#EYE STRAIN WARNING IG?? I don't know what it means but I'll put it anyway
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n07453cr374cc 1 month ago
There are also some guests ;3c
PC! Bruno: @lunar-dal
Spaghetti Brothers (I think that's what the AU it's called) Bruno : @zhes1
The rest of the Brunos are made by: @bvadmin
I think those are the only ones, if there is one that I didn't put, please let me know 馃槗
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dumbass-mha-simp 4 years ago
Elliott x GN!Reader
Your New Playlist
Kinda sad? Ig angst but not actually like, bad angst yk.
1k words
Stardew Valley
Warnings: crying, mentally beating yourself over a crush, self-sacrificing but not in a death kinda way, cussing (I think like one f word), Elliott is a theater kid you can't convince me otherwise,
I wanna do a part two, would anyone be interested? I know how much us Elliott simps want fanfiction. I'm probably gonna start on it anyway lol.
Yes I actually made this playlist smh ikik, you don't have to listen to it ofc but his aesthetic really fits my music taste, at least I feel so. I write my fanfiction as gender neutral as I can but if you ever spot any mistakes I'd love to fix it!!
Elliott's POV
My feet took me across the path leading to Leah's house. The gentle cotton clouds stretching their wisps across the blue sky, bright enough to blind me as though it were the sun that it surrounds. The gentle new Spring breeze froze my cheeks lightly as my eyes closed to avoid the same chill from the past winter.
Fresh Spring flowers and hidden vegetables encircled her yard as I made my way to knock against the dark wood door that always seemed thunderingly loud.
Leah peaked through the window by her door before I can see her face light up and reach for the door.
"Hey, c'mon in!" She opens the door wider to let me pass through. "How are you doing?"
"If I'm honest, a little troubled." I sigh looking forlornly to the floor.
"Come sit." Leah pulls me to her table and sits in the accompanying seat. "Tell me what you're thinking."
"Leah, what does it feel like to you before you admit you fancy someone?" I look up into her listening eyes before her face changes into slight shock.
"Hmmm." She brings her hand up to her chin as she ponders. "Well, you miss being around them when they're gone. You constantly find ways to connect anything back to them, like `oh they'd love this`, or `I should check up on them.` You care about their opinion more than others and you want to learn about them, even if it's the uninteresting things."
I slide my arms down onto the table, placing my head on top of them. That sounded exactly like what's happening. I had read about it a million times, falling gently in love with a close friend. Perhaps that interest to become friends was always attraction.
"I can't get enough of Y/N." I muffled through my folded arms sighing once again as I turned my head to finally look back up at Leah, the light stinging my eyes.
"Well maybe I could help you with getting more of them?" Leah smirked as she grabbed her phone from her pocket.
I lifted my head slightly panicked. "What are you doing?" I rushed out.
"Relax, I'm not telling Y/N. But they shared something with me. They have a wide music taste yes?"
I had heard some of their music. While they made us lunch, while they partake in their hobbies, when they hum near silently late at night on the beach. I nodded back thinking of how they never seemed to be signing along to a song similar to the others. Unpredictable, and absolutely captivating.
"Well one of their tastes in music is very folk-y and they mentioned how those songs reminded them of you. So they made a playlist of songs that remind themselves of you." Leah said looking down and scrolling through her phone.
They made a playlist about me. They actively want to remember and listen to things that remind themselves of me. I feel I might faint. Was this something that was common among friends? Was this nothing more than an act of kindness? Or something they decided to do on a whim?
"Here give me your phone I'll send it to you." She holds her hand out expectantly.
I quickly go to pull out the hardly used device. I had never had much use for it but if it could bring me any step closer to Y/N I wouldn't hesitate to learn.
Leah downloaded a music app, laughing at how I had no applications. Before leaving it opened on the playlist. "The Lonely, Ocean-Accompanied, Writer." It read. I reread it a couple times to convince myself it was real. A lovely name, but is that how they see me?
"Chill out, Romeo." Leah giggled. "I can practically see you overthinking everything. Just relax and listen to the songs, maybe they'll tell you something."
I wrapped my arms around her neck, hugging her closely before leaving to listen to the playlist.
As I shut the door behind me I pressed my back against it. I've never felt so scattered before. I looked for the volume button, turning it up before hitting play.
The songs, quiet but emotional. As though you had just lie down on the grass to cry or relieve tension or reminisce. They felt like a memory I had trouble recalling.
The songs seemed to renew me, before I heard one I distinctly remembered hearing before. From high-school theater club, a time in my life that was fond to me. I do remember Y/N telling me they loved musicals, hearing them hum along to Heathers while I wrote.
A song unlike most others on this list.
"When He Sees Me" from Waitress.
"Oh, Yoba. What if when he sees me, I like him and he knows it? What if he opens up a door, And I can't close it?" I belted out the lyrics as loud as I wanted, the tears streaming down my face unwavering.
