#EXO Fanfic
bobohu4eva · 3 months
Hitched (M)
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: arranged marriage au, acquaintances(?) to lovers, smut
Summary: Can great sex make an unwanted marriage less shitty? Yes. Yes it can.
Warnings: explicit unprotected sex, semi public (outdoor) sex, edging, Baekhyun has a Big Dick, alcohol consumption
WC: 9.8k apparently I don't know how to keep things brief anymore!
A/N: The majority of this is extremely self-indulgent smut. Oops? You're welcome? It is (mostly) pretty soft though.
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The cameras flashed, and you put on a show for your friends and family. Your new husband kissed you, and from the outside, everything seemed perfect. 
The perfect dress, makeup, hair, a rich and handsome groom, and everyone you cared about right there with you, celebrating you and the man who was supposed to be the love of your life. It was a lavish ceremony and even more opulent reception, but you couldn't enjoy it at all. 
There was nothing wrong with him, but you and Baekhyun had never even dated, and you definitely never pictured yourself marrying him. You didn't exactly have any reason to dislike him, you'd known him since you were a kid and he was undoubtedly an attractive guy, but marrying him had been your parents idea, not yours. 
As a kid your family had everything you could've imagined, foreign sports cars, numerous vacation homes, a yacht, nannies, tutors, and the list goes on. Your parents' companies had been doing well, and life was easy. 
But that didn't last forever. Now in your early 20’s, you watched as the fortune your family had built for generations was slipping away. 
You were still a teenager when it started and couldn’t fully comprehend what had happened, but it seemed like some combination of bad investments and unpaid debts. Slowly the vacation homes, yacht, and cars were sold off one by one just to pay the bills. As the years passed it seemed that the walls were starting to close in, but on the surface your family, especially your mother, made sure it didn't seem that way. 
The good family name was pretty much all that was left now, and your mother would do anything she could to keep it strong. 
Growing up with generational wealth, your family always associated with others of similar standing, and one of the families you'd grown up with had been particularly close; the Byuns. 
Their only son, Baekhyun, was someone you'd grown up around, but at seven years older than you, you hardly knew each other. He was the perfect rich kid, smart, handsome, and polite, but you still would've much preferred to marry someone you actually loved, or at least were close with. 
“Y/n, you're doing it again.” He whispered in your ear, and you realized that your smile had once again fallen as you zoned out, and his mother was right there in front of you, looking concerned. 
You perked back up, and saw her face flood with relief. You looked at Baekhyun, and he was still smiling for the pictures as well, but you noticed the slightly apologetic look he shot you. 
You really did try to play the part, for the sake of your families, but it was hard. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but instead you were putting on an act, hiding how miserable you felt under the facade of it all. 
The worst part was just how happy both his and your families were. Both moms cried, and even your dad teared up a little. You couldn't even blame them, either. It had been a beautiful ceremony, and you and him both looked the part so perfectly. It was everything a high society wedding should be, and on top of that, it was the only thing saving your family from bankruptcy. 
Once pictures were done with it was time for the first dance- in a gazebo decorated with fairy lights and at least a thousand fresh white roses. All you could think was how incredible this would have been, if it was a real wedding, between two people who actually loved each other. Every beautiful thing was a cruel reminder of how you would never get to experience that for yourself.
Baekhyun did a better job than you, and if you hadn't been so depressed, you might've even gotten flustered a few times. He looked incredibly handsome in his tux, smiling sweetly at you as he led you through the dance, a painfully romantic song filling the spring air. He was the picture perfect groom. 
You so badly wanted to hate him for agreeing to all of it, but knew it was more complicated than that. Despite not knowing him very well, you did know how close knit his family was. If his parents really wanted him to do this, he would have a tough time refusing. 
You were closer with his parents than you had ever been with him, and they adored you. Despite not being related, you almost thought of them like your own aunt and uncle. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was like your mysterious older cousin. He always seemed preoccupied with his studies, or later, his job. You'd been around each other at holidays and various parties throughout the years, but he never felt approachable. 
To act so romantically with him felt unbelievably strange. On top of your disappointment at the whole situation it was also just very awkward. The kissing and touching, the dancing, the “loving” looks you shared, they all made your chest feel tight. Baekhyun was obviously very handsome, but the nature behind all of it still got to you. 
Before the wedding Baekhyun had asked you if you would rather not kiss or touch at all, not wanting to make you uncomfortable, but you'd assured him that it was fine. Aside from the parents and those closest to you both, most of the guests had no idea this wedding had been arranged just a few months earlier. If this was going to be believable, you had to make it look real. 
Eventually the dancing ended and the reception began, relieved beyond belief to finally get to have a drink. The champagne made things much easier, and as distant friends and family asked you and your new husband about your love story, you lied with increasing confidence. Baekhyun, too, was leaning into the act more heavily after a few drinks. His arm around you and the way he looked at you made everyone oooh and ahhh, giving them the same story you'd told minutes earlier, about how the two of you realized one day that all of those years you'd been hiding your love for each other, and when you realized that the other felt the same, you couldn't marry quickly enough. 
It was all bullshit of course, but they ate it up, and that was the important thing. You didn't want to think about how embarrassing it would be if an acquaintance or extended family member found out your parents had orchestrated everything. 
Several times people gushed about how lucky the two of you were to have found each other. The bitterness you felt was so intense you hoped dearly that they couldn’t see right through your smile. 
The relief you felt when the guests finally started to clear out, leaving the lavish ballroom for their hotel rooms, was monumental. Eventually the last of them were gone, and since both families insisted, you and Baekhyun retreated to your shared suite. 
Both you and him knew that your families were hoping for a grand baby soon, but that wasn't something you could even consider at the moment. 
“I don't mind sleeping on the couch.” He told you once you were alone with him. 
As nice as the room was, it didn't make sense for him to sleep on the couch. The bed was huge, and the couches weren't long enough for him to fully lay down. You shook your head. 
“Are you sure?” 
You smiled a little at his sweetness, “There's plenty of space for both of us, don't worry about it.” 
And so you and Baekhyun shared the bed on your first night together as husband and wife. You stayed on your side, and he stayed on his, not once touching, even a little. 
It was expected that eventually you and him would buy a house together and live there, but in the meantime, you stayed at that suite together. His parents owned it, and they hoped that living together would help spark something real, not to mention sharing a bed. 
Life after marriage wasn't that different, aside from your living space. You didn't have a job yet, having only graduated college a few months earlier, so you spent much of your time out with friends. As nice as the suite was, it reminded you of your loveless marriage, so you took every chance you could to get away. Baekhyun mostly just worked, keeping to himself, although he always asked you about your day when you’d get home. To his disappointment you kept your responses short. He wanted to try and get to know you better, but you didn't seem interested. 
The truth was, every time you saw him and he tried to talk to you, it made you feel worse. He did absolutely nothing wrong, but he, like the suite, was a painful reminder of your unfortunate fate. The result was you essentially avoiding him, even in your shared space. Baekhyun, however, wasn’t willing to live that way. 
A few weeks passed with hardly any words exchanged between you and him, so he decided to try something different. That evening when you returned to the suite, you were met with a generous dinner spread, the entire room meticulously decorated, and your husband sitting at the center of it all, looking at you bashfully in the candle light.
You were surprised, to say the least. 
He noticed the way you froze up, getting up from the table and taking one hand, guiding you to the table. He pulled out your chair for you, leading you to sit. 
Soon Baekhyun was seated across from you, looking back at you with a slightly unnerving intensity. 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked. 
He took a deep breath, “I want to try to make this work.” 
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I can tell how much you hate being married to me, and I’m sorry. I think we should at least try to make the best of it, though.” 
“Make the best of it?” 
“Well, yes. I mean it could be worse, right? Am I really that bad?” 
You sighed, annoyance taking hold at his nonchalant attitude. “No, Baekhyun, that's not the point, this whole situation just… sucks. Maybe it's stupid but I always thought I'd marry someone I was actually in love with, and it would be one of the best moments of my life. Instead I’m married to someone I barely even know.” 
“I'm sorry, and I know how you feel, I really do. But don't you think we should at least try to get along?” 
After a week of keeping your discontent to yourself, it came bubbling up and you no longer bothered to hide how you felt from him. You let it out, finally letting out what had been plaguing your mind since the wedding.
“Every time I see your face or even this suite for that matter, it makes me feel like shit. I really didn’t want this, and I don’t understand how you seem so unbothered. I mean, are you really not that upset about all this? Why did you agree to it so quickly?” 
“I didn’t have much of a choice either, you know how my parents are. A couple years ago when I still wasn't in a serious relationship of any kind they started floating the idea of setting me up with someone. Your name got mentioned a lot, so I've had more time to come to terms with it, I suppose.”
You scoffed, “So you've known for years that this would happen?” 
“Well, no. It was always just a suggestion, until a few months ago when they told me that they discussed it with your parents and actually wanted to go through with it.” 
Not sure what else to say, you shifted your focus to the plate of food before you, and he did the same. An awkward silence filled the dining room, though you still preferred the silence to his rationalizing of your miserable arrangement. Much to your dismay, however, it wasn’t long until he was again doing just that. 
“A lot of our parents' friends started out like this too, you know. To be fair most of them at least got to date for a while before getting married, but they’re happy now, so why shouldn’t we be able to do the same?”
He wasn’t wrong, this kind of thing wasn’t exactly rare, though you still hadn’t planned to turn out that way yourself. Still, you just stared back at him with a look of annoyance. 
“What I really wanted to talk to you about, the reason I made this dinner for us, I thought maybe, if you would be interested, we could go on a honeymoon. I know that wasn't originally part of the plan, but I think it could be good for us. Anywhere you want to go, I'll make it happen.”
His offer was extremely generous, but still didn’t exactly sound appealing. Being alone with him for days on end wasn’t your idea of fun, you worried that it would even become quite depressing, not to mention awkward. 
“I don't know….” 
“It can be as long or short as you like, and if you decide you hate being around me that much you can come back here anytime. You're my wife now, and I want to be able to make you happy, to make this whole thing work out for us. If there's anything I can do to help us get there, I’ll do it, whatever it takes.” 
When he put it like that, it was hard to argue with him. 
“Anywhere I want? And you’ll really fly me back if I don’t like it?” 
He nodded, “I promise.” 
Though you still had your doubts, you reluctantly agreed. A couple days later you were packing your bags, flying first class to Switzerland, where you'd stay for two weeks at one of his family's vacation homes in the mountains near Lucerne. 
Baekhyun grinned when you told him you wanted to go somewhere with mountains, “excellent choice.” 
The flight had been surprisingly nice. You’d expected that Baekhyun’s family would fly first class, but you were still surprised by just how nice the Swiss airline he’d booked was. You and him essentially had an entire bedroom, and while it was spacious for a plane, that was the closest you’d ever been to him in bed before. Maybe it was just hormones and general touch depravity, but you were all too aware of the way he occasionally brushed up against you as he slept.
When you finally arrived at the house you'd call home for the next couple weeks, walking into the main living area, you understood his excitement at your choice to stay in the mountains. It was nothing short of breathtaking. 
The house itself was beautiful, modern, and impeccably decorated, but you'd seen plenty of nice houses. It was the view that made it so special. The sprawling green valley surrounded by snow capped mountains looked like something out of a fairy tale. 
“My wife has awesome taste.” He said, not missing the way you grimaced, cringing at the word ‘wife’. 
“It still feels super weird hearing you say that.” 
You kept your eyes fixated on the view, and after a moment he was taking your hand and leading you into the master bedroom. Inside on a small table stood a bottle of champagne as well as two glasses, and beyond the sliding glass doors you could see the patio, fit with a hot tub and infinity pool. The king sized bed stood at the center of the room, covered in rose petals. 
You let out a short exhale of a laugh, mostly in disbelief at the sight in front of you. 
“Not bad right?” 
“Oh God, you really are trying to make me fall in love with you. Rose petals and everything…” 
He laughed, shaking his head. “I don't think two weeks is long enough to fall in love, but if you did, that would be great. I guess the staff went a little crazy with the romance since my parents told them this is our honeymoon.” 
He opened the bottle of champagne, pouring each of you a glass and handing one to you. God knows you needed it.
“Cheers.” You clinked the glasses together, each taking a sip. “By the way, I can sleep in one of the other bedrooms, if you'd prefer that. I know the rose petals on the bed are a little much.” 
Maybe it was the alcohol, but it looked like he was blushing ever so slightly as he said it.
Your immediate reaction was relief, that you'd get your own room, but then again that wasn't why you'd traveled all this way together. You were used to sleeping in the same bed with him by now anyway, so you shook your head, hoping you wouldn’t end up regretting it. 
A long sigh passed your lips.“You didn't take me here for us to sit in different rooms all day, we can do that back at home.” 
There was a faint smile on his lips and he nodded, cheeks still a little pink. You both knew what your families were hoping would happen in that bed, and you couldn't help but blush a little as well. For a second you wondered if you and him would ever get that far. He was perfectly fuckable, in theory, but the nature of your arrangement sucked all the excitement out of it for you. 
It was still early in the day, and once the champagne glasses were empty Baekhyun called a car to take the two of you into town. 
“You already seem less bummed out than you've been the last few weeks.” He commented as you headed into the city. 
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I’m still sad about everything, but you're right. It's better to at least try to make this work out. I'm trying to be optimistic.” 
He was smiling again, and you couldn't deny how gorgeous the sight of it was. He reached for one of your hands, giving it a light squeeze, holding it for the rest of the car ride, and then again as you walked through the streets together, window shopping.
The city of Lucerne really was like a fairy tale. The old buildings, the crystal blue lake, and the mountains in the distance were the perfectly romantic setting for your time with him. In front of that amazing backdrop, he truly looked like a prince. 
As sad and angry as you'd been the past month, now that your hand was in his, on this beautiful honeymoon, just enjoying the scenery, you couldn’t find the energy to harbor any resentment towards him. Although you still had a lot to learn about each other, you realized you could enjoy his company more than you expected. Either that, or it was just hard to be mad when you were in such a lovely place. 
You'd been walking together in comfortable silence for a while, just appreciating the city, when he told you, “If you see something you like, tell me and we can go inside for you to try it on.”  
As nice as it was, you knew you weren't actually going to go inside any of those shops. They were all high end designer outlets, the kinds of places you hadn't been to since your family was actually doing well. 
Baekhyun saw the way you shook your head, turning your eyes to the pavement in front of you. You felt him abruptly stop, your hand still in his. 
“Now that we're married, you don't need to worry about all of that anymore. Your family wasn't so insistent on you marrying me just so that they could finally pay off their debts, you know. They want a better life for you, too.” 
“Yeah well they have a funny way of showing it.” You mumbled, not even trying to hide the bitterness in your voice. 
“Did you tell them you didn’t want to get married?” 
You scoffed, because of course you didn’t, and he should know that. You gave him a bit of a bitchy side eye and he seemed to get your point. 
“They know I would’ve much rather chosen my husband myself. But I wasn’t really given a choice, just like you.”
He mustered up a surprisingly sympathetic look, sitting you down with him on a nearby bench. 
“I’m not saying this to call you ungrateful, really, but I think we should remember how lucky we are. Because of our parents we got the best educations, grew up in nice homes, get to travel the world, and so on. Money isn't something we'll ever have to worry about. When they asked me to marry you, I didn’t fight them, because I know how much they’ve done for me.” 
You understood perfectly where he was coming from. However, despite it all, you still couldn't deny your disappointment. 
“I know it would've been selfish to refuse, and of course I am grateful to be this fortunate. That doesn't make it feel any less shitty, though. I always had such big dreams for how I would meet the love of my life and get married, and they know that. When they told me I should marry you, they knew it would be heartbreaking for me, they just didn't seem to care. They didn't even want to acknowledge it.” 
“I'm sorry. I can imagine how hard that would be, I want you to know that I don't blame you at all for being upset. I just want to do whatever I can now to hopefully make this better for you.” 
When you didn’t respond his hand was pulling you back up with him, “Come on, there’s a really great ice cream place nearby.” 
He was relieved to finally see you smile again, even though you rolled your eyes at him. “I’m not a little kid, you can’t manipulate me with ice cream.” 
“I’m not manipulating you! I just want to cheer you up.” 
At least the ice cream really was fantastic. 
Eventually you returned to the house, deciding to finish the champagne in the pool together, enjoying the view. You'd seen Baekhyun shirtless in the past, but it had been years, and you couldn't deny how great he looked as he joined you in the water, holding both of your glasses of bubbly. 
The mountain air was chilly on your upper half, and you sunk deeper into the warm water as he handed you your champagne. Steam rose from the water into the cold air creating a wispy fog, the sun barely peeking out from behind the mountains as it set. 
You said cheers, clinking the glasses together, giving Baekhyun a funny look at how intently he insisted on making eye contact before bringing his glass up to meet yours. 
“You know why Germans are so insistent on eye contact when cheersing right?” He asked before taking his first sip. 
His eyes widened ever so slightly, surprised, to say the least. 
“Oh… uhh, never mind.” 
“No, tell me!” 
This time, he was definitely blushing, “Ok but don't get mad at me! I was joking… I didn't think I'd have to explain it..” 
He sighed, ready for you to scoff at his lame attempt at flirting with you. “In Germany, it's said that if you don't make eye contact while cheersing with someone, you'll have seven years of bad sex.” 
To his surprise, you actually let out a small laugh, again meeting his eyes and holding his gaze intently as you clinked your glass to his one more time. 
It had to be the atmosphere, both of you barely clothed in your swimsuits, the alcohol, the sunset, and the view of the mountains. That had to be it, that had to be why you were going along with everything he said so easily. Because at the end of the day, you both knew well what he was implying. He was your husband, and you his wife. Unless you both planned on cheating, which to your understanding still wasn’t acceptable despite the nature of the marriage, he would be the only one you'd be having sex with anytime soon. 
You kept slowly sipping on your drink, enjoying the calmness and beauty of the landscape. This time, the silence between him and yourself actually felt comfortable. 
“Do you really think that it's possible for us to eventually be happy, like any other married couple? You know as if we'd actually chosen this for ourselves?” You eventually asked. 
“Yeah, I definitely think it's possible.” 
“You really mean that?” 
He shrugged, and nodded. “I don't want this to sound too forward, but that's part of why I wasn't too upset about the marriage. I would've liked to marry someone I chose myself, just like you, but in our situation I think we still have a good chance at making it work. Even though we've never been particularly close, I feel like I know you fairly well, because of our families. I know that we had similar upbringings, share the same basic values, things like that, and those things really matter in a partnership. You're beautiful too, which definitely helps.”
“Thank you… I've never really thought about it like that.”
‘You’re beautiful.’ Those words had a greater effect on you than you expected.
His eyes had been fixed on the sun setting over the mountains, but slowly he turned back towards you. “Do you find me attractive, at least physically?” 
His sudden question left you dumbfounded. The answer was so obvious but the way he asked you truly didn't sound cocky at all. You had to stop yourself from making a dumb joke considering his abs were currently glistening in the light of the setting sun and his face looked like something out of a magazine. 
“Baekhyun, you know you're a good looking guy.” 
“Well, some women are more into big muscles, or really tall guys, or a more rugged “manly�� look. I could still not be your type.” 
You shook your head, feeling the way your cheeks burned, knowing they were probably bright red. You kept your eyes glued on the valley below, avoiding the way you knew he was looking at you. “You definitely are my type, at least when it comes to looks.” 
You expected him to say something cocky and smug but instead he just smiled at you when you finally met his gaze again, seeming genuinely happy and relieved by your answer. 
“I appreciate that.”
It occurred to you then that despite the champagne, his words and eyes on you made you quite shy. He was simply an extremely handsome guy, and you found yourself having to fight the urge to downright ogle him. 
His broad shoulders and strong chest looked so inviting, the water on his skin adding a gorgeous sheen to his entire form. You wanted to touch him, to feel his skin against your own, and know how his slender hands would feel on your body. 
The view of the mountains was nice, but as the minutes flew by, your eyes kept traveling back to him. It didn't go unnoticed, as he felt himself slipping into similar thoughts as well. 
Maybe you really were just that easy to read, but it surprised you nonetheless when he stepped closer, taking your hand in his, before placing it on his chest. 
“Wh-what are you doing?”
Your eyes were stuck to his torso, heart beating rapidly at the knowledge of his eyes gazing down at you, his heartbeat under your hand a comforting reminder of the shared tension. His gentle touch on your chin triggered a small gasp, and he finally guided your face up towards his own where he could look at you, and you at him.
Being so close now, you noticed the scattered moles painting little constellations across his face. Each one appeared to have been placed with purpose, further adding to the near perfect harmony of his stunning features. 
When his eyes shifted downwards ever so slightly, gaze falling to your lips, you stopped breathing. You could smell him, so sweet and inviting, every minute aspect of his presence pulling you in. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
His eyes bore into your own again, and you could feel the magnetism between you both. All you gave him was a small nod, but that was enough, his lips meeting yours. 
This was so different, so much better than when you'd kissed before at your wedding. His chest under your palm felt warm and firm, the taste and smell of him surrounding you, easily letting you melt into him. His lips were soft, and the lack of clothing, the feel of his wet skin against your own, made you shiver despite the hot pool. 
Growing increasingly overwhelmed, you pulled away, red faced and genuinely a little embarrassed to have given into him so quickly. You quickly grabbed your glass and downed the rest of your champagne.
Baekhyun, however, saw right through you. He gave you a knowing smirk, he knew you were still skeptical of him and the marriage, but that didn't mean you weren't attracted to each other. Being half naked in a pool with a view definitely helped set the mood, too. 
“What? There's no reason to get shy now.” 
Still, you turned away from him, bracing both hands on the edge of the pool as you fixed your eyes back onto the mountains and valley below. 
“Hm? What's wrong?” 
His breath on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine, surprised by the proximity. Gently, he brushed your hair aside, giving himself access to whisper in your ear. 
“As odd as it might feel to be married, as husband and wife, there's no use in denying that we're attracted to each other.” 
He didn't miss the way you whimpered when his lips gently grazed the sensitive skin just below your ear, turning your head to grant him more access. 
He took that as his sign to continue, leaving a trail of kisses along the side of your neck, his lips growing bolder as the minutes passed. Soon he was sucking and biting at the spot on your neck that made your knees weak, and his hands slowly came to rest on your hips, leaving you every chance to stop him, but you did no such thing. 
Maybe it was just how pent up you were after not having sex for so long, and barely even having an opportunity to touch yourself, but you found yourself squeezing your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the ache that was starting to form between them. 
When one of his hands left your hip, instead coming to your jaw, turning your head to grant him access to kiss you again, you easily let him. The kiss was nothing sweet, desperate and hungry as you both fought for dominance, though Baekhyun quickly took the upper hand, not that you minded. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked the second your lips parted. 
“You are touching me.” 
“That's not what I mean.” 
His hand moved slowly down the front of your body, the soft touch making your head spin, until his delicate fingers began to play with the waistband of your bikini. 
He resumed the movement of his lips on your neck, soon coming to whisper in your ear, “May I?” 
You nodded, breath shaking, and let out a soft moan when his fingers finally pushed beneath the wet fabric. His first touch against your clit sent a jolt through you, and you didn't miss his soft chuckle before pressing his lips against you for the nth time. 
The way he nibbled and sucked at the skin of your neck combined with the soft circles his fingers made on your clit, were nothing short or euphoric. You leaned back into his chest, quiet moans and whimpers filling the air. Being touched like this from behind had always been a big turn on for you. He already made you feel so weak under his touch. 
Baekhyun was obsessed with all of the delicate sounds escaping your lips, sounds that proved how much you were enjoying what he did to you. The more he listened, the more he felt himself grow needy for more.
A breath got stuck in your throat when he pushed his hips forward, letting you feel his hardness against your ass. Even through his swim trunks, you could tell he was big. 
With his cock pressed to your ass and his fingers moving perfectly between your thighs, you were already losing any rationality you’d once possessed. When his other hand untied the knot of your top and began to tease your nipples, you couldn’t bring yourself to worry about how exposed you were, outside in the open. You knew you would be pushed over the edge sooner rather than later if he kept it up, and he did. 
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” He whispered in your ear, the smirk on his lips apparent in his voice. 
You nodded frantically, warmth bubbling up inside you, turning into a searing heat. 
“Good girl, let go, I got you.” 
His fingertips slipped across your clit just right, one hand pinching and twisting the sensitive nub on your chest. Your whimpers grew into delighted moans, the craving for even more growing almost unbearable. The promise of eventually having his length inside you was what pushed you over the edge, shaking and twitching in Baekhyun's arms as you fell. 
“Fuck.” He whispered into the crook of your neck. “You're really sexy, you know that? Can't wait to be inside you.” 
The combination of his words and breath against your heated skin prolonged your pleasure, nodding to show him just how badly you wanted him, too. 
As soon as his hand withdrew from between your legs you turned towards him, throwing your arms around his neck to pull him into a heated kiss. It was messy, desperate, communicating the urgent need you both felt for more. His tongue greedily licked into your mouth before biting your lip, coaxing another weak moan from you. His hand on your thigh quickly had you wrapping both around him, and the feel of his substantial length and girth against your center, even through your bathing suits, left you panting, desperate for more. 
