#Edison Tutoring
hoodieimp · 1 year
The Mortifying Ordeal of Applying for Jobs (and Actually Getting A Response)
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bellzsad · 10 months
Necessary | Newtmas
"I only speak when necessary." "So when will it be necessary to talk to me?"
Thomas Edison didn't ever believe he would have to tutor another student, let alone believe that this student would be the one and only Newt Isaacs. But once he does, things start to change. The tutoring sessions, along with a party, a project, a prom, and so much more help the two to somehow find a strange comfort in each other, although they get off at the wrong start at first. But no, they are not friends. Definitely. With unspeakable tension and with Newt being closed off, Thomas doesn't know how to deal with having these sessions.
But also, who knew that a girl would play into this? A girl with long, wavy brown hair and clear blue eyes that may just have her eyes set on Thomas. And how can Newt take her place instead?
go read this newtmas fanfiction on wattpad, by @belIzsad!!
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finiffy · 2 years
do you have any hcs for what some staff did before joining the foundation? or y'know their degrees and stuff?
Hmm well I guess I have some but like 100% do they really not go with "canon" (not like anything I have here is canon compliant)
Crow, I like to think that he was actually a professor (not only in name), you know taught classes with students in a university when he was still walking on two legs teaching robotics and stuff (definitely did his own version of battlebots). A professor who was working on his other degrees while teaching
King, this guy was working on his mathematic degree cause for this guy math was all his brain could do. Probably was looking for any job that would take his application that needs a math guy (that brought him into the Foundation as an academic/researcher/data scientist). I would see him pre-foundation doing freelance stuff too, contract stuff....a math tutor
Edison, 100% was a film major but switched majors cause of second thoughts. Definitely was an undeclared major for a long, probs went with an English major. Honestly not even sure how the hell the Foundation picked this guy up cause he is not the "best" candidate for like....a scientist....how the hell this guy has a doctor title is beyond me
I know we previously joked about it but Kon getting his phd in photography. This guy definitely wanted to be a traveling journalist/writer/photographer going around the world living out of his Jeep. Probs went back and got a biology degree later around the time Draven was born
Clef, I mean you know him and his deal, I think he had dropped out of college during those times for the GOC but went back and finished in psychology or whatever he was working on (no idea what degree he has)
Iceberg had to join the military like the moment this guy finished highschool (he worked customer service during highschool and yes it was awful). Did a summer undergraduate internship at a military lab and went up from there
Gears rebellious phase of not wanting to go into the workplace that his dad runs. Got his phds and doctorates (yes, multiples) with the expectations of him going to Foundation after he graduates but instead went for a normal boring office job despite him being way too overqualified for it. Imagine him as a customer service representative (it was a Foundation front)
Bright absolutely speedruns to work for Foundation because of "Bright Family Problems" (me loving to do contrast between Bright and Gears). I see them somewhere with bio engineering, psychology or something, not sure on them
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So, might as well start with the headcannons here, with my absolute favorites.
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These two are just a pair of 6th graders that always stay after school to help tutor younger kids. They met in second grade and are almost inseparable, and also probably in a relationship. CJ's a reckless young idiot who's always running off somewhere and getting in trouble. Edison is much more composed and 'mature', but he also hangs out with them because they're both science nerds.
There's rumors about there being a hidden elevator that only they know about, but neither will confirm or deny this fact.
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automaticvr · 2 months
Learn Computer GamingandTagalog online with tutor Edison Abaya - Lessonpal
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automaticar · 2 months
Learn Computer GamingandTagalog online with tutor Edison Abaya - Lessonpal
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10 NEET success quotes
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NEET is one of the most competitive exams in India, with hopefuls constantly juggling exams and stress. And for some students, the situation worsens as they study for the country's most difficult admission exam.
NEET candidates at the NEET Coaching in Dehradun must prepare well and with the proper mind set in order to avoid exam stress and competition. While the total number of seats in NEET is less than one lakh and the number of applications is in the millions, candidates must compete for the highest marks. To keep motivated, candidates seek guidance, assistance, and encouraging counsel from all available options.
In this blog, we will present some of the most popular NEET success statements for prospective candidates that will immediately energize you for the huge battle ahead.
10 NEET success quotes for NEETCandidates
Due to exam-related stress and the difficulty in determining numerous life choices, students frequently find themselves in a never-ending maze. Students in the medical area often struggle to cope with the syllabus, workload, and extended study hours, and so are in continual need of inspiration and motivation.
Reading success quotes might offer you that extra push and fuel to go through whatever you're having trouble getting through. Continue reading to get some of the best success quotes from the Best NEET coaching that will support you in your battles and difficulties as you travel the path to success.
“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
“If you have goals and procrastination, you have nothing. If you have plans and take action, you will have anything you want” – Thomas J. Villard.
3.      “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little ‘extra’.”
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that count.” – Winston Churchill
“We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope.” – Martin Luther King
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” – Thomas Edison.
“Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion;you must set yourself on fire.” – Arnold H. Glasow
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”– Robert Collier.
“When you run into something interesting, drop everything else and study it” – B. F. Skinner.
“Success is not the key to happiness, Happiness is the key to success,if you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
Crack NEET with Genesis
NEET coaching in Dehradun is becoming increasingly important for students aiming to pass the NEET exam. With the latest change in the exam design, the NEET entrance exam has become tougher to pass. NEET tutoring is one of the most effective approaches to overcome this obstacle and gain admission to a top medical college in India.
Go no farther than Genesis if you are looking for a top NEET coaching institute in Uttrakhand. With our staff of experienced and skilled professors, we provide great tutoring for NEET streams. We provide one-on-one NEET exam preparation with qualified specialists who can help you score high.
These NEET success quotes emphasize the need of thorough preparation, particularly for the NEET exam. It informs us that it is critical to put your heart into studying in order to pass the NEET exam with flying colours.
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bcminutes · 2 years
2023 Minutes
BC Minutes 1-15-2023
Attended by Ed, Bernadette, Jean, Dan, Carla, Ron, Mary, Bonnie.
Bernadette discussed with us and Carla the transition of her duties as Finance Chair to Carla. Bernadette gave over to Carla the books.
Mary arrived and decided to have a portion of the Annual Meeting.
Bonnie said she would be contributing $200 each month to the Community Center to defray heating costs for her using the building to do taxes for people and to teach others how to work as a tax consultant. The months she will do this are Feb, Mar, and April, 2023.
On January 20th the sacristy electrical work is scheduled for completion.
Mary voiced her opposition to paying Edison the $6000 they want for services rendered. Ed suggested we put this disagreement in the hands of the diocese. Mary intends to gather up all the invoices. Ron motioned we table the issue and Bernadette seconded it.
Doing something about the gym floor was tabled as well.
Mary wants to have an open house in the future to thank folks for their generosity in helping renovate our facilities.
A few BC positions were discussed:
Sr. Warden—Mary Carter
Jr. Warden—Ron Parris
Finance Chair—Carla Parris
Stewardship Chair—Camille Norman
Supply Priest Acquisitions—Camille Norman
Jean will make information available on heat pumps and the IRA’s means whereby our church may acquire help in financing them. Mary will talk with Sterling about heat pumps as well.
Deacon Dan
BC Minutes 1-29-2023
Attendance: Ed, Bernadette, Ron, Carla, Stephanie, Mary, Dan, Camille
Deacon Dan opened with prayer.
Ed moved to adopt the minutes from previous meetings. There was a second and all were in favor.
Mary reported that the electrician has finished work in the sacristy and nave.
Ed reported that, according to Sterling, heat pumps are not feasible to heat and cool the gym. They work best in small spaces.
Jean suggested that exposed wood floors in the gym be sealed. She proposed to gather data on different products and their costs and report back during a BC meeting in the future. BC members look forward to her future report.
Ron agreed to contact sources that may wish to finance and put down a sealant on the gym floor.
BC members gave Jean the go ahead to purchase a new coffee pot for upcoming events at St. George’s.
Mary reported that Canon Jason will celebrate and preach at St. George’s on February 26. Deacon has informed Fr. Tom, as that day OMS and St. George’s will worship together.
Deacon Dan said that receipts for donations made to St. George’s will be in the mail this coming week.
Camille said she would check with Jason to see what he intends to bring to the UP Retreat on Saturday, Feb. 4. Jean has volunteered to provide coffee and water at the meeting.
Mary passed out the schedule for Holy Week provided by the UP. St. George’s will host the Holy Saturday liturgy.
Mary asked that anyone with suggestion regarding ministry in our neighborhood send them to Mary before the retreat on February 4.
Mary said the following are our current ministries.
Ron’s Meditation Class. Wednesdays 10:30-11:30AM
Diva’s Ladies Social Club. 11:00 one Monday each month. Pamela leads.
Dare to Care. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tax preparation and instruction. By appointment. Bonnie leads.
Private tutoring. By appointment.
Change Today, Change Tomorrow. As needed.
Mary shared ideas for programming.
Senior Support Group.
Career Service Program.
Career Day. Suggested for spring.
Goodwill Industries. Join them in the Opportunity Campus.
Small Business Start Ups.
Gym Rental.
Ron states that he has received a quote for $1050 to provide railings to the concrete steps recently installed outside the Tachau House. Ed moved we accept the proposal and Jean seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
BC Minutes 2-12-2023
Deacon Dan opened with prayer.
A motion was offered and seconded to accept the previous meeting minutes.
Mary said the diocese has agreed to pay the $6000 to Edison Contracting. No addition money is due the Edison,
Carla Parris has been cleared by the bank to write checks for St. George’s.
The railing for the Tachau House steps has been contracted to be installed. $500 has been paid with the other $500 due at completion. Work to be done this week.
Ed got a new quote from Sterling. Heat and AC can still be installed for $41000. Offer only good until March 1.
Camille mentioned that the UP will go see Roots 101 at the African American History Museum on February 25 at 11AM.
Camille also mentioned that UP will sponsor a Lenten Study beginning Wednesday, March 1, and meeting on ZOOM each Wednesday during Lent.
St. George’s will host this year’s Anne Braden Commemoration at 10:30AM on March 4. Food and programming will be provided by the UP.
The next UP meeting will be on March 15 at noon on ZOOM.
Ed said it was OK for the UP to use his Lenten cross for the Stations of the Cross event being planned.
St. George’s will host Holy Saturday this year. Details to be planned.
Mary said she will put a calendar on her office door that can hold all upcoming events.
Camille’s son is working up estimates on what different ways to seal the gym floor would cost.
Respectfully submitted,
BC Minutes 3-19-2023
Attendance: Mary, Dan, Jean, Camille, Stephanie, Carla, Ed
Minutes to the previous meeting were read and approved.
