#Effective cockroach extermination
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pestquote · 1 year ago
Local Cockroach Exterminator | Pest Service Quote
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Tired of sharing your space with cockroaches? Our Local Cockroach Exterminator expert is dedicated to delivering effective and reliable cockroach control services. With a focus on immediate assistance, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Contact us at 1-888-810-0136 for swift and professional intervention. Trust Pest Service Quote to get rid of the cockroaches and keep these pesky pests away from your home.
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probablyasocialecologist · 1 year ago
As Israel shut off the electricity, turned off the water, demanded two million people, half of them children, evacuate in 24 hours amidst endless bombing campaigns with the explicit intention of putting civilian safety second to the destruction of Hamas, papers surfaced claiming that Palestinians, with an IQ of only 75, were incapable of governing themselves. Incapable, really, of being human. The role of race science is to identify those humans that do not have to be classified as people. It is as simple as that. And dehumanization, stripping a group of their capacity to be human, their humanity, is the literal foundation of genocide. On Tutsi — “Exterminate the cockroaches” Rwanda, 1994. On Native Americans: “Wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the earth” — United States, 1891 On Armenians: “the Government will view the feeding of such children or any effort to prolong their lives as an act completely opposite to its purpose, since it regards the survival of these children as detrimental.” — Turkey, 1916. On Tigray “They should be erased and disappear from historical records” — Ethiopia, 2021. Twenty years prior to effecting the Holocaust, Hitler said of Germany that the “final aim, however, must be the uncompromising removal of the Jews altogether.” And today, in 2023, Israel repeats the same tired story, declaring that they “are fighting human animals” as they rain down thousands of bombs upon an area the size of Rhode Island, destroying hospitals and bakeries and churches in an offensive that declares with every day that passes “the only good Palestinian is a dead Palestinian”.
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imonthemoonitsmadeofcheese · 3 months ago
hey mate I enjoy your writing and I think you're good at it but have tou not heard that calling Drifter 'Rat' is p racist? (he's Chinese and so the word has got quite a loaded history)
Ok, well, I suppose it's time.
Cut for length and to respect those who don't want (or cannot mentally afford) to engage with this topic.
Fair warning in advance: My blog is not a platform for hatred. People being shitty to each other in comments will get blocked, regardless of whether you're for or against what I have to say.
And I absolutely know some people are going to block me over talking about this at all. I am saddened by that, but I accept your judgement. This is something I feel everyone needs to think critically about and come to their own reasoned responses, not just knee-jerk outrage react, even though I know there will be knee-jerk outrage reactions. I still love you even if you must go. I will miss you.
If you feel the need to quote me and shit on this post on your blog (or in Discord or wherever), I can't stop you. If you choose to do this, I hope you have the decency to actually engage in what I am saying rather than deliberately misinterpreting my words to mean something they do not. But the lust for ragebait attention is strong so I am not going to be surprised when it happens, just disappointed.
First, the obvious:
Racism fucking sucks. It's systemic. It's a gross disease of human culture based in power dynamics and cruelty, and it's extremely shitty: up to and including the use of racial/ethnic slurs to describe a group of people.
The use of rats, mice, cockroaches, locusts, and anything that falls under the umbrella of 'vermin-type animals' as derogatory ways to describe any group of people of pretty much any racial or ethnic background that isn't whatever group is privileged and in power at the time (usually White, but not always) is a well documented historical fact.
It has happened. It has happened a lot. Many, many times. It has never not been shitty. It will never be ok.
It has been used against people of Asian heritage. It has been used against people in the Middle-East. It has been used against Indigenous people on every continent except Antarctica. It has been used by racially White groups against another White groups but predominantly it's been used against People of Colour.
It is a thing. It has always been a thing. It is a thing right now. People do this right now. It is not funny or irrelevant. It is objectively wrong. It would be nice if humanity could get to the point where we aren't shitting on each other like this but I'm not holding my breath on that one and neither should you.
I live in Canada. My grandmother was a Residential School survivor. If you don't know what that is then don't look it up unless you've got a strong stomach for mass child abuse and genocide. The abuse from my grandmother's experiences continued generationally. I have had so much taken from me because half of my heritage was considered to be literal vermin (written into the laws of the country I am a citizen of) and determined to be in need of being 'civilized.'
The other half of my heritage is Ukrainian: a White ethnic group that has been seen as vermin, had their culture erased, and is currently dealing with another, more powerful White ethnic group taking over their entire country by force in the name of 'bringing order.'
Both groups in my own personal ethnic background have historical documentation referring to them, specifically, as “rats” in the ethnic cleansing “gotta call an exterminator” sense and both groups have been victimized by regimes who treated them (and still are treating them) as exactly that.
I am speaking to you as a person who is intimately familiar with the effects and consequences which happen when one group of humans dehumanizes another, considering them vermin in need of extermination (or “colonization” or "relocation" or "civilization"), and treats them as such – including, and in particular, the word “rat.”
I have also looked very closely (with a full academic literature education background training me to look for these things) at all instances of the word "rat" within all the Destiny 2 lore I have been able to find.
The Drifter's Asian heritage and features (I believe he is canonically at least partially Vietnamese but that is based on some very fuzzy details) in the game are depicted in loving detail. Aspects of his ethnicity are well researched and beautifully represented. He is not a racial stereotype. He's a glorious instantiation of several tropes combined with some genuinely unique, complex, and interesting character depth, breadth and development.
The insult of "Rat" when used for him in-game is based upon his behaviour, his mannerisms, his professions (salvager, skeezy fight club organizer, criminal, etc.), and his individual character history. He is also not the only person with Asian features and/or heritage in the game. No one is running around calling Ana Bray a rat.
There is also an extremely strong and direct reference being made by the specific use of "Rat" for the Drifter: It's a shout out to The Stainless Steel Rat, the intergalactic criminal and con-man main character in a series of Science Fiction books written by Harry Harrison in the 1970s which the character of the Drifter is clearly based upon. I read every single one of those books as a child.
In addition to all that, the Drifter's specific situation, where he became a complete murderhobo/Dredgen for a while from the sheer trauma of living through humanity’s collapse in the Dark Age is eerily reminiscent of what happened Universe 25, a famous Psychology/Behavioral Science experiment on societal collapse, in particular the collapse of a utopia, performed on rats. Don't look that one up unless you have a strong stomach for animal cruelty. It's not nice.
Based upon my own personal lived experience with my own personal background having a very relevant relationship to groups of people people being systematically treated as vermin (and in particular called “rats”) and based upon the use of the word in-game being specific to that character, to his circumstances, to the character in another book which he was based off of, and the likely influence of an infamous animal behaviour experiment, I genuinely do not feel that Destiny 2's use of "rat" as an insult-turned-loving-pet-name for the Drifter is racially or ethnically based.
