#Elizabeth had Clara's pearl necklace
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glitch-in-the-code · 11 months ago
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unrecognized-talent · 3 years ago
Color me intrigued
Okay, okay, this'll be kinda long, so buckle in! I've decided to name it Afton's Redemption, though that was in the last few minutes, hah. ^^'
So first off, Clara, I've drawn her and put her on my blog before, but if you want a colour visual, I HAVE made her on Ashes Town!
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She used to work at some diner as a waitress, and at the time she was quite comfortable looking more goth-y. (Also the necklace is supposed to be a pearl one! :D)
At some point, she and William met when he hadn't started Fredbear's with Henry yet. But it was a BIG dream of his. Needless to say, they hit it off, and they ended up having three kids; Michael, Evan, and Elizabeth.
For a while, things were good, and Will had everything he could want! But then... then it happened. Elizabeth's death.
See, Henry, in this AU, had a bit more of control in the design department. He also had an interest in remnant. So Baby's design was altered. He assured William that all was well, but Will, still worried, tried his hardest to not let Elizabeth interact with her much, if at all.
Lotta good that did, though to be fair, he tried his best. After that, Henry was more distant, despite William trying to talk to him about the fact he basically killed his daughter. Though William didn't feel too innocent in this situation either. Surely he could have done more... right? He uh... may have gotten into a bar fight that night because some insensitive prick decided to make an off-colour comment he shouldn't have.
For the next while, he was horribly stressed, and with everything he had to do for the funeral, his own work, the lawsuits that were slowly building... it was hard to keep an eye on his children, but he tried...
Though not hard enough it would seem.
Evan was tossed into Fredbear, and from there, everything continued to spiral. Two out of three children were gone, but that's not the worst of it. Clara was kept late in the diner that day, and so when William called her about Evan, and she rushed and sped over to the hospital... well... she didn't see where she was going and drove off a cliff.
William's life was RAPIDLY falling apart. Not long after, due to concerns that Mike would probably be hit with misfortune next, he was taken away from William by child services. And then two years later? The Bite of '87. Mike was the victim.
At that point, William was growing resentful of Henry. He had practically blocked him on everything at that point, and William about had enough. So he thought he should give him a taste of his own medicine.
Now, of course, the FNaF 2 location hadn't shut yet, that'd be in a few more days... so he ended up targeting Henry's 2 year old daughter, Charlotte. He didn't knife her, axe murder her, no... no, he simply gave her a poisoned cupcake. But he had such a debate on it. It wasn't right, but neither was him losing his entire family... But was it worth killing a child?
Eventually he went through with it, and drove out of there so terribly fast. He cried that night. Guilt overcame him, but he said not a thing. He didn't plan to kill anyone else. But... soon he came upon Henry's research. Maybe... maybe if he figured out how it worked... he could bring his family back...
Cue him having killed more kids. As well as him going back to see Baby at some point, after realizing that, well... Elizabeth was possessing her. Unfortunately that got him scooped, but as we know, Mr. Afton always comes back. He'd skipped around towns in Utah a few times, hid his accent, tried WAY too hard with a Texan one, and eased up on it eventually, and also happened to pick up a purple wig and a need for mints so he doesn't constantly smell like death. He's decomposed to the grape we all know and love, and at a point, after getting accused of murder, but not convicted... he kinda just stopped killing.
Mainly after taking the night shift. Because wouldn't you know it, someone special was his co-worker.
Now, of course, William, now under the new name, Vincent Bishop, couldn't let on that he's his father... that'd have so much explaining Mike isn't ready for. So instead, he's managed to have a friend-like bond with him. Though you have to imagine Vincent's shock when he learned his eldest son lived.
Not all was good though, there's still an army of angry ghost children who want to stab Vincent in the face. Namely, the one who shares Golden Freddy with Evan. Cassidy.
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Cassidy, understandably, is a moody little shit because his killer is like... right there. Night after night. And he will often try to make Vincent's life a living hell. He's tried to kill Mike a few times to get at Vincent, but Evan's stopped that every time. And Evan, despite knowing his dad is a murderer... still sees good in him. Maybe it's naïve? Who knows.
But Vincent's trying to redeem himself. He can't take back the lives he's taken. He knows this. He's not even trying to revive his children that have passed anymore, and he's left Clara to rest in peace, thank god... He can't tell Mike what he's done or his last son will forever be out of his life. And he won't do jail time. He doesn't want to be separated from his last remaining child longer than he has to be.
