Marcy. She's not Lauren, or Thea, or Christina... she's honestly the most pragmatic and -- dare I say -- likeable girlfriend you've ever had. She's a very understanding person, and you've done a lot of growing up with her. And she will understand that what happened to Pluto was a complete and utter accident," he squeezed his bony shoulder, "Okay fine: so you took your eye off the cat for a minute. He's a slippery little bastard. But you didn't throw him off a balcony with a broom, and you were the first person to jump into the car so we could take him here. And you didn't just do it because you love Eva, but you love that cat like he's your own,"
Emerson piped up from the car, "He may as well be your cat, at this point!" he called, "He got hair all over my baroque armchair!"
Sebastian waved him off and turned back to Remington, "Pluto is gonna' be fine because you were there to rescue him. Now, I think Eva might get pissed off if her cat in a cast was a welcome home surprise, so you need to tell her," he said.
"She's already got so much she has to deal with, though," Remington replied.
"Exactly. So, it's better for her peace of mind to know that Pluto is gonna' be okay," he said.
Remington finally looked to him, conflicted, "You think he'll be okay?"
Emerson hopped out of the car at that, shuffling over to the curb as he flicked away the butt of his joint, "Sure. Cats have nine lives, don't they?" he smirked.
"The worse he'll come away with is a cast, we'll probably have to carry him around everywhere. He'll fucking love it," Sebastian chided.
Emerson sat on the other of Remington, already thumbing at his pocket for another pre-roll, "Rem, Eva's crazy about you. You know how much it took for her to not drag you on this trip with her?"
Remington shook his head, "I would've gone. If she wanted me to that badly, I would've gone," he huffed.
"And the same reason you're afraid to call her, she was afraid to bring you up North. Your opinion of her could change for the dumbest or most profound thing, and because she loves you she wants to protect you like how you wanna' protect her from -- our bullshit," Emerson explained.
Sebastian leaned over to glower at the youngest brother, "How do you know all that?"
"What do you think we talk about when we're working?" Emerson replied, "I mean -- the only thing she loves more than Remington is hot cheetos for God sakes,"
Remington's face softened, "Yeah?"
"I mean, I personally prefer the cheddar jalapeño flavour --"
"No, I meant Eva," he elbowed him, "You guys talk about me?"
Emerson shrugged back, "Of course we do. After her, I'm the only person in the world who loves you the most. She's pretty close, though. No offence, Seb,"
"Okay," Sebastian scowled.
Remington shook his head, looking blithely up at the sky. Some cloud cover had come to form over them, sending a sharp chill and fraying shadow across the block.
"This has been one of the strangest days of my life," he huffed.
"... Because of your ghost?" Emerson asked.
Remington glowered at him, "No, because I can't make sense out of those commercials for IBS -- yes! Because of the ghost! And all of this!" he waggled his finger at the vet's office.
The boys turned around when they suddenly heard the office door swing open. The doctor had emerged, scrubbed and masked up... with no Pluto.
Remington's heart sunk.
"Are you guys here for Pluto?" she asked.
"Yeah," Sebastian replied, the three of them slipped their own masks on as they stood up. Remington held his breath.
"Is he okay?"
The family home was bathed in the gentle glow of evening as Eva's father and brother bustled around the dining area, setting the table with care and exchanging light banter. The clinking of plates and the savory aroma of dinner floated through the air, creating an inviting atmosphere. However, an unspoken tension lingered, casting a shadow over the impending gathering.
As they all worked together to prepare the meal, a knock at the door announced Magda's arrival. Eva's heart skipped a beat as she wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and headed to the door. Promising Greg and her dad that she would be kinder, she took a deep, calming breath. She greeted Magda with a smile that blended eagerness and apprehension.
"Hey, Magda," Eva greeted, her voice attempting to thaw the chill that had settled between them, "Good to see you,"
Magda's response was surprised at first, curt nonetheless, lacking the warmth that had always haunted their relationship, "Hey," she replied, her gaze momentarily meeting Eva's before flickering to her daughter, Arleth.