A discussion ensued regarding the gym floor. While the floor may not be used as a basketball court, protecting it to allow it to stand up against the wear and tear it routinely endures was seen by all as important. Therefore, Camille was asked to speak with flooring people who can seal the floor, acquiring from them estimates of what it would cost. A motion was made and seconded to proceed.
NOTE: Camille pursued this to find contractors unwilling to do the work without also doing subfloor work, which was estimated to be very costly.
The Marmion Loan was discussed. Its balance is currently $1881.41. A motion was made and seconded to pay it off. No dissent was noted.
BC Minutes 6-4-2023
Attendance: Dan, Jean, Ron, Carla, Bernadette, Ed, Stephanie, Cam
One issue was discussed. Jean presented her idea for the gym floor. It was agreed that a small region of the floor would be tested with the product. Ron volunteered to sand a small area and apply the product that Jean has proposed we use. Once laid down we will be able to evaluate it and decide whether to use it on the entire floor area.
BC Minutes 7-9-2023
Attendance: Mary, Jean, Ron, Carla, Stephanie, Ed, Bernadette, Dan, Pamela, Camille, Linda (guest)
Ed made a motion that Bishop Committee meetings should be moved to weekdays. The motion was seconded. A vote was taken showing 6 people voting to affect the change. No vote of opposition was offered. The change was approved. Our next Bishop Committee meeting was scheduled for 7-11-2023 at 5PM.
Stephanie suggested we schedule meetings to occur on the same day each month and at the same time. Should Mary be unable to attend an upcoming meeting, Stephanie suggested she pass the leading of the meeting to her Junior Warden, Ron.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
BC Minutes 7-11-2023
Attendance: Ed, Bernadette, Stephanie, Bonni, Mary, Camille, Ron, Carla, Jean, Dan
Deacon Dan opened with prayer.
Previous minutes were accepted.
Mary said in May, Tomatoes in a Box gave out 10 pots.
UP will have its next meeting at St. George’s Tachau House on August 23, at noon.
VBS was a success having worked with 27 students.
Ron agreed to put down the product Jean brought in to seal the gym floor. He will clean and apply it to a small area for us to evaluate.
Lisa will ask Donald to give us a price to replace missing boards on the gym floor.
Mary has contacted 5 HVAC contractors, only two of which have submitted estimates. Mary will speak with Jason about the situation.
Mary has submitted a BC approved budget to the diocese. Church is asking for $9000, CC is asking for $25,000.
Bonni volunteered to be liaison to the National Convention to be held in
Louisville in 2024.
Jean has agreed to complete the IPL survey. This survey seeks to find churches that wish to earn grants by heating and cooling their properties mindful of the environment and energy conservation.
Committee agreed to pay a 13% assessment for 2024. Carla motioned, Ron seconded. No opposition was noted.
Ron spoke about Seeds to Oak, a nonprofit he supports.
Lisa’s daughter, Margaret, will have a baby shower in the Tachau House on July 22. Congratulations to the Vish family!
Mary will run a tutoring program to help youth prepare for the upcoming school year July 18- August 3, from 4:30-5:30 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
BC Minutes—9-18, 2023
Attendance: Ed & Bernadette, Stephanie, Ron & Carla, Mary, Jean, Camille
Ed opened the meeting with prayer.
Motion was made to accept the minutes as written with corrections by Camille and seconded by Jean
We are on schedule for floor materials. He will work with Jean in procuring supplies. Ron stated that they should be finished in the next two months in November.
HVAC and the IPL grant are in the holding position with them. Jean had no additional information. We are hoping for a possible report in October.
Bonnie is still the liaison to the national convention. She is dealing with the aging of her mother and other issues. We are keeping her in prayer.
The Kindergarten Project was discussed and hoping for bigger attendance next year, 2024.
All of the financial documents have been received from Deacon Dan and are ready to be presented to the Diocese so that St. George’s can be seated and represented at the convention. Registration is for Deacon Dan, Mary and Camille and is due by October 6, 2023. The cost is $300 @ $150 per person. Total cost is $450 +240 = $690. The convention is in Bowling Green, KY this year. Camille has already reserved her room. Room reservations must be completed by October 26th. Camille and Mary will share the room cost. St. George’s will pay Mary’s cost of $60 to Camille.
Everyone expressed pleasure with the new St. George’s sign. We discussed the possibility of getting a sign to hang from the original to show the time of Sunday service. The changing of the time from 11am until 10:30 am was discussed and tabled.
Ron will contact Stanley Steemer, our rug cleaning company for years, to get the carpets cleaned before Thanksgiving, November.
Mortar flaking will be addressed and Ron will be in charge. The price was quoted as $60 for four (4) large cans. It is a spray on product.
Motion was made by Ron to accept the old business and second by Ed.
New Business:
We need new lay licenses. Deacon Dan will have to get them.
There needs to be a monthly financial report at each Bishop Committee meeting. The discussion concluded that this report is published in the Church News of the Month. If you are not receiving this report, check with Deacon Dan. The suggestion was made that a quarterly report should be done. Carla, Treasurer, will give the committee a monthly check book balance for the4 church and community center accounts. This was the practice of the past.
Mary discussed that an Internal Order check list need to be completed according to the Canon. We need a place to lock up offerings. We looked at the box we have. We need a new lock box. Camille will buy the lock box. She can be reimbursed by the church for this expense.
Ron spoke and explained the ICYPAA (Internal Conference of Young People in alcoholics Anonymous). The discussion included supervision of the young adults, ages 20-26. Meeting space is needed by them, especially in the West End and St. George’s was an option. We have exercise equipment, stair machine, basketball and we have been offered a foose ball table, treadmill, exercise bike. They would meet once a week. Motion was made and accepted to approve the use by ICYPAA if they decide to use our facility. The meeting room will be above the Dare to Care offices.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bernadette Hamilton
BC Minutes—10-9-2023
October 9, 2023 @ 5:15pm
Attendance: Ed and Bernadette, Stephanie, Ron, Mary, Jean, Camille, Deacon Dan and Rev. Matt Bradley
Deacon Dan opened the meeting with prayer.
Motion was made to accept the minutes as written with corrections by Camille and seconded.
The materials for addressing the gym floor arrived and were delivered to the meeting for Ron to use in repairing the floor. There were special instructions on how to use the product and how to handle the can before and while in use.
HVAC and the IPL grant remain in the holding position with them. Jean had no additional information. We are still hoping for a possible report this month, in October.
Bonnie is still the liaison to the national convention. Mary is her backup person for receiving information
All of the financial documents have been received from Deacon Dan and submitted to the Diocese for seating at the convention by St. George’s delegate, Mary Carter and representative/alternate, Camille Norman.
Everyone expressed pleasure with the new St. George’s sign. The new sign is now in place and hanging. The changing of the time from 11am until 10:30 am was discussed and tabled.
Ron will contact Stanley Steemer, our rug cleaning company for years, to get the carpets cleaned before Thanksgiving, November.
Mortar flaking will be addressed and Ron will be in charge. The price was quoted as $60 for four (4) large cans. It is a spray on product. This still needs to be addressed in our November meeting.
Motion was made to accept the old business.
Remember, you may need a renewal of your lay reader’s licenses. Deacon Dan will have to get them. Please let him know if you are in need.
New Business:
Mary Carter, Warden has been nominated to sit on Trustees and Council Committee at this year’s convention. She has accepted the request.
There needs to be a monthly financial report at each Bishop Committee meeting was open for discussion in September. Deacon Dan presented the Bishop’s Committee with a six month Statement of Activity by Division from January – July 2023 for St. George’s Episcopal Church with total assets of $27,505.91; the Community Center has total assets of $4,896.30. Both accounts joined together show assets of $32,402.21 representing our total liability and equity. As of July 31, 2023 St. George’s had a ball of $37,681.62 and the Community Center has a balance of $11,499.68. We recognized the need to have a fund raiser for the Community Center. The only source of income for the Center is the monthly check from the Diocese.
We discussed space rental donations for use of the gym. The kitchen is not available for party rentals. The ICYPAA group had discussed the donation amount of $50 for their meeting times. Their meeting space would be above the Dare to Care office. Ron spoke and explained the ICYPAA (Internal Conference of Young People in alcoholics Anonymous) at our September meeting.
The Lock box was ordered and paid for by Carla through the Church’s financials. We needed a safe place to keep our funds and receipts if the treasurer, Carla Parris is not at church.
Mary Carter gave her Bell Award money in the mount of $500 the Episcopal Church Home. We have given donations for flowers to them in the past.
Mary has made contact with the Director of the five (5) halfway houses, two women, two men and one family house located at 29th and Virginia Avenue to help their clients (if needed) with resource information. Laundry Love was suggested to the Director by Mary if it starts again in our area, clothing items, food and other issues if needed. They are eligible for Dare to Care.
Rev. Matt Bradley presented “A Homeless Project”. There are official screenings completed by the organization managers/consultants. It is primarily a winter shelter project program only for women and children and marginalized persons. Rev. Matt Bradley sent St. George’s the organization’s Winter Shelter Pilot Program, Congregation Handbook 2019-20, Warming Center Volunteer Instructions, and Warming Center Community Norms. Deacon Dan forwarded the documents to members thru email.
The project requires a coordinator, a place for people to stay overnight and providing toiletries, dinner, breakfast and a light snack. They cannot stay in the center/gym all day and they must reserve a space for the next night. The total number of members will be 15. In private discussions the committee felt that we could provide meals. Further discussion is needed to determine the number of times we could make the meals available for the people and if it would be dinner, snack bag, or breakfast food.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Bernadette Hamilton
BC Minutes—11-13-2023
November 13, 2023 @ 5:25pm
Attendance: Ed and Bernadette, Mary, Camille, Deacon Dan
Deacon Dan opened the meeting with prayer.
Motion was made to accept the minutes as written by Camille and seconded by Mary.
Estimate from Hamilton Property Management group has been received from Ron Parris regarding the gym floor in the amount of $15,500. We need to make floor repairs before major work begins. Ron’s contract is too expensive for our budget. Mary voiced that she could not ask the Diocese for $15,500. Some of the job descriptions in the project proposal are out of his range and/or are seen as part of his sexton duties.
The gym floor needs cleaning and a review of the Sexton’s contract was suggested. It was also recommended that Ron give us an estimate on sanding the gym floor, putting the planks down to replace the damaged wood, no wood putty, and put down the floor materials purchased. The Diocese will not sponsor St. George’s for $15,500.
The IPL grant remains in the holding position with them. Jean had no additional information. We are still hoping for a possible report this month, in October, now we look forward to December or January.
ICYPAA information was put on hold until December, Ron is out of town.
The new HVAC is scheduled to be installed on Wednesday, November 15. The estimate has remained the same and the Sterling Co. did not charge us the increase in the estimate from August until November. Mary spoke with Mike of the Sterling Heating & Air Conditioning company. The cost will remain at $50,000. This amount will be paid by the Diocese.
