#Egerton the baby penguin
focusonthegoodnews · 3 years
Five baby river otters born at SC’s Brookgreen Gardens zoo
Five baby river otters born at SC’s Brookgreen Gardens zoo
Good News Notes: “Remember Egerton, the adorable baby penguin that hatched at Ripley’s Aquarium in Myrtle Beach in 2020? He’s got competition, big competition. Five, just as cute (dare we say cuter), baby river otters were born last week during the winter storm at Brookgreen Gardens’ Lowcountry Zoo in Georgetown. On Tuesday, the zoo’s veterinarian checked on them, and the otter pups are all…
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Taron Egerton: Manners Maketh Man!
Note: This is for @sarahegerton96. I hope that you like this. Please excuse the mistakes in this. 
Please Note: This is where things get Interesting!
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Pineapple, dancing, castor oil, spicy food, exercise. Sarah tried it all and she was just about at the end of her rope with the pregnancy. She was now 41 weeks and even more uncomfortable then she had ever been. There was one thing that she had yet to try but she knew that this point, there was no convincing Taron. “Please babe. You put me in this position.” Sarah whined. “Oh no you don’t. It takes two to tango and besides, it will hurt the baby.” Taron replied. “Taron it won’t hurt him. How many times did we have sex when you didn’t know I was pregnant?” Sarah asked in annoyance. “No Sarah.” He said simply. “Fine then. I’ll just call Richard and see if he would like to come and fuck me instead.” Sarah replied nonchalantly as she pulled out her phone. Taron’s jaw tensed and his eyes grew dark with anger because he knew that she was somewhat serious. Ever since seeing Rocketman, Sarah wanted to have a threesome with both her husband and Richard. “That’s not funny Sarah. You know I feel about that since your little confession after watching Rocketman.” Taron said darkly. “Oh come on, you know I’m only teasing. You’re the only man I’ve got eyes for, even though a threesome would be nice.” Sarah replied as she placed her phone back down. “I know you are but it’s not happening while you are pregnant with my son.” Taron replied as he stepped dangerously close to his wife. “Upstairs.” He whispered as he hovered close to her lips. Sarah couldn’t budge, she was too caught up in what had just happened. “Now.” Taron continued as he warned murderously. Sarah gulped and nodded as she made her way upstairs. She was thankful that the girls had not been in school that long and still had hours left.
Taron followed closely behind her and when they reached the bedroom, Taron ripped her shirt in two. Sarah bit her lip as she saw just how amorous he looked in that moment. Sarah’s pants soon followed and before she knew it, she was on the bed in front of him. “It’s not nice to tease people. It’s very rude.” He said as he slowly crawled over her very pregnant body. Taron kissed her jaw and made his way down to her neck where he vigorously attacked her with bites. “Fuck.” Sarah moaned as he reached her sweet spot. Taron stopped and looked her dead in the eye. “There will be no talking, no moaning and definitely no touching me. You break any of these rules, you will not be allowed to cum. Do you understand me?” Taron said ominously. Sarah nodded and she bit her lip. “Good girl.” Taron replied as he went back to assaulting her neck. It was so hard for Sarah not to moan as she felt her husband remove her bra and place his warm, wet tongue on her nipples. Yes her breasts were sore but the pleasure she felt in that moment, made the pain disappear. 
Taron growled as he was met with Sarah’s dripping wet pussy. “So wet for me my little slut.” Taron snarled as he forcibly inserted his fingers into. Sarah bit her lip to try and supress her moans. Sarah arched her back as best she could and Taron pulled her closer. He let his tongue ghost over her very sensitive clit. His tongue swirled around her in the most torturous way possible and soon, Sarah could feel her climax beginning to grow and much to her disappointment, so could her husband. He removed his fingers and Sarah whimpered at the loss of contact. Taron looked at her and raised his brow. Sarah knew that she had messed up. Taron got off the bed and began to undress himself slowly as a way to farther tease his wife. Sarah was finding the task of not making a noise harder than she thought. Once all of his clothes were removed and on the ground, Taron walked over the box of sex toys and brought it over to the bed. He picked up a vibrator and turned it on and placed it over Sarah. Her body shuddered under it and Taron knew that she was close. He pulled it away and this time, Sarah was able to avoid her need of moaning. “I’m going to mark you as mine tonight you little slut.” Taron spoke as he began to pound into her relentlessly. 
