#Elector of Amphinis
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Ambassadors are important as they are the representatives of each country, they are their royals eyes and ears. As royals rarely travel outside of their own nations, ambassadors are often seen as extensions of foreign royal families. Each nation has a head of the ambassadors (someone assigned by a king queen electorate or prince) who can not be replaced unless corruption is occurring. In glimmerier this is the Councilor of Foreign Affairs and in Idealps this is a role the Prime Minister takes. The head of ambassadors does not leave their nation usually but they serve many other functions such as hiring other ambassadors, being in constant communication with foreign leaders, and picking representatives of the AoPN (which they pick randomly from the ambassadors who live in their nation). They also are responsible for the 3 other foreign ambassadors in training them in etiquette of their new countries. After the heads. each country has 3 main ambassadors which are dispatched to the other 3 nations. They are guests in the royal courts and live in their newly assigned country. At times they can return back home, but at large they live abroad. They are to both report back to their nations and create a bridge between their country of residence and home country. Four of these ambassadors at random (one from each country chosen by the head if ambassadors in their country of residence) are assigned the position as members of the AoPN a semi secret organization dedicated to keeping the peace in Pridaxus. They are secret as no one could know the members of the AoPN minus each other and the main ambassadors
These should be read down a column rather than from left to right. Also the names are their surnames rather than first names. Each column represents the countries the ambassadors reside in, and the rows represent ambassadors from the same home country. Both go in the order of Glimmerier, Elvenwick, Amphinis, and Idealps.
**De Lancy**
Grew up as a “nanny” for the twins and had her education personally paid for by Raine. Has severe ptsd from the war and blames herself
Is in a relationship with Marcia but it’s more of a casual thing no marriage
The oldest of all of the ambassadors but he acts like a child. Hed think Asteria is a failure and therefore wouldn’t help her with much of anything. Liar af
He is married and has children with a noble woman (who I haven’t decided)
She really acclimated to Glimmerier. She always wanted to go and when she was chosen by Agalia (both had gone to Miletus together) she was excited. She took to the customs and fashions quickly, very chaotic, she tells it how it is and has threatened to punch Niels in the face
Is with Florestine but nothing officially
Del Antillo
Originally he was super serious as ud expect from Idealps but he’s really loosened up. Is fond of Glimmerier and fought hard for Idealps to help out although van Loo was not.
Not married but looking he was a kinda sorta lover of la Duchesse in her last years
Du Orange
The niece of the Duchess of Orange. She changed her name to get the job and changed it back once she had the job. She hates it there she ages the disrespect and the lack of courtly prestige despite being a lady of the court.
An absolute boring fella he focuses on his books and his work and doesnt like people. No one knows how he got his job but he does it decently well
Hates working is an absolute Chad for that one. He hates Elvenwick it’s far too cold the people are far too annoying
He fucks that’s for sure
Second oldest she’s such a dumb ass prude. Fell into the misogynist propaganda and is a dumb house wife
Married to Noralf Peregrine
Du Perignot
Shes also really old but really chill and lovely. Very passionate about politics and the wellbeing of the country she lives in and the one she represents
She is in a long term relationship but marriage isn’t a thing
Really chill. He smokes weed im very sorry. He has something to say about everything but he’s so very chill as a person. No one knows how he got the job
He also fucks honestly him and Tanstin would get along sm
She has a blurb on my page already but genius so very smart, not socialable but very very friendly and kind. Just anxious but good @ her job
Looking for Mx. perfect
Her entire life changed when she moved. She never felt as free very much a party girl. Boring bookworm -> bimbo pipeline
She fucks too a lot
Your traditionally Chinese Grandma. She had a lot of family from Idealps and it was perfect. Very calm and soothing but stern. Will make everyone a very lovely stew
I want her to be married and have kids and grandkids im just unsure
Also super boring. Hed like Idealps he likes the order and structure. Is probably in love with van Loo bc she’s a very strong woman in a position of importance and theyd know each other when she was a baby chancellor (I mean she she was in her early 20s
Not in any relationship me thinks maybe he’s married
The newest member on all of the teams I think. She met the royal family and the Prince (Nayeli’s son) fell so hard and fast for her. She would be very serious about her job and improving stuff and helping and then boom feelings.
Married to Prince Albert (might change his name)
**Van Loo**
The prime minister. At first glance a 0 bullshit lady and she has her shit under lock and key but shes not what u think she is. Comes across as very unemotional and uncaring very very serious girlboss but kinda neg vibes
Is married to a nobleman but does have a lover on the down low
Art done by the lovely @mageofsimping
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Ione was the only leader who wanted to go to war and help Glimmerier. This is a propaganda painting sent to Idealps to convince they with the war will restore peace. Copies of this painting floated all over Idealps, fueling the pro war party. It was particularly influential in convincing people who were on the fence that the best way to establish peace was through war.