But, ok, what if it's not intentional? Is it still just blanket-not-thinking knee-jerk always-forever unacceptable to ever reference a character with Asian physical features as "Rat" in any fiction ever, no matter what the circumstances, because historically that group was one of the many groups in human history who have been called rats?
I don't think so, but I do feel this is something where the logic gets far more fuzzy and indistinct.
And before I get into the reasons why I feel this way I need it noted here that because I am not, myself, a member of the targeted group, I understand that some people will feel that anything I say about the matter should be disregarded.
And I further need it noted: that opinion, while I do not agree with it, is valid, should be listened to, has weight, and is something that not only should be, but must be, handled with respect and empathy.
Microaggressions exist. They happen. And they don't have to be intentional.
Just because I genuinely believe that calling the Drifter "Rat" within the Destiny 2 universe is not racist doesn't mean it isn't hurting someone. And furthermore, it doesn't mean I'm not wrong.
The root of what I believe on this topic is that, by using the same logic, any non-white character in any situation referred to as any sort of vermin-type animal would then be a racial/ethnic slur.
Furthermore, (and this is the contentious part): unless it is racialized in context of its use, I feel calling someone vermin is not a de-facto automatic reference to ethnicity.
And yes, I know what a dog whistle is. I just don't think this is one.
I don't feel use of "rat" toward an individual is the same as other clear and well-documented racial slurs because its use isn't specific to any individual group. (I'm not listing them - but you can look up on Wikipedia for a list of documented known ethnic slurs. And, please note, "rat" isn't on there for the same reason: it's been applied to too many different groups of people in human history to be pinned down to any particular one.)
Is calling any group of people "rats" and referring to them as vermin due to their heritage racist? Yes. It is. It absolutely is. No argument. This is true.
Is one fictional character calling another fictional character who isn't White "Rat" automagically racist regardless of context because any connotation of any non-White person with vermin becomes instantly race-based no matter what? I don't think so, no.
And I further believe that restricting the range of creative expression to only "safe zones" to avoid offending people "just in case they misunderstand and get the wrong idea" results in "only-good" stereotypes and creates depictions of fictional People of Colour that don't ring true as people at all. It causes any POC characters to become flat, boring, poorly written caricatures, which runs counter to good representation in fiction and is, itself, a form of racism.
But (and I cannot stress this enough) just because I feel this way, and feel strongly and have tried to be diligent with my research, and think critically about it, doesn't mean I'm some sort of authority on this topic. And just because someone else, regardless of their ethnic background, feels differently, doesn't make them right (or wrong). Because this is one of those situations where objective and/or technical right and wrong don't actually matter all that much. What matters is how people feel and why they feel that way.
I have observed that the bulk of the commentary around calling the Drifter "rat" comes from, broadly, three main mindsets. Some of them are well meaning, and others really very much not.
Some of us have workplaces with strong equity diversity and inclusion policies. I work in one of them. People who rage against EDI and similar initiatives are toxic asshats who need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. The "just don't go there in case you might offend someone" approach is absolutely the correct one for a workplace. It doesn't matter if you're right or not. If someone says that calling them something offends them in the workplace you stop doing it. Period. That's basic human respect.
Calling the Drifter "Rat" as a deliberate insult from one character to another in fiction is not the same as speaking to a real person in the real world. If I worked with the Drifter out in the real world (putting aside the fact that the work would probably either be highly dangerous and/or illegal) and I called him "Rat," a trip to HR would absolutely be warranted and it wouldn't matter whether or not I was right regarding my use of it. I would be contributing to a hostile workplace environment and my job would absolutely be justified in firing my toxic ass.
But Destiny 2 is a videogame. It's a fictional post-apocalyptic world full of robots and aliens and space wizards. It's not a workplace. It's art. Art needs to be able to use things like allusions and metaphor and poetic resonance and dramatic effect and it needs to be able to depict things like insults and harassment and complex interpersonal relationships that absolutely would not be ok in a workplace. I believe it is acceptable to depict such things in fiction and for them not to be inherently racist just because someone points a finger and goes “that word is bad!” Context matters and I feel that, while it is well-meaning, this argument is reductive and not accurate in this situation.
The second reason I see people being 'concerned' about fictional characters calling the Drifter "Rat" being racist has nothing to do with racism and it’s the reason I see most often (although I probably have considerable selection bias in play). The bulk of the time I've seen this argument, it does not appear alone.
And I'd like to take a moment to thank the person who asked this question for not being like this. Their question was asked from a position of empathy and I recognize and appreciate that. This is not about them.
But this is another situation where context matters, and it matters, not in the use of the word in the game or in fanfiction. It matters in the context of when the argument comes up online. When you see people talking about calling the Drifter a rat being racist, take a look at their statements before and after they say that. The vast majority of the time someone brings this up (from what I have seen), it's in the same vicinity as an attack. It doesn't take much to see that this argument's primary use in the wild online isn't about racism at all: it's just a convenient excuse to hurt people. This specific flavour of criticism of the use of a term in fiction is overwhelmingly brought up to only be followed by (or preceded with) unrestrained shittiness targeting a non-fictional real-life human or group.
This is not the first time racism has been raised as a pitchfork in "shipping wars" but one quick glance around every time you see it mentioned should be enough to show you that it's absolutely a major tool in the arsenal of a particular subset of people who, for whatever reason, really really hate the idea of two specific fictional people kissing. Because yes, most are already blocked by this blog (or already did me the favour of blocking me - thanks!), but there are some people out there who hate the concept of Drifteris so much they attack real live human artists, writers, developers, and anyone else that so much as hints that they like the idea of those two characters being in a relationship, with any and every possible verbal assault they can think of, including accusations of racism. They openly celebrate when these humans lose their jobs to layoffs. They insult them on social media. They send abuse and threats and feel not a shred of guilt over it.
Because to this sort of person, it doesn't matter if there is any truth to their justification. Critical thinking left the building long ago. What matters it that they hate something, and in their minds anyone who loves the thing they hate no longer gets to be treated like a human being deserving of empathy or respect. By coming up with racism as argument for why the person they are attacking ‘deserves it,’ they've now given themselves carte blanche to be a 'hater' and spew venom in white hot catharsis and cruelty.
And that particular (and unfortunately quite popular) use of the 'issue' of calling the Drifter "Rat" in D2 is not only just generally shit behaviour that should be grown out of well before people reach an age where it's legal to be on most websites (never mind being old enough to play Destiny 2) it's also excruciatingly shitty to use the very real, very much happening right now out in the real world, problem of racism to try and win internet outrage points in a petty tantrum over the 'wrong' fake people kissing.
