#Elena rosa Guzman
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Werewolf and Puppy AU -- Notes
Just some world-building notes for the Werewolf AU.
Werewolf [healthy family version]
The vast majority of werewolves have inherited their werewolfism, and are raised in happy, close-knit families that tend to live in small rural towns, where if everyone isn’t a wolf, everyone is at least first cousins with one. A werewolf raised in this setting is sensible, in control of themselves even during a full-moon (ie won’t be chasing the neighbor’s chickens or sheep), and generally a happy, family-orientated individual. Werewolves are incredibly family orientated, and will happily adopt every friend of their children as part of the ‘pack’ and sometimes just outright adopt lost children.
Children who don’t turn out to be werewolves are still members of the families, though rather like a tone-deaf person in a family of singers, they might feel out of place and out of step. Some of them leave, but many go to get an education, come back, and become necessary parts of the local society by becoming doctors, teachers, any profession that might need a university education that wouldn’t mesh well with being fur for several days each month (though really determined young wolves go to higher education on a regular basis, it’s just awkward, and occasionally nerve-wracking).
There are also were-people who don’t turn into wolves. Coyotes are fairly common, while coati, jaguars, dogs, ocelots, javelinas, and even owls are known. Atypical weres are sometimes teased about it, but the ones with smaller forms travel more easily in the regular world, so are welcomed. Jaguars are generally aloof sorts to start with, and get along fine, though they need even more room to their lonesome than the typical wolf pack.
Werewolf [bitten, but okay]
Some wolves become wolves through a bite, though that’s much more rare nowadays; it’s a hard disease to catch, like leprosy (many people are immune, but a lot more just don’t survive the initial fever). Most people who survive the bite don’t take well to sprouting fur three or four days a month, and bitten wolves are generally in poor control of themselves. If they’re lucky, they meet more experienced wolves -- or people born wolves -- and have a mentor to help them get used to their new life. Psychiatric problems are more common in bitten wolves, because it’s a hell of a life change. They’re usually not a danger to people, unless they were already of that bent, but they’re likely to raid their neighbor’s chickens without considering the consequences.
Werewolf [bitten, Immortals]
The actual monstrous werewolves -- the ones that don’t age, can shrug off multiple gunshots, and kill a lot of innocent humans. This strain of werewolfism freezes a person at the age they were when they were bit, gives them ridiculous healing abilities, is highly infectious and usually fatal, and has pronounced physical symptoms (unibrow, hairy ears, unnatural eye colors, noticeable eyeshine, non-human hair color (brindle, silver-tipped, etc), fangs, index and middle finger the same length, etc). It also comes with some unusual abilities, which may include the ability to smell lies, to charm animals, control *other* werewolves’ transformations, ability to transform outside of the full moon, etc.
The drawback is that almost all of the Immortals eventually go crazy, usually sometime before their 10th decade as a wolf, usually violently so. Healthy werewolf families will kill a crazed Immortal just so that the Immortal doesn’t draw attention to the families. Sometimes it’s a race between the sane werewolves and werewolf-hunters to track down an Immortal and kill them; the sane werewolves are hampered by the fact that they don’t want to draw too much attention to themselves, and the hunters are hampered because they generally didn’t know anything about the Immortal before that werewolf started killing people. At least when werewolves kill Immortals, they know what they’re doing and make it a fast decapitation; hunters usually don’t, and make it horrific.
They’re also infectious even to other werewolves, so there is a weird set of purity codes that werewolves follow when interacting with Immortals -- separate dishes, strict handwashing, pregnant and new mothers keeping distance -- that looks very much like shunning and cruelty from the outside. Immortals who have acculturated (or ones who were born wolves before they were infected with Immortality) obey the rules, and the ones for interacting with regular humans (no violence unless defending the pack); Immortals who aren’t part of the werewolf community don’t, and get judged for it.
And when a werewolf pack, or a clan made of several packs, judges you’ll be a danger to them, it’s not long before they are a danger to you.
Werewolf [subculture]
Most werewolves live in rural, agricultural communities, with livestock ranching being a popular occupation -- it’s an excuse to live on a large amount of land far away from people; ideal for werewolves, who really like to have some isolated land to go camping on and howl at the moon.
Healthy werewolf families function as families and extended clan networks. Exogamy is encouraged, and bitten, sane werewolves are adopted and married in as often as they can be convinced to.
