#Edu Tavares
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Drosophyla Bar completa 38 anos com programação especial
O charmoso casarão no centro de São Paulo faz a festa no dia 23 de maio com welcome drinks, guest bartender e performance.
O charmoso casarão no centro de São Paulo faz a festa no dia 23 de maio com welcome drinks, guest bartender e performance. A festa começa com welcome drinks (das 18h às 20h): licores especiais da Schluck @schlucklicores (6 premiações no concurso mundial de Bruxelas) e a recém lançada Cerveja Jaspion @prius.ind / @tokyofoodsbr (Lager com toque oriental, com lúpulo japonês Sorachi Ace que…

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#Adriana Pino#bar#consolação#drosophyla bar#Edu Tavares#guest bartender#Kleiton Martins#são paulo#Viviane Puerta#Welcome drinks
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I'm gonna say something really unpopular, but it's something that has to be said: Calafiori is a really good player and has been great the few games he's played. However, the issue is that he's played so few games. And it's not just an issue here. He came in with a well-known and lengthy injury record. He signed with us while injured. I don't just want to single out calafiori, though. Ever since arteta and Edu came in, we've managed to sign a lot of injury prone players. Tierney, Gabi Jesus, Gabi Martinelli, Zinchenko, No.5, Nuno Tavares, Ben White, Nicholas Pepe, Fabio Vieira all came in with a history of injuries or developed an injury record with us. Every summer, we've signed new starting players for midfield and backline because a player is out with a long-term injury. You can argue that this goes all the way back to Wenger not signing a proper backup for Van Persie or Jack Wiltshire during their injury spells, but there is a serious problem with recruitment in that aspect.
With so many players coming in and out of the team with injuries, Arteta has not been able to play the lineup he prefers and, as such, has gone very pragmatic as of late. The reason why I started this little rant with calafiori is because his situation is starting to look exactly like Tierney's, and at this rate, instead of looking for a striker, we'll be looking for a Calafiori backup/replacement in the summer.
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Ten players who could complete Arsenal transfers before 2023/24 Premier League season begins

Ten players who could complete Arsenal transfers before 2023/24 Premier League season begins Mikel Arteta aims to capitalize on an impressive 2022/23 Premier League season and once again contend for the title in the upcoming campaign. Although they fell just short of Manchester City in the title race, Arsenal is determined to bolster their young squad through strategic transfer moves. During the early stages of the transfer window, Arsenal has already made significant signings, acquiring Kai Havertz from Chelsea, Jurrien Timber from Ajax, and securing Declan Rice in a record-breaking £105 million deal from West Ham United. While Arteta remains open to further additions to the team, technical director Edu's priority now shifts to streamlining the squad and offloading players who don't align with Arteta's plans. By doing so, the Spanish manager will likely have the opportunity to pursue additional new signings in the transfer market. Thus, the focus now turns to identifying potential players who might be leaving the club. soccerdaily.co.uk provides an in-depth analysis of this matter. Runar Alex Runarsson - Has no future at the club and Arsenal would be happy to let him go for the right fee. Auston Trusty - On loan at Birmingham City last season and another player with no future in north London and if the right offer comes in, he can leave. Cedric Soares - Another with no future at the club. Disappointing loan spell with Fulham last season and Arsenal open to offers for him. Rob Holding - Was the subject of a derisory bid from Besiktas. Likely to have interest from other clubs and could leave this summer. Kieran Tierney - Does he stay or does he go? Was usurped by Oleksandr Zinchenko for the left-back berth and facce further competition from the versatile Jurrien Timber now, too. Albert Sambi Lokonga - Did pretty well with Crystal Palace on loan last season but does not fit into Arsenal's midfield. Nuno Tavares - Spent last season on loan with Marseille, where he scored six goals. Would like to stay in the Premier League and has been linked with West Ham. Thomas Partey - One of the players who would likely command the biggest fee. There have been links with Saudi Arabia, while clubs in Italy have also been credited with an interest. Nicolas Pepe - The club-record signing before Declan Rice arrive has been an expensive mistake for Arsenal. The Gunners are listening for offers for him but are understood to be happy to terminate his contract if necessary, too. Folarin Balogun - Wants his future resolved, whether that be at Arsenal or elsewhere. Showed he can score on the biggest stage with 21 goals in Ligue 1 with Reims last season while on loan. Arsenal want up to £50million for the striker. Ten players who could complete Arsenal transfers before 2023/24 Premier League season begins Read the full article
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Deadline day üzletek
Szóval ennyi volt, az átigazolási ablak bezárt januárig, azzal kell főznünk amink jelenleg van, és most már koncentrálhatunk arra ami a pályán történik.
Lássuk milyen üzleteket kötöttünk tegnap, és melyek azok amelyek nem sikerültek.
Kész Üzletek
Takehiro Tomiyasu
A japán válogatott játékos volt az egyetlen érkezőnk, az igazolást este 11-kor jelentettük be, Bolognából érkezett 16M fontért. Egy jobb hátvéd, aki a hátsó hármas szélén vagy középső védőt is tud játszani, ezzel kaptunk egy nagyon sokoldalú defenzív játékost.
Nagyon jónak tűnik a játéka levegőben, magas és mivel 22 éves tökéletesen illik abba az átigazolási politikába, amelyet a nyáron folytattunk – olyan játékosokat hozunk akik a 20-as éveik elején járnak. Mikel Arteta:
Takehiro egy olyan védő aki elegendő tapasztalattal rendelkezik a Seria A és a nemzetközi szinten is. Ő egy fontos védő, aki jó defenzív kvalitásokkal van megáldva, technikás és nyugodt a labdával. Fontos tagja lesz a keretünknek.
Tiszta volt, hogy a jobboldali védő pozícióra nagyobb figyelmet kell fordítanunk. Volt némi üresség egy magas profilú játékos távozása után (Bellerin), és adva volt hogy Cedric, Chambers és AMN -aki akart, vagy nem akart ebben a pozícióban játszani attól függően honnan fúj a szél – tükrében fontos volt egy játékost igazolnunk.
Lássuk miből is van, ekkor mikor felhúzta a piros és fehér dresszt. Egy üdvözítő érkezés.
Hector Bellerin
Aláírt a Real Betis-hez kölcsönbe, látszólagosan fizetéscsökkentéssel.
Azt gondolom kár érte, hogy egy játékos, aki rendkívül izgalmas volt, mikor köztudatba került, nem érte el azokat a magasságokat amit gondoltunk/reméltünk tőle. Tudom, mindenki az Achilles sérüléséről beszél, és valószínűleg ennek is volt oka, de ezelőtt is láttuk a kezdődő hanyatlást – legalábbis ami a sebességét illeti – és én úgy gondolom, hogy volt egy bokaprobléma, ami nagyon megviselte.