But, that aside, there is a third reason people get concerned over calling the Drifter "Rat" and, in my opinion, it's the most valid one, because it comes from a position, not of fear of offending the morality police, not of hatred of fake people kissing, but from empathy. And that's the fact that regardless of whether or not I think calling the Drifter "Rat" is racist, there are victims of real-world racism, harassment, and general human cruelty who might encounter the use of the term and feel targeted and/or triggered by it.
I am non-neurotypical and have my own triggers. I don't need to agree with you in order to respect yours. The argument of "when I read this, it makes me uncomfortable" is not something you answer by telling someone "your feelings are wrong." It's something you listen to and, if you have a shred of empathy within you, try to find a way to accommodate.
While I do not agree that calling the Drifter "Rat" is racist, I absolutely want to make sure that anyone who does feel that way can still feel safe reading my writing, and I've taken the approach of treating it how I would want my own triggers treated: with appropriate tagging so that if someone does find the use of the term upsetting (or even just offensive) they can filter all instances of it out and not have to deal with seeing it. I've shifted my use of the #moonrat tag to reflect this on Ao3, Bluesky, and here. Unless I've screwed up (I am human and make errors but I've tried very hard to check thoroughly for this), if I use "Rat" to refer to the Drifter in a story or its title, I make sure it is tagged as #moonrat so that it can be filtered out. If I reblog something that references it, I tag that with #moonrat the same way I try to tag anything that someone has told me they find upsetting. Like the content I can't read without getting a panic attack, the point is not censorship, it's respect.
At least, that is the intent.
So while I don't think that the context within which the term is used within in the game (which is the context I am mimicking with its use in my fanfiction) is ethnically based, I also don't think I get to decide how other people feel. And I hope anyone reading this who feels I am wrong at least recognizes that I am attempting to engage with them with empathy and respect, not dismissal or derision (unless you're using accusations of racism as a weapon in shipping wars - then absolutely I have nothing but derision for you - fuck off and don't come back until you obtain a healthy dose of emotional maturity and figure out how to not treat people as things).
Microaggressions, racial slurs, and treating humans like vermin are heavy topics that need to be treated with respect and empathy. They have hurt me personally. They hurt other people every day. If you feel that calling the Drifter "Rat" is racist, I'm not going to argue with you. But, like all appeals to emotion, I invite you to think critically about it and, even if you disagree that there is context and nuance involved, please treat other humans who think differently from you as humans with basic dignity.
I find the way that Eris' calling the Drifter "Rat" has shifted in D2 from pointed insult to cherished affection to be exquisitely beautiful. I feel it honours their bond and displays a complexity that other terms cannot. I use it in my writing because it matters to me. The Drifter's ethnicity is likewise beautiful and something to be cherished and appreciated. The way the writing within Destiny 2 has developed "Rat" has been to move it from something initially derogatory and personally cruel to something that is gentle and kind, signifying affection and acceptance and care. That is the context in which I am intending by its use in my own writing. However, I understand that I don't get to decide how other people feel, and again, I respect (and want it respected by others) if you feel otherwise.
I write what I write out of love. My fanfiction is a gift. If my gift is not to your liking, that is ok. If you feel that tagging instances where I use the term is insufficient accommodation, that to use "Rat" to refer to the Drifter at all is propagating racism and that there can never be any other interpretation for it, then that is your belief and there is nothing I can do to change that.
Reason is an ineffective argument against an idea based in belief.
However, this is me here and now telling you that my stories are made with love… for the characters, the story, and the readers who interact with them. In my mind, racism, dehumanization, and treating humans like vermin is not part of the love I am putting out into the world. I feel I have a reasonable and logical basis to support my own beliefs about this. Yet, I am cognizant that, for me, that, too, is a belief, and perhaps I am wrong and am emotionally attached to the term because of my own lived experience which informs how Eris calling the Drifter "Rat" makes me feel.
But art is about how we feel, is it not? That's the point. That's the difference between a human and an algorithm that just regurgitates ideas stolen from others, vomited up in a predigested remix based on what someone types into a prompt.
I write what I feel.
I love the Drifter. I love his ethnicity. I love how he and Eris are written within Destiny. I love writing stories about them loving each other. I love and cherish everyone who reads my words. I want to send more love into the world.
If I have failed, and my attachment to the beautiful use of a term others deem unacceptable taints everything for you, then so be it.
But the love is still there. And to me, it is the love that matters.
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alliedpestblog · 1 year ago
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Common Pests That We Handle
These are the common pests that we clean in Dubai City and in its closer locations
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Termite Control
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Cockroack Control
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p-p-pig · 1 year ago
Excellent Article With Great Ideas About Pest Control
Being a homeowner requires you to learn much more than how to paint or clean. You must learn how to deal with any pests that invade your space. If you do not, you will find many unwanted guests and a big bill from the exterminator. Keep reading to learn how to rid your home of pests.
Use hairspray to kill cockroaches. If you ever have a cockroach in your home and don't have any bug killer on hand, try using an aerosol hairspray. It allows you to keep a significant distance between yourself and the roach, while being an effective means of suffocating and killing it.
One of the ways that you can prevent mosquitoes from coming to your house is to eliminate the standing water that you have outdoors. This can be anything from a puddle to a kiddy pool, as you will want to drain all the water in these, especially in the summer.
You do not always have to call an exterminator when you are trying to get rid of mice. There are several methods you can use including glue traps and poison. If you are concerned with harming the mice, you can repel them with specially made electronic devices that emit sounds they don't like.
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Keep in mind that pests are not fond of the same air you are. Your home might not have been designed for proper ventilation in crawl spaces and the attic. However, these spaces need sufficient ventilation so that the environments within them are not suitable to pests who might come in.
Keep sweet smelling food products in sealed containers or in the fridge. Sweet foods can easily attract a vast variety of pests, from rodents to ants. If you do not have enough containers to seal your sugar, cereal and breads you should invest in them. It will cost you a lot less than paying an exterminator.
With your building empty of creatures you don't wish living there, you'll find it's far more enjoyable to be within. Everyone you know will be pleased with the results. Just use the tips from this article and you should have your building cleared out in a short matter of time.
Read more here rodent control services
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branch-wdk53 · 2 years ago
“The Flesh Pit”
What is the flesh pit that Tom seemingly came from?
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Tom was an explorer of what was known as the “flesh pit”. Most records of what this flesh pit is or was has long since been covered up or erased.
