#Elijah's filthy fan club
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Business or Pleasure?*
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Word count: 5.2K oops…..
Warnings: Boss x employee relationships, Smut, 18+ Only please! ( includes office sex, unprotected sex, edging, orgasm denial, more plot than porn),
Author’s note: I don’t know how many times I’ve tried getting myself to finish this damn one shot and never doing it. I must have rewrote it several times and some part of me is still not happy with it. But I know if I don’t post it now, it will sit in my drafts and you’ll never see it. With that being said, Happy Blogiversary and I hope you guys enjoy this, despite my need to constantly rewrite it. This is the first time that I am posting smut that isn’t in private rp storylines… 🙈🙈🙈 So go easy on me? XD
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
“Y/N.” She hardly registered that someone had been talking to her. Her head had been bowed slightly, looking at nothing in particular as she bit down on the end of pen she held in her hand. Her mind had been elsewhere in that moment, her thoughts running wild with the possible outcomes of what possibly awaited her with in the next several hours. “Y/N?!”
Her head shot up at that moment, her face turning a few shades of red as she found her best friend standing in front of her desk. She could see the small smirk pulling at her friend’s lips as she finally got her attention.
“Bonnie,” Y/N said with a small smile. “Did you need something?” She hadn’t realized how spaced out she had been. She couldn’t even tell how long Bonnie had been standing there either. She bit down on her lip slightly hoping that Bonnie had just thought she spaced out like she normally did from time to time.
“I had come over to see if you wanted to go get some drinks tonight after work,” Bonnie said as she crossed her arms over her chest. The smirk still evident in her words. “but something tells me you will be be busy tonight.”
The words had caused Y/N to brighten in color even more as she shook her head slightly. “That obvious?” She wanted to shrink down in her seat. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to this before she left for work this morning.
“You’ve hardly left your desk today.” Bonnie noted. “The hard working woman that is usually zipping around the office like a madman has been pretty dormant today. Plus when I walked in, you were holding that pen pretty tightly for you to be just lost in thought. Not to mention you jumped twice during this morning’s meeting.” Bonnie looked over her shoulder for a moment before she walked over and closed the office door. “What is it that he’s got you trying out this time?”
“I swear remote controlled vibrators were designed by the devil himself.” Y/N mumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Ah, so he is within close range.” Bonnie’s brow had raised slightly. “When exactly will I get to know the identity of this mystery man that has been keeping my best friend on her toes lately?”
The comment of being in close range had made Y/N chuckle slightly. If only you knew. She thought to herself. While Bonnie had known Y/N had been dating someone new and helping get Y/N out of her comfort zone, she never told her anything about who he was. That was one of things she couldn’t tell her about. At least not yet.
“Soon,” She promised. While it wasn’t an actual denial or affirmation of her actually getting to meet him, Y/N had to give her something. Her and the ‘Mystery Man’ still had plenty of things they needed to work out before their relationship could become public like she wanted.
If it hadn’t been for the hickey that was displayed just above her collar bone that she had forgotten to cover up when she had came into work one morning, Bonnie would have never known. It left Y/N vaguely answering questions about who she was seeing. She gave Bonnie as little details she could without giving anything away as to who he was or how she had meet him.
Telling Bonnie that he had worked in the same building had been the least of her worries. But today she was beginning to regret that he did work in the same building, let alone on the same floor, as her. He was close enough that the remote that he was probably carrying around in his suit pant pocket was making for a difficult work day with only actually seeing him once today while the staff had a meeting.
She had fought herself several times in the last few hours about leaving her office to go to his and beg him to relieve her of the state of arousal she had been in. She could already picture the smug look on his face that would appear as she had done that and she was sure he would sit there and continue to tease her until she was nothing more than a puddle of need-more than she had already been. The thought had made her shiver slightly. If the floor wasn’t filled with several people in their makeshift cubicles, she’d have no problem jumping the man the moment she walked into his office.
A beep coming from Y/N’s office phone went off before their boss’s voice came through the speaker, disrupting her thoughts. Which had been a good thing seeing as Bonnie had still been in the room with her. “Y/N?”
Both of their eyes shot to the phone before Y/N took a quick breath. “Yes, Elijah?”