“Why don’t you use that pretty little mouth of yours and let the neighbours hear how good I make you feel.” Taron said breathlessly. Sarah didn’t need to be told twice. “Fuck me baby, you feel so good.” She cried out in pleasure. “I’m close.” Sarah panted. “Cum for me.” Taron instructed as he felt his climax building as well. A few more thrusts in and Sarah let herself go as she moaned his name like a prayer. Taron followed not too far behind her and pulled out, flopping next to her. “Fuck me, that was amazing.” Taron said with a smile. Sarah looked at him. “If that’s what it takes to get you to fuck me that hard, I’m going to make it my mission to make you more jealous from now on.” Sarah replied with a mischievous smirk on her face. Taron looked at her and place his hand on her cheek and allowed his thumb to softly caress her cheekbone as he leaned in and captured her lips in an intense passionate kiss. 
The couple laid on the bed wrapped up in each other’s arms. Just as Sarah’s eyes closed, Gary started to move around, causing his mother’s eyes to snap open. “Can I not have one moments peace with your daddy please?” Sarah whined. Taron kissed her temple and untangled his arms from around Sarah’s body as he moved down to her overgrown belly. He kissed her bump and looked up at her through his lashes. “Mummy and daddy are in the middle of some special bonding time.” Taron mumbled against her skin. Gary kept moving and that’s when Taron got an idea. Taron moved away from his wife’s belly and began to sing as he rubbed the bump.
https://youtu.be/cW-qLcK1LxM (Just ignore the ending of the video. Just listen to the lyrics he sings as that is what he sings to his unborn son.)
Just as Taron was getting out of bed to go and start on lunch for himself, Sarah and of course Gary, Richard called and asked if he could stop by to drop something off. Taron agreed and walked downstairs. Sarah sat in the bed and smiled to herself as she replayed the recent events of the day. “Really Gary, my bladder is not a squeeze toy.” Sarah whined with exasperation as she got out of bed to use the toilet. When she was done, she started to walk downstairs but was met with Slight discomfort and some very mild ‘Braxton Hicks’. “Het Richard.” Sarah as she waddled into the kitchen. “Hi Sar- you make such a cute penguin.” Richard teased as he pulled her in for a side hug. Sarah groaned in response. Taron stood there smirking at his wife. “What are you smirking-” Sarah started to say before Taron turned to Richard. “I had to take action and do something to get my son out of there.” Taron said as Richard fist bumps his friend. Sarah, being annoyed and heavily pregnant, just flips the men off. Richard held his hands up in defence and Taron tried to hug her but she brushed passed him.
“Shit. I forgot to get avocado.” Sarah said as she shut the fridge door. She turned to Taron and smiled sweetly at him. “Pop tart, can you please go to the shops and grab some?” Sarah asked whilst batting her lashes at him. “You know I can’t resist you when you talk dirty to me.” Taron replied as he grabbed all that he needed. “How is that dirty talk?” Richard asked with confusion laced in his voice. Taron to face him. “I’ll tell you another time mate.” Taron winked. “No you will not Taron.” Sarah warned. Taron turned to face her as he smiled cheekily and walked out of the door. Sarah rolled her eyes and went back to pulling a mug out of the cupboard. “I’m going to make some tea, do you want some?” Sarah asked as she looked at Richard who sat at the breakfast bar as he let his eyes roam over her body. They locked eyes and Richard motioned for her to join him. She approaches him as he stands up and licks his lower lip seductively. “Kiss me Sarah.” Richard mutters against her lips. The kiss is hungry and needy. “Fuck me Richard. I need you now.” Sarah moans as he lips dance across her neck passionately. Her fingers lace themselves in his hair as she tugs gently. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” Richard said as he removed Sarah’s shirt and bra. He swirled his tongue around her nipples as she moaned his name in ecstasy. He then kissed his way down to the waistband of her jeans, taking the zipper between his teeth and pulling it down whilst looking longingly into her eyes. “Please Richard.” Sarah begs as she bites her lower lip, supressing a moan.
