#Elijah Lane assaulted a woman
coochiequeens · 2 years
Within one week two women in two different countries were attacked by men and the gender cult.
A woman who was assaulted by a trans-identified male during a demonstration in Tacoma, Washington, was instructed by his legal representative to refer to him with feminine pronouns during court proceedings.
April Morrow was left injured after a trans-identified male “crushed” her hand in a bid to stop her from recording video on her phone during a women’s rights rally in October 26, 2022. Morrow is a women’s rights campaigner and the founder of Sovereign Women Speak, a grassroots organization that aims to “build resistance to a culture which conflates gender and sex,” and had attended the rally in support of women who wanted to voice their opposition to gender ideology. 
The event was one of several that had been organized as part of a US tour featuring British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen. Keen is known for having founded Standing for Women to raise awareness of issues surrounding sex self-identification policies.
Morrow and other women had gathered at Tacoma’s Tollefsen Plaza for a peaceful demonstration, but were quickly met with violent behavior from trans activists who showed up to counterprotest.
While the female demonstrators held signs which listed slogans such as “Woman: Adult Human Female” and “Girls’ Privacy is Not Yours to Give Away,” counter protesters arrived prepared with brass knuckles, face masks to obscure their identity, and aggressive signage. Some were students from the local high school, Tacoma School of the Arts, which was located nearby. 
The trans activist group quickly outnumbered and surrounded the women in the plaza, removing signs that had been posted by the women’s rights collective in the vicinity. As tensions escalated, some of the trans rights activists were recorded attempting to spit on the women’s rights activists……..
She was then assaulted by Elijah Lane, 27, who attempted to wrestle her phone from her hand. The assault was captured on video during the event’s live-streamed broadcast, and Morrow can be heard screaming over the protesters’ chants…..
“I just found out the man who assaulted me is claiming he is a woman,” Morrow wrote. “I just left the courtroom shaking and holding back tears of fury. The prosecuting attorney referred to Elijah Lane as a ‘she’ and said ‘she’ has requested we use ‘her’ pronouns.”
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A British women’s rights campaigner was forced to cut her New Zealand tour short after being met with extreme aggression at her first stop in Auckland. Kellie-Jay Keen, also known by her moniker Posie Parker, had to be escorted out of the Albert Park area by police before her event was even able to kick off.
Keen was set to host a pro-women’s rights rally with the intention of allowing women to voice their concerns about gender ideology. But the decision to cancel her New Zealand tour was made after a mob of trans activists broke through the barriers at her event in Auckland and directed aggression towards the women gathering to speak on their rights.
During the altercation, Keen and her security staff were assaulted by trans activists. Reports have also been made that an elderly woman attending the event in support of Keen was also subject to physical abuse, but those claims are as-of-yet unconfirmed.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
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So this is my third and final part to my Bold Type fusion (can you believe the show’s coming back in June?) In all honesty this could have been a full length fic but I have way too many other things to write. You can read part one HERE and part two HERE on my Crossroads Drabble collection.
Yankees and Red Sox can’t play in a World Series, I know, but this is fan fiction and creative license. 
She Sets the City on Fire
“I cannot believe Jenna is making me do this,” Katherine hissed. It was Friday morning, the day of the big meeting between her lawyer and Mikaelson publishing to discuss the defamation suit.  
“I think this is her way of teaching you a lesson, Kitty Kat.”
“For what? I did nothing wrong and if those stuffy, egotistical suits are going to try and say that I’m at fault then they have another thing coming and also…”
“Woah,” Bonnie interrupted, holding her hand up to Katherine’s fast moving mouth to halt her tirade. “What have I told you about riling her up again, Care? Especially before the caffeine has had the optimal amount of time to kick in?”
The girls were at Bluestone Lane on West 37th Street, their morning ritual before work. Jenna had called Katherine in the previous day to tell her she would be accompanying Arabella’s lawyer to the meeting at Mikaelson Publishing.
“If I were you, I’d keep my mouth shut today,” Caroline warned. “Jenna just wants this to go away and stirring up more trouble could cost you more than your pride.”
