#Edit: Also new to A03 as of 20th of February 2024
123countwithme · 7 months
Blue's Clues & You! - Come at Me! - Josh and Reader (Platonic) Fanfic
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Request prompt:  Can you write a story where Josh and Y/N cook or bake something together? There could be silly moments in between like missing an ingredient, small food fight, etc. 
Word count: 1999
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Date Published: 19th August 2023
"Hello, Blue!" You greeted happily a smile plastered on your face as you walked up the path to their house.
"Bow Bow!" (Hello!) Blue being happy to see you ran up to you as you got down on your knees and hugged her.  "Bow bow bow bow bow bow bow?" (Why are you so excited?)
"I'm baking with Josh today! OOH, I AM SO EXCITED!!" You and Blue skipped up to the door. You knocked on the door and waited. Rocking on your heels trying to contain your excitement. As the door opened you were greeted by Josh who was holding a bag of flour.
"Oh, HI! Y/N!. Do you know what today is?" Josh asked 
"BAKING DAY!" You all shouted shooting your arms up in the air. In all the excitement Josh sent the flour up in the air. 
You gasped and tried to catch it but missed and the bag of flour went flying to the ground. You and Josh waited for the flour to crash onto the floor and go everywhere. But nothing happened You both looked down to the ground and saw that Blue had caught it with her ears. 
"Nice catch Blue." You took the flour from Blue and held it with both hands. 
"What would we do without you Blue?" Josh patted Blue on the head. "Thank you."
"Bow Bow Bow!" (You're welcome!) Blue's tail wagged at the affection given. 
"Come on inside to the kitchen Y/N" Josh stepped out of the way so You and Blue could enter. 
"What are we baking Josh?" You asked as you both entered the kitchen.
"Well, I was thinking chocolate chippie cookies?" Josh suggested.
"I like the sound of that"  Blue appears next to you on the counter.
"Bow." (Josh) Blue looks over at Josh and gives him a look as she walks across the bench getting closer to him. Josh was confused at first before understanding. Then blurting out.
"I mean it was Blue's idea. We played Blue's Clues and the answer was this recipe.... because I didn't know what to bake with you." Josh said sheepishly and looked at You and Blue.  
"Bow bow." (Better) Blue nodded with approval. 
Satisfied Blue sat down on the bench top proudly and patted the recipe with her paw.
"You have done it again Blue. What would we do without you?" You scratched lightly under Blue's chin. Blue leaned into the touch. Her tail wagging.
'Cute' Josh thought as he watched You and Blue.
"Alright Blue and Y/N what do we need for chocolate chippie cookies?" Josh asked leaning on the bench and trying to see the list of ingredients partially covered by Blue's paw that rested on top of the recipe. 
"Ummm" Blue removed her paw from the recipe. "Butter,  Vanilla essence, and caster sugar." You read out loud for Josh and Blue to hear. 
"Butter, vanilla essence, and caster sugar" Josh repeated. He opened the fridge to get the butter.
"Vanilla... vanilla..." You said to yourself as you opened up the cupboards looking through each one. "VANILLA!" You said as you took the vanilla out of the cupboard and went over and placed it on the bench. 
"Next we need brown sugar, egg, and self-raising flour." Josh went to go and get the brown sugar but stopped right in his tracks. "Self-raising flour? You mean to tell me that flour has raised itself. Hm, must have been lonely." Josh's expression changed into a sad one. "Poor flour" he muttered as he slowly walked back over to the cupboard. You laughed. Josh spun around to face you with a look of shock. "Why are you laughing?! This is serious Y/N. The flour has never had a family or anything."
You began to laugh harder. Blue started to giggle along with You. "No... that's not.... what... self-raising flour... means... Josh." You managed to get out in between fits of laughter and trying to catch your breath.
"Wait. What?... Then what does it mean?" Josh asked tilting his head to the side confused. 
When You finally caught your breath and calmed down you answered the confused Josh. "It means that it can rise by itself in the oven. Like bread rises." 
"OOOH!" It finally clicked Josh understood. "That makes a lot more sense now." Josh smiled and let out a chuckle. "How silly of me"
"Bow bow bow bow?" (Now where were we?) Blue asked.
