#Earn It Act
shortbreads · 1 year
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
April 28, 2023
I’m so sorry for the long post but please please please pay attention and spread this
What is the EARN IT Act?
The EARN IT Act (s. 1207) has been roundly condemned by nearly every major LGBTQ+ advocacy and human rights organization in the country.
This is the third time the Senate has been trying to force this through, and I talked about it last year. It is a bill that claims "protects children and victims against CSAM" by creating an unelected and politically appointed national commission of law enforcement specialists to dictate "best practices" that websites all across the nation will be forced to follow. (Keep in mind, most websites in the world are created in the US, so this has global ramifications). These "best practices" would include killing encryption so that any law enforcement can scan and see every single message, dm, photo, cloud storage, data, and any website you have every so much as glanced at. Contrary to popular belief, no they actually can't already do that. These "best practices" also create new laws for "removing CSAM" online, leading to mass censorship of non-CSAM content like what happened to tumblr. Keep in mind that groups like NCOSE, an anti-LGBT hate group, will be allowed on this commission. If websites don't follow these best practices, they lose their Section 230 protections, leading to mass censorship either way.
Section 230 is foundational to modern online communications. It's the entire reason social media exists. It grants legal protection to users and websites, and says that websites aren't responsible for what users upload online unless it's criminal. Without Section 230, websites are at the mercy of whatever bullshit regulatory laws any and every US state passes. Imagine if Texas and Florida were allowed to say what you can and can't publish and access online. That is what will happen if EARN IT passes. (For context, Trump wanted to get rid of Section 230 because he knew it would lead to mass govt surveillance and censorship of minorities online.)
This is really not a drill. Anyone who makes or consume anything “adult” and LGBT online has to be prepared to fight Sen. Blumenthal’s EARN IT Act, brought back from the grave by a bipartisan consensus to destroy Section 230. If this bill passes, we’re going to see most, if not all, adult content and accounts removed from mainstream platforms. This will include anything related to LGBT content, including SFW fanfiction, for example. Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, Tiktok, Tumblr, all of them will be completely gutted of anything related to LGBT content, abortion healthcare, resources for victims of any type of abuse, etc. It is a right-wing fascists wet dream, which is why NCOSE is behind this bill and why another name for this bill is named in reference to NCOSE.
NCOSE used to be named Morality in Media, and has rebranded into an "anti-trafficking" organization. They are a hate group that has made millions off of being "against trafficking" while helping almost no victims and pushing for homophobic laws globally. They have successfully pushing the idea that any form of sexual expression, including talking about HEALTH, leads to sex trafficking. That's how SESTA passed. Their goal is to eliminate all sex, anything gay, and everything that goes against their idea of ‘God’ from the internet and hyper disney-fy and sanitize it. This is a highly coordinated attack on multiple fronts.
The EARN IT Act will lead to mass online censorship and surveillance. Platforms will be forced to scan their users’ communications and censor all sex-related content, including sex education, literally anything lgbt, transgender or non-binary education and support systems, aything related to abortion, and sex worker communication according to the ACLU. All this in the name of “protecting kids” and “fighting CSAM”, both of which the bill does nothing of the sort. In fact it makes fighting CSEM even harder.
EARN IT will open the way for politicians to define the category of “pornography" as they — or the lobbies that fund them — please. The same way that right-wing groups have successfully banned books about race and LGBT, are banning trans people from existing, all under the guise of protecting children from "grooming and exploitation", is how they will successfully censor the internet.
As long as state legislatures can tie in "fighting CSAM" to their bullshit laws, they can use EARN IT to censor and surveill whatever they want.
This is already a nightmare enough. But the bill also DESTROYS ENCRYPTION, you know, the thing protecting literally anyone or any govt entity from going into your private messages and emails and anything on your devices and spying on you.
This bill is going to finish what FOSTA/SESTA started. And that should terrify you.