Immortals are both valued (they’re nigh indestructible killing machines; extremely useful against hunters) and marginalized (they’re nigh indestructible killing machines, and they will eventually go crazy). There will only be 2 or 3 Immortals in any community. They’re welcome in everyone’s home as a guest, but never adopted or married in, and if they wind up marrying each other, they’re going to be pressured not to have kids. Most Immortals wind up with a nickname/byname as it’s considered bad luck to be on a first name basis with someone you might have to execute for the good of the community someday.
Every werewolf community has a Tomb of the Immortals were the remains of slain Immortals are kept -- an ossuary. It’s part communal mourning space and part honoring people who were marginalized in life but performed a valuable service to the community. The skulls are prominently displayed with their nickname, name, and years of service painted on them -- skulls, because Immortals are almost always killed by decapitation, and the head usually reverts to human even if the body doesn’t.
[note: once Miguel gets enrolled in school in the werewolf town, some of his classmates play a mean prank on him that involves him getting locked in the local Tomb.]
Characters --Santa Cecilia The Riveras (shoemakers by day, werewolf hunters by appointment)
Imelda Rivera -- family mariarch, widow, who got both sides of the family business started after her husband was killed by a marauding werewolf in 1942.
Coco Rivera -- Imelda’s eldesr daughter, Miguel’s grandmother
Victoria Rivera -- Coco’s daughter, unmarried
Enrique Rivera -- Coco’s son, married, Miguel’s father
Luisa Rivera -- Enrique’s wife, currently pregnant
Miguel Rivera -- our were-puppy
Elena Rivera -- Imelda’s younger daughter, Miguel’s great-aunt; born posthumous to her father’s death
Berto Rivera -- Elena’s son, married
Carmen Rivera -- Berto’s wife
Abel, Rosa, Manny, Benny --- their kids (Miguel’s second cousins)
Gloria Rivera -- Elena’s daughter, unmarried
San Luis de (something or other) -- Werewolf community Miguel winds up at (mostly LoD character from canon, some OCs)
‘Regular’ Werewolves
Tia Chelo --
Cece --
Gustavo -
Chicharron -- grumpy old coot, but has a van and is part of the group Miguel first encounters when he runs away. (Immortal? Maybe?)
Nice Family (OCs -- needs name) -- the family that keep trying to take Miguel in, but he’d rather stay with the ditzy Immortal who might be vague and not quite sure what year it is (and way more fond of chapulines than Miguel is!) but smells like family.
La Retratista -- Frida Kahlo, (can smell lies), as long as she has paint and art, she’s content. paints most of the portraits that have wind up on ofrendas. She and Hector are close friends, both being old Immortals. Deeply respected in town.
El Cuervo Viejo-- Hector Rivera, (can charm animals, control other’s transformations); has a lot more guitars than any one person needs, including a dead ringer for the famous white guitar that was stolen from movie star and musician Ernesto de la Cruz in 1963. Plays music beautifully, sings like a crow because of how he was bitten (legs, disemboweled, then throat -- horrific scars that he covers with shirt, long trousers, and a neckerchief -- Ernesto legitimately thought he was dead). Is becoming vague, which is often the first step to turning ‘rabid’.
La Lechuza -- Lucia Guzman (OC), (can charm humans) born a wolf, was infected with Immortality by someone who should have known better and may have had slipping judgement due to oncoming dementia -- he was executed, Lucia was sent to a different community; it feels a lot like exile to her, but even she doesn’t want her siblings to have to decide to kill her someday
#coco the movie#coco au#werewolf au#coco pixar#worldbuilding#miguel rivera#hector rivera#imelda rivera#frida kahlo#a cat and a dog got married#they did not live happily ever after
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Matrimonios 1830, 1867
001 167975
002 oah 3243 pt.2
004 slate
005 continua
006 gervacio machuca & guadalupe parra / yxtlan *tree 011
015 albino amacueca & sixta contreras / tala
019 gregorio marin & gertrudis rosales / tototlan
024 ynes cervantes & cayetana montes / lagos
030 antonio acevedo & rosa herrera / jerez
036 gabriel ramura & antonia espinosa / ixtlan
043 nepomuceno romero & juana maria tomasa de leon / mascota
048 justo aguilar & anastacia figueroa / tonala
055 ygnacio montano & manuela ulloa / compostela
060 carlos martin & francisca barajas / lagos
066 sebastian martinez & blasa valdivia / calvillo
070 sixto santoyo & teresa perez / villanueva *tree 075
077 marcos cornejo & guadalupe torre / tepatitlan
082 nepomuceno rodriguez & claudia duran / mexticacan *tree 086
088 valentin gonzalez & trinidad salmeron / ocotlan
091 ynes lira & pia hernandez / jerez
105 leonides rojas & petra lopez / teocaltiche
109 bacilio huerta & san juana martin / teocaltiche
113 ventura garcia & luz contreras / mazamitla
120 guillermo quezada & maria gil rodriguez / yahualica
125 tomas vargas & micaela gonzalez / barca
128 placido flores & rita marquez / colotlan *tree 131
136 gregorio alcaran & dolores gonzalez / paso
142 victoriano olais & marcela briones / tepatitlan
147 jose ascencion gomez & estefana ayadon / santa maria del oro
155 jose bruno (?) & antonia ramirez / ?
