#Elena ew
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purple-striped-shirt · 1 year ago
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Smooches 💋
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lynniezdoodles · 5 months ago
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Thought I’d put Elena in @prettyswellaus haunted house au- essentially Eduardo kinda fucking- just dipped from her life after the whole radioactive thing- and uh- ima guess monster hunter- if those are a thing in the au- she’s got no clue on the fact uh- Eduardo isn’t human anymore
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lisadoduwuwow · 10 months ago
lol I have nothing to do and I decided to do this, I hope no one was forgotten :/
@purple-striped-shirt @lynniezdoodles @azul-yellow @merwynsartblog @just-a-lil-otter
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wonder-worker · 5 days ago
The advent of English-born queens* challenged traditional power dynamics because their families, if they had them, were always present and always interested in English politics. A queen's natal family was an important part of her identity as a woman, a queen, and a mother to the king's heirs, and thus impacted upon the king's own identity. When these families were English, kings needed to learn to manage and reward them in order to strengthen their own kingship and to restrict the potential of their new relatives to destabilize the political community. But families also provided important networks of support and shared interest.
— J.L. Laynesmith, The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1445-1503
*This began in 1464 with Elizabeth Woodville, who was the first post-Norman Englishwoman to be crowned queen. However, this did not represent a permanent "break" in the selection of queens, as foreign queens remained the default and ideal choice for almost all English kings (including Edward IV before his controversial marriage to Elizabeth).
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tvshowscouples · 2 months ago
If you love John Ross&Elena (Dallas) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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happywitch416 · 9 months ago
Don't need a knight to guard the cave
Can't count the dragons that I've slayed
You can give it all you got
'Cause love is running through my veins
Oh, this lion can't be tamed
There's fire in my blood
- Burn by 2WEI and Edda Hayes
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bosesmikas · 2 years ago
Barb is in danger…and Nancy’s having sex with Steve. Gross.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years ago
An exiled T'Challa strikes from the shadows of Wakanda in the Black Panther #1 trailer
An exiled T'Challa strikes from the shadows of Wakanda in the Black Panther #1 trailer #blackpanther #comics #comicbooks
A new reign has begun! Following John Ridley’s acclaimed run of Black Panther, award-winning author Eve L. Ewing and artist Chris Allen will launch a brand-new Black Panther ongoing comic series next month. The new saga will see Black Panther serve Wakanda in a bold new way after he’s exiled from the throne. A king without a crown and a fugitive in his own homelands, T’Challa journeys deeper into…
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halfmoonshines · 7 months ago
Just Damon being soft and protective with his gf please! :) love ur work
love this and love you!
only you
damon salvatore x f!reader
summary: Damon only ever had that smile for you.
You groaned as you trekked behind the group, fully convinced that this could not get any worse. Not only was the southern heat creating a shine of sweat on your skin, but the constant bickering from the rest of your cohort was driving you crazy.
"If you're annoyed Elena, imagine how the vampires feel. We could've just zipped through the woods without you guys." Caroline made an excellent point.
"So why did we even come?" Your question was exasperated and Damon's light laugh came from behind you, one of his hands coming to rest on your lower back.
"The more eyes there are, the more likely we are to find this tomb." Stefan replied.
"I would argue that you guys could've covered five times as much ground by this point if we weren't slowing you down." You paused your walk for a moment, head thrown back to try and gulp in some of the balmy air.
That air promptly left your lungs, however, when Damon swept you into his arms. You couldn't help but shriek a bit, hastily wrapping your arms around his neck. "Damon. I'm sticky and stinky."
He raised an eyebrow at you, lips arranging themselves in a mirthful smile. "My favorite version of you."
Caroline shook her head violently. "Ew, guys."
The darkness in the room was almost suffocating you but you didn't have the strength to not suffer inside of it. You didn't know how long you had been sitting there, or when it had gotten so bad, but somewhere along the way you had stopped caring.
You had days like this sometimes, where your mental health was virtually nonexistent and you would rather sit alone in the dark with your thoughts rather than flick the light on and reveal the very real things behind those thoughts.
You vaguely heard the door open downstairs, and Damon's voice was like a lance through the fog in your mind. "Babe? Are you upstairs?"
You stayed silent though, brow furrowing while you tried to overcome the block in your brain that was stopping you from speaking. All that came was a frustrated sigh.
That was enough for the vampire, who quickly appeared in your room, seeming unperturbed by the thick blanket of darkness and despair. He came to sit next to you on the edge of the bed, hand finding yours to interlace your fingers.
"Bad brain day?" His tone was gentle, not a hint of judgement tinged into it. You appreciated that.
You gave a nod, slumping into the safety of his arms. He was always so sturdy, a rock against whatever storm you encountered.
He hummed low in his throat and pulled you both back onto the bed, turning on the fairy lights hanging around the room and tucking you under his chin.
That was where you laid for hours before he convinced you to have dinner, more than happy to let you feel whatever you needed.
"Are we sure that she is not going to lose her mind when she finds us doing this?" Damon sounded incredibly unsure, paintbrush dangling from his fingers.
You discarded your own, placing hands on hips before you replied. "It's washable paint and it's Caroline's 18th birthday!! Decorating her car is a great idea, trust me."
He raised an eyebrow at you and approached, coming chest to chest and threatening to get the paint dripping from his brush onto you. "Painting the most OCD Barbie I know's car as a surprise? Seems risky."
Your smile was devilish in return. "Since when does a little risk scare you, Salvatore?" You had barely finished your sentence before a gasp escaped, a line of paint now going down your cheek.
"Literally never." He lunged away as you grabbed for him, and you ended up painting yourselves much more than you touched the car.
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athenamikaelson · 9 months ago
Written in the Stars
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 1
Word Count- 4.3k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, death, panic attacks, mentions of the confederacy (ew)
A/N- This will be a slow-burn series.
The reader has a brother, I know it’s not very X Reader, but it’s to help the storyline.
I brush down the black tie my younger brother is wearing, the satin fabric making me slightly cringe. 
“Are you sure you’re not going to go? We can go show those stuffy old bitches how to really party.”
I let out a small huff at Theo’s question, shaking my head amused.
“I’d rather not spend my Friday night with a bunch of Mystic Falls’ elite. Hearing them talk about how they’re so proud of their southern heritage,” Both my brother and I let out sounds of disgust, “the Confederates lost get over it.”
Theo stands in front of the hallway mirror and oggles himself. Where I am rather introverted, my younger brother is most likely the most self-confident person I have ever met. He has called himself, “A gift to the human race,” on more than one occasion. So it takes him about a good 9 minutes to gaze at himself in the mirror before we walk out the front door to the car. 
We drive in silence, or I drive in silence as Theo hypes himself up in the passenger side mirror. 
After a 10-minute drive that seems to have taken at least twice that time, we finally reach the long driveway of the mayor’s house. 
“Why are you even going to this masquerade thing anyways, you hate dances,” I ask him as we wait behind a line of cars.
“Tyler is my football captain, and this thing is to honor his father, I’m here for my fellow man,” Theo presses a fist to his chest and puts on a fake sympathetic look.
“So you’re actually doing it because you want to get on Tyler’s good side so he puts you on Varsity?”
Theo’s look drops and is replaced with a shit-eating grin, “You know me so well.”
As we get to the front of the line of cars, I hum along to the Coldplay song playing on the radio.
“So what are you going to do while waiting for me?”
I pull my car up to the front of the “house” which is really just a mansion. 
“I have a feeling you won’t be here very long, or stay out of trouble so I’m just going to park somewhere and wait for you.”
My brother gives me a look that looks like he agrees about him getting into trouble and nods his head. I put the car in park and Theo unbuckles his seat and gets out, straightening out his suit as he goes.