According to Tom, there was a city deep underground. The exact size is undetermined, since he didn’t explore the entire premises, but is assumed to be large. Somewhere in the city was a laboratory, where human experimentation were taking place. To find out some sort of cure for people’s unhappiness. Nothing was bearing fruit, so over time, the experiments turned more and more unethical. Until one day…
One of the subjects started melting, their form turning mush-like. That was to be expected. However, unexpectedly, the subject flung themselves onto a scientist. Due to their melting form easily no longer being bound to the restraints. The scientist started melting in the subject’s touch, slowly merging with their being. No one else moved to help, but when the other scientists do start moving, it was to exterminate the organism. An explosive bullet was shot at it, in which the organism exploded, the mushes of parts spread around the room. It was still for a moment.
But the organism did not die. Parts of it flung themselves to attach to the other scientists’ faces, to quickly remove their ability to function. Other parts escaped through the vents and the like, ambushing unsuspecting staff. It quickly became out of control, as many amalgamations of organisms were created from the laboratory. When everyone there was converted, all the merged bodies combined into one, singular flesh mass. It quickly destroyed and escaped the confines of the laboratory.
No one new how to kill off this flesh mass. So over time, it melted and merged with more and more people. But at some point, the weight of the dozens of flesh became too troublesome to move in one singular organism. And so, it stretched itself… covering the outer walls, floors, streets, anything it can touch.
And so, the ”flesh pit” was created. A once thriving city, now covered in flesh. The many eyes watching over whoever dares to explore into this moist, humid, and overall vile location. That is, if you don’t become digested immediately.
That’s where Tom enters. He was part of an exploration team. Not by choice, because he was in debt, and needed a way to pay it off. He was very aware of the dangers of the flesh pit. Hell, he can tell at first glance because of the casual horrific consequences mentioned, as well as the armored suit just required for traversing. Nevertheless, he made sure to keep a calm mind. He’s from the Backstreets of the City, so it should be fine. He’s experience some of the worst situations, so it should be fine. Right?
Well… The exploration started. The task was simple enough: get any minerals that you find. It didn’t require going into the deeper depths of the flesh pit, so he didn’t have much to fear about the mission. Right?
That’s what should’ve happened. But an organism, the shape of a large, disgusting cockroach, suddenly emerged from a flesh sack. There was a few security members, since there’s only so many weapons (and not everyone is a fighter), in which Tom expected them to get rid of it quickly. But what he did not expect is when one of the other explorers, a much more meek one who was easily startled, stumbled backwards. Directly into him. He was distracted by looking around, to see if there was more organisms that would emerge, so when he got bumped into, he lost his footing.
Stumbling back, finding that there was no other landing. Falling into the depths of the flesh pit. Never to be seen again.
At least, that’s just what it says on the company’s reports. Somehow, Tom was alive. When I found him, though… he was missing the lower half of his body. Using this opportunity, I fixed him up. I did what I can, but there were some… side effects, that came from being partially devoured and digested by the flesh pit. It’s much more better than the ending where he just dies, when he fought so hard to live, right?
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years ago
File: Mimic
Code Name: Cockroach men/ The Judas Breed
Object Class: Keter Keter/Archon
Special Containment Procedures: Any surviving SCP-AAN instances are to be kept at containment Site-AA. Due to the adaptive nature of SCP-AAN instances, permanent containment has deemed impossible. Instead, any and all instances captured by MTF units are to be transported to Site-AA where they will be experimented on, harvested, then neutralized. No captured SCP-AAN instance is allowed to survive for any longer than 1 year. Mobile Task Force Hera-1 "The Underground Purge" are entrusted with locating, containing, and even culling the SCP-AAN population within the sewers of the United States. 
Description: SCP-AAN is a colony of ever evolving and mutating cockroaches mixed with human, mantis, and termite DNA. SCP-AAN have grown human organs within their bodes such as lungs, these organs have allowed them to grow to human size and shape. Notably SCP-AAN instances do have a mimicry hunting mechanism where they can wrap their wings themselves to look like a human wearing a black coat. Additionally, they have a shell-like membrane on their face that can attach and un-attach at will. This shell tends to resemble an extremely bland facial structure of a human face. On most occasions it's obviously a mimicry though there have been mutants within colonies who have evolved to possess a unique and more detailed face.
Like most insect colonies, the species of SCP-AAN tend to have hierarchies based on gender thought regarding SCP-AAN it's not always consistent on which gender is dominant. Furthermore, there have been reports of SCP-AAN instances that form small nests or groups. It is believed that this is the fault SCP-AAN's rapid mutations somehow able to affect their natural behavior as well as their bodies. This has unfortunately made them harder to predict and therefore contain.
Surprisingly, SCP-AAN instances have not evolved to create workers to maintain colonies due to them being more accustomed to sewers and subways. By wandering these underground man-made environments, they have become unable to naturally build their own colonies. Unfortunately, this has also led to the effect of them constantly hunting for new man-made structures as expansions for their colonies. This means that SCP-AAN instance are not only a constant threat to civilians within the U.S. but also poses an MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario hazard.
Thankfully no matter how much SCP-AAN instances mutate, they can be injured or killed by conventional weapons with firearms and flamethrowers having the best effect. However, like cockroaches, they can survive without their heads and even without their vital organs. The longest an SCP-AAN instance has managed to survive without either is 4 days. It is for this reason that even injured instances are considered a threat and must always be binded or dismembered by MTF units. It should be noted that its possible for a healthy SCP-AAN instance to live for 40 years, possibly longer. 
SCP-AAN was discovered in 1997, three years after the pandemic within New York City which was spread by cockroaches. To combat the pandemic a group of scientists foolishly created hybrid cockroaches dubbed the "judas breed" to mutate the cockroaches and bring them to extinction. Though it did bring an end to the pandemic, it also allowed the surviving cockroaches to mutate. Three years later, Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" was on a mission to exterminate a Sarkic Clan hiding within the sewers of New York City. They found the clan utilizing SCP-AAN as servants, this combo unfortunately led to the demise of MTF Zeta-9. Later more colonies were found to have been made throughout the sewers of the city and expanding at alarming rates. The scientists responsible were later found and apprehended by the foundation to be processed as D-Class personal, as punishment for the creation of SCP-AAN.
Initial containment of SCP-AAN was quite easy, however as time went on several instances started breeding at alarming rates. The brood they spawned ended up being stronger and smarter leading to an increase of containment breaches at Site-AA. Afterwards it was decided that any containment of SCP-AAN should be temporary and end with complete extermination. Furthermore, SCP-AAN's Object Class has been changed from Keter to Archon.
Update 2006 - SCP-AAN instances have started invading apartment complexes of New York City. Some have even started migrating to the rest of the State of New York as well as other states like Connecticut and New Jersey. MTF Hera-1 has even reported certain SCP-AAN instances that are able to skin humans and wear said skin to mimic humans with greater accuracy. MTF Hera-1 is to be reinforced with an additional 600 units, including AFA units immediately.