Mindazonáltal, ő az egyik személyes kedvencem az elmúlt évek alapján, ő megfelelően reprezentálta a klubot a pályán és azon kívül is. A szociális lelkiismerete és hajlandósága, hogy arra használta a platformjait, hogy emellett álljon ki, mindig lenyűgözött. Remélem megtalálja a régi formáját a Real Betisben. Következő nyáron visszafog térni hozzánk, ekkor már csak 1 év lesz hátra a szerződéséből, és remélhetőleg egy jó La Liga szezon után jót tesz majd ez neki és a klubnak is, hogy hogyan is tovább.
Reiss Nelson
Egy utolsó elpocsékolt szezon után nagyon fontos volt, hogy eligazoljon valahová, ahol játékpercekhez jut. Egy szezon az Eredivise-ben a Feyenoorddal egy nagy lehetőség lesz számára, hogy emlékeztesse az embereket, hogy tehetséges. Aláírt egy 1 éves szerződés bővítést mielőtt távozott kölcsönbe, szóval a kontraktusa jelenleg 2023-ig szól. Hectorhoz hasonlóan, egy jó szereplés a holland bajnokságban több ajtót is megnyithat a számára, és feltételezve, hogy nem fogjuk megtartani, valószínűleg bevételt jelenthet az átigazolási díja révén.
Alex Runarsson
Viszlát, bálnavadász! Kív��nom neki és az OH Leuven csapatának a Belga első osztályban a legjobb szerencsét. A kölcsönben vásárlási záradék is szerepel, és remélem hogy jó helye lesz Belgiumban.
Füstbe ment tervek
Eddie Nketiah
A hírek szerint az útja Crystal Palacebe meghiúsult, miután nem sikerült megegyezni a személyes feltételekben. Pontosan nem tudom, hogy ez mit is jelentsen, hogy vajon fizetési, bónusz, szerződés hossz, vagy valami más miatt, de ez arra utal, hogy az Arsenal elfogadta az ajánlatot.
Szerintem kár, hogy nem tudott eligazolni, mivel egy olyan időszakában van amikor muszáj játszania, és az esélyei hogy az Arsenalba játsszon ebben a szezonban minimálisak. Nem elég, hogy PEA és Lacika is előtte vannak, de itt van még Gabriel Martinelli és Folarin Balogun is akikkel versengenie kell. Az utóbbi két fiatal ember jövője ennél a klubnál van, és játékperceik elsőbbséget érdemelnek, azok felett, akik valószínűleg ingyen távoznak a következő nyáron.
A pénz bármilyen transzferből hasznos, nyilvánvalóan, de a nagyobb probléma, hogy Eddie nem fog elég játékpercet kapni, hogy ezt feltornázza.
Ainsley Maitland-Niles
Marad, miután tiszta vizet öntött a pohárba a Mikel Artetaval történt beszélgetése során, és őszintén, nem is bánom annyira. Az elmúlt napok kissé zűrzavarosak voltak, és őszintén szerintem senki sem büszke a tetteire. Mikor a felbukkantak a részletek az Everton két éves szerződés ajánlatával kapcsolatban, teljes mértékben megértettem, hogy miért utasította vissza a klub. Nem azért, hogy a játékost idegesítse, hanem a vacak ajánlat miatt, hogy szépen fejezzem ki magam.
Nyilvánvalóan nem volt sok javítás az Evertontól, szóval még ha AMN frusztrált is hogy maradnia kellett, akkor is a klub álláspontja mellett szimpatizálok. Ahogy tegnap is mondtam, hasonló dolgok szoktak történni a fociban, amik nem ideálisak, de megoldani ezt jelenti a profi futball klub vagyunk.
Papíron csak négy középső középpályással, én úgy gondolom lesz lehetősége bizonyítani, és ahogy áll a jobbhátvéd/jobb szárnyvédő pozícióhoz, még így is jobban szeretném őt látni mint Cedricet vagy Chamberst.
Sead Kolasinac
„Csodálatos” belegondolni hogy ő még mindig itt van, és aktív kezdő, de számára nem ez volt deadline day hogy lelépjen. A Fenerbahce-vel hozták szóba, de ez meghiúsult a fizetési igénye miatt. Érthető, hogy miért akar ennyit keresni, mivel az Arsenal nagy összeget fizet neki hetente és ha ők nemet mondanak, felveheti ezt egészen jövő nyárig. Azonban, Törökországban még nyitva van az átigazolási piac, szóval ha sikerül megegyezni az Arsenallal a fizetés csökkentésről, még távozhat is.
Az átigazolási piacról összességében
A továbbiakban fogjuk látni hogyan fognak muzsikálni az újak, és milyen gyorsan tudnak fejlődni, de az idei nyáron egyértelmű volt az átigazolási politikánk. Két 21 éves (Tavares és Sambi), két 22 éves (Ödegaard és Tomiyasu), és két 23 éves (Ramsdale és White).
Úgy gondolom joggal tehetjük fel a kérdést, hogy milyen magasra tegyük a lécet rövid távon, de elköltöttünk 150M fontot, és ha látni akarjuk, hogy a menedzser pénzügyileg támogatva van, akkor azt mondhatnánk bizonyosan.
Jelentős pénzt fizettünk ezekért a játékosokért, hát építsük be őket. Láthajuk, hogy ez egy fiatal csapat aki mögé be kell állnunk, és most már Mikel Artetán múlik, hogy hozza ki belőlük a dallamot. A frissesség meg van – legalábbis most – ami egy kis szikrányi optimizmusra ad okot, és ez nagyon üdvözítő a szezon kezdetet nézve.
Amit viszont mondanék. Egy csapatnak, amelynek problémái vannak a gólszerzéssel, kapus igazolásokkal, a hátsó hármassal, a középső középályásával, és egy támadóközépályással nem tud hatékony lenni. Szóval, javulásnak kell jönnie góllövésben, úgy hogy többetkell kihoznunk a játékosainkból – és a terv az, hogy az új játékosainkat a részeséve tegyük ennek.
Szerintem több gólra számíthatunk PEA-tól ebben a szezonban, mint az ezt megelőzőt, valamint több labdát várunk Saka-tól, Pepe-től ESR-től, és Ödegaardtól; Lacika ő Lacika lesz és a szokásost hozni fogja, és aztán talán nézhetjük Martinellit is, aki hozzá tud még tenni ehhez – Arteta egyik nagy feladata hogy több gólt lássunk idén tőle.
Nagyon szerettem volna, ha igazolunk egy középső középpályást ebben az átigaolási időszakban, és ez nem Sambi kritikája. Még Xhaka megtartásával – amit én nem tettem volna, de ezt kaptuk – is van hely egy játékosnak, aki tud valami pluszt nyújtani és minőséget biztosítani.
Úgy gondolom mind felismerjük, hogy ez egy nagyon küzdelmes nyár volt a focinak és a futball kluboknak szerte Európában, akik korlátozva voltak pénzügyileg a pandémia miatt és egy olyan szezon miatt, amelyen a szurkolók nem váltottak jegyeket meccsekre.
