#Emenator of Enigmata
brainrot-mx · 4 months
I am aware the danganronpa fandom is prolly really inactive rn and I also have no idea if the HSR fandom is on here BUT I HAVE TO SHARE MY IDEAS (saiouma mixed into hsr)
Kokichi would be an emenator of the Enigmata or Elation:
I'm leaning Enigmata honestly, but his lies and hatered for violence would be a great motivation for him altering history to prevent humanity from ever commiting heinous crimes ever again (like the killing game?)
The remark from Shuichi after the 5th trial about Kokichi being a lie itself would fit perfectly for being someone either made by a fictionologist (like Gallahager) or being an emenator
He's also incredibly smart which would help him with covering up history, twisting facts and generally messing with public opinion/knowledge about history in subtle ways by using lies
His belief that lies can be used for good also factors into this
Messing with anyonr related to Nous, specifically Shuichi here but I think the memebers of the Genius Society would hate him <3
As an Emenator of Enigmata, it fits that his backstory is very unclear and messy/dkesn't make sense even when you have clues (like DICE for example)
Him not being given any credit for his plan in chapter 5 also solidifies him being perfect for this, as he wasn't written down to be remembered, leaving him with no legacy and no history
I take his ultimate to mean he is the perfect leader, so he fills a groups gaps and the support or drive, depending on what is needed, which is what I think a leader should be. Here, it would be used the way he did in the DRV3, which is to say he turned people against him (either by writing down false history and acting it out or making the planet hate him specifically therefore throwing the repeating history off it's rails with a new factor)
A lot of people would mistake him for a Masked Fool. He is friends with a bunch of them though and uses it to his advantage
Because he is so elusive and has very similar ideals to Mythus, he'd probably be given a lot of power. Deciphering the messed up history and stories he leaves behind is a giant pain
Would go very heavy on the planets that constantly repeat their own history, especially if it involves lots of killing and unreasonable authorities doing it
Hates the IPC, constantly messes with their records and
HOWEVER for the Elation:
Being a Masked Fool or even an Emenator would fit him becuase he loves pranks and subtly changes the situation is ways to fit himself (which is a characteristic of Aha)
Messing with people, making fun of people, having his own agenda and generally orchestrating everything from the background works as well.
And Shuichi would probably be part of Genius Society and blessed by Nous, the Aeon of Erudition:
As is customary for anyone in the GS, he would live a life engrossed in his own work, trying to find the truth of cases across the cosmos
The cases he solves are very important, usually solving mysteries connected to important figures in the universe or were unsolved for years before being solved by him, prompting Nous to actually notice him
A lot of people dislike him for revealing corrupt leaders, especially the IPC, because he exposed how horrible they were and as a result the IPC was unable to invade his home planet
Accidentally solved a case where an Aeon was involved, it was a really big scale conflict/event and he got involved, then solved it
Is curious about the Aeons since (and because he was blessed by Nous). Has been invited to work on the Simulated Universe, where he tries to solve historical events like the Swarm, dissapearance of Aeons and what could've happened to them
Probably constantly getting fucked with by Kokichi, by having his records of cases and notes of findings from years ago altered. He gets targeted because of a case he solved earlier in his life, where he exposed that someone messed with the evidence, that person having been Kokichi
He always figures out when his records were messed with, while alse realising that Kokichi was the one doing it, but he could never solidly prove it, causing him to continue his research on the other
Their end comes when Shuichi fully realises who Kokichi is and finds out everything there is to know. None of the information makes sense, accept for the others name. He then dubs Kokichi a "living lie" and calls him by the only things he's certain is true, prompting the Eminator of Enigmata to start fizzling away, as he has become "real" because of Shuichi solidifying him as "real" and "true" by the use of his name instead of a "lie" and "nonexistent" or "altered"
(this is because the Enigmata wants history to be obscured and therefore untrue, which is why I believe it's Eminators would follow, having fabricated lives with no records to show their true history.)
Shuichi would then spend his whole life trying and forget Kokichi's true name, just so he could see him one more time.
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yellowymellon · 6 months
Family theory ⬇️
i'm abt to present the most controversial theory ever/j it's just a silly one xD (beware tis long)
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as far as we know, xipe themselves descend on the charmony festival. but does this hymn insinuates that multiple faces descend instead of the entirety of xipe? let's first see the content of this hymn:
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it starts by talking abt dominicus as a manifestation of xipe, dominicus means sunday, this could be further supported by the many mentions of law and authority as sunday is shown to be orderly, methodical and obessesive compulsive. "the gazillions of old laws have all faded" i suppose that could be ena which makes sunday even more connected to them.
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constantina is the second manifestation who is a singer. who else is a probable emenator of harmony and is a singer?
from the collectible cards found in penacony, robin's says the following "Surrounded by vibrant lights, the audience was moved to tears by her voice. All the flaws, ugliness, deception, and loneliness in life were forgotten." it fits well as robin is many times portrayed in this manner.
