#El Loa Province
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Yerbas Buenas Petroglyphs Park, Chile: At this beautifully preserved Pre-Hispanic site, you can see ancient petroglyphs with depictions of llamas and alpacas. This attraction is located between rainbow valley and San Pedro De Atacama. This is one of the most interesting locations in the area, featuring hundreds of ancient pre-hispanic petroglyphs. It is unknown why the drawings are there if they are made to pass time or to keep count of herds or even to prove a trade... San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean town and commune in El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region. Wikipedia
#Yerbas Buenas Petroglyphs Park#preserved Pre-Hispanic site#San Pedro de Atacama#El Loa Province#Antofagasta Region#Chile#South America#South America continents
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San Pedro de Atacama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile
Alexander Schimmeck
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2023/11/04 Este es el espacio dedicado a la provincia en la que vivo. En ella se representa en azulejo los hechos históricos más relevantes.
This is the space dedicated to the province in which I live. It represents the most relevant historical events in tiles.
Google Translation into French: C'est l'espace dédié à la province dans laquelle je vis. Il représente les événements historiques les plus pertinents sous forme de tuiles.
Google translation into Italian: Questo è lo spazio dedicato alla provincia in cui vivo. Rappresenta gli eventi storici più rilevanti sotto forma di piastrelle.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Este é o espaço dedicado à província onde moro. Representa os eventos históricos mais relevantes em forma de bloco.
Google Translation into German: Dies ist der Raum, der der Provinz gewidmet ist, in der ich lebe. Es stellt die wichtigsten historischen Ereignisse in Kachelform dar.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Kjo është hapësira e dedikuar për krahinën në të cilën jetoj. Ai përfaqëson ngjarjet historike më të rëndësishme në pllaka.
Google Translation into Arabic: هذه المساحة مخصصة للمحافظة التي أعيش فيها. إنه يمثل الأحداث التاريخية الأكثر صلة بالبلاط.
Google Translation into Armenian: Սա այն տարածքն է, որը նվիրված է այն գավառին, որտեղ ես ապրում եմ։ Այն ներկայացնում է սալիկների մեջ ամենաարդիական պատմական իրադարձությունները:
Google Translation into Bengali: আমি যে প্রদেশে থাকি সেই প্রদেশের জন্য এটি উৎসর্গ করা স্থান। এটি টাইলসের সবচেয়ে প্রাসঙ্গিক ঐতিহাসিক ঘটনাকে প্রতিনিধিত্ব করে।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Това е пространството, посветено на провинцията, в която живея. Той представя най-важните исторически събития в плочки.
Google Translation into Czech: Toto je prostor věnovaný provincii, ve které žiji. Představuje nejdůležitější historické události v dlaždicích.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这是专门为我居住的省份设计的空间。 它代表了瓷砖中最相关的历史事件。
Google Translation into Korean: 제가 살고 있는 지역을 위한 공간입니다. 가장 관련성이 높은 역사적 사건을 타일로 나타냅니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Ovo je prostor posvećen provinciji u kojoj živim. Predstavlja najrelevantnije povijesne događaje u pločicama.
Google Translation into Danish Dette er rummet dedikeret til den provins, hvor jeg bor. Det repræsenterer de mest relevante historiske begivenheder i fliser.
Google Translation into Slovak: Toto je priestor venovaný provincii, v ktorej žijem. Predstavuje najdôležitejšie historické udalosti v dlaždiciach.
Google Translation into Slovenian: To je prostor, posvečen pokrajini, v kateri živim. V ploščicah predstavlja najpomembnejše zgodovinske dogodke.
Google Translation into Estonian: See on ruum, mis on pühendatud provintsile, kus ma elan. See esindab kõige asjakohasemaid ajaloosündmusi plaatides.
Google Translation into Suomi: Tämä on tila, joka on omistettu maakunnalle, jossa asun. Se edustaa tärkeimpiä historiallisia tapahtumia laatoissa.
Google Translation into Georgian: ეს არის სივრცე, რომელიც ეძღვნება იმ პროვინციას, რომელშიც მე ვცხოვრობ. იგი წარმოადგენს ყველაზე აქტუალურ ისტორიულ მოვლენებს ფილებში.
