#Eckehart Schmidt
aschlindartroom · 2 years
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Fluffy Facts Tag Game
Tagged by @tryingtimi! Thanks so much.
Rules: List 5 or more cute or wholesome facts about your WIP, either events that happen or worldbuilding details or the like! Then tag some people you'd like to see do the game, too!
Second Serpent is notably lacking fluff for the most part, but there is definitely some light in the dark. *pops knuckles* Let's get crackin!
The H.O.U.N.D.s may be Schmidt & Foster's private political assassination squad, but during the Reconstruction (after the war), some of them were assigned to accompany the "Riders." These were specially selected military personnel who were sent to all corners of the earth in search of the last humans, acting as peacekeepers to offer a final refuge in New London. The H.O.U.N.D.s, with their special abilities, assisted these Riders by reading minds to break language barriers, liberating slaves, and providing support. There are many cultures that would have been lost after the closing of the dome without them. The H.O.U.N.D.s may be a tool, but they have been a tool occasionally used for good.
Martin and Eckehart, despite how dark the political B-Plot of Second Serpent becomes, are a huge source of fluff and giggles. They start their story as two very different people who are thrown together under strange circumstances. They open up, learn to trust each other, and after a 10-year slow burn and a lot of growth, they fall stupidly ridiculously in love. A scene with them is always bound to be either funny, aw-inducing, or heart-wrenching. Good chemistry, these two.
At its core, Second Serpent is a story about a group of emotionally isolated people learning to care about each other and themselves, even when it comes with the risk of being hurt. And it's about chasing ideals even when it seems hopeless. In a world that feels so very, very dark, the desire to be close and to be happy are never far away.
During the NWW, the sacking of museums and decimating of civilizations led to a 2nd Dark Age. And so, one of the most lucrative careers in New London is being a "Librarian." They are the well-read, historically-learned sages of the new world, who catalog and restore any piece of the old world they can find. Studious and life-long learners, this profession is grueling and tedious, but for their effort, they are HANDSOMELY paid. At the time that the story starts, The Librarian Society for Restoration has just published its 97th volume of their "world history" series, which is a very thorough accounting of major events as they know them.
In a later book, Seung will be pseudo-adopting a pair of psychic children. One of Seung's big arcs is shedding her hero worship of her father and finding her own way of living. Though she will never be their mother, by taking care of them, Seung has a chance to see a different way of parenting. Learning to be soft and affectionate rather than hard and exacting-- to extend a hand in comfort rather than a fist in anger.
Edit: WHOOPS. Almost forgot to tag people. Let's see... @valkyrie-the-bogwitch, @dgwriteblr, @andromeda-rising-897, @lunarmoment
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Heads Up Seven Up
Thanks to @aohendo for the tag! I have not been working on my manuscript proper, but here's the last little bit I wrote as part of a Martin x Eckehart side-story.
“Do you think I’m mean?” Eckehart huffed a laugh. “You’re no saint, that’s for sure.” “Saints die young,” Martin said. “Us devils stay til the end of the show, just to see how well the world burns.” They fell into a thoughtful silence. It pressed into them, suffocating. Finally, Martin said, “Well, I’m nice to you at least, aren't I?” “You’re pushy and cryptic and you make me look dirty when you stand next to me in photographs.”
Martin has only been drunk with Eckehart once. He is delightfully forthcoming.
Tagging @theskeletonprior, @tryingtimi, @kiaraintheforest, and @whimsyqueen
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Find the Word: Tag Game
Thanks to @aohendo for the tag! My words are problem, thought, caution, and ship.
I'll tag @jess-p-edits, @ryan-shepard-writes, @athenixrose, @tryingtimi, and @author-a-holmes. Should you choose to accept them, your words are lungs, laugh, long, and luck.
“Sometimes, I remember how much this position asks of you,” Eckehart said. “It’s a lot of pressure.” Martin grinned and waved his hand dismissively. “What did I tell you when we first met?” he asked. Eckehart sighed and sat back. “I seem to remember an exhausting elevator pitch.” “I told you that it doesn’t frighten me to solve big problems with high stakes,” Martin said. He sipped at his coffee. “I also told you that the work comes easy, when you’re hungry for it.” Eckehart watched him carefully. “Are you still hungry for it?” he asked. Martin blinked slowly, cat-like, smile fading slightly. “Insatiably,” he replied, “Same appetite, different diet.” “Vegetarian?” Eckehart asked. “Cruelty-free?” Eckehart took a moment to consider how they’d changed one another, and saw Martin doing the same.