“And by that she means, your job.”
“Thanks Bonnie, I got that,” she growled. “I just hate that I have to grovel to those chauvinistic…”
“Okay,” Caroline silenced her quickly. “Let’s get to work, maybe you can work off some of that anger in the meantime, Pierce.”
As they made their way up 37th, Caroline was struggling to keep her mind off a certain blonde haired Mikaelson that’d weaselled his way into her life, her thoughts, her sub conscious and her panties, something she was determined would never happen. Hell, she wasn’t much better than the woman who sent Klaus panties for a birthday gift. Caroline had become just another notch on his bedpost and that fact was killing her.
Not because the sex was bad, on the contrary it was phenomenal. On top of the extremely attractive facial features he’d been gifted, he obviously worked out given his impressive, toned physique and stamina. But it wasn’t just the physical attributes, it was as if something snapped inside her emotionally as she lay in his arms afterwards listening to his steady breathing and Caroline knew she was in trouble. She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“She’s having a hot and sexy flashback from her night with…”
“Excuse me? I’m still here,” she hissed.  “At least wait until we get to the office so you can talk about me behind my back.”
“You like him?” Bonnie said, more like a statement than a question.
“I do not,” she bit out. “Klaus Mikaelson is an egotistical, womanising, arrogant ass that thinks he can get anyone into bed.”
“Well, with all due respect, Care…”
“I’m well aware I fell prey to his womanising charms but it wasn’t my fault.”
“Okay, just so you know that whole excuse about protecting me and drinking too much isn’t going to fly anymore. Why can’t you just admit that you have a bit of a crush, Forbes?”
She felt her cheeks flush, her downward glance on the sidewalk not doing much to hide it. They both erupted into giggles, tickling her ribs from both sides. Once they’d somewhat calmed their assault, Caroline strode purposefully ahead before responding. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“How about that ticket to the World Series?” Bonnie offered slyly, catching up as they entered the lobby of their building. “Last time I checked you still have it stashed securely in your handbag.”
“I’m going to send it back,” she mumbled. “I was just waiting for the right time.”
“The game is tonight,” Katherine shot back. “Pretty sure your time is running out. Why can’t you just admit that you want to go with him?”
“Fine, I want to go,” she admitted, albeit reluctantly. “These are box seats and I’ve never been to a World Series match. If only they didn’t have to include an unwanted guest rooting for the Yankees.”
“You realise he was the one who invited you and it’s at Yankee Stadium, right? If anyone’s unwanted…”
“Thanks, Bon,” she growled. “All I’ve ever wanted since I was little and sitting on my dad’s lap watching baseball was to go to a Red Sox, World Series match. My dad always promised to take me one day but, well uh, that never happened…” She trailed off, both girls smothering her with hugs before she could continue and shed some unwelcome and public tears. They both knew just how much her father meant to her and that she still missed him everyday.
“Then it’s settled, you are going to go to that match,” Katherine insisted, wiping a pesky tear that had managed to escape.
“Did you ever wonder why he put that ticket in your purse?” Bonnie asked curiously.
“Probably wanted round two and figured that was, apart from alcohol, the best way to get me into bed again.”
“Someone thinks extremely highly of their sexual prowess,” Katherine teased, earning a dirty glance from her best friend in the process. “I think what Bonnie is trying to say is that this guy knows you. I mean he remembered you follow the Red Sox.”
“Like that’s difficult,” she spluttered. “I was wearing a cap when we first met.”
“I know this is a foreign concept in that over worked and crowded mind of yours, Care, but did you ever stop to think maybe he wants to see you again because he likes you?”
“You’re crazy, Bonnie,” Caroline dismissed, pressing the elevator button and desperately trying to put him out of her mind. Of course she’d thought about it and that’s what was throwing her emotions off balance.
“You’re going to do what?” Klaus demanded, looking at his brother in surprise.
“I think it’s best if I’m in the meeting between Arabella and our legal team,” he insisted, adjusting his tie.
“What is going on with you?” He murmured. “What happened to my stuffy brother who abides by the rules and has no sex life?”
