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eligobrrrrr · 3 months ago
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! so I just finished watching Karakasa and naturally I came online to peek into the fandom. I've noticed people referring to the Medicine Seller in this movie as Kon. now when I first saw the trailer I obviously noticed that his design was different. I chalked that up to them just mixing stuff up for the movie. obviously in the movie his alternate form when he draws his sword is also very different from how it looked in the original series. is this a different guy? is that why he's called Kon?
Hi hello! Thanks for the ask! You'd be correct this medicine seller is a completely different guy than the one from the original series
I am not 100% knowledgeable on this topic so pick some of the stuff I say with a pinch of salt
After the movie was released in japan the director made a huge lore drop about the existence of a total of 64 medicine sellers as there are 64 hexagrams in the Bagua, the fandom collectively decided to nickname the two canon medicine sellers we have as of now depending on the sword they wield, having the movie medicine seller as Kon as he said he wielded that sword, and series medicine seller as Ri since, if I'm not mistaken, him wielding the Ri was part of the lore drop that the director gave
I'd highly recommend either checking the translations of some of the lore drops that happened or nacch-an's Lore Crash Course!
Tbh I think we all thought it was the same guy as in the series with a different design before the director told us, we've all been there jksdhfjkdshfks
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kingboobeech · 9 years ago
ive been coming out as ftm to my parents and friends and everytime i come out i have to like educate them on everything trans, its really annoying but i dont want to be an asshole and just not educate them you know?
Dang that’s annoying. tbh i don’t know how that really feels bc i’m not out to most people I know (whoops) but yeah i can imagine it can get old having to answer questions all the time and not really just be and feel at ease w it i guess. They probably have good intentions if they keep asking you about it but maybe asking nicely to tone it down or maybe just not talking about it for a few days will let it sort of sink in for them? idk how long you’ve been out to them so i couldn’t really say also i’m probably not the best person to ask since i’m not out and the people i am out to don’t really ask me stuff if at all so I apologize if this doesn’t really answer anything but I hope I helped even in the tiniest bit. I hope everything smooths out!! 
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dootmeup · 11 years ago
Blue black and white
Oh my *u* thankyou x
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eligobrrrrr · 1 month ago
does coral and reek from koral riff have backstories??? im so curious
Omg they actually do have some vaguely formed backstories for the both of them! Imma give a quick run through each because I don't have anything properly written down about either of them lmao— Also the fact that Reef has a bit of a more structured backstory than Coral unfortunately—
They are kinda meant to be my Idol OCs™ but in the current canon they haven't reached that point where they're actually actively making music together.
Fun fact I actually have blogs for each of them being @reefs-slider (reef) and @bomb-rush-brush (coral)
About Reef
Reef was originally from Octo Canyon being an engineer for the army there, in my heart they helped make the HypnoShades that Callie used, how involved were they? Undetermined.
Like a good amount of octos that heard the inkantation + a general yearning for more they took the heavy decision of just leaving Octo Canyon, they decided to not go through the Deep Metro because Bad Vibes™ and found a completely different way to leave the Canyon. Now this caused that instead of ending in another place in Inkadia they kinda ended up near the desert in between Inkadia and the Splatlands.
They wandered for like, maybe a year or two before they stumbled into Splatsville where the first person they met was Coral! Even with a bit of a language barrier with Coral's persistence they became friends.
Over time as Reef started to settle in Splatsville they got an apartment in Eeltail Alley and got a hand on an abandoned building that was originally going to get destroyed near the Hagglefish Market. They decide to start working as a repair shop for weapons mostly and they're not doing too bad by any means.
About Coral
Coral was originally from a small, currently unnamed town in the Splatlands where she lived with her parents and nearby to a lot of her extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)
Unfortunately her dad was a sickish man from a family knows to die young, so he did pass away when she was around 5 to 10 years old (undetermined exact age). This in tandem basically caused a domino effect of staring to make Coral feel in some way shape or form lonely, even if she actually, technically wasn't.
This soon translated to her just wanting to have friends like constantly and as she grew older she kinda grew lonelier by being confined to her small town, so she decided to just move out, how? Sh'ed figure it out she just really needed to leave.
She arrived in Splatsville a year or two before Reef did, she has had odd jobs for a while until recently finding a more stable footing as a cashier in Hotlantis. She's doing fine, she has found some good friends and a place full of chaos and excitement.
