#EXPO 2025
spurious · 4 months
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Osaka expo 2025’s mascot/beloved eldritch horror has a new friend! Meet René, the Czech pavilion mascot 👁️
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redsamuraiii · 3 months
Seems the Yokohama Gundam have shifted to Osaka!
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chaoticgoodcaptain · 4 months
dnešní den na af přinesl reného (exponauta), pro všechny, kdo by chtěli vědět, kdy jeho plyšáky vypustí do světa...mělo by to být na přelomu června/července (informace přímo od zdroje), a pro ty, co o plyšáky zájem nemají...vám zde přináším emotivní dílo "rené snědl a ani drobky nezanechal" (autorka není kamarádka s perspektivou a přeje si, aby se to vědělo xd):
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Modern World’s Fairs Aren’t Worth the Strain on Communities
As an intro, I want to liken modern World’s Fairs to the Olympics. It’s well known at this point that for practically every city that hosts the Olympics, the result is unhappy civilians, an environment ripe for corruption, stress on local workers, and miniscule (if not non-existent) return on investment. [Relevant article from the New York Times | Non Paywalled Mirror]
Now, incase you didn’t know, World’s Fairs (like the ones you remember from the 1800’s and 1900’s) are still happening, they are just called World Expos now. 
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And you can assume that the type of events that brought you the Eiffel Tower and the Space Needle would also be just as taxing as the Olympics. For 2025, Osaka is planning a new World’s Expo, and a significant chunk of public sentiment is either skeptical or downright unsupportive of the project. Local business workers don’t predict a financial return, constituents forecast taxes going up to fund the growing money pit, and many people across the country find the idea of having an Expo at all as archaic. Japan is also going through a labor shortage right now, and even though labor and wage protections are in place, there are still very real concerns about overworking the already stretched construction industry.
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So that leaves a simple question: are these problems simply endemic to World Expos? Can we realistically expect a world where future expos are unburdened by these ethical concerns?
In my opinion, as long as the primary motive of a World Expo is to introduce revenue to the region, then I believe not. As mentioned by a great article from the University of South Carolina, Diplomacy is often neglected when the topic of Modern Expos are mentioned. The strong diplomatic benefits of an Expo are completely at ends with the publicly espoused benefits of an Expo, which often highlight the monetary gains instead. The message that the Bureau International des Expositions (Expo organizing committee) showcases is not in line with what the general public cares about in an Expo. If the BIE wants it to be an economic event, then they should reduce the emphasis on flashy pavilions and instead pump up the emphasis on travel and trade. But of course, if the BIE didn’t focus on those pavilions, then there are plenty of other trade shows that fulfill the economic role much better. That’s the irony of it all. If you look at the innovative architecture and events that Expos are known for, you can instantly see that flashy, provocative buildings are not going to be the ideal place to promote business growth, but that they instead promote individual interest in global communities and art.
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In short, either more changes need to occur to improve profitability, or the BIE needs to be honest with itself and recognize that an Expo does not need to be immensely profitable in its currently declining state. The Expo is on a downturn, and forcing it to try and be a money printer is making it crumble apart faster.
One big problem to tackle in this area is the fact that the Expo is a multi-billion dollar expenditure that is mostly frontloaded onto the host country. Additionally, another issue is that the Expo has the somewhat unique issue of being downgraded in prestige. The title of “Olympiad” still carries ~about~ as much weight as it did in the 70’s. But in the same vein, I can almost guarantee that the presenters of the Ford Mustang in the 1964 World’s Fair felt much more strongly about the event than the corporations that simply clock in to the event today. No auto maker sees the Expo as prestigious enough nowadays to unveil a car at. The World Expo has been watered down to a checkbox rather than a year making event, which is the natural result when the event is boiled down to a profiteering scheme rather than a cultural showcase. The new cycle cements this, with us getting round the clock coverage of the Olympics, and simply blurbs and minimal postings about the Expo. 
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So if the Expo isn’t a money maker, isn’t a news maker, and isn’t a diplomacy juggernaut, then what is it? A shell of its former shell to most. And in all honesty, that is for good reason. The Expo of today most likely won’t capture the magic of the last time Osaka hosted the Expo in the 70s. The Expo of today most likely won’t bring much foreign investment. The Expo of today most likely won’t pull through as a saviour for labor. And the Expo of today most likely won’t recoup its local investments, causing tax money to be practically burned for what many see as a trinket.