“Could I please see you in my office? I have a few matters to discuss with you.”
“I’ll be there in a moment.” Y/N said before they heard the line die. A small groan passed her lips as she began to stand up. That meant she had to leave the comfort of her office and things were about to get interesting. She straightened out her black pencil skirt and made sure her Y/H/C hair hadn’t looked as if she had ran her hand through it a million times today.
“Wonder what that is about.” Bonnie said as she watched Y/N collect a few things once she had deemed herself presentable. She looked over at the clock that hung on the wall. It was only fifteen minutes before the office would be closing for the day.
“I’m sure he wants to go over the plans for the new Lockwood estate again. Which means some more unnecessary over time for me since Carol can never make up her damn mind.” Y/N said as she held a binder in the crook of her arm. “I’m just hoping someone doesn’t decide to hit start on the damn remote between now and me leaving Elijah’s office.”
One could only hope though. If the damn thing had sprung to life at every inconvenient moment throughout her shift today, she was damn well sure that it would go off while speaking with her boss. That boyfriend of hers could be cruel at times and it was definitely not something she had expected from him when they had first met.
“Wouldn’t that be interesting.” Bonnie said with a slight chuckle as she went to open the door for Y/N. “So I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“You have no idea.” Y/N said with a chuckle as she followed Bonnie out of her office and made her way over to Elijah’s office. “Yeah, tomorrow and then we’ll go for drinks.” She called over her shoulder.
“Good luck,” Bonnie called out before heading back to her own office at the back of the floor. She was definitely going to need it.
Halfway there, she felt the vibrator start up. While it was on a lower setting compared to the other times she had felt while sitting in her office, it had still caused her to bite down on her lip to keep herself from letting the moan that wanted to escape. At the beginning of her shift there were times she could bare it. But as the day went on and the different intensities played on her, it left her teetering on the edge from time to time and in a perpetual state of arousal because of the contraption.The vibrations continued for a second more before it shut off, giving Y/N the moment to breathe and get to Elijah’s office.
Knocking on the door frame to his office, Y/N could see the man standing over the desk looking over several designs. Elijah Mikaelson was one of the head Architects at Mikaelson & Sons. His father had recently retired leaving Elijah and his older brother in charge of the company. And boy did the office change when the man before her had taken over.
He definitely meant business, only wanting those that could go above and beyond for their ever growing lists of clients. Y/N had been an intern a year ago before Elijah had asked her to draw up some plans. Once she presented them to him, she had been given a full time position and then promoted her some time later. With time passing, she had been working a lot more with Elijah and Bonnie on several projects that Elijah had deemed of most importance.
He definitely tested her limits on several occasions with projects. He pushed her because he knew she had a lot of potential and on numerous occasions she had proved that. It definitely left Y/N spending a great deal with him as he mentored her to her current position as one of the higher paid architects in the building.
Spending all that time with him definitely had an effect on her. Sometimes she hated him and other times she had grown to care for him. While in that particular moment of her standing in his doorway, she wasn’t sure if she was even more interested in him because of her current state of need or if she had grown to enjoy looking at him every time he had come into work.
Even as she looked at him now she bit down on her lip as very inappropriate thoughts formed in her head. He had worn an impeccable grey suit when she had saw him earlier. One that she swore was worth more than her paychecks. Now his suit jacket was hanging on the coat hanger in the corner of his office. The sleeves of his white buttoned down shirt had been rolled up to his elbows, helping to perfectly define the muscles in his arms. His hair was slicked back with gel as it always was when he had came into work.
Her fingers itched to just be able to run them through his dark locks for just a moment. Hell to even run her hands over his defined arm muscles. Or for him to even help put out the fire that had been growing within her. Her thoughts were starting to run wild with the different scenarios that could possibly play out before his voice had interrupted her thoughts.
“Come in and close the door please.” He said without looking up as he wrote something down on a paper in front of him. She did as he asked before walking over to the desk and taking the seat in front of him.
“Did we need to go over the Lockwood plans again?” She asked as she crossed one leg over the other, a usual habit whenever she had gone into her work mode. It also helped slightly with her current predicament. Opening up her binder, she placed it on the corner of his desk that was currently vacant. A pen rested in her hand ready for anything she may need to write down.