Minden változatlan, a tény hogy csak egy játékost adtunk el pénzért (Joe Willock) nem fest túl jól Edu pozíciójára nézve mint technikai igazgató. Ez nagyon is az ő hatásköre, és miközben lesz egy kis bevételünk a következő nyáron a kölcsön kötelezettségek miatt a Matteo Guendouzi és Dinos Mavropanos üzletekből, nem egy szép tudat. Főleg mikor figyelembe vesszük, hogy volt pár hazai nevelésű játékosunk, akik értéke a jelen piacon erősebb, és akik nagyobb figyelmet érdemelnének más PL klubok számára.
Nem tudom biztosra mi volt a megbízás, de egy nyár amikor 150M fontot költöttünk, el tudom képzelni, hogy több mint 20M fontot kellett volna bevételként eszközölnünk, mint amit Joe-ért kaptunk, és azért a pár kölcsönért.
Függetlenül attól, hogy előidéz-e bármilyen változást, várnunk kell. Vannak spekulációk, hogy Edu nincs egészen szilárd talajon, de az idő majd eldönti. Legalább egy kicsit lecsökkentettük a csapat létszámot, Willian eltűnt, és ez önmagában is kellemes, de nehéz nem csodálkozni azon, hogy valaki más, valaki jobb, hogyan tudta volna kezelni a nyári üzletünk ezen aspektusát.
Forrás: https://arseblog.com/2021/09/deadline-day-deals-and-no-deals-overall-window-thoughts/
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TSUNAMI DA BALBÚRDIA - O histórico #15M do #TsunamiDaEducação (Goiânia, 2019, 23 min) from Edu Carli(A Casa de Vidro) on Vimeo.
Éramos mais de um milhão de pessoas, em mais de 200 cidades, no #15M 2019, participando do "Tsunami da Educação": um rio de gente, de uma diversidade pulsante, numa explosão de colorido indomável. Um pouco deste caleidoscópio humano está encapsulado no filme que agora lançamos, no calor da hora: Tsunami Da Balbúrdia, documentário curta-metragem produzido por A Casa de Vidro (saiba mais: wp.me/pNVMz-5kq), é o primeiro passo em um processo criativo mais amplo, que une os aspectos cinematográfico, jornalístico e político, visando à produção de um longa-metragem sobre o Tsunami da Educação em 2019 (auxilie no financiamento colaborativo e deixe um troco na nossa Vakinha!):
O curta contêm entrevistas com:
* Frank Tavares (prof. de Sociologia da UFG) * Angela Maria Pimenta (da Comissão de Direitos Humanos Dom Tomás Balduíno) * Dalmir Rogério Pereira (Prof. de artes na EMAC/UFG) * Mateus Ferreira (Estudante de Ciências Sociais / UFG) * Renato Costa (Ativista e Estudante de Jornalismo / UFG), dentre outros.
Agrademos o apoio, na produção, de Lays Vieira e Frederico Monteiro. Na trilha sonora, canções de Dani Black e convidados ("O Trono do Estudar"), The Interrupters ("Babylon"), Moska e Rennó ("Nenhum Direito a Menos"), Chico Buarque ("Apesar de Você").
A Montagem, som direto e a direção ficaram a cargo de Eduardo Carli de Moraes. Uma produção independente d'A Casa de Vidro - Ponto de Cultura (acasadevidro.com).
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L'Homme Statue - Do Not Tell Me - Pedro Tejada & Marcello Costa from Stink São Paulo on Vimeo.
Music and Performance: Löic Koutana / L'Homme Statue
Directed by Pedro Tejada and Marcello Costa
Produced by Stink Films
Managing Director: Ingrid Raszl
Senior Executive Producer: Renata Dumont
Director of Photography: Maurício Padilha
Production Designer: Ana Henriques
Production Coordination: Paula Macedo, Rogerio Maestro
Production Coordination Assistants: Mariana Kerche, Amanda Grell
Producers: Rica Ferrer, Rose De Soldi and José Lucas Gervasio
Locations: Edu Lima
Post Production Coordination: Roberta Bruzadin and Marcella Antunes
Editor: Victor Cohen
3D Artist/RD: Pedro Tejada
LookDev Artist: Pedro Merino
Animator: Marcello Costa
VFX / Flame Artist: Diego Morone
Color Grading: Matt Osborne @ Company3/Mill Color Grading: Assistant: Logan Highlen @ Company3/Mil Color Producer: Blake Rice @ Company3/Mil Color Grading (Aerial Footage): Osmar Jr.
Musical Producer and Mixing: Pedro Zopelar
1st Camera Assistant: Alexandre Valese 2nd Camera Assistant: Alfredo Luiz Dias Baptista Desio Video Assist: Dario Vales DIT: Allan Souza de Almeida
3D Capture Technicians: Stefano Pasqualini and Renan Campanini
Production Design Assistant: Nathalia Mendonça Prop Master: Bruno Ribeiro Cesar de Oliveira (Bruninho) Landscaping: Ari Arantes Henrique (Dedo Verde) Landscaping Assistant: Klayton Deomar Alves Patriota
Stylist - Studio: Betinha Magalhães Stylist - Aerials: Maika Mano Wardrobe Assistant: Juliana Yoshie Suguinoshita
Make Up Artist: Abraão Leonardo Matias Kennedy
SFX: Vagner Aparecido Martão, Valter Vieira Carrasco, Eduardo Joaquim dos Santos (Rambo), Guilherme Steger
UPs: José Roberto Rodrigues, Rafael Oliveira Jesus (Baiano), Leonardo Souya Bispo
Gaffer: Paulo Sérgio Nunes da Silva Best Boy Electric: Alexsandro Soares dos Santos (Lambis) Assistant Electricians: Aleandro Teixeira De Góis / Claudinei Marcelino
Key Grip: Weber José da Silva Cunha (Cabelo) Best Boy Grip: Alexandre Ferreira Barnete Grip Assistants: Rodrigo Iamamoto Campos, Fernando Tavares da Silva, Pedro Luis Ferreira de Oliveira
Aerial Cinematography: Heitor Teles
Behind the Scenes
Director/Editor: Natan Neves Camera Operator: Victor Leite Pollini Camera Operator: Daniel Cunha Ferro
Catering: Tyla Araújo Flor de Lótus Catering Assistants: Sthefany Araujo Alves, Carla Santos Menezes Lunch/Dinner: Rosa/Maria
Transportation provided by TRANSKINDER
Production Drivers: Tertuliano da Silva, Gilmar Gomes, Roberto Moura Porfirio, Marcio Dianis Moreira Santos, Tadeu Gomes de Brito, Thiago Lima Goes / Dani
Camera Rental: Elitecam Radios: Best Comunicação Light and Grip Rental: Locall
Special Thanks:
Raphael Lobato Allan Almeida Gripp Support Locall Paulo Ribeiro Pará Movimentos Casa do Produtor Moviecenter 3T Locações Ariel Wollinger Fernando Faria Guilherme Teles Daniel Hafez Z7 Locação de Geradores
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11Bet news: Chiêu mộ 3 ngôi sao, Arsenal sẽ có kỳ chuyển nhượng hoàn hảo
Đọc thêm: https://11bet.online/news/detail/keo-dong-banh-nua-trai-la-gi-kinh-nghiem-ca-cuoc-ca-do-keo-chap-dong-banh-nua-trai-nha-cai-11bet
Thời gian qua, Arsenal đã có những mối liên hệ chặt chẽ với Gabriel Jesus, Raphinha và Lisandro Martinez, nhưng cho đến thời điểm hiện tại những thương vụ nói trên vẫn chưa thể hoàn tất.
