#Eilistraee devotee
Закончил только что доделывать, а кому-то и переделывать, браслеты для своих Божеств и главному духу. Сутех, Ша, Нюкта, Эреб, Эйлистри. Позже переделаю существующие и сделаю новые для оставшихся Духов-Божеств.
Такие вещи, могу заметить, всегда сближают, неважно, делаешь такое человеку или Божеству/Духу. Единственный минус с моей стороны, то я не могу понять, когда я постоянно роняю бусины и всё валиться из рук, то это у меня руки из жопы или Богам что-то в дизайне не подошло.
Также Эреб довольствуется символом Инквизиции, который мне подарили ещё давно. Люблю совмещать свои интересы с духовной и религиозной практиками.
Дуа, Сутех, Любимый и Идеальный Бог!
Дуа, Ша, моя Душа и Дух без оков!
Славься, Нюкта, Матерь вся Космоса и Звёзд!
Славься, Эреб, Отец Теней и Тишины!
Славься, Эйлистри, Лунная Дева Танцев и Песен!
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hawkogurl · 6 months
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Wip of a certain extremely normal man
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inconsequentia · 1 year
Seriously though. Why can’t I, as a Drow follower of Eilistraee, proselytize to Nere about the Dark Maiden and the all good times we can have together dancing naked under the moonlight? It’s kinda MY JOB. Lmao.
I mean sure, we’d have to remind him first that going crawling back to Lolth or her devotees is very likely to end in death or worse for him, because he is um .. very optimistic (read: delusional) that things are going to go well for him with regards to all of his little “setbacks” … but he changes gods like underwear, surely not being murdered or drider’d is more appealing. I know he said he’s down to die for a cause but he still sure tries to bargain his way out of sticky situations… so it’s not like he has no sense of self preservation.
Ffs I want him at least as a camp follower :( I find it very weird that if you spare him and convince him to run from the Absolute you just turn him loose into the world instead of keeping an eye on him. If you’re not gonna kill True Souls it makes more sense to keep them where you can watch ‘em and keep them shielded with the relic, yeah?
We could name our camp
Tav’s Home for Recovering True Souls
Absolutists Anonymous.
Just let me hold the big, testy drow caster with the delightfully cracking voice, Larian, I swear to god. The knock-out feature honestly could have made for some great shit, too. Too bad it was slept on as an actual mechanic.
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alicelufenia · 7 months
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Introducing Vierae, my newest tav and the star of my next playthrough.
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She's a drow from Menzoberranzan, former entertainer and assassin, now a budding cleric of Eilistraee and seeker of Corellon's favor. Her kidnapping aboard the nautiloid kicks off what will eventually come to be known to Eilistraee devotees across Faerûn as The Longest Run.
At a glance:
Name: Vierae Gysselylth (drow for "Dark Dancer", elven for "Clan of the Blade")
Race: Seldarine Drow (Ancestry: Udadrow)
Background: Guild Artisan
Class: Bard (College of Swords) / Cleric (Life Domain) / Rogue (Thief)
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral Good
Motivation: Grant aide and succor to those who suffer; seek retribution on those who would conquer, enslave and slaughter; if accepted, entice other drow to walk with her, and offer shelter to all from the cruelty of Lolth and other wicked gods.
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Also she's wearing Shadowheart's armor in that pic above cause for this playthrough I'm using the SH Concept Art and Arm Tattoo mods cause I think they look neat :)
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The gear has some minor bonuses fitting a trickery cleric too, which is nice considering this is a tactician run and trickery domain will need all the help it can get until Act 2 stuff happens.
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I'm meeting Larian halfway with their changes to drow lore regarding eye color. She is technically Seldarine but, growing up in the underdark for 100+ years means you kinda have to be lolth-sworn to survive. Not that the spider queen's favor ever got anywhere near her.
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The left eye being pink is just me continuing my trend of giving all my trans characters heterochromia to represent the magical influence of fantasy hrt. Yeah, turns out growing up a super closeted trans girl as a male-born scion isn't easy, even if your house is minor in comparison to the big players.