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eligobrrrrr · 8 days ago
!!! THANK YOU !!!
I'm so physically tired but very emotionally fulfilled, also image attached of the Capybara plush my friend gave me
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Their name is Frederick
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eligobrrrrr · 6 days ago
From the second image; 1D!
So 1D!
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Yeah I can see it jcjsjdjsjdjsjfjdjvdbfbdbxb
I so love the completely different vibes Ri Kusu and the cat give off cus omfg HDJDJFJD
I only have two moods: "I'm going to kill the next person I fuckin see I swear to god" and "Hewwo I'm so happy to see you! :DDD"/rec
Fun fact: Ramune is one of my favourite drinks ever to the point my sibling bought me one for my bday, it was Litchi flavoured!
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eligobrrrrr · 2 months ago
favorite word?
Something something
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eligobrrrrr · 3 months ago
#50 from your wrapped
Hi Null! Thanks for the ask
For num 50 here I have... Omfg whyyyyyyyy JSDFHSJKDHF
Ok some context behind this of another of the "This is here because of an OC playlist" specifically because I have mf Don Dragón/Argentum and I heard randomly that song and went "Yeah it fits enough" and added it to their playlist, so here we have a very specific Eleanor Rigby remix made by Cody Fry, they already have the og one in their playlist so it just fit right through
Fun Fact: 51 is the original Eleanor Righby by The Beatles
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eligobrrrrr · 3 months ago
What is 3 of your Spotify Wrapped? If someone has already asked for 3, what is 7? (You do not have to do both-)
okay goodbye-
Hello Hero! Thanks for popping by! And now I am going to answer both of them fuck you/j/aff
So for the num 3 here we got November by Sparkbird! Here we have another of the "This is here because of an OC playlist" in this case the Davh playlist, no I will not elaborate JKDSAHFJKADSHFJKA
Ironically num 7 also is a "This is here because of an OC playlist" but now because of Sergil, here we have ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? by Negative 25
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eligobrrrrr · 3 months ago
24 and 98 for the Spotify wrapped asks~
Hi hello! Thank you for the ask!
For num 24 here we have News from Nowhere by Graeme James! This song is part of one of my OC playlists sjdhfkjsh, I originally found it through a Halsin from BG3 playlist that I really loved, it fit the vibe so I added it to my oc's
Now for num 98 here we have... Oh this is a good one that definitely should be higher, Walla Walla by Glass Animals! I've been listening to this band for some years now and ZABA is one of my favourite albums ever each song just has a vibe. Fun Fact: This song is currently one of my wake up alarms!
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eligobrrrrr · 11 months ago
Hi babes, I hope you're having a good day! For your ask game:
🐱 and 🦐
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Anyways, Hi Chris! (Is it ok if I call you Chris?)
🦐 - tell me about a character or story that is giving you shrimp emotions right now
omg SO, I'm still very emotionally invested right now on Thurak, my dearest half-orc barbarian cus I'm still working on his story and properly writing it down, maybe do some comics on events I consider happen in-game but don't happen actually cus they're innately tied to his backstory (So character interactions, fights and stuff)
So Imma just write down a short-ish summary of his backstory just because I have to let it out somehow, it is consuming my brain like a tadpole (I am also severely breaking canon on some parts, probably)
Draft of Thurak's backstory under the cut
So Thurak was born in the surface (probably Waterdeep), son of a human man and an orc woman, they were happy as a family... for just 2 years.