Google Translation into Greek: Αυτός είναι ο χώρος αφιερωμένος στην επαρχία στην οποία ζω. Αντιπροσωπεύει τα πιο σχετικά ιστορικά γεγονότα σε πλακάκια.
Google Translation into Guarani: Péva ha'e espacio ojededikáva provincia che aikohápe. Orrepresenta umi acontecimiento histórico relevantevéva azulejos-pe.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: ʻO kēia kahi i hoʻolaʻa ʻia no ka ʻāina aʻu e noho nei. Hōʻike ia i nā hanana mōʻaukala pili loa i nā tile.
Google Translation into Hebrew: זה החלל המוקדש למחוז בו אני גר. זה מייצג את האירועים ההיסטוריים הרלוונטיים ביותר באריחים.
Google Translation into Hindi: यह वह स्थान उस प्रांत को स��र्पित है जिसमें मैं रहता हूं। यह टाइल्स में सर्वाधिक प्रासंगिक ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Ez a terület annak a tartománynak szentelt, amelyben élek. A legrelevánsabb történelmi eseményeket ábrázolja csempékben.
Google Translation into Icelandic: Þetta er rýmið sem er tileinkað héraðinu sem ég bý í. Það táknar mikilvægustu sögulega atburðina í flísum.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Ini adalah ruang yang didedikasikan untuk provinsi tempat saya tinggal. Ini mewakili peristiwa sejarah paling relevan di ubin.
Google Translation into Japanese: ここは私が住んでいる県専用のスペースです。 最も関連性の高い歴史的出来事をタイルで表します。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бул мен жашаган облуска арналган жай. Ал плиткалардагы эң актуалдуу тарыхый окуяларды чагылдырат.
Google Translation into Latvian: Šī ir vieta, kas veltīta provincei, kurā es dzīvoju. Tas atspoguļo svarīgākos vēsturiskos notikumus flīzēs.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഞാൻ താമസിക്കുന്ന പ്രവിശ്യയ്ക്ക് സമർപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന സ്ഥലമാണിത്. ടൈലുകളിലെ ഏറ്റവും പ്രസക്തമായ ചരിത്ര സംഭവങ്ങളെ ഇത് പ്രതിനിധീകരിക്കുന്നു.
Google Translation into Malay: Ini adalah ruang khusus untuk wilayah tempat saya tinggal. Ia mewakili peristiwa sejarah yang paling relevan dalam jubin.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Io no toerana natokana ho an'ny faritany misy ahy. Izy io dia maneho ny zava-nitranga manan-tantara manan-danja indrindra amin'ny taila.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Энэ бол миний амьдарч буй аймагт зориулсан орон зай юм. Энэ нь хавтан дээрх хамгийн хамааралтай түүхэн үйл явдлуудыг илэрхийлдэг.
Google Translation into Dutch: Dit is de ruimte gewijd aan de provincie waarin ik woon. Het vertegenwoordigt de meest relevante historische gebeurtenissen in tegels.
Google Translation into Nepali: यो म बसेको प्रान्तल��ई समर्पित ठाउँ हो। यसले टाइलहरूमा सबैभन्दा सान्दर्भिक ऐतिहासिक घटनाहरूलाई प्रतिनिधित्व गर्दछ।
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dette er stedet dedikert til provinsen jeg bor i. Den representerer de mest relevante historiske hendelsene i fliser.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਇਹ ਉਸ ਸੂਬੇ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਰਪਿਤ ਸਪੇਸ ਹੈ ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੈਂ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ। ਇਹ ਟਾਈਲਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਢੁਕਵੀਂ ਇਤਿਹਾਸਕ ਘਟਨਾਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਦਰਸਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: دا هغه ولایت ته وقف شوی ځای دی چې زه پکې ژوند کوم. دا په ټایلونو کې ترټولو اړونده تاریخي پیښې استازیتوب کوي.
Google Translation into Persian: این فضای اختصاص یافته به استانی است که در آن زندگی می کنم. این نشان دهنده مرتبط ترین رویدادهای تاریخی در کاشی است.