"Sorry, Blue what?" You asked. 
Blue tapped her paw twice on your hand that was on the bench and went over to the recipe double tapping on the page. 
"The recipe. Right. Now where were we?" You said as you scanned your eyes across the recipe. 
"I was getting the brown sugar out of the cupboard," Josh stated as he opened up the cupboard.
"Egg" You went to the fridge and opened the door and got the carton of eggs out. "All we need is chocolate chips."
"Can't forget those. Otherwise, it wouldn't be chocolate chippie cookies." Josh said nodding his head. He saw you struggling to find the chocolate chips. "First cupboard. Bottom shelf." Josh didn't look up and only got out measuring cups and scales that were needed. 
"Thanks, Josh." You put the bag on the bench next to the other ingredients. 
"Self-raising flour which hasn't raised itself...." Josh trailed off. "The container is empty."
"What?" You looked at the container that Josh was holding out for you to see. "But I thought you had some. I saw you holding it when you opened the door." 
"Let's go look and-" Josh was cut off by Blue and she came into the room with the bag.
"Bow bow" (Got it)
"Oh dear" Josh began.
"What's 'oh dear'?" You asked.
"This is plain flour. GAH! we will never get to making these now!" Josh put his elbow on the bench and rested his chin on his hand looking quite annoyed.
"Oh Josh it's fine. I normally put in a bit of plain flour as well as self-raising flour." You patted Josh on the back. "All we need to do is go and buy some self-rasing flour." 
"Really? Phew, what a relief. and what a great idea! LET'S GO!" Josh got some newly found energy in him and sprang into action. "Come on you two. TO THE SHOPS!" Josh started running out of the kitchen.
"TO THE SHOPS!" You and Blue repeated. Following him into the front room.
Josh opened the door and was about to run out of it when he stopped. Blue had gotten in front of him blocking the doorway. 
"Bow bow" (Uh-Uh) Blue shook her head and ran around Josh to the picture frame that was to the left of the thinking chair hanging on the wall. 
"Bow bow bow!" (Let's skidoo) Blue said as she ran around in a circle and went into the picture frame. 
"Oh right! skidooing is faster." Josh said putting his hand to his head. "Silly me" he concluded. 
"YES! SKIDOO!" You said happily. Josh and you moved closer to the picture frame. Josh held your hand and you both skidooed together. 
You both landed in a shop. 
"A shop that just sells flour?" You commented looking around the store. 
"Why yes you would be correct. In fact, there are lots of different types of flour that people don't even know of." Joe popped up from behind the counter
"Joe? I thought you ran the present store?" Josh spoke surprised to see Joe.
"Let's just say... to make it easier... that it changes." Joe put it simply. 
"That works for me" Josh replied smiling.
"Bow bow" (Hello) Blue hopped up onto the counter and lick Joe's face.
Joe chuckled "Hello to you too Blue... Now what brings you here to the flour shop?" Joe asked
"Oh we are looking for self-raising flour," You said. Blue nodded her head.
"You are in luck because we do have some self-raising flour right here." Joe pulls up a bag and places it on the counter. "That will be two blue dollars please." 
Josh gives Joe two blue dollars "One blue dollar and two blue dollars. There you go, Joe."
"Thank you," Joe says putting the money in his cash register.
"You're welcome and thank you for this flour. Bye Joe!" Josh said as he waved goodbye.
"Bye!" You said
"Bow bow" (Bye-bye) Blue waved her paw as she went over to you and you helped Blue off the counter and to the ground.
"You're very welcome guys! See ya!" Joe waved as the three of you skidooed back to Josh and Blue's house.
"All right let's make those cookies!" You said as you pumped your fist in the air.
"Let's do it!" Josh said matching your energy.
(A little) Timeskip
As you and Josh are making the cookies Blue throws some flour at you. You look up. 
"Who threw the flour at me?" You asked. Blue pointed to Josh who was putting the cookies on a tray. "Oh is that right?" You spoke quietly as you picked up some flour and tossed it at Josh. Josh turned around quickly.