The good side to owning your own farm is you could scream along to your songs without people to complain. You had been replaying this part of the song for awhile now. He was all you could seem to think about.
Your head was swarmed with thoughts of Elliott. Some where he reciprocated your feelings and others where he shut you out. Every time you built a daydream where he loved you unconditionally you trampled it with the thoughts of his rejection.
You brought your knees up to your chest, resting your head between them as you cried.
Elliott's POV
We had had conversations about musicals, perhaps that's why they chose this song? Maybe they thought since my school had a play of Waitress that it'd fit. But I know they liked other Waitress songs, why weren't those added? Only this one.
After that song came another, "I Hear A Symphony" one I've never heard. As the song started all I could see was Y/N. I could hear them singing along, their smile, their eyes averting to mine for the thousandth time.
Y/N was my symphony.
The powerful, breathtaking ocean couldn't compare to the awkward farmer that ran across town just to give me their best sweet pea flowers and be the first thing I saw as I left my quaint cabin.
They brought the motivation and inspiration for 8 hour writing sessions, they brought me food when they knew I'd forgotten to eat between writing the book and planning on what to write next.
They were something I could never dream of losing. I wished to live the rest of my life with their support.
If telling them my feelings means I'd lose them, then I couldn't dream of making such a selfish decision.
I trudged my way into town. After last night's crying session my eyes still felt a bit dry, if I'm honest I cried when I woke up as well. The loneliness felt suffocating in such a lonely little house. But I needed some new seeds. The stone path drawing all my attention as I walked.
As I walked into Pierre's it wasn't hard to tell that people could see something was off. After buying my seeds I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around to find Elliott.
"Y/N are you feeling alright? You look as though you've been distressed lately." You motion to him to follow you and walks out of the store behind you.
You take a deep breath as you start to tear up a bit more. He reaches for your face as he lifts it up, looking at the pooling tears.
So many things, the things you could have said. But they didn't come up. Instead a vision of his face of discomfort at your confession. You couldn't bear it. You couldn't tell him.
"I've just been stressed. I'm sorry for worrying you, Elliott." You sigh, attempting to put up a fake smile as you wipe your eyes. He retracts his hand as he looks guilty. Fuck does he feel like it's his fault?
"Well I'm willing to listen to your troubles if you ever need." He also puts on a strained smile as you both part ways.
"This is for the best." They both whisper as they leave.
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starlightxsvt 5 years ago
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Pink Dress 5 || Joshua Hong au
Pairing: badboy!Joshua x female reader
Genre: slice of life, fluff, suggestive, slight smut
Warnings: nothing really, some cheesy shit ig
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You didn't ever expect Joshua to show up at your door at 1am on a Saturday. You had finished your assignments staying up late and when you first see him after opening your door, you think you are dreaming.
"Hey," he says softly. You stare at him, ever so confused, taking in his tall frame wearng his leather jacket and his soft locks beautifully messed up. "Y/n?" He breaks your trance. "Oh...yea um, hi. What... brings you here at this hour?" You offer him an awkward smile.
"I... wanted to take you out on a...drive."
"At one am?"
You chuckle awkwardly. What was he thinking?
Joshua sighs, "I-I've been really restless the past few days and I wanted to clear my head. I also figured I should talk to you. I've a lot to say so..."
Talk? Your mind races. What does he want to talk about? Joshua takes your silence negatively, "Right, I'm sorry, this was a stupid idea. You should sleep. I'll get going."
"No no no, wait. Now that I think about it, I'd like to go on a drive with you." You stop him.The smile he gives you makes your heart swell and you say, " Come inside. I'll need ten minutes to get ready."
"I took my dad's car," Joshua explains when you eye the jeep outside. He helps you in and then rounds the car to get in. "Would you like some music?" He offers, starting the car. You nod as he turns on the speakers, a chill melody playing. "So where are we going?"
"The beach," he replies. "I thought we should watch the sunrise together." You hum, resting your head back against the seat. It feels really nice.
Joshua breaks the long silence, "I hope your boyfriend won't mind."
"Huh?" You frown. "I hope Seokmin won't mind that I'm taking you out for a drive," he elaborates, his tone rather bitter.
Oh. You forgot that Joshua thought you were dating Seokmin and while you want to put him out of his misery, it is too fun to mess with him. So you decide to play along, "No it's okay. He won't mind." Joshua doesn't reply and you hide a smile, enjoying the game.
After a long while, the car stops amidst the sands and the ripples of the waves let you know you're there. You get out of the car, followed by Joshua who pulls out a blanket and some snacks from the back of the jeep. "Wow, you've come prepared," you joke and he smiles laying the blanket on the sand for you to sit on. He joins you after parking the car, sharing the quiet view with you. It's dark overall, except from the street lights behind you and the occasional cars that passed by.