“Bye nerd, don’t wait up!” Theo yells as he climbs the stairs walking past Mystic Falls’ elite. I let out a sigh and pull away to find a parking spot. 
My fingers graze the pages of my book as I glance at the time, Theo has been here for over an hour now and hasn’t shown any signs of leaving. I bring my book up to continue reading when a figure in the distance catches my eye. I lean forward and catch a glimpse of who I believe to be, Elena Gilbert. Elena’s a popular girl in my grade, who I’ve probably had two interactions with in my short time here in Mystic Falls. I don’t know much about her other than that she’s dating some guy named Stefan, her parents died in a car accident and her brother is in the same grade as Theo. Theo and Elena’s brother don’t hang out either because Theo says he’s a “stoner emo.” Theo’s never been one to keep his thoughts to himself. 
Elena seems to walk with a slight limp which makes me slightly concerned but nothing to make me go out and try to talk to her. I hate talking to people in general, especially kids my age. Elena has always seemed nice but I’m not taking the risk of rejection.
 Or at least I wasn’t until I saw a man in a mask start following behind her.
I may hate interacting with people but I would never let another girl get attacked if I had the power to stop it. The next thing I know I’m hopping out of my car and jogging behind them. 
“Elena behind you!” I yell to her, but I freeze as the man hits her and knocks her to the ground. I let out a yelp as I turned to try to get help but a sharp pain hits my skull and everything goes black. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?”
A voice comes from above me and a wave of nausea washes over me. My eyes open and close a dozen times trying to get used to the bright light before I can focus on the person in front of me. Elena Gilbert. Why is Elena Gilbert in my bedroom?  I mean she’s really pretty and all I just thought she had a boyfriend. I’m not a homewrecker. 
“Oh thank god you’re awake!”
Elena whisper-yells to me as she brushes a piece of my hair behind my head and grimaces when she looks at my forehead. She brings her hand back and a wave of fear and disgust washes over me as I see her hand covered in a red liquid. Blood. My blood. I try to bring my hand up but Elena stops me.
“Don’t exert yourself we don’t want it to bleed more, okay?”
She gives me a small smile but something about it makes me feel uneasy. I don’t understand why until I turn my gaze away from her and look at our surroundings. Dirt-covered walls, glass-covered floors, and a mildew stench are what take focus. I’ve always been sensitive to smells but with the addition of my raging migraine, I am fighting the urge to keep down the rising bile in my throat. 
My breathing starts to quicken and I can feel the start of a panic attack starting to make an appearance. 
“Elena, where are we?”
I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t understand what I was saying since my words seemed to be jumbling together. 
Elena glances around us and gives me a solemn look.
“I don’t know, I woke up here a little while ago before I was knocked back out by the people that took us. I’m truly sorry about this Y/N. I would never wish for you to be a part of this.”
I furrow my eyebrows at her last comment as if she were responsible for the reason we were taken.
“It’s not your fault,” I shake my head and start tapping my fingers together one by one, a habit I’ve picked up to ground myself whenever my anxiety gets too strong.
Elena’s eyebrows mirror mine and she goes to say something but a young man with shaggy hair walks in.
“Oh goody, the other ones awake. How are you doing, sleeping beauty?” 
The man starts to walk over to me with a look in his eyes that makes the bile in my throat inch even closer to the surface. But within another second Elena stands from beside me, on what I can see now is a couch, and blocks me from the man’s view.
“I’m the one you want, Y/N is innocent, just let her go.” 
I want to back Elena up and defend her too but with the migraine and the onslaught of emotions I’m feeling right now, being verbal isn’t something I see happening in my current future. 
“You’re right, Dopalicious, she’s not, but I can’t just let her go, what if she were to go and warn those friends of yours? Can’t let that happen now can we?” 
Elena goes to stand her ground but within a blink of an eye she’s shoved backward and lands on the other side of the couch. I flinch at the action which gives the man the opportunity to come in front of me. I start trembling as I look up to him. I try to push farther back into the couch but I’m squished into it as far as I can go. 
“Stay away from me,” Finally able to find somewhat of my voice again. This doesn’t seem to scare away the man, and honestly, I don’t blame him. My voice sounded like it came from a scared 5-year-old. 
“Just a taste, I’m starving.”
My mouth opens to question what he says but a millisecond later I feel myself being grabbed and a sharp piercing attacks the left side of my neck. I’m hyperventilating and screaming at the same time somehow as I hear Elena’s yells from beside us. 
“Don’t touch her!”
Elena’s yell comes from beside us and I’m thrown away back onto the couch. I’m disorientated as I look up to see the man before me rubbing his cheek and Elena standing next to him holding her right hand. She’d punched him. My vision strays from Elena’s red knuckles back up to the man, who has something dripping from his mouth. My chest feels like it locks up as I stare at the liquid dripping, everything seems to be going in slow motion for me as I watch the drops start at the man's chapped lips to the drops of blood falling onto the cracked hardwood floors. Wait, blood. He has blood dripping from his mouth. Had Elena punched him that hard? I start to believe that possibility until I feel a wetness drip between my chest. 
My already shaking hand moves to my chest as I swipe a finger along the liquid. My vision blurs as the red liquid drips from my fingertip down into the palm of my hand. I can’t register Elena’s voice as she kneels in front of me and presses something to my neck. The blood coating my hand is all I can see and smell. 
“Y/N….Y/N! Just focus on my voice ok, breathe. I think you’re having a panic attack.”
A cool hand is pressed onto the side of my face and I close my eyes at the embrace. 
“Ok that’s good, I’m going to stand you up to get a better look at your neck ok?” 
I feel like I’m running on auto-pilot or something else is controlling my body and mind as I stand up and grip Elena’s upper arms to keep myself steady. Elena returns the pink fabric from my neck and leans down to glance at the wound.
“Ok, it’s not as bad as I had originally thought. Just keep this here and it’ll help control the bleeding.” 
I must still be in shock because Elena has to bring the shirt to my hand, wrap my fingers around it, and finally press my hand into my neck. The shock of pain washes through me and brings me back to reality. My vision can’t seem to focus on one thing for too long as my eyes keep darting from the blood on the floor, my blood, to the look on Elena’s face, to the man standing behind us with a scowl on his ugly face. Blood, Elena, man. Blood, Elena, man. Blood, Elena, man. This sequence continues until another person enters the room, a woman.
“He’s here.”
The woman with a pixie cut says, her voice seemingly scared.
The man next to us shifts his scowl into a look of pure fear.
“This was a mistake,” He rushes over to the woman and shakes his head. 
“No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me,” She tries to talk him down which only seems to freak him out more.
“No! He wants me dead Rose,”
The woman points at Elena, “He wants her more.”
I glance to Elena who is standing in front of me slightly as if to hide me from the two strangers or cannibals. Since I’ve calmed down momentarily and I’ve begun to stop the tears, that unbeknownst to me, had fallen on my cheeks. I’ve also realized that I’ve been kidnapped by cannibals, that being the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.
The two cannibals start arguing about some man but I turn to Elena who looks almost as scared as I feel. 
“What’s going on Elena, who’s coming,” I whisper to her.
Elena turns her head slightly to me and gives me a frown and a shake of her head. 
“A man named Elijah, but don’t worry ok,” Elena grabs my free hand and holds it in her own, “I’m not going to let them hurt you anymore.”
I nod trying to find comfort in her words but the girl in front of me is 17 years old and maybe 110 pounds I don’t see how she’s going to protect us both from two cannibals and whatever mega cannibal these two are terrified of. I don’t know if the other guy is a cannibal but using context clues I’m guessing he is. 
