#Eliana Abrell
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Name: Eliana Abrell Nicknames: Ellie, LeeLee (Only certain people call her that) Gender: Female Age: 218 Birthday: February 17, 2069 Species: Ghoul Height: 4ft 2in Weight: 55 lb Languages: English Relationship: Single Sexuality: -------------- (Not really Looking to ship this character) Left/Right handed: Right Voice: N/A Backstory:    Eliana was an average, pre-war girl before the bombs dropped. She always liked to watch her father work on his robots and wanted to be just like her father when she grew up. She loved to walk in the shallow river near her house and look for objects others usually overlook, these were treasure to her.    Her parents needed to go out for a few days for business, and left Eliana in the care of their Mister Handy, Arden. It just so happened that this was when the bombs dropped. It isn't certain how she survived, all you need to know is that she did, but was ghoulified as a result. Arden insisted that they wait for Mr. and Mrs. Abrell to return from their trip then discuss what they were going to do, but they never did come back to the house. The two waited there for several months before they were pushed out by raiders. Arden thought the next step would be to head to where her parents were, so they started venturing.    As the years pasted, both Arden and Eliana started loosing hope that they would ever find her parents. Eventually, Eliana gave up looking for her parents after around 40-50 years due to her accepting that they were either dead or had forgotten about her by now, but she continued traveling anyway. She realized she loves exploring, and finding things other people may find "useless". She started selling the various Pre-war knick knacks she came upon, even though she barely gets any business its better than not having any caps. She also started repairing Arden whenever he started breaking down or whenever he was damaged.    Now she travels from town to town, selling many various useless items to whoever is interested in looking at the past. Personality:    Eliana, even though she may not look like it, she is very independent. She still maintains many childish tendencies and acts like a child a lot of the time, many child directed things still interest her, though if questioned about it she'll deny it does. Eliana is smart for her size, but definitely not a genius by any means, just more advanced than most folks in robotics specifically. She wants people to believe she's old/big enough to act for herself and isn't a stupid little kid who needs worrying about. She'll insist that she's old enough to handle anything thrown at her, but she really isnt prepared for anything without Arden. Likes: - Machines - Traveling - Prewar stuff - Ghouls - Synths - Kid stuff (Though she will deny it if asked about it) Dislikes: - Chems - Raiders - Being treated like a child - Conflict - Important Information being held from her just because she's "A kid" and "cant handle it" (Being lied to) - Being looked down upon Strengths: - Eliana does know a decent amount about machines and she can fix something up for money or for herself. - Eliana has Arden, who is a beefed up Mister Handy, who normally handles any conflict they come across. He is completely loyal to her and normally always looks at her best interest rather than everyone else's Weaknesses: - Is a ghoul (Never the less a child ghoul). A lot of the time people don't talk or buy from her due to the fact that she is a ghoul. She is also attacked by many bigots who do believe that Ghouls are abominations. - Ellie knows zero combat skills herself and relies on Arden to defend her. If she were forced into a combat situation she would most surely die. Regular Inventory: - Around 200-300 caps on her (Cannot get these unless she is killed) - Random Knick Knacks (I.e.: Jewelry, Clothes, Bowling Balls, Sewing needles, Teddy Bears/Toys, Etc.) (Prices vary) - Will sometimes have comics or bobble heads on her (can probably be bought for 200 caps apiece) Relations: Family:    -Alessandra Abrell (Eliana's mother, a very respected high school teacher in the community) (Whereabouts: unknown)    -Ivrin Abrell (Eliana's Father, Works with machines) (Whereabouts: unknown)    -Arden (The Abrell family's mister handy. He is Eliana's full time caregiver. He is very conceited and moody, but is very well mannered. He looks out for the best interest of Ellie, stopping her from making foolish choices. He also keeps her from travelling with people for her own protection.) (Whereabouts: With Eliana) Friends: (Open?) Enemies: -Raiders (Open I guess) Notes: -Normally, Eliana can either be found in a ghoul centered town/settlement or just wandering around an abandoned city/town with Arden looking for goodies. -Its hard for her to stay in one place at once, she loves exploring and adventuring so much that if she isnt exploring somewhere new, she'll very slowly become a little sad and disappointed. Normally, her and Arden just leave without consulting anyone really, since there's nothing ever really stopping them. The only way Eliana would willing stay in the same place for too long would be if Arden were to be broken beyond repair. -If she is in a Town, then you would get an option to "borrow" Arden from Eliana for a short period of time, though you would normally need to do a speech check to actually do it. Its around 700 caps (which can be talked down to 450 caps) to rent Arden, and Eliana would make you promise to bring him back in one piece. From that point on Arden would act as a temporarily companion to whomever until you dismiss him. Eliana will stay in the town until Arden is dismissed back to her. -Isnt very fond of Smooth Skins and much more prefers Ghouls no matter what the situations is. She doesnt Hate Smooth Skins, she just isnt the MOST fond of them. 
Rules of the character: -NO pornography of the character whatsoever -You don't have to ask to draw her, just credit me -You may review her, I don't mind (I would really like them QwQ) -If you have Questions, You can ask -Anything else, I don't really care Fallout belongs to Bethesda
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I literally just wanted to draw Hancock and Oswald and this is the result Im so so sorry
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