#Ella Oliver and Sulley
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trivialbob · 11 months ago
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This afternoon I used some PTO. Work has been a little stressful lately, so it was nice to start the weekend early. Financially I'm in a position where if I got fired or laid off I could say, "Okay, cool. Nice knowin' ya. No take backs." I don't hate work or my coworkers, but I'm a little weary of all of it at the moment.
Sheila and I started the afternoon playing pickle ball at a newish club in downtown Minneapolis. I like the place. The building used to house a data center. There's a large old photo on one wall, showing people working at terminals in front of large computers. Thanks for making me think of work! But I quickly got over that.
Sheila plays fairly often there; I just go with her on a guest pass from time to time. She said the intermediate leagues have some Karens. Today we played in the rec league. The people were wonderful. I liked the other players enough that I got to know (and even remember!) their names. Sixteen of us took turns rotating through three courts for almost two hours. I'm going to do this more often.
After that we drove over to Hopkins to use a page from our Hop Passport. It's a buy one/get one at a large number of Minnesota Breweries. This little book is a great incentive to try new places.
We were not disappointed in today's brewery. At 2:30 PM on a Friday afternoon the place wasn't yet busy. The manager took some time to chat with us, which we liked. The beer selection (pour your own) was extensive. I tried two small servings and thoroughly enjoyed each. One was a stout made with baker's chocolate, caramel and dried fruits then infused with bourbon infused oak. Would definitely get it again. Sheila had a pear cider she really liked.
The kitchen was (figuratively) on fire. We split a piadina sandwich. Often we share at restaurants, so we don't get overly full. This flatbread sandwich with burrata, pesto, prosciutto, salami, artichoke and olive relish, and arugula was so good I came close to ordering a second one -- just for myself. We watched some pizzas come out of the huge oven. I thought about getting one to go. But I avoided gluttonous tendencies and arrived home not feeling gross from eating too much.
Today it's cold, damp and gray outside. For me this is terrific napping weather. Even better after drinking beer at lunch. Seeing these three lined up confirmed for me that a nap was going to happen. (Only one of them stayed on the bed for the nap.)
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trivialbob · 11 days ago
This morning at the dog park I could have done a lot more of this, except Ella got impatient. Sulley looked like he wanted to try crunching some ice too, but chickened out. Oliver just looked at me like I was stupid.
From K through 5 I walked to school. It wasn't uphill each way, just on the way home. In the springtime when ice melted during the day, then the water re-froze at night, the gutters got like this. It took me a long time to walk those four blocks because I had a lot of crunching to do.
Sheila went to Wisconsin for the night. Our trailer is still winterized. She's going to check on it, then stay in a motel. She'll see a former Tumblr who lives in that town.
REI sent out dividend checks. I have $17 to spend so I went to the store. I couldn't find anything I needed. There was a nylon belt with a magnetic buckle I liked. However the checkout line was longer than Zelensky's flight home. I left empty handed, also like Zelensky.
The contents of my closet bore me. Since REI didn't work out I tried LL Bean and some mall stores. I saw a few shirts I liked but they're so expensive now I passed. Soon I can switch to my short sleeve shirts, which I haven't worn in months. Maybe they'll feel new-ish.
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So I guess I saved money! Maybe I'll buy some lottery tickets with that windfall.
Several old state park stickers littered my windshield. The glass was hazy on the inside too. My level of boredom caused me to get a razor blade, glass cleaner and Goo Gone and remedy that situation. It's now 27% brighter inside the vehicle.
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I'm still bored. Maybe I'll get one of the dogs and a brewery gift card I have and...
Our local brewery stopped allowing dogs inside last Sunday, because a kitchen is opening soon there. At first the dog thing didn't bother me. Now it does.
Even when Sheila and I didn't bring any of our dogs I liked seeing all the other pups inside. Sheila always brought dog treats (expensive ones, and lots of them *sigh*). She walked around like Johnny Appleseed, spreading treats to the dogs. There were a few that recognized her and got excited.
Maybe tonight I'll take one of our dogs to some other brewery that allows dogs inside. Our brewery has a patio and outdoor propane heaters. Dogs are allowed outside there. But it's just too cold this evening for that.
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trivialbob · 4 days ago
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Today, I took one dog to the airport dog park.
