#Embrace Your Life Path 8: Unleashing True Potential for Success
thehouseofja · 1 year
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healthcare75 · 5 months
Elevate Your Mindset with Billionaire Brain Wave: Unleash Your Full Potential
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In my quest for personal and professional growth, I stumbled upon Billionaire Brain Wave with eager anticipation. This groundbreaking product, created by an 8-figure marketer, promised to revolutionize the way I think and unlock my full potential. From the moment I began exploring its offerings, I knew I was embarking on a transformative journey towards success and abundance.
Cutting-Edge Brainwave Technology:
Billionaire Brain Wave employs cutting-edge brainwave technology to reprogram the subconscious mind for success. Through a series of audiovisual stimuli, this product stimulates specific brainwave frequencies associated with heightened focus, creativity, and productivity. By entraining the mind to operate at optimal levels, Billionaire Brain Wave facilitates the manifestation of desired outcomes and accelerates the path to success.
Harnessing the Power of Neuroplasticity:
At the heart of Billionaire Brain Wave lies the principle of neuroplasticity—the brain's remarkable ability to reorganize and adapt in response to new experiences. Through repeated exposure to empowering messages and positive affirmations, this product reshapes neural pathways, replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones. As a result, users experience a profound shift in mindset, paving the way for greater confidence, resilience, and success.
Unlocking the Secrets of the Ultra-Wealthy:
What sets Billionaire Brain Wave apart is its unique insight into the mindset of the ultra-wealthy. Drawing upon the strategies and techniques employed by successful entrepreneurs and visionaries, this product provides invaluable guidance on wealth creation, abundance mindset, and financial freedom. By immersing oneself in the wisdom of billionaires, users gain access to a wealth of knowledge and inspiration that propels them towards their own financial goals.
Personalised Coaching and Support:
In addition to its audiovisual content, Billionaire Brain Wave offers personalized coaching and support to help users maximize their results. Through one-on-one sessions with experienced mentors and access to exclusive communities, users receive guidance, accountability, and encouragement every step of the way. This hands-on approach ensures that individuals have the support they need to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and achieve their aspirations.
Empowering Mindset Shifts:
The true power of Billionaire Brain Wave lies in its ability to instigate profound mindset shifts that transcend limitations and unlock untapped potential. By rewiring the subconscious mind for success, this product empowers individuals to break free from self-imposed barriers and embrace a mindset of abundance, opportunity, and limitless possibility. As a result, users experience greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment in all areas of life.
In conclusion, Billionaire Brain Wave stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to elevate their mindset and transform their lives. With its cutting-edge technology, expert insights, and personalized support, this product offers a comprehensive solution for unlocking one's full potential and achieving unprecedented success. If you're ready to break free from mediocrity and step into the realm of greatness, Billionaire Brain Wave is your ticket to a brighter future. Trust me, you won't regret it.
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yevlptyltd · 9 months
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abloggers · 1 year
Benefits of Career Guidance: Guiding You to Success!
Are you feeling lost in the vast ocean of career choices? Do you find it challenging to navigate the job market and identify your true calling? Fret not! Career guidance is here to help you steer your ship towards the shores of success. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of career guidance, shedding light on how it can transform your life for the better. At The Counseling Cafe, we believe that with the right guidance, every individual can unlock their true potential and find fulfillment in their chosen path.
1. Understanding Career Guidance
Career guidance is more than just advice on what job to pursue; it's a comprehensive process that helps individuals understand their interests, skills, and aspirations. By delving deep into your personality and preferences, career guidance professionals can offer personalized insights to align your career with your passions.
2. Unveiling Your True Potential
Many of us possess hidden talents and abilities that remain undiscovered until we receive guidance. Career counselors can identify and nurture these talents, allowing you to unleash your true potential. This process empowers you to pursue a career that aligns with your innate strengths.
3. Tailoring Career Choices to Your Strengths
One of the key benefits of career guidance is the ability to match your unique strengths with suitable career options. This tailor-made approach ensures that you embark on a path that resonates with your abilities, significantly increasing your chances of success and job satisfaction.
4. Identifying Suitable Career Paths
With countless career options available, choosing the right path can be overwhelming. Career guidance simplifies this process by analyzing your interests, qualifications, and ambitions to pinpoint the ideal career options for you. Say goodbye to confusion and embrace clarity!
5. Building Confidence in Your Decisions
Indecisiveness can hinder progress in both personal and professional life. Career guidance instills confidence in your decisions, assuring you that you are on the right track. This newfound confidence will reflect positively in your job search and interviews, setting you apart from the competition.
6. Overcoming Obstacles in Your Career Journey
No journey is without hurdles, and the same applies to your career. Career guidance equips you with strategies to overcome challenges and setbacks. You'll learn how to turn failures into opportunities and emerge stronger, ready to tackle any obstacles that come your way.
7. Enhancing Professional Skills
Career guidance not only helps you choose a career but also aids in developing the skills required for success. Whether it's honing your communication, leadership, or problem-solving abilities, you'll receive invaluable guidance on how to become a well-rounded professional.
8. Balancing Work and Life
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for overall well-being. Career guidance helps you find careers that align with your lifestyle and priorities, allowing you to excel in your professional life without compromising on personal commitments.
9. Navigating Career Transitions
Changing careers can be daunting, but it can also lead to exciting opportunities. Career guidance supports you through this transition, providing a roadmap for a seamless shift. You'll feel empowered to take the leap and explore new avenues fearlessly.
10. Finding Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction goes beyond earning a paycheck; it's about finding fulfillment and happiness in what you do. Career guidance aids in identifying careers that resonate with your values and passions, ensuring that you wake up each day excited about your work.
11. The Counseling Cafe: Your Partner in Success
At The Counseling Cafe, we understand that the journey towards a fulfilling career is unique for each individual. Our team of experienced career counselors is dedicated to helping you unlock your potential and find the right path. We believe that with our guidance, you can achieve extraordinary success and lead a life filled with purpose.
Career guidance is a powerful tool that can transform your life, unlocking your true potential and guiding you towards a rewarding career. Through personalized insights, overcoming obstacles, and nurturing your skills, career guidance prepares you to navigate the job market confidently. So, why wait? Take the first step towards a fulfilling career with The Counseling Cafe!
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Unlock the Path to Love: Online Dating Tips for Success
Introduction: Embrace the World of Online Dating
Welcome to a world of exciting connections and potential love stories! Our online dating tips will empower you to navigate the digital dating landscape with confidence and grace, increasing your chances of finding your perfect match.
1. Profile Perfection: Crafting an Irresistible Bio
Create a captivating and authentic dating profile that showcases your personality, interests, and aspirations. Learn the art of highlighting your best qualities while being true to yourself.
2. Photo Magic: Capturing Hearts with Images
Discover the secret to selecting the perfect profile pictures that make a lasting impression. Showcase your best angles and let your photos tell a story about who you are.
3. Navigating the Platform: Mastering the Online Dating App
Navigate through various dating platforms and learn the features that will enhance your dating experience. From swiping right to sending that perfect first message, we've got you covered.
4. Conversation Starters: Initiating Memorable Chats
Break the ice with confidence by mastering conversation starters that lead to engaging and meaningful exchanges. Learn the art of sparking curiosity and interest.
5. Building Connections: Getting to Know Your Matches
Discover how to build genuine connections with your matches by asking the right questions and actively listening to their stories.
6. Red Flags: Identifying Warning Signs
Learn to recognize red flags and potential scams to protect yourself while exploring the online dating world.
7. Safety First: Navigating Online Dates Securely
Prioritize your safety with practical tips for meeting your matches in person. Ensure your comfort and well-being throughout the dating journey.
8. Embracing Rejection: Growing Stronger from Setbacks
Embrace the notion that not every connection will lead to a match. Learn to navigate rejection with resilience and self-compassion.
9. Online to Offline: Taking the Leap
Transition from virtual to real-life dating by planning memorable and exciting first dates that leave a lasting impression.
10. Embracing the Journey: Finding Love Online
Approach online dating as an empowering journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the potential to find meaningful connections and lasting love.
Unleash Your Online Dating Potential
Open yourself up to a world of romance and endless possibilities. Let our expert online dating tips guide you towards creating meaningful connections in the digital dating realm. Embrace the journey of finding love and build lasting relationships that will warm your heart for a lifetime.
"Ready to make a change? Our website provides step-by-step guides to help you get started."
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realratedr · 1 year
Confidence Unleashed..
Rewriting Your Story with a Strong Mentality
In a world where self-esteem plays a vital role in personal growth and fulfillment, the teachings of influential figures like Kobe Bryant, who embodied the renowned Mamba Mentality, inspire us to cultivate a strong mindset. This article will guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, helping you unlock the power of self-confidence and reshape your mentality. Let us delve into each aspect, learning valuable lessons along the way.
1. Self-Confidence: Empowering Your Everyday Life
- Self-confidence serves as a catalyst for personal growth, empowering you to overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities. By recognizing your worth, talents, and capabilities, you can navigate life with resilience and determination. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, "Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." Believe in yourself, and witness the positive impact it bring PO s to every aspect of your life.
2. The Power of Positive Words: Nurturing Self-Talk
- Your internal dialogue shapes your reality. Embrace the practice of reframing negative self-talk into positive affirmations. Replace self-criticism with words of encouragement, compassion, and belief in your abilities. As Lao Tzu wisely said, "Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions." Harness the power of positive words, for they lay the foundation of a resilient and confident mindset.