Bonnie is still the liaison to the national convention. Mary is her backup person for receiving information. We received a 81st General Convention scan card with information sites on it and 10 reasons to be a part of this event.
Everyone expressed pleasure with the new St. George’s sign. The new sign is now in place and hanging. The changing of the time from 11am until 10:30 am was discussed and tabled. A change of start time for services was not discussed at this meeting.
Mary is waiting on a call back from Stanley Steemer, our rug cleaning company for years, to get the carpets cleaned before Thanksgiving, November. They talked to Mary and will send her an estimate.
Mortar flaking will be addressed and Ron will be in charge. The price was quoted as $60 for four (4) large cans. It is a spray on product. This still needs to be addressed in our November meeting. Ron was not present, out of town, and no report was made.
Deacon Dan will talk to Rev. Matt Bradley about the Homeless Project. St. George’s is able to provide meal/s for the group. In discussions, the committee felt that we could provide meals. Further discussion is needed to determine the number of times we could make the meals available for the people and if it would be dinner, snack bag, or breakfast food.
Mary Carter, Warden has been nominated to sit on Trustees and Council Committee at this year’s convention. She has accepted the request.
New Business:
Deacon Dan suggested two new projects for St. George’s.
People in the Pews Project – Deacon Dan would compose a letter asking Episcopal Churches to send a person from their church to worship at St. Georges. It would be a one-time visit or more if the people desire to continue coming.
Braden Committee Prep – St George’s and others would watch the video on Anne Braden’s life as a group.
The suggestions were received with enthusiasm.
Coats and Blankets Project: Mary stated that Church of the Advent will start to send items of clothing to St. George’s. Angie Mills from St. John’s in Murray, KY will participate. St. John’s Youth group will visit Louisville to go out and take items to the Homeless with us in December. A date for this event has not been set.
St. George will pack food boxes on December 12 from 3-5pm. We will do 65 Christmas baskets this year, 40 families from the center and 25 from the church. If you have a needy family, please let Mary know right away as slots are filling up quickly. Distribution of the boxes will be on December 16. Ed Hamilton will order the boxes.
The monthly financial report was presented as of September 2023 by Deacon Dan. St. George’s Episcopal Church has total assets of $25,971.79; the Community Center has total assets of $7,715.77. Both accounts joined together show assets of $33,687.56, representing our total liability and equity. Again, the only source of income for the Center is the monthly check from the Diocese.
Reminder: We may not receive a Bishop’s visitation this year as Bishop White is recovering from an eye problem. Our next opportunity would be in 2024
Meeting adjourned at 6:19 pm. Respectfully submitted, Bernadette Hamilton
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Eddie Munson Fic Recommendations
Main Rec Masterlist
First Couple Days -> you and eddie just started to date and are keeping it a secret 
Sex, Drugs and Rock (NSFW) -> you devise a plan to confess your feelings for your best friend Eddie, and things quickly escalate beyond your expectations.
Reader is Steve harrington sister and in a relationship with Eddie Munson
Country Girl -> Eddie introduces you to Black Sabbath - and who could've guessed Heavy Metal could be that romantic?
Ceasefire ->  Fighting with Eddie trying to wrestle his vest from his grip cuz you’re doing the laundry and that thing really needs washed but he doesn’t wanna lose the ‘mosh pit smell’
Love, You Too Edison ->  skipping class with your boyfriend to get high in the woods behind school was your favorite thing to do. but much to eddie’s dismay, this time around didn’t involve heated make-out sessions and heartfelt hugs, it was just you pestering him about his full name. your current theory on what it was? edison.
Reader being friends with robin and is somehow involved in the upside down stuff and so hangs out with the gang and robin is making fun of reader for swooning over eddie whenever he talks about lord of the rings
Strange Love Pt2 -> The popular girl mingling with the school’s freak should have been outrageous. Yet you chose him as a quick escape from reality because he seemed to be the only person able to give you what you needed. You had no idea that the escape he offered you would turn into something so much more complicated.
Otherworldly -> eddie surprises his partner in the libary, discovering instead of learning they created a whole freaking world
Pretty Brown Eyes -> you finally have the courage to talk to your crush—but then the most embarrassing thing ever happens.
Don’t take my heart (don’t break my heart) -> Dustin isn’t allowed to date until his sister, Kate, does. Problem is, he already has a girlfriend. He looks for help in the most unlikely place: the Hellfire Club.
Anyone But Him -> Reader is Steve's sister and she has a huge crush on Eddie and he's has a crush on her (they flirt with each other at school and at the video store), and Steve does not approve. But his mama instincts kick in when Eddie is at his front door and his sister gets ready to leave with him
Tell Me a Secret -> A classic tale of idiots to lovers. The school freak who was surprisingly good at math agrees to tutor Hawkins High royalty, the Vice President who's on the verge of failing.
She's Real -> Dustin Henderson refuses to believe Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson has a girlfriend.
Eddie Munson x Henderson Sister!Reader
Tiny Swords
Caught Red Handed -> Y/N and Eddie are in a relationship but Y/N’s brother Dustin has no idea about it.
Cheerleader -> Y/n and Chrissy are best friends, but when she dies, she knows things aren't as everyone seems to think. Maybe Eddie is innocent.
The Five Video Tapes of Eddie Munson -> Working at a video store when your friends aren’t on shift is dull as hell, that is until an unlikely dude starts building up a film collection. And building up the courage to admit his feelings.
Why Can't This Be Love -> You've never really fit in, despite trying, despite being on the cheerleading team, despite awkwardly socialising with the  popular crowd. It's not for you - these people aren't for you. Yet, you don't know how to escape! Do you continue following a dead end? Or finally break away? The answer is made for you after your 'date,' a boy on the basketball team, bails on you, and uninvites you from some stupid basketball after party. Whatever, that's fine. But what's not fine is the agonisingly long walk home. Oh, in the dark, late at night!. However, your saviour finds you, and not only does he save you from walking home alone, but the conflicting feelings that you've spent the last few years with.
Late Bloomer -> eddie befriends a cheerleader who’s a bit of a ‘late bloomer’
Within Six Days -> You, the valedictorian to-be, and Eddie, the bimbo pothead, start studying together so he can graduate. In return, he shows you a more "wild" life.
if you'd taken an arrow (and run it right through me) -> five times you and Eddie pretended not to know each other + one time you didn’t.
youngervolcano - on Ao3
Dont take my heart (Dont break it) -> Dustin isn't allowed to date until his sister, Kate, does. Problem is, he already has a girlfriend. (Or: 10 Things I Hate About You but make it Eddie Munson)
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signurture · 7 years
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edupunkn00b · 3 years
The Tutor
Gift for @under-the-blue-moonlight for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange. Beta read by @antisocial-xxxpert, @treeni, and @typically-untypical
A troubled student falling behind and at risk for expulsion. The winner of the the Thomas Edison Science and Engineering award. They're certain to get along swimmingly. ---
Rated T: Remus swears (well, I never!), implied transphobic microagressions (from OCs) - WC: 6950 - [ AO3 ] ---
Principal Frye looked up from his keyboard when the intercom buzzed and crackled. “Principal Frye, the Sanders family is here to see you.” He took off his glasses and sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose. 8:30 AM and the day’s already off to a wonderful start. He straightened in his chair and pressed a tight grin on his face, then pushed the talk button. “Thank you, Grace, please send them in.”
The door opened and Logan Sanders entered the office, followed closely by Ms. Sanders. Principal Frye stood, gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. “Please have a seat.”
The Principal sifted through the file on his desk. “So, Mi—”
“Logan is fine,” he interrupted, opening his computer on his lap.
Annoyance flashed across Principal Frye’s face and he quickly schooled his features back into a more neutral expression, nearly before Logan or his mother noticed.
“Principal Frye, you may have an obsolete version of my 504 plan. I forwarded you a copy of the latest document an hour before we arrived today.” He scanned his sent box. “The timestamp is 7:26 AM, if that helps.” He looked up, eyebrow twitching. “Sir.”
“Yeah, yes. I see it.” He sighed and began to read. Logan watched the top of his inclined head as he read. The document was several pages long and Logan suspected he was reading every word, working to find anything to disagree with. He chewed at his lip until his mother waved her hand, pinching her thumb and forefinger together. He sat a little straighter in his chair and released his lip from his teeth, nodding a small thanks.
After several minutes, Principal Frye looked up at Logan and his mother. “I don’t see anything concerning here.” He sounded almost disappointed.
“That’s reassuring.” Logan’s mother smiled sweetly and pointed her chin at the plaque on the wall behind Principal Frye’s head. “One should expect a certain comfort with reasonable accommodations from the principal of a school for ‘Exceptional Students.’” Her airquotes were audible.
“Well, yes, of course.” The Principal cleared his throat and turned to her son. “Logan. Before your, ah, well, before all of this, you were an exemplary student. I have no doubt you will be able to bounce back and catch up in your classes.” Logan smiled for the first time that morning. “However,” he continued and Logan’s jaw twitched. “You have effectively missed two semesters of class. And your grades were in a free fall even before your absence—”
“Principal Frye, I believe that is quite understandable given—” his mother interrupted through clenched teeth, bright red spots growing on her cheeks, hands folded tightly in her lap.
“I’m not saying it’s not understandable and that is why we didn’t expel Logan for poor performance, letting h—him simply finish out the school year at your family's zoned school." He frowned, muttering under his breath as he scrolled through Logan's record.
A tic in Logan’s cheek stuttered and his mother rested her hand on his arm for a moment, nodding at him. He took a deep breath and straightened his posture. “To that end,” Principal Frye continued, “I have assigned you a peer tutor to help you—”
“With all due respect, sir, I do not require assistance.”
“Logan,” his mother spoke quietly, leaning over her armrest to get closer to her son. “Perhaps this can be an opportunity to practice some new skills in that area.” She smiled when he finally turned to her and met her eyes. "Will you try it? It can be something of an experiment… if it doesn't work out after a trial period, we'll talk about what we can change."
Logan frowned, adjusting his glasses. "Do I actually have a choice?"
"No," Principal Frye said without looking up from his computer.
"Yes, of course you do," she said, raising an eyebrow at the principal.
He cleared his throat, briefly scowling, before giving Logan a brusque nod. "While technically optional, I cannot recommend this more strongly."
Logan opened a new document on his computer. His shoulders slouched for a moment but then he tapped a little pattern on his knee and met the principal's eyes. "Very well. Who is the tutor?"
“Fuck, Sanders, you still go here? I thought you graduated early and were off playing prodigy at MIT or some shit.”