He pulled away from her long enough to remove his pants and boxers, discarding them on the ground. Sarah’s eyes traveled down his body and landed on his erect appendage. Richard walked closer and lined himself up with her. “Are you sure you want this Sarah?” Richard asked for the final time. Sarah nodded her head and Richard pushed himself into her dripping wet core. Both adults hissed as they adjusted to each other. Richard began to moan her name as he picked up his pace. Sarah. Sarah. Sarah.
“Sarah, are you ok?” Richard said as he waved his hand in front of her face. She shook her head as she snapped out of her day dream. “Yes I am, sorry. What were you saying?” Sarah asked with embarrassment at what she had just pictured. “I said the water had finished boiling.” Richard said. Thank you.” Sarah said as she went to make the tea for them. Once the tea was made, Sarah handed him a mug and he took it gratefully. Sarah took her own mug and went to join Richard at the breakfast bar. Unfortunately for her, Sarah’s water broke as she went to sit down. “Fuck, I think a little bit of wee came out.” Sarah moaned. Richard looked at the woman and chuckled. As a little more fluid trickled down her leg, she realized that it wasn’t wee, it was the fact that her waters had in fact broken. Sarah quickly stood up and turned to face Richard. “Richard, I need you to promise me that you won’t freak out.” Sarah said as she placed her hand on his shoulder to steady herself. “Ok.” Richard said with concern. “My water broke. I’m going to go and get changed and grab the hospital bag. Can you get the car ready and call Taron to tell him to meet us at the hospital?” Sarah asked calmly. Richard’s face drained itself of colour as he started to panic. “Oh my god.” He hollered as he jumped up from his stool. “Relax Richard. I’m alright, everything is fine.” Sarah replied as she walked upstairs to get changed. Sarah put on a maternity nappy and a pair of Taron’s navy blue sweatpants.
Sarah walked downstairs and had to stop herself from laughing as she saw Richard running around like a chicken with no head. “Richard! I told you to calm down. Everything is under control.” Sarah said before she doubled over in agony as an excruciatingly painful contraction took over her body. Richard rushed over to Sarah’s side and she grabbed his hand in a bone crushing grip. “Fuck woman.” He whimpers. “How did T put up with this twice?” Richard asked and Sarah gripped his hand tighter as another contraction took over her body. “Right, let’s get you into the car.” Richard said as Sarah slightly released her death grip. Richard helped her into the car before she spoke up again. “Call Taron again and tell him to forget the damn things.” Sarah said through gritted teeth. Richard did as he was told and he was thankful for Taron’s quick reply. “Where are you?” Sarah asked as her contraction eased. “I’m just about to pay for the avocados.” Taron responded. Just as Taron explained, Sarah was hit with another contraction. “Forget the fucking avocados, they’re not important. Get your ass to the hospital!” Sarah screamed through the phone. “Sarah just relax and breathe.” Taron said as he bolted for his car. “No vagina no opinion. Shut the fuck up.” Sarah replied through gritted teeth. Once Richard and Sarah arrived at the hospital, he helped her out of the car and walked her inside. Unfortunately for Richard another contraction ripped through Sarah’s body. She grabbed his hand in another bone crushing grip. “For god sake, can someone help us please.” Richard screeched as the pain shot through his arm. Two nurses came running toward them. “How far apart are your contractions?” One of the nurses asked. Sarah glared daggers at the woman. “I don’t know.” Sarah spat as more pain coursed through her veins. The nurses looked at each other an decided that the best thing to do would be to get Sarah admitted.