Eva gestured for Magda and Arleth to come in. The little girl's wide eyes took in the surroundings as they stepped into the living room.
"Eva, could you give us a hand here?" their father called from the dining room, his voice carrying the joviality of the occasion.
Eva nodded at Magda and gestured toward the dining area, "Is -- is Bryan coming?" Arleth's father.
Magda subtly shook her head, refraining clearly from rolling her eyes, "He's working, couldn't make it," she took a brief look around the foyer, noting the few pairs of shoes scattered at the door, "I assume the crotch goblin isn't here,"
Greg strolled in from the kitchen, a towel tossed over his shoulder, "Julian took him out for dinner. We figured it was safer for him," he smirked.
Magda glowered at her younger brother, brushing shoulders as she strolled past him, "For him or for her?"
Her words burned painfully in Eva's ears, and despite how her lips twisted, how her eyes narrowed, the pleading look on Greg's face urged her to calm down. Not tonight, not now and not tonight.
As they all worked together, Eva tried to engage Magda in casual conversation, inquiring about her daughter's interests and her life with the pandemic. However, her attempts were met with brief answers, Magda's attention primarily focused on her daughter and helping their dad.
As dinner approached, the atmosphere from the kitchen moved to their old dining room, growing heavier, the unresolved emotions between Eva and Magda casting a shadow over the family gathering. Eva found herself seated next to Magda at the table, their silence more pronounced than the chatter around them. Rosie of course was laying beneath the table, waiting patiently for scraps of food to fall.
Unable to ignore the gap that had formed between them, their father tried to engage them both, "Magda's just started a new job at the law courts,"
Eva's eyes lit up, "No kidding?"
Magda shrugged nonchalantly, keeping her focus as she tried to keep Arleth eating and not throwing her peas on the floor, "I'm just a typist,"
"It's a good foot in," Greg said.
"It's crumbs," she mumbled, eyeing Eva peripherally, "Definitely won't make me enough to run off to Hollywood,"
Eva's fingers tapped across the table, "I don't live in Hollywood," she pointed out.
"Those instagram pictures could've fooled me," she grumbled back.
Her interest peeked, "You still follow me on insta?"
"No," she scoffed back.
Greg rolled his eyes, "I showed her some pictures,"
"You sure you can make ends meet over there? Pluto's looking awfully skinny," Magda said.
Eva huffed, "He's just lean. He eats plenty,"
Magda's gaze met Eva's briefly, bordering on resentment, "Excuse me," she whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" Greg asked.
"So Arleth doesn't have to pick up and remember this dinner when she's older," Magda replied.
"Okay," their father's utensils clanged against his plate, immediately drawing everyone's attention, even Rosie's, "Magda, I understand there's some problems you and your sister need to work out, but she had travelled all this way to help us out. You could at least pretend to be a coherent human being,"
Magda laughed bitterly, "What problems? I just didn't know we were a family that took back run aways," she glowered at Eva.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Eva asked.
"Language in front of the baby!" their father scolded.
"It means why would we take back things that cause us great pain and sadness when we could just lock 'em out and move on with our lives?" she replied.
"Really?" Eva glowered.
"Yeah, really," Magda nodded back.
Eva stole a glance at her dad, who shook his head in dismay. She and Magda got their stubborn streak from their mother, he could recognize it in an instant.
"Magda --"
"What? What do you think could possibly justify this, Dad?" she asked, "I don't even know why she's here. She's of no help to us!"
"She's a candidate for Lydia's transplant," Greg replied, quickly becoming exasperated.
"Exactly! Why are we entertaining all this!?" she exclaimed, "We were fine! We were doing just fine! We don't need to help her, and we certainly don't need your help!" she pointed a bony at her sister, "After it's over, they're both gonna' leave again and we just jack shit shoved up our asses!"
"Language in front of the baby!" their dad scolded again.
The legs of Magda's chairs squealed uncomfortably as she stood up suddenly, taking Arleth out of her chair and starting for the kitchen. Her dad's eyes followed her as she walked away.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"To mash Arleth's food in peace so she'll eat!" she snapped back, storming away.