“No,” he said with a slight shake of his head as he stood straighter, placing a hand into his pocket. “The plans for that are fine. Richard had finally reigned Carol in from making any more changes, thankfully. There have already been too many delays for my liking.”
Her eyebrow raised slightly as she watched the way his eyes moved over the blueprints in front of him. “Are we going to be discussing a new project?”
Just as the words left her mouth, she felt the vibrator come alive, this time at a higher speed. The feeling had made her jump slightly and Elijah hadn’t missed it.
“Is everything alright?” He asked looking towards her. She nodded quickly, not trusting her voice in that moment. He watched her for a minute before finally answering her question. “A new project is in the works. You and Bonnie will be meeting with the client on Tuesday to discuss the plans. They are looking to build a lake house. Between the two of you, I’m sure you can come up with the perfect design for them.”
Y/N nodded once more as she shifted slightly in her seat trying to concentrate on what he was saying and not the vibrator that was still going off inside her. She wrote a few quick notes about the meeting with the client on the paper that was held with in binder.
Elijah had noticed how tightly she had been holding the pen as she wrote. A few of her knuckles had began to turn white as she moved the pen along the paper beneath her hand. He had never seen her so tense around him before, almost as if she was uncomfortable.
“What time will they be here?” She asked as best as she could without her voice giving away anything. “Or will we be going to them?”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked ignoring her question as he took a few steps towards her. “You seem a little flustered.”
“It’s been a long day.” She lied as she looked up at him. Her breathing had picked up quite a bit in the last few minutes. “Plus it is a bit warm in here.” Oh, how she wished the damn thing would shut off so she could focus on what he was saying. But at the same time she so desperately wanted her release.
Elijah nodded before he walked over to the window and slid it open a bit. He was sure that with them being a few stories up and there was a breeze easily coming through the window would help cool the room down. Y/N had taken that moment to readjust herself once more. She brought her leg down and tucked her foot behind her ankle. Her thighs shifting slightly trying to relieve the ache between her legs. Her Y/E/C eyes watched Elijah’s movement over to one of the cabinets and opened one. He pulled out two glasses and began filling them with water.
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment as she bit down on her lip to stop herself from moaning that instant. She was once again being brought to the brink of an orgasm because of the device vibrating on the perfect spot inside of her. But just as she believed she would finally get it, the device shut off. A whine passed her lips the second it had.
The chuckle coming from Elijah had caused her eyes to snap open. He had been sitting in his chair behind his desk, the glasses of water sitting on a now almost cleared off desk. There was a smirk on his lips and she wondered how long she actually had her eyes closed and how long he had been watching her like that.
“Frustrated, are we?” The tone in his voice had made her shiver slightly. His voice low, and the smirk never left his lips as he watched her.
“Very.” She said watching him. She could see the way his eyes darkened as he had sat there. She was sure her eyes had reflected the same thing, they must have from the moment she walked into the room. It was in that moment that their conversation was changing from boss and employee to the lovers they were.
His smirk grew a bit more as he placed a small black control on the desk before him, his finger never leaving the surface of it as it sat in front of him. She practically glared at it as he had. The damn thing was the reason for her current state of frustration and she could clearly see he had no intention of fixing that it any time soon.
“How has your day at work been?” He asked as he leaned forward a bit in his seat. There was humor in his question that made her eyebrow raise.
“It’s been a very unproductive day. I could hardly get-” His finger hit a button on the control that caused her to gasp out loud. “any work done.” She finished before biting on her lip. A second later the device shut off.
“Maybe if you didn’t have so many distractions, you’d be able to get things done.” His voice held some humor but at the same still held authority.
“Oh I can think of a few distractions I could get rid of to make me work more efficiently.” She said, her eyes going back and forth from his eyes to the control in his hand. She had been debating on trying to take it away from him, but she knew she’d be no match to him in trying.
“You mean this one?” He asked as he held up the remote. He shook his head slightly before pressing on the control once more. It was one had hadn’t pressed at all today and he had intended on seeing her in person before he let her feel that one.