Seung nodded. She stood and padded across the floor on bare feet to stand in front of him. “Desperation is a good motivator,” she said. “Adapt or fail—those are your choices.” Ehren frowned. “Is that supposed to help me?” “No,” she replied, “it’s just a fact.” She looked out the open door of her room, out into the morning sunlight and the apple orchard. “You have time though. Whatever you’re afraid of, it isn’t here.” But it is. Ehren thought of blood on the floor. Skin parting from skin under Chul’s blade. Seung’s empty eyes, staring through the floor and into nothing—gone of the focus and light he hadn’t noticed there until it had been gone. What I’m afraid of is right here.
Belks had gotten far too comfortable with Martin’s side-stepping, his charming winks of reassurance and his low tones of confirmation-- always to what Belks had already said, never stating outright. He couldn’t be sure what had done it, whether it was a sudden insight on his part or a slipping of Martin’s mask, but Belks’ sense of self-preservation had begun to twitch. If it were at Martin’s usual deviousness, Belks would have pushed the feeling aside-- Martin, for all his charm and smiling attitude, was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and Belks preferred him that way. No, this feeling tugged at his ear in Martin’s presence and whispered a caution altogether unexpected: He’s grown a conscience, the voice whispered. The monster’s shown his belly. It was a thought that smarted, moreso because once he had seen it, he could not unsee it. It had become impossible to see anything else. Belks had sat on the plush couch of his office in this same way many times before, puzzling over problems that normally ended in blood. This would be no different. A test of loyalty would be required to test the waters.
Seung could reach across the table, find an exposed bit of Ehren’s skin and flood him. He would know the stakes then—enough to back down, to allow Seung to leave quietly with them and plan a regrouping later. But he would see the rest, too. He would see Seung’s first transference, the visit to the Clever Nightcap she’d kept from him. He would see what bit at the back of her mind like a dog at her heels: Elder Tomly’s croaked voice, and his telling of a broken future with Seung at the helm of a war ship.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
For the emoji ask game: 🌪️🎀🙈
Thanks @aohendo!!
I'mma do these for different characters cause I feel like it.
What is the biggest change you've ever made to them? How have they changed from their original version?
For Martin Hightower:
Martin's definitely experienced the most change out of any OC. He was a side character at first and a lot darker villainous than he ended up being. He ESPECIALLY changed after I decided [INSERT BIG ASS SPOILER HERE]. Now the man has a fully fleshed out, heart-wrenching back story, plus a main part to play in the narrative. A small heart hidden inside roughly 30 inches of concrete...
How would they fit into other worlds / AUs? What AUs would you like to try out? What fictional world would they fit / not fit into?
For Martin and Eckehart:
HartMart is a literal treasure trove of AU material. Ask @valkyrie-the-bogwitch. We talk about it all the time.
We've already passed around the idea of a College/University AU and a Pugilist AU. I kind of want to create a visual novel game that's a Coffee Shop AU from Ehren's perspective, because the idea of Eckehart and Martin bickering over the price of a new espresso machine is just so wholesome to me.
There also was definitely not a crossover idea we had about Kaz Brekker x Martin Hightower look they'd be good for each other okay?
What's a side of your OC that they don't want to show other people?
For Rowan Faraday:
Rowan has some SERIOUS PTSD. She oscillates between freeze and fight (mostly fight) when she's triggered, and anyone seeing that side of her... it just feels humiliating to her. She portrays herself as a devil-may-care type-- a badass who's not afraid of anything-- and hey, most of the time it's true. When she starts having a flashback though, you'd better get her somewhere safe or get the fuck out of her way. A big part of her arc is finding her way through her trauma.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
What is a cute portmanteaus for Martin and Eckehart?
I'd really like to tag them as something other than "Martin and Eckehart" and really honestly they are way overdue for a cute couple nickname.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Ok if you're down for another ask I'd love to know more about Eckehart and Martin's relationship? Or them individually. Or both. Liking me these bois.
Oh god I would love to.
Eckehart and Martin are the main characters of Second Serpent's political B-Plot. To make a long story very VERY short, they are both secretly planning to dismantle Schmidt & Foster (the corporation that runs New London), and help the average people form a republic. Well, Eckehart's planning to. Martin agrees to help him, despite the fact that Martin is famous for being Schmidt & Foster's #1 PR and cover-up guru, and also notoriously self-interested and hedonistic.