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A bit of backstory:
She was blessed from an early age with a rarity among the drow—the ability to dream. Though infrequent, her dreams were filled with images of the surface night sky, and the elegant figure of the Dark Dancer. She longed to visit, but no means were at her disposal other than unspeakable work in surface raiding parties, and the occasional assassin work. It was only by virtue of getting captured by an enclave of Eilistraeen worshippers who offered her succor and acceptance if she abandon her evil ways and accept the Silver Lady's invitation to dance among the stars and the trees.
Taking to her studies easily, she sought a place among the priesthood. Though at the time the clergy was opening up more freely to male worshippers, she learned quickly of the so-called "Changedance" that was practiced in earlier times, where as a rite of passage novice clerics would conduct a holy dance that transformed their body from male to female, and vice-versa. She practiced tirelessly, mastering the dance in short order, and upon seeing her reflection in the still waters of the river lit by the full moon, she beheld the Dark Dancer in her dreams; it was her all along. Her true self.
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She wept for the first time in her life.
Naturally, she enjoyed staying in the Changedance's form for longer than any of her male cleric peers. While the temporary reprieve was satisfying, she sought more permanent options. Her artisan upbringing proved valuable, as she learned from several of her fellow priestesses how to concoct the alchemical medicines that can change the body's shape and feel to reflect who they are in their heart. While not a complete transformation, her ability to fill out a bra and entice the gaze of young men (and not a few women) have been encouraging.
Dedicated to the Eilistraeen cause of harmony amongst the peoples of Toril, Vierae has been on many runs, to rescue underdark drow who sought escape from the grasp of Lolth's cult, to defending surface settlements from the very lolth-sworn raiding parties she was once a reluctant part of. Yet everywhere, what good faith they can harbor in non-drow communities soon sours as old suspicions and base prejudices re-assert themselves.
Seeking another way, Vierae has conducted extensive research on the worship of Corellon, sire to her Dark Lady, and ruler of all elves. If she could only entreat the teachings of Eilistraee to a few open-minded communities of elves, they may yet find wider acceptance. Thus she was in the process of a pilgrimage to petition Corellon's blessing, when the nautiloid snatched her up.
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And as Astarion said, "First thing's first." She can save no one until she's saved herself, but that won't stop her from trying at every opportunity along the way. Her pilgrimage has led her to the Risen Road, and Baldur's Gate is the ultimate destination, where she either shows herself to be worthy of the gods' favor, or prove those who fear her to be right.
Inspiration for this Tav: @mass-effect-galaxy's Eilistraee Sword Dancer (general protagonist motivations, plus the hair was so good)
HoboZone's Dancer of Eilistraee Remastered Build (for the dual worship of Eilistraee and Corellon reflected in a dual wielder build)
No More Looping VFX And SFX
SK's More CC Colours
Shadowheart's Tattoos
Asymmetrical Shadowheart Concept Outfit
Shibariwaluigi's NPC Hair Edits
Two-Handed Longsword Finesse - mostly just to have a longsword as main arms until picking up dual wielder and Phalar Aluve
Bard Fixes And Tweaks - just to bring ranged flourishes down to melee's level, since this character's RP demands using melee whenever possible
More Reactive Companions - since this is a second playthrough I wanted to hear from the companions more, and swap to them so they can have the spotlight now and again.
Phalar Aluve - Legendary - adds combine items in Acts 2 and 3 to upgrade Phalar Aluve to a Very Rare and Legendary version.
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saberwitch · 9 months
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here we go again
Xyllrae*, devotee of Eilistraee, Sword Dancer, milf
*this name was adapted from a couple of options I pulled up in fantasynamegenerators.com which is a site I highly recommend
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its-sixxers · 10 months
Yaaay love to read your comments about BG3! And I'm so looking forward to any potential art you'll do for that game 😊 Can you tell us a bit about your Tav? How are they like and how do they deal with the mess they got themselves into? 😅
there will be art the moment i can get a bit of time to do it, my hands are ITCHING but the holidays b nuts qq
so here's the tav i've happily settled on and who feels correct:
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This is all very much a WIP because I usually prefer to flesh out OCs after finishing the piece of media they belong to, so everything below is subject to change lol. Just hit the Underdark part of the game with her.