Tuy nhiên nếu bằng cách nào đó, nếu Giám đốc Edu có thể đưa bộ ba này về Emirates để kết hợp cùng dàn tân binh Matt Turner, Fabio Vieira và Marquinhos, cộng thêm sự trở lại của William Saliba, NHM Pháo thủ hoàn toàn có thể nghĩ về một mùa giải tốt nhất trong vòng 1 thập kỷ trở lại của CLB.
Những mục tiêu chuyển nhượng của Arsenal.
Năm 2021 chứng kiến màn bạo chi trên TTCN của Pháo thủ, khi họ chi gần 150 triệu bảng để mang về một loạt những gương mặt mới như Ben White, Aaron Ramsdale, Martin Odegaard, Takehiro Tomiyasu, Nuno Tavares và Albert Sambi Lokonga.
Sáu cầu thủ này đã đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc đưa một đội bóng chỉ cán đích ở vị trí thứ 8 mùa trước suýt chút nữa đã có thể giành lấy tấm vé dự Champions League. Nếu không có chấn thương của Tomiyasu, Thomas Partey và Kieran Tierney vào giai đoạn cuối mùa giải, Pháo thủ hoàn toàn có thể kết thúc mùa giải 2021/22 với một vị trí nơi top 4.
Lần gần nhất Arsenal bạo chi như vậy là vào mùa hè 2019, khi họ đưa những Nicolas Pepe, Tierney, David Luiz, Gabriel Martinelli, William Saliba và Dani Ceballos (được cho mượn) đến Emirates. Nhưng đáng tiếc, công cuộc đầu tư này lại không mang đến kết quả như mong đợi, đặc biệt là bản hợp đồng trị giá 80 triệu euro - Pepe.
Pepe mang đến nỗi thất vọng lớn cho Arsenal.
Tuy nhiên, những Tierney, Martinelli và có khả năng là Saliba đều có thể giữ một vai trò quan trọng trong kế hoạch phát triển tương lai lâu dài của CLB. Mùa hè năm đó cũng chứng kiến việc bán Alex Iwobi cho Everton và thu về một khoản phí lớn (xấp xỉ 31 triệu euro).
Mùa hè 2013 và 2014 là điểm nhấn bởi thương vụ chuyển nhượng của Mesut Ozil và Alexis Sanchez . Tuy nhiên ngoài 2 tân binh nói trên, những kế hoạch mua sắm khác dường như không đạt hiệu quả.
Lùi về quá khứ, việc Pháo thủ chiêu mộ Marc Overmars và Emmanuel Petit năm 1998 với giá chưa đến 10 triệu bảng trước khi bán họ với mức phí cao gấp bốn lần số là một điểm nhấn khác. Tuy nhiên, những mùa hè tiếp theo Arsenal không chiêu mộ thêm những ngôi sao tên tuổi và chủ yếu tận dụng nguồn lực có sẵn.
Nhưng để thích nghi với thời đại, giờ đây họ phải mang về hàng loạt cầu thủ tầm cỡ nhằm kiện toàn đội hình. Từ đó nuôi hy vọng cạnh tranh danh hiệu.
(Theo Football London)
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Nuno Tavares, a defender for Benfica, has turned down a move to Real Sociedad in favour of joining Arsenal, according to the Daily Mail. Given that Sead Kolasinac is slated to leave this summer, the Gunners are on the lookout for a replacement left back. Kieran Tierney is a good player, but he’s had a lot of injuries in the past, so Edu needed to find another left defender as soon as…

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Arsenal invested 225 billion won, 8 wins, 2 draws, and the owner 'declares full support'
토토 사이트, 카지노 사이트, 파워볼 사이트, 온라인 카지노, 토토먹튀,파워볼먹튀,카지노먹튀
Arsenal is also expected to run into the January winter transfer window.
This summer, Arsenal have been spending a lot of money on players. 165 million euros (about 225 billion won) was used to sign Ben White, Martin Odegaard, Aaron Ramsdale, Tomiyas Takehiro, Sambi Roconga and Nuno Tavares.
It raised high expectations, but it wasn't the first time. The English Premier League (EPL) opening game, Brentford, lost 2-0 to lose face. In particular, the blow was huge because Brentford was the 'promotion team'.
Afterwards, they were placed side by side against Chelsea (0-2) and Manchester City (0-5), putting their name at the bottom of the league. As a result, the atmosphere was catastrophic, with voices being sacked for manager Mikel Arteta.
Even Edu Gaspar, the technical director, came forward and calmed it down. He said, "I understand the position of the fans who are frustrated with the current situation. I hurt them in this way. Not only me, but the team and the support team are all having a hard time." "He will be able to spend the rest of the season well. I believe in it, and I am looking forward to it.”
Several factors contributed to Arsenal's initial decline. In addition to the confrontation with the strong team, the main players such as Thomas Fati and Gabriel Magalyang were withdrawn due to injuries. It was a situation in which it was impossible to play the game with 100% power.
Surprisingly, Arsenal changed 180 degrees after the Man City match. After winning their first win against Norwich City in the fourth round, they recorded 8 wins and 2 draws in their last 10 official matches. The EPL ranking, which was at the bottom, has moved up to fifth place. They are only three points behind second-placed Manchester City. They also advanced to the quarterfinals in the English League Cup (EFL Cup).
Stan Cranky, the owner of the club, promised massive support for the tremendous performance. British 'Sky Sports' reported that "Arsenal spent more than 200 billion won this summer. The owner of Cranky also announced a signing in the January winter transfer window."
Along with this, he also shared an interview with the owner of Cranky. "Can we say it all in one last transfer window? We don't think so. We've made a lot of progress, but there's a lot more work to be done," he said.
He continued, "If we don't keep pushing, we're bound to stagnate. 'What's the next step?' This is our biggest concern right now. Our fans deserve more."