He put some pressure on you, pushing you against the edge of the pool, letting you feel even more of him. 
“Do you wanna go inside?” He whispered into your ear between kisses, but you didn't have the patience for that. 
You shook your head, “just fuck me right here.” 
His cocky smirk somehow had even more moisture flowing out of you, “as you wish.” 
With that, he undid the string of your bikini, and pushed down his shorts. 
You reached for him, intimidated by the size, hoping you would even be able to handle him. He was hot and hard in your hand, and you felt the telltale throb of his own arousal. 
Anticipation hung thick in the air as he positioned himself, his tip nudging against your clit, and you swore you were about to lose your goddamn mind. 
“You ready?” He questioned with an unexpected softness, forehead resting against your own. 
“You sure?” 
“Yes, Baekhyun, please.”
As soon as he pushed forward, however, you understood his desire to double check. His size presented quite the challenge, your eyes squeezing shut at the discomfort of being stretched so much. He could sense how you struggled to take him, hands digging into the skin of his back, legs squeezing involuntarily around his hips.
“Fuck you're so big.” 
“Just relax, I'll go slow. Tell me if it’s too much.” He said before pressing another kiss to your lips. 
You couldn't remember ever feeling so full, and he was still only halfway in. Slow, shallow thrusts carefully let you get used to him, going deeper with every roll of his hips. Soon tears pricked at your eyes, the new sensation of being fucked by such a huge cock leaving you awstruck. 
When he finally fit himself all the way inside of you, his hips meeting your own, you felt his head pressing firmly against your cervix. The slight pain of it heightened the already intense moment even further. 
“Oh my God.” 
He pulled almost all the way out, sinking himself all the way back inside, and you swore he had to have the best cock you’d ever fucked, by a mile. Any unpleasant thoughts surrounding your marriage to him were long gone as he set a steady rhythm, each thrust pulling gasps of pleasure from you. 
The water splashed wildly around you but you might as well have forgotten it was even there, too overcome with Baekhyun’s length as it pleased you in ways you never knew possible. The way he filled you so completely was unlike anything you’d experienced with another man, blissed out by his incredible size and precise thrusts. 
“You’re so perfect, take me so fucking well.” 
His lips crashed into yours, hot and greedy as you moaned into one another. You were certain you’d never felt anyone that deep inside you before, and it was addictive. 
“Think you can handle more?” He muttered, now that you’d gotten fully acclimated to his substantial length and girth. 
You nodded, greedy for anything and everything he could give, and Baekhyun wasn’t going to deny you. 
His lips swallowed more moans and cries of delight as he picked up the pace, thrusting harder, faster, feeling you clench down on him as you got closer to your release. 
Every time he sunk into you completely, he felt your body tremble in response to the intense sensations. As much as you wanted to keep your eyes open to look at him, you simply couldn't. The force with which he pounded you and how deep he reached left you an incoherent mess. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, desperate whimpers and whines leaving your parted lips. 
“Will my beautiful wife let me feel her cum on my cock? Hm?” 
Frantically, you nodded. With only a few more pumps into your dripping core he made you cum, so hard that you just about forgot your own name. 
Baekhyun let out a deep groan at how tightly you squeezed him when you came, the pulsating of your orgasming pussy bringing him to his peak soon after. His hips fell out of pace, eventually slowing to a stop as he emptied his cum deep inside.
It wasn't until you slowly started drifting back to reality that you realized you were still outside in the pool with him. 
You continued to cling to him, feeling him gradually soften and slip out of you. When his eyes found your own you both stared, panting, basking in the afterglow. 
You finally stood back on your own two feet, leaned back against the edge of the pool, and couldn’t fight the fit of laughter that came over you. 
Baekhyun stared at you, confused, unnerved, and slightly bewildered at your sudden outburst. 
“Jesus fucking Christ Byun! That might be the best sex I’ve ever had. No, it definitely was. I can’t believe you...” 
A relieved sigh escaped him, grinning at your admission. “Go on. I’d love to hear all your thoughts.” 
“Oh shut up you don’t need any more ego stroking with a dick like that.” 
He leaned in closer, bracing both hands on the edge of the pool at your sides. “Well you’ll be happy to know that this dick is all yours, till death do us part.” 
A genuine smile graced your lips, and this time as you looked at him, your new husband, you actually felt a little excited for what your future with him could hold. 
You leaned in, giving him a quick kiss. “It's only day one and you already succeeded at seducing me. I have to admit I feel a little pathetic.” 
“I didn’t seduce you.” 
“Oh yes you did! You got me half naked and drunk and started kissing my neck. That has to count.” 
“You only had one glass of champagne and we're in a pool, what else would we wear?!” 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay fine, but you still seduced me. Not that I mind, that was fucking incredible. I hope no one saw us, though.” 
Baekhyun just shrugged. “I doubt it, but if they did, we put on a pretty good show.” he smirked. 
“You’re unbelievable.” You laughed, enjoying the way he admired you. 
“I asked if you wanted to go inside, but someone was too impatient.” 
“You’re awful cocky, you know that?” 
Again, he shrugged, moving away from you to find his glass of champagne. He finished it, and since it was getting late, you both finally decided to get to bed. This time, the rose petals just made you giggle. Once you'd both settled in, you even found yourself inching closer to him, until one of his arms pulled you closer, wrapping around you. It was easy to fall asleep like that, in his embrace. 
The first night in a new bed was usually pretty rough, and the jet lag didn’t help. When you awoke in the early morning, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. 
Baekhyun had detached himself from you at some point during the night, the blanket bunching up around his waist. He seemed to still be resting peacefully, and you shamelessly enjoyed the view of his bare chest and sleeping face. Everything about him was just so gorgeous, it didn’t really make sense to you how you’d ended up with him like this. You’d been so pissed about the marriage for so long, but now a small smile crept to your lips as you watched him, his chest slowly rising and falling with every breath. 
You turned to fully face him, shifting around for a bit before settling into a comfortable position. From that point of view you could enjoy the profile of his face as he slept, taken with the seemingly perfect outlines of his jaw, nose, and lips. 
Minutes passed, dragging on painfully slow, and the sight in front of you definitely didn't help you get back to sleep. Images from your time in the pool with him kept resurfacing, along with the memory of how incredible he'd made you feel. You couldn’t understand how you hadn’t always wanted to touch him, even when he was more of a stranger to you. He was way too attractive to just ignore, you thought. Every cell in your body seemed to gravitate towards him, now that touching him was allowed, and even welcomed, holding yourself back was nearly torturous. 
You and him could nap during the day. Right now, you needed him to wake up. 
Carefully, you moved closer, molding your body to his, leaning in to press your lips to his neck. He stirred a bit, but didn’t wake up, so you went on to plant more kisses, moving down towards his chest. When you gently sucked on his collarbone, his eyes finally fluttered open. 
Much to your delight, he didn’t question your actions, or why you’d woken him up. He just took hold of your waist, pulling you on top of him, and into a kiss. You ended up straddling him, lips still locked as they moved together lazily. 
“Goodmorning,” He hummed, looking around at the dark bedroom. “Awake already? What time is it?” 
“Four? Five? I don't know.” 
“Why'd you wake me up?” He half groaned, half whined, voice rough due to the early hour. 
Instead of replying, you just kissed him again, kissing down to his jaw, then neck, moving your hips a little to make your intentions clear. 
“Ready for round two? Already?” 
“Shut up.” 
He chuckled, “Why don't you make me?”
You moved to bring your lips to his once more, but he stopped you, one finger pressing to your lips before they could make contact. You pouted.
“I have an even better idea.”
“Oh yeah?” 
A mischievous grin lifted his cheeks so prettily. 
“Sit on my face.” 
You froze, “Huh?” 
“You heard me. C’mere” 
He hoisted you up, eliciting a small shriek from you, but you didn’t let him take you all the way up the bed, instead settling atop in chest. 
“Are you serious?”
“Hmm I’m a hungry boy. Now come here.” 
His hands on your ass attempted to push you further up towards his face, but you stayed put. 
“I still have underwear on, dummy.” 
He looked down, narrowing his eyes when he spotted the lace that was, in fact, covering you. 
“Do you like this pair?” 
“Kinda? They’re a little old I guess, why do you-” 
Before you could finish his hands were taking hold of the flimsy fabric, easily ripping it and tossing it to the side. 
“Baekhyun! Are you out of your mind? Why-” 
He cut you off again, hoisting you up by your ass till your thighs were on either side of his head. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll buy you new ones.” 
With that his arms circled your thighs, pulling you down, until your center met his hot tongue. 
You inhaled sharply, bracing your hands against the wall as he licked and prodded at your clit. It was soft, teasing, wanting to warm you up before showing you what he was really capable of. When you would start to whine and plead for more, he would pull away entirely, instead leaving kisses on your inner thighs, letting the anticipation grow until it was nearly unbearable. 
Until then you'd still been hovering, not wanting to smother him, but when you once again began to whimper and ask for more, he told you, “I’ll give you what you want if you just sit.” 
Without giving you a chance to protest his strong arms, still wrapped around your thighs, yanked you down roughly. At last you got the kind of pressure you needed, putting some weight on him, no longer caring if he could breathe or not. His hums of pleasure made it clear that either way, he was enjoying this as much as you were. 
He lapped at your clit with greed, happily drinking you in. Every gasp, sigh, and groan he drew from you egged him on, eagerly awaiting your release, wanting nothing more than the taste of your delight flooding his tongue. When he transitioned from mere licking to sucking your bud past his lips, he felt your thighs shake, gripping them so tightly you almost wondered if it could bruise. In your ecstasy, however, there was no place for such thoughts. You were too preoccupied with your building orgasm. 
His fingers earlier in the pool had been fantastic, but his tongue and lips were on a whole new level entirely. The way the warm muscle flicked at your most sensitive spot was absolutely perfect, and when combined with the suction of his lips, you almost couldn’t handle it. He could tell you were getting close when you began to rock your hips against his tongue, silently begging for even more, and he was eager to deliver. 
He picked up the pace, suckling harder, licking faster, and he reveled in the increased volume of your moans as you got lost in it. When the moans were silenced, replaced instead with sharp gasps, he knew you were on the precipice. He didn’t falter, if anything, he gave you even more. 
Seconds later you fell apart, twitching and shaking while he still didn’t stop, the sensation flooding your body with relief and joy until it slowly became too much. Baekhyun still had a firm hold of your thighs, and he moaned with delight at the taste of your orgasm on his tongue. He kept lapping at your tired pussy, not wanting to let a single drop go to waste, until you basically begged him for a break. 
When his hold on your thighs finally weakened, you sat back, your ass landing on his chest eliciting a grunt from him. You looked down at your husband's face and he was beaming, lips and chin still wet with your arousal. You grinned right back, watching as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. 
Again, all you could do was laugh, and this time he happily joined you. 
“You know, I really hadn't expected all of this to happen on our first night here.” You told him. 
“Neither did I.”
He was still smiling up at you, now just watching, admiring you, and when he still didn't look away after several seconds had passed you started to feel shy. 
You rolled off of him, one arm covering your eyes as you basked in the unexpected comfort of the moment. Eventually you felt him move your arm away and his face was hovering above your own, slowly moving closer until he was kissing you. It was slow, relaxed, just enjoying the closeness as you gradually recovered from the heated moment. 
You felt him shift, realizing that he was adjusting himself beneath his silk pajama pants, and your hand followed. His eyes fluttered shut when you palmed him, and he took the hint, discarding the shirt you still wore before stripping himself. 
Wet lips met the sensitive skin of your neck as he positioned himself between your thighs, the heat and weight of him above you somehow making your heart race even more. His fingers entered you first, stretching you out to get you ready to take him. He started with two, soon adding a third as he leaned up slightly, watching your flushed form squirm and whimper beneath him. It was a sight that didn’t help his patience one bit, throbbing as he thought about getting to be inside you again so soon. 
It wasn’t long until Baekhyun assumed you were ready, that or he just didn’t want to wait any longer. Both of his hands found yours, lacing them together and pressing them to the bed above your head. His eyes were on yours, dark with lust as you felt him push inside, the stretch again making you wince, though you easily powered through, too enticed by what was to come to even consider stopping him. He rocked into you, getting deeper with each push, until he was burying himself into you entirely with each roll of his hips. 
This time, he was slower, savoring the way your tight walls hugged him, in contrast to the frenzied passion of the evening prior. You sighed gratefully each time he hit that spot inside you, appreciating the unhurried pace he set as he continued to thrust. Your previous orgasm left you especially sensitive, and you seemed to be floating on a cloud of pure bliss while he steadily fucked you, the euphoria of it reaching even greater hights than before. 
His size was one thing, but Baekhyun was also just good. He knew how to angle himself to make you feel just right, keeping a steady pace to allow the pleasure to build. 
“You feel amazing, so tight and wet for me.” He whispered into your ear, and your knuckles paled with how hard you gripped his hands. 
Normally faster, rougher sex was what you preferred, but now, with him, you couldn’t help but think that this slower, more relaxed approach was even better. Maybe it was because it was so early, and you were still a little tired, but this felt nothing short of perfect. Baekhyun was taking care of you so well, listening to your body, and giving exactly what you needed. 
Your orgasm was getting close again, warmth growing into a burning heat in the pit of your stomach, but as soon as you started to clench around him, about to let go, he pulled out. 
He chuckled softly at the way you whined in protest, but assured you, “Just trust me, this will be even better.” 
He stood on his knees and straddled one of your thighs, bringing the other leg over his shoulder before pushing back in. With the same leisurely pace from earlier he continued on, the new angle making you feel him even deeper. 
When you started to whimper and ask for him to go faster, he just shushed you, pushing his hips into you slower, but harder, leaving you with little room to protest. Either way, it was divine, and you knew he’d easily get you there in the end. After a while you decide that whatever he had in mind, you would happily accept it. He made you feel so damn good, you trusted him to take you however he saw fit. 
His thrusts were steady, letting you chase your orgasm, but when you started to get close he pulled out again, leaving you shaking and whining and clenching around nothing. 
One hand came to rest on your cheek and his forehead met your own, prompting you to open your eyes and meet his. He stared for a second before pressing a quick kiss to your lips and whispering, “Turn around for me baby.” 
You obliged, rolling onto your stomach, and you felt him straddle you, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses along your shoulder. Without any warning he filled you once again, and this time when he bottomed out, the increased pressure against your cervix made your stomach tighten, the pain almost too much for you. 
His moans and grunts made it clear that he, too, felt the added pressure, making sure not to press too hard, to be gentle as he continued working his way in and out, his eyes fixed to the view of your ass and his length plunging in and out of you. Every time he sank himself inside completely he felt the way his tip would reach the bottom, savoring the feeling while doing his best to not hurt you in any real way. 
Little did he know, you enjoyed the intensity of it, and your high was approaching even quicker than before. He’d been edging you for so long, all you cared about was getting your release. He could’ve fucked you as fast and hard as he wanted and the pain still wouldn’t have stopped you from cumming all over his length. 
But Baekhyun was cautious nonetheless, filling you in the same relaxed manner, wanting you to feel as good as possible, to prolong your pleasure, without bringing it to an end just yet. He, too, was enjoying himself far too much to rush this. 
However he soon felt the same tell-tale throb that your orgasm was quickly approaching, so he pulled out once again. 
Once he’d turned you over, settling back between your thighs, he took in your fucked out expression, eyes softening at just how desperate you looked. 
“Does my baby want to cum?” 
You nodded, frantic. “Please, Baekhyun.” 
He placed a tender kiss to your lips, then your forehead, before pushing forwards to fill you up. This time as he kept moving you could feel the difference, and you knew he was getting close to his own release. His thrusts were less consistent, and he became shaky, gasping and moaning more freely than before. 
For you it came as a relief, knowing that it wouldn’t be long until you finally got your long awaited high. You weren’t sure how much more you could take, more than ready for him to finally just fuck you through your orgasm, and let you feel his release, too. 
The push and stretch of his length inside you, the angle of it, and his entirety surrounding you, the heat and weight and smell of him, they all became too much. When he finally let you reach your peak it was strong, blinding you and making your skin tingle with the intensity. Every time he’d denied you he’d built the tension to such a degree that when it was finally released, it was otherworldly. Broken versions of his name passed your lips, though you weren’t conscious of it, the wave of pleasure leaving no room for coherent thought, only gratitude for the incredible feeling after having been deprived. 
He didn’t stop when he felt the obvious pulsating and twitching of your orgasm, he continued to chase his own high, which came soon after. He’d been holding himself back, so when it finally hit him, the burst of euphoria was explosive. As he shuddered apart his lips crashed into yours, hungry and rough as they sought greater contact, something to communicate how much it affected him. 
The kisses became more relaxed as you both slowly drifted back to reality, until he finally collapsed on top of you, burying himself in the crook of your neck. Gently kisses were peppered across your skin, each one paired with some sweet words, “So beautiful, so perfect, so good for me.” 
After some time his weight above you lost its charm, turning sweaty and uncomfortable prompting him to roll off you, though you still desired some contact. Your head rested atop his chest, and the feeling of his hand on your waist was a welcome comfort. 
Something about this just felt right to you. Your marriage to him, now, came as more of a relief than anything else. You knew that after having him, nobody else would ever be able to compare. As sure as you’d been that the jet lag would keep you up until daylight, his embrace ended up luring you into a peaceful sleep in mere minutes. 
As it turned out, your honeymoon ended up being a beautiful experience full of gorgeous scenery, plentiful laughter, and amazing sex. Most days were spent strolling through town, enjoying the spa and pool at the house, and in bed with your new husband. 
He was fun, maybe a little cocky, but you couldn't blame him for that, everything considered. At the end of the day, he was always sweet to you, and never acted truly arrogant in any way. Confident, that was how you would describe him, and that confidence came as a comfort for you. He was confident in himself, yes, but he also showed a lot of confidence and optimism towards his relationship with you. 
The initial awkwardness disappeared completely after your encounter in the pool. The sex had been great, but more importantly, it brought your guard down. You quickly became far more comfortable around him, and as the days passed, he started to feel like a genuine friend. A friend, who also gave you the best sex of your life. 
While it may have still been early in the relationship, by the time you were flying back home with him, you felt confident, too. 
You'd make it work with Baekhyun, your new husband. 
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Being EXO’s fem!idol crush who gets shipped with them - Maknae Line Ver.
Hyung Line Ver.
a/n: this is based on the SM girl group idol au that i wrote a while back, please read that first so that the writing will make sense :) AND these scenarios are LONG (esp. Chanyeol’s omg it took FOREVER) so i’m splitting this into two parts! enjoy :)
TW: kissing, sleeping in the same bed, mentions of food, slightly suggestive remarks, mentions of bullying, being held, sitting on his lap, mild cursing
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You were both sent by the company to be on a new variety show called “Idol Roommates,” where a bunch of idols would be living together in the same house for a month. SM had sent you, Chanyeol, Yeri, and Ten, Hybe had sent Beomgyu, Jake, Sakura, and Minji, and JYP had sent Bangchan, Yuna, Lily, and and Gunil. The fans were super excited to see all of their favorite idols be roommates, and you had to admit, you were a little too excited to be living in such close proximity with Chanyeol.
The first episode began with you all arriving to the house with your label mates, and greeting all the other idols in the kitchen. There were cameras hidden all around the house, except for in the bathrooms, so you never really could tell what was being broadcasted and what wasn’t.
“So, what do we do first?” Sakura asked once everyone had arrived.
“Oh, there’s a note here on the table…” Bangchan said as he reached for it. “‘Welcome to your new home for the next month! In this bowl are all of your names. Please draw for your roommate and choose your rooms in order of your ages.’” he read aloud.
“Well, Chanyeol hyung is the oldest, so he goes first.” Ten explained, patting Chanyeol’s shoulder.
“Wow, you don’t have to rub it in.” Chanyeol joked, a playful smile on his face. Everyone laughed along with him, quieting down when he reached into the bowl to draw a name.
“Y/N.” he announced. Everyone turned to you expectantly. Yeri and Ten shot you mischievous grins, to which you blushed and looked away. They knew about your enormous crush on Chanyeol, how he had been your bias since high school, and how you used to have posters of him all over your wall. You shot them a dangerous glare before turning to Chanyeol.
“Alright, shall we go pick our room?” you proposed, desperate to get the attention off yourself.
“Yeah, let’s go!” he agreed, leading you up the stairs.
“This one looks the biggest.” you suggested after you had surveyed all the rooms.
He walked over from the other end of the hall and glanced inside the room you were talking about. “Alright, works for me!”
You had separate beds on opposite sides of the room, but it was still a little awkward. The two of you had several interactions in the past, and they were all pleasant, but mostly formal. You began unpacking your suitcases and shuffling around the room to get settled in silence.
As you did so, you could hear the other groupings running excitedly up the stairs to claim their rooms. Ten and Sakura were first, then Bangchan and Yeri. Gunil had picked Jake, then Beomgyu picked Lily, and that left Yuna and Minji together. Hearing the chatter of your colleagues in the background helped ease the tension a bit.
“Do you sleep with a light on?” Chanyeol asked suddenly, making you jump a bit.
You nodded sheepishly. “I’m a bit scared of the dark to be honest.”
“Ah, you’ll have to remind me. I don’t sleep with a light. Are you okay with having a fan on?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind that!” you told him, shuffling awkwardly. “I’m sorry you got stuck rooming with me. I know I’m not the most fun person in the world.”
“No, don’t be sorry… I’m actually relieved that I drew your name.” he told you reassuringly.
“Really?” you asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity. “Why’s that?”
“Because you’re one of the few people I feel comfortable around in the idol world.” he answered, a tiny, bashful grin on his face.
You tried to ignore the flush creeping up your cheeks. “I feel the same way about you.”
Suddenly, Bangchan and Yeri appeared at your door. “Hey, are you guys ready for the debrief? We’re all heading downstairs now.” Chan asked.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Chanyeol replied, leading you out of the room. He followed Bangchan down the stairs, and with their backs to you, Yeri turned around and wiggled her brows at you. You pushed her forward a bit out of annoyance, causing her to tumble down the stairs by a few steps. You instinctively reached out for her, then looked at her, concerned. You both broke out into laughter, her gripping onto the railing and you holding onto her.
“That would’ve sucked.” Yeri chuckled, holding onto her stomach from laughing so hard.
“Okay, so all the housework has been assigned.” Sakura declared, setting down her slice of pizza. “We’ll do meals in order of oldest to youngest, and chores in order of youngest to oldest.”
The production company had sent you all pizza for your first dinner, but you were instructed to prepare meals for the house for the rest of the time you would be there. That meant that you and Chanyeol would be preparing breakfast tomorrow.
For the remainder of the night, you all just chilled in the enormous living room and talked about all of your careers while a movie played on the TV. Conversation was flowing so smoothly that time just seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, everyone was getting up to get ready for bed, including you and Chanyeol.
“You can take a shower first.” he told you, sitting down at his bed to check his phone.
“Okay, thanks!” you chirped, making your way over to the bathroom.
Once you were done and in your pajamas, which embarrassingly enough had little kittens all over them, you padded your way back over to your own bed. “It’s all yours.” you told him.
“Awesome, be right back.” he responded, getting up from his bed. He did a double take as he looked at you. “Nice pajamas. They’re cute.”
You blushed, trying to focus on drying your hair. “Thank you. Kaori got them for me and I just can’t resist wearing them, even if they are kind of silly.”
“They’re perfect.” he smiled as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
You sighed, placing your hands on your cheeks to cool them off. Get it together Y/N. You’re on TV.
You went about the rest of your nightly routine, then curled up in bed to scroll on your phone for a bit. After a while, you heard the water shut off, meaning that Chanyeol was done with his shower. And then it happened. Everything went to black.
You yelped a bit at the sudden darkness, gripping onto your blankets.
“Guys?” you heard Gunil shout from down the hallway.
Everyone started emerging into the hallway with their phone flashlights on. “Is everyone okay?” you heard Lily ask.
“Everyone’s here except for Chanyeol and Y/N.” Jake stated. You heard shuffling down the hallway coming towards your room, which only made your anxiety worsen. You didn’t want any of your adult colleagues to see you scared out of your mind just because the electricity went out.
Just as you were preparing to face your housemates, Chanyeol emerged from the bathroom and practically sprinted over to the door with his own phone’s flashlight.
“Yeah, we’re both good in here.” he told your housemates from the doorway, shielding you from the view. “Since it’s the middle of the night anyway, I say we just all go to sleep. The production company’s cameras will have suddenly shut off, so I’m sure they’ll fix it by morning.”
“Yeah, that’s a good point.” Chan agreed. “Well, since everyone’s okay, let’s just go back to our rooms.”
Once everyone was back in their rooms, Chanyeol rushed over to you, sitting down on your bed. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice dripping with concern. You had never seen him so serious before.