“You can’t come back here sir. Family only.” Someone said as their eyes landed on Richard. “I came here with her.” Richard replied with slight panic in his voice. “Are you family?” The person asked. Sarah growled. “Fuck off bitch, he is family.” Sarah replied spat. The person jumped slightly. “Is he the father?” The person asked. Sarah had had it with this person. “Listen, I am in labour. I am in pain and all I want right now is to push this watermelon out of my ass and sleep. Either shut the fuck up and let him by or fuck off and leave us the fuck alone.” Sarah bellowed and the person finally let them through. After all the commotion, it was determined that Sarah was about 5cm dilated (for those of you that don’ t know, it just means that she’s half way to pushing). “Where the fuck is my husband?” Sarah screamed in questioned. “I’m going to check. Hold on.” Richard said as he pulled out his phone and walked out of the room to call his friend. 
“Where are you mate? I think she’s broken my hand.” Richard said whilst looking at his hand. Taron nervously chuckled. “About that, I’m stuck behind a really bad three car pile up.” Taron explained as he bit his lip. “How far along is Sarah?” Taron asked. “Let me ask. Hold on.” Richard replied. He popped his head into the room and looked at Sarah. “Sarah, how dilated are you?”  Richard asked. “5cm.” Sarah replied simply through her breaths. Richard popped back out of the room. “She said 5cm.” Richard responded. “Ok, hold on a minute.” Taron said as he waved a police officer over. Richard could hear his friend talking to an officer. “There is nothing they can do so what I need you to do is tell Sarah that I’m stuck in traffic but I’m calling in a favour. She’ll know what that means.” Taron said as he and Richard hung up. “Is he coming?” Sarah asked hopeful. “He said that he was stuck behind bad traffic but he’s going to call in a favour.” Richard said as he sat down in a chair beside the bed. Sarah’s head fell back in relief. “Thank fuck.” Sarah breathed out. 
As she was told to pushed, Taron burst through the door with the avocado in his hand. “I told you to leave the fucking fruit.” Sarah groaned out as a contraction tore through her body. Taron grabbed her hand and she was told to push. “Good job Sarah. Breathe in, hold it and push again.” Dr. Edwards said as Sarah pushed and death gripped her husband’s hand. “Jesus woman, take it easy. That’s my good hand.” Taron teased. “I’ll do more then break your fucking hand. It’s not your bitch ass hand you have to worry about.” She shouted at him as she looked down at his crotch. “Not Mr. Pickle.” Taron whined. Sarah ignored him and pushed until the baby’s head was visible. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have gone down there.” Taron said as he looked at the scene down below. “9 months too late for that you prick.” Sarah seethed. “Sorry babe but you weren’t saying no at the time.” Taron said as his wife continued to push. After a few more pushes, Taron’s cries weren’t the only ones that could be heard. Gary was placed on Sarah’s chest and she cried as she looked at his little squished features.“Congratulations on your little boy daddy. Would you like to cut your son’s cord?” Dr. Edwards asked. Taron nods and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand. “I can’t believe I have a son.” Taron mumbled to himself as the doctor guided him where to cut. When the cord was cut, he went back up to his wife and gave her a sweet and loving kiss. “I love you so much. I’m so proud of you.” Taron said as he sweetly brushed Sarah’s hair away from her face. “I love you too pop tart.” Sarah said sleepily as the little boy stirred in her arms, gaining his parents attention. “Oh my little Tarebear.” Sarah said as she kissed the boys head. Both adults watched in adoration at their newborn as he stretched and stuck his little tongue out at them. About an hour or so later, it had been decided that Gary Taron Egerton was to be the baby’s officially name. His parents were so in love with him and they couldn’t wait to see their daughters’ reactions.
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(Just Picture this little bun with dark sandy blonde hair)
“Ellie where are you going?” Nova hollered at her sister as she was left standing by the flower section of the shops with Richard. The man had picked them up from school and got them ready to meet their brother. A few seconds later, Ellie ran back with a little white bag. “What’s in the bag lass?” Richard asked as he held the metallic helium balloon that caught Ellie’s attention when they walked in. “A surprise for daddy?” Ellie questioned with her puppy dog eyes. Richard and Nova laughed and the trio walked to the check out to pay for the items.