Senator Blumenthal (Same guy who said ‘Facebook should ban finsta’) pushed this bill all of 2020, literally every activist (There were more than half a million signatures on this site opposing this act!) pushed hard to stop this bill. Now he brings it back, doesn’t show the text of the bill until hours later, and it’s WORSE. Instead of fixing literally anything in the bill that might actually protect kids online, Bluemnthal is hoping to fast track this and shove it through, hoping to get little media attention other than propaganda of “protecting kids” to support this shitty legislation that will harm kids. Blumental doesn't care about protecting anyone, and only wants his name in headlines.
It will make CSAM much much worse.
One of the many reasons this bill is so dangerous: It totally misunderstands how Section 230 works, and in doing so (as with FOSTA) it is likely to make the very real problem of CSAM worse, not better. Section 230 gives companies the flexibility to try different approaches to dealing with various content moderation challenges. It allows for greater and greater experimentation and adjustments as they learn what works – without fear of liability for any “failure.” Removing Section 230 protections does the opposite. It says if you do anything, you may face crippling legal liability. This actually makes companies less willing to do anything that involves trying to seek out, take down, and report CSAM because of the greatly increased liability that comes with admitting that there is CSAM on your platform to search for and deal with. This liability would allow anyone for any reason to sue any platform they want, suing smaller ones out of existence. Look at what is happening right now with book bans across the nation with far right groups. This is going to happen to the internet if this bill passes.
(Remember, the state department released a report in December 2021 recommending that the government crack down on “obscenity” as hard the Reagan Administration did. If this bill passes, it could easily go way beyond shit red states are currently trying. It is a goldmine for the fascist right that is currently in the middle of banning every book that talks about race and sexuality across the US.)
The reason these bills keep showing up is because there is this false lie spread by organizations like NCOSE that platforms do nothing about CSEM online. However, platforms are already liable for child sexual exploitation under federal law. Tech companies sent more than 45 million+ instances of CSAM to the DOJ in 2019 alone, most of which they declined to investigate. This shows that platforms are actually doing everything in their power already to stop CSEM by following already existing laws. The Earn It Act includes zero resources for proven investigation or prevention programs. If Senator Bluementhal actually cared about protecting youth, why wouldn’t he include anything to actually protect them in his shitty horrible bill? EARN IT is actually likely to make prosecuting child molesters more difficult since evidence collected this way likely violates the Fourth Amendment and would be inadmissible in court.
I don’t know why so many Senators are eager to cosponsor the “make child pornography worse” bill, but here we are.
EARN IT Act was introduced just two weeks ago and is already being fast-tracked. It will be marked up the week of May 1st and head to the Senate floor immediately after. If there is no loud and consistent opposition, it will be law by JUNE! Most bills never go to markup, so this means they are putting pressure to move this through. There are already 20 co-sponsors, a fifth of the entire Senate. This is an uphill battle and it is very much all hands on deck.
This website takes you to your Senator / House members contact info. EMAIL, MESSAGE, SEND LETTERS, CALL CALL CALL CALL CALL. Calling is the BEST way to get a message through. Get your family and friends to send calls too. This is literally the end of free speech online.
(202) 224-3121 connects you to the congressional hotline. Here is a call script if you don't know what to say. Call them every day. Even on the weekends, leaving voicemails are fine.
2. Sign these petitions!
Link to Petition 1
Link to Petition 2
If you have any social media, spread this online. One of the best ways we fought back against this last year was MASSIVE spread online. Tiktok, reddit, twitter, discord, whatever means you have at least mention it. We could see most social media die out by this fall if we don't fight back.
Here is a linktree with more information on this bill including a masterpost of articles, the links to petitions, and the call script.
TLDR: The EARN IT Act will lead to online censorship of any and all adult & lgbt content across the entire internet, open the floodgates to mass surveillance the likes which we haven’t seen before, lead to much more CSEM being distributed online, and destroy encryption. Call 202-224-3121 to connect to your house and senate representative and tell them to VOTE NO on this bill that does not protect anyone and harms everyone.
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taikeero-lecoredier · 7 months
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This may seem grim but we Can still stop this bill if we focus on contacting senators /the House and keep spreading the word.