Update: 2018 - SCP-AAN instances have been reported in the sewer systems of every major city in the United States. How this is possible is unknown. Thought they are not as numerous as they once were, they still pose a major threat. In response, SCP-AAN's object class is to be changed to Dual Object class Keter/Archon.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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pestcontrolbloguk · 2 years ago
pest control blog
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How To Get Rid of Rats in Drains: Expert Tips & Solutions
Identifying Mouse Droppings: Potential Hazards and How to Clean Up Safely
Rat Droppings: The Hazards of Inhaling or Touching Rat Faeces
Expert Advice on How To Get Rid of Rats From Home and Garden
Pigeon Lifespan: How long do pigeons live?
How Do Flea Bombs Work? The Pros and Cons of Flea Bombing
How Long Do Flies Live?
Do Mice Hibernate?
Field Mice: How to Identify and Control
Bed Bugs: How to Identify, Control, and Treat
Understanding the Bed Bug Cycle and How to Kill Bed Bugs
Where Do Bed Bugs Come From And How Do You Get Bed Bugs?
The History of Bed Bugs
Locate and Destroy the Bugs: Bed Bugs
Heat Treating for Bed Bugs: Pros and Cons
How to Identify Bed Bug Bites and Recognise the Signs
Bites in the Bed: Identifying Bed Bug Bites
Treatment of Bed Bugs – Effective Solutions
How to Get Rid of Bed Bug Bites Overnight
How to Effectively Treat Bed Bugs: DIY and Professional Solutions
Uncovering the Mysteries of Bed Bugs: From Diagnosis to Prevention
Pest Advice For Controlling Rats
Common Mouse Species Found in The UK
Mouse Control: What are the Best Mouse Exterminators and Repellents?
Mouse Identification Chart to Quickly Identify UK Mouse Species
How to Get Rid of Mice: The Benefits of Different Mouse Traps, Repellents, and Baits
Identifying Fox Den Locations in the Garden to Keep the Foxes Away
Types of Earwigs and Their Habitats
Identifying Different Types of Crab Spiders
Identifying Fly Eggs: How to Spot an Infestation
How to Identify House Crickets Infestation and Take Action to Stop Them
A Guide to Identifying Big Spiders in The UK
How to Tell If You Have a Roach Infestation and When to Hire an Exterminator
Choosing the Right Pest Control Services: Tips and Advice for Homeowners
Debunking Common Myths About Spider Bites in the UK
Flea Spray For Home: Professional Tips for Controlling Fleas 
The Best Tips for Setting Up a Humane Mouse Trap in Your Home
Baby Pigeon: How To Humanely Remove Baby Pigeons From Your Home
Effective Ways to Deal with an Ant Infestation in Home and Business
Rat In Garden In Daylight: Tips for Making Your Garden Rat-Proof
How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest: A Guide to Safe and Effective Wasp Control
The Most Effective Treatment of Bed Bugs: What You Need to Know
Types Of Fly – What Are the Different Types of Flies In The UK?
Small Tiny Brown Bugs In House UK
How To Get Rid Of Ants In Kitchen
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
The Dangers of Pests: How to Protect Yourself from the Health Hazards They Bring
Don’t Take Pests Lightly – A Comprehensive Look at the Health Dangers They Pose
The Hidden Health Risks of Pest Infestations: The Link Between Disease and Rodents, Insects, and Other Pests
How To Get Rid Of a Mouse?
What is the best way to get rid of rats at home?
How to deal with rat in garden in daylight
Who Is Responsible For Rats In a Rented Property
Wood Worm Control
Pigeon Pest Control Near Me
Pest Control Harrow
Tower Hamlets Pest Control
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Cluster Fly Killer
Best Way To Get Rid Of Mice
Flea Exterminator
Wolf Spider UK: Bon Accord Pest Control, Wolf Spider Control Experts
Garden Spider UK
House Spider UK – Control and Removal
Wasp Nest Removal Near Me
Wasp Exterminator
Biscuit Beetle Control
Carpet Beetle Spray
Bon Accord Best Ant Killer UK – How to Deal with Ant Infestation
Spray For Bugs
Pest Control Supermarket
Spray for Bed Bugs
Wasp Removal
Say Goodbye to Pests with Bon Accord – London’s Best Pest Control
Bed Bug Killer
London Pest Control Near Me
Mouse Deterrent
Do Mice Usually Go Upstairs
Rat Repellent
Rat Killer
Cockroach Killer London: Bon Accord Professional Extermination Services
Bird Netting Services
Bed Bug Spray
Moth Killer
Spray For Bugs in Bed
Fly Killer
Bon Accord Ant Killer -We Deal with Ant Infestations
How Common are Bed Bugs in London Hotels
Rats In Garden – Find Out How To Get Rid Of Them
What Do Ants Eat?
Best Rat Poison In The UK
Bed Bug On Mattress – How To Get Rid Of Them
Fox Deterrent And Repellents That Actually Work
How To Eradicate Bed Bugs In The Home – Bed Bug Removal
6 Signs You Have a Bed Bug Infestation – Bed Bug Exterminator Advice
Why Hiring a Professional Exterminator is the Best Way to Treat Bed Bugs
8 Bed Bugs Treatment Options
How to Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home from a Hotel – Bed Bugs Killers
How to Get Rid of Ants and Keep Ants Out of Your Home
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liampboyle · 4 months ago
Gaia looked around the counsel of gods. Dyaus Pita’s jaw was just hanging open, but at least he wasn’t complaining about her adoption of her Greek name instead of using the Indo-European root name like he still did. After a moment he straightened, set his expression, and then turned to her, “You actually want the humans causing a mass extinction event.”
She sighed, “Yes, I just feel like I need a change. I already had reptiles ascendent and now mammals are ascendent particularly the primates that call themselves humans, but they’re so dirty. Anyway, they’re warming me up enough that I think it’s time for another change.” The large brown insect beside her chittered. “No, Zoonmakros, I’m not getting rid of your kind. You are one of my most successful creations.”
Hausos grimaced at the creature, “Of course you’re keeping the cockroaches, nothing can kill them, and they breed so fast extermination campaigns just won’t work.”
Gaia smiled, “As I said, they are one of my most successful creations. Anyway, I’m not even killing all the humans, there should be a few that survive, they are clever enough.” 
Nyx and Priyati glanced at each other but said nothing. The full council had been assembled because of Gaia’s condition and the effects of the changing climate. Every divine being with a stake in life on Earth continuing, along with representatives from the Fae, Umbrals, Fiends, and Celestials representing the four forms of magic and the cross dimensions that touched earth specifically. Even Yahweh had shown up despite centuries of denying that the rest of the council even existed. 