The moment it had came alive, Y/N’s hand that held the pen grabbed onto the desk, trying to ground herself in some way. The way the vibrations played on very sensitive walls had caused her lips to part with a low moan instantly.
The way Y/N’s eyes were heavy, her parted lips, and the sounds she had been trying to hold back, but failing had caused a groan to pass Elijah’s lips and his slacks to tighten. Doing this had been the best idea he had all week.
Seeing the woman who had always seemed to have complete control over everything in her life become a mess by his hand had been more of an aphrodisiac than he cared to admit.
The knock on the door however had caught them both off guard. Y/N bit down on her lip and Elijah quickly turned off the device before he stood and made his way towards the door. She leaned her head on his desk as another whine passed her lips, hoping that whoever it was would go away. Interruptions definitely didn’t help her whatsoever in that moment.
“Brother.” She heard Elijah say once the door was opened slightly. “I’m in the middle of a meeting.”
“At this hour?” Finn’s voice carried into the room.
Y/N took the opportunity to drink the glass of water that had been sitting in front of her before she stood up from her seat. She wanted it to at least look like they were actually working just in case Finn decided to look into the room. She stood by the desk running her empty hand over the rolled up blueprints as she listened to them talk.
Elijah shrugged slightly as he looked at his brother. “Last minute touches on the Lockwood Estate.” He lied. “We both know how Carol can be with the details.”
“Right.” Finn said with a nod. “Just remember to lock up when you leave. Everyone else has already left for the night.”
“Always do.” He said with a nod before he watched his brother walk away and towards the entrance of the floor where the elevators waited.
A small sigh of relief passed Y/N’s lips as she heard the door shut and the lock click into place. At least no one else was left in the building. There would be no other opportunities to be interrupted. It was already hard enough keeping this a secret from Bonnie. If anyone else had found out, she wasn’t sure how things would play out.
Her thoughts were interrupted once more as she felt Elijah’s fingers brush her hair over her shoulder and his lips pressing against her neck. The simple action causing a shiver to run through her. Her skin sensitive to every slight touch.
“Now, where were we before my brother decided to pay us a visit.” His lips moved up her neck with each kiss.
“We were discussing about how a specific infernal device shouldn’t be used as a distraction to keep me from doing work.” She said with a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips as she tilted her head to the side allowing him more access to her neck.
“I believe otherwise.” He said as he nipped at her earlobe before pressing a setting on the control causing her to squirm as she placed both her hands on the desk to steady herself. “It has you just as I want you.” He brought his hands around her, unbuttoning the dark blue buttoned down shirt she wore, revealing the black lace bra underneath it. His lips travel back down her neck as he pulled her shirt off.
His lips travel back down her neck as he pulled her shirt down her arms before discarding it somewhere off to the side. Y/N leaned back into him, her back against his chest as her hand came up and rest at the nape of his neck. His hands moved along the bare flesh causing a shiver to run through her.
Her senses were on overdrive after her day. His light touch was already driving her crazy. His open mouth kisses and the slight scrape of his teeth had made her dizzy.
“Elijah.” His name came out as a plea. A plea that he couldn’t help but give in to. Turning off the vibrator, he turned her around and lifted her enough to sit her onto the desk. She wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting to keep him close.
A smirk grew on his lips as she did so. He ran his hand along her cheek before his lips crashed down on hers. While any other time she would have fought for control over the kiss, this time she allowed him full control without giving any thought to it.
She reached up and began deftly unbuttoning his shirt. Once it was unbuttoned she ran her hands up along his chest before bringing them up to his shoulders. He shrugged off the dress shirt all while still kissing her.
When they pulled away from each other to breathe, Y/N took that chance to pull off Elijah’s undershirt that he had been wearing. Once it was off, she tossed it off to the side, not caring where it was that landed. The same was done with the rest of their clothes.
Articles of clothing were thrown, or kicked off in a direction that neither of them cared to take note of. There was no one left in the office and that was enough in itself to not care if anything was in reach.
Y/N slid off the desk, as she kissed down his neck and stomach. She was almost rested on her knees, eager to get a taste of him before Elijah stopped her and lifted her up.
“While I would enjoy it any other night, you’ve waited long enough.” He said with a smirk.
