#Emergency Visa in 18-24 hours for India
jubaer01 · 9 months
For AZERBAIJAN CITIZENS - INDIAN Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online - Official Indian Visa Immigration Head Office
Official Indian Visa Immigration Head Office
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Address: 1033 ул. Измира, Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: (+994 12) 490 78 18/19
Website: https://www.india-visa-online.org/az/visa/ 
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: Amarzi Thomas Findango
Description: Onlayn elektron viza, uyğun səyahət edənlərə asanlıqla eVisa və ya Visa əldə etməyə imkan verir ki, bu ölkəyə turizm, biznes məqsədləri və ya başqa ölkəyə tranzit üçün səfər etsin.  Hindistan Viza Onlayn Tətbiqi Hindistana giriş üçün hökumət tərəfindən tövsiyə olunan bir üsuldur.  Bu, Hindistana ən sürətli və asan şəkildə daxil olmağa imkan verən elektron mexanizmdir.  Hindistan səfirliyinə və ya Hindistan konsulluğuna baş çəkmək və ya pasportunuzu təqdim etmək lazım deyil.  Həm də pasportda fiziki möhür tələb olunmur.  eVisa-nı e-poçt vasitəsilə əldə edə bilərsiniz.  Formanı onlayn doldurmaq və elektron vizanı e-poçtla əldə etmək cəmi 2 dəqiqə çəkir.  Bu etibarlı, təhlükəsiz, təhlükəsiz, sadə və etibarlı onlayn mexanizmdir.  Hindistan səfirliyini ziyarət etmək əvəzinə e-poçt vasitəsilə Hindistan vizası alın.  Hindistan vizası üçün onlayn ərizə forması bütün ABŞ vətəndaşları, Avropa, Böyük Britaniya, Avstraliya, Yeni Zelandiya və Kanada sakinləri üçün mövcuddur.  hindistan vizası onlayn müraciəti, hindistan vizası onlayn müraciəti, hindistan vizası onlayn müraciəti, hindistan vizası onlayn müraciəti, evisa india, hindistan evisa, hindistan biznes vizası, hindistan tibbi vizası, hindistan turist vizası, hindistan vizası, hind vizası, hindistan vizası onlayn, hindistan vizası onlayn, hindistana viza, hindistana viza, hindistan evisa, evisa hindistan, hind biznes vizası, hind turist vizası, hind tibbi vizası, hindistan vizası müraciət mərkəzi, koreya vətəndaşları üçün hindistan vizası, koreyadan hindistan vizası.  təcili Hindistan vizası, Hindistan vizası təcili.  alman vətəndaşları üçün hindistan vizası, bizim vətəndaşlar üçün hindistan vizası, kanada vətəndaşları üçün hindistan vizası, yeni zelandiya vətəndaşları üçün hindistan vizası, avstraliya vətəndaşları üçün hindistan vizası.  Andorra vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Anguilla vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Avstraliya vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Avstriya vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Baham adaları vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Barbados vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Belçika vətəndaşları üçün Hindistan vizası, Br.  Bakirədir.  The online electronic visa allows eligible travellers can easily obtain their eVisa or Visa to visit the country for tourism, business purposes, or transit to another country. Indian Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into India. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter India in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit Indian Embassy or Indian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Indian Visa by email instead of visiting Indian embassy.
Indian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. india visa online application, indian visa online application, india visa application online, indian visa application online, evisa india, india evisa, india business visa, india medical visa, india tourist visa, india visa, indian visa, india visa online, indian visa online, visa to india, visa for india, indian evisa, evisa india, indian business visa, indian tourist visa, indian medical visa, india visa application centre, indian visa for korean citizens, indian visa from korea. urgent india visa, india visa emergency. indian visa for german citizens, indian visa for us citizens, indian visa for canada citizens, indian visa for new zealand citizens, indian visa for australian citizens.  Indian Visa for  Andorra Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Anguilla Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Australia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Austria Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Bahamas Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Barbados Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Belgium Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Br. Virgin Is. Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Brunei Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Bulgaria Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Cayman Islands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Chile Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Hong Kong Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Croatia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Cyprus Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Czech Republic Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Denmark Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Estonia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Finland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  France Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Germany Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Greece Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Hungary Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Iceland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Ireland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Israel Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Italy Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Japan Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  South Korea Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Latvia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Liechtenstein Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Lithuania Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Luxembourg Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Malta Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Mexico Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Monaco Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Montserrat Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Netherlands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  New Zealand Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Norway Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Papua New Guinea Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Poland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Portugal Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Romania Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Samoa Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  San Marino Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Singapore Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Slovakia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Slovenia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Solomon Islands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Spain Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Sweden Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Switzerland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Taiwan Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  British overseas Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  United Kingdom Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Vatican City State.
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Make your best choice to apply for urgent tourist Visa India!
You should be able to make your perfect selection when there is need to find the best source to apply for Visa for your visit to India. If you take serious steps in finding the best source to apply for urgent tourist Visa India then it would definitely lead to bring a big smile to your face. Once you manage to find the perfect source, there would be no reasons to worry for any sort of reasons at all. It is therefore important for you to find out as to how it would be possible to get the perfect one that would definitely add to your own satisfaction.
·         Get to know the right application process: You should make sure to opt for the perfect India visa application that would let you find yourself tense free as well. So, by getting to know the application process in the perfect manner, it would help you to feel much satisfied out of it. Therefore you should try to look forward to all good details as to how it can lead to find yourself glad of your own choice.
Look for the secured payment options online: It is very important for you to ensure of checking for the secure payment options that are available when you seek for urgent medical Visa India. This would prove to be much useful to you where it would lead to find that it has been your ultimate selection that has led to feel much satisfied. If you are able to make your right selection, it would really make you find that it has saved a lot of your money and time as well. Therefore you should try to make sure of looking forward to all the perfect details as to how you can get the ultimate one for your requirement. Visit: https://www.indianetouristvisa.co.in/about-us.php
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Make your right research to apply e-Tourist Visa India!