The lanky junior leaned back in his seat, chair tipped back on two legs, well-worn Doc Martens propped up on the heavy wooden library table. He put down the pen he’d been using to swatch colors on his skin through the rips in his jeans and gaped at the short boy approaching him.
Logan stared at him, clutching his stupidly over-sized laptop against his chest like it could somehow protect him from catching a lower IQ from across the other side of the table. He adjusted the thick plastic frames that perpetually slid down his nose and looked away, clearly too disgusted to have bumped into him on his way to doing whatever the hell he was doing in the library to even bother meeting his eyes. “Would that I had,” he muttered quietly, shifting his bag on his shoulder.
Remus rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he said as he returned his attention to his sketchbook and his color swatches, adding more red to the splash of brown. He switched to a pencil, satisfied he’d found the color and began to outline his idea.
Consumed with his drawing, Remus didn’t look up until the scrape of wooden chair legs against waxed linoleum caused his hand to jerk, scraping an errant line across the page. “Uh, dude…” he jerked his head at the small ‘Reserved for Peer Tutoring, 2 - 6 PM Daily’ sign on the table. “Listen, my new tutee is about to show up and as much as I’d love to catch up on whatever galaxy brain dissertation you must be working on, I need this table for my peer tutoring assignment.”
Remus returned his attention to his sketch, molding his eraser to clean up his mistake. Logan cleared his throat. “Yes, I am aware. I’m here for my session.”
Laughing, Remus shook his head. “You’re shittin’ me. What the fuck do you need a tutor for? You’d probably do a better job than half the teachers here.”
“That is hyperbolic.” He looked down at his hands, tugging at the long sleeves of his dorky sweater. “But, thank you.” He pulled out a small folded slip of puce green paper. “However, I assure you. My intentions are sincere.” He seemed to shrink in his chair as Remus took the slip and read his own name and contact information scrawled on the page.
“Huh.” Remus shrugged as he gave him back the slip. “It sure looks real. I guess you’re not exactly the practical joke type, anyway.” He watched Logan return the note to a folder marked ‘Principal Frye.’ He leaned back in his chair, waiting for Logan to finish and meet his gaze. He never did.
Finally, Remus said, “You never answered my question.” Logan looked up then and, for a second, the glare of the library's fluorescent lights made Remus imagine he saw tears behind the thick glasses, but he dismissed it. “What do you need tutoring for?”
Adjusting his frames, Logan pulled up a list of his classes and turned his screen to share his schedule. “As you observed, I missed a significant portion of school last year and most of this first semester. Despite my best efforts to remain current while I was… away, I have fallen behind in several subjects.” He twisted a gel pen in his hands, unscrewing and tightening the barrel. “Principal Frye says that if I can demonstrate an upward trajectory in all of my classes over the next six weeks, I won’t need to repeat the Fall semester.”
Remus squinted at the screen. “You’ve got AP Bio on this list… We took that together last year and you were at the top of the class until you disa—” Now Remus was sure he saw tears welling in his eyes. “Okay,” he said, ripping out a blank page from his sketchbook. “Let’s see where you’re at. Start with Bio?”
Logan nodded, lips tightly drawn together and Remus passed his computer back to him so he could pull up the syllabus and his modified assignment list.
Nearly an hour later, the pair had gone through each of Logan’s classes and set up a study schedule to catch him up as quickly as possible. “Fuck,” Remus muttered, frowning down at Logan’s computer. “This says you have a unit test in Calc next Friday. It’s worth 40% of your grade,” he looked up at Logan. “And we only have two sessions between now and then. Listen,” Remus rubbed the back of his neck. “Look, I’m not here every day but… wanna meet after school? I know I’m not exactly the kinda person you wanna be seen around, but… I can help you.” He shrugged. “I got a five on the AP.”
Logan crossed his arms over his chest, pinching at his ribs.
“C’mon, man, I won’t even make a pass.” He tried to suppress a grin. “Unless…” Logan scowled and Remus waved his hands, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding… just trying to, I dunno, see if you can actually crack a smile.”
Logan’s knee bounced as he scrolled through the topics on the upcoming exam. It would be a lot to try to cover independently. He looked up at Remus and instead of his usual leering, joshing stare or—worse—the pitying look so many in the school had been giving him that day, he saw… hope?
“Perhaps it would be wise to at least try an extra session.”
“Great! I’m free tomorrow after school. How about you?”
“I have… an appointment after school, but will be home by 4:45.” He adjusted his glasses again and pulled out his phone. “Should I text you my address?”
“Oh, Logan…” Remus laughed, waggling his eyebrows. “That’s one way to ask for my number.”
Logan blushed as he quickly pulled out the slip from Principal Frye. “The tutoring slip included your number.”
“I know.” Remus shook his head, rolling his eyes and pulling out his own phone. “Humor, Logan. Humor.”
“Oh.” He gnawed at his lip and stared back at his phone, tapping out a message. He looked up after he hit send. “There.”
Remus grinned when the message came through. “Got it.”
Nodding, Logan began to pack up his laptop and the various notes and folders they’d spread around them while they’d worked. Remus stood to help, stretching across the table to reach the folders shoved to the far edge. Head suddenly jerking up, Logan stared up at Remus, laser-focused eyes boring into his. “Wait a moment.”
“What’s up, Nerdy Wolverine?”
Logan frowned and backed away.
Remus rolled his eyes. “Oh, c’mon. X-Men. Wolverine?” He imitated the superhero’s trademark motion with a squelching woosh. “Dude’s name is Logan?”
Scoffing, Logan shook his head. “You never said how you ended up as a tutor. I mean, you’ve always proven to be quite intelligent in the classes we’ve had together, but…”
“But my reputation for hooliganism precedes me?” Remus grinned wickedly. “A reputation, I might add, that isn’t half as great as the reality.” Logan raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “I set fire to the Bio lab last year.”
“You what?” he cried. Logan clamped his mouth shut at the librarian’s hissed shush.
“I was working on my project for the Edison competition. I’d snuck in after school—”
“Mr. Leslie keeps that lab locked.”
“Yeah,” Remus shrugged, “He also uses his birthday as the keycode, so…” He grinned when he spotted a tiny upwards twitch in Logan’s mouth. “Anyway, there was a fire and they pulled up the camera footage from the hallway and…” He handed Logan the stack of folders. “Short story long, they figured out it was me.”
Logan blinked at him, staring dumbly and holding the folders against his chest. “But… How does arson explain why you’re now a tutor?”
“What, you jelly?” Remus teased as he packed up his sketchbook and pencils, swapping a few to restore their original spectrum order.
Pushing up his glasses, Logan said quietly, “Perhaps a bit, actually, if I may be honest." Remus looked up from his packing, his teasing grin melting away. "I applied as a Sophomore and wasn’t selected.” He frowned, looking closely at the tall punk. “Most aren’t.”
Remus felt his cheeks warm. “Well, my experiment won at the festival.” He shrugged. “It was the first time these hallowed halls of education had won in the last five years. I guess they didn’t want to lose their bragging rights so Principal French Fry and my dads made a deal…” He waved his hands around the library. “I work for free as a peer tutor, and what they would’ve paid me goes toward the damages to repair the lab. The Principal gets to brag, and his pound of flesh, and I get to keep my spot at the school.”
Logan tilted his head, watching him with steely blue eyes.
He laughed, fidgeting with the zipper on his art bag. “Win-win, huh?”
“So… You won the Thomas Edison Science and Engineering award last year?” Logan’s voice was quiet but his eyes were fixed on Remus. “As a sophomore.”
He grinned and nodded, “Uh-huh. I demonstrated that cyclical antibiotic treatments would work as an alternative to combinational treatment to prevent bacterial resistance. With an A-B-B-C pattern, it even helped with the MDR samples.” He grinned at the light in Logan’s eyes. “Wanna see?” Logan nodded and sat back down. Remus opened his own laptop again and, after tapping and clicking a bit, turned it around, the screen covered in multi-colored line graphs.
Logan stared at the screen, eyes following the lines. “May I?” he asked before clicking to open the attached spreadsheets. Remus nodded rapidly, then dragged his chair to the other side of the table so they could both see the screen. Logan’s brow furrowed. “How—”
Remus pointed to a column marked in red. “I got the idea when I couldn’t get the samples to grow for a different experiment. I started just fucking around and trying different things…” He shrugged. “It worked.”
Logan shook his head, staring at the numbers on the screen. “This is… this is remarkable. You should be proud.” Logan glanced at Remus. “You’ve certainly earned the accolades.” He turned again to the charts. “Have you thought about trying this with an aqueous solution? You might get an extra generation each cycle that way.”
Remus sat back in his chair, “Yeah… I couldn’t get it to work. It was too thin.”
“Perhaps if you tried a TMB substrate?” He tilted his head at the screen. “It’s not usually used for testing staph like your samples, but—”
“Holy fuck, Logan! Yeah, that could work!” He started typing furiously in a new note file.
Looking over his shoulder, Logan shook his head, “This is really quite spectacular. But… “ Again he raised an eyebrow at Remus. “How did this experiment cause you to set fire to the lab?”
“I left the autoclave on for too long.” He winked, but drew his mouth down into a stern frown. “By accident, of course.”
“By accident.”
“Yup.” His face suddenly exploded in a grin. “Fucking Leslie had it coming. He’d started in on all his transphobic bullshit during the unit on chromosomes.” Remus lowered his voice and leaned over the table. “So I moved the portable autoclave unit to his desk, filled his fucking ‘My Classroom, My Rules’ mug with turpentine, popped that baby in there, and set it for four hours.”
“Turpentine!” Logan burst out in a laugh. He covered his mouth with both hands, shoulders shaking as his muffled laughter bubbled up from his throat. After a moment, he wheezed. “It’s a wonder you didn’t burn down the whole school!”
“Oh, yeah, I probably would have if the sprinklers in the lab hadn’t gone off after an hour.”
The next evening, Remus rang Logan's doorbell, slightly out of breath. Logan’s building was a bit of a maze and between getting turned around twice and Remus’ already strained relationship with timeliness, he’d arrived nearly fifteen minutes late. A woman about Logan’s height with streaks of grey in her braided black hair and tired eyes opened the door. She blinked up at Remus, then scowled slightly, her grip tightening on the edge of the door. “You go to my son’s school.”
“Yes, Ms. Sanders.” Remus reached out to shake her hand. She took it and squeezed lightly before quickly dropping it. “I’m here to—”
“You’re the boy who set the science lab on fire.” Remus managed not to roll his eyes. His dad’s voice echoed in his mind. ‘You would not believe the amount of fucking gossip in that PTA.’
Remus bit his cheek and pushed down the fire in his belly. “Yes, Ms. Sanders, I—”
“Mom, it’s alright,” rapid footsteps and Logan’s voice sounded just behind the door. “Remus is the tutor the counseling office assigned. He offered to come over to help me prepare for the Calculus Unit test I was… telling you about.”