The comforting food on the table was long forgotten, an icy tension coming over the remaining three family members. Even Rosie appeared deflated.
Eva felt as though she was going to throw up or throw her fist into a wall. She had always fought with Magda, and quite frankly she was tired of it. Magda was right, she had the right to be upset given their circumstances, and quite frankly Eva wasn't sure how she was going to prove to her sister that she wasn't here to cause more pain to her.
"Excuse me," Eva pushed her plate away and stood up, starting for the kitchen. Greg watched her perilously, pushing her vegetables around his plate.
"God speed," he murmured. His father through a scolding glare at him.
Magda had propped Arleth up in her high chair at the island, having mashed her peas and carrots in her bowl so she could eat. Her curly, curly brown hair bounced, spots of green and orange stained her cheeks and nose. Magda didn't have the energy to clean, certainly not as Eva shuffled in.
"We need to talk," she exhaled shakily, tentative.
Magda refused to meet her gaze, "I don't know what about,"
Eva stood in the brightly lit kitchen, her heart pounding as she faced down Magda. The air was thick with tension, their unresolved emotions swirling between them like a storm about to break.
She scoffed, "What about? What about this?" she motioned between them, "I don't want to fucking fight with you, Magda. I get that you're mad at me for leaving, but I didn't move to Asia! I'm a two hour flight away, I'm here! I came back here because -- like it or not, I still care!"
Magda's eyes bore into Eva's, a mixture of anger and hurt clouding her features, "You care? You even know what it means to care? You think you can just waltz back into our lives like you're the great Deux Ex Machina in one of your stupid books?" Magda's voice trembled with suppressed emotion.
Eva swallowed hard, feeling the weight of guilt press down on her chest, "Magda, I never meant to hurt you. I needed to follow my own path, I have dreams and I wasn't going to realize them if I stayed here,"
Magda's lips curled into a bitter smile. "Dreams? That's what you call it? You left me alone, Eva. Just like Mom did," Her gaze flickered toward the small, innocent face of her three-year-old daughter, playing with her toys in the corner of the room.
Eva's heart ached as she looked at the little girl. She took a hesitant step forward, her voice gentle, "I never wanted you to feel alone, Magda. I thought you wouldn't care, or at least understood that I needed to find my own path,"
Magda's frustration boiled over. "Your own path? Well, your own path led you all the way to the west coast -- w-with a swanky apartment and a rock 'n roll fucking boy toy while I struggled to finish college with a baby in tow. Just like Mom, Eva. You abandoned us,"
"Bryan was there to help you!"
"Bryan's a fucking deadbeat!!" she roared, "He works until six and then goes to the bar to drink with his buddies and forget about the fact that he was too fucking lazy to wrap it up before he ruined my dreams! And hers!" she pointed to Arleth.
Eva spoke tentatively, "Does Dad know?"
"No! Because I can here the 'I told you so' from here, and quite frankly, I don't need him or you judging me for it! I got enough to put up with!" she snapped back.
Eva's eyes glistened with unshed tears, guilt riddling up her spine, "I came back, Magda. I came back for you, all of you. I've never judged you for anything; not your prom date, not your clothes, I don't even judge you for Arleth. I just wanted my sister to acknowledge me a little more. It was so easy for me because I didn't think you cared about me!"
Magda's voice cracked, her anger mixing with the pain that had festered for years. "Of course I cared about you, Eva! You're my sister! But you're just so impulsive and it's gotten you into trouble before! I was scared for you, and I thought 'yeah, she's gonna' come screaming back within two weeks', and then the pandemic hit and you were barely talking to Dad and I thought 'fuck it, if she wants to stay away from us, then let here stay away!' You didn't walk, Eva, you ran away! You didn't look back,"
Eva reached out, her fingers brushing against Magda's hand, "I don't want to be like Mom, Magda. I'm sorry I hurt you like that, I never meant to. But I'm here now, and we have the opportunity to prove that we're still here for each other! I will be here for you no matter what!"
