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1bjavier · 2 years ago
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Phantasy Star IV
Chaz, Rune, Alys studies More Chaz sketches and Cast Wren Studies
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cvictorrosso · 7 years ago
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Comission i had done for @jarekmilorad over on twitter. I have this massive backlog of art i gotta get around to posting here. I’m super happy i’m getting more illustration stuff this time.
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hypnopabinia · 4 years ago
Yet another attempt, this one is more of a dungeon theme.
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wisteriark · 5 years ago
I have to ask... Is the creature in your header a weed dragon?
It's actually what my URL is derived from - a fanmade Pokemon of mine named Wisteriark (there's a better sketch of it here, though the species is long overdue for a redraw! ).
I'm guessing what must have confused you were the wings? They're basically just large leaves with crystallized stalks that function kind of but not exactly like insect wings. When the species came to mind years ago I kind of wanted to throw in some extra forest spirit influences into the design and forest faeries came to mind. XD
(the only actual plant influence beyond generic leaves and vines that went into Wisteriark was, naturally, Wisteria - which its mane is modeled after). ^^
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gaiienpokedex · 6 years ago
A tiny fanfic-fanfic, @hypnopabinia really liked my concept for a flightless antlion Ground/Dragon Flygon regional forme and went OFF in the best way.
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neitype · 6 years ago
when the phantasy star 4 protagonists die EVERYONE in the elsydeon is gonna have to deal with raja’s shitty jokes for eternity
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x-man-legends-2-cheats-eo · 2 years ago
x man legends 2 cheats working U1QP#
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Unlimited XTreme Power. Unlock All Character Skins. Cheat List ; Unlock all characters RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, UP, UP, START ; Party to L99 UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, RIGHT. Cheat Codes. Enter the following code in the Review Menu. Effect, Effect. right, left, left, right, up, up, right, start, Unlocks All Comics. left, right, right. Enter the following codes in the Review Menu to unlock the Game Cinematics: Right, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Right, Start. PSP | Submitted by black night. Complete the first two acts. At an X-Traction Point in Act 3, they will be available. On the change character screen you can switch between available skins. Deadpool: Beat the game. Professor X: Beat all the Danger Room missions. Iron Man: In every act, there are six homing beacons. There are five acts Once you activate all the beacons in one act, you gain one piece of Tony Stark's armor. Once you activate all the beacons in the fifth and final act, you can rescue Tony Stark. If you have all the armor pieces, he puts them on and joins your team. Bastion: Kill him quick or else he will summon Sentinels to help him. The Living Monolith: To make fighting this boss easier, knock out all four of the sunlight rays. Doing so will make the Living Monolith much easier to defeat Holocaust: Beat him up until the sisters start helping him, at that point defeat the sister helping him. Repeat until defeated. Mikhail: Use radial attacks when he spilts himself. Other than that its pretty easy. Stryfe: Destroy all the Brain Trust containers, then kill him. Abyss: Fight until you get to the part where you fighting on opposite blimps. At that part throw his own bombs at him. When you are sucked inside of him, just defeat all the generator-like things. Sinister and Beast: Beat Mr. Sinister first, or else he will revive Beast. Once both are beaten, use the revive device and Beast will be back to normal. Archangel: Beat him until the teleporter starts shooting a light beam and Archangel starts hiding on top of the columns. Get behind the column and the beam will hit Archangel. Repeat until he is defeated. Using attacks like Bishop's rapid fire or Deadpool's Dual Guns makes these fights much easier. Apocalypse: Fight him for a little while, then once you have the oppurtunity, jump into his machine and gain the power of "the four". After you have those powers you can break the gates into the generators and destroy them. There is only one catch, you have to kill Apocalypse before you can destroy the generators and you have limited time to do all this. Once all of the generators have been destroyed, kill Apocalypse. Dont forget the extra experience points icon behind the gate that doesn't protect a generator. When using the characters together receive the bonus. When you get one person to level 16 you unlock Skirmish which allows you to have a 2, 3 or 4 player battle in the Danger Room. Collect homing four homing beacons per act, after four are collected get a piece of Iron Man's armor, in Act 5 after locating beacons save Iron Man. In every act, there are six homing beacons. On the change character screen, press L2 to switch between available skins. Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more! Other versions of this page are available with specific content for the following regions:. Total Film. PS2 Submitted by elsydeon Unlock all Comics. PS2 Submitted by elsydeon Unlock all movies. PC, Xbox Submitted by elsydeon Unlock all comics. GameCube Submitted by elsydeon Unlock all comics. GameCube Submitted by elsydeon Unlock all movies. PC, Xbox Submitted by elsydeon Unlock all movies. GameCube Submitted by Shawn Boss help. PC Submitted by brett Multiplayer Skirmish. Gaming deals, prizes and latest news. Contact me with news and offers from other Future brands. Receive email from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors. You will receive a verification email shortly. There was a problem. Please refresh the page and try again. Slime Rancher 2 review: "A colorful and rich starting point". Empire of Light review: "Sam Mendes' elegant homage to the movies". Blonde review: "Ana de Armas is luminous in a kaleidoscopic study of Marilyn Monroe". Dreamin' Wild review: "Musical biopic drifts just when you'd expect it to sing". The Son review: "Hugh Jackman in a classy but curiously empty drama". Rick and Morty season 6, episode 5 review, recap, and analysis: 'Final DeSmithation'. The Walking Dead season 11, episode 17 review: 'Same old, same old for our survivors'. House of the Dragon episode 7 review: "Blindingly good television". She-Hulk episode 7 review: "Witty, tight, and tonally unique". Other versions of this page are available with specific content for the following regions: US Australia.
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kingkaihaku · 7 years ago
Two days ago I discovered that today was the 30th anniversary of the original Phantasy Star. I impulsively decided to paint a miniature to celebrate and decided to go with the heroine of the original game – Alisa Landale.
I searched through my store of unpainted miniatures and decided that Aviriel Tellerion, Female Elf was the best option to convert. I snipped off a bit of her shield, applied quite a lot of kneadatite, and primed with white gesso.
I gave her Laconian sword – known to future generations as the Elsydeon – a light blue undercoat. I also gave her hair a copper metallic undercoat after the primer dried. I filled out the base with air dry clay and painted it black. Then overcoats of lavender, copper for the shield, silver for the sword, metallic white for the boots, brown for the hair, and so on. I did mod on a white pouch…not sure that it was really needed.
This was a last minute speed paint for the anniversary and I definitely made some mistakes. The hair folding over the shield arm really threw me off, the details didn’t come through clear on the Bones model and I should have looked up the some photos of the pewter sculpt for guidance. Per usual, I did dip the miniature in polyurethane and followed up with a matte spray on finish. I might go back and add gloss to some of the details – like the sword and gold etching. All in all, the quality of the end result isn’t great but it was a lot of fun to modified and paint.
It’s my opinion that Alisa Landale is, hands down, the strongest female lead in an old school video game. The only real competition comes from Metroid’s Samus. Alisa is strong, competent, and driven. Her quest is started off by the political killing of her adopted brother… Alisa vows revenge and sets off to commit regicide. After a long journey, the original Phantasy Star ends with Alisa having overthrown the oppressive government, slain an elder evil from another dimension, and getting crowned as Queen of the star system. Alisa demonstrates that it’s not hard to write strong female leads (that aren’t Mary Sues), just treat them as characters rather than stereotypes. It’s a shame that the gaming industry still struggles with this thirty years later (to be fair, later Phantasy Star entries struggle with it as well).
In any case… Happy Anniversary Phantasy Star! I was introduced to the series long after it had moved beyond the Algo star system but despite it’s age the original “trilogy” of Phantasy Star, Phantasy Star 2, and Phantasy Star 4 establishes my favorite science fantasy setting. No surprise, my Starfinder campaign will be borrowing a lot from it.
Aviriel Tellerion, Female Elf Two days ago I discovered that today was the 30th anniversary of the original Phantasy Star. I impulsively decided to paint a miniature to celebrate and decided to go with the heroine of the original game - Alisa Landale.
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hypnopabinia · 7 years ago
Based on this xkcd strip.
I could not resist the absolute what.
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hypnopabinia · 8 years ago
I art thou
Thou art me
We’re a happy family~
I know, I know, all the cool kids are doing Persona 5 shadows now, but I stuck with 4 as I currently understand its shadows better.
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