An excited squeak left her lips at the thought that she’d finally get her release. She eagerly turned around and rested her hands on the top of the desk, waiting for his touch. Elijah began to kiss down her spine as his hand moved up along her leg before lifting it to rest on the desk. His fingers moved to tease her before inserting his fingers into her to finally remove the vibrator that he had personally placed earlier that morning before work. Discarding it off to the side, he turned his attention back to her.
A shiver ran through Y/N as he had removed it. It left goosebumps on her skin throughout her body. She had been glad to have the damn thing finally removed. While she knew Elijah had plans for using them in the future, for now she was glad it was nowhere near her in that moment.
Elijah kissed her lower back once more. While he would love to spend more time to admire every inch of her body like he had done the previous nights, he knew that she needed this. He had kept her frustrated for long enough.
“Ready love?” He asked as he pressed on her back slightly.
“I’ve been ready.” She said with a smirk growing on her lips as she looked back at him.
Elijah smacked her ass at the comment, which caused Y/N to squirm for a moment before he pushed into her. A moan passed both of their lips as he slowly pushed into her. He was able to slip in easily with how wet she had been from being left in a state of arousal for a majority of the day.
Pulling almost all the way out, he slammed back into her causing a loud moan to leave her lips. The withdrawal had been slow before he pushed in quickly causing her
“Elijah, please.” She begged as she pushed her ass back to slide onto him. “Just fuck me.” There was desperation in her voice.
He chuckled. “How can I deny you when you’ve asked so nicely.”
She bit down on her lips to hide the smile that was wanting to form on her lips at the words. He began to drive into her at a pace that had them both moaning at the feeling. The sound of skin slapping could be he heard in the mix of the moans and grunts.
A smirk pulled at Elijah’s lips. He had gotten to know Y/N’s body pretty well over the last few months and knew with everything he had put her through today with the vibrator, she wasn’t going to last long. Not with the way she was currently clenching around him. He leaned down and kissed just below her ear. “Do not come until I tell you to.”
She whimpered at the moment the words left his lips. She could feel his smile against her neck at her reaction. This was going to be a challenge in itself. One that she didn’t think she was even capable of completing. Not with how close she had already felt in that moment.
While other nights he’d be sending her up and into oblivion several times, he had been denying her a release several times today and while she was currently being fucked on her boss’s desk, he couldn’t help but add to it. This had all been a part of the plan.
He pulled her up so her back was almost flushed against his chest. One hand moved to pay some much needed attention to her nipples while the other slid down her stomach to her clit. His praises of how well she had been doing had been like music to her ears.
A hand of hers reached behind her to run her hand through his hair as she held onto his arm with the other. She felt so close and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could try to hold herself off.
“‘Lijah, please I can’t-” She shook her head slightly. She wasn’t even sure how she had made it this long without being able to come. All she knew was that she wasn’t going to last much longer. She knew he wasn’t going to last much longer either. Not with the way his thrusts had become sloppily.
“Come for me.” He said as he pressed kisses along her neck. That was all that Y/N needed to hear along with the right pressure he had been adding to her clit, she had been able to let go.
“Elijah.” she called out as her orgasm finally came. Her vision had gone hazy for a moment as her body spammed against his body. She had never had one like this before, completely mind blowing.
The feeling of her orgasm had triggered his. Her name leaving her lips like a prayer as he released into her. He sagged forward against her, causing both of them to rest on top of the desk. He kissed along her neck and shoulders as spasms continued to wrack through her as she came down from her high.
“Wow.” She said when she was finally able to think coherently. “As much as I was frustrated, it was so worth it.”
He chuckled against her shoulder. “Told you it would be.” He slowly pulled himself off and out of her, causing a whine to pass her lips. Even though he moved away, Y/N hadn’t made any move to get up.
“You alright, lovely?” He asked as he slipped out of her.
She nodded quickly, a smirk pulling at her lips. “Just give me a moment.”
He chuckled and began moving around the room. Y/N tried keeping up with his movements but she gave up at one point. It wasn’t until she felt the feeling of a damp cloth at her core that she realized what he had been doing. She had flinched slightly at the unexpected touch but relaxed soon after. Elijah was always one to care for her.