"You challenge me?" Josh asked with playfulness in his eyes.
Locking eyes with Josh "You started it." You stated firmly.
"No, I did not. But you're on." Josh said as he picked up flour and threw some back at you.
Then a blown-out war went on in the kitchen that afternoon flour splatting everywhere all over the bench top, all over the cupboards, and all over you both.
"Wait" You started "If you didn't hit me with flour then who did?" You both stopped and you both turned to Blue who peeked up from behind the bench. You and Josh looked at each other.
"BLUE!" you both yelled. Blue chuckled and grinned cheekily. 
"Come back here!" Josh said as he ran around to get Blue. You helped too. Blue ran around the kitchen away from the both of you. 
The kitchen was filled with laughter as you chased each other and threw flour everywhere.
**(another little) time skip**
You all lay sprawled out on the kitchen floor catching your breaths covered in flour. 
"I think we're out of flour," Josh said breathing heavily.
"At least we made the cookies before we threw the flour." You reply looking to the bench where the cookies lay on cooling racks with not a single splatter of flour on them.
"Oh gee that was fun" Josh said getting up off of the floor. He extended his hand to you and help you up off of the floor. 
"It sure was." You say smiling. 
"What happened in here?" 
The three of you froze and looked to the bench where Mr Salt was looking back. There was silence as you both looked around the kitchen at the mess you made. You both cracked up laughing. 
"Don't worry Mr Salt we will clean it up" You say laughing. 
"Well I should hope so," Mr Salt said sternly before cracking a smile.
You all got to work cleaning up the kitchen. When it was all done you had a cookie and a glass of milk. After you finished your cookie you got up and went to the door.
"I had a lot of fun today Josh and Blue." You said smiling
"We did too. We're so glad you could come over." Josh said smiling back. Blue walked up to you as you got on your knees and hugged her. 
"Bow bow bow" (I'll miss you) Blue said as she licked your face. You giggled. 
"I'll see you later Josh and Blue" You said as you waved to them. You were about to walk out the door when Josh spoke up.
"You are always welcome here Y/N. Always remember that." Josh says as he hugs you.
"Of course," You say as you hugged him back. 
You walked down the path waving to Josh and Blue as you headed back home.
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123countwithme · 7 months
Blues Clues/ & You! - 'No "by Yourself" in "Together"' - The Trio and Reader (Platonic) Fanfic
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Request Prompt: Steve, Joe, and Josh comfort Y/N when they get hurt.
Word Count: 2098
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Date Published: 12th of February 2024
Josh, Joe, and you were playing chasey outside in the backyard. Joe was it and was chasing you. You were both bolting around the yard.
"I've almost got you Y/N!" shouted Joe from behind sounding quite close. 
You giggled playfully as you tried running as fast as you could to shake him off ducking and dodging your way around the sandpit and trees. Eventually, Joe was running out of breath and had to stop to catch his breath.
"Good try Joe, but you can't get me," You say as you slow down to a stop and turn around with a grin. 
Joe then smiles at you as he looks up from looking at the ground to meet your eyes. You stuck your tongue out earning a gasp and a chuckle from him.
"Oh is this how it's going to be then hmm?" He asked. 
He then tried to leap at you but you jumped out of the way and onto the other side of the outdoor table that was close by.
"And let the standoff commence," Josh said as he watched you and Joe have a standoff staring into each other's eyes. 
You wriggle your fingers and pose like one of those wild western movies where the characters have a standoff in the middle of the town. Both narrow their eyes not looking away for even one singular second.
"Hey, who wants some lemonade?" Steve asked as he walked out the back door into the backyard holding a tray with glasses of lemonade on it and Mrs Pepper on his shoulder smiling. 
Josh turned around as Steve spoke he then looked back at Joe and you and then back at Steve and nodded.
"I would like a glass!" Josh said with his, as always, cheery warm smile as he bounds over to Steve and takes a glass. "Thank you, Steve and Mrs Pepper"
"You're welcome, dear." Mrs Pepper says lovingly.
"No worries," Steve said, stepping sideways a bit to look behind Josh, seeing Joe and you staring at each other. "What are they doing?" he asks looking at Josh for some explanation.  
