#Eddie being recognized for his DM skills is something so precious to me
missingexaltation ยท 2 years
Fic idea:
Former 90's rock star legend, Eddie Harrington, starts a podcast in the late 2010's with a weird choice of people (normal, not famous people, yikes!), but who apparently are close friends.
This podcast evolves quickly into a sprawling D&D campaign that gathers a cult-like following for a few years until one day it just explodes in popularity and becomes more mainstream. Eventually they move to streaming the campaigns live from their own homes/offices (simultaneously recording them for the podcast), and most people in the party have their own little fan clubs based on their characters and individual lore, compete with merch.
Eddie's always the DM, he enjoys it, and thrives on the chaos his team seems to try and generate to annoy him. The Party themselves (Dustin, Will, Lucas, Erica, Gareth, Mike and Jeff) have relatively normal jobs, so go absolutely feral during the podcasts, like they're reclaiming the insanity of their teen years.
It's just great fun, hardly anything like the dark, brutal campaigns Eddie used to run during Hellfire, and it's a great stress relief for them all. It eventually gets to the point where most people recognise or know Eddie from his D&D stuff, forgetting that he was 'originally' famous for half a dozen kickass rock albums.
(Sometimes Steve makes an accidental appearance by wandering into shot, or bringing Eddie coffee or snacks, and he ends up with his own wholesome little fan club because he's so normal in comparison to his hubby).
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