“How about you have a seat?” He said softly as he ran his hand along her back.
She nodded her head and moved to stand up. Without a second thought, Elijah scooped her up, causing a laugh to pass her lips, and carried her over to his chair before placing her down gently. A moment later he came back with another cup of water for her, which she gladly took and drank from.
“Have I ever told you that you are amazing?” She asked as she watched him begin to walk around the room collecting their clothing.
“I’ve heard you say once or twice.” He said as he smiled at her. “Though I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to hear you say it a little more.” He joked.
She rolled her eyes at him. “That ego of yours could get you into trouble one of these days.”
“This ego of mine,” He said as he walked over to her and leaned down to kiss her. “Is what sealed the deal between us.”
She hummed against his lips. “You aren’t wrong.”
He chuckled as he moved to begin getting dressed. “Do you have any plans tonight?”
“I was planning to go over to my boss’s house and discuss a few things.” She said with a shrug. “Though I believe all things had been discussed this evening.” Grabbing her clothes, which Elijah had draped over the armrest, she began getting dressed.
“I’m sure he’d be up to the discussion.” Elijah said with a smirk on his lips at that. “That would give you plenty of time to discuss everything you need to.”
“Might be a long night.” Once she was dressed she walked over to where her shoes had been kicked off. “Think he’s up for an all nighter?”
“As long as you have nothing to do tomorrow, you’ll be just fine.” He said as he watched her from his spot.
“I have nothing to do until later when I have to meet up with Bonnie for drinks.” She said as she looked over at him. “Then again I have work in the morning too.”
He chuckled as he walked over to her. “I’m sure this boss of yours can give you the day off tomorrow.”
“Now I’m definitely looking forward to spending my day off discussing business.”
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore
Stag Tag: @elejah-wonderland @cheers-my-dears-16 @xxsoveriegnsarayaxx
The Originals Tag: @zillahvathek
As Always, if you would like to be added or taken off the taglist please let me know. ♥♥♥
I want to thank you guys for reading this. I know there is a lot that needs to be improved on. But this is where feedback comes on. Was it complete shit? Or did I do okay? I have another smutty one shot in my drafts, but just like this one I’ve been eh about it. But that one wont be posted until I reach 1K friends.
#The Originals#The Vampire Diaries#Elijah Mikaelson#elijah mikaelson x reader#reader inserts#Elijah Mikaelson smut#smutty fics#elijah mikaelson trash#TVD#TO#fanfics#elijah's filthy fan club#oneshot#Elijah Mikaelson one shot#Elijah Mikaelson x you#filth#smut#safe than sorry#dom's trash#babies not included#I'm gonna log off after this posts#I'm currently red in the face cause you know its the first time im posting something like this#holy shit im nervous#is this normal?#ANYWAYS!#feedback? yeah.#900 notes
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Heather’s Masterlist :)
carry you [Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader] (Ongoing)
Treacherous [Elijah x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader] (Complete)
Devil’s Backbone [Elijah x Reader] (Complete)
Oceans [Elijah x Reader] (Complete)
Another Love [Elijah x Reader, Damon x Reader, Kol x Reader] (Complete)
World Spins Madly On [Steve Rogers x Reader] *on pause*
That’s Not What I Meant (Prompt) [Steve Rogers x Reader]
Home for Christmas [Klaus x Reader]
Get Me Through December [Elijah x Reader]
All I Want for Christmas [Elijah x Reader]
Wrapped in Red [Elijah x Reader]
The Bet [Elijah x Reader]
We’re Not Friends [Elijah x Reader]
Let Her Go [Elijah x Hayley]
The Last Time [Elijah x Reader]
Gravity (Prompt) [Elijah x Reader]
Not Without Me (Prompt) [Elijah x Reader]
graphics by @whimsicalrogers
#masterlist#elijah mikaelson x reader#elijah mikaelson#Klaus mikaelson x reader#Damon salvatore x reader#dean winchester x reader#kol mikaelson x reader#spn#the originals#fan fiction#fanfiction#fan fic#fanfic#idkhaylijah#Elijah's filthy fan club#Steve rogers x reader#bucky barnes x reader
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Legit what I thought of when I saw @idkhaylijah 's post yesterday ❤
Still glad you guys are here though ❤
Me coming back online after the purge
#tumblr apocalypse#still alive and kicking even if I am sick#im dying behind the screen#elijahs filthy fan club
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Questions to ask Daniel Gillies
I guess this is a guide of some sort? The truth is, celebrities get asked such a gauntlet of questions every time they have a new project to promote that their answers can get somewhat routine. (Especially The Originals questions)The trick is to think of questions that will show a glimpse of their personality that rarely has a chance to come through.