For a long time, Eckehart just assumes that Martin is playing him. By the time the story proper starts, they're ten years into a game of political-treason-chicken that they no longer care about and have entirely lost track of who's winning.
Throughout their friendship, they change under each others' influence. One-track-mind Eckehart comes to understand his personal preferences: what foods he likes, the types of art he enjoys-- what makes him happy that's not booze or punching things. Martin learns the value of putting effort into something that isn't himself, allowing himself to care just as deeply as Eckehart cares. His heart thaws and it is very sweet.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
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Have I mentioned that Martin and Eckehart have personal assistants?
Lila works for Martin Hightower. She is an enthusiastic, type-A personality whose idea of a good time is completing very difficult crosswords and watching competitive sports. Eckehart dismissed almost all of his father's staff when he took over the CEO position, and Advik was the only candidate who didn't suck up to him, so he got the job by default. He is, luckily, very good at his job.
They are oil and water, and though they may never end up in the story, I kind of love writing about them.
Silly semi-scene under the cut.
“Hey, have you heard?” “Heard? Heard what?” "Last night Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Hightower were seen leaving the building together.” Lila winked. “Think they were going to Mr. Hightower’s place or what? Word is that he’s got a flat he likes to entertain in.” Advik gaped. “Lila!” he pleaded, a harsh whisper. “Keep your voice down.” She laughed and waved off his concern. “Oh, settle down. It’s just harmless gossip.” “Only you would term gossip about two of the most powerful people in New London as harmless,” Advik said. Lila stepped in front of him, blocking his path down the hall and nearly knocking him back on his ankles. She smiled mischievously, eyebrows raised. “What?” “So? What do you think?” she asked. “Love affair brewing?” Advik pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, attempting to stave off a headache. He considered telling Lila to mess off, to mind her own business if she wanted to keep her job. If it were Mr. Belks she was talking about, he wouldn’t hesitate. “I just don’t think he’s that sort of person,” Advik said finally. “Who?” she asked. “Mr. Schmidt,” Advik said. Lila didn’t move, patient for an explanation. Advik sighed and side-stepped Lila to continue down the hall. “He’s hard to read. Reserved. Shy, I think? I don’t know. I just don’t think that Mr. Hightower is his type.” Advik entered the Media Relations office, hoping the door would close back in Lila’s face. She pushed her foot into the threshold at the last possible second. The door bounced back and Lila followed quickly behind. They weaved between lines of desks, skirting around the Media Relations personnel. “I think Mr. Hightower is everyone’s type with a little nudging.” Advik paused and glanced around the office. “Did Monika move?” he asked. Lila sighed, exasperated. “Look, I have a vested interest in knowing whether my boss is getting laid, okay? Mr. Hightower is 73% more likely to accept my reports as-is in the days after a good dicking—” “Lila!” “And he hasn’t asked me to revise anything in the last week. That’s seven whole consecutive days, Ad. Seven! It’s unheard of. And he’s been staring out of his window all… wistful like. It’d be disgusting if I wasn’t getting twice as much done.” “Maybe he hit his head.” “Ha-ha. Funny.”
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
(from @flowerprose)
For the prompts: “Tell me something I can do for you today.”
Aw, thanks @flowerprose!
A little HartMart drabble. Pardon any grammatical errors.
It had been close to two years since Hightower had been installed as his ADC Liaison, and six months since they had begun Eckehart’s whirlwind cultural exploration. Each day came accompanied by a new experience— Hightower quietly sliding a flavorful, expensive cup of coffee across his desk; a lunch-time hair appointment from a blessedly quiet, delicate barber; an evening at the Midtown library, enjoying the latest exhibition; a late-night drink at a bar he’d never been to, overlooking the Midtown skyline in a way he’d never seen before. New perspectives. Hightower arranged it all somehow, effortlessly, and without an ounce of grumbling.
Not that Eckehart would have expected the man to grumble. Hightower had insisted on the whole thing himself. Still, it wasn’t like the man didn’t have more pressing matters to attend to. Networking with the ADC Representatives and their assistants was a task enough without all of the extra work he piled on. This week, he was managing negotiations with Barclay’s labor unions and Barclay, for all his good qualities and loyalty to his district’s livelihood, was a piece of work on a good day. How Hightower managed, while still maintaining his prestine appearance and razor sharp tongue, was an absolute mystery.