Magda's shoulders trembled, her anger slowly giving way to a mixture of sadness and longing. She looked down at her daughter, then back at Eva, tears welling up in her eyes, "It's not that simple, Eva. You're going to leave again after all this!"
Eva nodded, understanding the depth of Magda's pain, "I know it's not simple, but we're sisters. We're supposed to look out for each other, doesn't matter we live on opposite sides of the country. I will -- I will vouch for you, I'll help you any way that I can. I can send you money, I can find you great daycare programs, I'll even listen to you rant on about changing diapers everyday if you want. I'm here for you!"
Magda's gaze softened, her defenses crumbling as the years of pent-up emotions spilled forth, "I don't want your money," she pulled Eva into a hesitant, emotional hug, "I missed you so much, Eva,"
Eva held Magda tightly, feeling the bonds of sisterhood rekindle. "I missed you too, Magda,"
As they embraced, Magda's toddler watched them, sensing the change in the air. The three of them stood there, a tangle of emotions and connections, the past and the present overlapping in a bittersweet moment of reconciliation.
And in that moment, Eva realized that repairing their relationship wasn't just about seeking forgiveness; it was about proving to Magda that she was willing to face her mistakes and make amends, that she wasn't going to be a fleeting presence like their absent mother, but a constant support in their lives.
They returned to the table soon enough; the tension hadn't quite lifted but the spirit at dinner was a little more optimistic. Eva and Magda were speaking civilly to each other, it was then Magda let Eva hold her niece for the first time in forever, and it was one of the most fulfilling moments in her life. Eva wasn't sure she wanted kids, the scale was still tipped heavily in the 'No' end, though she hardly minded snuggling up with her niece so Magda could finally eat properly.
While their dad and brother did the dishes, the sisters decided to reconnect in the living room, quietly chatting between each other while Arleth played with her toys in the corner.
"Mom is cheating on Julian," she admitted then. She wasn't sure why it had slipped out, the harrowing conversation with her mom still ringing in her ears.
Magda froze, pulling away from Eva, staring at her with disgust, shock, "What?"
Eva nodded, "She's cheating again. Both of her husbands are doing everything they can to get her good treatment and she's having another affair at the same time,"
"How do you know?" Magda asked in disbelief.
"Theo told me. He knows about everything. Everything with us and our family and mom's bullshit," she shook her head, "She's doing it again, Mags. She's never gonna' stop,"
Magda leaned back into the couch cushions, her head shook as she mulled over Eva's confession. One the one hand, the anger she had for Eva dissipated and was replaced with disdain for her mother, though given what she knew she knew she shouldn't have been surprised.
"Is she touched or something?" she gaped, "She broke up our family for this new family and even that's not doing it for her?"
Eva scoffed, "I would laugh if it wasn't so fucked up,"
"Does Dad know?"
She shook her head, "I don't know how to tell him. You think we should?"
"Yes!" she replied, "He's paying for part of her hospital stay, for some reason beyond me!"
Eva sighed heavily, "He still loves her," she spoke with disbelief, "After everything she put him through, he still loves her. I can see it,"
Magda glowered, "... Does Julian love her?" she asked curiously.
"Too much. And... I don't want Theo to go through what we did," she admitted, "It's not his fault his mom's a fucking floozy,"
Brash realization fell over Magda, "He's around the same age we were..."
Eva shrugged, "Maybe the difference will be... if the outcome is gonna' be what I think it's gonna be... he could at least have some people to lean on who've been there,"
Magda shook her head with a scoff, "I already got my hands full with a baby. I don't need to throw in hormonal twelve-year-old-boy-trauma into it,"
"I'm not saying be his counsellor," Eva scoffed back.
"Should we confront Mom? We're older now, she might listen to us!" Magda suggested.
"I tried today, it's futile," she shook her head, "She's so wrapped up in the delusion that she's a 'good mother' and convinced that Theo will be 'just fine' with all of this," she spoke awestruck.
"Would she be a malignant narcissistic?"