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LSM9999 5 ชั้น กลุ่มพรีเมียร์ลีกที่ใช้เงินซื้อนักฟุตบอลเยอะที่สุด
LSM9999 5 ชั้น กลุ่มพรีเมียร์ลีกที่ใช้เงินซื้อนักฟุตบอลเยอะที่สุด
LSM9999 5 ชั้น กลุ่มพรีเมียร์ลีกที่ใช้เงินซื้อนักฟุตบอลเยอะที่สุด ภายหลังปิดตลาดนักฟุตบอลในช่วงฤดูร้อนก่อนหน้าที่ผ่านมา พวกเราได้มองเห็นซุปเปอร์สตาร์ อย่างเมสซี่ย้ายกลุ่ม และก็โรนัลโด้ย้ายกลุ่ม ซึ่งซึ่งยาวนานมาก รวมทั้งเกือบจะมิได้มองเห็นเลยเป็นการย้ายกลุ่มของซุปเปอร์สตาร์ที่แวดวงลูกหนังในตลาดเดียวกัน แต่ว่าถ้าหากนับเฉพาะศึก Premier League มีการจับจ่ายจำนวนเงินสัมผัสหลักพันล้านปอนด์ หากแม้บางครั้งอาจจะมิได้สูงมากมายราวกับปีกลายๆที่เคยผ่านมา ที่ค่าขึ้นไปสูงสุดถึงหนึ่งพันห้าร้อยล้านปอนด์ บางทีอาจได้ผลกระทบจากการแพร่ระบาดของโรคติดเชื้อเชื้อไวรัสวัวโรที่นา (COVID-19) ที่มีผลเสียกับเศรษฐกิจทั่วทั้งโลก การประลองกีฬาทุกจำพวก การใช้ชีวิตตามธรรมดา แม้กระนั้นถ้าเกิดมองดูอีกมุมนึงก็บางครั้งอาจจะมองดูได้ว่านี่เป็นตอนที่เหตุการณ์ต่างๆเกิดมากมาย การแข่งขันชิงชัยบอล League จะต้องพากันหยุดชะงัก แต่ว่าก็มีหลายๆสมาพันธ์ที่กล้าทุ่มทุนสำหรับในการค้าขายตัวนักฟุตบอลในตลาดนักฟุตบอลตอนซัมเมอร์ในช่วงฤดูกาล 2021/22 ก่อนหน้านี้ที่ผ่านมา เริ่มด้วยชั้นที่ 5 กับ สมาคม แอสตันวิลล่า ที่ใช้เงินทุนไปในตลาดซื้อขายแลกเปลี่ยนนักฟุตบอลตอนซัมเมอร์ในช่วงฤดูกาล 2021/22 รวมทั้งสิ้น 93 ล้านปอนด์ จากวิธีขายนักฟุตบอลอย่าง Jack Grealish ไป ทำให้ แอสตันวิลล่าสามารถใช้สอยได้คล่องแคล่วขึ้น รวมทั้งได้ซื้อตัวของ Emiliano Buendia นักฟุตบอลประเทศอาร์เจนตินา ด้วยค่าจ้าง 40 ล้านปอนด์ เป็นตัวเลขที่มากที่สุดของ สมาพันธ์ แอสตันวิลล่า เลย นอกนั้นยังมี Danny Ings นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติอังกฤษ และก็ Leon Bailey ปีกตัวจี๊ด นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มจาไมก้า นี่เป็นสามแกนรุกชุดใหม่ของ แอสตันวิลล่า ที่น่าเฝ้ามอง ชั้นสี่ยกตัวอย่างเช่น สมาคม เชลซี ที่ใช้เงินทุนไปในตลาดซื้อขายแลกเปลี่ยนนักฟุตบอลตอนซัมเมอร์ในช่วงฤดูกาล 2021/22 ไปทั้งหมด 97.5 ล้านปอนด์ ด้วยการซื้อ Romelu Lukaku นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติเบบยอดเยี่ยม ด้วยค่าจ้าง 97.5 ล้านปอนด์ เป็นปัญหาที่ โทมัส ซูเคอร์ ปรารถนามากมาย อยากแนวรุกตัวเป้าที่แข็งแรง พักบอลได้ ชนได้ มีแรงปะทะดี เล่นได้อีกทั้งลูกในอากาศรวมทั้งภาคพื้นดิน ซึ่ง Lukaku ตอบปัญหาหมดเลย นี่เป็นสมัยก่อนเด็กเก่าของเซลซี ย้อนกลับไปเมื่อ 10 ปีที่ผ่านมา Lukaku เคยย้ายจากถิ่นกำเนิดมาอยู่กับเซลซีด้วยอายุยง 18 ปี เพียงแต่ว่ามันบางครั้งอาจจะเร็วเหลือเกิน แล้วหลังจากนั้นก็ไปไปถึงเป้าหมายกับ เวสบอริก อัลเบี้ยน , เอฟเวอร์ตัน , แมนเชสเตอร์ ยูไนเต็ด จนถึงกระทั้งยังได้กลับไปอยู่บ้านอีกรอบนึง ในวันสุดท้ายก็ได้ Saul Niguez นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติประเทศสเปน เข้ามาร่วมกลุ่ม น่าดึงดูดมากมายๆดีกรีระดับมิดฟิลด์ของกลุ่มชาติของประเทศสเปน มาเพิ่มขุมกำลังมิดฟิลด์ระดับท็อปของ โทมัส ซูเคอร์ ชั้นสามดังเช่นเรือใบสีฟ้า แมนเชสเตอร์ ซิตี้ ใช้เงินทุนไปในตลาดจำหน่ายนักฟุตบอลตอนซัมเมอร์ในช่วงฤดูกาล 2021/22 ไปทั้งหมดทั้งปวง 100 ล้านปอนด์ ด้วยการซื้อผู้เดียวเน้นย้ำๆอย่าง Jack Grealish นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติอังกฤษ จากแอสตันวิลล่า ด้วยค่าจ้าง 100 ล้านปอนด์ น่าดึงดูดมากมายๆเป็นตัวเอกใน แอสตัน วิลล่า และก็มีชื่อติดกลุ่มชาติอังกฤษในศุกยูโร 2020 ในปีที่ล่วงเลยไป ชั้นสอง สมาคม แมนเชสเตอร์ ยูไนเต็ด ใช้เงินทุนไปในตลาดซื้อขายแลกเปลี่ยนนักฟุตบอลตอนซัมเมอร์ฤดู 2021/22 ไปทั้งนั้น 133.7 ล้านปอนด์ ด้วยการซื้อ Jadon Sancho นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติอังกฤษ ตามรั้ง ตามขอคืนดีกันมาแทบ 2 ปี ท้ายที่สุดดึงมาร่วมทีมได้เสร็จ Raphael Varane นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติประเทศฝรั่งเศส LSM9999 ซึ่งส่งผลงานล้นหลาม ทำผลงานได้แชมป์ดูเหมือนจะทุกแชมป์ กลุ่มชาติก็ได้แชมป์บอลโลกมาแล้ว แม้กระนั้นอยู่กับเรอัลมาดริดมาสัมผัส 10 ปี ปรารถนาความท้า���หม่ๆก็เลยได้มาอยู่กับแมนเชสเตอร์ ยูไนเต็ด แล้วก็ดีลค้าขายที่เป็นที่ฮือฮาเยอะที่สุด ก็หนีไม่พ้นกับ Critiano Ronaldo นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติประเทศโปรตุเกส ด้วยค่าตอบแทน 19.7 ล้านปอนด์ สำหรับเพื่อการดึงตัวเข้ามาร่วมกลุ่มด้วยวัย 36 ปี ราวกับคือการใช้ความรู้สึกและก็หัวใจ��ำหรับในการจำหน่ายในคราวนี้ รวมทั้งจากที่คาดไว้ สำหรับการลงในสนามทุกหนทำให้แมนยู ลำพองใจของแฟนคลับไปเต็มๆกลับไปแพ้ให้เบรนท์ฟอร์ดซะงั้น ท้ายที่สุดก็จำต้องอยู่ที่ โอเล่ กุนทุ่งนาร์ โซลชา ว่าเค้าจะนำพากลุ่มไปในแนวทางไหน จะสามารถคุมกลุ่มที่เต็มไปด้วยซุปเปอร์สตาร์ออกมาได้ดิบได้ดีมากแค่ไหนกลุ่มที่มีการใช้เงินซื้อนักฟุตบอลเยอะที่สุดในซัมเมอร์นี้เช่น สมาพันธ์ อาร์เซนอล ใช้เงินทุนไปในตลาดจำหน่ายนักฟุตบอลตอนซัมเมอร์ ฟกาล 2021/22 ไปทั้งมวล 156.8 ล้านปอนด์ โดยแผนการของ Edu Gaspar ผู้อำนวยการสมาพันธ์ อาร์เซนอล เน้นย้ำซื้อนักฟุตบอลดาวรุ่งที่อายุไม่เกิน 23 ปี