Murmurs sounded from throughout the hall where they had assembled here in the astral plane which was the closest dimension to material Earth. 
“So we will not help the humans resolve this? We’re not rescuing them from the results of the greed of a few of the more powerful ones in their societies?” It was one of the Fae representatives speaking. Gaia didn’t know their name, and their form resembled a mass of twisting vines with insect wings sprouting from their back.
She spoke, “No, I want to just see how this plays out. Either the humans will find a way to stop this change, or I get to start over, maybe I’ll work more with the amphibians this time.”
Earth has no idea why humans think global warming hurts her. In fact she is excited! Its been a while since the last extinction. She was already starting to get tired of mammals.
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metalneversleeps · 5 hours ago
** The Vital Guide to Effective Insect Control: Shielding Your Home and Health **
Pest control is a crucial facet of maintaining a healthy and secure living setting. From ants and cockroaches to rats and termites, a range of parasites can attack our homes, presenting health and wellness threats and causing significant damages. Efficient insect control not only helps to get rid of these unwanted burglars but additionally avoids future problems. Recognizing the various techniques of bug control-- ranging from preventative steps and all-natural remedies to expert extermination services-- can empower house owners to make educated choices. By taking on a positive technique, you can secure your home and family members against the possible dangers that pests bring.In current
years, there has actually been an expanding focus on eco-friendly parasite control approaches that focus on sustainability and security. Lots of home owners are currently seeking options that minimize chemical exposure while still efficiently taking care of pest populaces. Integrated Insect Monitoring (IPM) is an alternative approach that combines biological, cultural, and mechanical methods to control insects in an environmentally responsible means. By enlightening ourselves about the lifecycle of parasites and using preventive strategies, we can develop an unified equilibrium in our homes that discourages bugs normally. Whether you choose do it yourself approaches or work with experts, comprehending the principles of effective bug control is crucial for preserving a pest-free refuge.
Read more here https://f004.backblazeb2.com/file/zfuvdk/Cockroach-Control/Termite-Control/Termite-Treatment.html
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chiltonsincmo · 16 hours ago
Local Health Alerts Highlight Rising Risks of Pest-Related Problems: Why Nixa Residents Should Act Now
In the past few weeks, local health authorities in Nixa, Missouri, have issued urgent warnings regarding the increased risks of pest-related health issues in the area. Among the concerns are rising termite infestations, the spread of rodent-borne diseases, and growing cases of pests like mosquitoes and bed bugs. As Nixa residents look forward to the warmer months, it’s important to be aware of how these pests could affect your health and the structural integrity of your home.
Termite Threats: More Than Just a Structural Issue
Termites are often called the "silent destroyers," as their damage is slow but costly. In Nixa, the recent uptick in termite infestations is worrying. Termites can silently eat through wood, compromising the structure of homes, fences, and other wooden installations. Left unchecked, termite damage can lead to severe issues, often requiring expensive repairs. The health risks associated with termites themselves are not as common as those posed by rodents or insects, but structural damage caused by a termite infestation can lead to long-term problems that affect the safety of your home.
In addition to termites, another pest-related concern gaining attention is the spread of diseases carried by rodents. Mice and rats are notorious for spreading illnesses like Hantavirus, leptospirosis, and salmonella. These rodents often invade homes, especially in colder months, and can easily contaminate food sources and nesting areas with harmful bacteria and viruses. If you suspect a rodent infestation in or around your home, it’s important to act quickly to mitigate any health risks.
Mosquitoes, Bed Bugs, and Ticks: Hidden Health Hazards
As the weather warms up, Nixa residents are also facing an increase in pests that are more directly associated with health issues. Mosquitoes, for example, can carry diseases like West Nile virus and Zika virus, and ticks can transmit Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These insects thrive in the warmer months, making it more likely for Nixa families to encounter them.
Bed bugs are another issue on the rise in the area. Though these tiny pests don't carry disease, their bites can lead to allergic reactions, skin infections, and overall discomfort. Bed bug infestations can spread quickly and are notoriously difficult to eradicate without professional help.
Protect Your Family with Professional Pest Control
As these pests continue to pose health and safety risks, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the problem with professional pest control services. Chilton's Environmental Termite & Pest Control offers a wide range of services to help Nixa residents stay safe from pests that can harm both health and property. Whether you’re dealing with a termite infestation, need rodent control, or want to address a bed bug or mosquito problem, Chilton’s team of experts is ready to help.
Chilton's Environmental Termite & Pest Control not only provides effective treatments for termites and rodents but also offers bed bug control, ant pest control, and extermination services for black widow spiders and cockroaches. Their experienced technicians can also remove dangerous snakes from your property, ensuring the safety of your family and pets.
By scheduling a professional pest inspection and treatment plan, you can take proactive steps to avoid health risks and property damage associated with these pests. Don’t wait for a pest problem to escalate—call Chilton’s Environmental Termite & Pest Control today to protect your home and family.
For reliable pest control services in Nixa, call Chilton’s Environmental Termite & Pest Control at (417) 725-0306 or visit www.chiltonsinc.com for more information.
Protect your home, protect your health—schedule your pest inspection today! Visit: Chilton's Environmental Call: (417) 725-0306
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grouppestcontrols · 1 day ago
Pest Control Orlando: Safeguarding Your Home as well as Company
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Bug control in Orlando is actually a crucial company for homeowners as well as companies alike, guaranteeing that buildings continue to be without unwanted pests that can result in damages, spreading diseases, or create an awkward lifestyle or even working environment. The subtropical weather in Orlando, along with its scorching, sweltering conditions, creates it an excellent setting for bugs such as pests, ants, rodents, mosquitoes, and also much more. This makes pest control companies particularly vital to sustain the honesty as well as health of your home.
1. Popular Bugs in Orlando
In Orlando, one of the most typical parasites consist of termites, ants, rodents, cockroaches, insects, and also bedbugs. Each of these bugs can easily create considerable damage or wellness problems if certainly not appropriately handled. For occasion, pests may noiselessly waste at the building components of your home, while mosquitoes are actually recognized providers of illness like Zika and West Nile virus. Cockroaches are actually not merely a problem yet can easily additionally trigger allergic reactions as well as asthma. Determining the kinds of insects in your house or organization is actually the initial step in identifying the most ideal procedure for control.
2. Indications of a Bug Problem
There are actually several indications that you might have a parasite problem at home or even organization. These feature:
Apparent insects: Observing ants, roaches, or rats is typically the first indicator of an invasion.
Droppings or even pee discolorations: Bugs leave behind droppings that may be quickly identified in location like the home kitchen, cupboard, or even attic room.