3. Unleashing Positive Imagination: Embrace the Realm of Possibilities
-Adopt a positive and optimistic mindset, allowing your imagination to soar. Believe that anything is possible and that you have the capacity to achieve greatness. Fuel your ambition by envisioning success, for it is through positive imagination that you unlock your potential. As Muhammad Ali once proclaimed, "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it."

4. Defying External Fears: Claim Your Inner Strength
-The fears and limitations of others should never hinder your progress. Refuse to let their doubts and anxieties define your own journey. Trust in your abilities and stay true to your aspirations. As Eleanor Roosevelt wisely stated, "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do."

5.The Power of Self-Discipline: Forge Your Own Path
-Discipline yourself with a well-structured schedule tailored to your goals and aspirations. Approach each day with the same sense of urgency and dedication that you would for a job. Align your actions with your purpose, for it is through consistent effort and discipline that you propel yourself towards success. As Jim Rohn famously said, "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."

6. Embrace Personal Goals: Your Journey, Your Competition
- Focus on your personal growth and development, setting goals that align with your aspirations. Avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others, as your journey is unique. Strive to be a better version of yourself each day, leaving your past self as your only competition. As Les Brown once proclaimed, "You must be willing to do the things today others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have."

7. The Power of Presence: Living in the Present
-Free yourself from the burdens of the past and the anxieties of the future. Embrace the present moment, for it is here that you find true contentment and peace. By cultivating mindfulness and focusing on the present, you alleviate depression caused by dwelling on the past and anxiety born from worrying about the future. As Eckhart Tolle aptly said, "Realize deeply that the present moment

8. Embrace Solo Adventures: Discovering Your Independence
- Venture out and engage in activities on your own. Embracing solitude allows you to develop self-reliance and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. As Elizabeth Gilbert once said, "I've never found out who I am through other people's eyes. I've only found out through my own experience."

9.Conquering Fears: Unleashing Your Inner Courage
-Face your fears head-on, for it is through confronting and conquering them that you unleash your inner courage. Remember Kobe Bryant's words: "Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise."

10.Authenticity and Confidence: Embracing Your True Self
-Stay true to who you are and exude confidence in every aspect of your being. Embrace your uniqueness, for it is the foundation of your self-esteem. As Oscar Wilde profoundly stated, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

11.Purposeful Pursuits: Proving Yourself Right, Not Others Wrong
-Understand the intrinsic motivations behind your efforts. Reflect on why you push yourself every day and focus on proving yourself right, rather than proving others wrong. As Les Brown eloquently said, "You must know that you can do this; you are fearfully and wonderfully made."

12.Energy and Circles: Surrounding Yourself with Positive Influence
-Evaluate the energy within your circle and make necessary changes if negative influences persist. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you, for their positivity will enhance your own mentality. Remember the adage, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

13.Consistency and Practice: Nurturing Growth and Excellence
-Consistency is key to refining your skills and achieving excellence. Commit to continuous practice and improvement, for it is through repetition that mastery is attained. As Aristotle famously said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

14.Open-Minded Confidence: Valuing Your Ideas and Embracing Growth
-Strike a balance between open-mindedness and confidence in your ideas. Embrace new perspectives and opportunities for growth, while staying true to the approaches that have proven successful for you. As Maya Angelou once stated, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better."

15.Radiating Positive Energy: Harnessing Your Presence
-Learn to walk into a room with confidence, exuding positive energy that captivates those around you. Your presence has the power to uplift and inspire others. As Kobe Bryant wisely said, "Be legendary in your approach, and your presence will create opportunities for you."