He's a monster... he's killed several children... but he's trying to make up for it, even if he'll still end up in hell for his crimes anyway.
My oh my this is long, and I'm sorry, but I simply had to ramble the lore out. ^^'
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my-robot-heart · 4 years ago
Chapter 10
As Red and Lizzy tumbled into the taxi back to the safehouse apartment, she leaned toward him with a half-lidded gaze.
"Thank you for that," she said, and surprised him by placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
When she pulled back to sit up in her seat, she saw his startled expression and smiled.
"Maybe I have a bunch of things to show you as well," she said, causing him to swallow thickly as he tried to regain the ability to speak.
"Well," he managed, and then she chuckled softly and placed a hand atop his knee. He rubbed the back of his head. Well.
The next day, after another delicious Parisian breakfast, they wandered through the arrondissement like tourists, stopping to listen to street musicians with accordions and to look at booths selling t-shirts and bags emblazoned with Eiffel towers and Arc de Triomphes. By the time they reached the park where Monsiour Tomas was supposed to be, it was nearing lunchtime, and they found a small cart selling crepes, each choosing a flavour and settling down side by side on a bench to enjoy them.
Red watched Lizzy's expression of enjoyment at the taste of her crepe.
"We've got to find out how to make these back home," she declared, and his heart did a little skip at the word we.
"So tell me how we'll recognize Tomas," she continued as they finished up their lunch. "This park is absolutely full of people. How will we ever-"
"There he is."
"There he is, Lizzy," Red repeated, tilting his hat towards an older man wearing suspenders and round rimmed glasses.
"That's the man who gave the pearls to his mistress?" Lizzy couldn't disguise her disbelief.
Red shot her a look. "It was thirty years ago, Lizzy. And yes. That's him."
"So what will we-"
But Red was already standing up and walking in his direction, so she crumpled up the paper plates and tossed them in a garbage can before following quickly behind.
"My dear Monsiour Tomas," Red was saying in his most Concierge of Crime voice. "Ca va?"
Tomas looked at him, and Lizzy, in surprise. She gave him a friendly smile.
"Alors," he said, thankfully sounding pleased to see them. "Raymond Reddington! What on earth are you doing here? And who is your delightful companion?"
"This is my talented colleague Elizabeth Keen, and we're here to track down a certain... item I wonder if you remember?" Here, Red gestured to his neck.
Tomas looked confused for a quick moment, and then his brows raised in realization.
"Les perles?" he asked, and Red nodded.
Tomas looked pleased. "Ah, it just so happens that I know exactement where they are," he said proudly, gesturing for them to follow.
"Et voila," Tomas announced with a flourish, and he gestured to the woman who was standing next to him to turn around.
She did, and Red and Lizzy both immediately saw the strand of pearls she wore around her neck.
Red looked at the older woman in surprise. "Is this ..?"
Tomas nodded. "Yes yes, this is Eloise, my wife! Well, second wife," he amended with a smile.
Red leaned in close to Lizzy's ear. "The former mistress," he clarified, and she raised an eyebrow. Well that was convenient.
"Bonjour Madame," Red said, taking the woman's hand and placing a gallant kiss there. Eloise smiled.
"We have a proposition for you, involving those pearls..."
Lizzy glanced at the pearl necklace in her hands, as they stood together back in the apartment.
"Gosh it's beautiful. I can't believe she was willing to give it up! What exactly did you offer her?" She asked suspiciously, recalling the speed with which their transaction had been made (in French) back at Tomas's place.
Red shrugged casually. "A Van Gogh and some diamonds."
Lizzy's eyes grew wide.
"A-- what?"
"Nevermind, that's not important. What's important now is to get these pearls back to Clara. Clara the daughter, that is."
"How soon are we leaving?" Lizzy asked.
"Why do you ask?"
"There was one place I really wanted to visit before we left..."
The two of them stood together at the foot of La Tour Eiffel, gazing up at the brightly lit tower.
"Worth coming back to see?" Red asked.
"Depends on who's here with me," Lizzy replied.
They smiled at each other, hands finding one another between them.
"Let's go home," Red said.
y'all this is going to be fun, @smalltownmo and I are going to try writing a collaborative lizzington fic here where we each write a chapter and take turns not knowing where the story will go!
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