“What are we?”
The woman’s voice brings my attention back to them as I see her grab his arms. This seems to calm the man down. 
“We’re family. Forever.” 
I might’ve found this endearing if it weren’t for the fact the man had my blood drying on his upper lip and they were literal cannibals. 
A loud knock startles all four of us. Elena and I both shoot each other wary glances, our hands still intertwined. I don’t usually like being touched but given the circumstances I can let this slide. 
The woman looks over at Elena and me as Elena slightly turns her head, “You’re scared.”
The woman says something else to her friend and then runs up the stairs.
What seems like forever of waiting and pacing around is broken up by footsteps coming from the top of the banister. I can feel Elena freeze up from beside me as we both look up to see a man in a suit staring down at her. The man has dark hair and eyes and a chiseled face.
Why is this cannibal not ugly? Wrong Turn had it all wrong.
We all stand there watching Elena and the suited cannibal stare at each other. I can feel Elena’s shaking hand in my own and try to comfort her by squeezing her hand to let her know I’m right beside her. That is until the man transports himself from the top of the banister to right in front of Elena in the blink of an eye. The movement makes me lose my balance and I fall back onto the couch. 
No one seems to notice me as my panic attack starts to build up as I try to understand how this is possible. How could he have been that fast, it’s impossible.
Oh god, I'm going to throw up. 
“And who is this?”
A deep voice comes from above me and my stomach flips at the sound.
Definitely going to throw up. 
“She’s no one. She has nothing to do with this, just please leave her alone.” 
Hearing Elena’s voice makes me raise my head and I regret it instantly because I lock eyes with the suited monster, who is now standing above me staring down at me. The man’s face instantly goes slack as his eyes meet mine, a look of recognition seems to pass through his dark eyes as they move fast across my face. The man’s mouth opens and closes many times as if he can’t quite find the right words to say. The slack expression from before softens into something that makes my stomach flip again. This guy is so going to kill me when I throw up on his expensive ass shoes. His soft, dark pink lips curve up at the corners slightly.
“You’re real.” 
Everyone else in the room seems to know just as much as me with what he’s talking about because they all have looks of confusion on their faces. Feels somewhat comforting to be on the same page as everyone else for once. 
The man doesn’t once take his eyes off of me this entire time, “What is your name, Elskan?” 
I freeze under his stare and try to avert my eyes, this gives Elena the ability to step in for me. 
“Her name is Y/N,” I look to the man as he mouths my name slightly to himself as if he wants to know how it sounds on his tongue, “Please don’t hurt her Elijah, she doesn’t even know about the supernatural, I’ll go with you willingly.” 
Elena’s words make me freeze up. What does she mean by supernatural?
I flinch as the man, Elijah, brings his hand up. This stops him for a moment. 
“I would never harm you. You have my word on that.”
I can only sit there frozen as he cups my face with his hand and uses his thumb to brush a stray tear away that must’ve fallen during one of my many panic attacks. He seems delighted at the moment until the soft expression he has on his face darkens into something that makes that bile rise even farther up. His eyes dart from the top of my head and drag themselves down to my chest and neck. I try to move away but his hand has a soft but firm hold on my face. 
“Who did this to you?” 
My eyebrows furrow at his question, and I must’ve not answered quickly enough because he turns to glare at Elena, making her flinch.
“The head injury is from the kidnapping and then the bite is from… um,” she glances towards my neck and then to Trevor who looks like he’s about to internally combust. She goes silent again at Elijah’s stare and he turns his attention back towards me. The glare long gone and replaced once again with a softer look.
“I see. Here,” I have to swallow back down the bile as I watch the man rip into his wrist and put it in front of my face expectantly. I sit there in horror and quickly look to Elena, who doesn’t look as nearly surprised as she definitely should be, given that this man just BIT HIMSELF. 
“It’s true Y/N, it’ll heal you.” 
I open my mouth to say something which must’ve somehow been an ok to the man as he presses his wrist to my open mouth. I’m about to push him off, or at least try, but stop at the heavenly liquid that spills into my mouth. Elijah brings his other hand up to brush back my fallen hair.
  “Good girl, Elskan.” 
Elijah removes his wrist and I sit there silently staring at my lap as I realize what I had just done. I just drank fucking blood, and I liked it?!??! Oh god, does this make me a cannibal now?
Elijah seems to be fighting an inner battle as he moves his eyes away from mine and onto the man behind us. Elena and I watch before us as Elijah approaches the scared man/cannibal thing.
“I’ve waited so long for this day, Elijah. Truly very sorry,” Trevor says with a bowed head as Elijah circles him. Almost how a predator circles its prey. 
“Well, no, your apology is not necessary,” Elijah responds but something in his tone doesn’t sit right with me.
“Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina. And I failed you.”
“Well, yes, you are the guilty one,” Elijah glances at him and then up to the woman, “And Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That I honor…”
Elijah comes to stand in front of the man, “Where was your loyalty?”
“I beg your forgiveness.”
The oxygen in the room seems to be dwindling as everyone watches the interaction.
“So granted.” 
The deep breath I was to let out is replaced by a scream and I can only watch in horror as Elijah throws his hand over to the man, decapitating him. A heart-wrenching wail comes from Rose and I can’t seem to take my eyes away from the body-less head that is lying in front of me. 
“I’m going to-”
Vomit spurts from my mouth and onto the floor in front of me. Burning from the back of my throat causes tears to build up and block my vision. I feel someone lift my hair and hold it away from my face. I thought it was Elena, until Elijah’s voice sounds from beside me.
“I’m truly sorry, Elskan. I shouldn’t have done that in front of you.” 
I lift my head to stare at him and find him kneeling right next to me. He reaches into his front pocket grabs, a fancy napkin, and wipes my mouth with it. Not seeming disgusted, just disheartened. He wraps his hand in mine and stands me up. 
“We can leave now, we have quite the journey ahead of us,” Elijah leads me over to where Elena is standing and motions for her to follow.
“No! What about the moonstone,” She questions him.
He stands in front of her with a small scowl, “What do you know about the moonstone?”
“I know that you need it. And I know where it is. I can help you get it”
Elijah nods his head, “Tell me where it is.” 
“It doesn’t work that way.”
Elijah’s eyebrow twitches in annoyance as he glances back at Rose, “Are you negotiating with me?”
Rose just shakes her head and tells him she doesn’t know anything. Elijah then turns back around to stare at Elena for a moment before scowling and reaching up to her necklace, then rips it off. 
“What is this vervain doing around your neck,” He throws the necklace behind him and grabs Elena by the neck, dropping my hand in the process. I go to try to get her away but Elijah shoots me a warning look that has me freezing in place, “Tell me where the moonstone is.”
In a monotone voice, Elena replies, “In the tomb underneath the church ruins.”
“What is it doing there?”
“It’s with Kathrine.”
The rest of their interaction is cut short when a glass shatters from somewhere upstairs. Elijah comes over to me and grabs me by my waist bringing me into him almost protectively. 
“What was that,” He asks Rose.
“I don’t know.”
“Who else is in this house?’’
To which he gets the same response. 
Elijah grabs Elena quite harshly with his free hand and guides both of us to the top of the banister. His hand never moving from the top of my hip. Once we make it to the entryway something rushes by us, Elijah pushes Elena off into Rose’s arms but still keeps his hold on me. 
“Up here.”
“Down Here.”
Voices call from the top and bottom of the stairs catching all of our attention. Elijah lifts his hand from my hip and motions for me to go over to Rose.
“Don’t let her out of your sight,” He warns her as he moves to the staircase. 
A moment goes by before something flies through the air and pierces itself through Elijah’s hand. I let out a yelp but Elijah doesn’t even seem fazed. 