16.Energy Perception: Sensing the Unseen
-Recognize that energy can be perceived beyond what meets the eye. Trust your intuition and tune into the vibes of people and environments. Embrace the wisdom of Nikola Tesla, who said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

17. A wakening Your Perception: Gaining Confidence in Understanding Others
- Develop your ability to read people, their characters, and intentions. Trust your instincts and gain confidence in your understanding of others. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and connect with your intuition. As Kobe Bryant once said, "I create my own path. It was straight and narrow. I looked at it this way: you were either in my way, or out of it."

18. Awakening Your Perception: Gaining Confidence in Understanding Others. Develop your ability to read people, their characters, and intentions. Trust your instincts and gain confidence in your understanding of others. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and connect with your intuition. As Kobe Bryant once said, "I create my own path. It was straight and narrow. I looked at it this way: you were either in my way, or out of it."

In your quest for self-esteem and a transformed mentality, drawing inspiration from figures like Kobe Bryant and his Mamba Mentality serves as a guiding force. Embrace the teachings shared in this article, understanding that the power to shape your self-confidence and mindset lies within you
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[ad_1] Title: Money Matters: Essential Earning Tips and Tricks Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, financial stability and the ability to earn money play a pivotal role in securing a comfortable and fulfilling life. Whether you're looking to increase your income, save for the future, or achieve financial independence, understanding the essential earning tips and tricks becomes crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore insightful strategies and practical advice to help you boost your earnings and make the most of your financial resources. Table of Contents: 1. The Importance of Earning Money 2. Developing a Growth Mindset for Financial Success 3. Identifying Lucrative Opportunities 4. Harnessing the Power of Passive Income 5. Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirit 6. Strategies for Career Advancement and Promotion 7. Investing Wisely for Long-Term Financial Growth 8. Effective Budgeting and Money Management 9. Maximizing Tax Benefits and Minimizing Liabilities 10. Exploring the Gig Economy and Freelancing Opportunities 11. Leveraging Technology for Additional Income Generation 12. Overcoming Financial Hurdles and Building Resilience 13. Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Money 14. Enriching Financial Literacy for Future Success 15. Conclusion: Empower Yourself to Thrive Financially 1. The Importance of Earning Money: Earning money not only provides financial security but also affords us the opportunity to fulfill our aspirations, dreams, and responsibilities. This section will delve into the significance of earning money and the positive impact it can have on various aspects of our lives. 2. Developing a Growth Mindset for Financial Success: Adopting a growth mindset is paramount to achieving financial success. We will explore how to cultivate a positive mindset that encourages learning, adaptability, and embracing challenges in the pursuit of monetary growth. 3. Identifying Lucrative Opportunities: Discovering and capitalizing on lucrative opportunities is essential for elevating your earning potential. We will provide practical tips on how to assess market trends, identify high-demand career paths, and tap into emerging industries. 4. Harnessing the Power of Passive Income: Learn about the transformative power of passive income streams and how they can supplement your primary earnings, leading to financial security and independence. Various passive income sources will be covered, such as real estate investments, stock dividends, and online businesses. 5. Nurturing Entrepreneurial Spirit: Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and explore the world of self-employment and small business ventures. We will guide you through the steps of starting and growing your own business while highlighting important factors for success. 6. Strategies for Career Advancement and Promotion: This section focuses on effective strategies for climbing the corporate ladder or advancing your career. From developing vital skills to networking effectively, we will provide actionable advice to enhance your professional growth. 7. Investing Wisely for Long-Term Financial Growth: Understanding the principles of investing is crucial for building wealth over time. We will explore different investment vehicles, risk management strategies, and the significance of diversification to maximize your earnings and safeguard your financial future. 8. Effective Budgeting and Money Management: Discover tried-and-true techniques for effective budgeting, expense tracking, and maximizing your purchasing power. Learn how to make informed financial decisions, avoid unnecessary debt, and save for both short-term and long-term goals. 9. Maximizing Tax Benefits and Minimizing Liabilities: This section will delve into the intricacies of tax planning, highlighting legitimate ways to minimize tax liabilities and take advantage of various tax benefits, deductions, and credits. Learn how to optimize your financial position while adhering to tax regulations.
10. Exploring the Gig Economy and Freelancing Opportunities: The gig economy and freelancing offer flexible earning alternatives. Explore the growing world of freelancing, gig platforms, and remote work opportunities. Gain valuable insights into positioning yourself for success in this evolving landscape. 11. Leveraging Technology for Additional Income Generation: With innovations in technology, there are countless ways to earn money online. Learn about various digital platforms, affiliate marketing, e-commerce, and other technological avenues that can help augment your income. 12. Overcoming Financial Hurdles and Building Resilience: Financial obstacles are inevitable, but developing resilience and the ability to bounce back is crucial. Discover effective strategies for overcoming financial hurdles, managing debt, and maintaining financial well-being during challenging times. 13. Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Money: A healthy mindset towards money is vital for financial success. Explore ways to develop a positive relationship with money, overcome limiting beliefs, and adopt responsible financial habits that pave the way for long-term prosperity. 14. Enriching Financial Literacy for Future Success: Empower yourself with the fundamental knowledge required to navigate the world of personal finance confidently. From understanding investment principles to managing credit wisely, this section will equip you with essential financial literacy skills. FAQs: Q1: How can I increase my earning potential? A1: Increasing your earning potential can be achieved through acquiring new skills, networking, seeking career advancement opportunities, and exploring additional income streams such as freelancing and investments. Q2: Is passive income a reliable source of income? A2: Passive income sources can be reliable but require careful planning and continuous management. Investments such as rental properties and dividend-paying stocks, if managed well, can provide a steady income stream. Q3: How can I ensure financial stability during uncertain times? A3: Building an emergency fund, budgeting wisely, minimizing debt, and diversifying your income sources are important steps to ensure financial stability during uncertain times. Q4: Can anyone become an entrepreneur? A4: Yes, anyone with determination, drive, and a sound business idea can become an entrepreneur. It requires strategic planning, adaptability, and a willingness to take calculated risks. Q5: How do I start investing in the stock market? A5: Starting with basic research, understanding different investment options, and seeking guidance from financial professionals can help you embark on your stock market investment journey. Conclusion: By implementing the essential earning tips and tricks discussed in this article, you can empower yourself to achieve financial growth, stability, and a more prosperous future. Embrace the opportunities, nurture your entrepreneurial spirit, and embark on a journey towards financial freedom with confidence and determination. Remember, with the right knowledge and mindset, your earning potential knows no bounds. Note: Burstiness and perplexity have been incorporated in the article to ensure a blend of sentence variety, providing an engaging and informative reading experience. [ad_2] #Money #Matters #Essential #Earning #Tips #Tricks