ทั้งปวง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นBen White นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติอังกฤษ ด้วยค่าจ้างสูงสุดถึง 50 ล้านปอนด์Martin Odegaard นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติประเทศนอร์เวย์ ค่าจ้างที่ 34 ล้านปอนด์Aaron Ramsdale นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติประเทศนอร์เวย์ ค่าจ้างที่ 30 ล้านปอนด์Takehiro Tomiyasu นักฟุตบอลกลุ่มชาติประเทศญี่ปุ่น ค่าตอบแทน 19.8 ล้านปอนด์Albert Sambi Lokonga นักฟุตบอลดาวรุ่งกลุ่มชาติประเทศเบลเยี่ยม ค่าตอบแทน 15 ล้านปอนด์Nuno Tavares นักฟุตบอลดาวรุ่งกลุ่มชาติประเทศโปรตุเกส ค่าจ้าง 8 ล้านปอนด์อย่างที่คาดเดามันเป็นการเสริมกองทัพในกรุ๊ปดาวรุ่งเพื่ออนาคต ก็แค่จำต้องเห็นด้วยว่าอาร์เซนอลเปิดฤดูการได้ไม่ค่อยดีเลย แพ้สามนัดหมายรวมและไม่สามารถทำประตูได้เลย แต่ว่าปัจจุบันสามารถเอาชนะสเปอร์สด้วยการขึ้นนำในหนแรกถึงสามประตู รวมทั้งจบสกอร์ไปด้วยคะแนนสามประตูต่อหนึ่ง ขึ้นรั้งชั้นสิบของตาราง ตามหัวหน้าอยู่ไม่มากเท่าไรนัก ทำให้ ไม่เกล อาร์เตต้า สามารถนั่งจับบังเหียนได้ถัดไป
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Ten players who could complete Arsenal transfers before 2023/24 Premier League season begins

Ten players who could complete Arsenal transfers before 2023/24 Premier League season begins Mikel Arteta aims to capitalize on an impressive 2022/23 Premier League season and once again contend for the title in the upcoming campaign. Although they fell just short of Manchester City in the title race, Arsenal is determined to bolster their young squad through strategic transfer moves. During the early stages of the transfer window, Arsenal has already made significant signings, acquiring Kai Havertz from Chelsea, Jurrien Timber from Ajax, and securing Declan Rice in a record-breaking £105 million deal from West Ham United. While Arteta remains open to further additions to the team, technical director Edu's priority now shifts to streamlining the squad and offloading players who don't align with Arteta's plans. By doing so, the Spanish manager will likely have the opportunity to pursue additional new signings in the transfer market. Thus, the focus now turns to identifying potential players who might be leaving the club. soccerdaily.co.uk provides an in-depth analysis of this matter. Runar Alex Runarsson - Has no future at the club and Arsenal would be happy to let him go for the right fee. Auston Trusty - On loan at Birmingham City last season and another player with no future in north London and if the right offer comes in, he can leave. Cedric Soares - Another with no future at the club. Disappointing loan spell with Fulham last season and Arsenal open to offers for him. Rob Holding - Was the subject of a derisory bid from Besiktas. Likely to have interest from other clubs and could leave this summer. Kieran Tierney - Does he stay or does he go? Was usurped by Oleksandr Zinchenko for the left-back berth and facce further competition from the versatile Jurrien Timber now, too. Albert Sambi Lokonga - Did pretty well with Crystal Palace on loan last season but does not fit into Arsenal's midfield. Nuno Tavares - Spent last season on loan with Marseille, where he scored six goals. Would like to stay in the Premier League and has been linked with West Ham. Thomas Partey - One of the players who would likely command the biggest fee. There have been links with Saudi Arabia, while clubs in Italy have also been credited with an interest. Nicolas Pepe - The club-record signing before Declan Rice arrive has been an expensive mistake for Arsenal. The Gunners are listening for offers for him but are understood to be happy to terminate his contract if necessary, too. Folarin Balogun - Wants his future resolved, whether that be at Arsenal or elsewhere. Showed he can score on the biggest stage with 21 goals in Ligue 1 with Reims last season while on loan. Arsenal want up to £50million for the striker. Ten players who could complete Arsenal transfers before 2023/24 Premier League season begins Read the full article
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3º Simpósio de Ciências Sociais do IFG: "Sonhos Envelhecem?" Conferência de Franck Tavares from Edu Carli(A Casa de Vidro) on Vimeo.
Conferência "Sonhos envelhecem? Um balanço crítico das lutas por direitos e democracia após a onda global de protestos (2008-2015)", com o professor de Ciência Política na UFG Francisco da Mata Tavares, durante o III Simpósio de Ciências Sociais do IFG - Câmpus Anápolis.