My vision is blurred for a moment, when it clears, I realize I’m now standing next to Rose with an unfamiliar dark-haired man in front of us. He motions with his finger to be quiet. Ya as if I was going to say anything anyway. 
“Excuse me,” Elijah’s voice comes from below, “To whom it may concern. You’re making a grave mistake if you think that you can beat me. And you can’t. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls on the count of three, or heads will roll.” 
The man who has his hands on Rose’s and I’s mouths moves his head to glance at Elijah downstairs. 
“Do we understand each other?” 
“I’ll come with you,” I perk up at Elena’s voice. What the hell is she doing?!? But the blue-eyed man in front of me shakes his head at me telling me not to move. 
“Just please don’t hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out.”
“What game are you playing with me? Where is Y/N? I won’t be leaving without her.”
Elijah’s skeptical voice questions her. There’s a sound of metal, and then a loud boom, and then I hear Elijah let out a yell. The sound for some reason makes my chest feel like it wants to cave in on itself. Rustling and fighting sounds come from below us before the man holding Rose and I leaves. Rose runs after him, but I can’t seem to get my feet to work so I just sit there on the dusty floor staring at the peeling wallpaper in front of me. 
A few moments pass before I hear Elena’s voice along with two unfamiliar men, one who I’m assuming is the blue-eyed guy from before. 
“Where is Y/N,” Elena asks.
“Are you talking about that girl that smells like vomit?” A snarky voice questions her. If I hadn’t just gotten kidnapped and had one of the worst days of my life, I might’ve taken offense, but I did just get kidnapped and honestly, I do smell like vomit so he’s not wrong. 
“I think she’s over there.” 
Footsteps get closer to me as I look up with tears in my eyes at Elena. She gives me a small smile before kneeling and wrapping her arms around me in a hug. 
“What is happening Elena?” 
“I’ll explain everything if you want me to ok? Let’s just get out of here first ok?”
Elena stands up and reaches down her hand for me to take, and with a deep breath, I do.
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lynniezdoodles · 1 year ago
Movie Night!
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Some Eddsworld Ocs! Only Elena and Lynn are mine- the others belong to
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gmikaelson · 3 months ago
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WC: 2k
Summary: You run into Klaus at the grill leading to some banter A/N: this is my first time writing so any feedback is appreciated. I hope you enjoy it!
𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚
You’re meeting up with Elena at the Mystic Grill, or at least you were supposed to. Your friend needed help at the last minute, so here you are, an hour late. You burst through the door and slam into a man. He grabs you and steadies you.
“Watch it, love.” The man says, and your heart sinks. It’s Klaus Mikaelson.
You push the fear aside, looking up at him with annoyance, "aren't you the one with vampire senses?
Klaus chuckles a soft sound that tickles your ear. "Indeed, I am. But even vampire senses can't predict every move a beautiful woman might make. I must admit, though, it's been quite a pleasant surprise." He releases you and steps back, letting you see his face, his gorgeous face–stop. You won't allow yourself to think about his fae like that. Or his eyes that were a dark shade of blue and full of mischief, or his lips that curled into a smirk.
“Where are you headed off to in such a hurry?” He asks, looking you over.  
You see his eyes as they travel all over you, ew, "away from you", you say, trying to walk past him.
Klaus’s hand swiftly catches your arm as you attempt to pass, fingers splayed over your skin. "Now, now, no need to be so cold," he arches an eyebrow, his smirk ever-present. "You've piqued my curiosity, love."
Klaus lets go of your arm, but not before letting his fingertips slowly graze over your skin, a deliberate move hidden under the guise of an accident. "Can't we have a civilized conversation?" He asks, tilting his head slightly to the side with a sparkle in his eyes.
You take a step back and cross your arms, “can't you stop threatening my friends?"
Klaus chuckles dryly, leaning against a nearby counter. "I assume you're referring to the Bennett witch, the doppelgänger, and the Salvatore brothers?" He lifts a casual shoulder. "Oh, they've been causing enough trouble of their own.” He says, smirking and looking down for a moment.
You see his gaze wander back to you, sharp and assessing. "But I can see why they're protective of you," Klaus says, his voice dropping a notch, a tease playing on his lips. "You're quite the firecracker, aren't you?" His eyes seem to hold an unspoken challenge, a provocation aimed directly at you.
Your brows furrow, "stop looking at me like that"
A slow, leonine smile spans his face at your words, “Like what, love?” He asks, feigning innocence as he meets your gaze with his own, the twinkling hint of amusement present yet again.
Klaus leans slightly forward, his eyes not straying from your face, "Is it making you uncomfortable?" He asks, voice filled with warmth that doesn't match the steely glint in his eyes, a contrast that could either be intriguing or unnerving. "Or is it something else?" 
You tilt your head, assessing him before settling on "like you don't know if you want to kill or kiss me"
A genuine laugh escapes Klaus, rich and animated as he takes a step closer. "Well, I'd have to admit, you do have a knack for keeping me on my toes, love," he says, voice low and steady.
Although there's no inherent threat in his gaze, there's a certain intensity that could be interpreted as such. His eyes now hold a different kind of spark – one that conveys interest, curiosity, and something else you can't quite put a finger on.
"I can assure you, I have no intention of killing you... or potentially kissing you, for that matter. At least, not until you ask me to." The corners of his mouth curl up into a cheeky smirk, his eyes never leaving yours
You roll your eyes, "Wow, look at you, such a gentleman” you deflect but couldn’t deny the way his gaze made you feel. 
Klaus chuckles, the sound low and resonant, as he takes a step closer to you. "Well, I do have my moments, love," He murmurs, eyes glinting with humor.
"Although 'gentleman' is not usually how I'm described," He continues, his tone light despite the underlying tension. His gaze travels over your face, taking in your beauty, before finally settling on your eyes. There's a certain spark in them – defiance, perhaps, or challenge – that he finds rather intriguing.
"Would you prefer something else?" Klaus asks, leaning in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. His breath dances across your skin, a subtle intimacy that lingers between you. "Tell me, what do you think I should do?" he challenges, eyes smoldering with anticipation.
You smile not so innocently at him "I would tell you to go jump off a cliff, but unfortunately we both know that wont kill you."
Klaus chuckles at your response, finding amusement in your fiery retort. "True, jumping off a cliff wouldn't do much to me," he admits, the humor in his eyes only intensifying with your words. "But it's quite refreshing to hear someone wish death upon me with such spirit."
He takes a step back from you, crossing his arms over his chest while his eyes continue to roam over you. There's a playful light in his gaze now, an unspoken invitation for you to continue your verbal sparring. "Would you like to suggest something else, love?" he asks, his voice laced with a teasing dare. "Or is there something else you'd like to see me do?" Klaus asks, his tone subtly flirtatious. There's a slight lift of his brow, a provocative challenge lingering in his eyes.
You put a finger on your chin, pretending to think, "hm, I don't know, how about we go find a pit of White Oak sticks and I push you into it?"
Klaus lets out a hearty laugh at your suggestion, clearly entertained. "Oh love, you're full of surprises," he says, grinning as he glances at you. His eyes hold a sense of admiration, a glimmer of respect for your bold, if not slightly dangerous, suggestion.
"But as thrilling as that sounds," he continues, a wry smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he moves closer to you, "I think I'd prefer to avoid an untimely demise."
He tilts his head slightly, meeting your eyes with a playful glint in his own. "Now, if there's something less... fatal you'd like to do," he suggests, his voice dropping to a murmur as he leans in, "I'm all ears." 