It is very important for you to look forward to apply e-Tourist Visa India. It is very important for you to find the right one for you.
 You should know how to find the right source that would be possible for you to feel much satisfied out of it. Once you are able to make the right research, it would never make you find yourself tense at all. So, you have to make sure of looking forward to all the right details as to how it would be possible for you to get the ultimate services that would never make you find disappointed at all. So, you have to make sure of taking good steps that would lead to feel that it has been your own good selection that has been able to bring a big smile to your face. By getting hold of the best source to apply e-Tourist Visa India it would definitely help you to feel much satisfied out of it. If you are able to get hold of the ultimate one, it can definitely help you to find that it has been the ultimate selection that you have been able to make. Therefore you have to make sure of getting all good details on it that would help in making you feel much satisfied out of it.
·         Look for all the terms and conditions: You should make sure of taking the right steps in finding all important information by checking their terms and conditions. It would definitely make it possible to find that it has added to your own fulfillment out of it. If you are able to find the perfect eTV India it would make you find that it has saved a lot of time. So you can feel glad of the ultimate step that you have been able to make in the perfect way. 
·         Get urgent Visa for you: It would be possible for you to find maximum amount of fulfillment when you manage to find the ultimate urgent Visa that would save a lot of your precious time that would also lead to bring a huge sense of fulfillment out of it. By opting for India Visa Application it would help in serving your purpose.
·         Check your application status: You should also be able to get your applications checked online in the best way. Thus it would be possible for you to find that it has helped in exceeding your expectations out of it.  You can also try opting for eBusiness Visa for India that would prove to be an added advantage to you. Thus you have to make sure of taking good steps in finding the ultimate source for you. Visit: https://www.indiaonlinevisa.com/about-us.php
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jubaer01 · 11 months
INDIAN Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online LATVIA CITIZENS
Official Indian Visa Immigration Head Office
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Address: 18. novembra iela 44, Daugavpils, LV-5401, Latvia
Phone: +371 65 420 965
Website: https://www.india-visa-online.org/lv/visa/
Business Hours: 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name: Valratoni Thomas Findango
Description: Tiešsaistes elektroniskā vīza ļauj piemērotiem ceļotājiem viegli iegūt eVisa vai Visa, lai apmeklētu valsti tūrisma, uzņēmējdarbības nolūkos vai tranzītā uz citu valsti.  Indijas vīzu tiešsaistes pieteikums ir valdības ieteiktā ieceļošanas metode Indijā.  Tas ir elektronisks mehānisms, kas ļauj visātrāk un vienkāršāk iekļūt Indijā.  Jums nav jāapmeklē Indijas vēstniecība vai Indijas konsulāts vai jāiesniedz pase.  Arī pasē nav nepieciešams fizisks zīmogs.  Jūs varat saņemt eVisa pa e-pastu.  Veidlapas aizpildīšana tiešsaistē un elektroniskās vīzas saņemšana pa e-pastu aizņem tikai 2 minūtes.  Tas ir uzticams, drošs, drošs, vienkāršs un uzticams tiešsaistes mehānisms.  Saņemiet Indijas vīzu pa e-pastu, nevis apmeklējiet Indijas vēstniecību.  Indijas vīzas tiešsaistes pieteikuma veidlapa ir pieejama visiem ASV pilsoņiem, Eiropas, Apvienotās Karalistes, Austrālijas, Jaunzēlandes un Kanādas iedzīvotājiem.  Indijas vīzas tiešsaistes pieteikums, Indijas vīzas tiešsaistes pieteikums, Indijas vīzas pieteikums tiešsaistē, Indijas vīzas pieteikums tiešsaistē, Indijas vīza, Indijas vīza, Indijas biznesa vīza, Indijas medicīniskā vīza, Indijas tūrisma vīza, Indijas vīza, Indijas vīza, Indijas vīza tiešsaistē, Indijas vīza tiešsaistē, vīza uz Indiju, vīza Indijai, Indijas evisa, evisa india, Indijas biznesa vīza, Indijas tūristu vīza, Indijas medicīniskā vīza, Indijas vīzu pieteikumu centrs, Indijas vīza Korejas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza no Korejas.  steidzama Indijas vīza, Indijas vīzu ārkārtas situācija.  Indijas vīza Vācijas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza mums pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Kanādas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Jaunzēlandes pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Austrālijas pilsoņiem.  Indijas vīza Andoras pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Angiljas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Austrālijas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Austrijas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Bahamu salu pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Barbadosas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Beļģijas pilsoņiem, Indijas vīza Br.  Jaunava ir.  The online electronic visa allows eligible travellers can easily obtain their eVisa or Visa to visit the country for tourism, business purposes, or transit to another country. Indian Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into India. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter India in the quickest and easiest way.
You do not need to visit Indian Embassy or Indian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Indian Visa by email instead of visiting Indian embassy. Indian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. india visa online application, indian visa online application, india visa application online, indian visa application online, evisa india, india evisa, india business visa, india medical visa, india tourist visa, india visa, indian visa, india visa online, indian visa online, visa to india, visa for india, indian evisa, evisa india, indian business visa, indian tourist visa, indian medical visa, india visa application centre, indian visa for korean citizens, indian visa from korea. urgent india visa, india visa emergency. indian visa for german citizens, indian visa for us citizens, indian visa for canada citizens, indian visa for new zealand citizens, indian visa for australian citizens.  Indian Visa for  Andorra Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Anguilla Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Australia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Austria Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Bahamas Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Barbados Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Belgium Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Br. Virgin Is. Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Brunei Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Bulgaria Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Cayman Islands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Chile Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Hong Kong Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Croatia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Cyprus Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Czech Republic Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Denmark Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Estonia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Finland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  France Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Germany Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Greece Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Hungary Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Iceland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Ireland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Israel Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Italy Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Japan Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  South Korea Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Latvia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Liechtenstein Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Lithuania Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Luxembourg Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Malta Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Mexico Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Monaco Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Montserrat Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Netherlands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  New Zealand Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Norway Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Papua New Guinea Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Poland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Portugal Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Romania Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Samoa Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  San Marino Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Singapore Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Slovakia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Slovenia Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Solomon Islands Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Spain Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Sweden Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Switzerland Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Taiwan Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  British overseas Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  United Kingdom Citizens ,  Indian Visa for  Vatican City State.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Thai Airways Waives Fees on Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan Flights
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Thai Airways has confirmed that due to the COVID19 outbreak, the company is waiving charges associated with rerouting and changing the dates of travel on a few select routes. Passengers with tickets issued by Thai Airways on, or before, 18 February 2020, with travel scheduled for between 18 February 2020 and 31 March 2020, can change flights or reroute within the ticket’s expiry date and/or receive an extension on the ticket’s expiry date to 30 June 2020 whereby the normal fee for changing will be waived.