“Yeah… just scared…” you shuddered, gripping onto your blankets.
“It’s okay, nothing is gonna happen to you. I promise.” he comforted you, patting your shoulder. “Do you think you can try to go to sleep?”
You thought for a moment, then shook your head. “I’d be too anxious. I know that nothing is going to happen to me, but it’s just a fear I’ve never been able to shake.”
He looked as if he was tossing an idea around in his head. Hesitantly, he looked back up at you. “Would you be able to sleep if we shared a bed?”
Your eyes went wide. Was Park Chanyeol actually offering to sleep in the same bed as you just so you would feel safe? It was as if all of your dreams were coming true in this moment.
You coughed awkwardly. “Well um… you don’t have to if it makes you uncomfortable, but… it would definitely help.” you stuttered out.
“I don’t mind at all.” he told you, a comforting smile on his features. “I just want you to feel better.”
You grinned, feeling your heart swell with emotions, then scooched over to make room for him.
It was obviously a little bit awkward at first. You both faced away from each other, a good three inches of space between the two of you. You thought that was going to be how the rest of the night went, until you started shaking.
“Y/N, are you trembling?” Chanyeol asked, turning towards you.
You froze. “Um… yeah. I’m sorry. I’m just scared.” you sighed in humiliation.
“It’s alright… do you want me to hold you?” he offered, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I… I don’t want you to feel like you have to…” you spat out reluctantly, even though your heart was screaming at you to say yes immediately.
“I want to, Y/N.” he told you, a slight chuckle slipping out as he did so. “I mean, who doesn’t want to hold the person they like as they fall asleep?”
Your heart stopped. More than anything, you said in your head.
Your mouth fell open in shock, and you frantically flopped over to face him completely. “You like me?”
He nodded, a small smirk on his face. “I thought it was obvious.”
Your face broke out into a huge, toothy grin, and you lunged forward to hide your blushing face in his chest. He chuckled at your bashfulness, closing his arms around you in a tight embrace.
“Shall we get some sleep?” he asked.
You happily nodded in his hold. “I think I can manage now that I’ll have something to dream about.”
“Goodnight Y/N.” he whispered, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead before curling up around you.
“Goodnight Chanyeol.”
In the morning, you tumbled awake to see him sitting up against the headboard scrolling on his phone. “I was just about to wake you up.” he chuckled, ruffling your hair. “Did you sleep well?”
You nodded groggily, smiling through squinted eyes. “All thanks to you.” you curled into his side.
“Although you look super adorable right now, we really should get started on breakfast.” he suggested. “We don’t want everyone going hungry.”
“I suppose so…” you sighed, getting out of bed. You both threw on your robes and slippers and made your way downstairs to the kitchen.
“Alright, what are we working with?” Chanyeol inquired as he opened the fridge, inspecting its contents.
“Well first of all, we’re going to need lots of coffee.” you giggled, busying yourself with the coffee pot.
“Very true. I can get started on some eggs and bacon while you do that.” he decided, swiping the ingredients out of the fridge and moving over to the stove. You prepared breakfast in a comfortable silence, that was, until the front door swung open, and three suited men strode in. You recognized one as your manager, but had no idea who the other two were.
“Hyung? What’s going on?” Chanyeol asked one of the men you didn’t know. You now assumed it was his manager.
“Don’t worry, we shut the cameras off this morning.” the man responded to him. “However, the production manager would like to tell you something.” He turned to the last remaining unidentified man and looked at him begrudgingly. Your own manager looked equally as annoyed with the supposed production manager, tapping his foot impatiently.
The man sighed. “The electrical outage was staged last night. Cameras were rolling throughout the entire night, and everything that went on was broadcasted.”
“You mean… the fans saw…?” you asked meekly, feeling your heart drop into your stomach.
“Yes, they saw you and Chanyeol sleeping in the same bed and confessing to one another.” your manager told you, a sympathetic look in his eyes. “I’m sorry kid. They didn’t tell us about this, or else we would’ve told you not to act as if you were in private.”
“There is, however, a bit of good news that goes along with this.” Chanyeol’s manager interjected. “The fans are really happy about it.”
You both snapped your heads up in shock. “Really?”
“Our ratings went through the roof.” the production manager explained. “Just in the past eight hours, we’ve received more viewers than any of our previous pilot episodes combined.”
“What are they saying?” you inquired, still incredibly surprised that the response was positive. Fans were not usually supportive of idol romance, wanting to maintain their own personal fantasies about their idols being available. In fact, “Idol Roomates” was kind of a controversial show because it allowed male and female idols to live together as if they were couples.
“See for yourself.” your manager instructed, holding his phone out to you. You began scrolling through some recent tweets he had pulled up on his phone, Chanyeol looking over your shoulder to read them with you.
channie was soooo sweet to comfort y/n while she was afraid of the dark 🥺 i love seeing him be so soft to her ❤️
that innocent forehead kiss!!! i love them so much!!! <3
“Wow… that’s amazing.” Chanyeol marveled, running a hand through his hair. “So… what now?”
“Well, that’s up to you guys.” his manager replied. “The company has given us the okay to either confirm or deny the relationship based on your wishes.”
You both glanced at the floor, thinking to yourselves for a moment. Suddenly, you looked up and realized that you didn’t owe anyone an explanation.
“Let’s not say anything.” you suggested. Everyone looked over to you with a slightly shocked expression.
“Nothing?” your manager asked. “You mean, just let them wonder?”
“Actually, that’s not a bad idea…” the production manager agreed, tapping his chin in thought. “They are the most popular couple on the show, and no matter what, there are going to be skeptics on whether or not it was staged. Why don’t we just let the show be an experiment?”
“And if we ever do develop a relationship, this can be looked back on as where it developed.” Chanyeol grinned, taking your hand in his.
You grinned at him appreciatively, then turned back to your manager. “Is that okay?”
He shrugged, an amused smile on his face. “It’s your call, kid.”
You looked back over at Chanyeol, who gave you a determined nod.
“Let’s do it.” you decided.
“Alright, case closed.” Chanyeol’s manager stated, clapping his hands together. “We’re going to see that you guys have a few minutes to speak with each other alone before they turn the cameras back on...” He shot a dirty look to the production manager before continuing. “… but other than that, we hope you have fun on the show. And please, don’t take it too far. Fans can be quite temperamental.”
As soon as the three men left the room, you turnt to Chanyeol. “Did you really mean that?”
“What? That I see us developing a relationship?” he asked, scratching his head with a cute smile. “I thought that much was obvious.”
You giggled, shaking your head at yourself. “This is the second time I’ve been completely oblivious. I feel like such a fool.”
“You’re not a fool.” he reassured you, pulling you into his arms for a tight hug. His height always allowed him to give the best hugs. He made you feel so safe and cared for. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Thank you…” you whimpered into his chest. “I really do want to make this work.”
“And it will.” he grinned, rocking you slightly. “I promise.”
You looked up, resting your chin on his chest. “I believe you. You promised nothing would happen to me last night, and you were right.”
He smiled down at you affectionately. “There’s one more thing I want to do with these last few minutes we’ll get alone.”
“Hm?” you asked, once again oblivious to his insinuation.
Before you even had time to register what was happening, his lips were on yours. His hands came up to hold onto your face and press himself further up against you. You held your breath, then relaxed into his arms, hands linking together behind his neck. He began to deepen the kiss, puckering his lips against yours repeatedly and darting his tongue between them periodically. When you were completely out of air, you pulled back, both of your chests heaving against one another.
“I can’t wait until this show is over and we can have some real privacy.” you grinned suggestively. “Now, shall we finish breakfast?”
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You rubbed your sweaty palms against the rough material of your jeans, taking a deep shaky breath as you waited in the recording studio. Usually when you were nervous in a place like this, it was because you were worried about messing up your notes or forgetting the lyrics. But that wasn’t the case today. You had practiced the drama’s OST relentlessly, and knew the song forwards, backwards, and sideways. What you were nervous about was the fact that you were going to be singing a duet with Do Kyungsoo.
Not only were you totally intimidated by his vocals, but you also had the most mortifying crush on him. Everyone at the company seemed to know about it except him, and you wanted to keep it that day. You just hoped you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself in front of him today.
You jumped as he entered the room, springing to your feet. He looked ungodly handsome, clad in a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up halfway and jeans.
“Hey Y/N.” he smiled warmly as you locked eyes. “How’s it going?”
“Hey, I’ve been really good!” you choked out, playing with the sleeve of your sweater. “How about you? I saw you guys were in Jeju Island last week. I mean, on Instagram, I wasn’t there stalking you or anything. Not that I’m not a fan, but…” you stopped yourself before you dug down into an even deeper hole.
He chuckled at your babbling, somehow finding it endearing. “We were, it was a really good trip. Although I almost threw Baekhyun off a cliff while we were hiking.”
“Oh, that’s not good! Accidents happen, I suppose.” you shrugged, brushing your hair back behind your ears. You could feel a thin layer of sweat on the back of your neck, a telltale sign that you were nervous. You had to tell yourself to calm down, you didn’t want to look sweaty when they filmed the video.
“Oh no, it would’ve been on purpose. He was being insufferable.” he explained, grinning evilly. God, he was so attractive.
You laughed, genuinely this time. “I get it. Sometimes I want to strangle the girls.”
He hummed in amusement. “Look at us, bonding over wanting to kill our members.”
You giggled at his comment, feeling yourself relax slightly. Maybe this isn’t going to be so ba-
“Alright guys, the company wants us to film the video now, so in the booth.” your manager decreed as he entered the room.
“We don’t get a chance to practice at all?” Kyungsoo asked, looking understandably irritated.
“I’m sorry guys, they forgot about the deadline they gave the marketing team for the drama.” the other man explained sympathetically. “They need it within the next hour, and editing is going to need at least a half hour after we film it.”
“Awesome…” you sighed, grabbing a pair of headphones and following Kyungsoo into the booth.
You could feel your nerves getting the better of you, making your hands shake and your throat go dry, both of which would not be good for your performance.
Kyungsoo seemed to notice this, and grabbed your hand gently. Your heart stopped, making you freeze in place.
“Hey, you’ve got this.” he whispered with a comforting smile. “You have the voice of an angel.”
Butterflies swarmed in your stomach. He thought your voice was angelic?
“Alright guys, camera is rolling.” your manager said from the control panel. Music starting in 3…2…”
You exhaled as the music started, letting yourself ease up. You glanced over at Kyungsoo. He was looking at you with such kind, sensitive eyes. You couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face as you began to sing your lines. When you were looking at him, it was really easy to belt out a love song.
He seemed to feel the same way as he started singing his own verse, his smile never faltering as he gazed into your eyes affectionately.
As you began to sing the chorus together, it was like the stars aligned. You were perfectly in synch, voices intertwining together like two rivers of golden honey merging into one. You were both putting so much passion and energy into the song, the lyrics resonating in both of your hearts as you looked at one another.
As the song came to a close, you both held your notes until the music ended, looking at each other breathlessly. Both of your eyes were twinkling, and you could feel chills running down your spine. That was the best duet you had ever sung with anyone.
“That was amazing you guys!” your manager suddenly said, snapping you out of your daze. “I don’t know how you guys did it perfect on the first try, but great job!”
“Uh, thanks!” you stammered, removing your headphones. You started to blush as you realized the amazing connection you and Kyungsoo had just had. Your anxiety was quickly returning, causing you to act without thinking.
You turned to him. “God, it’s hot in here. Are you hot? I mean, you are hot, I mean-“
He looked at you expectantly, as if you could possibly recover from that humiliating sentence. However, he didn’t look embarrassed at all. He had a hopeful glint in his eyes and an anticipated smile.
However, you were far too overwhelmed with your own nerves to notice. “Well, I’m gonna go home. See you later alligator!”
And with that, you bolted out of the studio and ran back to your dorm, not stopping until you were back in your bedroom. Nabi and Kaori were shouting after you, but you just ignored them, slamming your door behind you.
You collapsed your back against the door and slid down until you were on the floor, placing your head in your hands. “‘See you later alligator?’ What am I, 50?!”
After a few hours of cycling through rotting in your bed, pacing the floor in anxiety, crying out of humiliation, and passing out from exhaustion, you were disturbed by yet another knock on your door. You groaned, assuming it was one of your members trying to talk to you again.
“Dude, I love you, but go away, I need to be alone.” you grumbled, pulling your pillow up over your head.
You heard the door open and someone walk in, but you didn’t have the energy to look up. Maybe if I stay really still, they’ll think I’m dead, and then they’ll leave, you thought.
You felt them sink down on the bed next to you and place a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N? Can we talk?”
You snapped up, eyes widening as you realized who was in front of you. “Kyungsoo!” You frantically fixed your hair and wiped your face. “Oh god, I look terrible…”
“No you don’t.” he chuckled, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You froze at his touch, relishing the feeling of his fingers in your hair before blinking back to reality. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I just thought you should know how well our OST is doing.” he grinned, pulling out his phone. You leaned forward to see the music video you made that already had millions of views in just a few short hours.
“Wow, people love it this much?” you asked in disbelief.
“That’s not all. Look at the comments.” he handed you his phone, and you did as he asked.
You know this drama’s gonna be good when they got Y/N AND Kyungsoo to sing the OST… total power vocal couple!
Y/N and Kyungsoo might as well be the main couple in the drama, their chemistry is insane
the way they sing the song to each other… my heart 💓 💓💓
You couldn’t help the giddy feeling that was blooming in your chest, attempting to fight off your smile to no avail. “They really like us, huh?”
He nodded, setting his phone back down. “There’s another reason I came here.”
“Hm?” you asked, cocking your head to the side in curiosity.
He took your hand in his, just as he had done in the recording booth earlier. “Y/N, you don’t have to be so nervous around me. I think you’re adorable, and I really like you.”
Fireworks went off in your stomach. “Y-you do?”
“Of course I do.” he laughed, shaking your hand in exaggeration. “Why do you think I asked to sing the OST with you?”
Your jaw unhinged in shock. “You asked to be paired with me?”
“Well yeah, how else was I going to get close to you?” he chuckled. “I was going to ask you out after we finished, but you ran away so quickly, I never got the chance.
You blinked at him a few times, then erupted into a fit of laughter. He joined you, doubling over slightly.
As you both settled down, he leaned in closer. “Will you go out with me?” he practically whispered.
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, yes! Of course I will!”
He smiled brighter than you had ever seen him do before, then slowly inched closer to your face. His eyes were focused on your lips.
Deciding you had been oblivious enough for one day, you took the hint and closed the distance between the two of you, crashing your lips onto his. He placed a hand delicately on your cheek, then began deepening the kiss, until you both pulled away, eyelids fluttering open slowly.
He smirked. “So, where do you want to go, angel voice?”
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“You’ve got it… you’ve got it…” Ten instructed you, guiding your movements. You were both in the dance practice room, covered in sweat as you went through the routine. You were working on a partner dance for your next solo album, and you wanted it to be with Ten, but somehow it just wasn’t going as planned. You were stumbling through the steps, there was no flow so your movements were jerky, and you somehow couldn’t shake the tense expression from your face.
As the music finished, you awkwardly caught your footing and struck the most pathetic ending pose you’d ever done. Ten gave you a crooked smile out of sympathy, which somehow made you feel ten times worse.
“Ugh, this is hopeless.” you sighed, throwing your hands up in resignation as you plopped down on the floor and leaned your back up against the mirror. “I’m never going to get this routine down in time.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” he attempted to reassure you, sitting down next to you. “You’re doing everything right. Sometimes, it just takes a little while to get the right feel for it.”
“Yeah, or I’m just a horrible dancer.” you huffed. You put your head in your hands and scrunched up your hair. The shoot was in two weeks, and this routine had to be perfect. Your fans deserved nothing less.
Ten was conflicted on what he should say next. On one hand, he wanted to tell you how amazing and talented you were, but on the other hand, he knew it wasn’t going to mean anything if you didn’t believe it yourself. He decided to grab a water bottle and hand it to you with a warm smile. “How about you just take a little break? I’m sure you’ll feel better in a few minutes.”
You smiled back at him, taking the water bottle from him gratefully. Your brow furrowed as he stood up and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna go find something that’ll help.” he grinned over his shoulder before leaving the room.
You shook your head at his cryptic behavior, then collapsed back against the mirror, staring up at the ceiling in desperation. Please God, if you’re listening, please send me something to help with this dance.
“Y/N?” you heard someone ask from the doorway.
You snapped your head down to see who it was, and smiled widely at the pleasant sight before you. “Kai! What are you doing here?”
“Just checking in on my favorite junior.” he smirked, shutting the door behind him as he strolled in. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his jacket as he stopped in front of you, looking you over with a concerned expression. “What are you doing on the floor?”
“Just taking a break.” you replied, stretching slightly. “I’m too bad of a dancer not to.”
He frowned, crouching down to your level to glare at you. “Don’t say that about yourself. You’re an amazing dancer.”
“You haven’t seen me practice this routine.” you chuckled. “I’m sure you would change your mind if you did.”
“Alright then, show me.” he demanded, standing back up and taking a step back.
“Wait, like now?” you asked, slowly getting up yourself. “You don’t even know the routine…”
“I’m sure I can improvise.” he grinned, taking his jacket off and throwing it to the side, leaving him in just a cutoff tank top and sweats. “What, do you doubt my skills?”
“Absolutely not.” you chuckled. You had been secretly admiring him since before you even became a trainee, in more ways than one.
You got into position and waited for the music to start, then thrust into action as you began the routine. The first half went almost perfect, as it was just your solo part. You began to get nervous as the duet portion approached, feeling your muscles begin to tense up.
Kai approached you and placed his hands gently on your waist, a focused spark in his eyes. He somehow knew the exact partner position, and began guiding you across the floor.
“Relax, relax…” he instructed calmly, “remember to breathe.” He spun you around and placed a hand on the small of your back.
You inhaled deeply, holding the breath in your chest for a bit, then exhaled and released all the tension you didn’t realize you were holding onto. You started being able to flow through the moves better, but now you were hyper-focusing the footwork.
“Hey, don’t look at your feet. Focus on me.” he brought you back to center once again, twirling you back to face him and placing his hands on the sides of your face.
You looked up at him, locking in on his pretty brown eyes. It was as if they were telling you exactly what you needed to do, and for a moment, your body was running on autopilot, and all you thought about was being close to him.
“Show me that pretty smile, white swan.” he chuckled with a playful grin, instantly making you giggle and blush.
You actually couldn’t believe that you were going through the entire routine without any problems, and as you struck the ending pose, you were absolutely speechless. “That was…”
“Brilliant!” Ten suddenly interrupted you, causing you to jump away from Kai defensively.
“T-Ten!” you stammered nervously. “We were just-“
“It’s okay, I told him to come here.” your best friend smirked from the doorway. “I found him in the hall and he asked how you were doing.”
“You did?” you asked, a touched lilt to your voice.
“I told you, I wanted to check in on my favorite junior.” Kai explained, brushing the hair out of his face with an innocent half smile. “Ten said you were having trouble with the dance, so I had him show me the training video, and then I told him I’d help you.”
“Oh, well that’s a relief...” you sighed, glad you didn’t have to explain yourself to Ten. “So, you’re not-?”
“Jealous? Hardly.” he chortled, shaking his head. “In fact, I think you should do the dance with Kai for your music video.”
Your jaw unhinged slightly in shock. “Really?”
“Oh yeah, the chemistry is way better. You really seem to enjoy yourself when you’re dancing with him.” he teased, winking at you inadvertently.
You shot him a warning glare, then turned back to Kai. “Is that alright with you?”
“It’d be my pleasure.” he grinned, extending his hand to you. “Shall we?”
It had been a week since your latest solo comeback dropped, and all of Starlight was losing their minds over it. Albums sold out everywhere, you had already one two awards, and everywhere you went, you heard it being played on the radio.
After one of your performance stages, you were sitting in your dressing room, and decided to look over some of the comments on the music video again. You always loved seeing what your fans had to say about your work.
There were a lot about how pretty you looked, how beautiful your vocals were, and how proud of you your fans were, all of which made you giddy with appreciation. However, some were starting to stick out to you and pique your interest. Particularly, the ones about your dance with Kai.
the tension between Y/N and Kai is so thick you could cut it with a knife 👀
i don’t think i’ve ever seen our Y/N dance so well with anyone else than with Kai… i hope they do more stuff together :)
anyone else think Y/N and Kai would make the PERFECT couple??? just me???
You felt your cheeks grow red and warm at the insinuation. I mean, sure, you had been fantasizing about dating Kai for years now. But now that you knew your fans approved, it was all the more flustering.
“Knock knock.” someone interrupted your thoughts as they entered your dressing room.
You looked up, then scoffed playfully. “Kai, if you keep showing up unannounced, I’m going to have to start locking my door. I could’ve been bare faced!”
“And you’d still look just as beautiful.” he commented, smiling at you genuinely.
You pouted your lips affectionately, then stood up to hug him. “Thank you so much.”
“Me? What for?” he asked, wrapping his arms around you to reciprocate the hug.
“If it wasn’t for you, I never would’ve gotten that dance down.” you beamed into his shoulder.
A quiet chuckle rang through your ears. “You already had everything you needed to accomplish it. I just pointed you in the right direction.”
You gave him one final squeeze, then invited him to sit down on the couch with you. “So, what brings you all the way here?”
“Well, I had to admit, seeing you do the dance with that backup dancer on stage made me pretty jealous.” he replied, a more serious expression appearing on his face.
“Oh?” you inquired, folding your hands in your lap. “Is that so?”
He nodded slowly. “Indeed. I was going to let it go, but after reading some of the comments on your music video, I was inspired to do something about it.”
Your heart soared as you imagined him reading the exact comments as you had read previously. Did he feel the same butterflies when he read them over?
“And what exactly are you going to do?” you asked, feeling your nerves vibrate harder with every passing second.
“I want to ask you out.” he told you. He leaned in closer to you, to where you could see the sparkle in his eyes. “Is that alright?”
“Yes, it is.” you replied, letting a huge smile plaster itself across your face. “And yes, I’ll absolutely go out with you.”
He replicated your large grin, patting your leg affectionately. “That’s wonderful. Because I don’t want you dancing with anyone else.”
You chuckled, squeezing his hand a bit. “Well, you’re going to have to fight my members for that right.”
He thought to himself for a moment, then shook his head. “I don’t think I could take them, they’re pretty tough. I’ll settle for being the only guy you dance with.”
“Deal.” you giggled, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you again, Kai.”
“You’re welcome, white swan.” he chimed. He rose up from his seat and walked over to the door. “I’ll leave you to unwind. I’ll text you later to set up the date, okay?”
You nodded, waving goodbye to him. “Sounds good, talk to you later!”
You turnt back to your mirror, beginning to brush out your curls. However, you were startled as Kai ran back into the room quickly.
He placed a bouquet of flowers on the vanity in front of you, then kissed you on the cheek briskly. “I almost forgot, these are for you. Congratulations on such a good comeback.”
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“Excuse me, pardon me, ‘it girl’ coming through!” Nabi declared as you made your way through the busy photo shoot studio.
“Ugh, shut up Nabi!” you scowled over your shoulder at her. “I hate it when you call me that!”
“Hey, I’m not the only one.” the leader shrugged, chuckling mischievously. “Everyone calls you that nowadays.”
“Well, I’d prefer to only deal with it when I’m being interviewed.” you scoffed, setting your bag down at your vanity.
“Spoken like a true queen.” Nabi smirked, crossing her arms across her chest.
You rolled your eyes. “Why did you even come with me today?”
The younger girl shrugged. “You’ve been stressed lately. I figured I’d tag along to make sure you have a comedic buffer.”
You softened at her kind gesture, touching her arm lightly. “That’s really sweet of you.”
“They also always have huge snack buffets at these things.” she added. “I’m gonna go get a plate, okay?”
You went back to your previous mood, sighing and sitting down. “Yeah, just get me some chips.”
You watched her skitter off to the snack table, shaking your head at her. In front of the other girls, she was a strict, stern dictator. But around you, the only member older than her, she was a true child. However, she was your best friend, so you tried to find it endearing.
“Y/N?” a deep voice inquired from behind you.
You spun around in your chair and gawked at the realization of who stood in front of you. “Sehun?!”
He smiled at your surprise, holding out his arms in a dramatic gesture. “In the flesh.”
You sprung up out of your chair in an instant, practically jumping into his arms to give him a hug. He stumbled backwards a bit, laughing at your sudden affection, then caught his footing and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’ve missed you so much!” you told him, pulling away. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for the Valentine’s Day shoot.” he replied.
You knit your brows together in confusion. “Really? Because this is…” You looked around the studio, then it dawned on you. There were heart shaped decorations and pink balloons everywhere, and the studio had a romantic, dim lighting.
“Oh… they didn’t tell me this would be a couple’s shoot…” you chuckled awkwardly.
His eyebrows raised in surprise. “Really? That’s strange. Maybe they knew you’d be nervous if you were told ahead of time that you’d be doing a shoot with the Great Oh Sehun.” He flipped his hair dramatically, a cocky smirk on his face.