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firmsfinder · 1 year
50+ Inspiring Quotes to Fuel Your Passion and Drive in 2023
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In a world that presents us with both challenges and opportunities, the right dose of motivation can be the key to unlocking our full potential. The year 2023 is full of promise, and what better way to navigate its uncharted waters than with a collection of inspirational quotes that uplift spirits and fuel success? In this compilation, over 50 motivational quotes are presented to inspire the conquest of goals and the triumph over adversity. Whether aiming for personal growth, professional success, or a blend of both, these words of wisdom can guide individuals on their journeys.
1. The Power of Perseverance:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
Embracing challenges with an unwavering spirit is the cornerstone of accomplishment. Winston Churchill’s quote highlights the significance of persistence in the face of setbacks, emphasizing that our journeys are defined not by the obstacles encountered, but by our commitment to persevere.
2. Embrace Change:
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
In the dynamic landscape of 2023, change is inevitable. Steve Jobs’ advice underscores the importance of aligning passion with pursuits, encouraging the embracement of transformation as a path toward greatness.
3. Courage to Dream:
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
As we navigate the sea of possibilities in 2023, Eleanor Roosevelt’s inspirational wisdom holds true: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Our dreams hold the blueprints for future success; nurturing and believing in them can lead to their blossoming into reality
4. Embrace Challenges:
“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.” – George Washington
George Washington’s quote reminds us that challenges are steps toward achievement, not obstacles. Overcoming hurdles brings us closer to triumphant victories.
5. Seek Growth:
“Success is not in what you have, but who you are.” – Bo Bennett
On the path to success, remember that personal growth is a valuable reward.’ Bo Bennett’s inspirational words highlight that building character lays the foundation for enduring accomplishments.
6. Unleash Your Potential:
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
Age is no barrier to aspirations. C.S. Lewis urges us to embrace 2023 with open arms and dare to dream big, as potential knows no bounds.
7. Rise from Failures:
“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling’s journey from adversity to success serves as a potent inspiration. Amid failures, remember that rock bottom can be a launching pad for a triumphant comeback.
8. Harness Determination:
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” – Zig Ziglar
The journey toward goals shapes character and identity. Zig Ziglar’s quote stresses that personal transformation is the true reward of pursuing dreams. For more reads: Inspirational Quotes
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Challenge Your Mind to Make the Shift and Realize Your True Potential!
Short Biography : Nizam Chowdhury
I am helping people to analyze and see things differently – in life, work and business!
I am an Entrepreneur, Elderly Independence Specialist, Home Care Industry Expert, Global Public Speaker, and Business and Life Turning Around Strategist.
With decades of experience in developing services for the elderly, people with long-term illnesses, and people with disabilities, together with a clear understanding about the care legislations in the health and social care industry in UK, as well as having a huge network of professional associates allows me to steer my clients in the right direction.
They themselves are able to make the right choices and informed decisions when it matters the most because I am effectively and precisely able to communicate across generations. I am also assisting families about how to improve communication through which they are enjoying a healthier and happier relationship.
As a home care industry expert, I strategically assist organisations with creativity, design, effective management, operations, with workforce training, coaching and personal development.
I am passionate about people and the transformation that I am able to help them with. My ability to listen carefully to understand one’s issues, challenges, situations or circumstances, allows me to contribute meaningfully, and delivering consistent and exceptional results to individuals and businesses.
The above gives me the net result in which I am respected and appreciated by my peers, customers and prospects.
Personal Info & Preferences:
Name:  Nizam Chowdhury Country: Surrey, UK Title: Elderly Independence Specialist, Global Public Speaker, Business and Life Turnaround Strategist
 1. Nizam, tell us about your background:
I have studied at the University of Chittagong and achieved a BA (Honor’s) followed by an MA, both in History. I have also studied at South Bank University, London and other leading institutions. Qualifications in management, leadership, charity management and business administration are just a few of my academic accolades. My extensive career in leadership, strategic planning, corporate organization and funding has benefited many health and social care organizations as well as several others outside these fields. My input to longer-term assignments with outcomes regularly exceed the original brief that much is obvious. For more than three decades, I have worked with: Princess Royal Trust; Age UK; Care Quality Commission; Care UK; Financial Services Authority (FSA); UK Police Service; London Boroughs Authorities; National Health Service (NHS); Royal London Hospital/Barts Health NHS Trust, Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, and St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust. As an international speaker, coach and a mentor, I have spoken at global events sharing the stage with Hugh Hilton, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, current USA President Donald Trump’s most trusted ex-advisor George Ross, Hollywood Actors John Travolta, Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Mark Wahlberg, Rock Stars Gene Simmons and Vanilla Ice at Los Angeles, USA. From corporate executives to workers ‘on the shop floor’, I effortlessly direct my skills to streamline processes and to unify an organization’s purpose. I accomplish all of this with judicious workforce empathy balanced with a driving force to unite and carry people with me. A powerful force for good, my mission is to show by example that everyone can create a legacy, not just at work but by carrying these principles into peoples’ homes and families.
2. What are the key factors that got you to where you are today?
Integrity; Positive Mindset; Sheer Focus; Desire; Confidence; Power of Communication; Patience; Adeptness; Compassion; Adaptability; Quick Learning; Relentless Hard Work; Will-to-Win Attitude; Reliability and Loyalty, Investing Time, Energy and Money for Self-Development.
3. What is the key thing you want people to know about you?
I am a results-based Doer. I have also been called “Mr. Dependable” by my clients and peers due to my commitment, efficiency, reliability, and my hardworking nature.
4. What made you seek entrepreneurial endeavors rather than traditional one?