“No need to be so crass, Niklaus,” he growled. “This is about Mikaelson Publishing’s reputation.”
“Oh, you mean the reputation you threatened when you decided to start a twitter war with the defendant?”
“I will not allow their indiscretions to defame one of our publications.”
“Exactly why you initiated the suit and we’re in line for an attractive settlement. You are the CEO of this company and, last time I checked, didn’t attend minor settlement discussions. We’d be a laughing stock if the Board found out you’d been attending such low level meetings.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being involved in all facets of our company, in fact I think that shows a great understanding of…”
“Okay, I give up!” He conceded, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat. “What the hell is going on here and don’t give me any more ridiculous excuses, Elijah, I’m ageing another year just waiting for a bloody explanation.” Klaus sensed his brother was close to breaking and it was at that moment he knew his instincts were spot on.  
“I kind of know her,” he offered, albeit meekly.
“Katherine Pierce,” Klaus was struggling to respond. That was the last thing he was expecting coming from his brother’s mouth.
“How exactly?” He asked, taking a much needed seat at his desk.
“Well, only really by reputation,” he explained. “She’s this feisty and unapologetic presence online I stumbled upon by accident and then I was intrigued.”
Klaus stilled, realising that his usually responsible brother and CEO of their worldwide publishing company had brought a defamation case against Arabella Magazine all in the name of a pathetic, and slightly creepy, crush over someone he didn’t actually know. He closed his eyes trying to steel his nerves, their lawyers were due in the conference room in less than fifteen minutes.
“We’ll be lucky if she doesn’t slap a restraining order against you instead,” he muttered. “How long has this infatuation been going on exactly?”
“Not long,” he offered weakly. “And she was out of line, I still stand by my actions.”
“But you fancy her too, excuse me if I’m a little confused,” he growled. “There are other ways to get women, you know that right?” Klaus wished he could be so confident given the way Caroline Forbes had snuck out on him and not contacted him since, especially since he’d left that ticket in her bag. 
A million thoughts had taken over his already crowded mind. His initial assessment had been that she either hated him and their night together or his more hopeful wish that she was as nervous as him given the connection he’d felt. In fact he’d never felt so close to someone as Klaus had Caroline. He was a goner, not that he had any intention of admitting that fact for fear of rejection. 
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Finding out my usually boring, celibate, older brother is harbouring a weird crush, for sure,” he agreed heartily. “But not sure exactly how I’m going to handle this mess.”
“She was in the wrong.”
“But given your feelings, I’m fairly certain you also provoked her comments,” he offered. “The defamation suit is dropped and don’t think about arguing with me, stalker.”
Katherine Pierce was nervous, not her usual confident self as they made their way towards a very familiar board room. Last time she was here, Katherine was distracted by an extremely gorgeous man in a pristine suit while Bonnie shot insults at his brother and Caroline did the same over a rogue pair of birthday panties.
This time it was serious. She never wanted to implicate Jenna or the magazine in her impulsive twitter war. Katherine liked to think she was tempestuous and argumentative, speaking for those who sometimes didn’t have a voice. Turns out having an opinion came at a high price.
“Miss Pierce,” she looked into the familiar, blue eyes of a certain guy that was messing with her best friend’s emotions.
This she hadn’t expected, strangely enough he seemed just as surprised as her by the startled expression on his face and tell tale wobble in his voice. No doubt he was mentally joining the pieces of the puzzle together and realising that she and Caroline weren’t delivery people or NYU anthropology students as they previously claimed.  
“Mr Mikaelson.” They held each other’s gazes curiously before taking their seats at the expansive boardroom table. Yes, she knew he was their Chief Operating Officer but not expecting him to make an appearance at such low level talks beside their in-house lawyer.
“If you’ll allow me to make an opening statement,” Arabella’s lawyer began just as the blonde Mikaelson held up his hand, halting proceedings. What happened next Katherine wasn’t expecting.