You put a hand on his chest and push him back so his face was back in front of you, "is this your twisted way of suggesting we should do something together?" you ask, raising a brow at him. 
Klaus raises a brow back at you, his smirk still intact. "Well, you've caught me, love," he admits, not bothering to hide the amusement in his voice. His eyes twinkle with mischief, a clear sign of his enjoyment of their banter.
"But I must say," he leans in again, his voice dropping to a whisper, "I'm intrigued by the idea of us spending some time together." His gaze flicks down to your lips for a brief moment before focusing back on your eyes, an unspoken invitation lurking in the depths of his gaze.
"Perhaps we can find something less dangerous and more... enjoyable to do," he suggests, the tease in his voice evident. His fingers lightly graze the back of your hand, a subtle touch that sends sparks of anticipation between you. "Unless, of course, you've got other plans."
You smile at him, bewildered, “You honestly think that i’d go out with you? Your ego is bigger than I thought"
Klaus chuckles, an easygoing sound that belies the intensity burning in his gaze. "Well, one can always hope, can't they?" he replies, a hint of teasing in his voice.
"But you're right," he admits, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back casually. "My ego may indeed be larger than most. Comes with the territory of being an Original, I suppose."
His eyes meet yours, the usual playful light replaced with a more sincere look. "But I promise you, there's more to me than meets the eye." A glimmer of vulnerability flashes through his gaze, quickly replaced with his usual confident demeanor.
"But who knows?" he muses, a twinkle returning to his eye. "Maybe one day you'll find that out for yourself." His fingers lightly brush the back of your hand once more, a lingering touch full of unspoken promises.
You motion in his direction, “So you're saying that if I got to know you, I'd see more than just a deranged psycho-murdering asshole?"
Klaus laughs, a genuine, hearty laugh that seems to lighten the tension between you. "Well, when you put it like that, it's hard to argue," he admits, his eyes sparkling with humor.
He leans in close to you, his eyes holding yours with an intensity that takes you breath away. "But yes," he murmurs, his voice a low, seductive drawl, "I am saying that. We all have our secrets, our hidden depths. Even someone like me."
He pauses for a moment, giving you a chance to take in his words. Then, with a sly grin, he adds, "And who knows, love? You might even like what you find." His fingers lightly trail down your arm, his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down you spine.
"But for now," he continues, pulling back and giving you a playful wink, "I'll be content knowing I've piqued your curiosity. Even if only just a bit."
I shrug, "what can I say? I like proving people wrong," you say, not sure why your heart was beating so fast. 
Klaus chuckles at your response, clearly amused by your boldness and the sound of your heart. "Well, I must say, love, I do enjoy a challenge," he admits, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous light.
"Perhaps one day you'll get your chance to prove me wrong," he continues, his gaze intently focused on yours. "I, for one, am looking forward to it."
He leans in closer then, your faces just a breath apart, "Until then," he whispers, his voice a low, seductive drawl, "keep that fiery spirit of yours. It suits you."
With a final, lingering glance and a playful wink, Klaus steps back, leaving you with a sense of anticipation for what might come next. But as always, with Klaus Mikaelson, one can never be quite sure.
You scoff, rolling your eyes as he walks out. What even was that? You shrug it off, looking around The Grill for Elena. When you don't spot her, you pull your phone out, seeing a text from her about an hour ago:
Hey Y/N, sorry to cancel but Stefan needs me for something. 
Seriously? You have could avoided that whole thing with Klaus if you had just checked your phone. 
𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚 
The next day, you wake up to a package at your door. You look around, not spotting anyone before taking the box into your room, and placing in on your bed. You untie the big black ribbon., taking the top off.
Inside, the box contained a dress, jewelry, and a note
Opening the note, you see Klaus's elegant handwriting flowing across the cream-colored paper, attached to a stunning emerald green evening gown that would perfectly complement your complexion. Beside it lies an antique diamond necklace that catches the light, throwing crystalline reflections across the walls.
Dearest y/n,
Since you're so intent on proving me wrong about yourself, I thought I'd give you the perfect opportunity. There's a gala at the Lockwood mansion tonight. I'd be honored if you'd accompany me - though I suspect you'll say no just to spite me.
The dress is from 1820 Paris. The necklace belonged to a Russian duchess - don't worry, love, she parted with it willingly. I thought they might suit someone who isn't afraid to challenge an Original.
Prove me wrong about your answer?
P.S. I'll be at your door at 8. Feel free to slam it in my face - though I do hope you won't.
You look at the dress and the jewelry, both exquisite and tasteful, the dress a beautiful, figure-hugging gown in a color that would perfectly complement your eyes, and the jewelry, elegant pieces that would add just the right amount of sparkle.
It's a grand gesture, borderline manipulative in its extravagance, but there's something about it that makes you smile. Maybe it's the audacity of it, the sheer, unapologetic boldness. Or perhaps it's that you can’t help but be a little intrigued by Klaus's offer - the promise of a challenge, the allure of the unknown.
After all, as you had mentioned the previous night, you do enjoy proving people wrong.
𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚⋆˙˚◞♡ ✮⋆˙ ₊˚⊹♡ : ̗̀ 𐙚
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prettytragcdies · 1 year ago
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tvshowscouples · 2 months ago
If you love Christopher&Elena (Dallas) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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24kmagiic · 7 months ago
I've been reading your fics for years and I gotta say I love how you write Bonnie. She's so fierce. How do you think Bonnie being with Klaus would influence her personality/character in canon?
First of all, thank you! I’m so happy you found joy in my fics and hope to continue them all. My musings for Bonnie have been so fickle recently.
So! To answer your question, I think being with Klaus would allow Bonnie to “unmask”. So much of her character has been suppressed so her true personality is sort of a mystery. We draw conclusions but what is actually canon? Bonnie went from being a quirky "mean/party girl" to being an uptight recluse in a span of five episodes so which one is the truth? In the first three episodes, she seemed fun, slightly immature, and dismissive of anything 'deep' and then she became a broody 'bitch' who's morally sound and incorruptible. I don't think that happens overnight with the discovery of the supernatural world but that's how they portrayed her because they didn't give a damn about her development. OR it could be that they changed the progression of her character at the last minute and didn't think anyone would notice. I did.
Klaus wouldn’t necessarily turn her into a “villain” as we love to fantasize, but by Bonnie suddenly creating and enforcing boundaries, along with an unwillingness to put on the brave front she usually does, it would feel (to them) like disrespect and they'd 1000% make her out to be villainous.
I think the box she’s been placed into would shatter and Bonnie would be faced with the fact that yes, she has simply been tolerated all these years by the only friends she’s ever known. I think this would cause her to lean on Klaus heavily and we may even see her codependency shift from Elena to him. Let’s face it, our girl is seriously co-dependent. Klaus would of course benefit from her codependency but it'd probably skeeve him out because as clingy a Klaus can be, I feel like he despises clinginess. He gives off Cancerian energy and, as a fellow cancer, I can attest to this. We can be clingy but you can't because, ew.
That said, Bonnie's codependency wouldn't look like what you'd normally expect when you think of your local co-dependent idiots. It's not following him around everywhere and doing everything he says.
It's harming herself for his benefit.
In the same way she was so eager to die for Elena, she'd try to do the same for Klaus except he would not allow it.
Bonnie sees NO value in her presence in other's lives. It's why she's so gungho to sign up for martyrdom. But not because she actually thinks that the world would be better with them in it. It's because she can't bear the thought of surviving without them.
Because in WHAT world do we benefit from Elena over Bonnie? Or Klaus over Bonnie? NONE. And if she digs deep, Bonnie knows that. But in HER world, they have to outlive her because she can't handle losing yet another person.