You can feel Joshua tensed beside you and you feel bad for him. But you don't speak, waiting for him to say what he wants to say. And after a long, tensed silence, Joshua speaks, "There's a lot I want to say so please bear with me."
"I thought you brought me here to talk," you attempt a joke. Joshua sighs before mouthing, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I ran when you said you liked me. I was...scared. I never felt such emotions before. When you said you liked me, I was overwhelmed. I...I didn't know what to do because the way I feel for you scares me, Y/n."
You glance at him, his head hanging low as he stares at the sands. He continues, his voice strained, "My mother left me when I was young and my dad was always busy. He was too busy to worry about me or spend time with me. So I didn't really know how to accept love and return it. I've always... lfelt like a burden."
"Joshua you're not-"
"Hush. I'm an unworthy man, Y/n. I lack at so many things. And I'm sorry. I wish I was better...more like Seokmin. Everybody loves him. He's nice and kind and he makes you smile." Joshua looks at you, a sad smile on his face and you once again open your mouth to speak only to be shushed by him.
"I know that I've lost my chance but I wanted to be honest with you. I'm okay with you dating Seokmin because that's what you deserve. I just hope you won't abandon me." He says softly, staring at the sea in front of him. "I want you in my life, Y/n. Even if you think of me as a friend it's okay. You're a breath of fresh air. I feel like a better person when I'm around you. So I really hope you won't leave me."
"May I speak?" You murmur and Joshua nods.
"You... misunderstood." You bite your lip. Joshua frowns at you to express his confusion and you smile sheepishly, "I'm not dating Seokmin."
Joshua's eyes go wide like saucers and he's quiet for a bit. You keep on going, "I don't know why you started to think so but it was too fun to mess with you so I played along."
"B-but you and Seokmin hang out together... all the time."
"Yea but that doesn't mean we are dating. You and I used to hang out too, okay?" You reason.
Joshua looks flabbergasted as he runs his hand through his hair, processing what you said. "I... can't believe.... You- .... wow, after I just exposed myself bare to you you say- oh my god, Y/n, you really are something." He says a soft, relieved laugh escaping from him.
You smile, "Sorry."
He shakes his head, a smile lingering on his lips as he asks, "Does this mean I still have a chance?" You bite your lip, warmth kissing your cheeks as you nod softly. Joshua's eyes sparkle as they curve into crescents, a genuine smile spreading on his face. He takes your hand and softly kisses it, "Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for forgiving me. I'll try my best to keep you happy."
"It's okay, Joshua. As long as we're honest with each other and trust each other, we'll be fine." You reply, fondly looking at him. Joshua's eyes twinkle, the smile never really leaving his face as he leans in towards you. You hold your breath, his lips ghosting over you before meeting yours. Your eyes fall closed as he pulls you closer without breaking the kiss, his hands roaming on your back as you grab onto his lapels. Before you know it, Joshua moves you onto his lap as he deepens the kiss, his hands getting rid of the thin cardigan you are wearing. The cold air hits your arms and you pull back, breathing heavily. His eyes glow in the darkness, fueled by his lust and desire courses all through you.
"I missed you so much," his honey like voice wavers through the air as he starts kissing your neck. Soft moans escape you as you mumble a protest, "We're in public, you know."
"It's like 3 am Y/n." He's busy sucking marks on your neck.
"Yea but what if someone sees us."
"Then they'll watch."
"Joshua Hong!" You smack his arms and attempt to get off of him but his hold on you becomes tighter. He pins you down in the blanket, a smirk on his face. "I thought you brought me here to watch the sunrise." You pout.
"Yes and we still have a huge time left before the sun rises so why don't we spend the time doing something fun?"
"I'm not sure about your idea of fun, Joshua." You joke and he rewards you with a smile. "Let's go to my place after this. Its the weekend anyway."
"Your intentions are very bad, Mr. Hong."
"What? I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend."
The title makes you blush and feel giddy, a different kind of happiness spreading through you. You pull him closer and whisper, "I love you, Joshua." His eyes widen for a fraction before a smile envelopes his lips, "I love you Y/n."
And when you enjoy the sunrise a couple hours later, wrapped up in his arms, you know that you want this man beside you for rest of your life.
A long time later
"What do you think of a pink wedding dress, Shua?"
"You'll look gorgeous. I've told you, pink is your color, babe."
"Maybe we should get you a pink tuxedo."
"...If that's what makes you happy then sure, why not."
"You really are the best, Joshua."
"Oh yeah? Wait till I take you on our honeymoon."
"Mhmm, don't forget to wear your pink underwear."
"...You really know how to ruin the mood, babe."
A/N: Aaaand this marks the end of my first series :'D ! Don't forget to leave your feedbacks on this. Tbh when I posted the first part of Pink Dress I didn't think of turning this into a series but here we are! Thank you to everyone who read this and followed through, it really makes me happy. As always my inbox is open to let me know your thoughts! Stay safe! 馃挅
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