Destroyed building: Termites can result in harm to timber designs, while mice could chomp on cables or insulation.
Odd stenches: A moldy scent could possibly indicate the existence of mice or even pests, while an overpowering smell might be affiliated along with decomposing pests.
If you notice some of these signs, it is vital to behave quickly through getting in touch with a professional Orlando exterminator company to assess the circumstance and give helpful solutions.
3. The Usefulness of Expert Insect Control
While do-it-yourself techniques may give short-lived alleviation, expert pest control Orlando offer additional effective as well as long-lasting services. Pest control specialists are actually qualified to determine the source of the attack as well as use the most ideal treatments, such as eco-friendly chemicals or safe answers. They likewise understand just how to stop future problems through sealing entrance aspects and providing continuous tracking and also maintenance.
Qualified pest control providers in Orlando also utilize incorporated pest monitoring (IPM) strategies, which focus on the minimum hazardous and most lasting procedures to handle parasites. This technique certainly not simply guarantees that the pests are eliminated yet also shields the wellness of your household, pets, and also the atmosphere.
4. The Perks of Regular Pest Control Services
One of the significant benefits of routine pest control Orlando solutions is actually protection. By booking routine inspections and treatments, you may avoid attacks just before they start. Some vital conveniences of on-going bug control services consist of:
Tranquility of thoughts: Recognizing that your home or even business is consistently treated for bugs can use satisfaction, specifically in an area like Orlando, where insects are actually common.
Expense discounts: Stopping problems just before they come to be serious can easily conserve you money in the end. For instance, pest damage could be costly to repair, as well as addressing it early may avoid major architectural issues.
Health care: Regular treatments help keep your building complimentary of unsafe insects that may spread out ailments or induce allergies.
Specialized answers: Insect control companies can establish an adapted program located on your specific needs and also the sorts of parasites in your location.
Insect control in Orlando is actually crucial for protecting your home and maintaining a well-balanced setting. Through acknowledging the indicators of insects and calling a qualified pest control solution, you can protect against problems and defend your home or company coming from the harm pests can easily trigger. Normal pest control services deliver several benefits, including deterrence, expense savings, and health care, making them an expenditure worth looking at for all Orlando homeowners and also businessmen.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Pest Control
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 1 year ago
Humans are the universe's cockroaches. tried as many insecticides as you want, feel free to bring a couple of exterminators just in case, why not just burn the whole house down?! Many if not most will survive, somehow, better not even ask how, but some will survive, learn, develop, and adapt, and by the time you thought it was over the next generation will rise and be unfazed by your once horrendously effective weapons now turned worthless dead weight that is keeping you from outrunning them
@imhumanguysiswear don't worry buddy your secret is safe with me
It’s funny how science fiction universes so often treat humans as a boring, default everyman species or even the weakest and dumbest.
I want to see a sci fi universe where we’re actually considered one of the more hideous and terrifying species.
How do we know our saliva and skin oils wouldn’t be ultra-corrosive to most other sapient races? What if we actually have the strongest vocal chords and can paralyze or kill the inhabitants of other worlds just by screaming at them? What if most sentient life in the universe turns out to be vegetable-like and lives in fear of us rare “animal” races who can move so quickly and chew shit up with our teeth?
Like that old story “they’re made of meat,” only we’re scarier.
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pestcontroleuless · 1 day ago
Mid Cities Pest Control: The Best Solution for a Pest-Free Environment
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A home should be a place of comfort and security, but when pests invade, that sense of safety quickly disappears. Whether it's ants crawling across the kitchen, termites silently destroying wood structures, or mosquitoes making it impossible to enjoy time outdoors, finding the right pest control Euless solution is essential. That’s where mid cities pest control comes in, offering the most effective way to maintain a pest-free home. With professional Euless pest control services, homeowners can prevent infestations before they become overwhelming, protecting both their property and their health.
Euless mosquito control is a significant concern, especially during the warmer months when mosquito populations surge. These pests are more than just a nuisance; they can carry diseases that put families at risk. Professional mid cities pest control experts know exactly where mosquitoes breed and how to eliminate them efficiently. By targeting stagnant water sources, applying safe treatments, and recommending strategies to keep mosquito populations under control, homeowners can enjoy their outdoor spaces without constantly swatting away these irritating pests. A skilled Euless exterminator can make a noticeable difference by implementing the best mosquito control techniques to create a comfortable and safe outdoor environment.
The need for pest control Euless services goes beyond just mosquitoes. From rodents chewing through electrical wires to cockroaches contaminating food, pest infestations can quickly spiral out of control if not addressed properly. Many homeowners try store-bought solutions, but these often provide only temporary relief, failing to get to the root of the problem. Professional Euless pest control services offer long-term results, ensuring that pests are not only removed but also prevented from returning. With mid cities pest control, every aspect of an infestation is carefully managed, providing peace of mind for homeowners.
One of the most critical aspects of effective pest control Euless services is early detection. Many pests, like termites and rodents, can cause extensive damage before they are even noticed. Termites silently weaken wooden structures, leading to costly repairs, while rodents create unsanitary conditions by leaving droppings and gnawing through important household materials. A trusted Euless exterminator has the experience and tools to identify these hidden threats, stopping infestations before they become severe. By scheduling regular mid cities pest control inspections, homeowners can avoid expensive damage and health risks caused by unchecked pest problems.
Choosing professional Euless pest control means investing in a healthier, safer living environment. When pests invade, they bring bacteria, allergens, and even dangerous diseases into the home. Cockroach droppings can trigger allergies, rodent infestations can spread harmful pathogens, and mosquito bites can lead to serious illnesses. With expert Euless mosquito control and comprehensive mid cities pest control solutions, these risks are significantly reduced. A reliable Euless exterminator ensures that every treatment is safe for families and pets while being highly effective in eliminating pests.
Mid cities pest control provides the best solution for homeowners who want to maintain a pest-free environment. Whether it’s eliminating existing infestations or preventing future problems, professional pest control Euless services make all the difference. With skilled Euless pest control experts handling the job, homeowners can relax knowing their property is protected from unwanted pests. Working with a trusted Euless exterminator ensures that homes stay safe, clean, and comfortable all year long.
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manmetaphysical · 2 days ago
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from 'William Burroughs and the Algebra of Need'
Part 4: Burroughs, the Aquarian from Interzone
The stellium of planets in Aquarius points to Burroughs as a prime example of the quintessential Aquarian.  He had Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, the Sun, Mercury and his Ascendant all in Aquarius, all in his 12th House of the unconscious so posing very Aquarian problems in his life. This is only beaten by Dutch-French author J.K. Huysmans who had the Sun, Ascendant and his Moon co-mingled in Aquarius. And Huysmans does share the same birth date as Burroughs - February 5th. This makes Burroughs understandably ‘difficult’ – a word that fits Uranus so well. But Uranus is also associated with another word- ‘genius’ and Norman Mailer said that Burroughs is the only American writer who could “conceivably be possessed by genius.”