We currently have my BIL's dog staying with us. Four dogs are chaotic at the park when I'm alone. They create a lot of noise and commotion just getting from the house into the car. Our four stooges!
With the recent 8-inch snowfall, followed by above-freezing temperatures and cloudless skies, parts of the park have become muddy. My BIL's dog, Stella, loves to swim in mud. My Sulley will run through it. I couldn't deal with that today.
Stella and Sulley like to jump on my older two dogs. If Ella or Oliver picks up a ball, the younger dogs steal it, only to quickly drop the ball. They don't actually want the ball; they just don't think the older dogs shouldn't have one.
Ella and Oliver are pretty chill about the younger dogs. As annoying as the youngsters are, tonight Ella will spend time cleaning Sulley's eyes and ears. She acts more like a mother to him than a sibling.
This morning I brought the best-behaved and oldest dog, which is Ella. She found a ratty old soccer ball and was excited to have me kick it for her. There was no Sulley or Stella to steal it.
I wore a fairly new pair of L.L. Bean jeans. In recent years I've thought Bean's quality has decreased. My oldest clothes and shoes from that company are still in my closet. Some purchases in the last five years (mostly fleece tops) -- I've gotten rid of them because stitches came undone.
Today I noticed my cell phone sticks out the top of my front pocket of those jeans. The pocket clearly isn't as deep as in older jeans I have. The phone cuts into the top of my hip when I sit down because it rides high. I figure a Bean bean counter saved $0.04 per pocket by reducing how much fabric is used in each one.
Last night we had guests over. I deep-cleaned the house during the day. Some things I put out of sight, like a candy dish, charging cords, and kitchen sponges and brushes for example. I loved the decluttered look. I should do a household purge.
Sheila made a charcuterie board for us. I love nibbling on meats, cheeses, and fruits. Breakfast this morning is charcuterie leftovers-- almost as good as leftover pizza.
The platform (below) contains lights that mark the beginning of a runway next to the dog park. There is an electronic device that produces the sound of birds chirping and squawking. It must work, because I rarely see any real birds hanging out there. Plane spotting was mediocre. No wide-body airliners or planes with unusual paint schemes flew over while I was there.
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trivialbob · 24 days ago
Quite cold today. It's 44 degrees warmer inside my refrigerator. But the temperature would have to drop 20 more degrees to match what I remember as the coldest outdoor air I've ever experienced at home. That's actual temperature, not the "feels like" stuff weather people use to remind us we live in the tundra.
The dogs went outside briefly to relieve themselves. Normally they go in and out the doggy door a few times throughout the morning. Maybe a squirrel or rabbit returned to the yard? Can't hurt to check again. Not today though. Ella is upstairs on the bed, snuggling with Sheila who doesn't feel good. Oliver and Sulley made blanket and pillow forts on the couch and appear nearly lifeless.
I'm off work today, because of the holiday. I'm quietly cleaning and doing laundry. Later though, I will need to get out of the house--maybe go to the mall and walk. Don't worry, I don't have a polyester track suit or shoes with Velcro closures. Yet.
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trivialbob · 1 month ago
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I'm a stickler about replacing burned out light bulbs. Drop everything. Do it now. Let there be light.
While leaving the dog park today I signaled a turn. The green dashboard light blinked rapidly, an indicator of a burned out bulb. Quickly stopping on the side of the road, I checked which bulb had failed.
Then Ella, Oliver, Sulley and I went straight to the nearest Auto Zone. For some reason, without looking inside the taillight assembly, I knew I needed a 3157. Weird.
When I got home I installed the new bulb. It came in a two-pack. I put the remaining one in my glove box, right next to a 3157 package with one bulb in it. Oh, that's why I knew which bulb to purchase.
My truck uses four of these. I'm ready for another one to fail. I hope to remember to check the glove box first next time.
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trivialbob · 9 months ago
If your day starts out with you shouting at drive-thru employees you're an asshole. There is nothing else I need to know about you to confidently assert that.
From inside my car I heard all of it.
You got upset with the voice on the speaker, because the price of a caramel frappe vanilla pistachio mochachino, clearly displayed on the huge menu, shocked you. I too wouldn't pay a lot of money either for all that sugar, fat, coffee and flavoring. But I also know the kid taking your order didn't set the price.