Logan’s mother glanced at her son, expression softening for a moment before she crossed her arms, looking Remus up and down. He tried not to fidget when he felt her eyes linger on his ripped jeans, the swirling ‘Fuck the Police’ patch on his jacket and the recreation of his favorite part of Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights he’d drawn on his hands with india ink.
She sighed heavily, looking again at Logan biting his lip. Her fingers twitched and then finally, she turned again to Remus. “Well, come in, then.“ She opened the door all the way and Remus slipped through, standing next to a small shoe rack. She locked the door behind him and turned around. “You can ta—” she began as Remus crouched down, loosening the laces on his Docs. “Thank you,” she murmured, watching him.
“Remus, would you prefer we work in my room or—” Logan began.
“Why don’t you two boys work here in the kitchen?” She met Logan’s gaze and Remus saw the message behind her eyes. ‘That was not a suggestion.’
Logan nodded quickly, “Of course.” As soon as Remus set his boots next to the shoe rack, Logan waved him down the hall. “The kitchen’s down here.”
As they settled in at the tiny kitchen table, Logan leaned over and whispered to Remus. “I like your jacket.”
Remus felt his face warm and he muttered back. “Really? I would think a teacher’s pet like you got a hard-on for authority.”
Eyes darting over to his mother’s back a few feet away, he glared at the taller boy.
Remus bit back a laugh and whispered, “Oh, pardon my crass diction. I should’ve said—” He smirked and cleared his throat. “I was under the impression that a righteous, upstanding citizen such as yourself would fully support the violent seizure of the consent of the governed.” He squared his shoulders and adjusted imaginary glasses. “I believe it was Hobbes who so correctly stated that ‘covenants, without the sword, are but words and of no strength to secure a man at all.’” He smirked at Logan when his jaw dropped and he stared at him with wide eyes.
“You’ve read Leviathan?”
Remus was shrugging and about to respond when Logan’s mother placed two water glasses on the table. “I thought you said you were studying Calculus?”
Logan stuttered, “Y—yes, we, um…”
“It was just something that came up in History class today, Ms. Sanders.” She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment, then returned to the sink and turned on the tap, filling a pot with water.
“I’m studying the Gupta Empire in History… and… we’re not even in the same class anymore.”
Remus shrugged, cracking open the Calculus text. “What, does ‘Mommy’ still check your homework every night?”
Logan opened his notebook with a scowl. “Can we get to the practice questions?”
Laughing, Remus reached for Logan’s notes. “How about I check these and you start in on the next batch? I’ll stop you if I see any real mistakes.”
Logan put down his pencil. “What do you mean 'real' mistakes?”
“Like not just stupid sh—stuff, a mistake that shows you don’t understand it.” He shrugged. “You don’t have to be perfect when you’re learning.” He bumped his shoulder against Logan’s when the boy looked down at his lap, frowning. “You just hafta get it.”
“But I cannot make mistakes on the exam.” Logan sat very still, hands clasped together in his lap. Remus pulled back a velcro strap on his bag and shifted his chair closer to Logan’s, letting the sound from the bag cover the noise of the chair dragging against the floor. He leaned over the laptop and typed on his screen.
Hey it’s ok to make a mistake, man
Remus nudged the screen toward Logan, setting a stack of assignments to check next to him. He leaned his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand, making little checkmarks on Logan’s paper, blocking his mother’s view of the screen. Logan’s eyes darted over to his mother bustling about on the other side of the kitchen and then back to Remus. He adjusted his glasses and began to type.
I am aware that making mistakes is typically an intrinsic part of the learning process. However, it is vital that I improve my grades and demonstrate my facility for advanced learning. I cannot make mistakes on the exam. I must perform adequately.
Logan read over what he wrote, deleting a few extra words and fixing a typo. He then moved his hands from the keys and returned his attention to his questions, erasing a line of equations and starting over. Remus glanced over at his work and smiled, watching how he’d already caught and fixed a small error on his own. Keeping his shoulders draped over the table, shielding the screen, he gnawed on his lip.
You know there’s a lot of space between perfect and adequate, right?
And even if there wasn’t, you’re more than your grades, Logan.
Remus’ hands hovered over the keys for a moment, then finally he moved them back to his grading. He watched Logan frown at the screen from the corner of his eye.
Logan typed for a long time. Twice, he glanced up, briefly catching Remus’ eyes before tilting the screen, obscuring his writing. After a few minutes, Logan stopped typing and stared at the screen. He tapped at the keys a bit more, then turned the screen back toward Remus.
A one-word sentence was all that appeared on the screen, the cursor flashing after the period.
Remus felt his breath knocked out of him as he stared at the screen. Finally, he typed out one more message and turned the screen back toward Logan with a smirk.
You calling me a liar?
Logan stiffened, eyes growing wide as he read the screen. He looked up to meet his gaze. Remus’ grin grew and Logan’s lips twitched upward before he turned back to his assignment.
They worked side-by-side for the next hour and a half. Logan chewed the end of his pen, eyebrows scrunched together as he watched over Remus’s shoulder while he calculated his practice score.
Remus clapped him on the shoulder, handing over the exam. “Eighty-nine, dude! That’s awesome!”
“What?” Logan paled. “That’s… that’s barely a B.”
“Maybe the raw score. In hell.” Logan’s mother cleared her throat and Remus muttered a quiet apology. “Saxon grades on a curve and the highest raw score anyone got in his class this whole f—flippin’ semester has been a ninety-one.” He grinned at Logan, watching the gears turn behind his eyes, calculating. “And you just learned this stuff yesterday.” He laughed at Logan’s small smile. “I think you’re about to break the curve.”
Logan met Remus’ eyes, scoffing. “With an eighty-nine?”
“Pretty much, yeah. Keep studying and you can get a few more points, too. Look,” he pointed out two of the problems he’d circled. “You got these right but you did them the hard way. It’s easier if you use implicit differentiation. Save those weird ones for last and apply the chain rule. Look,"
Remus quickly sketched out half as many steps as Logan had used on the back of the test exam and smiled. "They'll go faster and then you'll have time for the extra credit.”
"How did you…" Logan stared at the page.
"I can't do your method as fast as you can." Remus shrugged and slid the papers across the table. "I had to find an easier way."
Logan flipped through the pages of the practice exam then nodded, pulling it against his chest. “Thank you, Remus. I… I don’t think I…” He swallowed and nodded slowly, staring back at the paper. “Thank you.”
“Hey, you're doing all the work.”
Narrowing his eyes, Logan grunted. “Well, regardless. Thank you.”
Remus’ smile grew soft. “Anytime man, anytime. In fact,” he pulled out his copy of their study plan. “You’ve got a Bio unit test in two weeks. Wanna meet tomorrow and split the session—half Calc, half Bio?”
Sucking in a shaky breath as he stared at his calendar, Logan nodded. Remus squeezed his shoulder with a little smile. "One piece at a time. You’re gonna get it."
Glancing up at the time on his computer screen, Remus dropped his hand and swore under his breath. Logan covered his own mouth with a little squeak. Remus felt his cheeks warm and he instinctively checked to see if his host’s mother heard over the sound of washing dishes. Logan’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “Laugh it up, Fuzzball.”
“I believe our relative heights makes you the Wookie.”
Remus chuckled and pointed at the screen as he shoved a notebook back into his backpack. “I was supposed to be home a half an hour ago. I should go.”
“Oh… um, I can ask my mother to call your parents—”
“Ah, don’t bother. I’ll call my dads on the way. I’ll try Pops first." Remus winked. "He’s a softie.”
After gathering the rest of his supplies and saying a quick goodbye to Logan’s mother, Remus followed Logan to the door. The shorter boy stared at Remus for a moment, before muttering, “I’m certain you are aware that Hobbes quite famously said that ‘it can never be that war shall preserve life, and peace destroy it.’”
Remus chuckled, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yes,” Logan said. A small smirk grew on Logan’s face as he looked up to meet Remus’ gaze. “I suspect Hobbes would argue that the very demons of ‘human nature’—the control of which he advocated was the driving purpose of a strong government—have in our present times taken root and corrupted our now virtual police state.” He tilted his chin toward the loud patch on Remus’ jacket and tapped the more subtle 1312 button on his lapel. “If Hobbes were around today, one might reasonably expect his latest treatise to be subtitled ‘ACAB.’”
Remus threw his head back and laughed, “You might be right.” He grinned and leaned closer, beginning to tilt his head down toward Logan’s ear, but stepped back at the sound of Ms. Sanders’ footsteps in the hall. He smirked, watching Logan’s eyes dance behind his thick lenses. “See ya later, Nerd.”
Blushing, he muttered, “Until tomorrow, Punk.”
Remus bit his lower lip and nodded, then sauntered down the hallway. He had just turned the corner when he finally heard Logan’s door close.
“Oh, Logan!” Logan shut his eyes and tightened his grip on the combination wheel on his locker at the familiar saccharine-sweet voice uncomfortably close to his shoulder. “I almost didn’t recognize you there!” He spun to the last number and opened the door before turning to face the plastic smile of the girl standing next to him.
“Good afternoon, Carrie. How are you doing today?” The girl giggled down at him. Ever since middle school, Carrie had been a little taller than Logan and, in the three-inch boots she now wore—in clear violation of dress code, Logan thought to himself—she towered over him.
Carrie’s face melted into an expression of faux concern, all pouty lips and doe eyes. “I’m doing just fine! It’s just so good to see you again. You were away for so long…” The prompting lilt in her voice was clearly intended to eke out some metaphorically juicy details about his year-long absence.
Logan adjusted his glasses and straightened his spine, meeting her eyes. “Yes. Yes it has been quite a while. If you’ll excuse me now, I must prepare for my next class.”
“Oh, it’s study period! You have time to catch up with your old BFF, don’t you?” She leaned closer to his ear, muttering in a stage whisper loud enough to be heard by the gaggle of students watching their exchange from the other side of the lockerbank. “Anyway, I’m probably your only friend now. You know, after…” Logan’s stomach turned to ice when he faced her. She looked down at him, mouth turned up in something not even approximating a smile.
“That is doubtful,” he managed before tightening his lips and turning back to his locker. He concentrated on swapping out a few books, mentally chanting the rest of his schedule to fight the tightening in his throat and the shameful burning behind his eyes.
He froze when she suddenly flicked his hair, sucking her teeth. “You know, you really shouldn’t’ve cut your hair. It was so pretty when it was long.” She started to brush it forward, finger-styling it over his forehead. “Why did you—”
“Hey, Lo, ready to head to the library?”
Carrie dropped her hand and glared up at Remus who suddenly appeared on Logan’s other side. Logan dragged his hand through his hair and swallowed back against the growing lump in his throat. He nodded at Remus, “Very nearly.”