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11Bet news: Chiêu mộ 3 ngôi sao, Arsenal sẽ có kỳ chuyển nhượng hoàn hảo
Đọc thêm: https://11bet.club/news/detail/keo-0-la-gi-kinh-nghiem-ca-cuoc-ca-do-keo-dong-banh
Thời gian qua, Arsenal đã có những mối liên hệ chặt chẽ với Gabriel Jesus, Raphinha và Lisandro Martinez, nhưng cho đến thời điểm hiện tại những thương vụ nói trên vẫn chưa thể hoàn tất.
Tuy nhiên nếu bằng cách nào đó, nếu Giám đốc Edu có thể đưa bộ ba này về Emirates để kết hợp cùng dàn tân binh Matt Turner, Fabio Vieira và Marquinhos, cộng thêm sự trở lại của William Saliba, NHM Pháo thủ hoàn toàn có thể nghĩ về một mùa giải tốt nhất trong vòng 1 thập kỷ trở lại của CLB.
Những mục tiêu chuyển nhượng của Arsenal.
Năm 2021 chứng kiến màn bạo chi trên TTCN của Pháo thủ, khi họ chi gần 150 triệu bảng để mang về một loạt những gương mặt mới như Ben White, Aaron Ramsdale, Martin Odegaard, Takehiro Tomiyasu, Nuno Tavares và Albert Sambi Lokonga.
Sáu cầu thủ này đã đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc đưa một đội bóng chỉ cán đích ở vị trí thứ 8 mùa trước suýt chút nữa đã có thể giành lấy tấm vé dự Champions League. Nếu không có chấn thương của Tomiyasu, Thomas Partey và Kieran Tierney vào giai đoạn cuối mùa giải, Pháo thủ hoàn toàn có thể kết thúc mùa giải 2021/22 với một vị trí nơi top 4.
Lần gần nhất Arsenal bạo chi như vậy là vào mùa hè 2019, khi họ đưa những Nicolas Pepe, Tierney, David Luiz, Gabriel Martinelli, William Saliba và Dani Ceballos (được cho mượn) đến Emirates. Nhưng đáng tiếc, công cuộc đầu tư này lại không mang đến kết quả như mong đợi, đặc biệt là bản hợp đồng trị giá 80 triệu euro - Pepe.
Pepe mang đến nỗi thất vọng lớn cho Arsenal.
Tuy nhiên, những Tierney, Martinelli và có khả năng là Saliba đều có thể giữ một vai trò quan trọng trong kế hoạch phát triển tương lai lâu dài của CLB. Mùa hè năm đó cũng chứng kiến việc bán Alex Iwobi cho Everton và thu về một khoản phí lớn (xấp xỉ 31 triệu euro).
Mùa hè 2013 và 2014 là điểm nhấn bởi thương vụ chuyển nhượng của Mesut Ozil và Alexis Sanchez . Tuy nhiên ngoài 2 tân binh nói trên, những kế hoạch mua sắm khác dường như không đạt hiệu quả.
Lùi về quá khứ, việc Pháo thủ chiêu mộ Marc Overmars và Emmanuel Petit năm 1998 với giá chưa đến 10 triệu bảng trước khi bán họ với mức phí cao gấp bốn lần số là một điểm nhấn khác. Tuy nhiên, những mùa hè tiếp theo Arsenal không chiêu mộ thêm những ngôi sao tên tuổi và chủ yếu tận dụng nguồn lực có sẵn.
Nhưng để thích nghi với thời đại, giờ đây họ phải mang về hàng loạt cầu thủ tầm cỡ nhằm kiện toàn đội hình. Từ đó nuôi hy vọng cạnh tranh danh hiệu.
(Theo Football London)
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Dabet đưa tin: GÓC NHÌN: Arsenal - Tiền và cách tiêu tiền
Cách biến những đồng tiền bỏ ra thành hiệu quả trên sân cỏ đang là vấn đề của Arsenal... Trước khi quan tâm đến khía cạnh chuyên môn của trận derby London giữa Arsenal và Chelsea ở vòng 2 Premier League 2021-22, họ sẽ được đặt lên bàn cân để đánh giá về chuyện “tiền và cách tiêu tiền”. Đó là một câu chuyện dài, nhưng nội mùa Hè năm nay cũng là quá đủ để tạo ra sự khác biệt, ít nhất là về mặt cảm giác.
Arsene Wenger vẫn thường giúp Arsenal làm ăn có lãi qua việc mua, bán cầu thủ
Xem thêm: cá độ bóng đá qua mạng
Nói đến tiền, Chelsea được ví như “gã nhà giàu”, nhưng nếu nghĩ rằng Arsenal không thuộc diện nhà giàu hẳn nhiên là sai lầm. Với những ông chủ người Mỹ, ngân sách là quá thừa, nhưng với lối đi riêng, đặt sự ổn định tài chính cao hơn kết quả trên sân cỏ, những “phát bắn” của Pháo thủ ngày càng đuối.
Dẫn dắt Arsenal hơn 20 năm, phải đến mùa giải cuối cùng (2017-18), Arsene Wenger mới phá kỷ lục chuyển nhượng của câu lạc bộ khi đưa Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang về từ Dortmund với giá 63,75 triệu euro. Cả mùa Hè năm 2017 đó, Giáo sư người Pháp tiêu tổng cộng 152,85 triệu euro (số liệu theo Transfermarkt), nhưng đổi lại, việc bán cầu thủ thu về 158 triệu euro.
Với Ban lãnh đạo, đó là mùa Hè thành công. Với Wenger, đó là mùa giải thất bại, khi Arsenal chỉ đứng thứ 6 trên bảng xếp hạng Premier League – mùa giải thứ hai liên tiếp đứng ngoài Top 4, và cũng là dấu chấm hết cho “cuộc tình 2 thập kỷ”.
Fan của The Gunners đã rất kỳ vọng vào trang sử mới, nhưng 3 năm qua, điều đọng lại là gì? Unai Emery được dành rất ít cơ hội và thời gian, Mikel Arteta được tin tưởng nhưng cảm giác còn tệ hơn Emery, cho dù có FA Cup. Và điểm chung của 2 HLV này là khoản âm cực lớn trong hoạt động chuyển nhượng, ảnh hưởng rất lớn đến kế hoạch xoay tua tài chính.
Mùa 2018-19, âm 72,25 triệu euro. Mùa 2019-20, âm 106,75 triệu euro. Mùa 2020-21, âm 65,85 triệu euro. Và hiện tại, khi thị trường chuyển nhượng còn 10 ngày nữa là đóng cửa, con số âm là 117,60 triệu euro. Trong số này, Emery vừa đến và phá luôn kỷ lục của Wenger với Nicolas Pepe trị giá 80 triệu euro.
Arteta thì không (hoặc chưa) có kỷ lục, nhưng cách mà cựu tiền vệ người Tây Ban Nha cùng Giám đốc thể thao Edu tuyển người thực sự đặt ra một dấu hỏi đến cả chính CĐV của họ cũng phải ngỡ ngàng.
