#Eddie Munson joesph quinnn
dimpledcherry · 2 years
Mechanic!Eddie Headcanons
ohmy- an eddie masterlist!!!
Pt 2 :D:D:D
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✁ tool box is a complete mess
✁ an organised Eddie mess through 
✁ but its totally filled with loose screws, empty wrappers, random tire caps, etc etc
✁... oh you need an awfully specific bulb for a tail light? its in the left hand front pocket of his tool box 
✁ man totally uses his mouth as a second set of hands !! and his hands are his job lists / todo lists / memo banks 
✁ like you can’t convince after a shift they’re full of random ass words that make zero sense but Eddie knows - “3pm” “4.6mm” “right g.dept miss hardgrove”
✁ his hands!!!! Bros gloves are suggestions -> defo works with someone that knows Wayne and dudes just like “Don’t think your Uncle is gonna appreciate me sending his boy home with a burnt hand?” n Eddie just laughs n shrugs... and continues soldering without gloves
✁ when he does burn himself.... pffoooowwh don’t we know about it *queue a dramatic chorus of “Jesus Christ”s / violent air being blown out his mouth / him crouching on the ground having his life flash infant of his eyes wondering if it all really is worth it --------> the older boys just laugh and “we told you so”
✁ he’s welding and soldering without gloves the next week tho.
✁ Wayne forces Eddie to deep clean his hands in the sink when he comes home... the moment hes in the front door
✁ ohmygod they have a ring tray in the till for when he comes in forgetting to remove the jewellery. 
✁ Uncle Wayne defo comes in to mess with him.. EVERYONE MESSES WITH HIM: the garage is owned by one of Wayne’s nearest and dearest and the boys have learnt to love Eddie through Wayne so when Eddie started working there.. nothing by mayhem -> moving grease bottles, calling him she/pretty lady/wolf whistling him because of his hair, stealing the cloth out of his back pocket, 
✁ they all love him like he’s their own boy though - any family of Wayne’s is family to them <3<3<3
✁ he’s a hummer!!!!! no matter where he is or what he’s doing -> you’re gonna hear him humming somethinggg
✁ a banger on the radio? the garage usually breaks out singing 
✁ Eddie is definitely quiet and reserved at the start - this boy would just do as he was told.... until his comfortability grew (with the hair) -> now its all “Eddie go check this ladies oil.” “No, you do it. I quit!” *shouted while going off to do as told* / *rebuttal of an old quippy joke* * Chorus of “OHhhhh” and “He’s go you there boss” 
✁ NO Wait- when a pretty person or the person he likes comes in!!!! HooOOLLY MOLY! obviously the lads know instantttttly that Eddie is flustered, they make all the expected big brother / dad jokes towards him. “Oh their pretty! Go get their number!”/ “Stop drawling Munson.” / “Oh so this is who you wanked over-” *A rather fast slap to the chest is dent out*
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dimpledcherry · 2 years
Candle Wax
Summary: Reader and Eddie try to explain their sexual catalog and try wax! except it turns out completely the opposite of what either thought was going to happen.
Pairing: Eddie X Reader Trigger Warnings: Wax play / implied smut / Fluff :D Content Warnings: mention of burning / making out / below the belt touching / being walked in on / embarrassment / pain
ohmy- an eddie masterlist !!
I’ve never seen a wax ply fic written but I kept thinking about this. and how Eddie definitely is up for trying it all
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“You excited, Sweetheart?” Eddie asked, lighting the handful of candles you’d both placed on his bedside. You were sat on the middle of his bed, legs crossed, hands fidling with each other.
You nodded eagerly, “I wanna know what it feels like!”
“Do you reckon it’ll burn?”
“Surely not, but that might add to the fun!” You smiled at the taller boy, who was round rounding up a couple items.
The two of you had spoken about expanding the things you do in bed and generally making it more fun. You both had your fantasies and as adults, who wouldn't wanna try them out. Wax play had been something neither of you had ever dreamt about but both were incredible intrigued by. So after a long conversation, a handful of research, you now find yourself sat in Eddie’s room as he prepares to try it out.
Due to the dynamic of your relationship, you’d agreed for him to take a lot of the control in this situation. He returned back to you with his staple bandana and, cuffs in his palms, dumping them on the bed beside you before kneeling down in front of you, “You know what do to if you wanna stop?”
You nodded, “Say red and if I have my mouth full, tap you 3 times.” He lent in to give you a love filled kiss, his way of acknowledging your correct response. The kiss was light and fluffy but still carried the ability to make you being to haze over.