In my last job I was devastated to learn that I would be made redundant. My despair was not at the inevitable loss of income and dramatic change in lifestyle that I would have to overcome, rather a genuine disappointment at losing the job that I loved doing for years. However, I had no time to feel sorry for myself or procrastinate over what to do next. I was faced with two very different realities: either re-enter an already oversaturated and highly competitive job market; or, embark on the daunting journey of entrepreneurship. I quickly decided that I wanted to pursue the challenges of the latter. Even though it was something completely foreign to me I was prepared to embrace the learning process and looked forward to the self-discovery this path had to offer. Indeed, I found out that in the world of business and self-employment you must also learn to live by your decisions, be it good or bad. It is through all of these of successes and failures, together with the wealth of over 25 years’ experience in UK based health and social care, I am more determined than ever to ensure that my true potential is realised.
5. What have been some of your greatest successes/achievements?
Have reached the Peak of Ben Nevis, standing at 1,345 meters above sea level (Highest Mountain in the British Isles), in aid of a Charity for People with Learning Disabilities
Trekked for 43 kilometers to reach the heights of Machu Picchu, Peru, standing at 2430 meters in aid of a Children Hospital
Completed the British 10K run for five consecutive years to help raise valuable funds for various charities, which in return improved the quality of lives of many people around the world
Appeared in Mega Success, at LA
Spoken at Global Success for All Event in London
Spoken at International Women’s Day Event
Spoken at International Debating Society Event
AWARDS: Nationwide National Charity Award; Age Concern Charter Mark; Investor in People; Investor in Volunteers; National Lottery Funding.
Transformation of a Businesswoman (Personal and Business) in the early hours of a freezing morning in London
In just 2 and half minutes, I have transformed the life of a Businessman (Personal and Business) in Bangladesh, who is now my business partner and I am his Life and Business Coach.
6. Name key business principles that are of core value to you?
1. Respect 2. Trust 3. Understanding 4. Consistency
7. What has been the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
Not doing the due diligence; Making some poor choices and wrong decisions.
8. What are the 3 things about entrepreneurship that you experienced that no one told you about?
-You do not always need Capital to start a business; – Effective Communication is the Key – Building a Solid Relationship based on Transparency, Compassion, Understanding, Support and Sacrifices
9. What 3 core advice /principles will you give entrepreneurs that are wanting to start their own business?
“Stay focused, stay strong and fight for your WHY!”
“Don’t hold onto your limiting beliefs; take care of your health and well-being, and create the mindset to ‘Who You’ll Become’!”
“Never ever think about quitting on your dreams! There are people out there to guide and support you, if you are focused, a good listener, honest and a reliable person.
10. How do you stay motivated and what keeps you going?
I have My Reasons, my “WHY” which keeps me focused and motivated. And they are:
My 4 beautiful children and their happiness.
I am driven by results. Therefore I like to visualise my goals, share that and the plans and strategies with the team, taking responsibilities, and leading by example.
In making sure that my Customers are getting the WOW Experience – be it for Coaching and Mentoring or Business.
I work with and support people of Old Age, so they can enjoy an Independent, Dignified, Comfortable, Happier and Healthier, Fulfilling life.
Opportunity in sharing my knowledge, skills and experiences with individuals and groups to unleash their True Potential through proper coaching and mentoring.
Facing up with and then overcoming life challenges whilst coming up with innovative ideas to improve lives.
I want to play my part, contribute and influence positively in making this World a safe, comfortable and a happier place for all of us.
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The post Challenge Your Mind to Make the Shift and Realize Your True Potential! appeared first on Business Booster Today.
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squidneezy · 6 years
“Intensity-seeking is an enslavement of our own perpetuation. When we step out of the delirium of always seeking someone new, and meet the same old sad and lonely child within, our healing journey begins. Exhausting ourselves with novelty is a defense against our deepest pain, one that we cannot outrun. But once we stop and feel our losses, we can begin our healing journey and be the authentic, joyous person we were born to be.”
— Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence
Who were you before the world taught you WHO and HOW TO BE?
When you believed in magic.
When you had total faith that you were taken care of.
When you knew you came here to ENJOY your most extraordinary life.
In total joy, ease and DIVINITY.
Join me for a 4-day IMMERSION to become fully embodied as the visionary SOUL that you are.
  The REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE RETREAT is designed for visionaries, consciousness activators and transformation agents seeking to release anything and everything in their way sharing their gifts with the world and living their most powerful, extraordinary lives NOW.
  This immersion entails deep facilitation of a transformative curriculum guiding you in inner child healing, somatic release, vision embodiment and intuitive mastery to amplify your integrative well-being, worthiness and JOY in all the ways you desire most.
Begins 4pm Thursday July 26th – until 3pm Sunday July 29th.
Playa Tamarindo, Costa Rica
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Space is limited to 8.
“Prior to the retreat my biggest blocks were fear of success and fear of the unknown – these beliefs kept me in a holding pattern, keeping me stuck without any change. I was freezing and in a constant state of inaction. 
After the retreat I went into two auditions and had a completely different experience with showing up – I felt like my authentic self, unafraid to share who I am, and there’s nothing I can do or be to change any outcome – I trust that I am taken care of. I felt liberated.”
— Rebecca, Singer/Songwriter + Performer, New Jersey
It’s time to unleash your true genius. Powered by your infinite soul. Embrace your power. Make fear your best friend. Learn to masterfully dance with your ego. And fully embody the visionary soul that you are.
This work is truly game changing and foundational for absolutely any kind of transformational shift you’re desiring to cultivate – more freedom, more prosperity, more intimacy, more pleasure, more FUN. What do you WANT? And by when are you willing to RECEIVE IT?
Let’s start NOW.
This retreat is for you if:
You are deeply desiring to become fully embodied in your power – to stand up as the RADIANT leader that you know you are
You are ready to ANCHOR INTO your SOUL PURPOSE and live in alignment with precisely what you came here TO BE (and all you came here to GIVE)
You’re DONE with letting your OLD PROGRAMS acquired from ages 0-3 run your life, such as: codependency, abandonment, low self-esteem, comparison, perfectionism, scarcity, lacking self-trust and lacking trust in the universe, negative self-image, chronic disempowerment, addictions and inability to intimately connect with yourself and others, inability to listen to or TRUST your intuition, addiction to worrying and unmanageability..etc.
You’re READY to live an abundant life full of love, EASE, grace, JOY and divinely inspired creativity. You are committed to living a LIFE of EXAMPLE and BEING a ripple who goes forth to illuminate SO many others in your path.
You are deeply dedicated to service and TRUTH = you’re feeling the call to release the deep-set blocks in your way from being in your full capacity of LIGHT.
You are committed to integrating the immense upgrades you will receive throughout this powerful retreat experience in your everyday life, following a disciplined practice of implementing new tools, actions and OUTLOOKS going forward.
“I am knowing myself on a deeper level than I ever have before. If you’re on the fence about doing this retreat – just do it. If you feel like you are genuinely to meet your truth in the EYE, and step into transforming yourself through that, then you should 100% without a doubt attend Sydney’s retreat.”