Google Translation into Polish: To przestrzeń poświęcona województwu, w którym mieszkam. Przedstawia najważniejsze wydarzenia historyczne na kafelkach.
Google Translation into Romanian: Acesta este spațiul dedicat provinciei în care locuiesc. Reprezintă cele mai relevante evenimente istorice în plăci.
Google Translation into Russian: Это пространство, посвященное провинции, в которой я живу. Он представляет наиболее важные исторические события на плитках.
Google Translation into Serbian: Ово је простор посвећен провинцији у којој живим. Представља најрелевантније историјске догађаје у плочицама.
Google Translation into Swedish: Det här är utrymmet tillägnat provinsen där jag bor. Det representerar de mest relevanta historiska händelserna i brickor.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Ieu rohangan dedicated ka propinsi tempat kuring cicing. Éta ngagambarkeun kajadian sajarah anu paling relevan dina ubin.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ito ang espasyong nakatuon sa probinsyang aking tinitirhan. Kinakatawan nito ang mga pinakanauugnay na makasaysayang kaganapan sa mga tile.
Google Translation into Thai: นี่คือพื้นที่ที่อุทิศให้กับจังหวัดที่ฉันอาศัยอยู่ แสดงถึงเหตุการณ์ทางประวัติศาสตร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องมากที่สุดในไทล์
Google Translation into Telugu: ఇది నేను నివసించే ప్రావిన్స్కు అంకితం చేసిన స్థలం. ఇది టైల్స్లో అత్యంత సంబంధిత చారిత్రక సంఘటనలను సూచిస్తుంది.
Google Translation into Turkish: Burası yaşadığım şehre ayrılmış alan. Fayanslarda en alakalı tarihi olayları temsil eder.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Це простір, присвячений провінції, в якій я живу. Він представляє на плитках найактуальніші історичні події.
Google Translation into Urdu: یہ اس صوبے کے لیے وقف جگہ ہے جس میں میں رہتا ہوں۔ یہ ٹائلوں میں سب سے زیادہ متعلقہ تاریخی واقعات کی نمائندگی کرتا ہے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Bu men yashayotgan viloyatga bag'ishlangan maydon. Bu plitkalardagi eng dolzarb tarixiy voqealarni ifodalaydi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Đây là không gian dành riêng cho tỉnh nơi tôi sinh sống. Nó đại diện cho các sự kiện lịch sử có liên quan nhất trong ô.
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San Pedro de Atacama
Town in Chile
San Pedro de Atacama is a town set on an arid high plateau in the Andes mountains of northeastern Chile. Its dramatic surrouding landscape incorporates desert, salt flats, volcanoes, geysers and hot springs. The Valle de la Luna in the nearby Los Flamencos National Reserve is a lunarlike depression with unusual rock formations, a huge sand dune and pink-streaked mountains
Elevation: 3,159 m
Population: 3,899 (2012)
Local time: Wednesday 14:24
Area: 23,439 km²
Area code: (+56) 5
Founded: ≈1450
Overview of San-Pedro-de-Atacama, Chile, an oasis at the edge of the Atacama salar
San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean commune located in the province of El Loa, in the Antofagasta region, in the north of Chile, located at 2450 m above sea level. Its capital is the town of the same name, which also gives its name to the San Pedro de Atacama River that borders it.
San Pedro de Atacama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia










San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, Jul 2023
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Antofagasta, Cile
Antofagasta, una città portuale nel nord del Cile, è presente in questa immagine ripresa dalla missione Copernicus Sentinel-2. Situata a circa 1000 km a nord di Santiago, Antofagasta è la capitale della provincia e della regione di Antofagasta. La provincia di Antofagasta confina a nord con le province di El Loa e Tocopilla e a ovest con l’Oceano Pacifico. La città si estende per circa 22 km…

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The 15 Reasons Tourists Love Ocean Painting | Ocean Painting
Every summer bodies army to lakes and beaches in following of the calmness that baptize brings. London-based artisan Yuliya Martynova captures the arcadian ataraxia of apathetic ocean canicule in her alternation of abstruse acrylic and watercolor paintings.