You scrunched your nose up, hitting him on the arm playfully. “Ugh, don’t be so smug. It doesn’t suit you.” You were actually just trying to hide the fact that he was right.
Sehun had been slowly becoming one of your best friends at the company, ever since that day he walked in on you being bullied by a bunch of female trainees and silenced all of them with his presence. He was actually competing with Yeri, Ten, and Karina for a spot on your BFF list.
However, you had always secretly hoped for more with him. He was so kind, even though he could seem cold at first, and he always made you laugh. He was so caring, despite how hard he tried not to be, and had incredible wit and humor. Plus, there was the fact that he was incredibly handsome. Like, obnoxiously so. But, as much you wanted things to go to the next level, they remained stagnant. Neither of you were the most upfront about your feelings.
“There you guys are!” the director suddenly clapped his hands behind you, pulling you away from your conversation. “I’ll let makeup and wardrobe know you’re here, and we should be able to start shooting in about an hour.”
You both nodded and thanked him, then turned back to one another.
“See you behind the camera.” Sehun proposed with a minuscule wink that was so small you wouldn’t have caught it if you hadn’t been admiring his features so closely these past few years.
You sent him one last smile, then turned back to your vanity while he strode over to his own.
Suddenly, Nabi reappeared next to you with a plate full of snacks. “What was that about?” she asked, crunching on a pretzel.
“Oh nothing, I just have to do an amorous photo shoot with my secret crush.” you grumbled, falling back against your chair with your hands bunched up in your hair. “Did you get my chips?”
Her eyes widened. “I’m sorry, I forgot.”
“Nabi! Either be helpful or leave!”
The hour of makeup and wardrobe went by way too fast for your liking. You had been trying to build up your courage to no avail. It seemed hopeless. How on Earth were you going to do a romantic couple’s shoot with your crush without it looking you were hopelessly devoted to him? Not that you weren’t, you just didn’t need the whole world knowing it. That would be mortifying, not to mention a total career killer.
You walked over to the photo setup, which featured a red velvet sofa and a table with an extravagant bouquet of flowers. You swallowed the hard lump in your throat, making one last stitch effort to calm yourself down. Settle down, Y/N. It’s just a photo shoot with your colleague. I’m sure he won’t even be-
“Is this chain on straight?” your thoughts were interrupted by the man in question. You flipped around to see him dressed in a deep v-neck black blazer with a white button-up shirt underneath, the top three buttons undone to reveal his chest, adorned with a glimmering silver chain necklace. His thick black locks were tousled and textured perfectly around his forehead, and his skin was practically glowing.
Okay nevermind, time to panic.
“Holy shit, you look hot.” you heard yourself speak, although you don’t remember making the decision to. Instant regret flooded your brain, and you immediately began apologizing. “Oh my god, I meant the chain looks hot. I’m sorry. I mean, not that you’re not hot, I just…”
“Thank you.” he cut you off, a pleased smile evident on his features. “You look hot too.”
Your heart practically jumped out of your chest. “Th-Thank you…” You were sure your face was as red as a tomato. However, you had to admit, you did look pretty hot in your tight red dress, pearls, vampy lipstick, and red strappy heels.
“Alright, we’re ready to get started!” the director declared from his chair. “Sehun, I’d like to start with you laying on the couch horizontally. Y/N, go ahead and sit on his lap facing the camera.”
You did as instructed, although uncomfortably. He sensed your tension and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“It’s okay, just relax.” he suggested, a reassuring smile directed at you.
You gave him an appreciative grin, loosening up and leaning into his form.
“Okay, now Sehun, put your chin on Y/N’s shoulder and rest your head against her neck. Y/N, just keep looking forward.”
The camera flashed a few times, with a few breaks in between to look over the shots.
“I’m really proud of you, you know.” Sehun told you while the camera crew was busy.
“What do you mean?” you asked him, laying against the back of the couch.
“You’ve come a long way from the girl I met who was letting some older trainees pick on her.” he teased. “I’ll never forget the look on your face when I appeared next to you.”
You laughed at the memory. “And I’ll never forget the looks on those girls’ faces when you told them off.”
He joined you in your laughter. “Notice how none of them are at the company anymore, and how you’re the ‘it girl’ now?”
You smiled contentedly. “Everyone seems to be calling me that these days.”
He suddenly scooped you up in his arms and pulled you down to his chest, ruffling your hair affectionately. “You’ve always been my ‘it girl’ Y/N, from day one.”
You squealed as he caged you in his arms, feigning resistance. A sudden flash went off, and you both looked up to see the camera crew staring at you blankly.
“Ah, sorry guys, that was my fault...” a feeble intern announced nervously. “I accidentally hit the wrong button.”
“Wait, let me see that shot…” the director demanded, motioning for the camera to be brought over to him. He looked it over, then turnt to you both with a baffled expression. “This is it. This is our cover photo.”
“What? No way.” you marveled, getting up and walking over to the director. Sehun followed you, catching you as you stumbled a bit in your heels. You looked at the photo, and soon you were both making the same face that the director had made a few seconds ago. “Woah… this is amazing…”
“Look at how beautiful you are…” Sehun commented, taking in the picture lovingly.
You blushed, nudging him slightly.
The director clapped his hands dramatically, snapping you both back to reality. “Alright, let’s keep this energy going! Next I want a shot of Y/N pulling Sehun in by his chain!”
A few days later, you were chilling out at the dorm with your members, having a much needed girls’ night. All of your favorite snacks were laid out on the coffee table, you were all in your pajamas, and there was a cheesy rom-com playing on the TV, even though none of you were paying attention to it. You were far too busy gossiping, squealing, and beautifying each other. It might have been stereotypical girl behavior, but it was incredibly therapeutic.
“Everyone shut up!” Nabi suddenly decreed, jumping up on the couch and holding something behind her back.
You looked up from braiding Kaori’s hair. “Oh god, what is it now?”
The younger girls all laughed, finding it hilarious that you were the only one able to talk to Nabi like that.
“Well ‘it girl,’ it just so happens that I have the most recent issue of Elle in my hands.” the leader grinned evilly, brandishing the magazine out in front of her.
The other three girls all gasped and rushed over to grab at it, except for Iseul, who just jumped up and down excitedly. Her nails were still wet from Marie painting them a few minutes ago.
“Oh my god, you look so hot!” Marie marveled, flipping through the glossy pages.
“Yeah, and this one of you pulling Sehun in by his chain is just perfect!” Iseul nodded in agreement.
“Wait, the shoot was with Sehun?” Kaori asked, her eyes going wide with innocent shock.
“Yes Kaori, we talked about it three days ago. Keep up.” Marie groaned at the maknae.
“Hey, be nice.” you warned protectively. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“Yeah right. You’ve only been in love with him for years now.” Nabi challenged you, jumping down from the couch.
“I am not in love with him.” you rolled your eyes. “Besides, he doesn’t feel that way about me.”
“The fans seem to think differently.” Nabi commented smugly, whipping out her phone. “Look what they’re saying on Elle’s post about it.”
You snatched the phone out of her hand and began to skim over the comments.
you could tell me the cover shot was totally improvised and i’d believe you… their affection looks so real <3
who knew the oldest member of Etoile and the youngest member of EXO would make such a fire couple? TOTAL goals!
The fact that they’ve been friends since Y/N was a trainee makes this so much cuter… they’re clearly in love with each other 💞
These two OWN Valentine’s Day now 😤
“Look at how big her smile is!” Kaori grinned admiringly at you.
“I know, it’s so cute!” Marie added, wrapping her arms around your maknae and twirling her around. “‘Oh Sehun, please marry me!’”
“‘Oh Y/N, I’d love to make you my wife!’” the younger girl acted out, giggling madly.
You scowled, trying not to laugh along with them. “How come you two only get along when it’s at my expense?”
You all froze as the sound of a phone ringing suddenly cut through the noise.
You looked over at the end table to see your phone lit up and vibrating. You picked it up and unhinged your jaw as you saw who it was from. “It’s Sehun. I’m gonna go take this.” You got up and rushed down the hall to your bedroom.
The three youngest members attempted to follow you, but Nabi stood protectively in front of the hallway. “Nope, no one is eavesdropping. This should be private.” Marie, Iseul, and Kaori started pouting and vocalizing their protest. That was, until Nabi gave them her signature glare. “Living room, now.” She really was a great leader when she wanted to be.
Shutting your door behind you, you answered the call. “Hello?”
“Hey Y/N, it’s me.” Sehun said from the other end. He sounded uncharacteristically anxious.
“Hey, is everything okay?” you asked in a concerned manner.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” he coughed nervously. “I just wanted to… you know….”
“Wanted to what?” you giggled, sitting down on your bed.
You heard him exhale momentarily as if mentally preparing himself for something. “If you’d like to go out with me for Valentine’s Day?”
Your breath hitched in your chest. “What?”
“Don’t make me say it again…” he sighed, clearly having trouble being this forward. “I just… we had so much fun at the shoot together… and you’re just so cool, and fun, and pretty. I’ve never really known how or when to say it, but… something about that couples’ shoot just pushed me to go for it. So will you?”
You clutched onto your chest as if it was the only thing keeping you grounded to Earth. “Yes… yes, of course I will!”
“Really?” he marveled, sounding genuinely surprised. “I can’t believe you agreed.”
“Sehun, I’ve literally been waiting for you to ask me out for years now.” you chuckled. “You’re the worst at picking up on signals.”
“Yeah, well you’re not very good at sending them.” he teased, clearly getting his confidence back.
You laughed cutely into the phone. “We’re not very good at this are we…”
“No, not at all.” he chortled, shaking his head. You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. “And just so you know… I meant it when I said that you’ve been my ‘it girl’ since day one.”
You blushed with a small smile. “I usually hate it when people call me that. But with you, it feels good.”
“Well, I’ll have to call you by that name as much as possible. Then you can be mine exclusively, and no one else’s.” he replied.
You laughed once again, feeling like a giddy school girl. “I always have been, remember?”
He laughed at your sudden cockiness, knowing that you definitely learned it from him. “I’ll see you on Valentine’s Day?”
You nodded, feeling your lips curl up into a grin. “I’ll see you then.”
“Goodnight, my ‘it girl.’”
“Goodnight Sehun.” you giggled, hanging up the phone. You then threw it across the room and flopped back onto your bed, rolling around and kicking your feet in ecstasy.
“Y/N! What happened?” Marie suddenly burst through your door, followed by the other girls. You assumed Nabi held them off as long as she could, but eventually lost strength. There were three of them after all.
You sat up, brushing your hair out of your face. “Guess who’s going out with Sehun on Valentine’s Day!”
The four girls all screamed and jumped on your bed, showering you with praise and congratulations. You laughed as you captured them all in a group hug. It was then that you realized you didn’t need to be the ‘it girl’ to be happy, you just needed moments like these. And with Sehun, they seemed to just keep coming.
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edenesth · 5 months
Scarlet Requiem
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Pairing: emperor!Baekhyun x empress!reader
AU: historical au (Goryeo era)
Word Count: 4k
Summary: In his reign, Baekhyun strived to be a virtuous emperor, all for the sake of his kind-hearted empress, steadfastly resisting the temptations of power that had corrupted those before him. He held onto the belief that this was the key to securing her eternal presence by his side. Yet, he learned, to his heartbreak, that this very resolve would lead to the cruellest loss of all.
Genre: heavy angst
Trigger Warnings: major character death, violence, gore, lots of blood
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"Capture that demon before she flees!"
Her hands trembled as she gazed at her reflection in the ornate gold mirror. Once healthy skin now bore a sickly pallor, brown eyes turned crimson, tears staining her cheeks red. Even her jet-black hair had transformed to snowy white. Confusion and fear gripped her as she struggled to comprehend the inexplicable transformation.
As guards roughly seized her arms, she pleaded, "No, please! I've done nothing wrong! I don't understand any of this!"
"Of course, you'd deny it, Your Imperial Majesty," sneered the Minister of Rites, one of many who had urged her husband, the emperor, to accept their daughters as concubines. "Little did you know, those potions you received from the royal healer for the past month were meant to reveal your true nature by shedding your human guise."
Horror pierced her heart as realisation dawned. The tonics meant to maintain her health had been a ruse. She had been poisoned, it explained the sudden and alarming changes in her body and health.
"You," she whispered, the weight of the truth settling heavily upon her. "It was all you."
She was not naive; she understood the ministers' discontent with her influence over Baekhyun throughout his reign. Their persistent attempts to sway him, offering their daughters as concubines to bolster their own power and threaten her position, had not escaped her notice. Their frustration must have reached its zenith when her husband adamantly refused their advances, steadfast in his commitment to her as his one and only empress.
"Hm? I'm not sure I understand what you're implying," the man smirked, his deceptive tone belying his words. "We've long suspected there was more to you, Your Imperial Majesty. It appears you're indeed a demon, effortlessly manipulating the emperor. Surely a man of his stature would desire more than one woman by his side?"
Struggling against the guards' grasp, she retorted weakly, "You vile cowards. You'll rue the day my husband learns of this..."
The pieces of the puzzle fell into place, revealing their sinister plot. They had bided their time, seizing the perfect opportunity amidst the chaos of war. With Baekhyun, the virtuous emperor she had wished him to be, leading the army, they saw their chance to poison her, framing her as a demon to eradicate her while he was away.
"Or perhaps we'll witness the rise of the ambitious emperor we've long awaited. He will finally be able to reach his full potential without you here obstructing his path," he sneered, gesturing towards the approaching healer with another bowl of poison. "Just comply and drink your tonic, Your Imperial Majesty. Your suffering will soon end, and our nation will thrive under the rule of a new emperor, liberated from your naive ideals."
As the sinister men tightened their grip, she sobbed in agony, the relentless headache from the past month resurfacing with a vengeance. Each touch felt like a dagger through her skull, each word a cruel reminder of her plight.
With an apologetic bow of his head, the healer cupped her jaw, his hands trembling as he forced the bowl of poison towards her lips. "Forgive me, Your Imperial Majesty," he whispered, his voice trembling with remorse. "This will be the last one, I promise."
She gagged as the bitter liquid slid down her throat, burning with each swallow. Crimson tears streamed down her white face as she choked on the vile concoction, feeling her strength wane with each passing moment. In that desperate moment, all she could do was pray for salvation from the nightmare consuming her.
As the healer finally released his hold, she felt despair engulf her. The bitter poison settled within her damaged insides, coursing through her veins like a silent killer, slowly consuming her from within.
"It is done, my lord. The empress will not survive through the night," the healer declared, his voice carrying a finality that chilled her to the bone.
The minister's grin widened with satisfaction. "Excellent. Arrange for someone to confirm her death by dawn. Let her enjoy her final moments in the comforts of her own chambers. His Imperial Majesty will surely be grateful we've rid him of his treacherous demon of a wife upon his return from war."
Laying limply in the centre of her grand chambers, the very space she had once despised before ascending to empress, memories flooded her mind. She recalled the scepticism that clouded her heart when she first found herself falling for the crown prince of the nation. After all, history had taught her that no happy endings awaited the women who loved emperors. But Baekhyun was different—he was loving, caring, and considerate, going to great lengths to prove his devotion to her.
He swore never to take concubines, to resist the allure of power, and to remain hers, and hers alone. Despite the admiration of the entire nation, he remained committed to prioritising her above all else, even if it meant drawing the ire of his ministers and officials. Their accusations of his partiality towards his empress over his nation only served to strengthen his resolve, his unwavering loyalty to her.
But now, as she lay weakened by poison, she realised the tragic irony of his goodness. It was his very commitment to righteousness that led him to the battlefield, refusing to let his men fight in his stead. And it was this decision that ultimately sealed their fate, leaving her to face the consequences of his noble intentions.
As the darkness closed in around her, she couldn't help but wonder how Baekhyun would react upon returning to find her lifeless form in this state. Would he succumb to the poisonous words of his ministers, believing their accusations that she had been a demon all along? Would he entertain the notion that she had bewitched him, clouding his judgement and leading him astray?
Or would he remain firm in his loyalty, unwavering in his belief that this was nothing more than a cruel ploy to rid him of her for good? In the depths of her fading consciousness, she desperately clung to the hope that he would see through the lies, that his love for her would prevail over doubt.
On the brink of death, she yearned to trust in his endless devotion to her, to believe that he would never doubt the love they shared. It was a fragile hope, but in that moment, it was all she had to cling to as she slipped further into the darkness, awaiting the inevitable arrival of dawn and the fate it would eventually bring.
"Forgive me for not being strong enough, Baek," she whispered into the stillness of the chamber, her voice barely a breath against the heavy silence. "Please don't blame yourself for any of this."
As the darkness threatened to swallow her entirely, she couldn't help but reflect on the warnings of history, the cautionary tales of women who loved emperors, only to meet tragic ends. Once again, it seemed, she had fallen victim to the same fate.
Her vision blurred with crimson tears as memories flooded her mind—moments shared with Baekhyun before he departed for battle, blissfully unaware that they would be their last. Each memory stung with bittersweet intensity, a painful reminder of what could have been, had fate been kinder.
As her life ebbed away, flashes of cherished moments with him flickered through her mind like scattered stars in the night sky.
Wrapped in the warmth of silk sheets, doubts clouded her mind one morning, questioning her husband's resolve to remain faithful amidst the pressures of his position.
"Would you truly refuse to take any concubines, Baek?" she inquired, her voice laced with uncertainty. "You're aware that the ministers and officials desire it, and perhaps even the citizens of our nation. For all we know, the people might have grown weary of this same dull empress who has yet to bear you an heir."
He drew her close, pulling the silk sheets higher to shield her bare form from the chill seeping through the open windows. Pressing a tender kiss upon her head, he smiled reassuringly. "Never, my love. I do not care for their political machinations. I won't forsake my vow to you. You will remain my only wife, that is final. I did not ask to be emperor, the role was thrust upon me. Now that I am here, they should at least be grateful I am fulfilling my general duties."
She chuckled, nestling into the crook of his neck as he added, "Besides, if the ministers and officials are so displeased, they could just dismiss me. That would be even better; we could live in a quiet little village, just as we've always dreamed."
In another memory, standing before her reflection, plagued by insecurities instilled by the scheming ministers, his unwavering admiration melted her fears away.
"You look beautiful, my empress. You always do," he reassured, approaching from behind to envelop her in his arms.
"Not as beautiful as those young maidens, I fear. I am old," she confessed, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness after witnessing the ministers' attempts to seduce the emperor with their daughters.
Baekhyun gently turned her to face him. "If you're old, then I must be ancient," he teased. "I believe it's only fitting that I am with someone my age, and that's you, my empress. I have no interest in marrying children or anyone else for that matter; I am a taken man. Don't you dare compare yourself to anyone else again, you hear me? You're the most beautiful woman in my eyes, and that's all that matters."
In the final embrace before he departed for war, hearts heavy with the uncertainty of his return, they clung to each other.
"I will be back before you know it, my love. You'll wait for me, won't you?" her husband murmured against her neck, his arms tightening around her.
"Where else would I go, you idiot? Of course, I'll be waiting right here," she retorted, tightening her hold around his shoulders.
Amidst tears and laughter, he leaned in to kiss her deeply, pressing his lips against her soft ones over and over again to imprint the sensation into memory.
"I love you, my empress," Baekhyun whispered against her lips before pulling away, his eyes full of love and determination.
In the quiet of her chamber, she found solace in the fleeting recollections, clinging to them as the darkness threatened to consume her entirely. And as the crimson tears clouded her eyes once more, she resigned herself to the inevitable, silently bidding farewell to the life she once knew.
"I love you too, my emperor."
"I will not ask again, where is she?!" the emperor's voice thundered through the throne room as he stormed back into the palace, abandoning the battle upon learning the shocking revelation. According to the Minister of Rites in his letter, the empress had been discovered to be a demon all along, concealing her true nature under human skin to manipulate him and bend him to her will.
The eunuch panicked and fell to his knees. "Th-the empress is confined to her grand chambers, Your Imperial Majesty!"
Without uttering another word, Baekhyun stormed over immediately, his heart thumping loudly against his chest as fury overtook his being. Betrayal flooded his veins; he was seething with anger.
"You will regret lying to me," he growled under his breath, his vision zeroing in on the path towards her chambers, the place he frequented more than his own. "You will regret deceiving me."
Upon reaching the entrance of her chambers, he turned to the eunuch. "Gather all the ministers and officials who played a part in discovering the empress as what they claimed her to be in the throne room. I wish to speak with them soon."
"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," the eunuch hurriedly replied before darting off to carry out his orders. Baekhyun steadied his breaths, his hand resting on the door as he prepared to face her once more. Under his breath, he vowed, "I swear, you will all regret it. How dare you accuse my wife of being what you are—demons."
I'm here now, my love.
Stepping into the familiar room, the emperor's heart raced with anxiety as he mulled over a perfect apology. He needed to express his deep remorse for not being there when she needed him the most, for failing to shield her from the treachery of those vultures. Reflecting on his actions, he realised he should have never left her behind. In his rush to leave for war, he had neglected to arrange proper protection for her. In hindsight, he understood that he should have never left her side in the first place.
Determined to make amends, he vowed to do better. He resolved to never again allow those ministers or officials the opportunity to torment her in his absence again. From now on, he would be her shield, her staunch protector, and her unending support.
But it might be too late for any of that.
His steps faltered, his breath caught in his chest, and his heart skipped a beat as he beheld the sight before his eyes. The sword in his hands slipped, clanging loudly as it hit the ground, and he sank to his knees in disbelief at the last thing he expected to see.
His shock deepened as he took in his wife's unrecognisable appearance. Crawling towards her limp form on the ground, he pulled her into his arms, his voice trembling with anguish. The horror settled within him like a heavy weight as he tried to imagine what atrocities these monsters had dared inflict upon her while he was gone. His mind raced with images of torture and torment, each one more gruesome than the last.
"Oh god, what have they done to you?" he whispered, his heart fracturing into a million shards as he struggled to comprehend her pale skin, her white hair, and the blood-like tears staining her cheeks. With shaking hands, he gently cupped her cold cheek, his fingers tracing the contours of her face as if seeking reassurance that she was still there, still his beloved wife.
"Please wake up, my love. This isn't funny, stop scaring me," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "You promised to wait for me. You promised..." His words trailed off into a broken sob as he refused to accept anything but the truth, shaking his head in denial even as he searched desperately for a pulse, even when she remained unresponsive.
"No, no, no... this can't be real. It can't be," he murmured, his mind reeling with the unimaginable horror of what he had found.
Despair and regret enveloped him as he sobbed painfully, holding her lifeless body tightly against his chest. The realisation that she was truly gone, that her final moments were spent alone in the very room she despised just to be with him, weighed heavily on his heart. He grappled with the bitter truth that he had failed her, just as she had feared when she hesitated to be with him.
Gradually, his sorrow gave way to seething rage as he recalled the faces of the ministers and officials responsible for this atrocity. They had callously taken her life, foolishly believing he would be deceived by their feeble attempt to frame her. With trembling hands, he picked up a shard of the shattered bowl nearby and brought it to his nose, recognising the metallic scent of mercury.
Suddenly, everything clicked into place.
They had poisoned her with lethal doses of mercury, causing a myriad of symptoms—tremors, headaches, muscle weakness, kidney damage, and breathing difficulties. And the deliberate administration of such high doses to turn her hair white revealed their sinister intent from the outset.
Just how much had they fed her? It was evident they had intended to kill her from the start. Anguish and fury surged within him as he vowed to make them pay.
Gently caressing her cold cheek, he leaned in to kiss her unmoving lips, his own trembling against hers. He blamed himself for everything that had transpired. Perhaps if she hadn't been with him, she would have lived a better life—a normal life with a normal man. She wouldn't have to endure such a painful and cruel death.
It was all because of him.
Regret hung heavy in his heart, but dwelling on what could have been served no purpose.
"I'm so sorry, my wife," he whispered, his voice thick with grief. "Just hold on a bit longer, alright? I'll join you soon, but first, I'll make those bastards pay. Wait for me—I won't let you face this alone. Not again."
With resolve hardening in his heart, he retrieved his sword and sheathed it once more before lifting her lifeless form into his arms. Like a man burdened by death itself, he trudged towards the throne room where justice awaited. Kicking the doors open with a forceful thrust of his leg, he was met with a sea of horrified expressions from the ministers and officials. Clearly, they hadn't anticipated the emperor's dramatic entrance, cradling his beloved empress in his arms.
Ignoring their shocked gazes, he strode past them, his eyes fixed on the throne at the far end of the room. With careful tenderness, he laid his wife down upon the ornate seat, arranging her robes and ensuring her comfort as though she were merely sleeping. Pressing a solemn kiss upon her cold forehead, he turned to face the assembled council, their unease palpable in the air.
The guilty culprits remained frozen in their places, uncertain of what awaited them.
As the emperor's gaze swept over them, the ministers and officials for the first time felt a cold shiver of fear trickle down their spines. His expression was unreadable, his appearance wild and dishevelled compared to his usual polished demeanour. Specks of blood and dirt stained his robes and skin, his hair a tangled mess, half tied up in a disarray that mirrored the chaos within him.
