#Elagabalus was a Roman emperess
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ezekiel13 · 5 months ago
Y’know Vulpes’ lottery?
I presume it is inspired by Elagabalus’ lotteries, where she killed people and stuff.
So. Trans fem Vulpes anyone?
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enoch-xyz · 2 years ago
Nero and Cassius <3 we stan an insane emperor and the first trans emperess of anything ever
ur trying so hard to reawaken my Roman history hyperfixation so badly
I stare with big adhd eyes at the julio claudian era (that’s the one I know the most abt idk who tf Hadrian is) and I don’t wanna say Nero and Caligula are my “favourites” cuz that’s strange but they’re the ones I know the most about
ELAGABALUS TOO it makes me so pissed how her transness gets erased simply bc idk she was weird or smth
it’s also really funny tryig to google these emperors only to find fucking anime girls
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euleax · 5 years ago
By Euleax de Lima Pereira, translated by Euleax de Lima Pereira from a poem in Portuguese wrote in 09.14.2019  
Hysteria, our creator;
Let us become hysteric,
Let our hysteria be hybris and devotion,
Under the aegis of Discordia
Muse of dialectical lila,
Sanscrit play of the celestial lyre.
Let us resist, to achieve, and maintain,
The autonomy of the intellect, the sensibility and the will!                        Autonomy, the movement of Reason: freedom! 
Hysteric, uterine, humours
Longed for, by the trans Emperess Elagabalus,
Ex-priestess of the Syro-Roman god Elagabalus.
Such humours, effectivating the Emperess’ dream,
Under the artifices of techné,
Are, to me, exogenous pharmakon,
But they are endogenous constituents of my new estrogenic body.
I estroginize myself, under pharmacological ingenuity. 
Long live hysteria!
Be it qua voluptuousness, be it qua guerrilla!
May I make myself hysteric!
Yep, such techné does not only come in Perlutal vials,
But also in the artifices of Artemis arrow iron
In the artifices of Durga’s axe iron
In the windstorms of hysteric Yànsá
In the flame of Asherah’s menorah
Yep, may we be hysteric, all of us
Let us anger, enbodying, subversively,
The imagetic of those patriarchally oppressed.
May we take revenge for Elagabalus’s muder,
Her who was murdered at 18.
Killed before 35,
As usual, after centuries,
In our, far away from Rome, Pindorama.
“-Yep, let them be gallae, priestesses of Cybele and Attis!”
“-Emperesses? Already too much!”
The atrocious patriarchs roar,
Patres familias,
Roman do-gooders,
Befuddled in their toxic masculinity.
They accuse us of hysteria,
All of us, the Others than the Patriarch!
They call us pugnacious, barraqueiras,
We trans folks assigned man at birth,
Although many of us are already estrogenic,
By being in minimally consolidated transition to estrogenic.
Indeed, it’s ironic that those same ovarian humours are,                          Unremarkedly, symptoms of nostra culpa.
But even those of us, who are not estrogenized,
Not having in themselves hysteric humours circulating…
Even them are called barraqueires,
Or woman-adjacent trans folks barraqueiras,
Or, in notorious transphobia, barraqueiros.
They find us ungoodnatured.
Ironic it is, since, by seeing us as hysteric,
They show their obtuse confusion,
Weren’t we by the way men?
Or still, in order to vomit their transphobic feces,
Call them hysteric, those who being born estrogenic,
Are assigned woman at birth,
But are trans men or enbies,
In a mix of their disgusting fallacious
Misconception on ovariendocrinogenic folks,
And restatement of disrespect towards
Our trans brothers
And our enby siblings
Biopolitically, tanatopolitically and pharmacopornographically                  Assigned woman,
Even if they are transitioning to testosteronized bodies
Besides their disrespect against estrogenic bodies,
There is the false foundation of their oppression towards
Trans men and enbies assigned woman at birth
In a pressuposed hysteria of theirs,
Based on a footprint far off,
From a pre-T past, of those who go on T.
Even when their resistance is,
In the case of trans men and transmasc folks,
Of a manly heroism,
Which does not deny possible, legitimate and variegated
Gender expressions of such boys.
Even if given the masculinity requirements posed to them,
It is denied that they may perform another self-expression.
Therefore, Forward!,
To the uprise against the Patriarch,
Against gender conforming passing endosex cis man class hegemony,
Endosex, since not intersex!
May we be hysteric!
And resistant!
Not because hysteria is what might be portrayed
By patriarchs and their worldview
When they conceive it.
Let us resignify hysteria!
Let us refound hysteria,
May it be qua luptuousness, potentia gaudendi,
May it be qua struggle, potentia pugnandi!
Let us make a feminist hysteria,
One which is not feminine, nor it is female, nor it is woman-adjacent
Nor even may it be estrogenic!
Let us make a feminist hysteria against Patriarchy!
But may we remember of Patriarchy’s first-born,
Heteropatriarchy, ventured by Monique Wittig,
Being born from patriarchal roots,
It is heterosexism which directly acts,
Being Patriarchy an indirect requester.
Let us be hysteric!
Against patriarchial phalus,
May our bodies be symbolic hysteriae,
Revolutionizing and abolishing patriarchy,
With our anger and our uproar!
Let us abolish Patriarchy,
We, the Hysteric,
With our axes,
Which are heralds
Of what is to come,
With them, our labryses!
May we no more assign gender to bodies,
Nor a fix and predetermined
Gamic corporality
Or self-expression
I want to extirpate transidentities and cisidentities,
Extirpate the counterposition between expectations,
May they be abolished!,
And our enbies’, men’s and women’s existences’ materialities,
Whatever may be the bodies of each one of us.
We, whose first oppression is our being produced as trans,
Because they do not aknowledge us from the beginning.
Because they suppose, and by supposing a gender,
They suppose that, there being match to it,
Babies and fetuses are cis.
I want the cistem to be exploded,
The one which is apprehensive and obstinated!
Let us turn Imperial Rome,
Into Paris Commune,
May Elagabalus’ palacious whorecracy
Be a res publica, rather than a plutocracy!
Let us be stubborn!
¡Les brujes feministas!
¡Que les hay, les hay!
¡Y habremos mucho más!
¡Hayamos mucho más!
¡Bailemos, histériques, con Emma Goldmann,
En nuestra revolución feminista de abolición de la economía politica patriarcal!
The funk carioca sung by the bullet-throwing bottom used to say,
In a paraphrase from Goldmann,
“¡Si no podemos ser violentas, no es nuestra revolución!”
On my behalf, it is more worth-saying
“¡Si no podemos ser histériques, no es nuestra revolución!”.
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otaku-tyriq · 5 years ago
Listen Honey, genderqueer is an umbrella term for everyone who isn‘t CIS like your ugly ass. There a billions of us on planet earth and scientif research proving trans identity, gender disphoria etc. Not to forget that Trans and Nonbinary people have been historically been around since amcient times such as Roman Emperess Egalabalus (look her up if you even know how to use google) and before you say anything I fucking study History professionally and it ain‘t my fault if your brain is too much infested with funghi to understand any history and basic science past the ones you learned in 5th grade you degenerate clown 🤡 also dude you are a freaking biggot and exculusionistt, one of the worst people on earth, so your ugly bitch ass deserves to be called names.
Here have some proof by freaking science itself about gender disphoria and Genderqueer folks from all around history. So read this and actually learn some stuff ✌️😉 Peace out
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People are still out here calling me a bitch for saying the segragade flag is not theirs lmao
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