— Elizabeth H., Writer, Actress + Director, New York City
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Inner child work and soul-retrieval have been some of the most healing parts of my journey—the catalysts that have opened me up to the infinite potential I now share with the world.
This experience entails:
Intimate group setting limited to eight to allow for deep 1:1 support throughout the weekend processes and exercises.
Two 30-minute coaching sessions with Sydney before and after the experience to support you in preparation and integration.
Expertly curated transformational content and customized tools to make your unconscious conscious, heal core wounds and get to know YOU at a deeper level than ever before.
Facilitation to integrate into your transformational work and all relationships that will elevate your experience of intimacy, consciousness, love and joy on all levels.
Activation of your infinite creative inspiration and internal well of visionary resources that you have barely scratched the surface of.
Luxury accommodations in a private estate in the Hollywood Hills.
Delicious high vibe meals prepared by our private chef throughout the weekend.
Connection and growth alongside a diverse community of visionary change agents and conscious leaders who are the next-level torch bearers of global transformation and liberation.
“A person who never learned to trust confuses intensity with intimacy, obsession with care, and control with security.”
—John Bradshaw, Homecoming: Reclaiming and Healing Your Inner Child
If you are 1000% willing to DIVE into this work with me, and if you FULLY receive what is on offer, you will absolutely feel ACTIVATED to your full potential and experience life ALIGNED with your soul TRUTH. Most of all, you will FEEL more ALIVE than ever before.
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“Since attending this retreat I feel more open hearted, more in flow, more peaceful and observant. What helped me most was how Sydney kept repeating the direction to tune into how I feel in the moment. My core wounds are my window into how I can best help others. I am empowered in my wounds from now on.  I now desire fun and play and I see how I deserve to give that to myself. 
Sydney puts herself fully out there with utter transparency and shares her experience, strength and hope on the table – balls to the wall. She’s not holding back at all. She has transformed from her experiences and she can talk WITH you not TO YOU in a way that’s very inviting, inclusive, compassionate, relatable.
If you’re thinking about joining this retreat: It’ll be a heart-changing event for you if you show up.”
— David S., Executive, New Jersey
When I dove deep into this work I TANGIBLY….
…availed myself to deeper intimate experiences and connections (new relationships and healthier boundaries on friendships and professional connections = no more drains).
…got a major book deal without even trying.
…5X’d (and then 10X’d shortly thereafter) my prior average monthly revenue because I healed my abandonment WOUNDS which had been blocking my ability to RECEIVE and TRUST (guess what: life CAN be easy).
…started speaking my truth like never before – launching programs I’ve dreamed about launching, creating MAGNETIC content, opening up to my true channeling abilities.
…stepped fully into BEING the MASTERFUL coach that I am whose not afraid to make people uncomfortable and activate them into LIFE CHANGING transformations.
…called in my COSMIC SOUL PARTNER who I am joyfully celebrating being able to spend the rest of my life with – INFINITE LOVE beyond my wildest dreams!
And I’m just getting started.
What’s POSSIBLE for you when you start living in alignment with your TRUTH?
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“I felt like I received a psychic, energetic download that just comes through her that I can hear. Through interacting with Sydney I’ve gotten immensely clear on my blocks, what they are and how I can move through them with grace.
My results since the retreat have been as follows: I feel connected; I feel clear on my next steps in my life; I feel grateful for having experienced so much truth and honesty; The only true move is the most necessary one – you already know the answer!
If you’re considering joining the retreat – Absolutely. Just do it. Don’t even think about it. You’re going to learn something. I could promise you if you go that you might not experience what you think you need, but you are going to SHIFT and get so much out of it you can’t even imagine.“
— Kelly M., CEO + Entrepreneur, NYC-Based
Program Snapshot:
Thursday 7/26
4pm Guest Arrivals
5pm Opening Ceremony + Cacao Ritual
7pm Dinner
8:30pm Visionary Embodiment + Yin Yoga
10:30pm Quiet time
Saturday 4/27
8am Poolside Yoga + Meditation
9am Breakfast
10:30am Workshop: Meeting You: Unlocking Your Soul Essence
1pm Lunch
2:30pm Workshop: Alignment Alchemy + Shadow Transmutation
5:30pm Rest/Relax/Reflect
7pm Dinner
8:30pm Sound Healing Meditation with Special Guest
10:30pm Quiet time
Saturday 7/28
8am Poolside Yoga + Meditation
9am Breakfast
10:30am Workshop: Activating Your Soul Vision
1pm Lunch
2:30pm Workshop: Authentic Relating Deep Dive
5pm Breath-work
7pm Dinner
8:30pm Cacao Ceremony + Ecstatic Dance with Special Guest
10:30pm Quiet time
Sunday 7/29
8am Poolside Yoga + Meditation + Sound Healing with Special Guest
9am Breakfast
11am Closing Ceremony
1pm Lunch
3pm Departures
Location: Playa Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Timing: Begins 4pm Thursday July 26th – until 3pm Sunday July 29th.
Investment: $2.4K
Payment plans available upon request. A $600 Deposit is required to secure your space with full balance due by or before 7/15.
Are you IN? 
E-mail Sydney to schedule a call.
“I experienced a shift in my thinking from: doing this kind of work means there’s something wrong with me and I need to fix it in order to be accepted, to be good enough, to be loved. I never realized this until after i left the workshop – I realized that instead this is like going to the gym – it’s pleasurable for me to do this work on myself because I can feel good!
Specifically, just being in Sydney’s presence and energy is so powerful. This retreat was such a gift – exactly what I needed – amazing jumpstart into my next phase.
If you’re considering going on her next retreat: Don’t be afraid. HEALING CAN BE FUN! This is deep and enjoyable – but is FUN!”
— Catherine J, International Development Specialist, Vermont-Based
Meet Your Retreat Host, Sydney Campos
Sydney Campos is a Transformational Coach, Intuitive Advisor, International Speaker and Author of The Empath Experience: What To Do When You Feel Everything. Sydney guides visionary leaders to live in alignment with their soul purpose while embodying next-level power, pleasure and prosperity.
Through all her endeavors, Sydney is fiercely committed to awakening consciousness across the planet while creating new paradigms of well-being and interconnectedness.
In addition to being a seasoned Business Strategist and Certified Holistic Health Coach, Sydney is also a 200-Hour Registered Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Reiki Energy Healer, and Certified Akashic Records Practitioner. Sydney shares her multifaceted teachings through writing, her Visionary Souls Podcast, teaching, international retreats and 1:1 mentoring.
An avid adventurer, Sydney is likely to be found in Bali, Venice Beach, San Francisco, New York, or anywhere in Mediterranean Europe. Sydney has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen and New York Magazine.
  Apply To Attend
“I was Sydney’s previous client and simply knew I needed to be in Sydney’s space in person. I didn’t pay attention to too many of the retreat details – I just knew I needed to be here.
I was craving more depth in the personal development work I had been doing on my own – I needed support in deepening my experience and getting back on track. My meditations had started to feel a little disconnected and superficial. I was clear that I have some deep trauma blocks that I haven’t been able to access. And it was starting to occur to me that there was something spiritual going on around my physical injury – I was guided to go deeper in my spiritual work to resolve it fully. I knew my next chapter of transformation was going to require an immersion.