By 3 PM, Eckehart had cleared off his desk for the day and was playing a game of chess with himself when the door to his office opened. Hightower had long done away with knocking, which didn’t bother Eckehart as much as it probably should have. Normally, he walked with energy— intimidating and aware. Today Hightower entered slowly, closing the door only to lean back against it. He sighed, heavy and tired, and stood there for a few moments. Eckehart was tucked away in the far side of the office. Had Hightower not seen him when he entered?
He took the rare opportunity to see Hightower off his game, running his gaze along the vulnerable line of the man’s throat, bared and unsuspecting. His closed eyes,
Eckehart’s elbow slipped and knocked a pawn from the chess board and onto the floor. Hightower twisted, surprised, but immediately relaxed at the sight of Eckehart, who was scrambling to grab the rogue chess piece.
“Ah, you’re here,” Hightower said, straightening his suit.
“It’s my office,” Eckehart said, a tad more testy than he truly felt.
“You do have a budget committee scheduled for this time,” Hightower responded, sounding a tad testy himself. They watched each other. Hightower cleared his throat and approached. “Barclay is amenable to our workplace reform plan. I have Lila working with his special council to ensure that the final negotiations are reflected in the written agreement. It should come through tomorrow, if Barclay does not find something else to hem and haw about.”
Standing beside him, Eckehart saw for the first time how harried the man looked. Perhaps to the uninitiated eye, Hightower looked normal, if a bit tired. Eckehart noted the bags under his eyes, the slight hunch of his shoulders. Hightower assessed the state of his chess board.
“Who’s move?” he asked.
“White,” Eckehart said, gesturing to the opposite side of the board.
Hightower nodded, considered, then moved the rook. Two moves from checkmate now. He looked over his handy work before straightening, satisfied. “I’ll be off again in a few minutes,” he said. He turned to walk away, lacking that usual spring in his step. “Don’t let me distract you.”
“Tell me something I can do for you today,” Eckehart blurted.
Hightower paused mid-step, straightening with his back turned. Eckehart resisted the urge to cover his own mouth. A breath of silence passed between them. Hightower turned on his heel to look at Eckehart, eyebrow raised.
Eckehart sighed. The words would come out far less friendly the second time. Maybe if Hightower wasn’t watching him like that, slightly dumbfounded…
“You’re busy, and I clearly have time on my hands.” He gestured to the chess board in front of him.
The smile Hightower gave him now was honest, rare in its lack of pretense, amused, and Eckehart looked away from it. He felt his face grow hot and raised his hand in warning. “Don’t make it a big deal. Obviously, you’re perfectly capable. Watching you run around when you’re clearly so tired is exhausting. I’m bored. That’s all.”
Hightower had approached Eckehart’s chair again without Eckehart noticing. Eckehart craned his neck to look up. Hightower smiled down at him, still sincere and now softened by a fondness. Gentle. Eckehart blinked at him. He was about ready to jump out of his skin when the man finally looked away. He stared out at Midtown, thoughtful.
“Now that you mention it, I’m famished,” Hightower said. “I have an appointment that will last about an hour. Just in time for an early dinner, maybe?” He walked toward the office door, heels clicking on the marble floor in his retreat. “Order us something.”
Eckehart felt an unfamiliar panic— like a child given permission to man the stove and suddenly afraid to muck it up. He stood from his chair. “What do you want?” he asked, quickly. Hightower was already at the door.
Hightower did not look back, but there was a smile in his voice. It came soft. “Surprise me,” he said.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
💬 Eckhart
“I sometimes imagine what it might be like to unscrew myself-- lay myself out in pieces for public consumption. I don’t wonder what people would think of me, really. I fixate on what it might be like to have eyes examine the truth of me, to plainly see all of my thorns. I’m tired of having to articulate them.”
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
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Look, can anyone blame Eckehart for not trusting a man whose university graduation photo looks like this? LIKE THIS?
Martin Hightower is Franklin Belks' protege and it shows.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Into Touch Thursday
Tagged by @pheita. Thank you!
Let's talk about how our OCs express their affection.
I have so many damn characters, so I'm just gonna do the 5 main protagonists.
Seung: Seung's been conditioned to expect pain when people reach toward her and to brace herself when people approach. She's been raised an assassin from a very young age, and since she's been isolated, any other kind of affection is... new to her. Throughout the first book she starts to recognize touch as something that can be pleasurable-- even casually enjoyed. Generally, though, affection for her is cooking for others, sitting in silence together, and spending quality time in ways that don't involve a lot of emotion or feels. For a badass assassin, she's easily overwhelmed.