Not quite sure where the drow pantheon sits in BG3 lore but while she's got the red eyes she's a devotee of Eilistraee and still cares deeply for her people (if not the tyranny of Lolth) and spent her time pre-tadpole ferrying drow out of the Underdark and learned her ranger skills that way. She has two spider familiars/companions, the little guy looking like an overlarge jumping spider and the bigger one your classic dire spider fare.
I like playing her Neutral alignment wise, but with Wyll's influence is edging into Chaotic Good territory. She's very much a Good is Not Nice kind of lady - she doesn't have great people skills, is blunt and aggressive but will be the type to save the tiefling kid from Kagha and then tell the kid off for getting herself into trouble.
She initially gets on best with Lae'zel (appreciation for her drive and efficiency) and Karlach (who doesn't get on with Karlach, really) and as a rule of thumb will gravitate toward the outsider kind of archetype. Wyll's drive to do the right thing even if it's the hard thing piques her interest, and the way he deals with Mizora's curse on him is what REALLY draws her to him. As someone who is often judged by appearance she greatly respects his attitude toward the horns, and also deeply relates to his moments of melancholy regarding them. Astarion's the one who can consistently make her laugh in spite of her caution around him, Shadowheart she both pities and admires for her devotion to Shar despite her (in Tav's eyes) youth, and Gale is always in her adventuring party both for his knowledge/expertise and because he's a very needed chill balance for the group. So far, anyways. Weird that the guy who might explode is the most stable emotionally.
I also like to headcanon that she prefers to do the pursuing and while Lae'zel's approach with uh, physical intentions is appreciated it hits a little too close to Llolthsworn culture for Tav's sake. She also isn't much bothered by so many of the team having chronic secret-keeping since she also doesn't really talk about her time embroiled in Lloth worship.
Regarding the Tadpole situation, she's extremely averse to being under control of anything and refuses to use its control on others, valuing freedom to a high degree. She wants it out very badly, but her time in Menzoberranzan has taught her that there is always a bigger scheme at play and to act with surgical precision rather than with an axe in such matters.
Her dream party is Lae'zel, Wyll, and Gale (but in actual gameplay I change it up pretty often as mechanics require / depending on my mood lol)
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lorspolairepeluche · 1 year
The Darach grove's history is...a wild one. It's a fairly young grove, founded a little over a century ago by the man who is still its archdruid: Daieran Darach.
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Daieran (wood elf druid, Circle of the Land, he/any), was about 250 and having something of a quarter- to mid-life crisis when he struck out from his home grove to sate his restlessness. He was (and still is) a deeply emotional person who falls in love easily. It became, in a way, his downfall, after he met his two companions: Riona Darach and Yazdiin.
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Yazdiin (drow monk of Eilistraee, Way of Shadow, he/they) was once a follower of Vhaeraun. Born to surface drow who worshiped Vhaeraun, Yaz discovered that he preferred his god's twin sister and turned his back on the conflict and machinations of most drow. He could still be haughty and standoffish, of course, and it got him into many tiffs with both Daieran and Riona.
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Riona Darach (half-elf barbarian/fighter, Wolf Heart, she/her) was the original carrier of the Darach name, and, for a time, its only carrier, thanks to the massacre of her family. (When she was trying to be flippant about it, she called it "a classic story," common among the culture she came from.) Despite her predilection toward rage, she was most often the peacemaker of the three of them.
The three of them adventured together for years, and despite their clashing personalities, found love with each other. They talked of settling down together, perhaps founding their own place: a grove for Daieran, a home for Riona, and a base from which Yazdiin could flit as it pleased him. During these daydreaming discussions, Yazdiin promised with a smile that he would always return.
An omniscient being would have made bets on whose past would bring the three of them ultimately down: Yazdiin's or Riona's. Yazdiin's won. Followers of Vhaeraun, determined to either bring defectors back into the fold or kill them, tracked Yaz down and gave him their ultimatum: return to Vhaeraun or bring the god's wrath down on him and his companions. Yazdiin, still a touch arrogant, refused, believing Vhaeraun could do nothing to a devotee of Eilistraee. Since Yazdiin's devotion to Eilistraee did indeed give him a measure of protection and Riona would have bitten off chunks of anyone who laid unwelcome hands on her, it was Daieran they targeted first.