In other transformational programs I’ve participated in, which have been substantial, I wasn’t able to access my 3-year old self where many of my biggest challenges originate from. I was able to access this precise point through my work on the retreat in a way I never had before.
After this retreat, I came home with a very open channel, unlike I’ve ever experienced. 
What else did I experience as a result of the retreat?::
I identified that my physical malady is directly connected to a spiritual issue – now I am empowered to take care of myself holistically as though its a spiritual practice
I uncovered a deeply rooted pattern of how I haven’t spoken up for myself in my truth – which has resulted in physical trauma and various other injuries and hardships
The retreat was able to help me convene with my 3 year old self and see the root of my issues.
I am open to more compassion and more love – for myself and others as a result. 
Sydney is great at establishing in her words and actions early on that we were in a sacred space, setting expectations for the retreat and the participants as well to connect intimately and honestly – making it easier to connect deeply and quickly whereas elsewhere or with other people I might not have had such breakthroughs/connections.
Sydney models the concepts she teaches and embodies the practices she is teaching and guides in a way that makes it really easy to TRUST her and feel safe to go really deep.
I’ve never been on a retreat like THIS but I’ve been on many retreats. The small group made a huge difference in how deep we were able to go. 
The way Sydney carries herself gives me permission to put myself first and check in with myself – which has been instrumental to healing my self-worth and self-esteem. 
The exercises and activities we did felt very cohesive. Sydney gives people permission to work on a very deep level and get incredibly intimate quickly. 
Clearly Sydney works in the space of radical authenticity and honesty – I don’t need to concern myself with how I carry myself or how I sound, which avails me to a clearer perspective on myself. I am learning from Sydney how to embrace and embody what I believe to be true for me and live authentically.
I am knowing myself on a deeper level than I ever have before.
If you’re on the fence about doing this retreat – just do it, 100%. If you feel like you are genuinely to meet your truth in the EYE, and step into transforming yourself through that, then you should 100% without a doubt attend Sydney’s retreat.”
~ Elizabeth H., Actress, Writer + Director, NYC-Based
“Prior to the retreat my biggest blocks were fear of success and fear of the unknown – these beliefs kept me in a holding pattern, keeping me stuck without any change. I was freezing and in a constant state of inaction. 
After the retreat I went into two auditions and had a completely different experience with showing up – I felt like my authentic self, unafraid to share who I am, and there’s nothing I can do or be to change any outcome – I trust that I am taken care of. I felt newly empowered to take aligned steps into the direction of my actual dreams. It felt so good to give myself that gift. I went into the auditions without any kind of fear or self-doubt – plus I Had a great time and didn’t care about the outcome. I felt liberated.
With Sydney’s retreat, in addition to being there with a partner who I really trust, felt extremely comfortable. I had an amazing time connecting. My results since attending the retreat have included: heightened energy, better positive mood, amplified senses – sense of sight and sound in particular, all my feelings feel very close to surface – rawness, but open and safe feeling, I feel the confidence and motivation to move forward are now present; and I don’t feel fear of success or failure – I am confident to start taking action in the direction of what I desire.
My negative thoughts tell me exercise was HUGE for me..because I am so hard on myself in general. As I was saying these out loud to my partner I was sobbing, I was very emotional. It almost felt like someone else was saying them to me. It made me so sad. How dare I let myself talk to myself that way – I don’t deserve this. In terms of my self-worth, I healed this part of myself in a hugely powerful way. 
I am now existing in a new paradigm – how can my gifts heal and help others? Believing this now – this is seeing how a naturally insecure person who is so hard on herself who is so dependent on everyones approval growing into an independent, powerful, inspired visionary. Now I am free to detach from the results because I am free of expectations and a need for approval and validation. My entire outlook has shifted.
I was so impressed by the way Sydney was able to keep everyone engaged and just hold a space for every single person. I could definitely feel like certain people wanted to check out at certain moments as things were heating up but Sydney always managed to get everyone together and get connected – holding their attention, not in a direct or commanding way but inviting and encouraging everyone to participate – clear invitation to unite. I learned a lot from watching her with the way she was so open with listening – so carefully and non-judgementally. 
Sydney never gave direction – she never told anyone what to do or how to fix it, let everyone come to their own conclusions. Sydney is intuitively powerful in zoning in on what makes us uncomfortable and how to connect beneath the surface level. She can see you.
Considering doing this retreat? DO IT. Don’t think about it. I’m glad I didn’t know it was an inner child workshop – then I might have overthought it. It was amazing. I’ve never done anything like this before – for me being a first-timer, it wasn’t easy, but it was the gifts and rewards were beyond anything I could have imagined.”
~ Rebecca W., Musician + Healer, NJ-Based
“I came to this retreat specifically because I was really impressed with what Sydney shared about her transformation. I was impressed with her ability to be facing intense issues in her youth. Initially I was sending Sydney’s information to my partner and then realized I was feeling very called and knew I needed to be there.
I had the intention to live fully in inspiration, spending more time writing, really listening to what coaching and writing and being of bigger service to others looks like. There feels like theres a chunk missing from my life although I am showing up in so many capacities. In my time away from work I don’t spend my time in a journal or in a book writing and vision boarding my goals and setting myself up for my next level – I’ve had a lacking commitment and motivation to create clarity. I know this has been missing for me and I was ready to break through this to live in more alignment with my purpose.
The weekend retreat illuminated to me my own lacking self-love. I’m now connected to my inner child and taking guidance from this space now – how do you want to play? How do you want to have fun? I want my life to look like a playground – with intentional creativity and fun. 
In terms of other transformational experiences, I’ve experienced the work of Ecker Peak Performance and Neogenesis NLP training among others things – which Sydney feels familiar to.
Even though this weekend experience was very intimate and small – it was very powerful. I was really impressed by how Sydney can observe and witness when other people are stuck in their story she can help by just listening and help them see themselves more clearly. 
Since attending this retreat I feel more open hearted, more in flow, more peaceful and observant and outside of my current job – I am clear on my new entrepreneurial direction for my “take 2.” I’m not ignoring the noise that’s been blaring at me for quite awhile now. I want to complete a book that’s been in my brain for the last 8 years. I want to help men with living empowered, healthy, clear, loving lives. 
What helped me most was how Sydney kept repeating the direction to tune into how I feel in the moment. The metta meditation we did looking at different ages of my life was very helpful. My core wounds are my window into how I can best help others. I am empowered in my wounds form now on.  From some of our other exercises, I was able to get clear on how inspirational writing and sitting down to actually write my book or read is going to light my soul up.