So on to the driving force behind her co-dependency. Abandonment and therefore, Abby and Rudy, and let's face it, Sheila. This girl has been abandoned three times in three different ways.
Before you hang me out to dry, forget I mentioned grams because I know you're chomping at the bits to correct me.
Abby represents physical abandonment and so does Rudy. The fact that you'd just up and leave your only child is beyond my comprehension but we've already beaten that dead horse so let's move straight into Rudy, the other dead horse.
While he was physically present some of the time, he was still gone a lot and did the bare minimum when it comes to children. Food, clothes, and shelter. Emotionally, he was completely gone. Showing up at the high school graduation after the hard work is over is such deadbeat behavior but again, the horse is dead, no need to whack it.
Now, take a deep breath and think about how I'm about to chop Sheila's ass up real quick.
This type of abandonment, I don't have a label for but it's so unique to Bonnie as a character that maybe by the end of it, I'll coin a catchy phrase.
Bonnie mentioned that Sheila was a drunk (even though the writers abandoned that idea) but let's go with it. As a product of TWO alcoholic parents, (who both came from alcoholic parents) I can attest that there is a unique form of abandonment that borders emotional, physical, and mental neglect.
Sheila had 16 years to help Bonnie wield her magic and defend herself against the great evils out there and instead, she chose to get drunk and 'ramble' about the occult. WHO is going to take a drunk person seriously about any of that? Family or not, ain't a soul out there that'll believe anything you say when you can't control your intake. It sounds like everything Bonnie knew, she had to piece together from the tidbits Sheila bothered to mention.
She left her granddaughter utterly defenseless and yeah, you can argue that she was following Rudy's wishes but guess what. RUDY WAS NEVER THERE! He left Bonnie in Sheila's care so if Sheila decided to teach her granddaughter magic, then what the hell was he going to do about it? Stay home?
I think Sheila used that as an excuse to shy away from the deeper issue which is her ultimately losing her own daughter to magic because Sheila never saw Abby again after she left Mystic Falls and I can imagine how painful that must have been but knowing the evils out there, it was completely neglectful to leave Bonnie defenseless.
Humans always operate in extremes. They go from one extreme to the next without ever addressing the root cause. Both Rudy and Sheila felt like they failed when it came to their relationship with Abby so they did the COMPLETE opposite with Bonnie and in turn, created a whole new network of problems. They are the root cause of our self-sacrificing, co-dependent queen because they were so focused on Abby that they never once considered Bonnie.
I tend to be long-winded as hell, my apologies. You're probably wondering, 'Well, what does all this have to do with Klonnie?' Well, I needed to explain my view of Bonnie before I could get into how I think her being with Klaus would affect her personality and character.
For the first time in her life, Bonnie would actually be considered. As boneheaded and selfish as Klaus is, when he's in love, he is surprisingly considerate and while all we truly got from him in canon was heavy admiration (cause he ain't love them hoes), it was a nice glimpse into what could have been for him.
Let's use his relationship with Hope when we reference Love.
First, let me say that the writers did a terrible disservice of having him abandon Hope for all them years but when he was there, he always looked out for her best interest. When Freya entertained the thought of Hope binding her wolf as Klaus's mother did to him, we got to see him fight for her even if Hope herself thought that's what she wanted. Klaus uniquely understood what that would do to Hope and did everything in his power to prevent it, including threatening to dispatch his own family.
As for Bonnie, no one understands abandonment on that show like Klaus Mikaelson and he would instantly catch on to Bonnie's toxic behavior pattern. He'd see right through the lies she'd weave and while it may have worked on Gilbert the Younger, it ain't fidna fly with Bad Ass Mikaelson, the man who carried his family around in coffins because they threatened to leave him or jeopardize their relationship.
The two of them are two sides of the same coin. Where Bonnie internalizes her abandonment issues, Klaus externalizes his. While Bonnie has an "I'd rather die young than live my life without you" approach to love; Klaus has an "I'll kill you and every mf in here before I let you go"' approach.
It'd be a very toxic paring at first but once they 'healed', they'd work so well because each of them has a love that the other has been looking for. Bonnie has been waiting for someone to fight for her whether she knows it or not. She wouldn't know how to handle it at first because it's too much and very dangerous but deep down, she'd feel relieved to finally know what it's like to be fought for. As for Klaus, he's been waiting for someone to give up everything to be devoted to him because in the past, people so easily discarded him to go after what they wanted and it was never him. He's always left behind in the grand scheme of others. Rebekah easily discards him for love. His mother bound him with a spell to hide her own transgressions, Elijah, though loyal, was always at risk of falling in love and detaching himself from Klaus and the threat alone was enough to drive Klaus to commit the most grisly murders.
So, again, to answer your question, simply put, I think they'd bring out the absolute worst in one another at first but not in the ways you'd expect. Like I said earlier, Klaus would force Bonnie to work on her boundaries in general because he's notorious for overstepping boundaries and he's the perfect punching bag to practice on. But once they got over the initial shock of one another and realized that they both (essentially) want the same things from one another, they'd mellow out.
I hope that somewhat answers your question. If you have any follow-up questions, please submit them because I definitely cut myself short for the sake of "brevity" lol.
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 years ago
Favorite Sociopath
kai parker x reader
summary: damon and bonnie leave you in charge of babysitting kai. you accept willingly as time to get to know him.
tags: characters watching american horror story / ahs references, talking about trauma, past child abuse, childhood trauma, accidental cuddling / cuddling, bonding
word count: ~3.5k
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“I’m almost finished, shut up,” Bonnie snaps at the brooding man beside her.
Damon puts his hands up, “jeez.”
“He’s in Georgia. At this location,” she points to the site on the map.
“What’s he doing there?”
“It’s your brother, you tell me.”
“It’s not like I control him!”
“Ah,” a voice interrupts their arguing, “the two of you, still bickering. Just like in the old days of 1994.”
“Shut up, Kai,” Damon orders the younger man. 
“Harsh words! I’m hurt.” He grabs his chest as if he were stabbed.
“You’re fine.”
The siphon clicks his tongue, “so when are we leaving?”
“We? You’re not going anywhere.”
“Oh come on! I helped,” he gestures vaguely, “with the spell.”
“Suggesting a locator spell is not helping. But regardless, your help or lack thereof is not why you’re not coming. You’re dangerous; you can’t be trusted. You’re staying here. Y/N, you’re watching him.”
“What?” Bonnie whips to face Damon before you can even comment. “He cannot be alone with her, he’ll kill her! How do you think Elena will feel when she finds out you let the psychopath murder her cousin?”
“Please, she’ll be fine! She can handle her own.”
“Kai is a psychopath! Whether or not she can handle her own means nothing when you have a psychotic witch against a mere human!”
“Only slightly offended,” you mutter. Then louder, “I’ll be fine, trust me. Kai’s a sociopath, not a psychopath.”
“And that means what exactly? That he’s not capable of killing you?”
“No, I’m just saying… I don’t know… I trust him. Sociopaths at least have the capability to feel emotions, they’re just buried, or reserved for certain people. Psychopaths are the ones that scare me.”
Both are obviously baffled from your statement. Though as soon as Bonnie gets over it, she yells, “you trust him?! Are you crazy?”
Kai borrows your words, “only slightly offended.” It makes you chuckle. “Just a reminder - I’m right here.”
“And, Bonnie, no. She’s not crazy. She can think for herself, y’know? And she’s right - I’m not going to hurt her.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then don’t. You’re not the one being told to babysit me.”
“Damon, we cannot leave her with him!” She turns back to the man. 