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I don’t deny these conclusions. But as an individual, and a person hoping for a more united global community, I still hold out hope for the general concept of an expo. Promoting togetherness and awareness of our global communities can never be a wrong step in my book, and seeing so many cultures showcase themselves with pride is important to promote a more diverse and accepting global populace. However, that doesn’t mean that the BIE cannot and could not do better, and it also doesn’t mean I intend to turn a blind eye on future posts. Many of my planned blogs are intended to be highly critical of the Expo’s, simply because critique is the primary way that institutions grow. I think the concept behind the Expo is extremely sound, and I’d hate to lose it. But it’s undeniable that far too little focus has been placed on sustainability and equitability for these Expos: both in the past and in the modern day. If the BIE continues to stagnate like it has, the Expo will simply become more contentious and more underwhelming, at which point it could die a deserving death if unrectified.
Thanks for reading this short type up. For now, goodbye.
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prfm-multiverse · 1 year
I've heard another theory is Perfume might be perform at the Expo 2025?
That's a good take too. The Expo 2025 will be held in Osaka. But honestly i would prefer the theory they will held a Stadium Live at ZOZO Stadium Live.
Idk anyone saying oh great i was looking forward already to see Perfume at the Expo live and it's going to be a big deal...
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peterruge · 1 year
Österreichischer Pavillon für die Expo 2025 in Osaka
“...gleich einer beeindruckenden Bergsilhouette begrüßt der Österreichische Pavillion - TRI PEAKS  - seine Besucher und lädt sie ein zum Entdecken eines neuen sanften Tourismus, zum Klettern und Bouldern. Er präsentiert die typische Tradition des Holzbaus in Verbindung mit neuen nachhaltigen Technologien.”
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Unser Vorschlag wurde für die 2. Stufe des Internationalen Wettbewerbes von der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich ausgewählt.
Peter Ruge Architekten mit Prof. Xiaosong Wang (Ausstellung)
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paraparaparadigm · 12 days
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Don't Wait To Reserve A Spot At IPPF 2025
It's almost time for Central India's biggest Plastics Expo. Take advantage of this chance to introduce your innovations to industry experts and establish connections. To guarantee your spot at this illustrious event, reserve your stall right away.
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radioshiga · 2 months
Expo Osaka 2025: Jordânia recebe primeiro pavilhão
Osaka, Japão, 13 de julho de 2024 – Agência de Notícias Kyodo – A Jordânia tornou-se o primeiro país a receber oficialmente seu pavilhão para a Exposição Mundial de 2025 em Osaka, marcando uma importante meta a cerca de nove meses da abertura do evento. A cerimônia de entrega ocorreu na quinta-feira (11) na cidade de Osaka. A Associação Japonesa para a Exposição Mundial de 2025 tem sido…
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 4 months
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Manhole cover portraying Myaku-Myaku, the official mascot of the Expo 2025 in Osaka
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pandainthecar · 5 months
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jazperjay · 1 year
Expo2020: Thailand Pavilion – A Journey Through Thai Splendor
When I stepped into the Thailand Pavilion at Expo2020, I felt like I had landed in a vibrant oasis of luck and prosperity. Its facade, adorned with over 500 artificial ‘dok rak’ crown flowers, created a mesmerizing sight. These flowers, believed to bring good fortune, were gracefully interwoven around the pavilion like ethereal floral curtains. Spanning an impressive 3,600 square meters, the…
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soranatus · 3 months
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A sneak peak at the visual development for Leviathan (2025) at Anime Expo 2024
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synthvnews · 2 months
Kasane Teto concert has been announced!
There's an ongoing crowdfunding to create a concert for Kasane Teto - made by her voice provider, Oyamano Mayo and bassist Asa, creator of Yoshiwara Lament!
👉 Support it here!
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Date: March 23, 2025, 17:00~20:00
Crowdfunding goods include acrylic stand, keychain, t-shirts, sticker, rubber band, towel. Meanwile, stretch goals include original 3D model, CD/Blu-ray release and more!
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World Expo Profits and Attendance
Hello, today is a fairly simple blog post. I’ve often wanted to have a reference to put behind me stating that a certain Expo underperformed or wanted to have specific numbers behind me stating the Expo as a concept has declined. So, that’s why I’ve collected my own data below. I’ll likely reference this again at some point in the future, but for now, peruse the data as you wish! (Do note, all data has a certain asterisk to it, since revenue and budget are self reported. Not all countries report over expenditure of the budget, so costs that balloon past the publicly recorded budget aren’t included below. Additionally, remember that inflation affects all the numbers, especially older ones)
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thejdblog · 2 months
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They look nice. 🦊🐰
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