The series, advantaged Dejected Bay, focuses on aeriform angle of boat-dotted marinas. Martynova combines the alteration of the watercolor average with the caliginosity of acrylic to actualize these pictures. “I audibly bethink accepting the lightbulb moment back my eye bent a white brushstroke over abysmal dejected and the little amphibian baiter and adumbration was brought to life,” the artisan recalls to My Modern Met. While the amphibian blotches of orted dejected hues actor the apathetic movement of the water, the abrupt white sailboats angle out as adequate capacity for the eye to on.
Martynova spent ample time experimenting with orted mediums afore chief that watercolor depicted the abyss of the ocean best. Additionally, the artisan is bent about the admeasurement of her work. Dejected Bay pictures are all corrective on baby and average canvases to accomplish the connected amphibian worlds added claimed and immersive for viewers.
You can own works from the Blue Bay series by visiting Martynova’s online store.
Yuliya Martynova: Website | Facebook | Instagram
Artist’s Textured Oil Paintings Perfectly Capture a Adequate Day at the Beach
Expressive Landscape Paintings Capture the Beautiful Mutability of the
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Storm On The Horizon – Abstract Ocean painting – ocean painting | ocean painting
Fumerole – El Tatio Geothermal Field, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, Chile – ocean painting | ocean painting
Ann Steer Gallery – Beach Paintings and Ocean Art: Ocean .. | ocean painting
A painted boat upon a painted ocean – ocean painting | ocean painting
Art at the Clark Art Institute in Williamsown, MA – ocean painting | ocean painting
File:William Alexander Coulter – 'Entrance to Honolulu .. | ocean painting
Abstract seascape painting of sunset at the sea oceanscape – ocean painting | ocean painting
Stock Ilration – ocean painting | ocean painting
Stupell Industries Impressionist Neutral Blue Green Beach Ocean Painting Wood Wall Art – ocean painting | ocean painting
Ocean Painting. Beach Painting. Beach Decor. Florida Painting .. | ocean painting
Pin by Deanna O'grady on Rainbow glitter unicorn letters .. | ocean painting
929 Oleo sobre tabla – ocean painting | ocean painting
Anna Sweet | “Into the Ocean” Mixed Media painting of aerial view of deep blue ocean (15) | Available for Sale | Artsy – ocean painting | ocean painting
‘Sea Oats and Crashing Ocean Waves’ Acrylic Painting Print on Wrapped Canvas – ocean painting | ocean painting
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/the-15-reasons-tourists-love-ocean-painting-ocean-painting/
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San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: San Pedro de Atacama, in the heart of the desert, is a city full of souvenir shops, hostels, bars and tour operators.. San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean town and commune in El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region. It is located east of Antofagasta, some 106 km southeast of Calama and the Chuquicamata copper mine, overlooking the Licancabur volcano. It features a significant archeological museum, the R. P. Gustavo Le Paige Archaeological Museum, with a large collection of relics and artifacts from the region. Native ruins nearby attract increasing numbers of tourists interested in learning about pre-Columbian cultures. Wikipedia
#San Pedro de Atacama#El Loa Province#Antofagasta Region#Chile#South America#South America continents
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Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Supported Technical School in Calama, Chile Graduates First Generation of Students
The Colegio Don Bosco De Calama recently graduated its first class of 141 students in December.
The school, opened in 2016, educates middle and high school students, including indigenous children who live in the Province of El Loa near the El Abra mining operations. Students focus on technical studies in mining and electrical and mechanical skills. Enrollment is free to the more than 750 students who currently attend the school.
Freeport-McMoRan and Minera El Abra, along with Codelco and Antofogasta Minerals, financially contribute to the vocational school.
Please visit fcx.com to learn more about how Freeport-McMoRan supports the communities in which it operates.
See the 2018 Working Toward Sustainable Development Report for more information on all of their social, economic and environmental efforts.