Remus leaned against the locker next to Logan’s with a bright grin, “Oh, hi, Karen. Didn’t see ya there. Still failing Geometry?”
“It’s Carrie.”
Shrugging, Remus’ grin only widened. “Not from here.” He winked at Logan as he closed his locker and turned around, adjusting his bag. “So that’s a ‘yes’ on the F in Geometry?”
Face flushed and scowling, she walked away without responding. “See ya later, Karen!” Remus called after her, waggling his fingers in a cheerful wave in her direction. He turned to Logan, brow furrowing and smile shrinking. “Hey, man, I hope that was okay,” he said quietly. “Bitch shouldn’t touch your hair without asking.”
Nodding, Logan smiled. “Yes, ah…” he cleared his throat. “Your timing was impeccable.”
“Library?” he asked, grinning down at Logan.
He sighed, the prickly boulder that had settled in his stomach beginning to soften. “Library.”
The large table near the entrance reserved for peer tutoring was already occupied by another group of students, so they wandered through the stacks until they found a free spot in a sunny back corner of the library. Likely originally intended for a single reader’s use, the small table was behind the Periodicals section and was quiet and calm compared to the sometimes frenetic energy of the front checkout area. They smiled at each other and quickly settled in, sitting side-by-side at the little round table.
While Remus scored his latest practice exam, Logan opened up his computer and loaded their electronic gradebook, reviewing the latest updates. His eyes widened. It can’t be… He pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and scratched out some calculations. He let out a half-laugh and tugged at Remus’ sleeve. “Look at this….”
He looked over Logan’s shoulder, following the calculations. “Wait, does that—”
Logan quickly nodded. “If I get above a 90 on this Bio exam, that will bring my GPA this quarter to a 3.87.” His smile spread from ear to ear, almost hurting his cheeks.
“Lo, that's awesome! You only need to get up to a 3.5 to get off of academic probation!” Remus cheered, gently clapping Logan’s back.
“Yes, and not only that…” He leaned back in his chair, feeling a bit of the weight lifting from his shoulders. “Principal Frye has said that if I can bring my GPA back above a 3.85, then I will no longer be required to attend peer tutoring.”
“Oh,” Remus breathed. “Oh, th—that’s really great, Lo.” Logan bent over his calculations, double checking his work. He nodded to himself and looked up.
Remus’ smile stretched as he nodded at Logan. “That’s really, really great. You should be really proud.” Still nodding, he looked down at the column of numbers, the corners of his lips tightening.
“Y—you… do not seem sure.” Logan felt his optimism melt away at the change in Remus’ expression and his hands started to tremble. “Do you think… perhaps I’m being o—o—overambitious?” Logan picked up his favorite pen, rubbing his thumbs over the squishy grip. “Do you think that I’m placing my hopes in something out of my figurative reach?”
Remus lifted his head, mouth falling open. “Oh, fuck, no, Lo… No.“ He reached for Logan’s arm, squeezing gently. The tightness in Logan’s shoulders loosened at the soft look in Remus’ eyes. “No, that’s not it at all. In fact, look…” Remus brought over the test he’d been scoring. “You’ve gotten almost everything right and you still have a whole other week to study.” He met Logan’s eyes and grinned. “No, you’ve got this, man.”
Again, Remus’ smile faded and he looked down where his hand still rested on Logan’s forearm. He lightly traced the argyle weave on Logan’s shirt. “No, I, um… Actually, Logan, I—”
A sharp voice sounded just behind Remus. “Mr. Hart.”
Remus twisted in his seat, “Oh, hi there, Ms. Duenas. What’s up?” His face looked calm but Logan felt Remus’ knee bump against his as it bounced under the table.
Dean Duenas frowned down at Remus. “Mr. Hart, you need to come with me.”
“Why?” he demanded, leaning back and letting his elbow rest on the table. She glared at him. “Ma’am,” he added.
“I do not conduct disciplinary actions with an audience.” She looked pointedly at Logan, who lowered his gaze back to his paper.
Shaking his head, Remus muttered, “I don’t mind. And you’re interrupting Logan’s study session. He has a right to know why, doesn’t he?”
She pursed her lips but finally spat out, “We have reason to believe you were involved in the vandalism of the school’s restroom signs this past Saturday.”
“Huh,” he said, raising his eyebrow at Logan. “They told us in Homeroom the school took down the signs to add braille.”
“Be that as it may, I need you to come with me.” She stood back, gesturing toward the main part of the library. “We’ll call your parents from—”
“Ms. Duenas, I apologize for the intrusion." The dean’s fiery eyes shot over to meet Logan’s. He stiffened slightly as he adjusted his eyeglasses, but kept his small smile. “I do not wish to refute your evidence, however it couldn’t possibly have been Remus. He and I were studying at my house all day on Saturday for my Bio unit test.” He felt Remus’ eyes on him but avoided his gaze. “I d—do not know why you think it was Remus, but it… it couldn’t have been.”
“Is that true? Were you really tutoring on Saturday?” She scowled at Remus. “Why didn’t you just say so?”
Remus shrugged, “It’s… You know, it’s… outside of usual tutoring hours.” He glanced over at Logan but his gaze was focused on the dean’s. “I thought I’d get in trouble.”
“Well…” Ms. Duenas narrowed her eyes, looking between the two boys as though searching for something—anything—to reprimand. “I suppose if that’s how you’d like to spend your weekend, I would be hard-pressed to discourage you. Perhaps your new tutee is a good influence on you, Mr. Hart.” She pierced Logan’s eyes with her own one more time before nodding slightly. “Frankly, if this was coming from anyone but you, Mr. Sanders, I’d be more suspicious.”
He nodded, “Of course, thank you, Ma’am.”
She glared at Remus for one more moment before nodding. “Very well, carry on.” She frowned and strode away.
Once she was fully out of earshot, Remus turned to Logan, a wicked smile splitting his face. “Dude!”
Logan shrugged, feeling his face warm at Remus’ expression. “My mom’s known Ms. Duenas for years. She pretends not to play favorites, but…” A tiny grin flashed across his face. He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a whisper, “So what did you do with the old signs?”
Remus laughed and reached for his phone, “Lemme show you…”
A few days after the Bio unit test, Logan arrived a little late to the library for his tutoring session. He rushed through the door, then stopped just inside.
Remus sat at their usual table, bent over a large sketchpad, rubbing the edge of a charcoal stick against the page. He turned the pad to a new angle, and used his thumb to smudge part of the sketch, then layered on a bit more charcoal, then smudged again. The tips of his index and middle fingers were black, as was the calloused side of his thumb.
Logan watched as Remus smiled down at his work, then sat back for a moment, looking at the sketch from a new angle before making another adjustment. Taking a deep breath, Logan stepped closer to the table. “Hello, Remus,” Logan said as he approached.
Snapping his sketchbook shut, Remus looked up, eyes wide. His face shifted into its usual smirk rapidly enough that Logan thought that perhaps he’d imagined Remus’ surprise. “I apologize for my tardiness… I was getting my exam results.”
“You got your score?” Remus sat up straighter and slipped his sketchbook into his open backpack.
Logan stared into Remus’ eyes for a moment, then pulled out a small stack of papers stapled together and passed it over, sliding into the seat next to him. “I performed sufficiently well to get off of academic probation, but—”
“But not enough to get rid of me, huh?” Remus winked, shimmying his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Lo…” He looked down at the paper, narrowing his eyes at the problems marked in red. He let his hand rest for a moment on Logan’s shoulder. “I know you were really hoping to mark this off your list.”
Remus looked down at the paper again. “You’re really close, Lo. You’ve gotten some of these right on practice exams.” He grinned at Logan, a little wobble in his jaw. “We’ll get you your freedom soon enough.”
“I—” Logan squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, slouching in his seat. He looked away from Remus.
“Hey, no, dude, no.” Remus’ face crumpled and he gripped Logan’s shoulder. “No, please don’t get down on yourself. You missed it by just a point or two. You’ll get it the next time. I know you will.” Logan looked up at him, brown furrowed. He shook his head, fingers twisting together in his lap. The tips of his fingers were turning white. Remus placed a pen in his hands and Logan began disassembling it in his lap without looking up. “You’ve got this, Lo. If I thought you didn't have it in you, I'd say so. I don't bullshit people who matter to me.”
A little groan escaped the back of Logan’s throat. “No, you don’t understand.” He sighed again and stared down at his hands. “I have been… dishonest with you.”
Remus sat back in his seat. “What do you mean?”
“That is not really my exam.”
“What?” Remus shook his head, looking at the paper covered with Logan’s careful printing. “Wh—who’s test is this?”
“The Bio exam was online.” Logan put down the pen and pulled out his laptop, bringing up the gradebook. He grimaced, then turned his screen with the exam’s row highlighted. “That is my real score.” He picked up the pen, tightening the barrel. He wouldn’t look at Remus.
“You got a 93! Fuck, Lo, that’s amazing! But y—why did you…?”
Logan clicked the pen, testing that he’d successfully reassembled it. He hung his head, speaking down at his hands. “Remus, I have greatly enjoyed our tutoring sessions. I… I have enjoyed… “ His voice grew very quiet. “I have enjoyed spending time with you.” Logan glanced up to meet Remus' eyes but quickly looked away, cheeks tinged pink.
“Oh.” Remus quietly watched Logan fidget with the pen, meticulously disassembling and reassembling the barrel, spring, and ink cartridge. Finally, he grinned and picked up the fraudulent test paper. “Well.” Logan’s eyes darted up at him, guarded at first, but soon softening at the other’s smile. “You have made some excellent progress based on your score here.” He winked at Logan. “Personally, I would recommend that we add an extra session every week after school. Just to see how much further we can take this… progress.”
He handed the test paper back to Logan, softly bumping his shoulder, almost leaning against him. “Does that work for you, Nerd?”
Blushing, Logan sighed heavily, biting his lip to fight his grin before finally losing the battle, a bright smile splitting his face. “I suppose I will just have to apply myself and work harder with you,” He bumped Remus’ shoulder in return. “Punk.”
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taglist: @mavenmush @melaniidarling @braingoburr @lunatatic @demon9980 @crossiantgay @psychedelicships @justmeandmygayships @ts-creator-boost @bluerosesbleedred @tsfanficarchive @ghostmugs @rottingartist
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boysbellyrubs · 2 years
hello! could you write your male character of your choosing got sick on the way home after he decide to go home because he felt sick (from school/work/event) then he called caretaker to help him went home? thank you 😊
an amazing prompt anon, thank you so much lol. incorporated something I wanted to do myself hehe
this story hits a little close to home, me and Lincoln suffering with the curse of chronic headaches. however, I very much like this fic, I hope ya'll do too :)
Lincoln knew today was going to be bad when he felt the early signs of a migraine as soon as he opened his eyes. Prone to getting headaches, he brushed it off and continued with his day. He had an important lab to go to and he really didn’t want to miss it, so he ate breakfast, drank an entire bottle of water and had two paracetamol. 