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The above applies to: - Thai Airways roundtrip tickets and roundtrip codeshare flights with Thai Smile to Tokyo (Narita, Haneda), Osaka, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Sendai, Seoul, Busan, Taipei, Kaohsiung and Singapore. - Roundtrip codeshare flights with Thai Smile to and from Chiang Mai – Kaohsiung. Terms and conditions apply. Customers should contact Thai Airways directly through the airline's website or through the Thai Airways 24-hour contact centre in Bangkok, Thailand: +6623561111 (international calling rates apply). See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Thai Airways, COVID19. 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vsplusonline · 5 years
Coronavirus: UK heads to 'wartime' scenario as 71 die of Covid-19
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/coronavirus-uk-heads-to-wartime-scenario-as-71-die-of-covid-19/
Coronavirus: UK heads to 'wartime' scenario as 71 die of Covid-19
The UK must act like a “wartime” government and do whatever it takes to support the country’s economy, Prime Minster Boris Johnson has said as Britain’s death toll from the COVID-19 rose to 71 and the number of cases stand at nearly 2,000.
London is described as the hotspot of the pandemic as the virus rapidly spreads across different parts of the UK, which remains in semi-lockdown in line with the UK government’s advice for everyone to avoid non-essential social contact and travel, both domestic and international.
Johnson’s remarks came as India closed its borders to those travelling from the UK. The Indian High Commission in London has set up a system of online registration for all Indian citizens in the UK worried about their visas and keen to travel back to India and said it was working to “address all concerns”.
India on Monday banned the entry of passengers from Europe, Turkey and the UK from March 18 till March 31 to contain the spread of the deadly virus.
“We announced the steps that we did – advising against all unnecessary contact – steps that are unprecedented since World War II. They will have an effect on the spread of the disease,” said Johnson in his daily briefing related to the pandemic from 10 Downing Street on Tuesday.
The current death toll in the UK stands at 71 – with half of England’s fatalities reported in London alone. The cases exploded by 407 to 1,950 on Monday, the biggest daily increase yet.
“We must act like any wartime government and do whatever it takes to support our economy,” he said, as UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled a massive 330-billion pounds bailout package for businesses to survive through the crisis.
The Indian-origin finance minister said his set of measures, including a tax and mortgage holiday for an extended period as well as grants and easier access to loans, will help relieve the pressure on companies as he promised to do “whatever it takes” to protect livelihoods.
Opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn urged the government to suspend home rental fees and ban evictions of tenants during the coronavirus crisis.
Far-reaching emergency powers that will allow the police to detain people who may be infected with the coronavirus and force them to be tested will pass through the House of Commons soon without the need for a formal vote.
UK health secretary Matt Hancock said that the law would be used only “when it is absolutely necessary” to help to cope with the impact of the virus. The measures have been agreed between the parties and are likely to be passed through the Commons “on the nod”. They are expected to gain royal assent before the UK Parliament goes into its Easter recess next week.
“Public support and compliance is crucial and we are grateful for the flexibility people have shown, but we need to ensure police and immigration officers have the authority to enforce these measures where necessary,” said a UK government spokesperson.
As in any wartime scenario, supermarkets in the country are set to restrict what customers can buy to prevent stockpiling. They will also urge customers to use less cash to prevent passing on the virus and may scrap self-checkout tills.
“We have enough food coming into the system but are limiting sales so that it stays on shelves for longer and can be bought by a larger number of customers,” said Mike Coupe, chief executive of Sainsbury’s.
Others have temporarily scrapped 24-hour opening at some stores, closing doors at midnight or 10pm to allow shelves to be replenished. Social media images showing shelves emptied of lavatory rolls are said to be partly to blame for triggering further panic buying.
A new document published by a COVID-19 team at London’s Imperial College, which is advising the Boris Johnson government on its coronavirus response, warns the current public health threat is the “most serious” from a respiratory virus since the Spanish Flu in 1918 when 50 million people had died in the UK.
It has advised Britain to adopt a strategy of “epidemic suppression” – for a period of potentially 18 months or more – rather than “mitigation” to help the state-funded National Health Service (NHS) cope.
The resulting government advice for the public is that those who live alone and have a high temperature or a new and continuous cough should self-isolate for seven days. Those in a household with others and have a high temperature or a new and continuous cough, everyone in the household should stay isolated together for 14 days.
Everyone, whether displaying symptoms or not, should stop all unnecessary contact with others and all unnecessary travel and should work from home where possible and avoid venues such as pubs, clubs, theatres and restaurants.
The outbreak, which first emerged in China’s Wuhan city last year, has marched across the globe, infecting 198,006 people and killing 7,948, according to a tracker maintained by the Johns Hopkins University.