162 antonio ruiz & luz robalcava / yahualica
167 gorgonio hernandez & francisca gonzalez / acaponeta
182 dionisio lizarde & margarita ysas / mexticacan
188 antonio mendoza & casilda guiza (?) / mazamitla
199 alejo chiqito & narcisa luna / ?
202 julian saines & francisco robledo / jalostotitlan *tree 207
208 anastacio facundo & saturnina substaya (?) / hedionda
214 herculano quezada & maria jesus arambulo / mexitcacan
220 francisco vasquez & mariana soto / guadalajara
234 ramon del real & merced magallanes / tlaltenango *tree 237
252 jose romero & carmen flores / ejtula
256 nepomuceno gomez & josefa delgadillo / ystlahuacan
263 joaquin avila & feliciana calvillo / aguascalientes
266 francisco osegura & guadalupe avila / tizapan
277 rafael serrano & juana magallanes / tepic
285 siriaco pedroza & petronila macias / aguascalientes
292 Justo maldonado & antonia ybarra / yxtlan *tree 297
301 ygnacio caloza & gervacia avila, clemente gonzalez & guadalupe caloza / teul
311 antonio aguilar & getrudis escamilla / zacatecas
317 bruno gutierrez & antonia gonzalez / lagos
323 clemente munoz & eduviges lomelin / lagos
329 ? & ? / teul
337 eusevio gonzalez & placida guerra / adoves
345 jose maria hernandez & maria brigida / zapopan
351 ? & ? / san juan
371 antonio godoy & juana nepomucena renteria / tlaltenango
380 jose cruz guzman & antonia galindo / extula
388 gregorio carmona & pabla moreno / encarnacion
394 julian mena & quirina ramos / adoves
401 francisco carrillo & jesus pais / tepatitlan
406 vicente carlos & rita robles / bolanos
415 ygnacio sanchez & trinidad sanchez / ystlahuacan
421 catarino alvarez & francisca ruiz / ojocaliente
428 jose maria diaz & felicitas ruiz / guadalajara
436 alejandro mercado & gertrudis mora / cuquio
441 estanislao bernal & guadalupe lopez / san sebastian
445 miguel pasqual & josefa natividad / ?
449 anselmo udasco & geronima contreras / calvillo
456 rafael vera & juana maria garcia / tecolotlan *tree 463
464 teodocio aguinaga & encarnacion gallardo / lagos
468 antonio torre & teresa miranda / jerez *tree 470
474 andres rios & cecilia joya / tomatlan
478 agapito ramirez & francisca vera / tecolotlan *tree 483
485 ponciano lopez & valentina espinosa / jalostotitlan
491 blas ascencio & guadalupe padilla / arandas
496 jacinto avalos & santos cervantes / lagos *tree 501
505 francisco munoz & guadalupe minjares / tlaltenango *tree 508
510 ascencion ochoa & feliciana villanueva / ixtlan *tree 516
519 rafael guzman & gregoria cornejo / encarnacion *tree 525
526 rafael vargas & juana figueroa / zapotlan
533 perfecto anayo & ygnacia villalvazo / colima
544 vicente lopez & nieves lopez / pinos
549 geronimo acevedo & antonia medellin / matehuala
556 pedro salas & ramona rocha / ?
560 julio sotelo & esiquia ramirez / adoves
565 luis valadez & matilde lopez / aguascalientes
570 jose maria camacho & teodora ahuamada / san sebastian
574 carmen esparza & silvestra tagle / aguascalientes
578 florencio rivera & martina hernandez / guadalajara
583 catarino castaneda & juana velasco / aguascalientes
591 francisco cerna & severiana esquedra / calvillo
596 damaso velasco & elena contreras / calvillo
600 catarino lopez & refugio lopez / japalpa
606 refugio cumil & catarina rodriguez / mascota
610 pablo perez & fermina castillo / tepic
615 continua
616 oah 3243 fin
617-619 end of roll
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