Join our Discord server to organize against it :
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cheshire-j · 1 year
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So as of tomorrow, the Kids Online Safety Act, is set for markup as of July 27 at 10:00 am. And for those who aren't aware, this bill, if passed, does not protect kids. If merely eradicates privacy, freedom of speech, and unlawfully searches and seizes everything you say and do on the web.
It will censor everything the government does not like and if you want "unrestricted access" you will need to prove you are above the age of 18, which will most likely mean you will need to upload some kind of ID. Additionally, if you need to upload your ID, there is no guaranteed protection that your image or the ID itself will not be swiped or sold like how Instagram/Facebook/Twitter did when they sold data to the Russians.
This will also be harmful to kids, especially those to have a bad living situation. KOSA does nothing but police the Internet for everything you say and do on the Internet. It will censor medical information, history, information, and restrict and limit, if not outright ban what can be posted on social media.
Sites like Ao3 (Archive of Our Own), Wattpad, Tiktok, Tumblr, etc.... EVERYTHING will be affected, art especially. And what's more, is KOSA passes, it will be a gateway to pass all the other bad internet bills like the RESTRICT ACT, EARN IT ACT, COOPER DAVIS, etc.
The Internet will turn into a hellscape for everyone; kids, companies, and adults alike!
The picture above, from @dontdelete.art, is a call to action in protesting these bad internet bills. As of today, July 26, we need to protest against this bill for our privacy and our freedom. Call your representatives and senators, AND ALSO call the Commerce Committee as they are the ones overseeing this mark up meeting.
The Commerce Committe's numbers are:
Majority: 202-224-0411
Minority: 202-224-1251
Call them and tell them you oppose KOSA, tell them the dangers, tell them how it breaks our first and fourth ammendment rights and how it violates our privacy.
We only have one more day before it goes to mark up, so let's make it count. Spend today speaking out on KOSA, post on social media talking about the dangers of KOSA, call and email your representatives, senators, and the committee!
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fandomstoragebin · 1 year
Why is KOSA not trending? This bill aims to take down fandom related sites INCLUDING TUMBLR!!!?? Like we need to get this to #1 on trending and FAST! Please reblog posts on the tags with more resources and spread the word people, this is actually terrifying!!!
Also it doesn’t even end with KOSA, the Earn It Act and many more censorship bills are trying to slip through our legislature and I haven’t seen many people talk about it!
Remember everyone, this isn’t about “protecting children,” because if it was they’d go after actual R34 sites instead of queer people trying to live their damn lives!
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taikeero · 2 years
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CONTACT AND INFO MASTERPOST : https://linktr.ee/stopkosa
Read this post as well:  https://taikeero-lecoredier.tumblr.com/post/709890130733826048/these-twos-bills-are-very-bad-for-the-future-of#notes
Calling, sending emails, and faxing senators are important. I would also encourage anyone to make art or memes against the bill to spread the news further.
Please,call the following senators and tell them to oppose KOSA, you have a call script right here
 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyBUe6frFGF44rJQU3TahZ5zyG3tC7jai_hPneAKlnM/edit#bookmark=id.lzykeihiqg70 Relevant things to say here : https://taikeero-lecoredier.tumblr.com/post/747489476713070592/stop-kosa-call-in-day-the-16th-april-2024#notes Maria Cantwell: 
( 202) 224-3441
Pelosi :
(202) 225-4965
Schumer :
You may also use the following sites to contact your reps : https://www.stopkosa.com/ (Congress ) http://badinternetbills.com/ (Find your reps)  https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative (Find your House representatives)
(April 2024 update !!!^)
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lukadjo · 3 months
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This is your reminder to go to badinternetbills.com and take the action! It's just filling out a form and helps signify to congress your opposition to the bad internet bills (which will restrict your freedoms on the internet, especially for minors (and not in any actually useful way))!
These bills are nothing more than a Trojan horse.
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titleknown · 1 year
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So, while we're all trying to fight one of the other terrible "think of the children" bills trying to ram its way through Congress, KOSA, we should also be talking about The EARN IT Act.