Ehren: Ehren has Direct Insight, which means that just being NEAR people is intimate enough. The closer he gets, the more he feels, so touching is extremely intimate and requires an incredible amount of trust. If Ehren likes you, he will stay close to you even if you are upset, or angry, because he wants to be near you if it's uncomfortable for him. He and Seung get into little tiffs about this.
Egon: If Egon cares about you, he will keep you close. Like, obsessively close. He's basically a child who's found a stuffed teddy that comforts him, so he brings it everywhere and never lets it go. He doesn't even realize he's doing it. Poor Ehren happens to be the most frequent recipient of his affections. He is very, VERY free-wheeling with his physical touch, though he doesn't care so much about being gentle.
Eckehart: Eckehart is demi/greysexual and has never been overly touchy, though he is quite sentimental and romantic. Being close and intimate emotionally has always been... difficult, though. Trust issues, mostly. He tells himself that he simply doesn't have time and energy for love or friends, and since he doesn't have a need for sex, it makes it all the easier to push people away. When he does trust someone, and starts to like them, Eckehart will go out of his way to do... stuff. Opening doors, buying gifts or breakfast, making life easier for them in general. Then maybe he'll wanna hold hands. Then maybe he'll wanna kiss, and touch someone's butt, and so on and so on.
Martin: Martin doesn't show it, but he's an incredibly physical and tactile person. With his lovers, he has always been gentle and sensual, and with Eckehart, he finds any excuse he can to be close, whether that's to straighten his tie or coat or to hand him a drink. If he cannot touch, he will provide service in other ways.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
the OTP you've been obsessing over lately 👀
1. What's the biggest wish the members of your otp have for the other? Is it a wish that could come true? Do they actively work towards it?
4. After a bad day, what would each member of your otp do to cheer the other up?
12. Was/is it difficult for the members of your otp to realise their feelings? Were they okay with those feelings or were they in denial? 
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨👀
@bloodlessheirbyjacques! Thank you!
SIGH. It's HartMart. Never not HartMart. (To be fair, they are the ONLY eventual canon coupling in the Second Serpent series.)
What's the biggest wish the members of your OTP have for the other? Is it a wish that could come true? Do they actively work towards it?
Eckehart (for Martin): What do you get the man who has everything? Martin, for all his charm and power, is incredibly lonely. He has secrets that he knows, with absolute certainty, that he will take to the grave with him. He's used to keeping people, even important people, at arm's length. No one is allowed to see the real him, because anyone who sees the real Martin automatically has power over him.
I suppose that if Eckehart had one wish for Martin, it would be for Martin to trust someone enough to let his walls down around-- for Martin to see that people find him worthy of kindness and praise without all the swagger and pretense.
Martin (for Eckehart): Eckehart is a tortured idealist-- kind and uncertain and feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. He is a man seeking redemption for his family's crimes, for centuries of lies and half-truths that have landed New London in a political stalemate. Eckehart will stop at nothing to end his family's hold on humanity, and he knows that at the end of the road he's started on, he will likely to imprisoned, banished, or killed. From day one as Schmidt & Foster CEO, he's been prepared to throw himself onto the pyre. He sees himself as a means to an end-- as an expendable chess piece that the world would be better off without.
Martin's biggest wish is for Eckehart for Eckehart to see himself through Martin's eyes: to see the same gentle, bleeding heart that Martin sees. Eckehart would be a fantastic leader, if only he saw his own self-worth, and admired his assets as well as his flaws.
So, I suppose their greatest wishes are for each to be more trusting, and to know their true, inherent worth. Oh. Oh god. I just made myself sad. HELP.
After a bad day, what would each member of your OTP do to cheer the other up?
Eckehart (for Martin): Martin so rarely has "bad days"-- at least, not ones that he lets onto. But, sometimes, even Martin can hide a waning mood (and he hides it less and less as their friendship goes on). Push comes to shove, Martin's love languages are gift giving and quality time.
So, on a bad day... Eckehart would bring Martin a coffee. He'd sit down face to face with him, no distractions, and crack a couple of jokes. He'd banter with him, because Martin loves that. Later, in some dating phase that the readers will never see, I can see Eckehart bringing home flowers and dinner, then asking Martin to eat with him.