“He did what?” Caroline exclaimed spinning in her chair, earning the attention of the whole office her reaction was so loud.  Katherine had only returned to Arabella five minutes earlier before her friends dragged her into the fashion closet to avoid prying eyes and ears and were now peppering her with questions.
“He dropped the suit? What? Just like that?” Bonnie asked incredulously, trying on the nearby jewellery and checking her reflection in the mirror.
“Yeah, it wasn’t expected that was for sure but he realised who I was and didn’t want to slap Caroline’s friend with a defamation suit, talk about awkward during future social situations.”
“He did not,” Caroline murmured. “I mean what was he doing there in the first place?”
“I’m guessing he’s your typical micro-manager,” Bonnie offered.
“Even so,” Caroline murmured sarcastically. “The one thing I know about Klaus Mikaelson is that he’s professional and business is his upmost priority. He would never drop a suit for…”
“You’re underestimating the power of the penis.”
“You did not just say penis?” Katherine asked, looking at Bonnie questioningly. “You write for a woman’s magazine the least you could do is be more creative like cock or…”
“Don’t judge,” she shot back, sending Katherine a dirty glance. “Anyway, last time I checked this isn’t about anatomy but Caroline’s boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” she murmured self consciously. Ever since Caroline heard about his decision to drop the suit she was confused. “And this has nothing to do with me.”
“Well, then how do you explain it?” Caroline couldn’t explain it and it was killing her. The one thing she knew was that she had to keep her World Series date with Klaus, or whatever it was, to get the answers she needed.
“I need to go,” she offered weakly, by way of response.
“Wait! What are you going to wear tonight?” Katherine asked as she retreated. She turned back to face them both amongst the designer clothing and accessories. For once she wanted to be her low income self and not the designer alter ego she’d created.       
“I’ve got this.” She was gone before they could argue.  
Klaus was fairly certain he’d never felt so anxious, ever. He was sitting in the box, feet tapping on the ground nervously awaiting her arrival, if she came of course. When he left that ticket in her purse it was a gamble. Usually women threw themselves at him, more so for his fortune and name, but Caroline Forbes was different. 
It wasn’t just her natural beauty, wit or that feisty disposition, it was the fact she didn’t seem affected by him or his family. He’d been a womaniser in the past but Caroline was different. 
When Katherine Pierce turned out to be her friend, Klaus had put the pieces together, searching the internet for everything he could find. Caroline wasn’t a delivery person, she wasn’t an anthropology student either but a finance major with an impressive GPA. These were all remarkable attributes but for some reason extremely protective friend was what grabbed his attention most.
He’d fallen in love with her at that moment and needed to be close to her again, if only just to smell the vanilla scent from her golden waves or hear that melodic laugh. But his hopes for getting her to the baseball were diminishing with every minute.
“I heard the Red Sox were going to wipe the floor with your Yankees,” he could smell her sweet aroma before she sat beside him. 
Caroline always looked stunning but Klaus was fairly certain that dressed in dark denim jeans, flats and a Red Sox jersey she was probably the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Not that he’d admit that given he was a Yankees fan.
“Care to make a wager?”
“Not if you decide this like your defamation suits,” Caroline mumbled. “I mean, a bit of consideration wouldn’t hurt.” Klaus was confused and not just by her presence. 
“I’m a lawyer, love, I take all my cases seriously.” She stilled, her blue eyes meeting his curiously. 
“But Katherine…”
“You dropped the suit because of what happened between us,” she murmured uncertainly. Klaus was struggling to form words, mainly because he didn’t want to admit that he made a professional decision that may have also brought him closer to her after the fact by chance.  
“Well…” Her blue eyes were on him intensely and Klaus knew he had no option but to come clean, even if it incriminated his brother. 
“I have a big thing for you but as it happens my brother has a thing for your friend too.”
“Any chance we can discuss this after my Yankees annihilate your Red Sox?” 
“Fat chance,” she smiled deviously. “Not sure if I’ll have time. You realise i’m going to rule the fashion world someday?” 
“I kind of figured you could do anything you put your mind to.” He took her hand in his, it was surprising to them both but for some reason the competition seemed to fade away and nothing else mattered but them.   
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