Long story short, it's basically yet another surveilance bill using a "protect the children" bill, as a hideous meat-suit, putting restrictions on sites that'll make them even more vicious towards NSFW content, creating a climate where using a VPN might be a crime, and they'll be creating a federal committee to decide how best to spy on us!
Long story long, well, the Linktree is right here.
Beyond the stuff in the Linktree, I urge you to directly contact your congresspeoples and tell them to kill this bill, especially if they're on the Judiciary Committee, which is currently marking up this bill.
The members of the committee are:
Dick Durbin, Illinois, Chairman
Dianne Feinstein, California
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota
Chris Coons, Delaware
Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut
Mazie Hirono, Hawaii
Cory Booker, New Jersey
Alex Padilla, California
Jon Ossoff, Georgia
Peter Welch, Vermont
Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, Ranking Member (Ugh)
Chuck Grassley, Iowa
John Cornyn, Texas
Mike Lee, Utah
Ted Cruz, Texas (Double-ugh)
Josh Hawley, Missouri
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
John Kennedy, Louisiana
Thom Tillis, North Carolina
Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee (she cosponsored the bill, so probably not)
So yeah, do what you can, even if it's just boosting this terrible, terrible danger we need to thwart.
And, I will add, as with my previous KOSA poster, this poster is officially, for the sake of spreading it, under a CC0 license.
Feel free to spread it, remix it, add links to the bottom, edit it to be about the other bad internet bills they’re pushing, use it as a meme format, do what you will but for gods’ sake get the word out!
...And yes, for the record I was thinking of the Judas Priest song when I came up with the tagline for this one.
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cherryg · 2 years
The internet censorship is coming..(again)
There are two well known censorship bill known as KOSA and the EarnIt act.
These bills both promised that they will protect children but unfortunately these are misguided bills that says they’ll do something but then they will do the opposite or make things worse.
Both of these bills are serious threat to the LGBT community and will censor a lot of content especially there
the EarnItact will also get rid of NSFW content and deem it as illegal, and will also get rid of section 230
The KOSA act will let attorneys from Florida and Texas take control and decide what people could and could not watch and sue websites and anything they don’t like and will not protect children but mostly put many vulnerable teens and children at risk while going as far as to even censor important information like sex education, health issues, suicide prevention hotlines and many more
We have stopped these bills from passing before but the cofounder Richard Bluemenhal is clearly not giving up and trying hard and hard again to push these bills back on congress
Last year more than 90/100 human rights groups urged lawmakers and congress to not pass KOSA in the omnibus bill and it got shelved and the same then happened to Earn it last year on February/March
But now he is trying a third time,using and manipulating grieving parents and young people into supporting and lobbying his bills, whiles even accepting anti trans and LGBT groups into supporting his legislations. He’s trying to find any type of scandal a platform is currently facing and turn and twist it on behalf of his agendas.
He says he supports abortions and the LGBT community but his bills will censor those things he claims to support. He can’t have it both ways.
But he was stubborn enough to ignore every criticism and scrutiny he gets about the legislations, being childish and all.
Not to mention that they are also both privacy nightmares to everyone and globally too
That’s why it’s important that you call and email your representatives and lawmakers and urge them to drop Kosa and the earn it act
Let any human rights group you trust knows and tell anyone you trust about it weather it be a friend or family member.
For more information, click these links below ⬇️
You can also help us by joining our discord server on how to stop internet censorship
There also a petition made from Fightforfuture recently about the KOSA act
(Update # 2)
Hey guys I’m back to warn everyone about yet again another bad internet bill it’s called the safe tech act
This act is supported by 7 democratic senators including bluemenhal which is never a good sign with him when it comes to internet bills.
This is a misguided 230 reform and when reading it, all it shows is that these people have no understanding of 230 whatsoever.
It’s just another dangerous censorship bill that threatens everyone’s free speech. The creators claim that it’s won’t hurt free speech but it actually does and they do not understand how important 230 is in its current form right now!