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visarequirements-eu · 3 years
Visa Travel requirements and Entry Rules for Spain during COVID-19 (Update August 18, 2021)
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NOTE: This article was first published June 8. The article has been updated continuously with the most recent updates since June 7. In accordance with the most recent Spanish updates, the last modifications to the article were made on August 18, 2021. To anyone dreaming of endless summers of maillorca, late-night of ibiza, fresh dishes of barcelona, or wandering in Madrid, such dreams can now become true as Spain had opened its borders to welcome vaccinated tourists since June 7. Spain is one of many European countries that have been severely affected by COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the pandemic , the country has seen a significant increase in deaths and cases. Spain was able to reopen for summer 2020 after undergoing one of the strictest lockdowns in spring 2020. The country was still under emergency in November and remains so until May 10, 2021. Spain has not established a COVID-19 Passport yet, but the country is technically ready to connect to the EU Digital COVID Passport Gateway, Visarequirements.eu reports. Spain might have to relax some of its restrictions as the rates of vaccination are increasing and cases of infection dropping every day. Here are some things to consider if you're thinking of visiting Spain in the summer.
Spain COVID-19 Situation
Spain, like other European countries has been badly affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. As of August 18, the country had 4,7 millions COVID-19-related cases and 80k deaths. According to some reports, January 2021 was the most severe month of the Spanish pandemic since the previous summer. The highest number of Coronavirus infections in Spain since the outbreak of the pandemic was recorded on February 8, 2021. A month later, the infection rates had declined, but they rose again in April. 85% of Spanish citizens have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine as of August 18. 71% are fully vaccinated.
What is Open to Tourists in Spain?
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Although Spain has lifted its state of emergency, some COVID-19-related measures remain in place to protect public health. Visitors can already visit museums, monuments, galleries, and other cultural spaces. Despite this, many spaces have seen a reduction in their capacity and have prioritized remote ticket purchase due to COVID-19. The Prado Museum was reopened to public in June 2020. All visitors were advised to book tickets at least 24 hours prior to their visit. Tourists can also visit the Alcazar Seville and Royal Palace of Madrid. There is now a limit on the number of people allowed to visit at once. Everyone must wear a mask. Visitors will be able attend small concerts and performances at the theatre during their time in Spain. Bars and restaurants are also open. In order to ensure public safety, they have adjusted their services to comply with the regulations.
Spain Travel from the EU and Schengen Area Countries
As long as they are not infected, travelers from the majority of European Union and Schengen area countries can enter Spain without quarantine. Travellers from high-risk countries or regions must present a certificate proving that they have been immunized against the disease.
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The Spanish authorities consider the following countries high-risk: - Belgium - Cyprus - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - Greece - Iceland - Ireland - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Netherlands - Portugal - Sweden As listed below, certain regions in eight other EU and Schengen countries may also be considered high-risk. - Austria: the city of Salzburg, Tyrol, Vorarlberg and also Vienna - Bulgaria : the region of Central Severen, Severoiztochen, Yugoiztochen, Yugozapaden, and Central Yuzhen - Croatia : Grad Zagreb and Jadranska Hrvatska - France : 16 regions in total - Germany Berlin, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein - Italy : 18 regions - Norway : 8 regions - Slovenia : Zahodna Slovenija The Spanish government has previously announced, that all vaccines that have been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and World Health Organization (WHO) would be recognised. Those are: - Comirnaty – by Pfizer/BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH. - Vaxzevria – by AstraZeneca - AstraZeneca/SK Bio, by SK Bioscience Co. Ltd. - AstraZeneca Vaccine (Covishield), by the Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. - Janssen - by the Cilag International NV. - Spikevax; mRNA-1273, by Moderna Biotech - Vero Cell – by Sinopharm/Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd. - Sinovac-CoronaVac (Vero Cell), by Sinovac Life Sciences Co., Ltd.
Who can travel to Spain from third countries?
Tourists from third-country countries may also travel to Spain provided they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and have a valid document that proves that the last dose was given at least 14 days prior. Travellers from these third countries, in addition to a vaccination certificate, can also enter the country if they have a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 and negative test results. - Albania - Armenia - Australia - Azerbaijan - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Brunei - Canada - China - Hong Kong SAR - Israel - Japan - Jordan - Kosovo - Lebanon - Macau SAR - Montenegro - New Zealand - Qatar - Republic of Moldova - Republic of North Macedonia - Saudi Arabia - Serbia - Singapore - South Korea - Taiwan - Ukraine - United States of America If they have a valid COVID-19 certificate and proof of recovery, foreign travelers can also travel with a vaccine certificate. - Resident and long-term visa holders from EU and Schengen Area countries can travel to the country. - Health professionals who return to work after going to/return from exercise - To perform air transport activities, you will need to have the right personnel for transport, maritime and aeronautical. - In their duties, the staff of diplomatic, consular and international military, civil protection, and members of humanitarian organizations - Students who have the appropriate documentation and are studying in an EU/Schengen country must possess it. - High-qualified workers whose work is essential for Spain's economy cannot be delayed or done remotely. - People who travel for family reasons - For humanitarian or force majeure reasons, those who travel
Restricted Entry for Arrivals from Several Countries
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Spain has strict rules that prohibit certain countries from entering the country in order to control the Coronavirus outbreak and reduce the importation of Coronavirus cases from other countries. Travellers from South Africa, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia are all eligible to enter Spain.
Spain Entry Requirements For Those Permitted to Enter The Country
Travellers to Spain must complete a Health Control form. This can be filled out electronically. Once the form is completed, a QR code is generated. This code should then be presented to the Spanish health authorities upon arrival. The form may also be available in paper format if necessary. It is important to note that each person and every trip should have its own form. According to the European Center for Disease Control guidelines travellers who arrive in Spain from high risk countries for essential purposes must have a negative COVID-19 result within 72 hours of their arrival. You can request documentation to prove that you have not been affected by the virus while in Spain. The document containing the negative test result should contain information about the holder, including their name, passport number or identity card number, date of test, issuing body and type of test. The test can be recognized in Spanish, English or French. Travellers who arrive in Spain are subject to health checks, including temperature checks and visual examinations. All persons traveling to the Canary Islands must also present a negative test within 72 hours of departure. Children under six years of age, passengers and people who transport goods, as well as cross-border workers and residents living within 30 km of the border with Spain are exempted from the testing requirements. Read the full article
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urvashiela-blog · 6 years
Sunrise Hospital - Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal : Elawoman
Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal
Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal is a confided in IVF Specialist in Area 10 A, Gurgaon. She has more than 20 long stretches of involvement as an IVF Specialist. She is a MBBS Lone wolf of Medication and Single man of Medical procedure, DGO . You can meet Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal by and by at Sunrise Hospital in Segment 10 A, Gurgaon.