He broke your kiss, reaching over with one hand to grab the cuffs and his other grabbing your hands. In a known silence, Eddie slung the metal over your wrists, smiling down at you as he locked them, “They always do look their best on you.” He brung your wrists up and kissed them sweetly, “You ready?” You nodded, “Okay Sweetheart, lay down for me.” 
Once on your back, he lent over you and directed your wrists over to the hook in his wall that sat just above his bed. He let the chain of the cuffs sit within the hook, you gave them a slight tug - both noting your hands were not going anywhere.
His kiss was a bit more forceful this time round. Pushing himself on top of you, his forearms sat beside your head, allowing him to deepen the kiss. The two of you moved in sync, having been so used to this dance now. Eddie was always an open mouth kisser: big, wide, sloppy kisses. He loved to use his tongue and you loved to bite on his lips. One slightly brutal tug on his bottom lip causes a warning remark of “Slow down, pretty lady.” 
One of his hands disappeared to grab the iconic bandana off the bed. He broke the kiss when bringing the fabric up to your eyeline. “See you in a minute.” He smiled smuggly at you. You leant your head up giving him the space the tie the blindfold. 
The lack of vision caused your other sense to tighten, every sound and feeling felt it’d been turned up to 100. You knew Eddie was still sat upon your upper thighs, straddling you but now leaning towards the side to grab a candle but the darkness tricked your brain into thinking you were almost alone. 
The unannounced feeling of Eddies finger tips bracing your skin caused your breath to hitch, “Shhh” He cooed. You sighed, regaining yourself, “Colour, sweet?”
“Green.” You replied breathily. 
Eddie smiled above you - he always loved the sight of you restrained. He took a red candle off his bedside table, he held it a couple centimetres from your skin and began to tip it. In milliseconds, a drop of wax had fallen and dried on your stomach, causing a brief hiss to come from your throat and for your arms to tug inwards. Which led to the chain of the cuffs locking and pulling against your action.
He carried on tipping the candle and allowing drops of wax to fall along you, you could feel they were going up in a line. “How do you feel?” He spoke quietly along with the music that decorated the room. 
“Hot- It’s hot.” You huffed out. The feeling was different, you were unable to figure out whether it was a good or bad different. When the line of wax reached up to the top of your chest, you felt a small drop roll down your collar bone. The hot tickling feeling expelled a high pitched squirm out of you paired with you again pulling your arms down - at least trying to. 
Eddie chuckled lightly above you, rubbing over the now dried wax droplet, “You liked that one.” He noted, whispering in your ear, leading you to jump again. “Sorry, sweetheart.” He paused, “Must be a lot: not knowing where I am.”
“You could be blindfolded next, if ya want.” You quipped back.
Eddie dropped the candle again in retaliation, letting more droplets roll off into the dip of your collarbones. “You know that’s never going to happen.” 
He sat himself back up, dropping more wax down you as he recoiled back. Each drop of your stomach caused you to tense up slightly. He had his free hand rubbing small lines along the edge of your hip. 
You could feel him focusing the wax on the lower portion of your torso, the constant attention to the one spot was causing the heat of the material to take effect. You were starting to feel vulnerable and delicate in that one area, “Eddie... hot.. really hot.” You babble incoherently out into the air. 
“I know... I know, baby. You doing so well.” He cooed, never stopped his art. 
“You know what to say.” He stopped for a moment to give you an air to voice yourself if you felt needed. “You doing so good-”
You mewled at the feeling. The room for a moment was filled with nothing more than the clucking of a chain, heavy breaths and the fizzing of the burning  wik.
“Are you writing something?” Your voice was sparse and slightly strained. Eddie didn’t respond straight away but carried on creating whatever it was he was doing. You’d almost convinced yourself you never actually spoke your thought.
In the mids of your thoughts, Eddie had leant up and placed a messy set of kisses on your neck, slowly trailing them up to your mouth. All you found yourself able to do was whimper. 
The delicate sucks on your neck mixing with the open kisses led to you absentmindedly jerking and rolling your hips into his, the hand he had on your side stilled and tensed up, “None of that, girlie.” He mumbled into your wind pipe. You hummed pitifully in response.
Eddie let go of you, and with two now free hands - disregarding the candle at some point you were unaware of - ran them up the edges of your body, back down and back up again over the dried wax. The teasing alone was hard to deal with but the pressure on already tender skin made in near on impossible.
“God, you’re such a mess already-” Eddie gushed, “I find it very hard to believe you’ve never fantasied about this.” His words turned to low whispers. You shook your head. His hands were cupping your face, he lent down and placed a single kiss to your lips. 
His hands slowly moved around your face, up to where the blindfold sat, “Gonna take this off.” You knew that meant for you to pull your head up.