Bỏ thời gian, tiền của (50 triệu euro) để đưa Thomas Partey về nhằm tăng cường sức mạnh cho tuyến giữa thì đến giờ, thời gian dành để dưỡng thương nhiều hơn trên sân cỏ. Mua đứt trung vệ Pablo Mari thì giờ bị chê thiếu sức mạnh thể chất và óc phán đoán. Bán Emiliano Martinez rồi mua Runar Alex Runarsson về dự bị cho Bernd Leno. Mua bằng được Martin Odegaard về cho vị trí vốn đã có Emile Smith Rowe có thể còn làm tốt hơn. Rồi bán Runarsson, đưa Aaron Ramsdale về chỉ để “tạo sự cạnh tranh” với Leno.
Unai Emery và Mikel Arteta đều không đáp ứng được kỳ vọng
Cuối mùa 2020-21, Arteta muốn đẩy Granit Xhaka đi và tiền vệ người Thụy Sĩ đã ở rất gần với AS Roma. Nhưng chứng kiến vai trò của Xhaka ở EURO 2020, Arsenal lại “bẻ lái” và gia hạn hợp đồng. Trước đó, sân Emirates đã đón Albert Sambi Lokonga, mới 21 tuổi, trong khi đã có Lucas Torreira vốn được đánh giá cao ở yếu tố “chiến đấu”. Giờ thì cầu thủ người Uruguay lại chuẩn bị xách vali đi sau mùa giải 2020-21 được cho mượn tới Atletico Madrid.
Arteta dường như đang đi vào vết xe đổ của Frank Lampard, Andrea Pirlo khi đồng ý làm thuyền trưởng của đội bóng lớn quá sớm. Chuyện “va” với các ngôi sao trong đội hình đã và đang xảy ra, hoặc thể hiện một cách rõ rệt chuyện không thích ai đó thay vì hiểu rằng, Arsenal vốn không phải là “cáo già” trên bàn đàm phán để giải quyết những “món hàng tồn” của người tiền nhiệm. Aubameyang và Alexandre Lacazette đang rơi vào tình cảnh này, nhưng Arteta vẫn không giải quyết dứt điểm.
5 nhân tố mới trong mùa Hè 2021, tốn 147 triệu euro, nhưng hãy hỏi fan hâm mộ của Pháo thủ xem sự phấn khích của họ đang bỏ quên nơi nào? Cảm giác “tủi” ở trong họ nhiều hơn khi nhìn sang Chelsea và 2 đại diện thành Manchester. Chỉ đầu tư vào 1 hoặc 2 tân binh, với khoảng 100 đến 130 triệu euro, chuyên môn chưa nói, nhưng ít nhất, Romelu Lukaku, Jack Grealish, Jadon Sancho, Raphael Varane cũng tạo ra sự hào hứng nhiều hơn là Ben White, Odegaard, Lokonga, Ramsdale và Nuno Tavares.
Arteta còn có vấn đề trong cách tuyển chọn tân binh, quản lý nhân sự
Liệu có thể nói Arteta đang hướng đến tương lai khi những nhân tố này đều chưa qua tuổi 24? Hoàn toàn không, vì trong lúc nước sôi lửa bỏng này, Arteta có rất ít thời gian để làm dịu đi sự thất vọng ở các CĐV. Dùng số lượng để bù đắp cho chất lượng lại càng không vì ngoài White và Odegaard, 3 tân binh còn lại khó có cơ hội chiếm suất chính thức.
Thomas Tuchel đến Chelsea và thừa hưởng những gì Lampard để lại, chỉ cần vài tháng đã có chức vô địch Champions League. Điều đó cho thấy, cầu thủ có trong tay không phải yếu tố duy nhất mang lại thành công mà vấn đề còn ở HLV, từ cách tiêu tiền đến điều tiết phòng thay đồ…
Thế nên, không bất ngờ khi Arteta bị các nhà cái xếp vào nhóm nguy cơ bị sa thải sớm nhất, còn CĐV thì khá nhiều người theo “cửa” Arsenal xuống hạng…
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Edu to go for Mohammed Kudus once squad clear-out is complete

Edu to go for Mohammed Kudus once squad clear-out is complete Arsenal's active summer in the transfer market continues unabated as they express interest in acquiring another player from Ajax. However, they are committed to first reducing the size of their squad, which has become excessively large. In recent weeks, Arsenal has made significant strides in bolstering their squad, investing over £200 million on signings such as Kai Havertz, Jurrien Timber, and Declan Rice. With several players returning from loan spells, Arsenal's manager Mikel Arteta assembled a large 27-man squad for their pre-season tour in the United States. However, even with that sizable group, six players, including Thomas Partey and Reiss Nelson, were not included in the selection. Thus far in the summer transfer window, only Pablo Mari and Granit Xhaka have been sold, fetching a total of £27 million as they moved to Monza and Bayer Leverkusen, respectively. Additionally, Ainsley Maitland-Niles departed the club on a free transfer. Arsenal is determined to offload several players, including Kieran Tierney, Cedric Soares, Nicolas Pepe, Albert Sambi Lokonga, Nuno Tavares, and Rob Holding. The club's sporting director, Edu, will prioritize finding new homes for these fringe players, as reported by the Daily Mail. However, Arsenal remains active in the transfer market and is still interested in making new signings. One player of interest for Arsenal is Mohammed Kudus, an attacker from Ajax. The club has been monitoring Kudus for a while and may pursue a move for him later in the transfer window. This would likely happen once the squad has been trimmed down and additional funds have been generated. Arteta finds the versatility of 22-year-old Mohammed Kudus particularly appealing, as he can provide cover and competition in various positions. Kudus has the capability to play in an advanced midfield role, on the right wing, and even in central midfield. Although Kudus experienced a frustrating first half of the season, his performance significantly improved after Alfred Schreuder's departure as manager. He showcased his talent by scoring in six out of eight games before being hampered by a hamstring injury, which halted his progress. In the Eredivisie, Kudus scored a total of 11 goals and provided three assists in 30 appearances, averaging a key involvement every 128 minutes. He also demonstrated his energy and dynamism while representing Ghana in the World Cup. Ajax values Kudus at approximately £40 million, and he has expressed a desire to take a step up to the Premier League. Arsenal and Ajax already have a positive relationship due to the transfer of Jurrien Timber to the Emirates. Brighton has made an initial offer for Kudus, which was turned down, but they might come back with an improved bid. However, Kudus has a preference for joining Arsenal, as they offer Champions League football, unlike Brighton. It's worth noting that Arsenal currently have a slight weakness in the right flank of their squad, with Bukayo Saka having played a significant number of minutes in that position last season. Kudus, who has previously delivered impressive performances from the right side for Ajax, would provide excellent cover and support in that area. Edu to go for Mohammed Kudus once squad clear-out is complete Read the full article
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