Gone was the warm smile that often graced his features; instead, a slow, unsettling grin crept across his face.
"My dearest ministers and officials," he began, his voice low and laced with an eerie calmness. "Your message has been received loud and clear. I hope you're satisfied now that you've succeeded in eradicating the empress, as you so desperately desired. I've given it some thought, and perhaps... you were all right."
The Minister of Rites, attempting to feign nonchalance, cleared his throat. "A-about what, Your Imperial Majesty?" he stammered.
Baekhyun's eyes gleamed with a frightening intensity as he smirked, his demeanour bordering on madness. "About what this nation truly needs," he replied, his voice carrying a chilling edge.
"Not a good emperor, but a mad one."
Without giving the men before him time to register his words, all Baekhyun saw was red. In a split second, he unsheathed his sword and transformed into a bloodthirsty animal, cutting down anyone and everyone in his path. The Minister of Rites tried to flee but to no avail. He watched in complete horror as his colleagues dropped dead one by one, their blood splattering over the grand walls of the throne room, their screams echoing.
The emperor went on a rampage, leaving no man behind. The Minister of Rites, who had been behind the idea of poisoning the empress, smearing her name by labelling her a demon, and executing her, was now filled with regret. They had turned him into the mad king his empress had feared. Perhaps they had finally achieved their goal, but it wasn't what they were prepared for.
The minister collapsed to his knees before the emperor, realising that His Imperial Majesty had saved him for last. Trembling, he rubbed his hands together in a desperate plea. "P-please, everything I've done, it's for the betterment of our nation."
Baekhyun's humourless laughter echoed through the hall, sending shivers down the minister's spine. "You truly believe that, don't you? Of course, that includes subjecting my wife to all that torment. Yes, because that is exactly what the nation needs. Unfortunately for you, I am the emperor, and I determine what's best for the nation. And in this case, I think it's better off without traitors like you. See you on the other side," were the last words the minister heard before his head was severed from his neck, rolling off to join the others on the floor.
The emperor finally turned back, his eyes softening as they landed on his beloved's lifeless body. Making his way back towards her, he knelt down beside her, tears streaming down his face as he reached for her hand. Holding it to his cheek, he missed the warmth it once had.
"I'm coming now, my love," he whispered brokenly. "I'm sorry you had to wait for so long. I'll be there with you soon."
"Yes, I understand His Imperial Majesty's orders not to enter, but it's been hours. Surely, any assembly would have concluded by now, wouldn't it?" With apprehension and curiosity, a senior court lady pushed open the doors to the once-bustling throne room, expecting to find His Imperial Majesty and his council of ministers. Instead, she was met with a horrifying sight—a scene of bloodshed and chaos spread across the grand hall.
Her piercing scream echoed through the silent room, jolting nearby palace staff into action. Rushing to the scene, they were met with a scene that chilled them to the bone. At the end of the room, amidst a sea of lifeless bodies, lay the empress on the throne, her appearance shocking all who beheld it. Beside her, her husband remained, his head cradled on her chest, their hands tightly clasped together. A gaping stab wound marred his chest—it seemed he had taken his own life before joining her in death.
Following that, the next prince in line promptly ascended the throne and found himself compelled to appoint an entirely new cabinet of ministers and officials. The entire nation descended into chaos, particularly since it was still embroiled in a war, with endless theories circulating about the events. While some speculated that the emperor succumbed to madness and killed his own council, others whispered of a conspiracy, suggesting that the ministers had orchestrated the demise of both the empress and the emperor.
Amidst this uncertainty, the new prince faced the daunting challenge of restoring order to the kingdom. With a heavy heart, he pledged to uncover the truth behind the tragic occurrences and ensure that justice was served to those responsible.
In the end, the truth of what truly occurred remained shrouded in mystery. All those involved had departed from the realm of the living. As centuries passed, that chapter in history became known as the Scarlet Requiem, a haunting tale that lingered in the collective memory of the kingdom. Despite countless efforts to unravel the enigma, the events surrounding the tragedy remained obscured by the sands of time, leaving future generations to ponder and speculate about the dark secrets of the past.
"What do you think really happened?" a woman asked her boyfriend as they studied a painting depicting the throne room scene in a museum dedicated to the events of the Scarlet Requiem.
He pondered for a moment before responding with a shrug. "It's hard to say. But judging by the way he's holding onto her, it seems he must have truly loved her. Let's hope they've found peace and happiness, whether in the afterlife or their next life."
She nodded in agreement, leaning into his comforting embrace. "Yeah, I hope so too."
He flashed a mischievous grin. "I'm just saying, if I were him, I wouldn't have left her for war in the first place."
She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful smack, though a smile danced on her lips. "I'm sure you wouldn't. I bet it's because the empress was described as beautiful as a celestial being."
He scoffed. "Doesn't matter to me how pretty she was. I'll stay only if you're my empress."
Unbeknownst to them, the couple had been contemplating their own past lives. Perhaps the emperor and empress had indeed found each other again in another existence.
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Believe it or not, this has been on my mind for months ever since seeing those AI-generated photos of Baekhyun. I had an epiphany while looking at them again yesterday and just had to write this. It's my first EXO fic, and I hope it's decent hehe~
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Master Tag list:
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @green-agent @vantediary @tinyteezer |
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lunaflowers · 11 months
wedding night
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pairing: byun baekhyun x virgin!reader word count: 2.3k genre: smut, fluff warnings: missionary sex, piv, cunnilingus, fingering synopsis: (requested) you're a nervous virgin on your wedding night. your husband, baekhyun, tries to make your first time as special as possible.
a/n: i'm not sure if this is good because the whole shy virgin thing isn't really my jam but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless, anon! 💖
☆*: .。. o💘o .。.:*☆
To say that you were nervous was an understatement. It was the night of your wedding and you were finally, finally going to lose your virginity to your new husband, Byun Baekhyun. 
You’d known since you were young that you were going to wait until you got married. You weren’t particularly religious, but you were exceedingly, perhaps even foolishly, romantic, and you thought the idea of saving yourself for your eventual husband once you were legally and spiritually bound to him was a beautiful gesture of love and commitment.
Unfortunately, this made your dating life significantly more difficult. Men would cut and run as soon as you would reveal that you had no intention of having sex with them in the near future. They’d accuse you of being frigid or a tease. More than one had accused you of being a lesbian.
When you’d met Baekhyun and he’d asked you on a date almost two years ago now, you’d expected the same treatment from him but you were pleasantly surprised. When you’d told Baekhyun about your choice, he was curious instead of annoyed or judgemental and he asked you questions about why you felt the way you did. It was so refreshing, finally, a man who didn’t treat you like a freak, who accepted your decision as a valid one.
It was strange to think now how at that time you had no idea that you’d met the man you were going to lose it to. Being with him now, in your wedding dress while he stood in front of you in your shared hotel room, all you could feel was your heart pounding.
“Are you okay?” Baekhyun asked, his warm eyes meeting yours.
“I am,” you replied, “Just a little nervous.”
“Don’t be. You’re beautiful,” Baekhyun said, taking you in his arms and kissing you deeply. The two of you had kissed plenty of times before, obviously, but this one felt different. The slight hesitancy he’d had before was gone. You felt something more animalistic in him this time, not having to toe an imaginary line in the sand anymore. He reached around the back of your dress, finding your zipper and unzipping it slowly, letting your strapless gown fall to the floor.
He leaned back to look at your body. You were now in front of him in nothing but the white bridal lingerie you’d bought for this occasion. You’d picked out the lacy set with your best friend, wondering if it was a bit cheesy, if Baekhyun would even find it sexy. The way he looked at you with eyes that wanted to devour you assured you that you’d made the right decision. He kissed you again, lifting you up bridal style and taking you over to the bed, placing you on it gently.
You looked at him as he untied his bowtie and began to unbutton his shirt and take it off. You could feel the heat between your legs already. As nervous as you were, you couldn’t help but be distracted by the fact that your husband was incredibly fucking hot.
Baekhyun got on top of you, kissing you again. “Do you know how hard it’s been these past couple years? Not being able to tear your fucking clothes off? Not being able to touch you like this?” He moved down, kissing your throat and between your breasts, just nuzzling his face there and breathing for a moment. “But I just fell so hard for you. I knew you were worth it.”
You giggled as rested his face on your chest. It felt so comforting but erotic at the same time. “Thank you for waiting,” you said, a little shyly. You hadn’t done this before, you didn’t know the things to say, the sexy things, the naughty things, the dirty words you’re sure the women Baekhyun had been with before you had no trouble finding, no shame in saying.
“Thank you for choosing me,” Baekhyun replied, and you couldn’t help but grin. “Can I take this off?” He asked, gesturing at your bra.
You nodded, thinking that it was sweet of him to ask. You turned over to the side so he could unclasp it. When you laid back down, you instinctively covered your breasts. It felt so odd to be exposed like this. Baekhyun had seen you in bathing suits before, but he’d never seen you topless.
“Don’t hide yourself from me baby,” he said, gently removing your hands from your chest. “I’m your husband now.” He looked at you like he’d just unwrapped the most delicious treat. “I want to love every single part of you.” He dipped his head down and took one of your pert nipples in his mouth, making you moan. The sensation was new and odd but pleasurable nonetheless. As he did that, his hand worked itself down reaching into your panties, finding the wetness between your legs.
“All this for me? Aren’t you generous?” He said, letting go of your nipple and pulling his fingers out of your panties, showing you two glistening digits.
You felt a little embarrassed even though you knew it wasn’t Baekhyun’s intent to shame you. “Well, I’ve been waiting for almost two years. It’s been hard for me too.”
Baekhyun moved to pull your panties down and you let him. He slid them down your legs and off of you, taking in your body the whole time.
“I wanna kiss you here,” he said, spreading your legs apart and running a finger down your slit. “Are you okay with that?”
You nodded, a little embarrassed again, and he dove between your legs with his mouth. He teased your entrance with his tongue, keeping his movements slow and gentle, not wanting to overwhelm you. "How are you feeling?" he asked between kisses, his voice little more than a whisper. "Does this feel good?"
“It does… It tickles a little but in a good way,” you replied.
Baekhyun chuckled softly against your skin, his breath fanning over your sensitive flesh. "I'm glad, baby," he whispered, kissing and licking your cunt, his hands resting lightly on your hips to keep them in place. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he prepared himself before slowly pushing one finger inside you, exploring your depths with gentle strokes. He wanted this to be as comfortable and as painless as possible for you and he knew he needed to open you up a little. 
You moaned softly as he felt you tighten around him, your body responding to his touch. "You taste so good," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "I can't wait to feel you around my cock."
You whimpered, “You’re so good at this, Baek.”
Hearing your compliment, Baekhyun's heart swelled with pride and desire. He continued to lap at your folds, his tongue dancing against your sensitive flesh while his finger was still inside you. "I’m a little out of practice," he replied with a soft laugh. "And I'm not done yet." 
Slowly, he added another finger and began to thrust them in and out of you at a gentle pace, matching his movements with his tongue. He groaned as he felt you start to tighten around him again. "You feel so good. You’re responding to me so well," he whispered against your skin, his breath hot as he continued to pleasure you. "I can't believe how lucky I am to be here with you."
You smiled, biting your lip. “I’m the lucky one,” you said, in between moans. Your hips were bucking gently now and Baekhyun knew he was hitting the right spots.
His eyes closed as he tasted your sweet arousal, his body shuddering with pleasure. "Fuck," he groaned. He was hard and his hips jerked forward on the mattress reflexively. He would cum his pants if he wasn’t careful. "You taste amazing." He said, kissing your clit once more before pulling his fingers out of you and kissing his way up your stomach, his tongue tracing the lines of your ribs. "You're so perfect," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "I can't wait to make love to you."
“I want it, Baekhyun. I want you inside me, please,” you said, breathlessly. You felt like your desire was overwhelming you and you couldn’t wait any longer for him to be inside you.
"As you wish, my love," your husband replied, his voice soothing. He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, positioning himself between your legs, his hard length rubbing against your entrance. As much as you wanted this, wanted him, you felt yourself stiffen in nervous anticipation.
Baekhyun, noticing this, leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips, his hand stroking your cheek. "Relax, okay?" he whispered, "And let me take care of you. I love you.”
You breathed deep and nodded for him to continue.  Slowly, he pressed the head of his cock against your entrance, waiting there a moment before he pushed inside, inch by slow inch. He groaned as he felt you stretch around him. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle and concerned. "Tell me if it hurts."
“It does hurt a little,” you admitted, trying to relax your body more. “But it’s not bad.”
Baekhyun paused, his eyes searching yours for signs of discomfort. "I'm sorry, baby," he said, his voice full of regret. "We don't have to do this if it hurts too much." He pulled back slightly, giving you a moment to adjust. 
“No, I don’t want you to stop, please. It feels good too… Please…” you whined. 
Baekhyun pressed forward again, this time going even slower until he was all the way inside you. He kissed your neck and nibbled lightly on your earlobe, murmuring soothing words to distract you from the sting. "You're doing so well," he praised you, "I'm so proud of you."
You whimpered a little and although he felt bad that he was hurting you, he also knew how much you wanted this. He could feel it in the way your body responded to him. And honestly, he wanted you just as bad. He felt you relaxing slowly and he smiled, rewarding you with more kisses on your face, making you laugh.
He groaned as he felt your walls clenching on his cock. "That's it, baby," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "You're so tight and wet for me." He began to move slowly, his hips rocking back and forth in a rhythmic motion. 
He kissed your neck and shoulders, trailing soft kisses on your body. "Tell me if I'm hurting you," he murmured, "And I'll stop." But truthfully, he knew you wouldn't ask him to stop. He could feel the way you were arching into his touch, the way your nails dug into his skin. He smiled against your body, feeling the familiar rush of desire course through his veins. "You're mine," he whispered into your ear, "Completely and utterly mine. Only mine."
“Only yours,” you murmured back, breathlessly.
Hearing your words, Baekhyun felt an odd surge of possessive satisfaction course through him. He liked the idea that he was the one and only man you were ever going to have. And that you were the only woman he’d ever have again. "You belong to me now," he said, his voice becoming rough with desire. "Say it again." 
“I’m only yours, Baekhyunnie,” you repeated. 
Baekhyun felt his cock twitch inside you at your words. He gritted his teeth, determined to make this last as long as possible. Not having sex in almost two years had definitely affected his ability to last.  "Fuck," he groaned, "You feel so good."
He reached down and began to play with your clit, earning another drawn out moan from your pretty mouth. He continued working you with his fingers, finding the right rhythm for your body and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your climax. 
“I think I’m gonna…” you breathed, not wanting to finish the sentence.
"Cum for me then, baby," he whispered, more than a little relieved, because he, too, was close and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold it off. "Show me how much you love me." He increased his pace now, feeling it was safe to do so, thrusting deeper and harder into your tight cunt.
“Baekhyun,” you mewled, feeling your orgasm rush over you. You’d had orgasms before, you weren’t that innocent, but this one was different. You felt this one in your entire body, to the tips of your toes, making them curl.
"That's it. Let go." His hips slammed into yours, driving him deeper still as he felt you tense and shudder around him. He felt you climax, your body writhing beneath him. "You're so sexy,” he said, continuing his pace. “Fuck," he groaned suddenly, "I'm cumming too." He pulled out of you, quickly, his cock erupting in a hot, thick stream across your stomach. "I'm sorry," he said. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to cum inside you and I was too far gone and I panicked and pulled out. I’ll get something to clean you up.” He made a move to get up.
“It’s okay,” you said, pulling your husband close. You’d forgotten to tell him you were on the pill now, but it didn’t matter. “Stay with me.”
Baekhyun did as he was told, laying down beside you and wrapping his arms around you. “How do you feel?”
“Tired,” you said, honestly. It had been such a long day. “But happy.”
“I’m glad. Did you… enjoy that?” Baekhyun asked, a little awkwardly.
“It was perfect. It was the best I could’ve asked for.”
“Good,” Baekhyun said, kissing you on the lips. “Now try to get some sleep. It’s the beginning of our life together, my darling wife.”
☆*: .。. o💘o .。.:*☆
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kjdkive · 11 months
reading fanfics sometimes fuck me up because i do want to experience too innocent love, disgusting rough sex and having a family with the love of my life. instead, i just read about it and wait for the day, even though i don't think the day will come.
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jongbross · 1 year
don't even think about other things (kim jongin x f!reader)
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pairing: kim jongin x f!reader word count: 821 genre: smut warnings: mature content, p in v, riding, cursing, dirty talk?, jongin being the best boyfriend in the world a/n: wrote this some while ago. hope you all like it <3
“i got you”, jongin whispered in your ear, licking his lips before kissing your neck and sucking on your skin. you moaned at his actions.
goddamn right he did. his promise to make you oblivion to all the shit that was going on in your life? he kept it. he told you he would make you feel good, cry and shake inside his arms while fucking you so good you would even forget your own name - and he did, all of it. his arms were holding you close, pushing you down to his lap as your legs straddled him. even though you were on top of him, he still had the upper hand; jongin was still the one dictading all of your moves.
his main goal was to make you forget everything you complained about earlier. your job was overwhelming you? your boss was being an asshole? your family asked way more than what you could do for them? don’t worry, he got you. he said he would, so he did.
jongin bit your shoulder while squeezing your ass in both hands, heavenly breathing when you moaned at his touch. he looked at you, lustful eyes burning your skin as his gaze went all around your face, collarbones, chest and breasts. damn, you were so beautiful.
“i love you”, he said without even thinking, lips making their way down the valley of your breasts, sucking everything they came in touch with.
you whined, both hands holding the back of jongin’s neck and scratching his skin, making him moan against your skin. 
he couldn’t wait anymore. one of his hands let go of you, stroking his length as his grip on your waist got stronger, a silent cue for you to align your entrance. and so you did it, slowly pushing your hips down, sinking on him and taking in the sight of jongin moaning, head threw back, veins on his throat popped up.
you closed your eyes, letting go of everything and relaxing your entire body. every single muscle gave in, flat as the sensation of being filled up by jongin became too much to you. he felt you shaking, and instantly wrapped both of his arms around you again, pulling you closer to his chest.
jongin’s movements started so lightly, so careful. he bucked his hips up over and over, thrusting into you with such a teasing pace - and you didn’t need no teasing.
“baby, please…”, you whined. you pressed your body harder against his own, burying your face into his neck. “harder.”
he groaned at your words, hands now caressing your waist before grabbing it, fingers sinking on your skin. jongin started to thrust deeper, harder, faster. every time he got out and into you again you made a new sound, breathing hot against his skin, nails holding his shoulders for dear life.
your mind went blank. there was not a single problem in this world that could distract you from that moment, not a single person could make you not focus on jongin. you made a mental note to thank him later - for being so good at fucking you, so good at taking care of you; for cheerishing you, putting your well being on top of his own. for being the best partner you could ever ask for.
“look at me”, he whispered to you.
the moment you did, jongin sighed at the sight of you. he didn’t waste a single moment, locking his lips to yours and moaning against them. his movements somehow increased, fingers starting to stick to your sweaty skin. he let you take control over the kiss, deciding whether you wanted slow or fast, hard or soft.
you only broke to kiss to loudly moan jongin’s name, throwing your head back as you felt him hit your sweet spot. jongin looked at you, eyes piercing through your soul. he slid one of his hands to between your bodies, fingers quickly finding your clit and starting to make their magic upon you.
“baby…”, you managed to say.
“shhh, i got you”, he repeated. “cum for me.”
his words gave you the cue, as you came hard and loudly, whining his name over and over again, feeling the best sensation in the world washing over you. in any other moment, any other day, you would do your best to make him cum too, to feel him either inside you or all over your stomach; but tonight, you were feeling selfish enough to only care about your own pleasure.
jongin didn’t mind though. he smiled while watching you cum, movements becoming sloppier to match the way your body relaxed against him. when you sighed, laying on top of him and slightly chuckling, his smile got wider.
“you okay?”, jongin asked, after a few moments.
“i love you”, was all you could manage to reply. “i love you so much.”
you heard jongin giggling. he loved you too.
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marshmallow-phd · 6 months
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won't let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
Lightning lit up the thin curtains covering the two small windows on either side of the carriage. Thunder rumbled and you felt it deep within your chest. Tugging your silk cloak closer, you closed your eyes and prayed that the driver would get you through the storm. There was no one to comfort you, to reassure you that a little rain and noisy sky wouldn't delay your journey.
Your father had insisted you take your sister or even a friend, but the two day’s journey didn’t  seem consequential enough to need a companion. Besides, what would they have done once you arrived? Your elderly aunt had only asked for you. From what you could decipher from her letter, she needed you to be a companion as she traveled to the southernmost coastal town. Apparently, it was now the ultimate fashion to travel to for the summer. Just the idea of rolling waves made your stomach churn. But what was worse was who else would be there–
The carriage jolted to the right. You spread out your arms, only barely catching yourself from falling to the floor. No sane person would have endured such dangerous weather. This storm had come from nowhere. Skies blue and cloudless as you had ever seen bid you farewell in the late morning. Most of the day's journey had been uneventful. Then the joyful light faded. Thunder shook the walls of the carriage. Rain pounded on the roof. When would you reach the inn? Bile rose up in your throat, burning the sensitive tissue as the carriage continued to rock violently. The horses neighed over the sounds of the storm. 
The carriage shifted hard to the left. And kept falling. You slammed into the door, nearly opening it with the force. You didn't know what was happening. The floor was now the wall and the wall the floor. A downward momentum made it impossible to stand. Screams ripped at your throat.
Then it stopped. 
The rain continued to pour and the thunder roared on but the carriage was still. Your legs wobbled as you slowly stood. With your palms, you pushed open the door. The thin wooden panel clapped against the outside of the carriage. Immediately you were pounded by the storm. Large drops pelted your face, obscuring your vision. It was dark. You could tell that much. And there were trees. In every direction. 
You climbed out of the carriage, calling for the driver. Your feet slipped in the mud, but you managed to keep your balance–for now. The mud was thick and sticky as you trudged to the front of the carriage.
 No. No, no, no. Both of the horses were gone. And so was the driver. Somehow, the carriage had fallen down a hill or ravine. With a storm this terrible, you needed to get to higher ground or risk possibly being carried away–or drowning. Clawing and digging your hands and feet into the soaked dirt, you climbed the hard incline back to the road. 
Once you could make out the road, you called for the driver again. No answer. He was nowhere to be found. You needed to find shelter. The storm gave no promise of letting up. You wouldn't survive the night in this forest, even if you went back into the carriage. The only choice was to find sanctuary. You stared in the direction you believed you came from. Nothing but trees and darkness. You turned to the other choice. All the same–wait. 
There was something... when lightning brightened up the sky. Your heart began banging in your ears. Spires, towers. Not trees. It was some distance away, but it was shelter nonetheless. 
With near tears in your eyes, you picked up your skirts–your fingers numb from the cold–and hurried towards the castle that could be your saving grace. 
The manor was calm tonight. Odd, considering the amount of bodies roaming around these haunted halls. Only the beautiful storm outside and Chanyeol's sorrowful melody from the piano broke the silence. Jongin had draped himself over one of the arm chairs as he inspected the wine mixture within his goblet. The taste was… adequate. The cellar would need replenishing soon.
In the corner, a rather lax game of cards covered the small, round table. Minseok smirked at his winning hand. The faded wooden chips with bits of white painted around the edges were piling up in front of Yixing, who leaned back carelessly, sure of his next win. Little did either of them know that the youngest among them had a little... trick his sleeve. As the quickest, Sehun had perfected sleight of hand long ago. None had caught him yet.
A fire roared, coaling the usually gray and brown room in flickering orange. With how close he stood near the fireplace, Kyungsoo's silhouette was visible through his loose shirt. He leaned his palms on the mantel and let the warmth of the flames engulf him. Warmth was all they could feel after all these years. It could be an addiction so strong it was tempting to throw himself into the fire. 
Junmyeon joined him at the fireplace, leaning his shoulders against the brick. The bite of the edge hardly registered in his mind. Pain of that measure... it was only a ghost that had nearly crossed over. 
“Such strong thoughts for a night like this.”
Kyungsoo didn’t look from the fire, but raised a questioning eyebrow in response. 
Junmyeon shrugged a single shoulder. “I can’t read minds, but it's obvious you're turning something over more times than a praying rock.”
“It's the same thoughts,” Kyungsoo murmured in his strange, monotone voice. “Always the same thoughts.”
“One day you will have to let it go,” Junmyeon sighed. “This is our existence now. And forever will be.”
“Acceptance of the present doesn’t erase the past.”
“But it does make the present more enjoyable.” The red liquid sloshed against the rim of the goblet as Jongin draped an arm over Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He wore a mischievous smile. A clear indicator of his true intention. 
Junmyeon shook his head. “We’re not going out tonight. There’s nothing out and about in this storm.” Hunting in these conditions would wield no trophies. Tomorrow would be a better night. 