Then you snapped at the passenger in your car who, hearing your rage, said it was okay to drop the drink off the order. Wasted words, because you already decided she wasn't worth the price of that drink. "Take it off the order!"
At the first window, where you pay, you made the kid reach way out to grasp your card. It was starting to sprinkle but wouldn't have killed you to stretch your arm a little and meet the employee halfway.
The person at the second window handed you and orange juice you didn't order. More loud words drowned out her apology. When she asked you to pull ahead to the spot were drivers wait when the order isn't fully ready, of course you let her know, with added decibels, that too displeased you.
When I got my order I looked at the woman then at that car in front. I turned back to her and said "Good luck with that." She rolled her eyes, smiled, and wished me a nice day over the sound of Ella, Oliver, Sulley and Stella barking at her. Dogs can be assholes too.
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trivialbob · 2 months ago
Tonight it was Sulley's turn to go to the brewery. But I took Ella instead.
Earlier today I got ready to bring all three dogs to the dog park. They got excited. Too excited.
Ella ended up barking, right in my ear. It actually hurt and startled me so much I reflexively yelled at her.
She got really sad. So did I.
Feeling guilty about that I moved her up to the first in line to go to the brewery. That made Sulley sad. He's young, he can deal with it.
Ella and I got to the brewery and sat with some regulars including a mechanic and a jewelry salesperson. I like these people a lot. They like Ella (and Sulley and Oliver) too and tolerate me.
We had beers and chatted. People coming and going would pet Ella and another nearby dog. Two little girls came over and scratched Ella's ears. She loved it. Eventually Ella fell asleep underneath someone else's bar stool.
Then a very nice man walked by and tried to gently pet Ella. She got ferocious. There was no biting or snapping, but she made a scene. I apologized to the guy, explaining I didn't know what was wrong. He was fine with it.
About once a year this happens. Sheila and I call these people axe murders.
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trivialbob · 2 months ago
Heavy fog this morning. Everything seems quieter than usual.
Sheila was up and out to work quickly. The dogs know I'll take them to the park soon, but they aren't bothering me. Not yet, anyway. Ella isn't whining. Oliver hasn't started dancing by the door (lest I forget how to get outside to drive him somewhere). Sulley is blessedly calm.
It's 32°F. Side roads may be slippery. County roads and highways will be fine. I will use the truck's "snow/wet" setting. It mainly feels like I have 50% less acceleration power. That's okay, I'm in no hurry today.
Comfort is my word of the day. Soon after I woke up I had a hot, ceramic mug of coffee in one hand and a new book in the other.
I put on my oldest, most comfortable pair of pants--LL Bean flannel-lined jeans. They are over 20 years old. The cost-per-wearing drops each time, making me happy to really get my money's worth out of them.
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This sweatshirt I'm wearing is heavier than Greta Thunberg's demeanor. It has heavy duty zippers on each side of the hand warmer pocket, a feature I adore. It's a secure space for my phone and snacks, yet leaves them easy to reach when I'm in a recliner.
With warm jeans, a thick sweatshirt and heavy socks I feel like I'm under a mobile weighted blanket. It's a very nice feeling.
Now we've been to the airport dog park. The arriving planes weren't visible until they were very close to the runway. I wonder if pilots get butterflies when it's merely moments between seeing the runway and touching down on it.
"GPS says it should be right h... *bump* Damn! Here it is! Folks, welcome to Minneapolis/St. Paul."
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trivialbob · 4 months ago
My dogs are peopled and dogged out.
Four extra humans and two more dogs were here for a few days. Jack said his dogs crashed hard when they got home.
Our Ella got sick. We're sure she didn't eat anything strange. None of the other dogs got ill. No need for gory details, but I have done a lot of laundry in the last 72 hours. Ella did not consume any food or water for two days.
This morning Sheila and I took her to the vet. Ella is nearly 13-years-old and has had another issue for about a month. We were prepared for the worst. Blood work looked good though. The vet suggested and prescribed some things for us to try.
Ella finally ate. We stopped for chicken McNuggets on our way home. She ate those like she'd never been sick. We also got some wet dog food at the vet's. It's expensive stuff, but Ella ate some of that too. She also got subcutaneous fluids at the hospital because she was so dehydrated.