"They are having a standoff" Josh simply states turning around to watch you and Joe while taking a sip of his lemonade. "Man, this is good!" He smiles at the taste of fresh lemonade.
"Okay..." Steve nods slowly as he places the tray with glasses of lemonade on a smaller table by the back door. Steve looks up quickly in front of him staring at the wall for a few seconds with a bit of confusion. "Why?" He asks turning and walking to stand next to Josh.
"Oh, we are playing tag." Josh further explains. 
"Right! That makes so much more sense now." Steve chuckled as he took a sip of lemonade. He then joins Josh in watching you and Joe.
You and Joe then ran around the table staying a good distance apart as Joe tried to catch you but ultimately failed. 
"HA!" Joe got up onto the outdoor table. But luckily you were quick on your feet cause you bolted away. As you were running away you looked back over your shoulder for a split second and BAM! you ran into a tree. 
Your world went dark.
"Oh sheep!" Steve said as he ran over to you and got on his knees. Joe and Josh also came over as Steve looked you over.
"Why are they just lying there?" Joe asked. Josh just shrugged.
"Just as I thought. Y/N knocked themselves out when they hit their head into the tree." Steve explained resting a hand gently on your head as he looked at Joe and Josh. 
"Oh no, are they going to be alright?" Josh asked
"I think they will be they are breathing" Steve puts simply as he puts you in the recovery position.
"Do we need to call an ambulance?" Joe asked 
"Yeah that would be best" Steve nodded
"I'll call one on my handy dandy phone" Josh reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his handy dandy notebook which also happens to double up as a mobile phone on the other side. 
When you opened your eyes you looked around and realised you weren't at the Blues Clues house. You saw the walls were a soft white color with lots of different equipment and machines in the room. You felt uneasy. 
"Bow bow?" Blue's once nestled head that was between her front paws had lifted to look at you.
"Blue?" A little smile appeared on your face. Blue then trotted up the bed and sat in your lap as you proceeded to gently stroke her head and back in a soothing manner that somehow calmed down your uneasiness a little. "it's good to see you Blue" 
The door to the room began to open as Steve stepped in. 
"Hey, Blue I got you a snack since-" he stopped his sentence as he saw you awake and looking right back at him. "Hey kiddo" his voice softened as well as his smile."how are you?" 
That's all it took you felt tears coming up and welling in your eyes as they then proceeded to roll down your cheeks. Steve walked over to you and opened his arms out a bit.
"May I?" he asked before giving you a gentle hug. Blue leaned into you more as well offering more comfort as you quietly broke down sobbing in their arms. "It hurts doesn't it?" 
"Yeah," you sobbed out. Your head was hurting quite a lot but it was to be expected since you did hit your head pretty hard on the tree.
Josh and Joe were now in the room with you, Steve, and Blue. 
"Now the doctor said that you need to rest for a few more days," Josh said
"But! You get to come back to the Blues Clues house with us until you are better" Joe quickly chimed in seeing your face droop after what Josh had said fearing that you would have to stay at the hospital. You didn't mind the hospital but you didn't like it either you would prefer to get away as soon as it was possible. 
"Thanks, guys," you said as you looked at the three of them with fondness. 
The doctor came in and explained the situation more. Telling all of you how long the recovery would take. Which would only be a week or so since it wasn't major which you were all thankful for. 
Soon it was time to leave the hospital you were dressed in some casual clothes. You, Josh, Blue, Joe, and Steve all left the hospital and went to the Blues Clues home. 
"I'll show you to your room," Josh said as he led you to a room in the house. He opened the door. 
You looked around the room there was a window with polka-dot curtains, a side table, a wardrobe, and a bed. Upon further inspection of the bed on top of it were a couple of blankets.
"Do you like it?" Josh still stood at the doorway.
"It's nice" you replied. Josh walked over to the bed. You saw the blanket Josh held up looking at it. It was a simple deep dark blue with stars scattered over it. "I like the blanket. It's simple yet comforting" 
"you know it's not just a blanket." Josh started turning around to you with the blanket in his hands. "hold it" he held it out to you. You took it and to your surprise, it was quite heavy.
