#Eldarya Leiftan Event
candysweetposts · 1 year
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Here it is! I kept Erika bc I was lazy and any hair changes that I would've liked to make might've ruined the image.
About the event in general, nothing special. The illustration looks decent but still have my usual complaints.
I like that Leiftan of all people does her make-up. More than that, I like how he's positioned in the illustration. He always got good positions in group illustrations. Although I feel like hers looks weird being just the two of them.
edit: I have the feeling that I forgot to add/correct something and idk what it is
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jxcotts · 1 year
eldarya: easter event 2023 illustrations.
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eldaryasharbinger · 1 year
I come here today with a very unfortunate discovery...
A player from my server asked Beemoov on Instagram if the next Music event was going to be the LAST one for Eldarya and their reply was this...
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I knew Eldarya was going to die soon but I didn't think it was going to be THIS soon.
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Music Event Scenario ♡
Since apparently there's no scene for the image... I made one myself. Hope you like it.
After we managed to make that cacophonous snake go away, the guys and I finally breathed a sigh a relief.
"Why do I feel this isn't the first time we end up fighting a gigantic snake to save the day?" Said Mathieu with a strong feeling of deja vu.
"Last Christmas was the same, remember? A snake was stealing gifts" Mentioned Nevra who instead of looking tired had a bothered expression in his face. Probably because we five were always the ones who had to solve the problems on special occasions like today.
"Hopefully, it won't come back next year" Voiced Leiftan as if reading the mind of all of us.
"Don't give it ideas" Retorted Lance with irritation. It was understandable, we had wasted a lot of our time just so the others back at H.Q could enjoy the music festival. Now, the sun was going down and the concert would start-...
"OH NO!" I shouted causing the four to turn their heads in my direction. "What time is it?!"
"Ummm the sun is almost gone, so I would say... it's six or seven o'clock" Answered Mathieu nonchalantly.
"FUCK, I'M SO LATE!" I practically ran past the woods towards the H.Q while thinking how to be ready in five minutes.
"Late for what? If I may ask..." Asked Leiftan who catched up to me with the rest.
"The concert!" I said without slowing down my pace. Thanks to the their silence, I knew they didn't understand my sudden urge to go. "Remember I was supposed to sing a human song for Lady Beulanelle?"
"Shit, that's true" Mumbled Mathieu while messing with his hair.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" I gave Nevra a hard look for his unsupportive words.
"I can't go on stage like this, I look like I got beat up!" It was not a good time for Nevra to get on my nerves. "Besides, Purriry made me a special outfit for the ocassion".
"Dressing up shouldn't take you too long" Said Lance, another one who did not understand my struggle.
"I also have to do my hair and make up" I explained feeling deeply stressed. "I'll never be ready on time..."
Now Huang Hua will have another thing to use against me and make me feel guilty.
"How about we help you?" Offered Leiftan. "I can do your make up."
Leiftan... I couldn't help to look at him with adoration.
"I can help with the hair, I have a lot of experience because of Karenn" Said Nevra avoiding my gaze, maybe because he was feeling a little embarrased. I wasn't expecting him to help me too.
"And surely there's something that Lance and I can do as well" Mathieu and Lance... I wasn't expecting them to help me, but I was really grateful for their support. "What do you say? Do you let us help you out?
"Thank you, guys!"
[ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ]
Once I took a shower, Mathieu and Lance helped me put on my clothes. The outfit consisted of different pieces, so it was going to take some effort to get it perfect.
I was gadly surprised with the seriousness they took in doing the task.
I had the impression that their hands lingered in some parts of my body while adjusting my clothes, but maybe it was my imagination.
I had four guys over me, I was bound to feel self-conscious.
On the other hand, Nevra and Leiftan looked very concentrated while doing my hair and make up.
The vampire was brushing my hair with the utmost care. I even caught him smiling, something very weird nowadays.
I could feel Nevra's breath against my neck which was making me feel flustered.
And with Leiftan it was no different... his face was right in front of mine. It was impossible to avoid his passionate emerald eyes.