Sulley and Oliver didn't get sick. Like Jack's dogs though, they are very tired. Last night Sulley spooned with me most of the night. He normally sleeps alone in a guest room where a window overlooks the street. Sulley likes to keep an eye on the neighborhood. When I woke up this morning he seemed irritated that I needed him to move.
I have PTO most of this week. My plans include daily naps, dog snuggles and maybe some pointless shopping.
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trivialbob · 6 months ago
I'm watching my son and daughter-in-law's dogs this afternoon. This little brown one is Lily. She and Sulley are sort of acting like I drew and imaginary line down the middle of the couch, and it can't be crossed.
Their other dog, Luca, is patrolling the back yard. My Ella and Oliver are napping in another room. All five had been playing together earlier.
The other day I mentioned here that I needed a new garage door spring. When the repairman got here yesterday he asked me to move my motorcycle away from the door so he could reach something. To move it we'd have to raise the heavy door (the bike was at an angle, nearly touching the door and a wall). He said he'd lift the door with the handle while I operated the opener.
I pressed the button. Nothing happened, not even a click or whirr. There had been a storm the night before. I wondered if lightning caused a power surge and hurt the motor. The spring breaking around the same time was a coincidence? But no other home electronics were damaged. The repairman said I'd need a new opener too.
So I ordered one from him. He didn't have it with, so I had to wait until today. This morning I thought to try one of the late 20th and early 21st centuries easiest maintenance tricks -- unplug it then plug it back in.
That worked!
Now the unit would try to raise the door (unsuccessfully though, with that broken spring). That meant all I needed were new springs. This one simple trick saved me $$$.
A different guy showed up today. I explained I didn't need the new opener after all, just the springs. He didn't even know what I was talking about, nor did he have a new opener with him. Had I actually needed the new opener, today would have been a waste of time.
As I typed this Luca came inside and took Lily's spot. Sulley found the energy to find a more comfortable position. When Jack and Ali return later we're going to the brewery and taking Luca with us.
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trivialbob · 7 months ago
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This is a gate to get in and out of the airport dog park. That is my truck in the parking lot. 60 steps is what it take me to cover the distance between gate and truck.
The grass along this path is where my dogs most prefer to pee and poop. We stopped eight times (Sulley 3, Oliver 3, Ella 2). It's as if they need to clear their systems before the leashes come off and they can run. Nothing says they can't do that stuff in the park, off the leashes.
I just want to get into the park so I'm not holding three leashes with dogs going in different directions. One day I'll mess with the dogs. After they've excreted everything I'll get to the gate and say, "Well, you must be all done." Then I'll turn around and we will all go back home.
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trivialbob · 7 months ago
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Six people and five dogs went camping.
A couple two houses down from Sheila and me have a trailer similar to the one we have. Mutual friends also have a trailer and 40 acres of land in Wisconsin. Those people who own the land have it set up with electrical hookups to support RVs. The six of us met there this weekend.
It is a Disney vacation for our dogs. Ella, Oliver and Sulley ran all over, chasing critters in the woods or just going back and forth between the trailers. Our neighbors' tiny dog is elderly, but she loved following the other dogs around and going inside other trailers. The people who own the land have a huge golden retriever that would check on us each morning, coming inside to see what we'd feed him.
At night my dogs had unconscious sleep. At home at least two of the three typically get up and move somewhere else in the middle of the night. This weekend they had all the ambition of stuffed teddy bears after the lights went out.
There is an adorable bunk house on the property. No one used it this time, but If the landowners ever have multiple grandkids there could be an epic fight over who gets to sleep in there.
Near it is an outdoor shower that even has hot water. I like outdoor showers.
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The nearby small town has one brewery and some assorted bars and grills. We'd discussed going to the brewery Saturday night. We went swimming in the St. Croix river mid-day. It was so hot that in the evening we stayed at the trailers, playing cards, drinking some beer, and laughing a lot.
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trivialbob · 7 months ago
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This evening Sulley and I walked around Lake Harriet. He swam some too. It was borderline too warm for the two older dogs to come with on a three mile walk. Also, three leashes are a pain in the ass to handle.
Going home we stopped at a brewery in a neighborhood near I grew up. I like going there once or twice a year. It's a nice, though tiny brewery, and I want to check out my old neighborhood.