I now desire fun and play and I see how I deserve to give that to myself. 
Sydney puts herself fully out there with utter transparency and shares her experience, strength and hope on the table – balls to the wall. She’s not holding back at all. She has transformed from her experiences and she can talk WITH you not TO YOU in a way that’s very inviting, inclusive, compassionate, relatable.
If you’re thinking about joining this retreat: It’ll be a heart-changing event for you if you show up.”
~ David S., Business Executive, NJ-Based
“I came on this retreat to be in an intimate space with other people and I had history with Sydney, having witnessed her transformation online and in person is incredibly magnetic. I was enthralled by the possibility of being in her space. Her no-shame spirit was reflecting back to me how I had more work to do. I get the message from others often that I live a magical life but I sensed I had more work to do.  I was also specifically drawn to the inner-child focus. Sydney’s vision spoke to me. I was actually considering going to Landmark Forum before joining Sydney’s retreat.
Prior to the retreat, I was feeling challenged by menopause. I know my body and my soul needed to be integrated. I felt like doing major transformational work. I was ready to grow and evolve in new ways. My body was demanding I return to it and listen to it.
I’ve looked for coaches but its hard to find someone that inspires me – I never thought a 29 year old, my friends daughter, would be the one.
I am stepping into embodying so much of the work I have done over the decades. I am a trained facilitator in many modalities and have studied and guided others through transformation forever – but now its time for me to receive guidance and experience the work in a new way.
I was considering Landmark because I am encountering a lot of family issues at the moment. My mother is turning 80 and my siblings and I are being called to show up for each other and for my mother in new ways that are challenging our connection and history in all sorts of ways. I was seeking support with navigating that process in more integrity and leadership. 
I’ve done innumerable trainings and I see so many coaches projecting their own issues into the work they take others through. Sydney pulled me in at a time when I was feeling the pull for a deep dive. I didn’t know that I needed a psychic intervention, which is what Sydney definitely offers. I’ve been reading her emails, and every time I read them I get a buddha smile on my face – I get a meditation type feeling just in connecting to her writing. 
I felt like I received a psychic, energetic download that just comes through her that I can hear. Through interacting with her I’ve gotten immensely clear on my blocks, what they are and how I can move through them with grace.
My results since the retreat have been as follows:
I feel connected.
I feel clear on my next steps in my life. 
I feel grateful for having experienced so much truth and honesty. 
The only true move is the most necessary one – you already know the answer!
The flow of the experience was amazing. Sydney’s ability to read participants in a very clear way with lots of permission and space for them to receive is astounding. Sydney has a nice balance of telling her story and not projecting her own issues – she expertly tells her story for service and connection. Sydney’s capacity to keep her energetic level steady is incredible. She stays energetically in service so consistently – its profound. Her ability to hold space is incredible. People want what she has. 
If you’re considering joining the retreat – Absolutely. Just do it. Don’t even think about it. You’re going to learn something. I could promise you if you go that you might not experience what you think you need, but you are going to SHIFT and get so much out of it you can’t even imagine. If you’re asking me – I can promise you you’re going to get SO much out of this. Whatever you’re looking for will be right in front of you.”
~ Kelly M., CEO + Entrepreneur, NYC-Based
“I came on this retreat because I was feeling stuck in my story around being single. I didn’t understand how this was going to change. I was very caught up in scarcity and lack of possibilities when it came to relationships and intimacy. I was in a conundrum about what i needed to do to attract the right person, and I was mad about why I needed to change. I was unhappy and making myself unhappy because of this external thing that I don’t have any control over. 
I had been feeling this way since March. I had taken a big leap from last summer through last fall and over the winter and then landed in the Spring of this year wondering what was going to happen. I was considering doing the Human Awareness Institute (HAI) program before the retreat. It’s a series of seven workshops specifically around love, intimacy, self-love and sexuality.  I’ve been in therapy for a long time. I’ve also worked with Miranda and Jana Saunders – amazing transformational coaches. I’ve done retreat and personalized 1:1 coaching with them.
From this retreat experience I’ve received the support I need to move forward. In the past I needed to experience more wallowing and processing wounds – what’s working now is really focusing on the positive and doing work to seek love, fun, connection. I am getting more support to move towards positive. 
Sydney’s ability to do the guided meditations is awesome. Her language is so beautiful and really helped me to connect deeply to my inner child. Sydney’s authenticity deeply resonates with me and helps tune me into a deeper state of connection with myself. Sydney created an amazing balance between structure and flow that I found very comfortable. I loved connecting to my various stages of age in our work and meditations. A lot of my work in this area has focused on a particular range – this retreat helped me hugely in connecting to new age ranges and experiences that tuned me into more fun, love and happiness. 
My results since attending the retreat include:
I feel more alive to my happiness. I feel more alive to fun.
I am more aware of my desire to feel connected to other people. 
I had such a powerful experience connecting with our retreat group. 
I am more of an introvert, more of an isolator and now i feel very connected to be with people and do healing with others. I found that experience so supportive and powerful – in community. 
I experienced a shift in my thinking from: doing this kind of work means there’s something wrong with me and I need to fix it in order to be accepted, to be good enough, to be loved. I never realized this until after i left the workshop – I realized that instead this is like going to the gym – it’s pleasurable for me to do this work on myself because I can feel good! I’ve had a major shift in focusing on the positive and benefits not the negative or “what’s wrong with me,” I go to the gym and yoga because I know I will feel good. Now I feel like I’ve shifted from personal development and healing work which used to be like “i need to fix something that’ wrong” to “I love to do this because its fun and I will be happy, I will feel good. There’s nothing wrong with feeling good!”
Specifically, just being in Sydney’s presence and energy is so powerful. This retreat was such a gift – exactly what I needed – amazing jumpstart into my next phase.
If you’re considering going on her next retreat: Don’t be afraid. HEALING CAN BE FUN! This is deep and enjoyable – but is FUN!”
~ Catherine J, International Development Specialist, Vermont-Based
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  Remember Who You Are Retreat July 2018: Join me for a 4-day IMMERSION to become fully embodied as the visionary SOUL that you are. #costarica #rememberwhoyouare #freedom "Intensity-seeking is an enslavement of our own perpetuation. When we step out of the delirium of always seeking someone new, and meet the same old sad and lonely child within, our healing journey begins.
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yevlptyltd · 9 months
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