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Aelenev, his description is abt battles and war, it might be a metaphor but it could be talking abt the very distant past of penacony. there isnt much info i can derive from here or firmly link it to someone but i have someone in mind.
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beatriz, while dance seems like the main characteristic but so is singing and feasting. "the world is a ball" i think beatriz resides over culture and entertainment.
now before i talk abt who i think the last two are i need you to know the family lineages, there's 5 families. the name followed by purpose by the head :
oak - management - sunday
nightingale - construction - Sir Whittaker (npc)
bloodhound - security - head unknown
Iris - entertainment -  Maeven Ellis
alfalfa - economy - oti alfalfa
ofc the dreammaster exists as a seperate entity of all 5.
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there's some truth to the first pic, the dreammaster does control the 5 families, and his orders are absolute. the history here could be altered by History Fictionologists, followers of enigmata.
the hymn only mentions 4 ppl tho, 2 are the closest to sunday and robin, the latter isnt even a family head, which is a bit weird but makes sense why she gets invited to the charmony festival. but beatriz very much matches with iris' head, Maeven Ellis. Aelenev is more tricky to define but he could be Gopher Wood, found in the collectibles. i couldn't find anything concrete in his description but "we have discovered the lord's disciple in the mortal world" is an interesting line, i mostly took his appearance in consideration :
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(ignore aideen and lesley) anyway- gopher wood seem to carry a 'gospel' and has a crow by his side (just like sunday who has erm a raven? a nightingale that looks like an eagle?) and his wings are scarred, possibly by 'battles' the hymn spoke of, aaand Easter-egg he has sunday's old halo :) i suspect he could be the bloodhounds' head, Maeven Ellis is right beside him btw
out of all the hymn has talked abt, in our silly theory, ALL of them are halovians who have wings. i read in wiki that halovians have wings in their biology but idk where that info came from...there isnt a single halovian npc who got wings.
"every Halovian in Penacony is a member of the family" gopher looks like an older priest, his postion could totally be of a head.
now this is spoilery (imo doesn't make much difference), even tho it was leaked to be in 2.0 loading screen but i didnt find it, so i went to great lengths to get it from reddit! It might be a scratched idea tho, I'll only put the most important parts :
Edit: nvm it's called the harmonic strings phenomenon, found in wiki and database :x
"Family members have adopted a system of differentiation based on scales, with only those above the subdominant "IV" note being eligible to serve as the tuner of the Harmonic Strings. "
"The concept of Harmonic Strings is elucidated in the Harmony Hymns, a compilation of divine embodiments attributed to Xipe. These embodiments portray down-to-earth virtues that contribute to Harmony and can be practiced by individuals regardless of their position."
"The Family takes pride in celebrating the beauty of the Thousand Faces, including figures such as Aelenev of the Eternal Centurion, Dominicus of the Harmonious Choir, Constantina of the Panacoustic Theater, and Beatriz of the Blissful Ball."
"Opposers of the Harmony argue that the Harmonic Strings are in fact Emanators from Xipe themselves, not associated with any specific mortal but rather representing facets of Xipe, who can assume the form of any Family member when necessary."
Lots of yapping I know. Basically the ones eligible to welcome xipe in a ritual called harmonic strings are tuners of rank IV. We already know that at least 2 are emenators and the others should be too.
Also Aelenev of the eternal centurion, a Centurion being a soldier in the Roman army responsible for the command of one hundred men. A description fitting of the bloodhound head. The harmonic choir could refer to the oak family, and so on
But here where the contradiction happens, in oti's letter to Sunday
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also if all halovians with wings are emenators/ facet of xipe, then sunday and robin had them as children..?
i could argue that the dreammaster chooses for xipe who he sees fit to be an emenator, and under his guidance they become a harmony symbol. robin for the outside world and im sure sunday was adopted for the same cause as bronya rand, to become the future head of the oak family.
now on dominicus arrival...this letter and the hymn are slightly contradictory...and the map text is too. if dominicus is a facet of xipe, why do they and the 3 others have to welcome xipe ? isnt the descent of the 4 of them considered complete in it's self? xipe is a plural aeon, if part of them descends it should still be an aeon. but the hymn insinuates that the 4 facets serve xipe. also the connection between sunday and robin to them is solid.
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aight, we know who the harmonic strings are from the map text, it makes sense to think of them as the ones i theorized them to be, except from robin they're all directly influential on penacony. aand now oti's letter makes less sense. we can argue that each one of them derives power from a facet, maybe even becoming vessels to them or represent them. and these facets need to descend (arrive) for the charmony festival to reach it's conclusion, being xipe's descendance.
also reminder
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(he means xipe by their)
uuuhuh sweetie, u gotta leave the house as dominicus tho!
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destisea-a · 5 months
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LADY BEDLAM , emenator of enigmata  galaxy ranger... ?
rough concept, but very much so final, as far as general idea goes. as with all my ocs they're subject to change as things happen.
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