My experience is combined with real worry for my patients. The majority of my staff is devoted to your solace and provoke consideration too.
Dr. Shalini Jain is a Gynecologist and Obstetrics and Gynecology Anatomical Pathologist in Chattarpur, Delhi and has an ordeal of 18 years in these fields.She finished DGO from G B Gasp Hospital/Moulana Azad Therapeutic School, New Delhi in 2001 and MBBS from Woman Hardinge Medicinal School, New Delhi in 1998.
Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal in Khandsa Road, Delhi is a best player in the class Dermatologists in the Delhi. This well-referred to foundation goes about as a one-stop goal adjusting clients both neighborhood and from different parts of Delhi. Through the span of its trip, this business has set up a firm decent footing in its industry. The conviction that consumer loyalty is as essential as their items and administrations, have helped this foundation accumulate a huge base of clients, which keeps on developing constantly.
This business utilizes people that are devoted towards their particular parts and put in a great deal of push to accomplish the normal vision and bigger objectives of the organization. Sooner rather than later, this business plans to expand its line of items and administrations and take into account a bigger customer base. In Delhi, this foundation involves a conspicuous area in Khandsa Rd. It is an easy undertaking in driving to this foundation as there are different methods of transport promptly accessible. It is at Khandsa Road, Sec-10a, which makes it simple for first-time guests in finding this foundation. It is known to give top administration in the accompanying classes: Dermatologists, General Doctor Specialists, Dental practitioners.
Dr. Shalini Jain Nawal in Khandsa Rd has an extensive variety of items and administrations to take into account the differed prerequisites of their clients. The staff at this foundation are obliging and provoke at giving any help.
Sunrise Hospital
Sunrise Hospital, F-1 Kalindi Province alongside New Companions State in New Delhi. We are presented considerable authority in Insignificantly Intrusive Medical procedure which has been licensed around the world. It gives Insignificantly Intrusive methods in all branches of pharmaceutical like Laparoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Arthroscopy and Cystoscopy with probably the most experienced specialists. Along these lines, we gladly talk about our care, ability, and experience.
A portion of our Offices Include:
24-hour lab oncquest
Drug store
Dept. of radiology
X-beam (advanced x-beam)
Karl Storz Laparoscopic Framework
Level-II nursery
Easy work conveyance
Completely secluded OT
24 Hour Emergency vehicle
In Delhi, Sunrise Hospital is a perceived name in persistent care. It was incepted in the year 2012. They are one of the well-known Careful Hospital in Kalindi State Companions Province East. Upheld with a dream to offer the best in tolerant care and furnished with innovatively propelled human services offices, they are one of the up and coming names in the social insurance industry. Situated in , this hospital is effortlessly available by different methods for transport. This hospital is additionally situated at Segment 115, , Principle Street, Nr Sec-10a chowk - Hari Nagar Gurgaon.
A group of well-prepared therapeutic staff, non-restorative staff and experienced clinical experts work round-the-clock to offer different administrations that incorporate Visitor\'s Timings 00:00 To 00:00, Medicinal Specialities truly, Symptomatic Administrations truly, Opd Administrations indeed, General Ward truly, Twin Sharing truly, Single Room truly, Select Room truly, Senior Subject Well Being Check Up Plan truly, Pathology Lab , X Ray , Sonography , I.c.c.u. , Cafeteria , Scientific expert , Emergency vehicle Administration , sexually transmitted disease Office , Fax Office , Web Office , Wellbeing Checkup Plan , National Protection , New India Affirmation , Icici Lombard , Bajaj Partnership , Universal Patient Wellbeing Designs , Visas Acknowledged , Platinum cards Acknowledged . Their expert administrations make them a looked for after Careful Hospital in Delhi. A group of specialists on board, incorporating specialists are outfitted with the learning and skill for handling different kinds of medicinal cases.
Dr. Bharathi Rajanna
Dr. Bharathi Rajanna Has 29 Years Involvement in Gynecology and Obstetrics With Specialization in High-Hazard Pregnancy and Infertility, Gynaec Laparoscopic Systems and Endoscopies.She is a teacher, Universal Speaker and Bury State speaker.
Dr. Bharathi Rajanna is extraordinary compared to other Gynecologists in Kanva Demonstrative Administrations, Bangalore. She has more than 32 long stretches of involvement as a Gynecologist. She has finished MBBS, MD - Obstetrics and Gynecology, Confirmation In Insignificant Access Medical procedure, Cooperation in Cutting edge Infertility and Endoscopy, Association in Negligible Obtrusive Spine Medical procedure, Partnership in Infertility . You can counsel Dr. Bharathi Rajanna at Fortis Hospitals in Kanva Analytic Administrations, Bangalore.
I'm a minding, talented expert, committed to disentangling what is regularly an extremely entangled and befuddling region of human services.
Specialist Clinic
Neurology,Pharmacy,Ultrasonography,Ultrasound and Development Issue and so forth.The Specialist Clinic is a Multi Claim to fame Clinic in Keshav Puram, Delhi. The clinic is visited by specialists like Dr. Chandresh Gupta and Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta . The timings of The Specialist Clinic are: Mon-Sun: 06:00-21:00. A portion of the administrations given by the Clinic are: Laparoscopic Surgery,Shoulder Pain,Blood Weight Test,Knee Props For Osteoarthritis and Back Torment Physiotherapy and so forth. Tap on guide to discover bearings to achieve The Specialist Clinic.