“Cuffs too?” You asked quietly,
“Thought you liked them-” He asked, hands now fiddling with the knot he tied earlier.
“Yeah- Arms hurt-” You breathed out. Unbeknownst to you, he nodded. Once the blindly was disregarded, you were met with an ache in your eyes as you adjusted to the light. 
Squinting, you offered him a cheesy smile - he laughed lightly at you in return.  While your vision was coming to, you felt him unhook your hands and unlock the cuffs. He kept both your hands nestled into his, bringing them down over your head and onto his lips.
Offering your wrists small kisses each, he finished his love making with a wrist in both hands being massaged. “Why didn't you tell me it hurt?”
“It was a good hurt.” 
You nodded, smiling sympathetically, “Woulda told ya other wise- Anyway,” you cut yourself off, “What was doing?” Eddie, your hands still in his, looked at you quizzingly, “With the wax? You were doing something?”
“Right.” He let go of your hands, and shuffled off of you, laying down next to you as your hoisted yourself up on your forearms. “Tada!” He did small jazz hands with his arm that wasn’t holding him up.
You couldn't help but laugh at the cutely molded smiley face that was crystallised into the left of your stomach. “Cute!” Eddie smiled and breathed a laugh at your reaction, “Can we give him a friend?” The silence told you Eddie was confused, “He looks lonely-”
The boy lent over you, grabbing the candle yet again, “Another smiley?” You nodded, “Okay, hold still Sweet.” 
You watched him roll back to laying next to you, leaning over you slightly. His tongue was perched on his top his lip, deep in concentration. The droplets of wax begun to make you to tense again, take in a sharp breath and  on the exhale it fizzled into a whimper. The sounds you were making had Eddie’s eyes flickering up to you. 
“Beautiful.” He commented at his art piece. You laughed lovingly at it.
Getting an idea yourself, you leant over a pulled an unlit candle and his lighter into your hands. Once lit, you threw the lighting into the void of his floor, allowing the candle some time to melt. Leaning back up on your free arms forearm, you tensed up for the expected feeling. You began to draw on yourself too, making a small smiley upon your abs. 
“How does yours look more realistic than mine?” Eddie gawked,
“I guess I'm just the better artist-” The moment you comeback was aired, Eddie tipped his candle upside down leading a large dot of wax to land on your smiley- “Ow! you son of- a bitch.” The end of your insult falling into a breath. Eddie let out a belly chuckled at your reaction. 
“Thought you liked the pain?” He retorted cockily, his finger now smearing the semi dried wax over you. 
“200 degree wax is still 200 degrees no matter how nice it may feel.”
The two of you found yourself getting lost in your own little world. The room what was once full of tension and desperate whimpers was filled into having a filling of light loving chuckles and play fighting: “No I was gonna go there!” and “Ha HA HA What even is that?”. The time youth had spent here was unknown, but this oddly intriguing pleasure activity had found its own way into making the two of you even closer than you were before. 
Once fully lost in your private bubble, you both never heard the light knock on the door. Only coming back to reality once the door hinges had squeezed their hello and the door was open. Looking up from the mess you’d both made, you were joint by a dazed and confused staring Wayne. 
In his defence, he was met by the sounds of the two of you lightly bickering and laughing. He did not expect to walk into you laying in your underwear with his on leaning over you fully clothed, both of you paying an uncanny amount of attention to your stomach holding what seemed to be candles. 
When his presence was known, your voices and laughed died almost instantly, all. 3 of you mentally acknowledging the scene infant of you but not saying a thing, only staring at each other. 
Once reality set in, you threw the t-shirt that sat on Eddie’s bed over your chest, Eddie rolled over you more so you could keep something to the imagination all while Wayne announced, “You know what I'm not even going to ask-” 
“Just knock, old man!” Eddie sighed lightly, you laid there with your hands over your mouth in a shock filled embarrassment - having blown out the candle.
“Son I did!”
“I’m so sorry-” You were starting to giggle, your nervous laugh getting the best of you. “This is horrific-” 
“Could be worse, sweet.” Eddie too starting to laugh.
Wayne huffed, waving his arm at you both, leaving the room, “I think I need to get you a lock, Son.”
Once Wayne had left, shutting the door behind him. You both errupted in fits of giggles and cackles. Eddie rolled off your lower half, facing up to the ceiling with you. The room was now in a new state - light, fresh, and loud. You both could seem to stop yourselves. 
You had rolled over, having off the bed slightly, your laugh now a lost wheeze, Eddie was still face up, legs kicking lightly as his was nothing more than hefty cackles, his hands whipping at his eyes. 
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