Here is a good article explaining the safe tech act really well and why it’s dangerous :
Also talk to your representatives about this and why it’s bad and if you can, try to explain to them about why section 230 is important. Support digital advocacy, human rights and any other groups that supports free internet and expression and let them know about these legislators and their bad ideas!
Update 3
The EarnIt act is sadly coming back after failing two times, now they are trying a 3rd time.
This legislation is dangerous for privacy and free expression and speech. It will bring lots of surveillance and is just as bad as the restrict act.
Now it’s being reintroduced by two senators and two representatives if you don’t know what this bill actually does there is more information about it here from these links : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/earn-it-bill-back-again-seeking-scan-our-messages-and-photos
The second one is called KOSA (KidsOnlineSafteyAct),
now this bill has failed to pass last year because a lot of opposition from 90/100 human rights.
It claims it’s would protect kids but it’s actually has a lot of censorship and is very dangerous to lgbt/trans kids and many other kids that are in abusive households. It will actually hurt them instead of protecting them.
If that’s not bad enough it’s tragically gaining momentum and attraction by these child advocacy groups and being sponsored by Dove and Lizzo. And there has been petitions in supporting this unconstitutional bill, One of them having somewhere around 30k signs…
I really wish I could say I’m joking but this is sadly true.
If you want more info on KOSA here they are:
Please everyone call your senators and representatives and tell them to oppose these bills. We really need help into fighting off these bill so we could keep a free opened internet!
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tomhiddlestonsangel · 11 months
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
internet censorship bill about to pass congress:
ao3 is facing a ddos attack from an overseas right-wing anonymous group because it contains "degeneracy and disgusting things like LGBT and NSFW".
they're not the only right-wing group that is attacking fanfiction sites because of queer & nsfw content. the Heritage foundation, the US right wing think tank that writes laws for republicans, wrote an article about how "big tech turns kids trans" in which they're advocating for the Kid's Online Safety Act to pass because it will give state attorney generals power to sue websites for "potentially harmful content towards minors". in this article they point out websites like wattpad, tumblr, tiktok, twitter as sites that GOP attorney generals can and will target for censorship if this bill passes. all places where fandom, that's mostly queer, hangs out.
if you think this bill has no chance of passing because of all the red flags it poses, think again. it currently has 38 cosponsors in the senate, and is being pushed by the democrats as a "protecting the children!!" type bill.
there are left-aligned orgs in congress rn lobbying for this bill to pass. july is extremely decisive, because if KOSA goes through to markup it'll be bundled with the Earn It act, Restrict, and all the other bad internet bills and passed as a package, completely censoring the internet forever.
if you want to learn more about the bill, go here. also sign the open letter against it here
it's ESSENTIAL that you call your members of congress, specifically Maria Cantwell (you can call from out of state) and tell them DO NOT PASS KOSA. this site here connects you to your members of congress and gives you a short simple script to read off of! super easy and doesn't take much out of your day! please do this now!!
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taikeero-lecoredier · 6 months
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Both KOSA and the Earn It Act bill are dangerous for the future of the Internet.
In a nutshell, KOSA would allow states to sue any websites that host content deemed “harmful” to minors. With such a vague wording, its expected that any NSFW stuff, educational ressources or LGBT content, will immediately be taken down if govts dont approve of it.
Plus, it will be made mandatory to use IDs to confirm your age when going online, to so called “protect kids” but all that will cause is a huge potential data breach and endanger more kids.
As for the Earn It Act bill, it would allow the governement to spy and filter out anything they dont like in private dms for any users,as well as blowing a hole into Section 230 : The thing that prevent websites from being directly liable in case a user post something illegal,instead of the user being punished directly. The comics I made about KOSA and Earn It Act are old but sadly still relevant. All the info you need are in this post.