The Vhaeraunites came for Daieran in the night, as Vhaeraunites do, and brought him before, of all people, Yazdiin's mother. Defiance won over fear, and Daieran declared that her son would never return to Vhaeraun, that he had something better than a promise whispered by a backstabbing, hateful god -- he had love, right here in the mortal realm. His mouth got him punished, and not only physically. Yazdiin's mother, with the power of her god, placed a curse on Daieran that wherever he found love, it would be taken from him. And she released him -- back to the son she hated and who Daieran loved.
Her curse came true when the Time of Troubles came -- and Vhaeraun saw his opportunity to take his revenge. With Eilistraee occupied guiding refugees to her temple, he hunted down Yazdiin, among other defectors, and killed him. Still, Yazdiin did not die in vain or in agony -- he and Riona and Daieran managed to wound Vhaeraun. The (former) god retreated, which allowed Yaz a little peace before he died -- a little time in which to tell Daieran and Riona he loved them, that he would have stayed, and to found that grove and raise their child there.
They did exactly that, growing the grove's first tree on Yaz's grave, and there they married, and there Riona gave birth to a grey-skinned baby.
Still, Daieran's curse remained, and Riona's own past caught up to her in the form of the Bhaalspawn crisis. She found out during their adventures that her family was slaughtered for Riona's own parentage -- that she was, like many others around her age, Bhaalspawn. Though she thought herself safe after her father's death during the Time of Troubles, her heritage doomed her. When her older child was ten (and her younger one with Daieran around seven), the armies of the Five found her and lay in wait for her to leave Darach grove and to murder her. And so Daieran lost a second love.
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the-d20-files · 1 month
muse list
MEMENTO MORI | D&D / Baldur's Gate 3 70-ish years old (half-elf). She/her. Storm sorcerer, pirate, ex-fathomless warlock. fc: Clara Paget
ARACHESIS | Homebrew D&D / Critical Role C1 Late 40s (drow). They/she/he. Shadow monk, sort of(?) Lolth-sworn, Eilistraee devotee.
ASHKAARI MARAAS | Dragon Age series 24+ years old. They/them. Tal-Vashoth raised Dalish elf ; spirit-touched rogue. fc: Adeline Rudolph
GALE DEKARIOS | Baldur's Gate 3 35 years old (human). He/him. Order of Scribes wizard.
JAHEIRA | Baldur's Gate series 146 years old (half-elf). She/they. Circle of the Land druid.
RIN FAIRWEATHER | D&D / Forgotten Realms 40 years old (half-orc). She/her. Leader of the Fantastical Mystics, a traveling troupe of performers and thieves. College of Glamour bard.
ASHER VOLLEY | D&D / Forgotten Realms 30 years old (human). He/she/they. Member of the Fantastical Mystics. Arcane Trickster rogue.
VALE CORTENZA | D&D / Forgotten Realms 35 years old (tiefling). He/him. Member and lorekeeper of the Fantastical Mystics. College of Whispers bard.
POPPER | Baldur's Gate 3 ❝ I die, you die, we all die. Big woof! Have a treato - it'll make it better. ❞
DEEKIN | Neverwinter Nights ❝ Doom doom doom! Doomity-doom-doom! We is all doooomed! ❞
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joekabox · 2 years
to tell us about your DnD campaign?
Oh, thank you for the interest!
So it's kinda hard to explain in a neat package, but overall, it's a world setting, as opposed to a single story, based on an ever growing idea of what I'd like to see in a D&D setting.
The world is named Paan, and is home to several nations across it's continental structure, all with different beliefs and customs.
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An idea I had is that, instead of basing the places of this world on any specific real-world locations, I based it on themes and ideas I enjoyed seeing in fiction, thus allowing anyone that uses this setting to splice in their own ideas for what any culture may be like, as opposed to me defining that rigidly.