Once they reached the hospital, the girls ran a head of Richard and straight into their father’s arms. “Daddy!” The girls called in unison as they threw their arms around his neck. “We missed you.” Ellie said with a smile. Nova nodded in agreement and kissed her father’s cheek. “I missed you both as well but I believe there is someone upstairs that wants to meet you. Shall we go and see mum and meet your little brother?” Taron asked as he stood up and took hold of the girls’ hands. Taron led them to Sarah’s room and knocked on the door before opening it. “Hello my two favourite darlings.” Sarah greeted as the girls climbed on to the bed on either side of their mother. “We have presents.” Nova declared and Ellie nodded excitedly. “Awww thank you sweethearts, that’s really sweet.” Taron Replied as the girls got off the bed and went to Richard who handed them their gifts.
First up was the single red rose the girls had both picked out and of course the balloon for Gary. “The balloon is from Ellie and the flower is from Ellie and me.” Nova explained. “It’s beautiful and very thoughtful. Thank you so much.” Sarah said as she took turns kissing and hugging her daughters. Next up we’re the gifts for their daddy. Ellie held out her little white bag. Taron smiled at his youngest daughter. “What’s this?” Taron asked as he took the bag from Ellie’s hand. “It’s a doughnut. I thought you might be hungry.” Ellie explained as she smiled brightly. “Thank you my love but why a doughnut?” Taron questioned and Ellie’s smile faltered. “Aww no princess, don’t be sad. I was curious as to why you brought me a doughnut, that’s all.” Taron said as he hugged the girl whose little heart was still hurt. “I got it for you because when I saw it, I thought of you and how sweet you are.” Ellie replied with sadness. Taron kisses her head and took a bite of the sweet. He hummed in satisfaction as the flavours hit his tongue. Chocolate with Salted Caramel drizzle. Once Taron had finished his bite, it was Nova’s turn.
She handed him the bag with a goofy grin and he looked at his oldest with suspicion. When his eyes landed on the gift, he burst into a fit of laughter. “What is it?” Sarah asked as she watched her husband’s laughing fit. He turned the shirt and onesie around for his wife to see and she too burst into a fit of hysterics. “What intrigued you to buy this particular one?” Taron asked with curiosity. “Because even though I’m still grossed out, he’s no longer a hypothetical pizza bun. He’s my little brother and I love him so much already.” Nova explained. “It’s perfect sweetheart, thank you.” Sarah said as the girls made their way to the bassinet their brother was in.
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While the girls where preoccupied with running their fingers through Gary’s dark sandy blonde hair, Sarah and Taron took the opportunity to ask their friend a very important question. “Before you take the girls home mate, Sarah and I want you to know that we are so grateful for what you did today while I was stuck in traffic. It really meant the world to me to know that I had someone like you to trust and confide in. We also want to ask you this because both Sarah and I trust you with not only our lives but also the lives of our children should anything ever happen to us. That being said, we were wondering if you’d like to be Gary’s godfather.” Taron wondered out loud. Richard let a face splitting smile grow on his handsome features. “I’d be honoured, thank you so much.” Richard answered happily. “It’s the least we could do. You have been amazing Richard and not just today. You’ve helped us with so much and this is the best way we can think of to say thank you.” Sarah added and both men smiled. “Alright my wee lassies, shall we head home and give mummy and daddy some alone time with Gary?” Richard asked as he stood from his seat and handed the newborn to his mother. “No.” The girls whined in unison, making the adults laugh. “We Can come back after school tomorrow and see mummy, daddy and Gary ok?” Richard said as he grabbed the girls’ jackets and ushered them out the door after letting them bid their parents goodnight.
As Sarah was feeding Gary that night, Taron removed his shirt to get ready for burp duty. He looked down at his wife and son and smiled upon them. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. You gave me a son today and made me the happiest man on this planet. I’m so proud of you my angel.” Taron said as he gave his wife a sweet and loving kiss. Sarah Smiled sleepily at him. “I love you too pop tart.” Sarah chuckled tiredly and handed Taron his son. “Get some sleep my angel. We will be just fine.” He said softly as Sarah’s eyes fluttered shut. Taron walked the baby over to the big window and stood there burping his son. The lights of the city below, twinkled like stars in the sky and as Taron looked at Gary, the little boy started to fuss in his daddy’s arms. Taron started to sing a Welsh lullaby to him and instantly, the baby was asleep.