Martin (for Eckehart): Eckehart is definitely a quality time/words of affirmation guy. On a bad day, Martin would remind Eckehart that he's doing his very best, and then take him somewhere to get his mind off of whatever's bothering him for a while, just to reregulate him. He'd take Eckehart for a walk, and give him some blush-inducing praise that Eckehart will tell himself he doesn't absolutely love.
Was/is it difficult for the members of your OTP to realize their feelings? Were they okay with those feelings or were they in denial?
Martin realizes his feelings early on, but I can't really explain how or why for spoiler reasons. Let's just say: He's not a man who's familiar with "love" but he does know what attraction feels like. Eckehart has all of the human compassion that Martin locked away a long time ago, so Martin assumed for a while that he just admired him. Didn't take him too long to fall head over heels... though, in many ways, he always had been.
Eckehart, on the other hand, is a single-minded, repressed loner with depression and anxiety. The man is too busy barreling forward avoiding pain to see when there's someone worth admiring in his general vicinity. It takes him a very long time to see Martin as a friend, and over halfway through the series to see him as a potential S.O. It takes almost losing Martin to realize how much he really cares about him, but that's for another time.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
The Elders just lost their ability to see us coming and THE DEEP intrigue me. i appreciate the chaos of your wip names
Lol thanks I try? 🤣
The Elders just lost their ability to see us coming
A.K.A. Belks and Martin have a confrontation
“Martin.” The softness of Belks’ tone had its desired effect. Hightower’s gaze found his from across the divide. Belks took note: the slight downward curve of his frown, contracted pupils in eyes that were not calculating and confident but distant, assessing threat. The subtle tension in his shoulders. White knuckles. It had taken Franklin over twenty years to learn Hightower’s tells. Today, for the first time since Hightower was a child, they stood in stark relief. Belks smiled. “I do hate when you lie to me.”
A.K.A. Martin takes Eckehart to go and see a restored Jackson Pollock.
Eckehart stepped through the narrow doorway and moved to stand by Martin’s side. He found himself admiring a canvas about three feet by four feet in size. A cavernous split of darkness ran diagonally across from bottom left to top right, invaded upon by a stir of milky white and yellow. Eckehart tried to place his finger on what it reminded him of—strings of pulled cotton caught on a black fleece jacket, maybe. Eckehart saw Martin move in his periphery and looked down. He held out a cup of coffee, secured inside of a portable mug. Eckehart took it into his cold hands graciously, allowing it to warm his fingertips. “Where’s yours?” Eckehart asked. “Already finished,” Martin said. He grinned up at Eckehart—had not stopped grinning since Eckehart had arrived. “You’re late.” “I’m sorry,” Eckehart said. “A meeting ran over.” “That excuse will only fly a few times before I bribe your assistant into penciling me in with higher priority,” Martin said. “Should I tell her these are weekly strategy meetings?” “We can’t exactly call it ‘playtime,’” Eckehart said. “That would look weird on your itinerary,” Martin agreed. “I think we could probably find more refined, purposeful language for these experiential outings.” “It feels like playtime,” Eckehart muttered. “You didn’t have much of that when you were young,” Martin said. Eckehart puffed out a humorless laugh. “Higher priority items on my itinerary.” “Too bad,” Martin said. “Play is important for children. It’s how they learn to navigate the hypothetical, experiment with their emotions, practice and play with social norms. Learn eye contact.” Eckehart cast his gaze down to Martin in protest. Martin stared back. To Eckehart’s displeasure, he broke first. Martin stifled a laugh. “In any case, that’s not today’s exercise,” he said.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
😳🤓 for Eckehart?
Why don’t they like how their voice sounds in recordings?
Eckehart: *listening to himself on a media broadcast* *grimace* ...Why didn't you ever tell me that I mumble when I talk? Martin: Do you? *smirks, not looking at him* I suppose I'm used to it by now. Eckehart: No you're not. You hear it every time and you hate it. Martin: You always think the worst of me. Maybe I find it endearing? Eckehart: *scoffs* You find my very annoying mumbling endearing? Martin: Would you rather I call it cute? Eckehart: *squints* ..... *blushes and looks away* .... No, endearing is fine.
What is one thing that they "nerd out" over?