The angular concentrated intense shape of the chart points to natives who might be somewhat unbalanced or obsessive. This chart shape similar to the charts of his parents. There are no planets in one hemisphere and a huge concentration in the sign of Aquarius. He is certainly not everyone’s cup of green tea, unless it follows Sheridan le Fanu’s story of that topic where it stimulates the pineal gland producing hallucinations. He would have liked that and found it mordanlty funny. There’s a lot to dislike and reject about Burroughs and fair enough- it’s personal taste- that alien Uranian side is super strong and can put people off for good. The nihilism in his bold outlook can be jarring as it is all encompassing.  It flashes a stark clear light on all the paradoxes of the world.
He was an oddball character: awkward, stiff, with a Patrician manner, speaking almost like a ventriloquist’s dummy, barely moving his mouth as he spoke, and rarely if ever breaking into a smile. He was a flawed human. He had the look of a conservative with his suit and tie, he could have been a banker or an accountant. But many also noticed that he was kind, and considerate, liked meeting people. Many acolytes made their way to meet him. But he didn’t take people into his confidence easily. He was ‘old school’ a Seward of the Adding Machine dynasty which was a huge innovation of his grandather. He came from family, from money, and had studied English Literature and Anthropology at Harvard University. Plus, he had a job as a cockroach killer- an 'exterminator' so he knew how to get under the floorboards to root out pests.
Yet he was a psychonaut daring to voyage deep into his inner space. According to Levi Stevens his was a ‘magical’ universe of hexes and curses, phantoms,  psychic vsitations and possessions, hence the interest in parapsychology beyond the bounds of conventional science. He even had his own Reichian orgone accumulator box and was prepared to use ‘black magic’ to make lovers conform to his desires.
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To link words with a virus as in his phrase ‘the word virus’ now seems prophetic in today’s era of social media posts and memes going ‘viral’. He argued that ‘disease’ happens when words contaminate the public discourse, creating a chaotic kind of madness of the psyche. But he also hinted at the corruption of the medical industry, misuse of blood tests and diagnoses, and pointed towards the prevalence of mass contagions, of something very much like AIDs twenty-five years before it happened.
One judge called ‘Naked Lunch’ ‘literary sewage’ -could that be Pluto at 29° endpoint of Gemini? The reference to effluence is truer than it sounds as he was having a clear out, enacting a catharsis through his work. The words purged all the disorientation and pain but it had the power to  effect a transformation for him and his readers.
But others gladly recognised him as a ‘sorcerer of words’ where he could say extraordinary things like ‘We must storm the citadels of enlightement. The means are at hand’; and “ As one judge said to another:  Be Just. But if you can’t be just, be arbitrary”;  “Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his asshole to talk?” For him the digust we feel, the sex devoid of love, the body horror experienced by his characters that shock (the vein open like a festering mouth in Naked Lunch) is already within us. He was outlining what he called ‘the algebra of need’ and exposing the world's lack of genuine human connection (Saturn conjunct Moon).
© Kieron Devlin, Proteus Astrology, February 4th,  2025, All Rights Reserved.
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originexterminators · 2 days ago
How Cockroach Pest Control Safeguards Your Health & Hygiene in Singapore
Are cockroaches making you uneasy? If you live in Singapore, you’re not alone. Cockroaches can cause health problems, damage your property, and even stress you out. With professional pest control and pest management services, you can say goodbye to these pests for good. In this simple guide, we will explain why cockroach pest control is important and how methods like gel baiting and residual spraying work. Let’s dive in!
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Why Cockroach Pest Control Is Important
1. Protect Your Health
Cockroaches carry germs like E. coli and Salmonella. These bacteria can spread through their droppings and shed skins, contaminating your food and surfaces. This can lead to allergies, asthma, and other health issues. Regular cockroach exterminator Singapore services help keep your family safe by removing these harmful pests.
2. Keep Your Pets Safe
Your pets can suffer from cockroach allergens too. Exposure can lead to skin allergies and breathing problems in animals. A trusted pest management service protects not just you but also your furry friends.
3. Save Your Property
Cockroaches can damage your home or business by chewing on paper, textiles, cardboard, and more. Over time, this damage can be costly to repair. Regular cockroach pest control stops these pests from causing further harm, protecting your valuable property.
4. Reduce Costs Over Time
A small cockroach problem can quickly turn into a large infestation. Investing in regular professional pest control services is much cheaper than fixing severe damage later. Prevention is always better than cure.
5. Improve Your Quality of Life
Living or working with cockroaches is stressful. A pest-free space means less worry, better focus, and an overall improved quality of life. Whether you have a cockroach problem in a restaurant or at home, pest control makes a big difference.
6. Support a Greener Environment
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Effective Cockroach Pest Control Methods
Gel Baiting
Gel baiting is a favorite method for many pest control experts, including ORIGIN Exterminators. Here’s how it works:
Targeted Application: Tiny gel dots are placed where cockroaches hide.
Spread the Bait: When cockroaches eat the bait, they carry it back to their nest.
Eliminate the Colony: This method helps kill off the entire group of pests, not just the ones you see.
Residual Spraying
Residual spraying involves applying a pesticide that stays active over time. This spray:
Quick Action: Kills cockroaches on contact.
Long-Lasting Barrier: Prevents cockroaches from returning.
Wide Use: Works well in kitchens, storage areas, and even in places like restaurants where cockroaches in a restaurant can be a serious problem.
Customised Treatment Plans
Every infestation is different. Professional pest management providers:
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Cockroach Facts You Should Know
Health Risks: Cockroaches can trigger asthma and allergies.
Fast Reproduction: Even a few cockroaches can quickly become an infestation.
Property Damage: They can chew on materials, causing lasting damage.
Psychological Impact: Fear of cockroaches (katsaridaphobia) can cause stress and anxiety.
Understanding these cockroach facts makes it clear why cockroach pest control is so important.
Cockroach infestations are not just annoying—they can harm your health, damage your property, and add unnecessary stress to your life. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner facing a cockroach problem in a restaurant or hotel, investing in professional pest control services is a smart move. By choosing experts like ORIGIN Exterminators for cockroach pest control in Singapore, you can enjoy a safe, healthy, and pest-free space.
Ready to get rid of cockroaches? Contact us today to learn more about our cockroach control services for restaurants, commercial hotels, and homes. Enjoy peace of mind with our effective and eco-friendly pest management solutions.
Click here to get in touch and ensure a pest-free space today!
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