What can be agreed upon is that most of the world is tired of the Zadian Empire, which is currently experiencing an industrial revolution ahead of everyone else, thanks to their desire to be the most powerful nation in the world. They act as something of the villains in our story, but to say they are truly evil is not correct. They are an imperialist nation, that seeks to claim the world around them through trade deals and the absorption of their cultures, but it is their leaders that are truly at fault here, being a thorn in everyone's sides.
Our story, the one I play with my players, involves two characters having grown up in my world's version of the Underdark, seeking an answer to an age old question.
You see, in my setting, the Underdark was once home to a clan of dwarves - my settings version of the Duergar - who in search of riches and new lands to call home, dug out these vast caverns and tunnels, settling them as they went. However, one day, they seemed to vanish without cause, and their existence was left a rumor; forgotten by time. That is, until the ancestors of the Drow rediscovered the Underdark, settling the abandoned cities and mines as their new home thousands of years ago.
Several generations ago, however, something mysterious occured. One day, the Duergar returned to the Underdark, as if by magic, and when asked what had happened, the Duergar had only one, collective answer - they never left. For them, they had lived in the Underdark this whole time, and were startled to see the Drow now living in their home all of a sudden as seeming invaders.
After some much needed conversation, the Drow and Duergar settled their living arrangements, with much of the Duergar agreeing to keep digging as they had always done before, but no answer was ever agreed upon. Where had the Duergar gone, why had they come back, and why did they believe they never left in the first place?
My players - a Drow devotee to the goddess Eilistraee, and a Duergar artificer - having met through similar desires to leave their home behind in search of exploration of the world above, have agreed to solve this mystery themselves, and so their journey has begun to explore this strange new world together, in hopes of finding that answer.
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Welcome to by blog.
Добро пожаловать в мой блог.
Greetings and welcome. You can call me Sha, Nomad or Outsider, depending how you prefer. This is my religious sideblog, where I post and reblog things connected to religion, spirituality, magic, occult and esoteric. You can consider it as my e-shrine.
I am omnist, pantheist and animist. I identify myself as Setit/Setian and Chaosit. My main focus is on Set, Sha, and Their unlimited faces and aspects. My path in life and magic is Chaos, and it's unlimited forms, as well as Darkness, Art and Nature. My practice and path are made up of parts of many different and varied paths, creating my own, unique one.
I am devotee of: Set/Sutekh, Sha, Erebos, Umay Ana, Eilistraee, spirits of Snake and Deepsea Anglerfish.
I honour: Tartaros, Nyx, all Her and Erebos children, Kaos, tengrist Gods, Vhaeraun, Selvetarm, all Set's family and wifes, including Set's possible children.
As time will pass, my path will inevitably change, someone will come and go, something will replace what I have now.
This blog is on russian, with rare posts on english. It will always remain this way.
Приветствую и добро пожаловать. Вы можете называть меня Ша, Кочевник или Аутсайдер/Отверженный, в зависимости от того, что вам больше нравится. Это мой религиозный блог, где я публикую и ребложу вещи, связанные с религией, духовностью, магией, оккультизмом и эзотерикой. Можете считать это место моим электронным святилищем.
Я омнист, пантеист и анимист. Я идентифицирую себя как Сетит/Сетиан и Хаосит. Мое основное внимание сосредоточено на Сете, Ша и Их безграничных ликах и аспектах. Мой путь в жизни и магии — Хаос и его безграничные формы, а также Тьма, Искусство и Природа. Моя практика и путь состоят из частей самых разных и разнообразных путей, создавая мой собственный, уникальный.
Я последователь: Сета/Сутеха, Ша, Эреба, Умай Ана, Эйлистри, духов Змеи и Глубоководного удильщика.
Я чту: Тартара, Нюкту, всех Её и Эреба детей, Каос, тенгрианских Богов, Ваэрона, Селветарма, всю семью и жён Сета, а также Его возможных детей.
С течением времени мой путь будет неизбежно меняться, кто-то придёт и уйдёт, что-то заменит то, что я имею сейчас.
Этот блог русский, с редкими постами на английском. Так будет всегда.