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So, before Eckehart was the CEO of Schmidt & Foster, he was in Tier III University in New London Heights Academy. His primary career path was in city planning, however, he was also in the music program. He worked closely with Midtown Librarians to translate and restore pre-war compositions, specifically jazz and blues compositions, and create recordings of music that had been lost during the war. He plays jazz and classical piano as well as the trumpet, and has a very VERY large personal collection that probably rivals the Midtown Library. (He also wrote a very popular academic paper under a pen name.)
Strangers at parties with drunk Eckehart should expect at least one unhinged rant and maybe a lesson on jazz history.
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aschlindartroom · 2 years
Happy STS!
What's a scene you've written that you're really proud of? What's a scene you're really looking forward to writing?
Aw, this is a fun question! Thanks, @jezifster
There are so many scenes that I love and am proud of, but there's one with Eckehart and Martin, in particular, that I go back and read sometimes. I even made a short comic like two years ago. (Part of the scene itself, and the accompanying comic, will be under the cut).
A scene I'm looking forward to writing... There are a few scenes at the end of the first book that set up for the sequel that are just so eerie and cool in my mind. It'll be fun to write those and try to get it just right, you know?
Background for the scene: 10 years prior to the start of the novel proper. Eckehart is new to his position as Schmidt & Foster CEO and everyone and their mom is looking at him like he's fresh meat. He does not trust Martin Hightower, his newly appointed public liaison, not to feed him to the wolves. Martin gives him a lesson in not being so damn loud about his self-righteousness.
“You must think I’m an idiot.”
“On the contrary. I find you uniquely intelligent. Abrasive, but not oafish. You’re receptive and idealistic. Sensitive.”
Eckehart couldn’t contain a sneer. “Convenient, for your purposes.”
Martin raised an eyebrow, his mask of professionalism cracking slightly. A smile was found beneath, amused. “I find it to be an asset, rather than a deficit. I'm often beholden to the less savory side of politics, but I don’t scoff at the idea of discretion paired with good intention. It’s quite charming. Easy to sell.”
“I’m not out to sell myself. Not to you, not to Belks, not to anybody.”
“No,” Martin said coolly. He cocked his head to the side. “No, you seem keen on making yourself a spectacle instead. You’d like to make sure that everyone in this building understands that you’re not like them, not beholden to the status quo.” He paused, fixing Eckehart with a candid eye. “I would advise that you keep your cards closer to your chest.”
Eckehart’s mouth fell open, momentarily flabbergasted. “I’m not playing this game,” he said, quiet, venomous.
“You’re making yourself a problem, Mr. Schmidt,” Martin said, tone neutral and unbothered. His eyes, however, held Eckehart’s with weight. “Problems that do not benefit men like Belks are quickly fixed, regardless of their status. You are in a fragile position, and lack allies. Make it clear that you are in opposition to powerful forces, then you invite them to take you off the board.”
A beat of pregnant silence hummed between them. The blue light emanating from CASS at the corner of his desk ensured that their words were being recorded. Martin knew this. Eckehart knew this.
“Is that a threat?” Eckehart asked. He spoke loudly, intentionally.
Martin eyed the CASS terminal, acknowledging its existence. He smiled. “No, it isn’t,” he replied. “It is advice. You may not care for the game, Mr. Schmidt, but you are playing it, regardless of how you feel.” Martin stood, taking his suit jacket from the back of the chair and folding it over his arm. “It would behoove you to learn the rules.”
Eckehart clenched and unclenched his fists at his side, unmoving. He imagined grabbing the man. It would be easy to knock his teeth in—a message to Belks, if a ham-handed one. What stopped him was resentful resignation. For now, Martin had spoken truth, however unpleasant and unwelcome it had been to hear. Sending his head of PR to the East End Med would be a strike against him, one more media headline for Belks to leverage.
Through tightened jaw, Eckehart said, “Advice noted.”
Martin began to turn on his heels toward the door but paused. When he turned back to Eckehart, his expression had softened, just slightly. He looked Eckehart up and down, a cataloguing that lasted a few seconds too long.
“This may be difficult to believe,” Martin said, “but my intention is to be your ally, Mr. Schmidt, not your enemy. Whatever suggestions I have are not meant to dissuade you. They are an earnest attempt to keep you sitting in this office.”
Eckehart could have laughed. He held it, barely, and snarled. “I’m not convinced.”
“I don’t expect you to be,” Martin said. “You are a discerning man who is well aware of his precarious position. It would be a bit disappointing if you handed off your trust so soon.” He bowed his head slightly, and winked. “I did say that I enjoy a challenge.”
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