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The last ruling family of the Pagonis family of Amphinis, the longest reigning dynasty for Amphinis. At the head of it was Lady Noelani. She lived to be 120 years old and saw Amphinis at its peak of stability as well as law and order. Ianthe, Gimoaldo, Sebastien, and Oria were her spouses. Despite Amphinis’ positive feelings towards polyamory, Noelani notoriously didn’t take multiple lovers at once. The Pagonis family stayed relevant even after Ilias’ loss of the election due to the political connections that Noelani successfully made.
Ianthe was her first wife, and the person she views as the love of her life. They were together when Noelani’s grandmother was still in charge and she did not like Ianthe for her siren heritage. To get her favorite granddaughter away from her “Vice” Ianthe was sent away to do trials for Noelani’s grandmother, ultimately dying one one of these voyages, to the heartbreak and dismay of Noelani
Immediately after she was forced to be with Gimoaldo and the pair despised each other. They had one child together Ilias before immediately separating socially. They occasionally attended events together for the next 10 years until Noelani became the Elector. Although he tried to revive their relationship, she refused and found a new partner shortly after
Partner number 3 was Sebastien whom she shared the best years of her life with together they raised Ilias and their 5 other children Naia, Venilia, Bo, Marea, and Merrick. Although they weren’t in live they enjoyed a loving relationship and Noelani was inevitably distraught when he died.
She refused all relationships for the next 10 years until Oria, Oria had been a close friend of Sebastien and Noelani for years but became a caretaker for her in her later years. The two developed a more platonic with romantic elements relationship until Noelani’s death around 40 years later
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Amphinis’ current Elector and cabinet? 😗
— ur secret admirer fr
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The Elector currently is Madame Ione Merivadas, who was from Lily Rock. Her parents were well respected by the previous elector and spent a good half of her childhood in Nereus helping her. Ione spent her childhood with her guardian Nedite, who raised her alongside many of the other children who’s parents couldn’t raise them full time.
When she turned 9 her parents brought her with them to Nereus where she studied under the previous Elector who took her under her wing. At 15 she began her “political” career by joining the Nereus Postal Service. At a young age she proved herself to both the Elector and many other politicians in Amphinis, with both her resourcefulness and leadership skills. It was obvious that the Elector would nominate her as a potential heir, which she did. When Ione was confirmed as the next Elector she was the youngest to be in this position. Her first few years were riddled with anxiety and war from the situation in Glimmerier, however she was able to handle the emergency well.
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Prosym- a 1/2 sea person who was born on one of the islands of the Ondes. She spent most of her younger years tricking travelers in the oceans. When they were children she met Ione and the two became very close friends. Before she became big politically the two would hang out where Ione would sit in boats and Prosym would play tricks for her. Their time together got limited upon Ione’s schooling and stuff but when Ione came back they were super happy to be together
Anenon- he also was from the Ondes but he didnt know Prosym or Ione. His family were one of the few rich people in Amphinis which allowed him a lot of political influence. Him and Ione were political rivals for a bit but that was more bc the pressure his family put him under and less because he was politically ambitious. He agreed to quit his political life and join Ione and Prosym’s little family if theyd have him which they happily did.
Ilias- Ilias was the son of the last main family in Amphinis, the eldest son. He ran against Ione for the position pretty half heartedly. Was in a similar boat as Anenon. He was pretty ok with having power even if not as direct. He used to be with India before she was with Benita and they have a few kids together who they try their best to coparent
Nedite- Nedite is your friendly age old sea monster. They took a very parental role with Ione when she was younger so when she had to choose a second in command the choice was easy. Nedite has had a long life, too long to even properly record but spends most of their day caring for children esp those abandoned by idealps for being bastards and other children without parents.