“Jun’s no fun tonight,” Jongdae teased as he and Baekhyun emerged from the hallway. 
“If you want to go out in this mess,” Junmyeon waved towards the front door. “Be my guest. Just don’t you dare get mud on the rug–”
Bang! Bang! Bang!
“Help! Please! Help!”
Nine pairs of eyes snapped to the echoing sound. None moved. 
Bang! Bang! 
One of the double doors burst open and a figure fell to the floor, landing on its knees and palms. It looked up. A flash of lightning illuminated the face.
The face of a beautiful young girl. 
Your knees vibrated when they hit the wooden floor. Water fell from your loose hair that clung to your cheeks. The chances of  the door opening when you pushed on the handle had been low–yet the barrier that kept you victim to the storm fell open and you crashed downward with it. 
Greeting you in this strange hall were several men, their jaws hanging open in a mirror of your own surprise. More men appeared from a side parlor, curious as to who dared intrude on their evening. One, two, three–you counted nine total. Nine men. This was not ideal–a bit terrifying, really–but you didn't have a choice. The storm raged outside.
"P-please," you stammered past chattering teeth "The st-storm overturn-overturned the carriage.” 
The men stayed silent as they exchanged unreadable glances. One raised a questionable brow. 
"Jongdae, go run a bath," ordered the man closest to you. One of the shorter residents nodded and disappeared into the darkness that led into the rest of the manor. 
That's what this place was. A grand old manor, not a castle. Isolated. When you'd first run through the rusted iron gate, you'd feared it abandoned. A long dormant instinct whispered that you might have been better off if it had been. 
The first man approached, each motion slow, deliberate, and hauntingly graceful. He crouched down in front of you and captured your frightened stare. The fear in you began to melt away. He was… beautiful. Obsidian fell over his forehead in gentle waves. His tunic was of a fashion your grandfather would have worn. There was something strange about this man–all of these men. Something... different. 
"Let's get you warmed up." He held his hand out and you were up on your feet before you even realized your fingers were resting on his. "Don't worry," he murmured. "You're safe here. My name is Junmyeon." 
You nodded, somehow believing him, but unsure if you should. Through your violent chattering, you managed to stammer out your name in response. 
You jumped at the sudden noise. One of the other men had somehow appeared behind you to shut the door you'd fallen through. 
"Thank you, Yixing," the man beside you said. The one named Yixing nodded and then shifted his eyes to you. “Come.” A hand pressed into the space between your shoulder blades and guided you down the hall, leaving a trail of mud in your wake.
The man led you down several halls until you reached an unoccupied bedroom. Red blankets draped the oversized bed. Matching curtains hung limply from the canopy. All of the wood was a dark sort, rich in color but not quite welcoming like other, brighter woods. 
Jongdae emerged from another door on the other side of the bedroom. Steam rolled out after him as if it were following him for its next set of orders. “Anything else?” he asked drily. 
“No, thank you.”
Jongdae strolled the from the room without a glance either of you and closed the door behind him. Your breath hitched in your throat. The two of you were… alone. It wasn’t appropriate. It was…
You looked to the man still with you, fear causing your heart to pound painful against your chest. You tugged your cloak closer to you, but it was soaked from the rain. Shivers violently raced down your arms and spine. The man didn’t seem to notice as he walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. He pulled out a long white cloth. 
“These should suffice for tonight.” He held up the cloth for you to see. A nightgown. An old one by the cut of it, though thankfully it hadn’t been devoured by moths or mice. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask.”
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
He visibly suppressed a laugh at your small voice and waved you into the adjoining bathroom. Taking the nightgown, you tried your best to avoid his gaze. You scurried inside and shut the door. 
Junmyeon smirked at your mousy state. It was understandable why you were so frightened. The women of this period were warned of being alone with a man. And now you were alone with nine. 
Nine very dangerous men. 
The proper action for him to take was to leave your room now that you were safe inside the bathroom, but his feet didn’t move. Somehow, the storm had stranded you in their forest. What had happened to the driver, he wondered. Surely a gentlewoman such as yourself was not controlling the carriage. And yet, you were all alone. Circumstances were… ideal.
A small hiss echoed in the bathroom. It stretched out, along with the sound of sloshing water. Junmyeon frowned. 
He stood there for a few minutes more, listening to you sigh as your skin grew used to the scalding water. The sound of soap scraping against skin reached his ears, followed by more sloshing water. Soon, you would be getting out of the tub. Time to leave. 
He emerged from the bedroom, careful to close the door as quietly as possible. Everyone had gathered out in the hallway since they were too curious about their visitor to go about their night. Junmyeon found Jongdae blending in with the cluster. He glared at him as he hissed, "The water was too hot." 
Jongdae merely shrugged. Why would he care about water possibly being too hot? It would never hurt him. 
On the opposite end of the group, Yixing cleared his throat. "What are we going to do with her?"
Junmyeon glanced at the door behind him. There was only one best option, for all their sakes. "Tomorrow morning, we will send her on her way." 
The eruption was instant. 
In an instant, the hissing ceased. 
Baekhyun huffed and folded his arms against his chest, collapsing against the wall. Jongin scoffed. "Such a waste." 
“A waste that will keep this household from tearing itself apart,” Junmyeoun countered. It was an outcome none of them wanted. No one wanted to cause a fight, but resisting was difficult. The temptation was great. The quicker you left, the better off they would all be. 
"Do you really think it’ll end so well?" Minseok’s mocking comment hung in the air. Silent agreements rippled through the air. 
Junmyeon looked to Kyungsoo, whose answer was to look away. "No one touches her," he ordered. They all would try, he knew. But their strength would only get them so far. He stared down a few of them especially, so they knew he meant it.
Sehun pushed off the wall with a roll of his eyes. "Just get her out of here so I can get some peace." 
Junmyeon started to call after him but was interrupted by a soft thud from the room behind him. Confused, he opened the door to find you lying on the floor.
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itstheoneshot · 1 year
Summary: All you had to do was sit still and listen, but that was asking too much of you, wasn’t it?
Word Count: 2.9k
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Power Imbalance, Age Gap, Dubcon, Breeding Kink, Brat Taming, Degradation, Unprotected Sex.
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“Are you going to answer?”
You snap out of your daze, focusing in on the source of the voice. You heard your name and were unsure if you were daydreaming, but now with your lecturer standing in front of your desk, you accept the truth.
“Answer what?” You ask in monotone, not even attempting to feign interest.
You couldn’t care less about this class, one of the mandatory units you need for your degree, only here to pass and nothing else, you don’t care about high marks.
“I asked you,” He sighs, clearly frustrated, “To speak on what the author meant on page 14… were you even listening to me?”
You lift your head up to make eye contact with your teacher. Professor Byun Baekhyun. Barely in his 30s, and way too smart to be wasting his time with a student like you. He’s handsome, witty, and you know that if you cared about the topic, you would probably try for his sake at least, but truth be told, all you can think about right now is the day ending so that you can go home to bed.
“No,” You smirk at him, “And no, I wasn’t.”
You watch the vein in his neck bulge as he draws in a sharp breath, and you stifle a laugh, though you can’t wipe the smile from your face. You were never a well-behaved student, not in any of your schooling years, and still now in university you just thrived off frustrating your teachers. You could never really pinpoint why, but you were sure that your psychology lecturer, the one right in front of you now, could do so.
“Stay back after class,” Baekhyun murmurs, an order, not a question, “We need to speak about your attitude.”
You roll your eyes at him in an attempt to dissuade yourself from stamping your feet in protest. You know that you’re not the only one in class who doesn’t pay attention, but you have no idea why he singles you out.
“Are you kidding?” You ask him, “Sir, I have shit to do tonight.”
Baekhyun narrows his gaze, jaw clenched as he holds himself together, “Mind your language,” He warns you, “I won’t keep you too late if you can act like an adult.”
You don’t get a chance to clap back before he turns to walk to the front of the class, resuming the lecture and seemingly forgetting that he had asked you to join in the discussion. Though you should, you still don’t focus for the rest of the class, leaning back in your seat and staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for the session to end so that you can get this stupid talk over and done with.
“My office,” Baekhyun murmurs as you stand up from your desk, “Follow me.”
You roll your eyes once more, and drag your feet for good measure while you make your way over to him, but you do as you are told and follow him down the hallway and up a flight of stairs to his private office. As expected, the walls are lined with shelves full of books, and you scoff thinking about how boring they all must be. Baekhyun closes the door behind you before making his way to his desk, sitting behind it and gesturing to one of the chairs in front for you to take.
“Do I need to be here?” You ask, glancing down at your watch, “This is a waste of time for us both.”
Baekhyun stares blankly at you, and it sends a shiver down your spine. Even earlier when he was calling you out for your inability to pay attention, there was still a niceness to him, but not now you are alone.
“You definitely need to be here,” He replies, “And the fact that you don’t think so proves it for me.”
You raise a brow in confusion, not quite sure what he means by that at all.
“Cut the attitude,” He continues, “You won’t get anywhere in life if you continue to act this way.”
Exhaling deeply through your nostrils, you close your eyes to try and centre yourself, but not before Baekhyun continues to berate you.
“You think you’re funny, disrupting the class the way that you did today,” He states, which is not a lie, “But that’s just because you’re insecure, isn’t it?”
You suddenly feel bare, exposed, how the fuck can he read that from your behaviour? You know he has a doctorate but really? It’s that obvious?
“I am not,” You try to cover yourself, “I just don’t give a fuck about your stupid class.”
Now it is Baekhyun’s turn to compose, breathing deep into his chest, “I said,” He begins, “Cut the attitude.”
You break the intense eye contact to glance down at your watch again, how has it only been five minutes? “Can I leave now?” You ask, more persistent this time, “I am getting nothing from this.”
Baekhyun stands up, towering over you even though he is not the tallest man you know. You would never admit that it frightens you a bit, but if he is as good at reading people as he makes it seem, he would be aware.
“You need to learn to do as you’re told,” He states, “And you aren’t leaving this office until you can do that.”
You know that from his position, he has a good view of your body, and if you can be sure you’re not insane, you just caught him staring. Your shirt is a little low cut to be worn to Uni classes, but you had planned to go out for drinks after, so wanted to save the need to change.
“What are you insinuating?” You ask, “Baekhyun… seonsaengnim.”
Baekhyun’s lips curl up in a playful smirk, and you feel your stomach drop. You hate that he has gotten under your skin with such seemingly simple words, and such small actions.
“I’m insinuating,” He replies, “That if you don’t do as I tell you, that you may have to repeat the whole year…”
Coercion? He’s using coercion on you? But you don’t break so easily.
“I don’t care,” You respond with another flat out lie, “I’m not doing anything.”
You can feel his patience waning, but this only fires you up more, ready to fight, wanting to make him pay for making you feel so fucking… subordinate.
“I don’t think your parents would be happy to hear that their daughter is wasting their hard-earned money,” He murmurs, “I know they pay for your studies, and they’d be very, very disappointed if that money went to waste.”
He’s right. Of course he’s right. The only people who you really care about, your parents, would be devastated both emotionally and financially if they had to fork out the fees for an additional year of university. He has you backed into a corner, and you know it, he knows it too, and he is just waiting for you to give in.
“What do you want from me?” You ask him, your tone softening in what is probably fear, though you don’t feel it often enough to know for sure, “What do I need to do?”
Baekhyun smiles this time, showing those perfect teeth of his, and it makes your skin crawl. Psychologist or psychopath, you have no idea, and you take deep breaths to center yourself awaiting his response.
“I said, obey me,” He replies, “I know what you do outside of class, all the boys talk, so I’ll be making my own judgement today.”
Your breath catches in your throat, mind racing as you begin to realise exactly what he is speaking about. You are embarrassed, maybe a little ashamed, knowing that your stupidly attractive professor has heard about your… indulgences… It makes you crazy.
“What is your order?” You ask, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, “Is this even allowed?”
Sure, you’re an adult, well and truly, but he is so much older than you, ten years at least, and the imbalance is evident. You are mature, but nowhere near to his level, but you can see in his eyes, and feel in your body, that neither of you are upset about that.
“I make the rules,” He smiles at you again, he might be crazier than you are, “And the first one is I need you sitting up on this desk.”
You try not to be afraid, though your legs are a little shaky as you do what you are told, moving from behind the desk, to in front of him. He moves his chair back far enough that it hits the wall behind him, giving you plenty of room to sit down, and you cross your legs, not quite ready to give up without a little fight.
Baekhyun stands to join you, loosening his tie before reaching down to pry your legs apart. Your skirt rides up, exposing most of your thighs, and you feel so… impure.
“Much better,” He nods approvingly, his long, delicate fingers trail up your bare skin, “If you take me well enough, you may even see your marks improve. Your parents would be so proud, wouldn’t they, honey?”
Bile rises in your throat, but you swallow it down to return an even sweeter smile. It’s true, your parents would be overjoyed to see you do better, but of course they could never find out why. You watch Baekhyun as he scans your body, clearly pleased with what is laid out in front of him, fuck it, he’s too hot, and the benefits of this are enough to give in, of course, he wins.
“Use me,” You mumble, clearing your throat, “Take me, teach me my lesson.”
Baekhyun laughs, his hands sliding under your skirt to trace his fingers over your too-thin panties, “Such a slut,” He growls through gritted teeth, fingers pressing against you a little harder, “Ready for any boy to use whenever they want… but none are as experienced as me.”
You have no doubt that he is right, and it excites you more than you would care to admit. You whimper softly at the feeling of his fingers, close but not close enough, and you move forward just slightly to show your neediness.
“I didn’t think you’d give in so easily,” He teases, “I guess what they all say about you is right.”
“You don’t want me to play nice?” You ask, stuttering over your words as you feel his fingers slip under the elastic of your panties.
Baekhyun’s fingers breach you, two of them, deep and curled up at an angle. You dig your nails into the desk either side of you to keep still, not wanting to seem as turned on as you truly are.
“I might have hoped for a little more fight,” He purrs, pulling his fingers out only to thrust them in again, “But that’s okay, I’m sure I can break you more.”
The subtle threat has you reeling, though you’re quite distracted with his fingers inside you. You don’t know what to expect, glancing down to his crotch, the bulge evident, even through his slacks. You gulp, and stifle a whine when he takes his fingers from you, using them to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his suit pants, letting them drop down and pool at his ankles.
“Sir,” You mumble, realisation setting in, “I… do I have to?”
It is a little bit of an act, your hesitation, but at the same time it isn’t, fearful that a few teasing motions of his fingers weren’t quite enough to get you ready for what looks to be an exceptionally large cock. You brace yourself as he tugs down his underwear, and watch as he strokes himself, though already at full hardness, just to slick himself up with the little bit of arousal that he pulled from you.
“You do,” He nods, stepping forward so that his thighs almost hit the desk, “And you will.”
He lets go of his cock to grab you under the thighs, pulling you closer to the edge of the desk. You grip tightly to stop yourself from falling, and Baekhyun holds you with one hand on your hip, the other reaching for his erection. With a skill that you find way too hot, he uses two fingers of that hand to pull your panties aside, and guides his cock to your hole, teasing strokes along your slit, anticipation rising as you await his next move.
Baekhyun lets go of your hip to cover your mouth with his hand, “Quiet!” He orders you, but fuck, it is hard. His cock fills you painfully, thick, long and throbbing, your eyes roll back as you try to compose yourself, overwhelmed and now fully submitting out of fear.
He doesn’t give you any reprieve, keeping your mouth covered as he fucks you, hard and fast with no time to adjust. Your whines and moans are muffled by him, and you can’t quite pinpoint when the pain subsides and pleasure rolls in, but oh wow, it does.
“So tight,” Baekhyun groans, “This is all you’ll ever be good for if you don’t start focusing in class.”
You don’t respond, too distracted by the way he fills you up, and fucks in to you with no care for your own needs. It is degrading, his words and actions, but it turns you on more than you can explain.
“Or would you like that?” He continues, “Just serving me for the rest of your life instead? Wet and ready whenever I need my fill?”
Right now, you probably would say yes. Forgetting the degree you are so close to finishing, if you pass this year, you are drunk on his cock and would probably do anything for more.
“I might just get you pregnant,” Baekhyun goes on, and your body clenches as you realise he didn’t put a condom on, “Knock you up, force you out of your family, keep you as mine, so I can fuck you every single day.”
You are dizzy with both pleasure and with the lack of airflow, having your mouth held shut. You are sure that you look pathetic, but Baekhyun likes that, likes how easily you let him in, how utterly powerless you are compared to him.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” He sneers, “Turns you on so much when I treat you like the filthy slut that you are, doesn’t it?”
With tears in your eyes, your orgasm washes over you, legs shaking and nails leaving scratch marks on the wooden desk as you moan silent cries. You don’t know if any guy you have slept with ever got you to orgasm from penetration alone, so you are addicted to the way that Baekhyun has you feeling.
“I’m gonna fill you up,” He warns, “I want to see your tummy bulge, be a good girl and take it all.”
You whine a little as he moves his hand back down to your hip, now free to breathe again but still choked close to silent with the remnants of your orgasm. Baekhyun’s thrusts speed up, the harshness of them tenfold, and you watch sweat beads form on his forehead, biting his lip before he too climaxes, cock twitching in you with further thrusts, releasing his seed as deep into you as you can take it.
“Good girl,” He murmurs, pulling out of you slowly, but replacing his cock with his fingers to keep you plugged, “Can’t let any of this go to waste now, can we?”
You look up at him with glassy eyes, lips raw from biting on them to keep your volume down. You feel crazy, dazed and confused, a little afraid but still too fucked out to really process what is happening.
“Are… are you going to fail me?” You stutter, words a little slurred as he presses his thumb to your clit, fingers working to bring you to climax again.
Baekhyun works fast, wanting you to fall apart even further, and you aren’t sure how much more you can take. You can’t push him away, and you’re not sure if you even want to, focused on how good he makes you feel.
“Cum for me again,” He orders, “Need to feel you sucking me in, and then, I’ll make my decision.”
It isn’t hard to obey this order, the man is talented, and you wonder for only a moment, how many other students he has had on this very desk. Your thought is interrupted as your body seizes, cunt clenching to his fingers as your peak comes to head, biting your tongue to stifle the pitiful cry that escapes you, throwing your head back as tears roll down your face.
“Good girl,” He praises you, finally slowing down and extracting his fingers, readjusting your panties before he moves back from the desk, “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
You watch him as he pulls his pants back up, after wiping his hands with a tissue and sanitiser, and you catch your breath before asking again.
“So,” You start, “Am I going to fail?”
Baekhyun smirks at you, cocking his head to the side. He is so arrogant, and you are back to being mad at him again.
“No, I think you’ll pass,” He replies with an almost cheerful tone, “But if your attitude doesn’t change, just know I won’t go so easy on you next time.”
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baekhyunsbestie · 1 month
♡⸝⸝ sparks and vows (bbh series!) ⊹。°˖➴
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧♡₊˚ pic credit ♡ song・₊✧♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🥂
𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 pairing: soloist!baekhyun x unnamed female o/c (y/n) 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 content: 18+/MDNI. smut, romance, wedding!au, angst, fluff, exos and o/c's, pussy whipped baek, ex-playboy baek, ceo nepo baby reader, smut (tbh probs every chapter), language, scenes with alcohol +/or smoking throughout story, pretty tame tho tbh!!! 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 summary: at his best friend's lavish engagement party, world-famous idol baekhyun, notorious for his flirtatious nature and carefree approach to relationships, finds himself unexpectedly intrigued by (y/n), an heiress to a prominent hotel empire. who is also newly single after calling off her own engagement due to infidelity. when baekhyun and (y/n) meet, sparks fly instantly. in a whirlwind of emotions and social expectations, baekhyun and (y/n) explore the depths of their connection, challenging their perceptions of love and commitment. 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 wc: 5,700+ 𓈒ㅤׂ 𝜗𝜚 a/n: idk if this is lame but every chapter is gonna be named after a song that kinda captures the essence/inspo of it :') i'll be linking the song next to the pic credits just like how it's formatted above!! also idk how many parts this fic is gonna be??? maybe 3? maybe 5? who knows. who cares. this is all just for fun anyway! but anyways, enjoyyyyyy hope you like it <3 if u hate it don't tell me pls i will cry
s&v | mlist | ★ ch.1: locked out of heaven ★ | next
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in a sprawling, modern home, its floor-to-ceiling windows allow soft, natural light to fill the space and beautifully capture the colors of the setting sun. the open floor plan seamlessly connects the living room, dining area, and kitchen together. the large floor-to-ceiling sliding doors cast open to where the party spills out into the spacious backyard, where additional floral arrangements and twinkling string lights create a magical atmosphere.
everywhere you look inside and out, there are stunning floral displays, with elegant bouquets of roses, peonies, and lilies in tall vases, and smaller arrangements of wildflowers and greenery scattered across tables. servers move gracefully through the crowd, offering trays of delicate appetizers.
the atmosphere is lively, with guests chatting animatedly as they mill about, glasses of sparkling wine in hand. laughter and conversation echo throughout the space, creating a warm, festive ambiance. the guests, a mix of family and close friends are clearly excited, stealing glances toward the grand staircase at the far end of the room. they’re all waiting for the moment when the true guests of honor, the newly engaged couple, make their entrance.
baekhyun stands near the corner of the bustling room, a glass of something fizzy and forgettable clutched in his right hand, the left in the pocket of his sleek black slacks purposely bought for this occassion. the ring on his middle finger clashes lightly against the glass as he brings it to his lips, the sound barely audible over the hum of conversation buzzing all around him. the two equally well-dressed men in front of him have shifted their discussion to recent global news, one of them gesturing animatedly as he shares the latest headlines. baekhyun nods occasionally, but his attention is elsewhere. the guests of honor were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago, and the delay is starting to test his patience.
he tunes in just long enough to catch a snippet about how apparently all the giant pandas around the world, including the ones in zoos, technically belong to China. he can’t help but smirk at the randomness of it, but his interest fades quickly. his mind is preoccupied, his eyes flicking occasionally toward the grand staircase at the far end of the room, where the newly engaged couple is expected to make their entrance.
as he listens with half an ear, the impatience gnawing at him, the murmur in the room suddenly quiets. the couple has finally arrived. baekhyun straightens up, his expression softening into a proud smile as he watches his best friend and his new fiancée step into the room, looking radiant and happy.
as the couple receives a warm and lively welcome from the crowd, baekhyun's attention shifts to a captivating woman who enters just behind them. his smile falters, replaced by a flicker of curiosity. who is she? his gaze lingers, captivated and intrigued. the party may be just beginning, but for baekhyun, the night has already taken an unexpected turn.
the crown jewel of the lee family’s hotel empire. (y/n), the heiress to the vast fortune, moved with effortless grace. her presence commanded attention, not just because of her family's status but because of the aura of confidence and allure she exuded. behind the poised facade, there was an air of detachment, as if the world around her was just a beautifully constructed stage.
the instant baekhyun lays his eyes on her walking down the stairs, he is captivated. her figure embodying a perfect balance, each curve and line harmonizing effortlessly. she moved with such natural grace that he couldn't help but be irresistibly drawn to her. the gentle slope of her shoulders, the elegant taper of her waist—every part of her silhouette was a living masterpiece. he found himself utterly smitten, unable to look away, completely entranced by the quiet confidence and natural beauty she exuded with every step.
her smile was effortless, and magnetic, drawing people to her like moths to a flame. baekhyun watches as she glides making her rounds in the crowd, exchanging warm greetings and laughs that seem to resonate long after she's moved on. it’s clear to him that she's well-liked, the kind of person who doesn’t just walk into a room but lights it up. his heart began to beat faster, not with anxiety, but excitement—a thrill akin to a lion hunting its prey. he couldn’t help but plot in his mind the different ways he could draw her closer, the tantalizing thought of getting her into his bed tonight pulsing in the back of his mind.
baekhyun's thoughts and predatory-like gaze were interrupted when the taller man beside nudged his arm and spoke, "geez, baek. if you keep your mouth open any longer, you'll catch a fly."
baekhyun's friends scan the crowd and spot who he has his eyes set on and it doesn't take them long to put two and two together.
the short one makes his realization audible before he goes, "it seems baekhyun's got his eye on dinner already," his tone playful.
this isn't out of character for him. with more than a decade of friendship, the two men beside baekhyun know him more than they know themselves. they know that he is well-known and charismatic with women, using his flirtatious and vibrant personality to get what he wants from them.
baekhyun’s had his fair share of relationships—though calling them that might be a stretch. they typically fizzled out within a few months, more like passionate flings or fleeting encounters than genuine connections, and often ended badly. the common thread was his tendency to put in minimal effort outside the bedroom.
he just didn't have the time and energy to be in a fully committed relationship. with the demanding schedule of being a best-selling solo artist—tours, press, interviews, photoshoots— where would he have time to settle down?
they say heavy is the head that wears the crown, and lately, baekhyun’s crown feels like it's too much for his shoulders to bear.
as much as he enjoyed sex, his career, money, and—most importantly—his independence always came first. he liked things just the way they were: simple, uncomplicated, and with no strings attached. in other words, his love life was exactly how he wanted it—non-existent.
a smile tugs at baekhyun's lips as he realizes he's been caught. "i have no idea what you’re talking about, jongdae," he lies smoothly, before downing the rest of his glass. the now lukewarm champagne burns slightly as it slides down his throat.