(The questions that are repeatedly asked and the answers to them will go here)
What was your reaction to The Originals finale? Confusion.
Who’s your favorite Mikaelson sibling? Henrik.
What was it like working with Joseph Morgan? Horrible.
If you had to play another character on The Originals, who would it be? Papa Tunde.
Favorite part about portraying Elijah? The suits.
If you could work with anyone from the vampire diaries again who would it be? Paul Wesley.
Questions about upcoming projects.
What is the sexiest name you can imagine?
Do you condone dad jokes?
What would the adult version of an ice-cream truck sell and what song would it play?
What does the opposite sex do that you wish that you could do, but it’s not anatomically feasible or it’s socially frowned upon?
Would you rather have Google search results for your name confused with a convicted killer or a famous pornstar?
What was the audition process like for Magic Mike or 50 shades of grey? (Choose either option. No he didn’t really audition lol)
Is the ‘J’ in your signature for James or Joseph?
Do you know there’s a whole section of tumblr that is dedicated to you called “Elijah’s Filthy Fan Club”? -@taylordrunkonwhiskey (:
Side note: I’ll be editing this post often. Also, feel free to leave other suggestions below.
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this cutie @padfoot-chamallow-black tagged me so yeah enjoy lmao
Marvel or Dc? I am a big Marvel fan, especially if its about X-Men, Spiderman, Daredevil or Black Panther
Favorite of the silver trio (Luna, Neville or Ginny)? Neville but god damn i love them so much
Favorite of the Fantastic Quartet? Newt followed by Queenie
OTP? Deamus, Wolfstar, Linny, Hedric
NOTP? Anything involving snape mcdouchebag, that dumb twincest between Fred & George
BROTP? idk prolly Harry & Ron
Hinny or Linny? Linny but hinny is damn fine too
Patil or Weasley twins? Weasley
Dursleys or Malfoys? Both are trash
Favorite HP books? Prisoner of Azkaban
Favorite HP movies? Prisoner of Azkaban lol
Favorite musical? im not really into that sorry
Tea or Coffee? Tea
Favorite Movie? Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Donny Darko, Deadpool
Favorite band/artist Wow a lot actually??? The french ones : Stupeflip (♥♥♥ lov ‘em so much), Elephanz, Gojira, Disiz lapeste, Alcest, Fauve, Vald, Davodka Other : David Bowie, The Cure, STRFKR, Fidlar, Twenty one pilots, Arcade Fire, Baauer, Childish Gambino, Gorillaz, Nirvana, Nujabes, System of a Down, Violent Femmes, the Neighbourhood, OOMPH!, Rammstein, Avenged Sevenfold Yeah whatev im starting to get annoying right?
Favorite book series? Harry Potter, His Dark Materials
Favorite stand alone book? The Picture of Dorian Gray, Les Misérables, Les Fleurs du Mal (the flowers of Evil)
Favorite Youtuber? Elijah & Christine, Maxenss (french), MrAntoineDaniel (french), Filthy Frank (sorry about that), Colas from AYEAH! (french) and his brother from Dirty Biology, the French Ball chanel
Celebrity Crush? Lady Gaga, Eddie Redmayne
Fictional death you’re not over? Sirius and Fred deaths, fuckin Hedwig death
Favorite TV show? In the flesh, the OA, Sense8, Black Mirrors, Utopia, Hemlock Grove, le visiteur du futur (french webseries), Skam
Book you loved as a child? Harry Potter, Edge Chronicles (just as @padfoot-chamallow-black lmao)
Cats or dogs? both?but i have to admit i prefer dogs a little more
since i started this blog three days ago i dont really know anyone there to tag??? maybe @huffleglow and @marauderingbad since were mutuals and @nevernotwizarding has already been tagged lmao
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I think @mikaelsonwetdreams needs a spot at this table cause she’s crushing it 🤤🔥🔥🔥
also I feel like we are all addicts with Elijah smut 😂 @heythereelejah @fafulous @dendrite-lover @xxwrongxxx not enough holy water in the world

After you read some hardcore smut
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Elijah’s Filthy Fan Club Roll Call
Did we survive?