At the blood bank the other day I received a coupon for a free beer or ice cream cone at one one of several breweries or ice cream parlors. It was good at this brewery.
Hooray for free beer.
I was told to not use the coupon the same day I gave blood. They even wrote the date on the coupon, instructing that it's only valid after that. Hah! The day I had a needle jammed into my arm I went to a different brewery. (Okay, the beer wasn't free. But I still feel like I won.)
Truth be told, the juicy IPA (named Internet Art) I ordered tonight was so thirst quenching and satisfying that I would have paid $15 for it. But it was free, so it was mind blowing.
Now we're home with the other two dogs. Ella and Oliver are a little salty about missing out, but a few treats rectified that.
Recently I found a pizza stone, buried in some kitchen cabinet. Tonight I'm using it. It must be heated in the oven for at least 30 minutes before putting the pizza on it. Gaia certainly weeps at how long I'm running the oven, but I hope the results are worth it. I'll even give her a free slice.
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trivialbob · 8 months ago
This morning I brought Ella, Oliver and Sulley and my BIL's dog Stella to the airport dog park. Last night there were storms in the area. Streets have a lot of leaves and broken sticks on them. The dog park was quite moist and a fallen tree blocked a path.
Stella loves to be in water. The dirtier the, the better. This mud puddle was sufficiently deep for her to get completely submerged. Rolling in the grass did little to remove filth, so she got a bath when we got home. Shortly after that video ends Sulley walked through the puddle but didn't lay in it.
It's 76°F with 80% humidity and a predicted high of 91°. I feel like I need gills to breath. The house feels hot, but the A/C won't kick in right now unless I lower the setting a lot. Today will likely be a two shower day.
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trivialbob · 9 months ago
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Ella swam. Sulley jumped in too, but only briefly. I'm going to be sweeping and vacuuming sand for days.
All three have lodge privileges if the owner's dogs aren't inside already. Oliver planned to collect a little tax (taste) from anyone who bought an ice cream bar.
We have been visiting some area breweries that allow dogs. Nice people, good beer, great times. Bonus: beer is about a buck cheaper per pint around here than in the Twin Cities area. Drinking beer, saving money. I should have the printed on a t-shirt.
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This nearby town has no dive bars, but some nice stores and a small-town grocery store. We usually buy local when vacationing, so I've been to that store twice already.
I love that the sign at the city limits can be quickly updated for population changes.
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I haven't been out on the lake, but I sure like relaxing next to it and watching the activity. I wouldn't mind taking a jet ski ride, but the two-hour rental is about and hour and fifty minutes more than I really need on one of those things.
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Sheila made an egg bake to share for yesterday's group breakfast. Today she prepared French toast with fresh strawberries and blueberries with a homemade berry-cream topping.
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trivialbob · 9 months ago
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Taking the grand dogs to the brewery.
Sheila and I have Jack and Ali's dogs this weekend. Not that that will get in my way of going to the brewery.
Friday night it was Luca's turn. My three dogs were pissed, watching me put Luca in the truck while they were locked in the house. Luca was really curious about this new place. The boy was well behaved, though he never sat down.
Luca likes weekend naps as much as I do. He also likes to sleep on top of me. I don't mind a dog resting its head on my ankles. Luca goes that extra mile and tries to get his entire dog body on me.
Tonight I took Lily along. Once again, my dogs were terribly displeased being left home. With Sheila working both nights, there's no way I can take more than one dog.
Lily was also intrigued being somewhere unfamiliar. She thought strangers should pet her. Several times while I talked to someone next to me, Lily would turn to another person, stand on her back legs, put on a look of abandonment and dispair, and try to get attention.
It worked.
Lily likes to sleep in our guest room. Or Sulley's room, as we also know it. Sulley didn't feel like sharing the bed with Lily, so during my nap he got on the bed with me. And Ella. And Oliver. I managed to actually get some sleep but was sweaty and hot when I woke up.
Tonight I had a nice conversation with one of the other regulars. He's an attorney and mediator. His work stories are interesting to me. One of my favorite bartenders was working tonight too. I like hearing what's going on in his life too.
Today's nap won't interfere with a good night's sleep. The forecast says it's going to drop down to 52°F tonight. I turned off the a/c and opened all the windows. It won't matter how many dogs try to sleep on the bed.
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