“Well we’re running out of options. We could go with my original plan and leave these two here, go retrieve Stefan, and return. Or, we could bring them with us. Listen to Kai talk non-stop all the way to Georgia, grab Stefan, squeeze all three in the back of my camaro, and drive all the way back, with Kai still yammering. Does that sound fun to you?”
“Better than letting Y/N die at the jam-covered hands of him.”
You roll your eyes, “Bonnie, I’ll be fine. I promise. You two need to go get Stefan before he attacks someone else, and Georgia’s a long drive. Kai and I will be fine, and if not, there’s plenty of people I can call for help. Not only that, plenty of places I can hide in this massive house.”
“Just not under the bed,” Kai smirks, “I’ll find you there.”
You stifle a laugh as you meet Bonnie’s eyes. 
Kai notices her expression, too, and coughs, “just a joke. Very bad joke.”
“No more jokes.”
Seeing the fire in his friend’s eyes, Damon chooses the next moment to interrupt. “You’re right, Georgia’s a long drive. Kai, no leaving the house. Y/N, watch him carefully. No killing, no threatening, no nothing. Call Rick if you need anything-”
“Ew,” you cut him off.
“Alright. Call, I don’t know, Jeremy then. What’s wrong with Rick?”
“Weird, just weird. Might be the beard. Might be the…”
“Spit it out, Y/N.”
Bonnie gives you a glare.
“Fine, I’ll call him. But I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. Right, Kai?”
“Whatever. Just be careful.”
Twenty minutes later, they’re finally out the door. 
“Finally!” You collapse on the couch, “peace and quiet!”
Kai takes the chair across from you, then watches as you get comfortable.
“Want to watch something?”
“I am.”
“No, you goof. I mean on the TV,” you roll your eyes playfully at his comment.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know? Let’s see if there’s Netflix on here.”
“What’s a Netflix?”
“You’ll see.”
After a bit of scrolling - the brothers did, in fact, have Netflix downloaded - your eyes light up at one show in particular. 
“Oh this is a fun one.” 
“American Horror Story?”
“Mhm! Murder. Mayhem. It’s a masterpiece.”
“You’re into that sorta thing?”
You look at him, “why? Do I not look like it to you?”
“I don’t know, you just seem so sweet and innocent.”
“Oh, Kai Parker,” you coo at him, “that’s the thing about girls. Even the sweetest ones have a dark streak in there somewhere.” 
His eyes stay focused on you, nearly black and unblinking, but it’s hard to miss the lump in his throat.
“So you want to watch it?”
“You’ve got me intrigued. Now I’ve got to see it.”
You can’t help but giggle in excitement as you press start on the first episode. “They don’t have to be watched in order, but season one is a classic. Wait til you meet the love of my life, Tate Langdon.”
“Who’s Tate?”
“Oh, just my favorite sociopath,” you wink at him. “Aside from you, of course.”
His cheeks flush, but he tries to hide it with a cough. 
“It’s starting. Meet,” you spread your hands out as an introduction, “the twins, that I honestly forgot opened the show. And I don’t know their names.”
Kai chuckles, smiling at you before turning his eyes to the TV.
Only half of your attention is on the show, as the other half watches for the witch’s reactions. You notice a small grin when the twin - Brad? - gets sucked into the basement’s abyss. The expression should scare you, but you find yourself more entertained than anything else. His face changes, however, when Ben’s caught cheating on his wife. Kai’s eyes darken and jaw tenses. The smile returns when Vivian cuts the man’s arm in a fury, making you giggle. 
“He deserved that,” Kai justifies.
“Oh definitely.”
“I don’t know that much about… like, love, and all that, but you should never cheat on someone you love.”
Ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you smile, “okay, Tate.” 
He cocks his head at you.
“You just nearly quoted him verbatim. Couldn’t help it. You’re right, though.”
You guys continue to watch. 
Eventually, the scene fades into the introduction. You can’t help but stick your tongue out at it, and don’t miss Kai muttering, “ew. That’s a little creepy, all those dolls and jars.” He grimaces.
“Sometimes the intros are scarier than the actual show.”
“How many seasons are there?”
“Four, but I bet there’ll be more.”
“Good. Ten minutes in and I’m hooked.”
“Season 3 is called Coven. But I really want you to meet Tate.”
“Coven? Is it anything like mine?”
“Well, let’s see from what you told me about yours... Shitty leaders - check. Awful parents - check. Stupid traditions - check. Yeah, similar.”
“Wait… you believe me? About my parents?”
“Of course,” you say without hesitation, “I mean, they locked you away for god’s sake. Of course I believe how they treated you. Why it made you snap.” Your tone quiets at the end, afraid to hit a nerve. Kai, however, doesn’t seem bothered by the mention of his crimes. He’s too focused on someone actually believing him; someone listening. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment before he remembers to respond. “Thank you. For believing me.”
“All the evidence is stacked against your father. And if we’re being honest, dads are usually the cause of trauma, in my personal opinion. I mean, just look at my childhood. Hey, look at Ben Harmon,” you gesture to the TV, “every shitty thing is his fault. Or, maybe I’m projecting. Either way, he sucks.”
Kai laughs.
“Regardless, yes, I believe you, Kai. You’re not alone in your feelings. And like I told Bonnie, I do trust you.”
He’s quiet for a second, “it means a lot.”
You nod.
“Back to the show now?”
You push the back button a few times to where you guys were before your mini conversation. For a second as it starts to play, you keep your eyes on him. His lips form a small smile. Fingers are still, resting on the armchair. His posture, though…
“Hey, Kai?”
“Are you comfy?”
“Enough, yeah, why?”
“Come here, sit with me.” You sit up to pat the pillow where your head had just been. “Don’t hurt your neck looking up like that.”
“Are you sure?”
“‘Course. I don’t bite.”
The witch chuckles as you move the pillow for him to sit beside you. He sinks into the couch and gives you a smile that reawakens the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Mhm, thank you.”
“Is it okay if I touch you?”
“What, why?” The question catches him off guard.
“It’s okay to say no, I just wanted to ask in case I lean into you by accident. Don’t want to startle you, or cross a line.”
“No, um, wait. It’s okay.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, you’re okay.”
Sensing his hesitation, you take slow movements to get back into your comfortable position. Soon, your shoulders touch gently, causing him to flinch a little.
“I’m okay still. I wasn’t… expecting it. I mean, I know you told me, but I wasn’t allowed to… I, uh, I’ve been isolated a lot of my life.” He debated his words carefully before settling on the explanation. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, sweet. It’s not your fault. I’m guessing your father’s responsible for that, too?”
Kai nods slowly. “As a siphon, who didn’t know how to control their power, any form of contact would harm the other person. If I was allowed out of my room, I had to wear gloves, but even then, wasn’t allowed to touch anyone. Then I was in the prison world for eighteen years, alone.”
Hearing another bit of his past makes your heart break. Neither Damon nor Bonnie have told you much about him, except for a few antics from the prison world. They call him dangerous, but haven’t even told you his side of the story. As you learn more about him, everything in you wants to reach out and give him a tight hug, but you refrain from doing that to not startle him. 
He acknowledges your silence, “is this the part where you run?”
You snap out of your thoughts, “no, Kai. No, I’m not going to run. I’m sorry, I was just thinking. How awful of a man to treat his son that way.” Suddenly, you turn your body so you can look him in the eye. “You’re safe with me, Kai. Okay? Ever need to talk, ever need a hug. I’m here.”
“Okay. Um, thank you.”
“So… you okay if I…” you slowly get closer to him until your shoulders are touching again. “This too much?”
“No, you’re okay. Feels nice, actually.”
“Tell me if you need me to move.”
He nods, then pushes play on the remote. 