•KOSA Comic •Earn It Act comic
•KOSA UPDATE + CALL SCRIPT (Made the April 11, 2024)
•When contacting your reps, you may also add that they should support better bills that will make kids (and anyone) safer by focusing on data privacy legislations instead of KOSA • Contact Congress through here https://www.stopkosa.com/ • House Energy and Commerce are the best to contact for the hearing of 17th April 2024 https://energycommerce.house.gov/representatives (the link doesnt work properly so you'll need to head to the site and select "Members" to find them)
• Find all your Congresspeople here http://badinternetbills.com/
• Find your House representative here https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative •Never forget to make tweets, posts, tiktoks, or use any social media you can think of to talk about this : Spreading the word will be crucial. As always, if you wish to help us fight against bad inetrnet bills,and have the latest infos about KOSA, consider joining our Discord server (if not, please just share it around) • https://discord.gg/pwTSXZMxnH
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cheshire-j · 1 year
It passed the Commerce Committee markup with a unaminous vote. But this shit is far from over.
Keep calling your senators and representatives, email them, and POST about the KOSA bill and its dangers!
KOSA is dangerous as it now threatens end to end encryption, which means EVERYTHING we have internet is in threat of being compromised. We NEED to do something about it and even if you have anxiety, you can do something about. I did, and I felt like I was going to die as I was doing it, but I did it!
If you're not comfortable with calling, email them, sign petitions, post about it on social media. Blow KOSA up, it worked last time and that's why it didn't pass. So let's do it again!
We need action, our privacy and our safety is at stake! This goes beyond violating our 1st and 4th amendments!
These bills are a threat to kids AND adults and they need to be stopped! Keep calling, keep emailing, keep being a pain in their ass!
Edit: No further moves are going to be made on KOSA until after August as Congress is on recess, but it WILL come back in September. So we need to keep pushing, we need to be loud! Keep calling and email your representatives and senators!
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rosetheocto · 1 year
hello to my 16 followers on here and anyone else who stumbles upon this post can you guys do me a quick favor if you live in the US?
Tell your senators that KOSA/Earn It/other internet bills that are similar will not protect anyone.
There are a lot of people that are wording this better than I am but this is gonna censor the internet of anything “inappropriate” (which basically means LGBTQIATS+ content and overall mental health stuff that can prevent kids from killing themselves) so like yeah can we make that law not happen please?
Oh yea also if it does anyone above the age of 16(?) will need to upload their drivers licenses to access the internet and even then all of your personal info will be out there for anyone to grab, plus it’ll be easier for predators to get away with harming kids if this passes, overall we wont be having a good time
Here’s the Bad Internet Bills website
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I didn't know about KOSA until today so I'm trying to help spread the word too
KOSA stands for Kids Online Safety Act and by wording of the bill would give state attorney generals the power to sue and ban websites that have content that is "harmful and explicit" which is stated in the bill. Sites that would be attacked would be Twitter, A03, Tumblr, Tiktok, and many more and the people that made this bill and are pushing for it have clearly come out to say that they will be using this to ban trans and LGBTQ+ content. They are pushing it as protecting kids online and helping to prevent eating disorders but in reality, it is to censor people and continue the attack on trans and queer people and children. The sponsors of this bill are publically homophobic and transphobic and these same people and offices are also co-sponsoring the Restrict Act.
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If any site has any type of content that contains queer themes, state attorney generals will have the power to take them down.
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Over 100 LGBTQ+ and human organizations expressed concern over this bill that was originally brought up last year and they have repeatedly said that their concerns have not been addressed. They are being actively ignored by the offices that are writing this bill.
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This person on Tiktok explains it all very well
And this is her link tree for petitions and to explain
This is a very important topic and is not getting enough attention. This bill threatens LGBTQ+ and trans children and Republican offices are ignoring organizations that say it's a bad bill. We are on a very slippery slope regarding LGBTQ+ issues
If you can, please reblog. We need to spread the word about this bill
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taikeero · 9 months
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Sadly this bill is still a thing, Senate opens back up the 8th January 2024 and its HIGHLY probable KOSA will be brought back. We need to keep the pressure up!!
Site with good ressources :
My previous posts about bad bills (old but relevant):
-Old post
-Kosa comic
-Earn it comic
We organize call in days to senators,faxing,along with scripts and ressources to work with!
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