In all fairness, it probably didn’t help in the long run. Migraines could never be quelled no matter how hard he tried. 
But, he powered on and found his way to his lab at exactly 2pm and sat in his usual spot at the back of the class. The overhead lights did not help at all, the pounding in his head seemed to triple as soon as the tutor came in with her squeaky, enthusiastic voice. 
Only 3 more hours to go.
He resigned himself to listen and not move his eyes. It seemed to help, instead of glancing up and down from his lab notes he kept his head firmly in place. He almost felt like falling asleep. The first ten minutes were just listening to what they were going to do today, and it was also the time where Lincoln questioned why the fuck he chose biology as his major. 
When the practical side came, he stalled moving for a good minute. Thankfully, in second year they sat on individual tables and worked on their own experiments so he could be as slow as he liked. He knew his headache would get worse, there was no denying it, especially when the full bottle of water sloshed dangerously inside him. 
Getting started, he slowly got his station ready and began the experiment. Honestly, it could have been worse. He was just thankful that they weren’t dissecting anything today. He got through his work without issue, the tutor came over once to make sure he was doing it correctly, and he couldn’t wait to sit down and write up his results. 
Normally, he would have fucking hated that, but all he wanted was to sit and stop the room spinning so much. When he finally did sit, the magnitude of his headache caught up to him. All that moving and working had his mind occupied, but now that he sat he realised he had been frowning the whole time and worsened his headache unintentionally. 
He stifled a groan, instead putting his hand on his head and squeezing. Normally that helped, but he was a lost cause it seemed as all it did was make the pain worse. He blew out a breath, why today of all days did this have to happen. 
He ignored the pain and got to writing. He was glad that he didn’t have to use his laptop, he didn’t think he would have been able to handle that. The lights were bad enough, he swore he could hear the fucking LEDs sizzling away in their little casings, making his day ten times worse. 
Cursing at Thomas Edison, he got through the slog of writing. The final sentence, he felt his hand shaking and his stomach beginning to swirl. The migraine was ripping its way through his skull, filling every crack and causing pain to spill out his eyes. He rubbed them aggressively, and kept his hand locked on his face, relishing in the darkness. 
With no other external factors, the pain amplified. He didn’t want to look up, or walk home, or even get up from his seat. No matter how many times he would get a headache, he never had any way to deal with the pain even a little. 
With a sigh, he dragged his hand heavily down his face and looked at the clock. 20 minutes. He didn’t even know how he had done 2 and a half hours already, but he was thankful. All he needed to do was clean up and hand in his work. Shouldn’t be too bad. 
Although, when he stood, the room spun once again and he quickly grabbed on to his desk. Trickles of searing pain rippled through his eyes, forehead, and neck. His stomach churned, angrily grumbled once and he suddenly felt how sick he actually was. How in the world he was going to get home was beyond him. 
“Hey, are you alright?” Great, now everyone was probably looking at him. He tried to open his eyes and raise his head, but he couldn’t. Stumbling backwards, he thankfully collapsed into his chair and let the world reset. 
Two strong hands landed on his shoulders, “Young man, are you okay?” Now that he was sitting, he could decipher whose voice it was and his tutor came to mind. 
“Migraine.” His voice was croaky and shaky. God, he hoped there was no one looking. He just wanted to go home. 
Her hands kept him grounded. He opened his eyes slightly, and her face melted with relief, “Alright. How about you get yourself home and get some rest. I’ll clean up here.” She smiled and he didn’t hate her as much anymore. He nodded and pushed himself up so slowly he felt elderly.  
He somehow managed to make his way to his locker outside, collect his phone, jacket and bag and exit the building. He wished he had brought sunglasses or something, he could barely see. He knew his way home, but he was really debating calling Caine to come get him. He was the one with the licence. 
He tried to at least get to a spot where Caine could get him, but even that was awful. The migraine was rendering him absolutely deaf and blind, and the swirling of his thoughts combined with the swirling of his stomach acids was making him weak. He felt light as a feather yet heavy as a fucking boulder. The spikes of pain felt like knives digging into his temples, and his eye sockets ached and he wondered if ripping his eyes out would hurt less than this. 
He tried putting one foot in front of the other, feeling drunk and trying to walk in a straight line for a cop. Lincoln shielded his eyes and looked up. The path looked like it did when it was 30 degrees, mirages coloured his vision. He frowned, this had never happened before. 
Standing still was his downfall. The world tilted sharply and he fell to one side, he didn’t fall but he did come dangerously close to face planting into a lightpost. His stomach sloshed as he stumbled and he groaned, one hand coming to cradle his head and stomach. 
The more he stood there, the worse he felt. His condition just got worse and worse until he turned to lean on the pole, sighing as he turned away from the sun. He took zero notice of the people around him, this was the worst migraine he had ever had. He clutched his head, shut his eyes and groaned. 
The pressure however, sent up huge waves of nausea. His belly gurgled and he stopped every movement. No way was he going to throw up in public. Business men will be leaving work at this hour, university students will be going home, after school sports would be wrapping up. Overall, he was going to be seen by anyone and everyone. 
Pressure built in his head, like it was coming over a mountain. It reached the peak and as it went down, it brought nausea and everything he had eaten that day in one foul swoop. 
His stomach was gurgling, he had his hand clasped tightly over his mouth and he was gagging with every breath. His lips stayed tightly sealed. His stomach was making the same noises as when you shook a hot water bottle, squelching and tossing, and he was losing the battle. His mouth opened slightly and a gross sounding heave left his mouth before he quickly slapped both hands over it to stop the inevitable. 
His belly churned once more brutally and he couldn’t hold it back. He heard the rumbling of vomit gurgle up his oesophagus and he burped up a wave of thick puke that splattered the footpath. He doubled over, hands now dripping with sick and heaved up another round. His head swam, the migraine coming back in full force and he stumbled over to the grass. 
Collapsing on to his knees, no longer caring about anyone around him and spat the saliva dangling from his lips. He groaned once, tried to breathe but was interrupted with yet another strong gag, gurgling and ripping up his throat and chunks of his undigested lunch fell to the ground. He wiped his soiled hands on the grass, and clutched his head. 
The sunlight killed, the spots dancing in front of his eyes were making him panic, and the pounding of his heartbeat beating in his ears in time with the pain of headache was unbearable. He needed to call Caine. He burped again, this one not bringing up any vomit and his stomach sent out one last gurgle before the nausea dissipated. He sighed, sniffled and sat back on his heels. 
What a fucking ordeal that was.
His bag was hanging off his shoulder so he grabbed his phone from the side pocket. With shaky hands, he scrolled to Caine’s contact. Sniffling once, cleared his throat and cradled his still pounding head. 
“Yo! Where are you dude?” Caine’s voice was so fucking loud. 
He winced, “Migraine. Can you come get me?” He knew he didn’t sound very coherent, but the pain was too much. 
“Oh, shit. Where are you, man?” Lincoln heard the clink of his car keys in the background. 
Lincoln realised he had no idea where he was. He avoided looking at his vomit and tried to take in his surroundings. There were people, but none even glanced in his direction. Glad to know people will help others in need. 
By some miracle, he realised he was near the library. Hopefully Caine could find him with that small amount of knowledge. Telling Caine in a small voice, he hung up the phone and sagged into himself. The pain was excruciating, but at least his stomach was better. Always, once he threw up from a migraine, he would be able to sleep. 
He waited on the grass, not caring what he looked like and heard rather than saw Caine’s car pull up next to him. He was too busy counting the blades of grass to distract himself to notice. 
For a second time that day, hands gripped his shoulders and helped him up. Caine said nothing about the vomit, or the fact he was still covered in it, and helped him into the car. Lincoln fell into his seat, shut his eyes, and let his exhaustion take him to sleep. 
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fandomlit · 3 years
miscellaneous masterlist
last updated august 1, 2024
main masterlist
imagines = *
preferences = ▲
drabbles = ∘
supporters favorites = ❤
personal favorites = ⁂
american horror story
*ghost with james march
*meeting james march
brooklyn nine nine
*jake peralta confessing his love
*kissing him while drunk
clone high
*being clone jfk’s tutor 
*jealous jfk
*annie edison liking you
*dating troy barnes
*kissing abed during paintball
*being one of maui’s tattoos | prologue 
hawaii five o
*dating steve mcgarrett 
the office
*defending gabe lewis
*erin hannon introducing you as her girlfriend
the 100
*helping bellamy blake
top gun: maverick
*dancing with rooster
🖤 sleep clothes (bradley bradshaw x reader)
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writing-prompt-s · 4 years
Hey there! First time anon asker, long time follower. I appreciate all the work you do for this blog. Just want to keep the conversation going about the Edison quote you retweeted, on "giving up" versus "knowing when to stop." Though Edison sucks as some comments pointed out, I happen to agree with the quote to an extent. I'm curious to know more about your experience. First, some background for my opinion: I work as a student tutor for fellow college students. One of the biggest things we learn as tutors is how to encourage students NOT to give up when they face a challenge. Lots of people, especially first-gen college students, give up when they're struggling in class because they assume they're "not smart enough" or something along those lines, when research and my personal experience show that that's not true. They are able to change their school habits and seek out help, but only if they already have a mindset where they believe they can do it. Those who don't believe in themselves are less likely to seek help and thus, more likely to fail. Students might also drop out of college or get bad grades because of things outside of their control, like losing their job or other difficulties that make it hard for them to continue at college. This is also an issue because some (not all) colleges have programs to help students during difficult times, but many students don't even try, they just drop out. I have benefitted from some of these programs personally, so even though they can't cure everything, these programs should be considered when a student is struggling. And sometimes, dropping out of college IS the best decision for a person, whether they intend to return later or go a different path. It's just that for many students, they don't have to give up on their education/career goals because of the hardships they're currently trying to work through, but they believe that there's nothing else they can do. The solution may be out there, but they "give up" because they didn't look for it. As a tutor, that's why phrases like "don't give up!" are so important for the people I work with. Not because college is for everyone or that people should sacrifice their well-being for a degree, but because students (again especially first generation college students, students of color, and low income students) have such low confidence in themselves and their ability to learn and grow through obstacles. The Edison quote wasn't about college, but I'm using my experience as a college student and tutor as a more concrete example of why the Edison quote could be useful. College student or not, I think having a "don't give up" attitude can get you through some hard times. So all of this is to preface my question: in your opinion, how can we know the difference between a healthy, "I will do everything I can to meet my goals" situation and an unhealthy, "I will sacrifice everything" situation? Sorry for this lengthy ask btw, if you don't want to respond I completely understand. Just hoping to hear your insight to the topic more. Thanks for this blog and for sharing your thoughts! -S
Hey S!