"you know (y/n) is hana's best friend, right?" the tall man asks baekhyun, “sorry to burst your balls but i'm pretty sure she's off limits."
he stays quiet as he takes a mental note of the mystery woman's name.
"hate to admit it, but chanyeol’s got a point," jongdae says, fiddling with the opulent watch on his left wrist. "you know kyungsoo, not to mention hana, will absolutely have your head if you even think about messing with her best friend."
well fuck, he thinks to himself resigning before the game even began. just then, a server with a silver platter of champagne weaves through the crowd toward him. he casually places his empty glass on the tray and swaps it for a fresh one.
"what’s got baekhyun pouting like that?" a voice asks from behind. baekhyun glances at the two men with a look that clearly says, "don’t say shit."
the three of them turn to see the couple of the hour—kyungsoo, hand in hand with his fiancée, hana. "thank you so much for being here," hana gushes, embracing each of them warmly. "i still can’t believe you three managed to keep this party—let alone kyungsoo’s proposal—a secret!" she adds, her smile bright and infectious.
baekhyun takes in how beautiful and happy the couple in front of him looks, their love almost palpable in the air. they complemented each other well. for a moment, a pang of jealousy hits him—jealous of the connection they share, jealous because he’s never come close to feeling that way. but more than jealousy, he feels overwhelming happiness and pride for his best friend in finding his very own person.
"hey! we can be trustworthy," chanyeol whines, clutching his hand over his heart as if her words were an arrow struck through his chest.
"oh, chanyeol, always the drama queen. give it a rest, will you?" hana rolls her eyes. "i never said you guys weren’t trustworthy, just that you can’t keep your mouths shut. it’s hard to believe you didn’t let it slip around me—especially you, chanyeol," she says his name through gritted teeth, landing a playful punch on his shoulder. "how could my own big brother keep such a secret from me?!"
her fiancé and his friends laugh at their usual sibling banter. chanyeol rubs his arm, trying to soothe the sting. "whatever! what about (y/n)? she knew this whole time too—how come you're not giving her a hard time?!"
hana rolls her eyes with a smile before saying, "don't worry. i gave her an earful on the car ride here."
"did i hear my name?" a smooth, honeyed voice seemed to stir baekhyun's entire world.
there she was. baekhyun’s eyes were drawn to the most stunning woman in the room—perhaps the most beautiful he had ever seen.
"i was wondering why my ears feel like they've been on fire since walking in."
her joking remark sent a jolt of paranoia through baekhyun, causing him to choke on his drink. his ears and neck flushed red with embarrassment. "shit, excuse me," he muttered, clearing his throat and awkwardly patting his lips with the back of his hand.
his friends exchanged puzzled glances, clearly bemused by baekhyun's sudden and uncharacteristic behavior, while (y/n) appeared unfazed, her attention drifting around the party. desperate to recover, baekhyun cleared his throat and blurted out, "i don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting." he extended his hand with an attempt at casual charm. "i’m baekhyun."
jolted from her seemingly indifferent survey of the room, (y/n) turned her attention back to him, her smile lighting up her face with charming dimples on each cheek. holy shit, she was stunning. “oh, hi! i know you—you're an idol, right? i’m (y/n).”
his stomach did a flip when he realized how perfectly her soft, warm hand fit into his. trying to steady himself, he lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. while most girls might have blushed and swooned at the gesture, she simply looked at him with a matter-of-fact expression and asked, “wow, dude. why is your hand shaking?”
the swell of pride he felt from her recognition deflated instantly at her candid response.
the group of friends erupted in laughter at her question, and baekhyun’s face turned crimson. he knew he would never hear the end of it later.
baekhyun chuckled softly before leaning in, his voice dropping to a playful whisper in one last attempt to save this undeniably awkward first encounter. “well, forgive me, it’s not every day you meet a billionaire heiress. especially one as breathtakingly stunning as you.”
the others erupted in playful whoops and whistles, teasing them about their flirtatious exchange. (y/n) rolled her eyes, a smirk dancing on her lips. her gaze remained inscrutable, as though she was still contemplating baekhyun’s intentions. she was the first to break eye contact, glancing at the rest of the group before declaring, “well then, let’s get drunk and celebrate the happy couple, shall we?”
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
baekhyun and (y/n) found themselves naturally gravitating toward each other throughout the night, their laughter echoing louder with each shared joke. It wasn’t long before they realized how much they had in common—their sense of humor was almost identical, both loving the same quirky, offbeat memes and inside jokes that left others in the dark.
the party buzzed with energy, everyone around them having a great time, but even in the midst of all the fun, their friends couldn’t help but notice how well Baekhyun and (y/n) clicked. there were curious glances and whispered comments about how it was surprising they hadn’t been introduced sooner. it was like they were made to be in each other’s orbit.
their likes and dislikes synced up too, from their mutual love for late-night snacks to their shared disdain for overly serious conversations at parties. every time their eyes met, it was as if they were sharing a secret that only they understood.
as the night wore on, the magnetic pull between them became impossible to ignore. there was a spark, an undeniable attraction that seemed to draw them closer with every shared laugh and knowing glance. it wasn’t just the fun they were having—it was the way they seemed to fit together so effortlessly, like two pieces of a puzzle that had finally clicked into place.
the connection was electric, and their friends noticed it too, exchanging knowing looks and silently wondering if something more might be brewing between the two. for baekhyun and (y/n), the attraction grew stronger with every moment, leaving them both questioning if this was just a fleeting connection or the start of something much bigger.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
“(y/n)!” hana calls out to her best friend, relieved to finally find her without a tipsy baekhyun hanging on. “how’s it going?” she asks in a playful, sing-song voice. "you and baekhyun are actually kinda hot together.”
(y/n) grins, a little unsteady on her feet. “he’s adorable, right? tell me what you know about him.”
“well…” hana drags out the word, thinking. “he’s not really the serious type. but he’s been tight with kyungsoo for, like, forever. from what i’ve seen, baekhyun’s a good guy—just not into commitment. definitely a charmer, though, especially with the ladies.”
(y/n) silently processes hana’s words, her drunken smile fading just a bit.
“look,” hana continues, her tone softening. “i know you’re having fun, and you deserve it—you never let loose like this. but just… be careful. i don’t want you to get hurt again.”
(y/n) kisses hana on the cheek before wrapping her in a warm hug. “thanks for watching out for me. i love you.”
“i love you too, dummy,” hana replies with a warm smile, her eyes filled with protectiveness and worry. “just remember, (y/n), you’ve got to put yourself and your happiness first.”
(y/n) nods at her best friend, sweetly promising, “i know, i will.”
hana wipes the cheek (y/n) kissed with the back of her hand, playfully grimacing. “ugh, you always try to make out with me when you’re drunk.”
“how could i resist? you’re just so kissable,” (y/n) teases, puckering her lips at hana.
as kyungsoo and baekhyun, now within earshot, glance over with raised eyebrows, (y/n) catches sight of them and playfully narrows her eyes.
“you perverts would listen in during that specific part of the conversation,” she teases, her tone dripping with mock accusation.
kyungsoo feigns innocence, holding up his hands. “hey, we just happened to walk by at the right—or maybe wrong—time.”
baekhyun grins mischievously. “not our fault you’re talking about things that sound way more interesting than whatever the guys were chatting about.”
hana smirks at the two men. “you’re just jealous you weren’t invited to the ‘girls' night’ makeout sessions.”
the four of them burst into laughter at her remark.
the thought of the two women kissing flashes through baekhyun’s mind, stirring him up. shaking off the distraction, he grins and says, “oh, definitely jealous. if you ever feel like extending an invite for next time, that’d be greatly appreciated.” he gives (y/n) a playful wink.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
the party was still going strong, and (y/n) and baekhyun were lingering near the snack table, where baekhyun was helping her fix a small plate of hors d'oeuvres.
“here, try this one,” baekhyun said, handing her a delicate canapé. “it’s amazing.”
(y/n) took a bite, her eyes lighting up with delight. “wow, this is incredible! thank you.”
baekhyun chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “you know, you owe me now.”
(y/n) shot him a confused look, one eyebrow arched. “owe you? for what exactly?”
(y/n) chuckled softly, shaking her head. “a proper date for some appetizers i probably would’ve eaten anyway? are you really trying to cash in on this?”
“absolutely,” baekhyun replied with a playful grin. if you compared a photo of him at that moment to one of a puppy, you might struggle to tell them apart. “i think it’s only fair. you get to enjoy the best snacks at a party, and i get to enjoy your company on a date.”
(y/n) considered his proposition, her smile softening. “that’s quite a deal you’re offering."
baekhyun’s smile widened. “it is, isn’t it? so, what do you say? are you up for it?”
(y/n) took a moment, her gaze meeting his. the playful glint in his eyes and the genuine warmth in his voice made it hard to resist.
she thought for a moment. really thought about it. would it be too soon for her?
it had been a few months since (y/n) and daniel called off their engagement, but it felt like no time at all compared to the years they had spent together. they had been promised to each other for as long as they could remember. as heirs to two wealthy and powerful families, their betrothal seemed only natural. their families often joked that (y/n) had been promised to daniel since she was still in her mother’s womb, while daniel was just learning to walk.
daniel had been her safe haven, her first kiss, and her first love. despite everything looking perfect on paper, their teenage romance had evolved into something dull and monotonous. they realized they didn’t have much in common, and the spark in their relationship had faded, which eventually led to his infidelity.
initially, the betrayal felt like an insurmountable obstacle, leaving her wondering if she’d ever truly move on. but through countless tears, deep self-reflection, and the unwavering support of her family—and most importantly, her best friend hana—she began to see that she didn't really blame him. they had both been caught up in meeting their families' expectations, often at the expense of their own desires.
fortunately, the pain has lessened considerably for her. now, when she reflects on it, she's more overwhelmed by the disgust and regret over having wasted her youth on someone she didn't truly love. she despises half-hearted efforts in life and has come to realize that the person and relationship she once deemed most important were ultimately superficial.
before she could politely decline his offer, hana's voice echoed through her mind: just remember, (y/n), you’ve got to put yourself and your happiness first.
“alright,” she said at last, her voice warm and genuine. “you’ve got yourself a date,” she replied with a smile.
baekhyun’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and a relieved sigh escaped his lips as his shoulders relaxed. “perfect. i’ll make sure it’s worth every bite of that canapé.”
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
after countless rounds of shots and a few too many drinking games, the party was finally winding down. baekhyun and (y/n) ended up in one of the lounge areas in kyungsoo’s backyard, nursing bottles of water in an effort to sober up. the market lights twinkled softly overhead, their warm glow mixing with the stars above to create a gentle, romantic ambiance around them.
i have to admit," baekhyun murmured, his voice soft as he leaned in closer, a blush spreading across his cheeks from the alcohol. (y/n)'s gaze traced the pink hue creeping down his ears and neck, her thoughts drifting to how enticing he looked in the dim light. she imagined her lips lightly brushing against his neck, the smell of his cologne and sweat from the summer heat making her heart thump.
at the same time, baekhyun's eyes locked onto (y/n)'s, his heart racing as he took in her breathtaking proximity. he was caught off guard, his mind betraying him with a flood of desire. he didn’t want her to feel like just another conquest, but resisting the urge was becoming increasingly difficult. "i never thought I’d meet someone who could make me feel both nervous and tipsy at the same time."
(y/n) arched an eyebrow, a teasing smirk tugging at her lips. "is that your way of saying you're not usually this charming?"
baekhyun laughed loudly, his eyes dancing with mischief. “oh, (y/n), i’m always this charming. it’s just tonight I'm competing with an open bar.”
she laughs, lifting her water to her lips. "hana was right about you."
"was she now?" he replies, intrigued. "and what did our dear hana have to say?"
"that you make all the girls swoon," (y/n) teased rolling her eyes with a smile.
he leans in, a mischievous glint in his eye. "and am i? making you swoon?"
"what would you do if i said you were?"
his face inches closer to hers, their breaths mingling. "then i’d ask if you wanted to get out of here."
her mind spins, heart hammering in her chest as a whirlwind of thoughts crash over her—one voice warns her to keep her distance, to not fall for his charm, while another urges her to take the risk, to seize the moment. she’s only ever known the safety of her ex-fiancé, but a part of her always believed there was more to her. hidden beneath the reliable, conservative exterior was someone different—someone who yearned for excitement, for the thrill of the unknown.
which voice would she listen to?
the silence lingers, and baekhyun stiffens, the tension between them thickening with each passing second. she notices the flicker of insecurity in his eyes and, before she can second-guess herself, makes her choice.
"then ask me," she finally whispers, her voice steady despite her racing heart. "ask me to get out of here."
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
they ended up at baekhyun’s nearby apartment, a spacious yet cozy and stylish retreat that perfectly mirrored his warm personality. the atmosphere was intimate, bathed in soft lighting and a soothing, gentle ambiance. as the door closed behind them, the tension in the air was palpable, almost tangible.
baekhyun intertwined his fingers with (y/n)’s, guiding her gently back against the wall. they shared a lingering, passionate kiss that spoke volumes without words. “i’ve been wanting to do that all night,” baekhyun murmured, his breath warm against (y/n)’s lips, his hand cradling her chin.
“you took your sweet time,” she teased, her playful smile making baekhyun’s eyes light up with admiration.
baekhyun guided (y/n) further into his apartment, leading her towards the kitchen. with a grin, he uncorked a fresh bottle of wine and poured it into two elegant glasses as she settled onto a stool at the sleek marble island directly across from him.
“just so you know,” he said, handing her a glass, “this isn’t quite the ‘proper date’ i had in mind earlier.”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow, her curiosity growing. “oh, really? what’s your idea of a ‘proper date’?”
baekhyun’s smile widened as he moved to sit on the empty stool right next to her, his touch warm and reassuring as he gently caressed her arm. “let’s just say it involves more than just good wine and a cozy setting. i’m talking about something a bit more adventurous, maybe a little unexpected.”
as he spoke, he leaned in and pressed a light, teasing kiss to her cheek. (y/n) giggles at the gesture, her cheeks flushing with warmth. “well, if this is just a preview, you’ve definitely piqued my curiosity.”
with a playful grin, baekhyun took her hand, his thumb brushing softly against her skin. “you know, i’ve always believed that the best dates are the ones that keep you guessing.”
their eyes locked, and in a moment of shared flirtation, baekhyun leaned in for a quick, unexpected kiss on her lips before she had a chance to respond. (y/n) blinked in surprise but couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.
they continued talking, but each pause in the conversation was filled with light touches and lingering glances. baekhyun would occasionally brush his fingers through her hair or lightly graze her shoulder, sending sparks of electricity through both of them. (y/n) would respond with teasing remarks and playful nudges, her fingers occasionally finding their way to his arm or chest.
the night continued with their flirtatious banter and affectionate touches, each kiss and gentle caress adding to the undeniable chemistry between them. as they talked and laughed, it was clear that the connection they were building was both magnetic and incredibly promising. the warmth and chemistry between them grew stronger with each passing minute. they talked about their favorite things, shared personal stories, and discovered even more common interests.
baekhyun and (y/n) eventually move onto the living room sofa, nestled closely, their bodies pressed close together. the playful teasing from earlier had transformed into more meaningful touches and lingering glances. the connection they shared felt electric, and every brush of their skin sent shivers of anticipation through both of them.
their conversation had softened into hushed tones, filled with flirtatious whispers and soft laughter. the wine bottle had long been emptied, and the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly intimate. their earlier inhibitions had melted away, replaced by a palpable desire that simmered between them.
baekhyun’s hand wandered to (y/n)’s waist, his fingers tracing gentle patterns against her skin. he leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear. “what are you thinking about?” he asked softly, his voice laced with a hint of anticipation.
(y/n) turned her head slightly, her lips brushing against baekhyun’s ear as she whispered, “i’m thinking about how amazing tonight has been… and how much i want to be closer to you.”
his breath caught at her words, and he looked into her eyes, seeing the same desire reflected back at him. slowly, he closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. the kiss was slow at first, exploratory, but quickly grew more urgent as their desire for each other became undeniable.
baekhyun’s hands roamed over (y/n)’s back, pulling her closer until they were pressed together, their bodies fitting seamlessly. he gently guided her to straddle his lap, his hands sliding up her sides, pulling her shirt slightly out of place. the feeling of her skin against his sent waves of pleasure through both of them.
(y/n) responded eagerly, her hands slipping under baekhyun’s shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin. she kissed him deeply, her lips moving against his with increasing fervor. the room seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them wrapped in a cocoon of desire.
as their kisses became more heated, baekhyun’s hands slid down to the hem of her shirt, lifting it slowly. he pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, his expression filled with longing and affection. “are you sure you want this?” he asked, his voice husky with emotion.
(y/n) nodded, her eyes filled with desire. “yes, i want you. i want this.”
baekhyun wasted no time guiding (y/n) to his bedroom. the soft glow of the bedside lamps created a romantic ambiance, casting a warm, inviting light over the room. baekhyun’s gaze was filled with affection and longing as he slowly closed the door behind them, his hands lingering on (y/n)’s hips.
they took their time, their actions a blend of curiosity and tenderness. baekhyun’s fingers traced delicate patterns along (y/n)’s arms, while her hands explored the contours of his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath her fingertips. each touch, each caress, was both an exploration and an expression of their growing intimacy.
baekhyun led (y/n) to the bed with a gentle but insistent pull. he kissed her deeply, their mouths moving together in a slow, passionate dance. as he began to undress her, he took great care, his fingers brushing over her skin with reverent touches. his kisses traveled from her lips to her neck, his breath hot and eager as he peppered her skin with soft, teasing kisses.
(y/n) responded with equal passion, her hands working to remove his clothing, her touches becoming bolder as she felt the heat of his body against hers. she guided him gently, exploring the contours of his muscles and the warmth of his skin with both hands and lips.
with a nod of understanding, baekhyun’s lips curved into a soft, reassuring smile. he positioned himself carefully, his touch tender as he guided himself to her entrance. the anticipation in the room was almost tangible, the air thick with their shared longing.
as he entered her, the sensation was electric, a feeling so intense and profound that it was as if a whole new world had been born. the connection between them was immediate and overwhelming, each movement bringing a rush of pleasure that seemed to transcend the physical.
baekhyun’s eyes closed in pure ecstasy as he felt the warmth and tightness of (y/n) enveloping him. the sensation was so overwhelming that his first thought was a mix of fear and embarrassment at the possibility of reaching his climax too soon.
he moved slowly at first, savoring the sensation and the incredible closeness they now shared. (y/n) gasped, her body arching slightly as she felt him inside her, the sensation almost too intense to put into words.
everything outside faded away, leaving just the two of them in this moment of pure connection. every touch, every thrust felt like a discovery, with each new sensation deepening their bond. their movements turned into a passionate dance, each glance and touch strengthening their connection even more.
the bedroom was filled with the soft sounds of their shared breaths and whispered words, each movement between them a careful balance of passion and tenderness. they took their time, savoring every moment, every kiss, every touch, as they were discovering each other for the first time.
for (y/n), this was her first time since her recent breakup with her ex-fiancée. the memory of her past relationship lingered like a shadow, but as baekhyun’s hands roamed over her body and his lips met hers, she found herself lost in a different kind of connection. she had thought she knew what good sex was, but what she experienced with baekhyun was otherworldly.
their bodies moved together with a natural rhythm, each touch sending waves of pleasure that were both intense and unfamiliar. the connection they shared was electric, and the intimacy they felt transcended anything she had experienced before. baekhyun’s touch was gentle yet passionate, each kiss and caress amplifying the pleasure they gave each other.
the bed seemed to dissolve into a world of its own, the outside world fading away as they became enveloped in their shared passion. as their bodies rocked together, the intensity of their movements and the depth of their connection created a sensation that was nothing short of incredible.
(y/n) felt an overwhelming sense of amazement, her previous experiences dwarfed by the sheer bliss she was now experiencing with baekhyun. each moment was filled with the kind of pleasure that seemed to transcend physical sensation, merging with an emotional intimacy that left her breathless and wanting more.
as the intensity between them built, their movements became more urgent and synchronized. baekhyun’s breaths grew heavier, matching the quickening pace of their bodies moving together. the pleasure was palpable, a crescendo of sensations that was drawing them closer to the edge.
(y/n) felt every touch, every thrust with an intensity that left her breathless. her hands gripped baekhyun’s shoulders, her nails digging in slightly as waves of pleasure washed over her. each deep, penetrating movement brought her closer to the peak of ecstasy, her moans mingling with his in a symphony of passion.
baekhyun’s eyes were locked onto hers, the look of raw, unfiltered desire evident as he lost himself in the moment. his grip on her hips tightened, pulling her closer with every thrust. the intensity of their connection was overwhelming, each movement amplifying the sensations coursing through their bodies.
as they neared their climax, their breathing became ragged, the room filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure. baekhyun’s thrusts grew more urgent, his body moving with a rhythm that matched the rising tide of (y/n)’s pleasure. she arched her back, her eyes closing as the waves of ecstasy began to crest.
then, with a final, powerful thrust, they both reached the peak of their desire. the sensation was electrifying, a surge of pleasure that seemed to pulse through every nerve ending. (y/n)’s body tensed, her cries of pleasure mixing with baekhyun’s groans as they climaxed together, the intensity of their shared experience creating a moment of pure, blissful unity.
as the waves of their climax subsided, they clung to each other, their breaths coming in heavy, satisfied gasps. baekhyun’s arms wrapped around (y/n), pulling her close as they both reveled in the afterglow of their intense connection.
they lay together, their bodies still intertwined, each touch and caress a testament to the profound bond they had forged. the night had brought them to a new level of closeness, their shared climax a powerful affirmation of their connection and desire for each other.
baekhyun’s fingers traced gentle patterns on (y/n)’s skin. “so, are you still convinced i’m just charming because of the drinks?”
(y/n) smiled, her eyes heavy with contentment. “maybe it’s the charm mixed with a genuine connection. either way, i’m glad we took the chance.”
despite the warmth of the moment, baekhyun couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that something deeper was stirring within him. this unfamiliar and somewhat frightening sensation was new to him. even in past relationships where he’d had plenty of time to understand someone, he had never felt such intense longing. (y/n) had entered his life and challenged his perceptions of relationships, making him question everything he thought he knew. this profound feeling left him both excited and apprehensive about what the future might hold.
as he grappled with these overwhelming thoughts and emotions, he realized that (y/n) had drifted off to sleep, her face illuminated by a peaceful, contented smile. he admired her serene expression, marveling at how swiftly she had fallen into slumber. with a tender smile of his own, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. his voice was soft and sincere as he whispered, “me too.”
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s&v | mlist | ★ ch.1: locked out of heaven ★ | next
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ihavethedreamies · 5 months
Birthday Surprise | Baekhyun
Byun Baekhyun - EXO
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~3.5k
Pairing: Baekhyun x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Fluff, Smut, Cute, Sweet
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Kissing, Bit of Swearing, Oral (F! Receiving), Fingering, Wall Sex, Unprotected Sex (Don't!)
Author's Note: This a story requested by/written for my friend @sadfragilegirl! I hadn't written something to post for EXO yet. It’s a little early for her actual birthday, but she didn't mind, so here is this as well~
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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Sighing again, you found your eyes drifting to your phone again. Tapping the screen, there were still no new notifications. You understood with the time difference and his busy schedule that your boyfriend didn't always have a second to spare and reply. You didn't take it personally; it just was hard when you missed him as much as you did. The first week of a tour was always the hardest, but then it would get easier. After time passed though, the harder and harder it would get again. At least with Baekhyun's solo career, he was gone for a shorter time than with the whole group. You also never kept close track of his tours, only what he would tell you. It was too difficult to watch the fancams others would post, because they got to be there and not you. You had to work yourself though and couldn't go with him.
Another sigh left your lips and you reluctantly went back to watching the show on the TV. You didn't even remember what you had put on initially, but it had changed. Your phone dinged and you nearly gave yourself whiplash looking at it, but your shoulders slumped. Your food was there. Grumbling, you got up from the couch, shuffling in your slippers to the door. When you opened the door, there was the food you ordered and you grabbed the bag, but there was something else too. A box was set next to your food, and it looked like it might have been there before. It was white with a red ribbon and a red envelope stuck to it. Picking it up with your other hand, it wasn't very heavy, you headed back inside. You hadn't ordered anything…
Setting the bag of food down on the dining table, you plucked the envelope off the box, a bit of the paper tearing from where it was taped on. Your name was on it, but that was it, no address, yours or otherwise. Pondering what the heck it could be, you gently tore the envelope open, pulling the card out. Your eyes widened, then stung a bit as tears sprung to your eyes. You recognized the handwriting immediately.