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You are very important—and pretty—it makes me nervous, I must admit, o luminous one. We’ve recently found that the Gods bond with their followers and there are various ranks within showing favour and devotion. What does this look like under Eilistraee’s guidance? - 🌫
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Empress Shri'Neerune: Our Goddess bades us to be always kind, save in battle with evil, and repay rudeness with kindness. To repay violence with swift violence, so that those who cause it are dealt with. To encourage happiness everywhere, befriend strangers, shelter those without homes, feed the hungry, and promote harmony between the races. Learn and teach new songs, dances, and the flowing dance of skilled sword work.
Empress Shri'Neerune: Most importantly, Eilistraee encourages us to aid our Drow siblings in distress where we find them, and deliver to Udadrow the Lady’s message: “A rightful place awaits you in the Realms Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace and live beneath the sun again where trees and flowers grow." Wherever we find Lolth and her followers, they are either to be shown the Dark Lady's kindness, or neutralized.
Empress Shri'Neerune: If you embrace these tenants, you may become one of Eilistraee's Faithful, and receive her gifts.
(The Empress smiles softly, continuing,)
Empress Shri'Neerune: Our Dark Lady's power manifests in many ways. Firstly, she is one of the few deities subject to the Curse of Achranoma. Any magic cast in Eilistraee's name is a shade of silver; As you have seen, my magic is silvery-blue. Once you embrace her as your chosen Deity, you cannot manifest a different color of magic. Our achranoma is known as Moonfire.
Empress Shri'Neerune: As a Devotee of Eilistraee — or a Maid of the Dancing Goddess — you can cast the spell Branding Smite by her will, allowing the Dark Lady's moonfire to envelop your sword. As a Votary — which we call a Dark Lady, or Reverend for males — you can summon moonbeams, and she protects you from being blinded.
Empress Shri'Neerune: As a Desciple — at which point you get a unique title, like I am the Dancing Sword — you can dominate beasts and charm monsters. And past that, as a Champion, you develop various gifts of moonlight, enchantment, and hunting prowess.
Empress Shri'Neerune: Within these ranks we also have several Orders in Eilistraee's name, who are different specialized warriors of the faith.
Empress Shri'Neerune: Sword Dancers like myself are specialized clerics and bards who blend song and dance with swordplay. We lead missions to find, assist, and protect any drow looking to return to the surface, or that could be made to return, and embrace a different life. We are mostly diplomats, and work to establish peace and cooperation between the different drow, and between drow and surface dwellers.
Empress Shri'Neerune: The Silverhair Knights are an order of clerics completely dedicated to the redemption and subsequent protection of drow followers of Lolth, Vhaeraun, and other deities of the Dark Seldarine. They fully embrace the teaching of Eilistraee about showing mercy and compassion, and fight the Udadrow only using non-lethal means, hoping to make them understand the error of their ways and choose a different life. They often embark on missions within Lolthite settlements, aiming to find and rescue drow who are in danger or seeking an alternative.
Empress Shri'Neerune: The Darksong Knights are not so compassionate; They are battle-priests, who chose to devote their life not only to furthering the Dark Maiden's goals, but also to the destruction of yochlol and other demons and minions of Lolth, for they were the cause of the corruption and fall of the Udadrow people. They are primarily monster hunters.
(The empress giggles softly,)
Empress Shri'Neerune: And, — though you are excused for the misstep as spirits unfamiliar with our culture — you should not call me any variations of titles other than how I was introduced.
Empress Shri'Neerune: Respect is valued very highly by our people; our titles are very specific, and very sacred. "Your Majesty" is below my station, and though I find "o luminous one" amusing, it is incorrect as well~
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stelera · 6 years
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Elfebruary 2019 Day 11 - Prayer
As a devotee of Eilistraee, Denavir prays to his goddess predominantly by dancing naked in the moonlight with a sword.
I don’t draw dongs.
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vosh-daemon · 8 years
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Introducing Ruel Olonrae, A Drow Elf Battledancer, a devotee of the goddess Eilistraee, and the latest D&D character I’ve conceived.
Also my contribution for @magicmeatmarch, since it all lines up so nicely.
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