Arranged in one of the biggest neighborhoods in Delhi, The Specialist Clinic in Keshav Puram is a piece of the coordinated system of pathology labs. This wander left on its voyage with a longstanding duty and a dream to make an extensive variety of specific testing administrations accessible to the basic man. In the division, this center has been predictable towards its duty to greatness and development in whatever they do. The center is well outfitted with the most recent in innovative headways and computerization and cling to the different stringent inward and outer quality control components.
Dr. Anupama Ramachandran
Dr. Anupama Ramachandran, the executive and expert of PRAN fertility and wellness center, is instrumental in the administration of patients who are bothered with gynecological and infertility related difficulties. Her capability and responsibility in the field gave her vast trees.
She offers her administrations in different infertility treatments like Laparoscopic Medical procedure, Gynae Issues, Pre-adult Care , In-Vitro Preparation (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). She is likewise an individual from ISAR and FOGSI. At introduce she rehearse at Pran Fertility And Well Woman Center. You can get her contact points of interest on www.elawoman.com.
Pran Fertility And Well Woman Center
Pran Fertility And Well Woman Center is situated on Poonthi Street, Kumarapuram,Thiruvananthapuram. The hospital offers helped regenerative treatment in a pocket amicable spending plan. The hospital has a group of specialists who have huge experience of work in the field of infertility treatments . The hospital likewise has an adolescent clinic, inhouse embryologists, and andrology clinics. The hospital offers different bundles for diagnostics and woman wellness.
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Welcome to Indian Visa Online| (+91)1145501270
India Online Visa
All international nationals travelling to India must have a valid passport and a print out of the Indian tourist visa approval sent to their email before leaving the country they are travelling from. e-Visa can be obtained on urgent basis in 16 business day in case of urgent travels after paying the relevant charges. To avail the expedited service, your travel date must be at least after 24 hours from the time your submit the application.
Urgent Visa Processing:
Fast Track and Emergency Visa Services for who want to get visa urgently in 18 to 24 working hours. Processing time of e-tourist visa application will be 16 working hours from receipt of the payment of visa applications along with documents. This service will be done with additional charges. Apply India Online Visa & Get Visa Approval in 12 to 16 Business Hours. For Details Kindly contact us: [email protected] and 3 designated seaports (i.e. Cochin, Goa, Mangalore). However, the foreigner can take exit from any of the authorized Immigration Check Posts (ICPs) in India.
Online Visa Facility:
e-Visa is valid for 180 days from the date of arrival. It must be availed within its period of validity. If you are travelling with the purpose of Tourism or Business then it will be valid for two entries and for Medical purpose it will be valid for three entries from the date of the first arrival date in India. It allows a maximum of two visits in a calendar year. The facility is valid for entry through 24 designated Airports.
Eligibility Checklist:
Ø  International Travelers whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation , sight-seeing , casual visit to meet friends or relatives, short duration medical treatment or casual business visit.
 Ø  Passport should have at least six months validity from the date of arrival in India. The passport should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer.
 Ø  International Travelers should have return ticket or onward journey ticket, with sufficient money to spend during his/her stay in India.
 Ø   International Travelers having Pakistani Passport or Pakistani origin may please apply for regular Visa at Indian Mission.
 Ø   Not available to individuals endorsed on parent´s / spouse´s passport i.e. each individual should have a separate passport. E-Tourist Visa will be granted only against valid passports.
Ø  6. Not available to International Travel Document Holders.
Ø  Passport must have a validity of at least six months from the date of arrival in India.
Ø  The passport must have at least two blank pages in case stamping needed to be done by the Immigration Officer.
Ø  International Travellers are required to have a return ticket or an onward journey ticket and may be asked at the airport to be furnished.
Ø  Tourists must travel with sufficient money to spend during the stay in India.
Ø  For Business Travel one must have his or her business card or a letter from the company for the purpose of travel.
Ø  For Medical Purpose, a person must have a letter from the Hospital on their letterhead where the treatment is supposed to happen.
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memsmedic1 · 8 years
Hsae Pyinya Shin 01/09/2017
After traveling all day through India, our final flight into Bangkok arrived at 4 AM (0230 AM India time) the next morning on the 9th. After going through customs and claiming our packs, we hung out in the airport for 2 or 3 hours until it was time to start crawling through early morning traffic to get to the Myanmar embassy so myself and one other team member could renew our visas.
Afterwards we ran a couple more errands and then drove back to the old school property where we could finally rest! That evening we were able to go to bed early and even sleep in the next morning! The next day we unpacked and cleaned up our gear, washed clothes, responded to a school bus vs semi truck MVC and got packed for travel again.
I didn’t even go to bed the next night because at 1230 AM we had to drive back to the Bangkok airport to drop off 3 team members who would be flying back to Yangon. The rest of us were also headed to Yangon but had to take care of some other business first.
After leaving the airport we found a quiet place to park the ambulance for a couple hours while we tried to rest until morning and then we just hung out in Bangkok until 3 PM when we could pick up our passports with new visas from the Myanmar embassy.
After these were acquired we started driving north towards Tak, Thailand where myself and one other team member would catch a bus to the border while the other two remain in Thailand another week to wrap up some work here. We arrived in Tak at 10 PM and went to the bus station to find out when the next bus was leaving. We were told the the next bus would depart at 2 AM the next morning on the 12th, and since we were all so tired we decided to get a hotel for a couple hours in the meantime! After crashing for three and a half hours we got up and went to catch our bus but found out that it had been delayed and wasn’t actually leaving until 3 AM. So we got to sit at the bus station for an hour.
The bus covered the 90 km distance to MaeSot in a little under 3 hours and after taking a songtau from the bus station we arrived at the border just as it was opening.