A deep focus takes over to the both of you as the show continues. At some point, Kai’s hand begins to absentmindedly trail along your arm - a gesture you don’t notice until you feel a chill throughout your body. He feels it too, and immediately retracts his hand.
“It’s okay. I like it.”
Kai doesn’t say anything, but to your delight, puts his hand back on your arm. You stay like that throughout the episode, too relaxed to recognize the heaviness in your eyes as sleep soon consumes your body. 
Sometime later, your eyes flutter open, making you confused. There’s no sound, not even the TV, but it’s a comfortable silence, not one that feels threatening. Slowly, you wake up more fully and are able to better take in your senses. You’re still on the couch, but laying on your back. Your head is on something soft, but not pillow-soft. A hand runs along your arm - just as it was before you fell asleep… Kai. Where’s Kai?
You try to ask for his name, but in your state, all that comes out is a whine.
Nonetheless, he answers. “Hey, are you awake?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, but when did I fall asleep? Where are you?”
Eventually you’re able to pull your body up so that you’re sitting, not laying, on the couch. 
“I’m right here,” he waves to you as you reposition.
“Did I fall asleep on your lap?” The realization hits you, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. No worries, I, uh, kinda liked the contact. Like I said, I kinda lacked that for a while.”
“I know, but I would’ve asked first.”
“Technically, you did. And you can’t control being tired, it’s fine. Trust me, I don’t mind being your pillow.”
A blush creeps onto your cheeks.
“In fact, I wouldn’t argue if you wanted to lay back down, because now I’m missing it.”
That’s all the convincing you need to reassume your position in his lap. Though this time, you move your head so you’re looking up at him. “Hey, Kai?”
“I’m happy you trust me enough to be this close. I like it, too. And I like being someone you are comfortable around.”
“Me too, Y/N. Oh, and hey, I paused the tv about an hour ago because I wanted to watch it with you but you were asleep. But we’re some way through episode two.”
“I slept that long?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. I’ve been on Twitter, so I haven’t been completely bored.”
“Not Tweeting pictures of me sleeping, right?” You joke with a snort.
He snaps his fingers, “aw, I should’ve! Quick, go back to sleep!”
“Hell no! The whole Twitter-World doesn’t need to see my sleeping face! Bad enough you already did!”
“Awh, what are you talking about? You have a cute sleeping face. Twitter would thank you for being able to see it.”
The blush and the butterflies return with that comment. “I-uh-thanks.”
“I’m serious!”
“I, um, uh… do you want to keep watching, or are you bored?”
“I’m down to keep watching if you are.”
“Okay, press the play button.”
“Oh, wait, wait, wait, before we do - I met Tate!”
“Oh, yes! How’d you like him?”
“He’s fun! Highly relatable all the way down to the music taste. I see why you like him.”
“See?! My friends think I’m crazy for it, but he’s such a good character. And the way he absolutely loves Violet - he’d do anything for her! I mean, yeah, he killed a bunch of kids, but I don’t know, maybe if his mother didn’t fucking abuse him, he wouldn’t have snapped the way he did.”
You see Kai’s jaw set out of the corner of your eye. “Sorry, uh, spoiler alert.”
“It’s okay. Do you really blame his mom for that?”
“I mean, yeah. Yes, he was the one to carry out the crimes, but you can only take so much hurt and abuse before you snap. Emotions fizzle out until there’s just a numb feeling, and then… well, I imagine it’s hard to make rational decisions when you feel that way for so long.” A second later, you realize you’ve been ranting. “I’m sorry, I’ve just really studied his character. Done a lot of research, including research on sociopathy, and the long-term effects of childhood abuse. Helps me understand him, and what he felt, and what caused him to snap. Sorry, I’m ranting again, oh jeez!”
“It’s okay,” Kai swallows hard, “I, uh, feels nice to be understood. For Tate, I mean.”
You stiffen. “Kai?”
“Did your parents hurt you?”
“I mean, I was isolated for a long time.”
“I know that, but…” you don’t want to say it. Don’t want to open a wound; don’t want to push him past his limits of comfort. But, you need to know. “Did they hurt you?”
A visible lump forms in his throat. “What counts as that? Cause I mean, some parents just toss their hands in the air. Some others hit with shoes, I’ve heard. Jo’s friend actually mentioned one time that they had a wooden spoon reserved for punishments.” He’s deflecting. You can’t blame him; he’s obviously been through a lot.
He rambles on like this until he meets your eyes. Tears welling, threatening to spill. A trembling lip. You know. He knows you know. 
“Yeah, sometimes, Dad would. Most of the time he’d use magic, probably just to make a point about me being the abomination that can’t do magic.”
“For what reasons? Like, what did he see as a reason to hurt you?”
“Hmm, like if I talked back, or left my room without permission, or spoke to someone outside of the coven, like a sibling’s friend or neighbor. If he were really angry, like if I siphoned a sibling, he’d get more physical. Let’s just say, there’s probably a reason everyone wore long-sleeves with band tees in the nineties. Cover up those bruises with some devil band your parents hate,” cocking his head, he adds, “which then leads to more bruises but for different reasons.” He then pauses to clear his throat. “Eventually, I learned how to siphon the magic he’d throw at me. For three days, I felt so powerful. He’d hit me with a spell, and I could absorb some of it to fire back at him. But while I got a few good licks in, it mostly just made him angrier. He started getting even more physical, and later, would only include magic once I was down and unable to think up a spell.”
“And then Mom died, and he only got worse. I mean, Mom and I never had a relationship so I wasn’t particularly affected by her passing. He was, though, and he got more violent towards me. I mean, he was now single-handedly raising eight kids - he had to take his anger out on one of them. Who better than the one you already hate? Anyway, life continued. Dad got more secretive, more dangerous.” Kai actually laughs, “I even feared him a little. I didn’t know if I’d ever escape that stupid bedroom, and even if I did, he’d make my life hell. Not only that, but it felt like he was planning something. And what do you know?! He was. Right before Jo and I’s birthday, the stupid fucking coven planned their monthly meeting in our house. Directly under my bedroom. I heard them through the vent, how they weren’t going to let us merge, and how they were going to wait until Liv and Luke were twenty-two instead. I had my suspicions about this - I knew something was off about the way he was acting - but for him to break coven tradition just to prevent me from merging? Fuck him. Coven always came before family with him, but he’d break the rules because he hated me so much.” Fire dances in his eyes, but he calms down a second later. “And that night is when I snapped. Something took over and I did to my family what my Dad probably wishes he did to me the night I was born. When he came back after whatever the hell the coven had left to do, he found Jo. And from that point on, I think you know how it went.”
Some time through his story, you had sat up to face him, leaving you now right in front of him as tears roll off your cheeks. “Kai…” There’s no words for what he’s just told you. Instead, you reach forward and hug him. Your arms wrap around his waist and you bury your face into his chest. Tears continue to fall, soaking his shirt, making you cry harder. A few moments later, you feel his arms on your back and he pulls you close. 
You two stay like that for a couple minutes. It’s nice. 
“I don’t want to pull away, but I want to tell you…” he lets you lift your head to face him again. “It feels good to have told someone. Thank you for listening to me, Y/N.”
“I’m glad you told me. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
He responds by pulling you back into the hug, “so, yeah… pretty relatable, your favorite sociopath.”
“Mmmm, actually, that title belongs to you,” you lean back so he can catch your wink. 
“Honored, Miss Y/N. Should we get back to watching your, ahem, second favorite sociopath?”
“Let’s do it.”
“Pressing playyyy, now,” he drags out the ‘y’. “Oh, and don’t you dare think of letting go.” 
You look at your position. Sitting on his lap, your arms around him, his around you. Your head on his chest, and his fingers tracing your back. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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