#Eiffe trinket
losingmymindrn · 3 months
『Happy as a clam, that woman is』
Effie x D4!fem!reader ○~~~●~~~○~~~●~~~○
"Oh! What do you think about this one, dear? It would look devine on you!" Effie chirps, a sun-bright smile on her face. She holds a lovely blue gown, looking as if it was covered in sapphires. Her excitement couldn't help but get to you, forcing a smile on your face.
"It's lovely, Effie. Truly." You say sincerely. You could totally see the dress on you, but it wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Effie must of noticed your hesitancy, as she tosses the dress to the floor. "No no, it's not right." Eiffe clicks her tounge and pouts, and you can not help the giggle that bubbles out of your throat.
Her expression is quickly turned around as she gazes into the massive closest full of clothing you were sure you could and would never wear. She lands on a sand colored number that had frills adorning the sleeves and skirt. Blue sequence shimmered like the ocean under the sun.
You are quickly in awe of the dress.
"Wow... Effie, it's... it's beautiful." You say, approaching her and the dress. Her smile is a proud one. "Well, go on now! Go try it on!" She encourages, pushing the dress into your arms. With such a smile on her face, it is impossible to say no. "Whatever you say, beautiful lady." You tease, lifting your eyebrows in a flirty way. She huffs, turning a bright red, and crosses her arms.
You giggle and go into the changing room. Putting on the dress proves to be a slight challenge, it's tight and the frills got in the way, but oh, it was so worth it. You looked stunning, and you couldn't wait to show Effie.
Stepping out of the changing room, Eiffe squeals. Her reaction is only slightly delayed, as your beauty knocks the air out of her lungs. "Oh, darling, you look stunning!" She rushes to you, holding your flushed cheeks.
"Thank you, Eiffe." You smile, grabbing her one of her hands and kissing her palm. She retaliates with a kiss to your forehead. "You do look amazing, dear. Truly." She whispers sweetly, her brightly painted lips curved into a smile. You couldn't help but kiss them. Taken by surprise, Effie squeaks, but returns the kiss with the same amount of love you started with.
You both pull away with a giggle. "You will ruin my makeup." She scolds with no annoyance in her tone. You shrug and lean in to kiss her again, smudging her lipstick on both of your lips. "You can fix it later." You whisper against her lips.
She giggles, her face filled with love and adoration. And for you, it is the same. You would do anything to see this woman smile, it was a beautiful thing, one of the only things that can bring you happiness nowadays. Not even the ocean, the one thing you could always count on for being there for you, could not bring you such joy.
The ocean's beauty is nothing compared to Effie's smile, though. And the ocean isn't always happy with you. In comparison, Eiffe, will always be happy with you.
And you will be happy with her as well.
I have never wrote for Eiffe before😭😭
@sparklebear11 I hope you enjoy pooks💕 sorry if it's a bit short
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