We were transporting four huge heavy suitcases full of ambulance equipment plus our personal backpacks so we had a friend on the Myanmar side that we had arranged would cross to the Thai side of the border with his truck if we called him to haul our baggage across (we would still have to cross on foot). However, we decided that it would be faster just to hoof everything across the Thai-Myanmar friendship bridge ourselves so that’s what we did. Along the way we were able to help an older Australian tourist negotiate through immigration and find his bus. We started visiting with him and found out he is in school working on his Ph.D. and is visiting Myanmar conducting research for his thesis which is on the history and infrastructure of Myanmar’s railways of all things! (Hint, the same short distance we cover in 24 hours by bus would take a full 3 days by train!)
After we finally arrived at our own bus stop ½ mile down the road from the boarder we were hot and sweaty and looked like two American tourists with all our baggage. Then we realized that immigration had only given us the 30 day tourist visa stamp instead of the 70 day business visa stamp we needed so back to the boarder our passports had to go!
At 0930 we were back at the bus stop getting everything loaded and by 1000 we were on the road. Ten long uneventful hours later we arrived in Yangon and were met by one of our other team members who had reserved a taxi and was ready to accompany us to our apartment.
Now I had a couple days at the apartment in Yangon to finish preparing for the triathlon of emergency medical responder classes that I will be teaching. The first EMR class will begin on the 17th in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin state.
In between resting and reviewing my material for class I was also busy helping organize and pack all the training materials we were going to need. On the morning of the 15th we called a taxi truck to the apartment and loaded up 4 backboards, a scoop stretcher, a portable stretcher, KED’s, splints, 2 AED’s, 12 CPR mannequins, and 18 boxes of medical training supplies. Then off to the bus station we went.
Late the next morning we arrived in Myitkyina and got everything organized and ready for class. That afternoon we picked up our two remaining team members at the airport who flew in just in time from Thailand and went over last minute details both with our team and with the first responders we have come to train.
The Rest In Peace Group has 3 hearses that they also use as horizontal taxis to pick up sick or injured patients and drive them to the hospital. After initial surveys on our previous trips here I can say that there is currently no effective rescue services available, similar to the majority of the country. The Red Cross and local government hospital almost never respond to accidents leaving this job to untrained body-collectors such as Rest In Peace Group whose specialty is the extrication and/or transportation of DRT individuals to the morgue or wherever the family wants them to be buried. Now even though their vehicles smell (strongly) of dead bodies their hearses are also doubling as ambulances ferrying patients to the hospital.
Because Myitkyina is at the heart of fighting between the KIA and Burmese army rescue services often come across war-like injuries so there is an especially strong need for more advanced medical training.
Upon our earlier visit we had realized that they had no rescue equipment at all including basic trauma bags and we are bringing them some donated equipment and supplies to give them at the EMR training. We also discussed their “ambulances” with them which we recommended to have one or two either converted into ambulance only vehicles or else buy a new one. Just prior to this training they have finally acquired an actual ambulance thanks to some sponsors assistance and it is currently in transit from the south and will arrive soon!
They seem excited to receive this badly need med training to go with the new ambulance they’re getting.
The next morning on the 17th we showed up at the training room and were ready to start teaching the first M-E.M.S. EMR class promptly at 0800 but discovered that RIP was still resting in peace! We got ahold of the leader to find out why we only had two students in class and found out that the assistant the leader delegated to organize their people and make sure everything was ready on their end apparently hadn’t thought we would actually show up and be ready to start on time. So he hadn’t impressed on the responders chosen to receive training the necessity of showing up on time on the appointed day nor was he himself there.
Because one of the requirements to pass the EMR course was to attend class every day, the leader was extremely unhappy with his lieutenant and asked us if there wasn’t anything we could do to help fix the problem. We said we could delay the start of class one day since most of the prospective students were unaware when the training was actually supposed to start. The leader also asked if we could start class an hour later in the morning and finish an hour later in the evening because some of the class attendees had children they needed to get to school. Again we said no problem. He was very thankful for this and spoke a few words to his assistant after we left for the day.
On January 18th we started class for real with 16 students. I’d taught 2nd grade English before and was a paramedic preceptor at my last job but this was a whole new level of teaching. Standing in front of a whole roomful of students for 8 hours a day was intimidating at first to say the least! Additionally I had never worked extensively with a translator until now which requires a completely different cadence of talking than I’m used to.
After the first day or two though I got the hang of it and started to relax and breathe a little bit easier! Every hour or so we would try to take a 5 minute coffee/tea/bathroom break and we gave everyone an hour for lunch. The first day was almost exclusively me teaching, my translator translating, and the students listening. But for the rest of the course I interspersed the lecturing with skills practice so everyone would stay engaged and not die from PowerPoint overdose.
Four of my team members had also prepared topics that they presented during the course which gave me 4-6 luxurious hours of break time. Also, everyone helped out with skills, both demonstrating each one in front of class and helping to proctor the breakout skills practice groups and answer questions.
Rest In Peace support staff cooked and brought food to the conference center for all the students and training team every single day we had class. It was very good and I must say that I felt like peacefully resting after partaking of it! (Or was that the fatigue from stress and sleep deprivation?)
For breakfast and dinner we had to fend for ourselves. After eating at an array of regular Burmese restaurants and street vendors, we stumbled upon a halal chapati shop. At first we started eating there as a hobby, but it quickly turned into a obsession for several of us, it was so good! It reminded us of (and quite possibly surpassed) the delicious Indian food we had in India.
This chapati shop was the epitome of simplicity. They served delectable chapatis, a potato and vegetable curry, a tamarind chili dipping sauce, and tea. Outside the open-front shop on the sidewalk was a wood fired cast iron chapati griddle manned by the family’s two oldest children. Mother cooked the curry and tamarind sauce and made the chapati dough back in the kitchen. Father helped roll out dough if the older kids got behind, greeted and visited with customers and made everyone feel like an honored guest. The youngest son was surprisingly fluent in English and was the translator and bus boy.