"Woah I did not expect it to be heavy," you say very surprised.
"That's because it's a weighted blanket," Josh said 
"Oh! That makes a lot more sense" You chuckled lightly looking over the blanket again and refolded it on the end of the bed. 
"It's so cool that you get to stay over!" Joe says bursting into the room with his duck Boris and another plushie in one of his arms and the other arm up in the air with his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Hey Y/N I got you something," Joe said as he handed over a plushie. (the plushie was your favorite animal).
"Wow! Seriously?! for me?!" You said amazed as you held (your favorite animal) plush in your arms. "it's so soft and wonderful. Thank you, Joe!" You hugged Joe and he hugged right back. 
"You're welcome" Joe simply replied. "Now the other reason I came in here is to get you two. It's dinner time!"
**AFTER DINNER** (during dinner you felt yourself becoming sadder and sadder. You felt bad for putting this on them to look after you.)
"Yum! That was delicious" You said putting on a smile and a happy tone. You then excused yourself from the table.
**After a while**
"Hey, where's Y/N?" Josh asked "I haven't seen them since dinner." 
"Me neither." Steve put a hand on his chin as he thought. 
"Blue have you seen Y/N?" Joe asked Blue shook her head.
"Bow. Bow Bow" (no. Sorry)
"let's spread out and search they would still be around here somewhere," Joe said taking charge. 
"Yes, Joe!" Steve, Josh, and Blue are all doing an army salute to Joe like he was their leader. They then all split up searching high and low and asking the other residents inside and outside the home. 
Joe opened a closet and was about to close it again but stopped when he heard a sniffle. "Y/N?" Joe questioned walking into the room. "are you here? are you okay?" Joe followed the sound until he saw you with teary eyes and tears running down your face. You looked like an absolute mess. He silently asked then hugged you holding you close and rubbing your back soothingly. 
"Oh, Joe." You sobbed. "sorry" 
"What are you sorry for?" Joe was confused but still kept you in the hug.
"Sorry for making you guys look after me. I don't want to be an inconvenience" You sobbed in his arms. He gently pulled you away looking at you.
"Oh Y/N..... you don't have to be sorry." He gently caresses your cheek. "and you are not an inconvenience" He saw you look away. "I mean it." he softly smiles.
"Really?" You looked into his eyes seeing if he was genuine or not. You saw the most genuine look you have ever seen in your life. 
"We all love you." Joe smiles softly as he wipes some of your tears away. 
Josh, Steve, and Blue walked into the space you two were in. 
"Hi guys," You said softly. "Sorry for not coming back." You smiled a little looking at them all. 
"It's quite alright," Steve said noticing your tear-stained face, and guess what you might be feeling. 
"We are just glad you're safe" Josh added smiling softly. Blue wandered over and licked your cheek which made you giggle a bit. 
"Thank you guys." You said.
Over the next weeks, the home was filled with laughter and fun times (hard times too but we like to keep it positive :3) getting to hang out with the gang at the Blues Clues house. You felt loved, safe, and protected. You felt like you could be yourself around them with no judgment. You felt like you didn't need to be perfect cause they weren't either they were like a big found family who, at the core of it all, loved each other and for them to welcome you into their family it was a comforting feeling to feel that you belonged. 
But soon it was time for you to go. Which you never liked doing whenever you came over.
"You got everything?" Josh asked
"I believe so. Thank you guys again for everything. I always love coming over." You said smiling more than you ever had before. 
"No problem," Joe said
"Anytime you need us we will always be there." Steve smiled with kind eyes. 
You, Steve, Josh, Joe, and even Blue joined the group hug. 
"We love you," Josh said while they were hugging.
"I love you guys too" 
After you all finished the group hug you gathered your things in your backpack. 
"Well, I'll see you guys later," You said waving as you started to head off. 
"Bye!" Joe said
"See you later!" Josh said
"Bow-Bow!" (Bye-bye!) Blue said
"Safe travels!" Steve said.
You hoped it wasn't going to be too long until you could see them all again. 
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