Taron lounged in his make shift bed with the baby on his chest and ran his fingers through his son’s full head of hair. He lowered his face to his son’s small head and kissed it tenderly. “My precious boy. You are so loved already not just by me but by our girls as well. You have no idea just how much joy you’ve brought with you little one. Rest easy and I will be here when you wake up. I promise to protect you and I promise to teach you how to be a proper gentleman because after all my dear boy, manners maketh man.” Taron said as he turned his attention back to the twinkling city of London.
Let me know what you think!
Tag List: @rocknrollmadden
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natureivy · 5 years
I was tagged by the lovely, @pksuburban! Thanks, Jess 💛💛💛
Answer the questions, then add your own!
1. Who is your idol?
Hard to say... Lots of ladies like Gisele Bundchen, Ashley Graham, and Lizzo are giving me confidence and inspiring me lately. But also have to shout out Queer Eye for that too especially Jonathan Van Ness, Karamo Brown, and Tan France
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, Greece, The UK, and basically all of Europe lol
3. What decorates the walls of your room?
Honestly not much. I took a bunch of old posters down forever ago and haven’t gotten around to putting anything else up. All I have up are plaques of Henrik Zetterberg and Auston Matthews
4. Favorite color combination?
Black, white, gray, and blue is what I’m vibing with lately
5. What’s on the top of your bucket list?
Don’t really have one... Fall in love I guess, never done that before
6. Height?
7. Favorite animal?
Cats, monkeys, chinchillas, and penguins
8. What’s the last song you listened to?
Honky Cat by Taron Egerton and Richard Madden.....................
9. How many/what kind of pets do you have?
I have a black cat with gold eyes named T’Challa. He is the absolute love of my life
10. Last movie you saw in theaters?
Rocketman alksdjflaksjdflk I have not had time to go to the movies
11. Comfort food or favorite food?
12. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Fuck if I know
13. Book you’re currently reading?
Making A Good Script Great
14. Your favorite season and 3 things about it?
Autumn! Halloween, hockey, and football bring a bitch joy
15. You are about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?
Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting) obviously
16. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you would buy yourself?
Tickets to a Pats game at Gillette Stadium like no question
17. What fictional world would you want to live in?
Skyrim I guess
18. If you had to learn a completely new language, what would it be?
19. Do you wear socks to bed?
20. If you could only choose one celebrity or athlete to make out with who would it be?
Uhhhhhhhhh uhhh I can’t choose... Chris Evans probably... Lips
21. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?
Rocketman... Easy
22. Who’s your favorite player/celebrity and whats your favorite thing about them?
Taron Egerton... Talenté
23. Do you collect anything?
CDs (Yes I actually still buy CDs... I’m 52)
Funkos: Infinity War Captain America, Ragnarok Thor, Baby Groot, Galadriel, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Julian Edelman, Tom Brady, Matt Stafford, Sidney Crosby, Morgan Rielly, Auston Matthews, Frederik Andersen, and soon Dylan Larkin!!!
I also have a couple hockey bobbleheads: Henrik Zetterberg, Gustav Nyquist, Anthony Mantha, Luke Glendening, Michael Rasmussen, and a USA Hockey Auston Matthews
Also I collect shirseys and jerseys but I’m not listing all that. Just know I’m wearing a Frederik Andersen shirsey right now
24. What’s your favorite movie of 2019 so far?
This is my question but I’m still answering it. Even tho we should all know the answer by now anyway: Rocketman
Tagging: @thomasbradys @fivehole @icantmovethesemountainsforyou @masturfaded @a24film @jakegyllinhaal @pucksandpoutines @kotkaniemi @nurse-strangelove @ahandsomechicken @tarunegerton and anyone else that for some reason read this far and wants to do it!
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