Read “The Dip” by Seth Godin. It counts about 80 pages but reads like 30. I highly recommend reading it and using the ideas in guiding your students. When you read it, it’s mostly common sense with a bit of oh damn, nice! But sometimes common sense needs to be conceptualized, made concrete, or put into context, and this little book does just that.
The main idea is to know if you should quit or persevere during ‘a dip’ by forecasting the probability of success and take costs/rewards into account.
However, this might not be everyone’s best skill, so some people might need practice or guidance. As Ray Dalio points out in his book ‘Principles’, everyone is wired differently. Just as our bodies come in different shapes and sizes, so do the compositions of our brains. Some people might have weak bones or naturally have lots of muscle mass. Others might regulate emotions well, or are weak at visualizing the future. (By the way, neuroscience tells us we can shape and improve our brains!)
The different compositions of our brains also affects communication between people. Everyone encodes and decodes information differently, and then also gets filtered through one’s own life experiences. So advice such as ‘first seek to understand, then to be understood’ is paramount before encouraging people to ‘not give up.’ If the other person doesn’t feel that you completely understand their situation, saying that actually might work counter-productive!
In my opinion, in most cases 'don’t give up!’ is a good motto for college students. You know what to expect from college. If you do x you will get x. If you stick through the dip (time spend getting good grades), you will get the reward (degree). However, as you point out, some students might face additional stress outside of college, or society might already have put them at a disadvantage. It might just become too much. You helping and encouraging students who are at a disadvantage is incredibly helpful. As humans, we are naturally wired to be interdependent. We cannot do everything by ourselves, nor should we want to. We thrive on meaningful relationships and social connections.
So where is the line between healthy and unhealthy? That’s actually a very tough question. Most people tend to think of life as a journey, always trying to get somewhere, trying to achieve something. It would mean telling people how to live their life and I have no clue. Of course, if in trying to get to your goal your body shows signs of it being unhealthy, stop or take a break. Stress is good, but not to the point where you break down. Self-management is key. Overall I would say it’s healthy if your values align with the process to achieve the goal, the goal, and the consequences of achieving it. But then again, always be realistic. Quitting frees up time, energy and other resources that can be spend on achieving a different, perhaps more rewarding/meaningful/attainable goal.
An attempt at a more concrete answer would be:
It’s impossible to generalize what is healthy and what is unhealthy as everyone has a different idea of what that is and is living their own complex life. Therefore, on a case-by-case basis, people should be taught to take a step back sometimes, contemplate what they are doing, analyse it, be open-minded, seek help from (qualified) people and ask for feedback and advice, and then make up their minds themselves whether what they are doing is healthy or not.
As @zeadtalost said in the comments: “Man’s gotta know his limitations”. But then I would like to add to it that ‘man’ should not be fool enough never to test what they believe to be their limitations. Because what you say is true. Often limitations are in the mind, and overcoming them is what will make people more confident and capable! So please keep doing what you are doing. I doubt you find this a concrete answer, but I am pretty sure the book by Seth Godin will help you lots! Also, by the length of your ask I can tell you are very dedicated and a compassionate tutor, and it’s your caring attitude that will give your students the best chance of succeeding!
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yourmindsahead · 3 years
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izcana · 4 years
Purely Platonic, Of Course...
Inspired by What Minho Thinks by skyofstardust. In response to a prompt by alicewonder87 in the quoteonlyprompts collection.
Originally Posted on Ao3 (My Ao3 account here).
"It's a blessing and a curse that love is blind."
"You're kidding me," Minho groaned, flopping down to his bed.
"Stop bloody complaining, Minho," I muttered from next to him. "He'll get the hint eventually." I was really starting to regret agreeing to help Minho with this. I mean, sure, when I agreed, I was trying to stop his obnoxious pining of the poor boy, but I didn't expect it would be this hard! To be honest, I didn't expect Minho to be this whiny, either, but I was foolish not to suspect. However, I have dedicated myself to doing it and I will.
Being me is utterly exhausting.
Thomas wasn't going to know what's hit him when Minho finally asks him out.
I could see the longing in both of their eyes – pity they themselves couldn't see it. Thomas was oblivious to default, according to his sister Teresa, but Minho was being unbelievably dumb about it. I think he was too caught up in his own pining to notice the other's crush on him.
I was going to have to do something about it, I guess. After all, when do shuck-faces learn how to solve their own problems?
Yeah, that's what I thought. When pigs fly. Now I wish there were flying pigs...
"Okay, I'm going to seduce the klunk out of Bambi," Minho declared, his head set in a grim nod. He rolled up his sleeves (my tip, of course – show off the muscles) and licked his lips. "Thomas wouldn't know what hit him," he added. Yeah, hopefully.
I have to admit, I could see why Minho was attracted to him. Tommy was a mess, that's for sure, but he was a cute mess, a type of clumsy that made you want to wrap him in blankets instead of scolding him. Thomas has plump, pouty lips and bright amber eyes that look exactly like Bambi's. He had adorable messy, ruffled chocolate hair and pale, mole-dotted skin. I'm saying this in a friendly way, of course; I have a boyfriend and besides, Minho would kill me if I stole his boy.
Pity Thomas was the most insecure person I've ever met.
I've had to tell him countless times he was pretty and it was getting slightly frustrating how he couldn't see himself as amazing. Again, I say this as a best friend, but I hope Minho could get his wits together and swoon him. Maybe Minho could knock some sense into him and give him a boost of self-confidence – Alby certainly gave me a lot.
Anyway, back to Minho.
"Hey, Tomboy," Minho drawled, slapping on his signature smirk.
"Hi?" The fellow Gryffindor student mumbled, putting on a shy smile. "What are you doing here, Minho?"
"I want to tell you how ravishing you look today!" Minho beamed. I mentally facepalmed. Why couldn't Minho just stick to the script and ask him out to Hogsmeade? Why, just why did Minho have to make my job more difficult than it is?
Thomas went scarlet at that, his milky skin flushing red. "T-Thank you," Thomas said brightly, beaming back. If anything, I appreciate Thomas' optimism and happiness. He was a glowing beacon every day, shining in the moonlight as a guide for us. The Gladers (my friends, duh) call me "the Glade Mother", but if anything, I'm in charge of the fussing but Thomas does the counselling and tutoring. We all saw him as innocent and naive (don't tell him we said that) but he was the best at advice, somehow. Maybe because he seemed to understand everything – that boy was too kind for his own good.
"Well, just take that from me," Minho winked, jogging back to me, leaving behind a blushing Thomas.
"You're bloody kidding me, right?" I demanded, pushing him into a wall (I swear that isn't what it sounds like!) as soon as he jogged away. "You couldn't just ask him to Hogsmeade?" I thought my frustration bar was going to explode.
"He's just so...perfect!" Minho babbled as if he hadn't heard a single word I said. "Amazing, smart, kind and caring, pretty, selfless all in one! How was I supposed to ask him out?"
I groaned. "Minho, do me a favour and shut up, okay?" I think I've had enough of matchmaker drama for today.
So. News reporter Newton Isaacs here. Today I'm going to tell the story of how Minho's jealousy caused him to make another move. He hasn't asked him out (yet) and he says he plans to, but I don't know.
Dammit, Minho, you're supposed to give me something to talk about here!
Anyway...Our rather interesting day started like this.
It was your classic sunny day with birds chirping and blue skies. This was unusual as it was October and anyone who's grown up in the UK knows October = rain. Obviously.
Minho and I got up to go to class, as usual, and it was all the same until midday.
"Isaacs, Lee," Snape sneered, drawing the attention of all the students. "You're late."
"With all due respect, sir," Minho smirked, his tone not implying the same as his words. "We're 30 seconds late." Great, that's at least 10 points from Gryffindor.
"20 points from Gryffindor," Snape retorted predictably.
This class, we were learning how to boil the draught of living death. All was well until a small shriek cut off the class. We turned to the source of the shriek and to Minho's horror, Thomas' hand was covered with potion and it was starting to peel, the red flesh beneath it sprouting sores. It made my stomach churn, and it certainly looked painful.
"Edison, get that checked by Madam Pomfrey," Snape muttered, turning his head off. He means the medjack. I've always found it funny that Snape didn't treat Thomas, Teresa, Aris, or Rachel (Aris and Rachel were Tommy and Teresa's best friends) like he did the other non-Slytherins. Maybe it was because they were so...academically perfect that Snape couldn't find an adequate reason to be rude, I don't know. "Jones, you go with him."
"Adequate", "academically perfect". I think Tommy's rubbing off me with his nerdiness.
"Yes, Professor," Thomas whispered breathlessly, his voice cutting through the pin-drop silence.
"C'mon, dude," Aris Jones, the ever-loyal friend of Tommy beckoned, giving him a hand up. I could tell that it was purely platonic (anyone with eyes could, in fact), but Minho was the verge of rage from his (misplaced) jealousy. After watching Minho, I can definitely tell where the expression "if looks could kill..." comes from; Minho's dark, stormy eyes were a sight to behold.
"Mate," I chastised. "Stop being so...jealous! It's a friendly touch!"
"No, it wasn't!" Minho seethed, gritting his teeth so hard I heard them cracking.
I sighed. Minho should just ask Thomas out already.
"Hey, Thomas!" Minho called across the courtyard again, drawing the stare of a couple of dozen students in, mostly Hufflepuffs who were playing catch-the-ball on the lawn. I mentally prayed that he'd take the chance and ask the boy out already.
"Hi, Minho," Thomas said, albeit softer than Minho. "How are you doing?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Minho asked, shifting to where Thomas was sitting. It was still close enough that I could hear, though it was considerably more discrete now that the Hufflepuffs had gone back to playing their game. "You're the one who was injured in Potions, after all."
"It's okay," Thomas murmured. I didn't miss how Minho's eyes danced over the streak of rebellious hair that fell to his forehead, or the occasional glances to the cupid brow lips. It was frankly amazing that Thomas hadn't noticed. "Madam Pomfrey sorted it out."
"Thank goodness," Minho muttered, glancing to Thomas' hand.
They both sat in silence for a few moments and I was tempted to go and smack them both around the head, but I figured it'd go better if I didn't interfere.
"W-Would you like to go to H-Hogsmeade with me n-next weekend?" Minho stuttered out, and to his benefit, he didn't blush.
Thomas definitely did, though. "O-Of course!"
Good for them – they finally got together, but I just wish they did it sooner. I guess it's just like what they say: "It's a blessing and a curse that love is blind."
I think my work here is finished. Matchmaking was pretty entertaining, after all. Maybe I should get Aris and Teresa together as well...
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