msmeiriona · 2 years
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Eirsabet annoying Vex like the little sister she never wanted. But totally got and loves. No really. Sisters. Totally.
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msmeiriona · 2 years
The funniest thing to me is that I’m aro-ace and I’m over here playing/writing for Eirsabet’s story and she’s like, incredibly thirsty for Brynjolf to the point I’m having to go “....allos aren’t normally this bad, right? she’s not acting normal. she’s being extra.” but like, all my experience with what’s normal for allos is either from when I was a teenager or it’s in fiction so I just *shrug* and go on writing.
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msmeiriona · 7 months
1 &2!
You didn't specify, so gonna do all three!
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? For Eirsabet (Dragonborn): Her background. Being mixed Breton-Reachfolk, a mage and hunter, and being a preteen when the Markarth massacred happened. That shaped a lot of her personality and how she responds to thing.
For Inri (the OTHER Dragonborn): That she was born a Chimer in the First Era. That was the core of the concept for her, being a millennia old wizard who had managed through sheer stubbornness to keep out of the whole of events that changed the face of Tamriel through the 2nd , 3rd, and start of the 4th eras, before finally being forced into the world on discovering her status as a Dragonborn. The twist on the phrase "The Last Dragonborn" being not that she was the last one created, but that she was the last one surviving, and the contrast that would have with the world.
For Vardasa (Nerevarine): Her selfishness. The idea that she's a Telvanni abolitionist for all the wrong reasons. She thinks that slaves are an absolute waste of resources and that they should move to use conjured daedra for the job. Her personal comfort takes precedent over all other things.
Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Eirsabet: She's head over heels for Brynjolf. It was one of the early things of her concept that showed up. I had always intended to make a character to romance him via mods, but that it would be her wasn't planned until I had built her appearance and was working out her skillset that I realized "Holy cow, she's a lot like Karliah. That would make for such a dramatic romance arc with Brynjolf!"
Inri: Not really, her being born-Chimer means she has basically... maybe two or three peers around by the time of the plot.
Vardasa: In a way. I wanted someone who would make Mistress Dratha laugh her ass off on discovering she was the Nerevarine, as well as somehow being worse than Gothren as Archmagister.
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msmeiriona · 2 years
My elder scrolls characters really wouldn't be that interested in a valentines day sort of thing.
No but seriously I have two different Dragonborn that I swap between based on where my brain is, and, obviously Eirsabet is 100% a Brynjolf girl. Her characterization would not hold up without that, the frustration is a key structural element to her story. Her love life is... Not simple, but still follows reasonable paths.
But Inri? Telvanni Inri, born a Chimer in the 1st Era when the Chimer and Dwemer were allies who had just freed Resdayan?
She's another story. She's ANCIENT, she's VAIN, she's an incredibly powerful sorcerer. She's attracted to power, strictly powerful Mer, and almost exclusively other sorcerers. If you look around, not just at Skyrim, but at LITERALLY ALL ES CANON, the potential partners for her circa 4e201 when she gets roped into Akatosh's bullshit, you're looking at..... I mean is Divayth Fyr back in Nirn or is he hopping planes again? Cause that was a hookup she would repeat (The rare cases where the House was able to drag her from her home in the Velothi mountains were all BIG events, you think he wasn't there when the choice to accept the terms of the Armistice was made? Please. And he has a reputation in the 2nd era she would have wantex to put to the test.) Knight-Paladin Gelebor? He might be a bit too goody-goody for a ruthless Telvanni like herself, unless he's got some hidden dominance tendencies.
If he hadn't forced her to kill him Arch-Curate Vyrthur was PROBABLY a closer match. Hell, if she was less of a Mer supremacist, there might be some other options hanging around, though Harkon isn't smart enough even if he were elven. And she'd be too threatened by Valerica's skills to take up with an elven AU of her.
There's probably Psjics that she'd be willing to bang, but the second they tried to play superior with her outside a bedchamber she'd be gone faster than their own disappearing isle. Assuming she didn't try to kill them for the insult.
I have never claimed Inri is a good person. She's not. Neither is Var, my Nerevarine. I'm only not bringing her up because Var is aro-ace and was originally imprisoned because she stabbed a guardsmen who wouldn't stop hitting on her. (He was fine. Her short blade skills were trash at that point. The improved on Vvardenfell)
so yeah, Eirsabet is my only Elder Scrolls OC who would have anything like a valentine. And she'd be spending it crashing some rich persons party to rob them blind.
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msmeiriona · 2 years
I need to go on a full ramble about Eirsabet and how her story goes.
Like, by the time she even get started in "main plot" nonsense she's already become Guildmaster and Archmage, thane of the rift, reach, and Haafingar, which also means dealing with Potema's nonsense, allied with the Forsworn (I mean, actually having gotten Madanach free, not just sympathetic because, yanno, thats her people and if her father is still alive he's with them as is her orphaned cousin)
Hell, before Helgen has even burned down, because I use LaL's Hunting In The Woods start for her, she's been Blood Kin of the Orcs, and basically a regular guest at Dushnikh Yal since she was a teenager.