"Communal. Malignant narcissistics are vindictive and sadistic,"
Magda scoffed back, "This feels pretty sadistic to me,"
Eva stared up at the ceiling. She was feeling a lot of things; relief that she and her sister were talking, all-out frustration at their mother, pity for their half brother, and she missed her cat. She missed Remington. That part of her that Magda had despised so much had flared again, wondering if it was too late for her to catch the next flight out of here and just let their mom suffer. Because as much as it scared her, it hit her then that Eva didn't want to help their mom. She was too full of anger and spite to give her the time of day, let alone her kidney.
No matter how much therapy and time to heal they'd had, Eva was sure that as long as her mother's narcissism reared its ugly head, she would never be able to forgive her.
"I don't want to give Mom my kidney," Eva muttered suddenly.
Magda looked to her, surprised, "Then why the hell did you come out here?" she asked.
"Because I was going to before, but I just changed my mind," she shook her head, glowering at the carpet below them.
Magda covered her hand with hers, exhaling slowly, "Eva, don't change your mind because of this,"
"I'm not," she looked to her, "But it just dawned on me that even if I give her a kidney, a house, a million dollars, whatever -- it's never gonna' end, Mags. She'll never be grateful, never acknowledge what she's done, she'll never apologize,"
Magda nodded, "Eves, if you came out here for an apology in exchange for a kidney, you got another thing coming. That being said, you're allowed to change your mind. Makes going home to your rockstar way less complicated,"
Eva simpered, "He told me before I left, if I had to go under the knife that he'll be on the first plane out here to take care of me. I like to think he's being honest with me,"
"Why didn't you bring him with you?" Magda asked. Eva's knowing look gave her the answer, "... Right, right. Gotta sort out the toxic family drama first. Have you talked him since you left?"
"Everyday," she smiled back, "He's working on his next album, and he's looking after Pluto,"
"Godspeed," Magda chuckled.
"He's not a bad cat,"
"He chewed up my Dolce Vitas!"
"... I'll pay you back for those,"
"Don't," Magda chuckled, smiling genuinely for the first time since Eva had been there, "If that rockstar can put up with Pluto's bullshit, and put that blushy Alllie Hamilton smile on your face... then I guess he's okay,"
#palaye royale#remington leith#emerson barrett#sebastian danzig#palaye royale imagine#remington palaye royale#emerson palaye royale#remington leith imagine#original story#original female character#eva kuznetsov#band blog#band imagine blog#band imagines#fever dream
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PALAYE ROYALE - No Love In LA There is no such thing as love in LA Plastic people don't got nothing to say They're judging me, I'm judging you We ain't got nothing else to do There's no such thing as love in LA
#palaye royale#palayeroyaleedit#bandedit#musicedit#remington leith#sebastian danzig#emerson barrett#sid.gifs#flashing tw#<- kinda?#if u guys can't tell I'm kind of on a uhhh bit a kick here#don't mind me
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. PALAYE ROYALE . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
#palaye royale#sebastian danzig#remington leith#emerson barrett#bandedit#musicedit#music video#musiciansedit#music video edit#sammie.gifs#idk I got bored so I made this ta daaaa
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Okay I am bored and I want to start chaos, so here I go?!
Tag game: Go on Pinterest (if you have it ofc) and save the first 2 images and post it here. (Only if you want to ofc). Here I go first.

Emerson is really much ruling my pinterest (along with Seb and Remi). Smol Em and Seb are such a mood. (Idk where Remi is, probs climbing something lol). Love 'em.
Tags: @im-literally-so-dun @illseeyouinvancouver @gerardksser @geezyoucouldatleastlaugh @greydoesstuff747 @chelseaaaasmile @cemetary-romance @moon2saturn2mars
#my deepest darkest thoughts#mira's going insane fr#dont question my sanity#mcr#my chemical romance#palaye royale#remington leith#sebastian danzig#emerson barrett#tag games!#tag game
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Emmy is SO Consistent ❤️

I love it, lol!
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The boys are looking fabulous, as usual
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