Yeah so turns out a criminal organization (specifically the Iron Ring) had an eye on them and Thurak got snatched very young because of that. When he was about 2 years old he was brought to Skullport in the Underdark where he was raised by one of the high commands of the Iron Ring, a male drow whom is currently unnamed. He was tasked to raise him and turn him into an useful asset for them
This drow was his father figure growing up, teaching him how to speak and how to read (So Thurak's main language isn't common, is drowidic and undercommon), acting as a somewhat loving parent for him
His father introduced him to the concept of an arena the Iron Ring had to get him interested, slowly manipulating him to make him believe that he wanted to participate, and when Thurak was older his father started to get him to train to actually go into the arena
And Thurak did it ever so eagerly, becoming and absolute beast and somewhat of a star in there, earning the title of 'The Skullcrusher' (Because he was/is able to do that)
The Iron Ring is known in the Underdark for their slave trade, and in my version they use this arena as a showcase for some of them
His father actively tried to keep him away of all this slaves, mostly out of fear that they would undo all the hard work he put into manipulating him when he saw their condition (cus he lied to Thurak telling him that every warrior chose to be there)
Unfortunately he couldn't stop him and he became friends with someone there, and, well, Thurak told his father about his friend, father went "Not in my watch" and to be a lil bitch he arranged a deathmatch between the two of them
Thurak is alive so you can imagine how it went
Back at home he returned to his father absolutely fuming, basically screaming at him how he could let something like that happen, how dare he let something like that happen, father just responded like "Take it as a little lesson, don't get close to those people, now now, join me for dinner," Thurak was obviously enraged by this, still screaming at him, so his father threatened him that if he didn't behave he would throw him with the rest of his "friends" as he put it
Thurak snapped at him, almost punched him, got stopped by one of his father's bodyguards and he was, in fact, thrown with the rest of the slaves, telling him that he was very disappointed of him and to take this as his punishment. Thurak went from living in luxury to the slumps basically
He was bitter and angry and sad, he had, so many conflicting emotions at that point. There he met more of the fighters, and they slowly but surely started making a break out plan
Some time of planning passes (could be months could be a couple of years) and with Thurak's knowledge of the arena both in and out they managed a plan to break out and leave Skullport and the Underdark for good
Long story short, they succeeded, not everyone got out but most of their team did
So they returned to the surface, becoming something akin to a caravan, travelling from city to city, Thurak became one of the main protectors, he had to put to use that strength for something
They unfortunately were in Baldur's Gate at the time of the Nautiloid snatching, so Thurak (and other people from the caravan) got taken
This is some in-game event notes (This is Thurak as a companion stuff basically):
Very minor notes, his main objective would be to find the other people who got snatched, slowly finding out along the way that for some god forsaken reason the Iron Ring got somehow involved with the cult of the absolute (through the underdark slave trade)
His 'final boss' would be his father basically, still working on that interaction
He canonically is a wild magic barb and there are some lore stuff that made me point to his magic surges being probably netherese magic
Mostly cus Skullport is built atop netherese ruins and the tadpole probably awaken some residual power Thurak was carrying with him
SO YES, that is all my notes from Thurak's backstory
He is making me go absolutely mental I love him sm I need to do more stuff with his story (as in write, art, etc.)
Anyways thank you for the ask! I love talking about my silly (sometimes not so little) guys!
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eligobrrrrr · 1 year ago
For the Moots Color Thing
White and Yellow!
White: Mutual I'll commit a crime with
Yellow: Good vibes mutual ilysm
And you know what they say, be gay do crime
Or, be ace, go for the face JWKFJSKDJ
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eligobrrrrr · 1 year ago
Cute Message
I am Biting You
A H !
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JKJK Thank you! love you too buddy
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eligobrrrrr · 1 year ago
Hello! Also popping in your inbox to bother you lol
How's life? Got any exciting/fun plans coming up?
Oh hi Bec!
I am here trying to actually get a college project done because this dude thought it was a good idea to study programing (I actually enjoy it it's just that this project has been a nightmare), I was tasked to recreate pacman from the ground up and the deadline is tomorrow
I am screaming, I am suffering along with my teammates, but we're going to finish this goddamn project
Aside from collage stuff I'm actually trying to get back to drawing as often as I did because I miss it a bit, I also got a more powerful pc so I have been modding some games to hell and back
So I'm just vibing with my existence atm jadhjas
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eligobrrrrr · 3 months ago
may i kindly ask you to share song number 69 from your spotify wrapped?
Hi hello! Thanks for the ask! Legit I already know this one because it was one of the first ones I checked JDJDJDJDJJD
For num 69 (nice) we have Seven from Sleeping at Last! I listened through the whole enneagran album a bit, also pretty sure that song is part of another of my ocs playlists so that also helped jdjsjdjd
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eligobrrrrr · 11 months ago
For the color ask game!
Mustard, Lavender, Emerald, Burgundy, and Void.
Burgundy: I'm in love with you/platonic
Mustard: You have correct takes on literally everything
Emerald: I'm really glad we're friends!!!
Void: idek how we became mutuals but I'm ride or die at this point
C A S E Y !!!!!!!!!!
Hello! We were destined to be mutuals kjahda, also JKSDHFAK THANKY YOU?! about the opinion think, I'm always happy to see my opinions taken into consideration <2
Also one of the few times I'm able to use this
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