During breakfast time we could also ask for a special bread creation that only the father could make. Using the chapati dough, he would make a paper thin layer of dough on the table and keep folding it over and over onto itself, then cook it on the griddle. After it was done, he would thwack it violently with his hand and the bread would suddenly puff up into a delicious “something” resembling a hearty pastry.
So every single morning and evening after this amazing discovery I would walk from our hotel and either fortify myself for a day of teaching or relax and unwind afterwards in that wonderful shop!
Class progressed very well and before I knew it it was final exam day. First thing in the morning we proctored the 100 question written test and then spent the rest of the day and evening testing out students on the psychomotor skills and scenarios. Afterward we had a small graduation ceremony. In Southeast Asia taking pictures, recognition, and certificates are vitally important so everybody got a MFA EMR shirt and every passing student received a certificate of completion amid much fanfare and picture taking. They also gave each one of us a traditional Kachin longyi (men) or skirt (women) as a thank you!
The next day to celebrate even more our EMR graduates and new friends took us up to the “Confluence”, the headwaters of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) river. The confluence is formed by the joining of two smaller rivers, the Maka, which flows out of China, and the Malika, which has its headwaters in northern Myanmar in the Himalaya mountains.
Here we spent a fun afternoon playing in the water, watching the river boats, eating a picnic dinner, and arguing with a random guy who tried telling us we had to pay him for the privilege of taking pictures! The new Rest In Peace EMR’s were no match for him however lol.
The next morning on the 29th we loaded up all our teaching supplies onto the bus again and headed 17 hours south to Mandalay where our second EMR course would be held. After getting into the city in the wee hours of the morning we loaded all the supplies onto a taxi truck and took it to our hotel.
Several hours later once the city was awake we loaded up everything again to take to the rescue headquarters and meet with the leaders of the rescue group we will be training to make sure everything is ready for class in a couple days.
On our way we discovered that our logistics guy had booked our hotel on the exact opposite side of the city from where the training was going to be! So we decided to find a closer hotel to stay in after tonight.
The Chanmyathuhka social welfare organization is much bigger than the Rest In Peace Group and has a slightly higher level of exposure to emergency medical services. They respond to emergencies over a huge part of Mandalay and are also involved in many other varieties of community service and outreach such as sewing classes, judo classes, hearse transports, a temple, a hospice care home, and an 18 wheeler water tanker they drive to fires to refill fire trucks from.
We had a great meeting that day with the rescue leaders and then a great EMR class began 2 days later. Unlike RIP this foundation is quite busy responding to emergencies in Mandalay and I as well as some other team members enjoyed responding with them.
Chanmyathuhka social welfare organization already has many many ambulances that have been donated to them though they only staff one or two. The strange thing however is that they have hardly any ambulance equipment or supplies whatsoever, and what they do have is scattered amongst all the ambulances!
The first call I went on with them was for a motor vehicle accident and the only supplies they had with them was a backboard (without any straps, C-collar, or head blocks) and a tiny half empty trauma bag filled with dirty dressings and an open bottle of off-clear saline! No stretcher, oxygen or any other medicine, airway adjuncts, splinting supplies, AED, tourniquets, BVM, or anything! Fortunately we always have a team trauma bag with us that we took to the call.
When we asked why there was nothing in the ambulance to take care of patients with we were told there was not enough money. When we suggested selling an ambulance or three to clear up some space in the parking area and have plenty of money for gear and supplies they were very resistant to the idea. So instead we asked them to clean out the two ambulances they usually use and scavenge all the supplies out of the rest. While still not adequate it was a big improvement! They found oxygen, a stretcher, backboard straps, and several other important items.
Throughout this EMR course we had to keep emphasizing that EMS is actually about beginning to treat the patient and provide interventions for immediately life-threatening problems in the prehospital setting and not just pick him up and run for the hospital!
One of the calls we responded to with our students was for a house fire. As we were pulling out of the station we could already see a huge pillar of thick black smoke in the distance. When we arrived in the area we had to park many blocks away because of the massive firefighter turnout. At least 40 or 50 fire engines were in the area even though most of them couldn’t get anywhere near the fire either!
We broke up into a few teams and headed towards the area where everyone was running away from. We got right up to the fire and some of us started helping fight the fire while some of us started treating patients. We had two burns and an anxiety attack that either didn’t need to go to the hospital or refused transport, and one patient having chest pain who we did treat and transport.
Before the fire was contained, 12 houses had been burned down.
Suddenly once again the course was over and it was time for graduation. Every passing student received a certificate and a MFA EMR shirt and everyone on our team received a commemorative plaque and a longyi or skirt as a thank you! Then our new friends took us sightseeing high up into the mountains to a spectacular botanical gardens that was left over from the British and was situated far above the smog and oppressive heat of Mandalay.
After the Mandalay training, we had 5 days until our third EMR class, so we swung by our headquarters in Yangon to reorganize our supplies and then took the bus to Myawaddy.
From the 15th through the 24th I taught our last EMR course until May. Z-Rescue was definitely the easiest rescue group to teach because I’d already taught 2 full courses as practice! Also they were already trying to operate the right way. They wash their 2 ambulances every day, keep them clean inside, and are fairly well stocked with BLS supplies. I was down with a sickness (fever) for the first couple days which made it pretty miserable to teach so I was glad for such a great class.
I didn’t have as much help with skills demonstrations and student practice though because this is the town our new-to-us ambulance is being rebuilt in, so any nonessential personnel for the training were working to get it finished and ready to go.
During the day of class teaching CPR and resuscitation as I was talking about AED’s the students wanted me to show them on their own AED also. As we were going through the process I asked them how many patients they had used it on since they got it about a year ago. They told me that they haven’t ever used it because they didn’t know how until today!
After graduation ceremonies were finished I and part of the team took our gear on the bus back to headquarters in Yangon while the rest of the team stayed to work on our ambulance. In Yangon I went to the Thai embassy to apply for a tourist visa because the next project was a course for our team in Kanchanaburi province: We’re going to get SCUBA diver training!
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