Agalia- Aglaia is Prosym’s well mannered older sibling. They are very very smart attending Miletus themselves. The main difference b/w the siblings being their attitude. Aglaia is the perfect Idealpian. Shes intelligent cultured and very clan oriented. They and Agwe are prolly the most qualified of all of the politicians
India- India other than the “royal” family is one of the people on the younger side of this list. Shes from Los Corridos and has had a passion for making her home a better place from when she could remember. She loves music and started her political career as an attempt to expand Los Corridos’ influence on the islands. Thats what brought her to Nereus, where she met Ilias. The two liked each other enough and they started a family. It didnt work out despite them being very fond of each other and they both moved on. She had wanted to attend Miletus (which she did eat into) but instead she went to the desert university on Sweetfish, Ikaria. Now shes with Benita
Benita- a young lady from Aliria who was from a family a bit larger than average. As one of the middle out of many her parents didnt pay much attention to her so she had to learn how to do a lot on her own. She joined a pirate ship and quickly gained notoriety for her resourcefulness and her legends of saving her crew so she was an obvious choice for Ione
Agwe- similarly to Aglaia Agwe was also a talented young man who went to Miletus about the same time as Aglaia. Hed annoyed by the rest of the council minus Aglaia for no reason other than she does her job (he doesnt like her personally) and India who he has had a huge infatuation with. Otherwise he doesnt like the rest of the council and thinks they are dumb. His years in Idealps have heavily shaped him
Tajo- a very shy and reserved person on the team but he does his job. He and Ione were both raised with Nedite for a while. Hes very honor bond and takes pride in doing things the correct way. Hes not smart persay but anything you ask he will try to achieve
And Vea- Vea is very carefree and compared to the rest of the council the weak link. They very much exhibit the Amphinis way of pleasure, taking up many partners and having many children. They aren’t particularly intelligent, just well liked and thats kinda how they got their job, just by bein well liked
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Current day Leaders
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From LtR they are Eirwen (he/they) Reigning Prince of Elvenwick, Liliosa Queen of Glimmerier (she/they), Alistaire (he) the 68th King of Idealps and Sade (she) Leader of Amphinis. They all appear in the main story, much younger, before any of them become rulers.
The main story focuses on Lili and her adventures but the other three are very important to this story.
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more info on the governments ? :) love you Mwuah mwuah go listen to Nina Simone
Each of the four nations have varying governments and many different ways it manifests into everyday life, voting, and politics
Glimmerier (Queendom)
At the head of the government in Glimmerier is a Queen, her consort and her heir. Rulers of Glimmerier follow a woman specific inheritance where the thrown passes to the woman who is closest to the Queen while passing through the least amount of men.
Glimmerier is an absolute monarchy, however the Queens do hold a cabinet of various people (also usually women, but unmarried men can also serve). These advisors are all specialized in different fields, for example: Diplomacy, War, the Economy, Agriculture etc etc. The advisors are allowed to voice their opinions to the Queen and advise changes in law but it must go through the Queen.
Elvenwick (Semi Constitutional Principality)
At the head of the government in Elvenwick is the Reigning Prince and his Princely Consort and his heirs. Rulers of Glimmerier follow a man specific inheritance where the thrown passes to the man who is closest to the Reigning Prince while passing through the least amount of women.
In addition Elvenwick due to its history has a constitution in which Princes must abide by. In addition there are 10 Governors who the Prince must ask for permission. These Governors are a collection of the richest men in all of Elvenwick and are not voted upon by the populace.
Amphinis (Electorate/Semi Democracy)
At the head of the government in Amphinis is the Electorate  and their family. There is no real preference, but usually women take higher roles in government and inheritance. Unlike the other nations, descendants of the current Elector are not automatically the future ruler. The current Elector nominates one of their blood heirs and a heir who they believe will carry their beliefs into the future. After the death of the previous Elector, the current two heirs are voted for amongst the people.
In addition there is a cabinet which is assigned by the Elector, which are a group of representatives from each main island. They keep their position for life or until their Elector dies.  
Idealps (Constitutional Monarchy)
At the head of the government in Idealps is a monarch and their heirs. There is a male preference in lines of inheritance but on many occasions women have reigned the Kingdom. Sons no matter their birth order outrank daughters but male cousins dont outrank older female cousins. If a king has 2 daughters and then a son the son ill be the heir, but if a king has a daughter and a nephew his daughter would reign.
In addition Idealps has a strict constitution with a list of rules that everyone must follow. Although the monarchy is the head half of the time its more of a ceremonial head which has no power to levy taxes or make laws on their own. The main day to day powers of the monarch is: presenting titles and maintaining the honor and status of the Kingdom, whilst in times of emergency they have rights to preform all legal action.
Under the monarch is a bicameral system, Ministers of the Order which has 5 members and represents the old nobility, and The Governors of the Populace  which has 4 members and represents the common people. The Ministers are headed by one Prime Minister who serves as the head of the Houses (the Prime Minister is designated by the monarch). The Governors are voted by for the people, whilst the Ministers are chosen by the monarch by suggestions from other Lords and Ladies.
I have designed the i myfor the current generation and the cabinet for Amphinis all drawn out. 
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