It was so hard to remain calm when he applied the lipstick. By the way he smirked, I was sure he knew the effect he was having in me.
This situation was so surreal.
I was so thankful.
Maybe after the concert ended, I could compesate them for their hard work...
I had several ideas in mind and surely they had some of their own.
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The image gives me so much material girl energy, I love it ♡
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prettymilotic · 2 years
The illu
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It's amazing !
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𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲'𝘀 𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝗘𝗹𝗱𝗮𝗿𝘆𝗮 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ❤️✨
PO spent to get it: 2300 PO
MO gastado para conseguirla: 2300 MO
-*•.¸𝓐𝓲𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 ⋆☾♡𓃠♡☽⋆¸.•*
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tropicalflavors · 2 years
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i don’t want a lot for christmas, there is just one thing i need
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linaselandbasil · 1 year
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nessyyg · 2 years
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Hey, Im new here so sorry for my english but I had to say something about this Ilu of the Event.
Good things:
Love the colors and lights
they look great with the presents in their outfit colors
Beemoov didnt forget Lances scar!!
Leiftans hair is wrong (the black part on his forhead) there should be a little more of the black part, it looks really weird
Nevra looks like he does not care about... actually everything about this (and he even got 3 presents, more then the others)
Lances face looks like bit off (like they tried but failed his face)
AND.... Lance looks like its his very first present in his life.... this poor baby 😖💕
Just wanted to say it, thanks for reading!
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nelielombrelune · 2 years
Eldarya Halloween part 2/2
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Excuse me but WHAT ?
"Leiftan sous sa forme de daemon" au calme ?? Vous avez complètement craqué !!
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candysweetposts · 2 years
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Here it is! I love how it turned out. I chose Leif because Erika looks at him and also because I like him... and the rest, but more him.
I've noticed how rushed this is. Like the artist didn't have time to look for mistakes at all. And I'm not sure what was the process and I don't want to speculate more about this. But yeah. At some point, I looked at the game sprites and went to "accuracy mode" trying to match everything to the illustration. I'm no expert myself. I went more with what looked good in my eyes and a bit of common sense. If this was in the right hands, it would've turned out a masterpiece and everyone would've been too busy to praise it rather than criticize the art and story behind this. It's a bit odd. And it's not the first time they have done this.
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jxcotts · 2 years
same picture, different characters. :)
*disappointed but not surprised*
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eldaryasharbinger · 1 year
Eldarya's Easter 2023 Illustrations!!
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mycutiesprinces · 1 year
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prettymilotic · 2 years
Last scene of the event
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The boys and I worked so hars tout get some Rosampagne
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Koori took the leads of the operations
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As expected, we had a a small amount of this much desired nectar...
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Huang Chu and Koori took a little glass tout "analyse it" and the boys and I get the rest of it
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I think that the glass is fresh enought, now.
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So ? What do we do ?
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L: [Gardian] seems to wat to tast it. I think we could propose her the honor of the first drink
G: It's very nice...
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(We are all hypnotized by the liquid... As if it already starts to making effect)
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Hurry or the effects might dissipate
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I know a place where we'll be tranqui for... The tasting
(Lance escortes us to a room that I didn't know)
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(It emanates a heightened sensuality from this place... Unless it's the effect of the Rosampagne ?)
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(When the liquid crosses the barrier of my lips, I was run through by a shiver of pleasure.)
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(When it flowed in my troath, I let out a moan .)
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(A sensation of plenitude invaded me.)
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(The boys are so close, I can fell their feverishness...)
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(I don't know if our bruning body are touching or if I imagine it)
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La: It's so hot, sudently....
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Le: I think that this warm comes from you, [guardian]...
G: Really ? But it's you, it's this drink... I have vertigo.
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M: You need to lie down a bit ?
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G: Maybe... You should taste it, you too. I'm feeling...
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Wonderfully good
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N: You are tempting me
( And while the boys taste the Rosampagne one at the time, I let myself go and surrender totally to the drunkenness of the moment
What did they put in this champagne for her to join the 7st sky just by one drink ?
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tateasbo · 2 years
let me put you guys on something
black Pure Bride gloves
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