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/44929-Freeport-McMoRan-Foundation-Supported-Technical-School-in-Calama-Chile-Graduates-First-Generation-of-Students?tracking_source=rss
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Picture of the day for January 9, 2017
Picture of the day on January 9, 2017: Location known as Ojo de San Pedro, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, northern Chile, close to the Bolivian border. The location, dried now, used to be a circular lake (therefore called “Ojo”, to English “Eye”). The volcano in the background is San Pedro, a 6,145 metres (20,161 ft) […] from Picture of the day for January 9, 2017
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Wikipedia PoD: Location known as Ojo de San Pedro, El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region, northern Chile, close to the Bolivian border. The location, dried now, used to be a circular lake (therefore called "Ojo", to English "Eye"). The volcano in the background is San Pedro, a 6,145 metres (20,161 ft) stratovolcano. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ojo_de_San_Pedro,_Chile,_2016-02-09,_DD_30.JPG
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Valley of the Moon, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) is located 13 kilometres west of San Pedro de Atacama, in the north of Chile in the Cordillera de la Sal, in the Atacama Desert. It has various stone and sand formations which have been carved by wind and water. It has an impressive range of color and texture, looking somewhat similar to the surface of the Moon. Wikipedia
#Valle de la Luna#Valley of the Moon#San Pedro de Atacama#El Loa Province#Chile#Antofagasta#South America#South America continents
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Iglesia San Pedro, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: The Church of San Pedro de Atacama is a Catholic church in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Constructed during the Spanish colonial period, it is reportedly the second oldest church in Chile. Indigenous adobe material was used in the church's construction, whose appearance is characterized as simple and elegant. Wikipedia
#Iglesia San Pedro#Roman Catholic#San Pedro de Atacama#El Loa Province#Antofagasta Region#Chile#south america#south american continent
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San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: San Pedro de Atacama lies at the heart of the Atacama Desert and is known for its remarkable high-altitude landscapes, which are often compared to Mars. Home to vast salt flats, saline lagoons, and the third-highest geysers in the world – all of which are surrounded by a ring of volcanoes – the Atacama Desert is famed as a truly otherworldly place to visit... San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean town and commune in El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region. Wikipedia
#San Pedro de Atacama#Desert town#El Loa Province#Antofagasta Region#Chile#south america#south american continent
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Highway entrance, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: The valley, located in San Pedro de Atacama, 3,500 metres over the sea level, is difficult to access but still has become popular due to the explosion of colors in its hills that gave it its name. A true color palette is the Rainbow Valley, a mix of reds, greens, different grays, whites, and more. For many, the predominant reddish hue, dryness and hundreds of rocks scattered haphazardly on its ground evoke the imagery of the distant planet Mars... San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean town and commune in El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region. Wikipedia
#San Pedro de Atacama#Valle de la Luna#Rainbow Valley#Valle del Arcoiris#El Loa Province#Antofagasta Region#Chile#south america#south american continent
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Valle del Arcoiris, Chile: It is located 90 kilometers from San Pedro de Atacama, very close to the Petroglyphs of Yerbas Buenas. Its color is due to the more than 250 minerals that the earth has. It also stands out for the various rock formations resulting from erosion... The Valle del Arcoiris or Rainbow Valley is located in Río Grande, municipality of San Pedro de Atacama, province of El Loa, Antofagasta region, northern Chile. The valley, located 3,500 meters above sea level, is difficult to access but has nevertheless become popular thanks to the explosion of color of its hills which gave it its name. Wikipedia
#Valle del Arcoiris#Río Grande#San Pedro de Atacama#province of El Loa#Antofagasta region#northern Chile#Chile
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Lagoons of Baltinache, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile: In the middle of nowhere appear these beautiful salt lagoons. It is a real sight to look into the depths of some of them, silently to hear how the salt around them creaks in the middle of the desert. They are made up of seven bodies of transparent turquoise water with high levels of salt, which makes it possible to float effortlessly while admiring the landscape, Like floating in the Dead Sea.. thanks to the high concentrations of salt... San Pedro de Atacama is a Chilean town and commune in El Loa Province, Antofagasta Region. Wikipedia
#Lagoons of Baltinache#Lagunas Baltinache#San Pedro de Atacama#Antofagasta Region#Chile#South America#South America continents
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