@heythereelejah @mikaelsonwetdreams @fafulous @xxwritemeastoryxx @dendrite-lover and everyone else???? Check in babes!
Also am I allowed to say boobs now? Can nipples present how they’d like? Smut?
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Happy 43rd Birthday!
Happy Birthday to the man that is amazing on and off the screen.
#Daniel Gillies#Happy Birthday#Elijah Mikaelson#joel goran#The Vampire Diaries#The Originals#Captivity#Saving Hope#Oxfam#Actor#director#filthy heathen#so many other things he's a part of that I could tag this with#Elijahs filthy fan club
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Hello New Followers!
Welcome! I know there isn’t much work on here, but I’m getting there I swear!
My posting schedule is complete shit at the moment XD But there is new things coming, I promise. If you could see how many things are in my drafts you guys would probably yell at me to get to posting. I’m horrible, I know.
Later on I’ll be posting a master list for everything that I have written here so far and on Fanfiction.
#New followers#The vampire diaries#The originals#I write a lot#What I write about depends on my mood#Elijah's filthy fan club member#I love all of my followers#More writing to come#I second guess everything I write#fanfiction#fan fics#reader inserts#Elijah Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#Rebekah Mikaelson#damon salvatore#Stefan Salvatore#Elena Gilbert#I have more ideas than I can write
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@elejah-wonderland is one of the sweetest and her blog makes me happy 😊 congrats, friend!

This is a THANK YOU to everyone who is visiting, following, reading, liking, and reblogging! 😀🤗😘💕💕❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
Thanks for the 500 follows! 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕
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I’m in New Orleans, bitches
Any suggestions for DG during his panel? Send me asks so Elijah’s Filthy Fan Club can be represented properly 😜
#daniel gillies#elijah mikaelson#im freaking out#wizard world new orleans#ww nola#im a damn fangirl for this man
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Actual photo of Daniel stumbling upon the Elijah’s Filthy Fan Club tag....
Day 99- Daniel Gillies

1 more day 😭
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I was a Damon girl myself, then Elijah opened the damn door for the first time and I was done. Why? I’m a sucker for a suit and also baby me loved that dumb boy band looking haircut 😂 can’t help it.
I legit was so upset when Damon killed him, then thrilled when he woke up. Then crushed when he left the show - and then I took forever to watch the Originals because I was so afraid they’d ruin it (omg was I wrong - it was better than TVD by a long shot). Loved this, thanks for tagging 😍
#tvd2x19 Elijah Mikaelson
This ep was the one when EM 🤵😍 got my undivided attention and made into a fangirl. Lol.
What about you
@rissyrapp20 @idkhaylijah @fafulous @xxwritemeastoryxx @mikaelsonwetdreams @elejahforever @dendrite-lover
#elijahs filthy fan club#death by gillies#elijah mikaelson#daniel gillies#done from the first moment
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@heythereelejah thank god cause in addition to the fever, I think my ovaries are exploding as well. I’m not a doctor though so I’ll wait for an official diagnosis.
#dr joel goran#save us dr joel#ovaries exploded#death by gillies#lets be honest its not just elijah#Daniel’s filthy fan club#elijahs filthy fan club
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Love you too, babe 😘 Elijah’s filthy fanclub for life 👏
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I just came on here to post this 😂 I’m so excited. Elijah’s Filthy Fan Club meet up!?!?
For those of you that want to see Daniel, he’s just been added to the New Jersey Line up
@heythereelejah @idkhaylijah @mikaelsonwetdreams @elejah-wonderland
Just tagging a few of you in this to spread the word or for you guys to look into yourselves 💕💕💕
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