And thats BEFORE the modded town of Silverstead is brought up, which happens during the whole Thieves Guild stuff that started everything.
The ONLY reason the main plot gets its hooks into her is because she goes to deal with the poaching thief who hit Riverwood Traders, because she needs an excuse to not be In Charge and can explain that OBVIOUSLY it is her duty as Guildmaster to make sure no rival groups start up.
Which leads her to the Word Wall, something she vaguely remembers having seen the like of a few other times in the past. But like, one of those was in Snow Veil Sanctum, and she honestly had forgotten completely about it due to, well, being nearly dead soon after.
But now, she's got this fucking weird ass stone tablet, and it's nothing she's seen. She's already closer to home than she is the College, so figures to try her Reach contacts first, but does make sure she's doing so with the whole Arch Mage gear, because some people might blow her off as just Eirsabet the huntsmage, and will need to be given the whole Authority nonsense. (Which she hates, so much. She will use her influence, but she doesn't come naturally to giving orders or making demands. Not at this point, at least.) When she tries asking Calcelmo about it he has zero interest, and sends her to Whiterun, saying that it looks like Faregar's sort of foolishness.
And then of course in Whiterun she has to all but shove the Staff of Magnus up Irileth's ass to be able to do business. That of course comes back to bite her because having thrown around her power, she can't exactly NOT go fight the dragon at the watchtower, who else is possibly more qualified? (...ok so maybe no one else is more qualified but she doesn't KNOW that yet.)
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msmeiriona · 2 years
I absolutely have to use an alternate start for Eirsabet because if she woke up on a cart with Ulfric Stormcloak the Empire wouldn't get a chance to execute him, she'd rip his throat out with her bare hands or teeth. The second she gets told who he is she'd go feral. Wouldn't matter that her hands were bound. Red haze over the vision Die Die Die.
So yeah. Alternate start makes for a closer to canon story.
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msmeiriona · 2 years
working on trying to write some more of eirsabet’s story and it’s killing me. give me encouragement. so I actually write more and don’t just waffle around editing the bits I already have done.
also, feel free to repeatedly ask me “how far are you into the story mei, how much has happened?” so I can go “it’s still 21st of last seed” and “at 18k words″
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msmeiriona · 2 years
Will attempt writing tomorrow to honor the win. (Not that it'll get posted or anything, but just to celebrate. Eirsabet's story really is going *slow* as I work on it.)
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msmeiriona · 2 years
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So, this is what iteration of the collapsed mine? I dunno. But it’s a nice start, to me. couple things I’m still working on, obviously, the kitchen is one of them, then the wall art has to go up. maybe some rugs. door for the bed and bathrooms maybe, or at least a curtain.
this is all done via console/jaxon positioner in game. No creation kit. the base cell is the collapsed mine from Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim
if anyone’s curious about the items used, many are from FPI Gallery, others are from Campfire and related mods Hearth Craft, Last Seed, Lanterns and obviously some are vanilla stolen via Jaxon Positioner or placeatme added after I found the id’s for them.
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msmeiriona · 3 years
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Same cell, more experienced Mei. I’ve not FINISHED, but this feels more like what it would be like with Eirsabet having been living here for years.
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msmeiriona · 3 years
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Ok, this time for real.
So, FOR FREAKING REAL NOW, this is the basic look of the ‘collapsed mine’ after Eirsabet has been living there for 10 years.
Renovations are made a lot easier when you can conjure up daedra to do the work for you, so putting in a full stone foundation was an obvious first step. (look no one is using it in those dwemer ruins, why can’t she make use of it?)
Most of the walls are still earthen and wood support beams, but it doesn’t take a Destruction expert to bake clay with a Flames spell. She just wanted to be sure she had a solid, LEVEL floor to place furniture on. 
Speaking of which, thank goodness almost all the furniture was put together using pegs and slots, not nails, because it’s a lot easier to get through the door in pieces.
And I mean, if you’re a mage, why can’t you have a blue cookfire if you want one, right?
There’s still room for more clutter, but mostly? I think this is good.
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msmeiriona · 3 years
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yeah, ok, I THINK I’ve had too much fun playing with jaxon positioner and such, but to hell with it, I’m pretty happy with how this looks. Eirsabet’s little home is pretty nearly done. (so many mods used. holy cow)
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msmeiriona · 3 years
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I have a new ENB. I like the way it looks.
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msmeiriona · 3 years
realized I should start over again, because suddenly I have a working brain. Eirsabet has been living in the ‘collapsed mine’ for ten years. AND SHES A CONJURER. There is no excuse for my halfassing it. starting over again.
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msmeiriona · 3 years
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I love the way things look. it so pretty.
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msmeiriona · 3 years
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Eirsabet chilling in Silverstead.
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