Hello, Sweetheart, I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk with you the way we both want, or as often. It's harder for me to leave you at home whenever I do, even more than it is for you, believe it or not. Everything I saw wherever I went that reminded me of you, I bought. I know your birthday is tomorrow, but you'll have to wait for the presents when you see me. I did prepare a surprise though. There is a dress in the box, please wear it and a driver will come to pick you up tomorrow night at 7 pm. I miss you, and happy early birthday. ~Love, Baekhyun
You sniffed, trying to hold the tears back, feeling foolish. Why did you want to cry so hard? You wondered though what the heck he had planned. Did he set up a party or something for you so you wouldn't notice his absence as much? Finally going to the box that came with the card, you opened it and removed the tissue paper inside to see the dress. A huff of surprise left your mouth, that did not look cheap. Flipping the tag over to see the brand, you were then for sure. It was a beautiful, light blue, bouffant-style dress, the fabric had a dull sparkle throughout and was made from a smooth silk. Of course it was just your size.
"Oh, Baek…" You sniffed again, holding the dress up to yourself, wondering what shoes you were going to wear.
"Are you (Y/N)?" The sharply dressed man standing by a very nice black car asked you. You nodded, and he opened the door for you. You smoothed your dress down when you got in, adjusting it as you sat to keep it looking nice. It hit you right at the knees and you paired it with a simple set of gold kitten-heels. You had curled and put your hair up and added some gold jewelry to finish off the look. The driver got back in the car and began to head in the direction of the fancy part of town. You fiddled with the strap of your bag, watching the buildings and lights pass. Maybe ten minutes later, the car pulled into the entrance of an extremely fancy hotel. You had guessed it was a party, but maybe it would be a meal in the restaurant?
"Have a Happy Birthday, Miss (Y/N)." The driver smiled, opening the door for you and you shyly thanked him, once again adjusting your dress as you entered the lobby.
"Are you Miss (Y/N)?" one of the hoteliers asked as the automatic doors slid closed behind you.
"Please, follow me." She smiled, motioning for you to do so, leading you to the elevators. You got in and she pulled a card out of the pocket of her vest, sliding it into the reader of the elevator, then pressed the button for the roof.
"Have a Happy Birthday, Miss (Y/N)." She smiled once again, and the elevator doors closed, heading straight up. You were feeling a bit overwhelmed with the glitz and glam of the night already. You knew that your boyfriend was an international celebrity and had been for years, granting him plenty of clout and capital, but this…
The elevator doors opened, a polished hallway leading to a set of glass doors, and presumable, the rooftop venue. You couldn't see anything pass the doors, not even lights, just those in the distance of nearby buildings. Tilting your head a bit in confusion, you walked forward, heels clicking on the floor. When you got to the door, you for some reason felt your heart surge. Resting your hand on the handle, you took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping out into the night breeze.
"Surprise!" You startled, only somewhat unprepared. The lights had come on, the pop of confetti poppers and loud cheering welcomed you. It was hard to hide your smile, seeing all of your and Baekhyun's friends.
"(Y/N)!" An extremely loud voice heralded the action before you registered it, then found yourself engulfed by a Chanyeol. You let out an 'oof' as he hugged you, you rocked back on your feet from the force of his hug.
"Let her go!" Kyungsoo huffed, hitting the other one on the back, who recoiled in an overdramatic fashion. You shot the smaller man a grateful look, but then they both looked behind them. You couldn't see over them, but when they moved-
"Baekhyun!" You beamed, tears once again hitting your eyes and he caught you when you dashed forward.
"Hi, sweetheart." He hugged you close and you heard various voices coo at the reunion, "Happy Birthday." He kissed your forehead when you finally pulled away, then scoffed.
"Hey, you'll ruin your mascara." He swiped his thumb over your cheek and you sniffed.
"I…I knew you had probably planned a party or something, but I didn't know you would be here too!" Your smile brought out his own and you hugged him again as he chuckled.
"Ah, what?!" He shouted suddenly and if you hadn't known him for as long as you did, the volume would have startled you. He turned to look behind him aggressively only to have Minseok whisper something in his ear after hitting him to get his attention.
"Oh, right." He calmed down and Baekhyun pulled away from you some.
"I did not time everything right, so we're going to eat now, then do the rest." Your boyfriend smiled, leading you over to the table set up in front of all the others.
"The rest?" you asked, sitting down in the seat he pulled out for you. He joined you and everyone else was sitting at their own respective tables. He pointed to the side at a table piled with gifts and you gaped.
"You guys!" You spoke loud enough, lacing fake annoyance in your tone and your guests laughed.
"Kyungsoo picked out the menu." Baekhyun told you, servers coming out with the food. It was all of your favorites and tasted amazing. When everyone was done with the meal and plates were cleared, another group of servers came out with a beautiful two-tier cake. The rested it gentle on the table in front of you and lit the candles before excusing themselves with a bow.
"Make a wish, sweetheart." Baekhyun wrapped his arm around your shoulder, kissing the crown of your head and you pressed your hands together, eyes closed. Let it be that I can stay happy with him, forever. You blew out the candles and everyone clapped and cheered and then the real part of the party began. Another set of chairs were at the gift table, so you moved over.
"Half of these are from you!" You sent a look to your boyfriend who chuckled a bit.
"So? Just start!" He brushed it off and you started. You got a lot of things like skincare, makeup, and other such toiletries. There were some stuffed animals, a few sets of earrings, a few nice perfumes and a tennis bracelet. Like you said, half of it literally was from him, several different countries were the origin of many. One of the boxes you opened, you slammed closed immediately, face heating. You sent him a side-glare and he seemed to realize what you had opened.
"Oh, uh, you can do that one later." He grabbed it from you, setting it on the pile and hoping no one noticed that it was purposefully hidden.
"It works with a phone app, from anywhere…" He whispered in your ear and you wanted to interrogate him further but decided to do it later. After the presents were opened and the cake cut, you finally got to eat it. Trying not to make a mess with the frosting, you enjoyed the champagne that was brought out as well. People were already dancing in the large open area in the middle of the rooftop venue, and when another nice, slow song started, Baekhyun grabbed your hand.
"I thought it would be weird if we danced to one of my songs." He whispered to you as he brought you to the dance floor. It was the second slow song, but you understood why he did that. While he literally danced for a living, you were not nearly as graceful nor practiced as him. You set your hand in his, the other on his shoulder, his other hand resting on your waist.
"Just, follow the rhythm." He coached as you danced, several of your other friends dancing with their significant others. You smiled as you passed Jongdae with his wife, somewhat envying what they had. That was something to think about later though.
"I think you got something on your-" Baekhyun brought your attention back to him and he smirked before quickly kissing the corner of your mouth and you scoffed.
"Geez." You couldn't help but smile, resting your head on his shoulder as you swayed. When the song faded to a close, you reluctantly pulled away from him, but his hand stayed linked with yours.
"Yeol!" He shouted, catching his friend's attention. He flashed an 'ok' gesture and Chanyeol sent a thumbs up back and you frowned a bit. What were they planning?
"Come with me." He looked like a kid in a candy store, a wide grin spread over his pretty face and you followed after him as he led you inside. Chanyeol had started something on the little stage set up for the band, everyone's attention focused there.
"I was going to wait till after, but I can't." Baekhyun told you, pulling you with him through the only door of the rooftop shelter other than the one outside or the elevator. It was a small staging room it seemed, there was mostly just extra tables and chairs. When you turned toward him to ask him what he was talking about, his lips captured yours, and your words slipped into a whine. Your back hit the wall by the door, hands flying up to his shoulders and up the nape of his neck into his hair. One of his arms wrapped around you, hand on the small of your back, the other on the wall to steady you both. You were glad you chose a lip stain rather than lipstick since none of it transferred over to him. You sighed and his tongue slipped into your mouth, his leg coming between yours, pressing his thigh against your covered mound. You moaned, letting him pull back from the kiss reluctantly. His lips kissed the corner of your mouth again, then down to your jaw, and further to your shoulder. The off-shoulder sleeves left plenty of skin open, so he took the chance and sank his teeth in slightly. You tried to hold back your moan, not sure how soundproof the room was, grinding down on his thigh between yours. It had been way to long, and the little points of contact through the night were not nearly enough.
"How am I going to get out of here?" You scolded lightly as he moved across your collarbone, having most likely already left three or four marks.
"You can use my coat." He offered quickly, barely pulling his lips off your skin to speak, also removing said item. Baekhyun rolled his sleeves up, lips finding yours again. When his task was done, you giggled as he lightly smoothed his hand up your thigh. His finger hooked over the hem of your panties, snapping the elastic. You squeaked slightly when he pressed into you, pinning you into the wall further, teeth nibbling your ear lobe, licking over the golden hoops you had in.
"You're already wet?" He gave a huff of smugness and you just hummed, exhaling in bliss when his fingers ran through your soaked folds.
"Baek-!" You were going to try and rationalize your state, but it was a moot point because your breath left when he sank his finger inside you. You were tighter than usual, not even having been able to get off yourself, you needed Baekhyun. The remote vibrator he bought you made more sense then. By the time he added his second finger, spreading them to get you ready, there were probably three more marks on your upper chest. Your little mewls were obviously getting to him, but the night was for you, not him. He stopped his fingers and you wanted to protest, but he was sinking to his knees.
"Oh." You whispered, letting him gently pull your panties down and over your feet, tucking them in his back pocket. You would have scolded him, but all words left as he buried his tongue inside your wanting pussy.
"Baek!" You shuddered, slumping further into the wall, hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself. He tried not to laugh at your squeal as he hiked one of your thighs up and onto his shoulder to get you open more for him. His tongue left your core, flicking at your clit, two fingers finding home inside you again. Your walls fluttered around the digits and he could tell you were close. With one more crook of his fingers, and kiss to your clit, you came and he helped you ride it, eagerly lapping at your essence flowing down his hand. By the time the waves of your orgasm faded, you were shaking and he smirked, standing while licking off his fingers. You noticed his hardened cock straining against his dress pants, fingers finding the zipper.
"Can't. Do it better later." You insisted and he wasn't going to argue. Just as soon as you freed him, the head of his cock was at your entrance and he pushed in. Your gummy walls pulsed around him; the stretch stung from you going to so long without him. The same leg he had over his shoulder he held up over his elbow and you were so glad you were flexible. His thrusts were shallow and hard, trying to get to the crest for both of you fast so he could get you back to the hotel room and fuck you properly.
"Shit, Baekhyun." Your breath came out in pants, trying to stay quiet, but it was hard. Your peak was getting close again, your tight core around his cock felt like heaven, so he was close too.
"Come on, sweetheart. Cum for me." His sweet voice in your ear was all it took and he had to still as you came. He let go as well, the squeeze too good. Catching your breath, you startled when someone knocked on the door hard. Baekhyun must have taken it as a signal for something, because he got himself fixed up and let you have his suit jacket to cover your shoulders. In the low light he could see the rising deep red and purple welts, a few with light teeth marks.
"Okay, lets go."
"Yeol got everyone distracted, so now you don't feel good, so we're leaving!" He grinned like a goof and you scoffed, shuffling after him to the elevator. Chanyeol seemed to be guarding the door, back to you, and you giggled as the lift doors closed. Your boyfriend looked at you, his hair a bit messy and you both laughed. He still had your panties in his pocket… When the elevator got to the floor for the room he booked, you slipped out, slinking past a group of what looked like college guys walking down the hall. You held his jacket over you tighter, following Baekhyun as he led you. When he had gotten you into the hotel suite, your giggles turned into a full laugh, and he couldn’t help but join.
"Come on, sweetheart. The bed is all ready…"
After unwrapping you like you were a present, he sat behind you on the bed, leading you to rest your back to his chest.
"What are we doing?" You asked, letting his hands on your hips guide you. He sat on his knees, having you straddle his lap and he sank lower as you settled on him, cock filling you back up. Sighing at the feeling of him inside you again, he kissed over your shoulders again, sucking another mark at the base of your ear. Resting your head on his shoulder, his hands guided you to grind down onto him, the angle had the head of his cock right in the best spot, rubbing and pressing you into a tizzy. You wondered why it felt so much more intense than normal, more intimate.
"You looked so beautiful tonight. I knew the dress was perfect." His voice, low and soft in your ear seemed to vibrate over you and your hips stuttered through the rhythm you both had set. Baekhyun leaned back a bit more, you followed since you were resting on him, and the shift let him slide in even deeper and you gasped at the rapidly rising pleasure.
"I loved hearing you laugh in person, being able to hold you." One of his hands slid up over your stomach, cupping your breast.
"Feel your soft skin, kiss you, taste you…" You whimpered, his hips shifting to meet yours, thrusting up to meet your rolling hips.
"Wanna see you…" You whined and he hummed, smirking.
"Okay, sweetheart." While you were not pleased that he pulled out, you were quickly filled back up when your back hit the bed. His hands wrapped around yours when they went to cup his jaw, mouth meeting yours again. Linking your fingers, he pinned your hands up by your head with his, pulling back just enough so your lips still brush slightly. You wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, and he snapped his hips hard, picking the pace up immediately. You couldn't hold back your moans, writhing in pleasure under him, the bed frame groaning from the force. You wanted to touch him too, but his hands on yours prevented it. He smirked against your lips, switching to using his one hand to hold both your wrists in place. The free hand gripped your thigh, shifting your leg up higher so he could get even deeper inside of you. It was hard for you to get out anything intelligible other than his name and your orgasm was rising faster than you anticipated.
"God, you're so beautiful. I love you so much, (Y/N)." His pace was stuttering, the vice of your core sending him closer to the edge as well.
"Love you too~" You managed to get out and your voice crested into a high moan as you fell over the edge. He groaned himself, spilling inside, filling you with warmth and swallowing your noises with a sealing kiss.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart." Baekhyun smiled warmly and you giggled tiredly.
"You really didn't have to do so much…" You pouted playfully and he hummed, shaking his head.
"I did. I love you, and whenever I'm gone for so long, so far away, you're all I think about. I honestly wish I would have done more.”
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Master-Master List
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bobohu4eva · 8 months
Illicit Affairs
Characters: Idol!Baekhyun x trainee/idol!Reader
Genre: smut, angst
Warnings: explicit unprotected sex, virgin sex, significant age gap, problematic relationship dynamics, this is purely a work of fiction and in no way representative of a healthy relationship
WC: 9.7k (trust me it needed to be that long)
A/N: Heavily inspired by the song, although the forbidden nature of the relationship is interpreted more as dealing with the age difference and dynamic, rather than being a result of infidelity. I definitely recommend giving it a listen before reading further.
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He was one of the last people you met after becoming a trainee, but he was the one you'd been thinking about meeting the most. 
Baekhyun was the reason you decided to become a singer. He was the person that made you fall in love with music and singing ten years ago, so when you finally bumped into him in person, it left you breathless and flustered. 
He was even more gorgeous than you could've expected, and you'd already met many other idols by then. You'd been waiting for your vocal lesson one evening, and he was the person who went right before you. When his lesson ended, he walked out of the soundproof room, and he was standing right in front of you. 
The image of him you'd always had in your mind, based on the countless pictures and videos you'd seen of him throughout the years, couldn't compare at all. With him directly before you, in person, he looked so much better than you ever could've imagined. He was just wearing a black tshirt and sweats, no makeup, hair unstyled and even a bit messy, but you still had to fight off the urge to stare. He was quite a bit taller than you, and you could see the muscle definition in his chest and arms under the plain black shirt. Everything about him was just so perfectly shaped, to you. From his familiar but still somehow surprisingly handsome face, to his broad shoulders, down to his waist and hips. If you found him attractive before meeting him in person, you were down badly now. 
It was so natural and sweet how he greeted you, asking if you were new, and wishing you the best for your trainee journey. Of course you thanked him, but he could easily see how much the sudden meeting had shaken you up, so he kept it brief. 
From then on, you saw him there every week before your lesson, and found yourself looking forward to it every time. The greetings became short conversations, and eventually you even told him how he'd been the one to inspire you back in the day to also be a singer and eventually audition. You would never forget how those words made his face light up. 
“Really? Back then I had no idea what I was doing, I'm still surprised by how much people seemed to like me. It means a lot to hear that.” 
He had one of those special kinds of smiles that you only see a few times in your life. It made you feel seen, appreciated, like to him, you were the only other person that mattered. He had that kind of energy about him. 
All you could think to do was blush and smile back. Being around him was almost like some sort of high to you, the way your heart pounded and you got butterflies in your stomach.   
Finally your voice teacher popped his head out the door, clearing his throat. “Sorry, I've got a bit of a cold. We'll keep it short today.” 
Without missing a beat, Baekhyun spoke up. “If you need to take the night off I can take over her lesson.” He turned towards you, “Would you be okay with that?” 
Your eyes grew wide and your mouth opened slightly, but no words came out, so you just nodded. 
“You sure?” The teacher said, “That would be great, thank you.” 
“Of course, it's already pretty late, you should get some rest.” 
So, you were left with Baekhyun teaching your lesson for the evening. You were still dumbfounded as he led you back into the small soundproof room, and asked what you had learned in last week's lesson. 
You answered him, though it was barely above a whisper. Having him teaching you all of the sudden was not something you were mentally prepared for. 
However he still understood, and started leading you through some warm ups.
To say that you were blushing, embarrassed, mortified, or anything similar still felt like an understatement. Warm ups just aren't cute.They felt silly and sounded dumb and the idea of doing them in front of Baekhyun of all people made you want to curl up into a tiny ball and become one with the carpet on the floor. 
Of course Baekhyun quickly caught on to that. “How about we do them together? I'll start, and you just match me, ok?”  
His voice concealed your own enough to ease your mind a bit, but soon he was asking you to sing on your own, without his voice to hide behind. 
You could barely get out a sound, let alone properly sing a simple scale. It was frustrating beyond belief, you knew you were a good singer, and you were incredibly lucky to have him offer to teach you, but your shyness still got the best of you. Trying to do anything while his eyes were on you felt impossible. 
Baekhyun was starting to regret offering to do the lesson, not because he didn't want to, but because he felt he was making you uncomfortable. He loved the idea of mentoring a trainee, helping them develop their skills and getting to see them debut with his encouragement, it had even been a dream of his. Of course this was only one vocal lesson, but it was something he'd been thinking about for a while, and this seemed like a great opportunity, at least at first. But he knew he couldn't force it, and he didn't want to hold you back either.
“I'm sorry, I didn't really think this through. Should we call it a night?” He asked, and you felt your heart sink. The disappointment evident on your face must've told him that you weren't quite ready to give up yet, so he made you an offer. 
“What if I face the wall, and you close your eyes, just imagine I'm not here and you're practicing by yourself. Just so I can hear you and get a better idea for what we should work on.”
You took a deep breath. He was just another person, and he was here because he wanted to help you. 
When you nodded, he smiled, ready to give it your best shot before he turned away, facing the corner of the room. 
It actually came out sounding okay that time, so you repeated it again for good measure. 
When you opened your eyes Baekhyun was looking your way again, with a proud smile on his face.
He had you repeat it a few more times, reassuring you every time that you were doing well, and for you, just seeing him smiling and praising you was enough to keep you going. 
With you finally past your mental block, he was able to get an idea of where you were at, and both of you were surprised to see how quickly two hours went by. He still kept things simple, not wanting to overwhelm you or make you shy again, but it was going amazingly well and he found himself almost as excited about it as you, if not even more. 
With the lesson finally over, he offered to drive you back to your dorm on his way home, and you happily accepted. When he led you to his car, a silver Porsche, you let out a small laugh in disbelief. Baekhyun just smiled, making a little extra show out of opening the door for you, before circling around to get in himself. You stayed quiet, just listening to him softly sing along to the music he'd put on until it was time for him to drop you off. Part of you was still in disbelief, that you'd really spent the last few hours with him, and now, you were next to him in his car as he drove you home. When he pulled up to your dorm, he wished you a good night, and didn't move until he saw you enter the building safely. As you laid in bed that night you replayed it all in your mind, smiling like a fool at how heart fluttering it all was. For the first time, you couldn’t fall asleep because your reality was somehow even better than what you could dream up. 
One week later, when you arrived for your lesson again, you were surprised when Baekhyun and your original teacher said they wanted to discuss something with you. 
“How would you feel about having your vocal lessons with me from now on?” Baekhyun asked. 
They saw the surprise on your face, your first teacher nodding at what Baekhyun had said. 
“Wow, I mean, are you sure? It's an honor, of course, but, why..?” 
“Teaching is something I've been thinking a lot about lately and I really enjoyed our lesson last week. It's up to you, of course, but if you'd be interested then I'd love to be your new voice teacher.” 
You laughed, mostly in disbelief. It felt too good to be true. Baekhyun was someone you'd looked up to for so long, and now he was happily offering to personally help you with your singing. 
“You really mean that?” 
He was still smiling in that almost frustratingly captivating way, nodding at your question. “So should we get started?” 
Unlike the week prior you had a bit more confidence this time around, and both you and him thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. Every week that followed your voice grew even bolder, as you got more used to being around him. You got less nervous to see him, moreso happy and excited to get to sing with him, and having him as your teacher made you all the more dedicated to doing your absolute best. 
Soon you started to ask him about other things, too. First it was dancing, asking his advice for how to memorize choreographies more easily. Then, how to talk to the media, or how to pose for photo shoots. Within a few months Baekhyun was much more than just the voice teacher you saw once a week. He helped you with basically every aspect of becoming a successful idol, he became a mentor to you. 
You could never fully get used to it, to having him in your life in such a close way. Your heart would still flutter when he showed you that amazing smile of his, and you still refused to slack off on your vocals or dancing, because you wanted to impress him, but mostly because you’d get to see that very smile. He was every bit as lovely and charming as you’d always imagined he would be, and you fell hard for him, he made it impossible for you not to. With how sweet he was to you, it sometimes seemed like he might actually like you, as more than a student, but those were thoughts you pushed away, knowing realistically that a relationship with him was nothing more than a fantasy. 
It was only six months into being a trainee that you were told you would debut, and you knew that you had him to thank for it. Another few months later the day came, and it was time for you to perform with your group for the first time. 
As soon as you stepped off stage, out of the view of the cameras, you lost it. The tears weren't because you felt sad or disappointed, simply overwhelmed. You knew you'd done well, really well in fact. Your career had officially begun, and the weight of it came down on you all at once, leaving you with little to do but sit in your dressing room in disbelief.
There was a soft knock on the door, and next thing you knew Baekhyun’s head was peeking in, and you weren't sure you'd ever seen him smile that big before. 
Without as much as a second of hesitation, you ran to the door, pulling him inside. As the door shut behind him, his arms wrapped around you.
His praises almost went unheard, still too overwhelmed by everything to fully listen to what he was saying, but you could tell he was happy, that he thought you'd done really well. 
It wasn't long until his arms broke away, hands still on your shoulders as he looked at you, smiling that amazing smile of his. With him looking at you like that, telling you how well you'd done, how proud he was, how happy he was to be your mentor, your emotions ran wild. It was everything, the adrenaline, relief, euphoria, and just him. 
His eyes were still on your teary ones, admiring you, a little overwhelmed himself. Seeing you finally debut after the months he'd spent with you, singing together, dancing, doing everything he could to make sure you were ready when the day came, got him a little teary eyed, too. You'd done so well, and he felt so lucky to have gotten to be there by your side for all of it. 
“I'm so proud of you.” He said, his hands moving down from your shoulders, along your arms. His eyes held so much warmth behind them, the sweet words along with his hands on you, and the way he never took his eyes away from you, had you reeling, stomach doing flips. For a second you swore his face was getting closer to yours, and his eyes flickered down to your lips. The tension seemed so thick, it became unbearable. 
You threw your arms around him, and you kissed him.
At first he took a step back, stumbling a bit, too surprised to fully react. But before you had the chance to pull away, his hand was holding your face against his own, returning the same kind of passion you showed him.
Baekhyun, your endlessly kind, lovely, talented, handsome, funny, charming mentor, was kissing you back. With his free arm, he circled your waist and pulled you closer, flush with his chest. The hand on your face held you close so softly, asking, not demanding, for more contact, for this to not end so quickly. He gave you every chance to pull away, to stop him, but you didn't, you only melted into his affection even more. 
The knock on the door pulled you both rudely back to reality. Your lips parted, and as you stared at one another, what you'd just done started to sink in. Baekhyuns’ face fell in a way you’d never seen before, and then he was gone. He walked through the door with all the horror disgust he felt towards himself clearly evident and the knot in his stomach nearly made him sick. 
He knew he made a huge mistake. He fucked up so incredibly badly. 
You stood there stunned, a million things running through your head, and collapsed under the weight of it all. 
The stylist was confused to say the least after first witnessing Baekhyun’s swift exit and next finding you, sitting on the floor crying. Thankfully she excused herself and let you be.
Baekhyun kissed you, and then just walked out, leaving you alone and confused. The guilt nearly ate him alive. Returning your kiss crossed so many lines and he should've known better, and he did, but you caught him so off guard, in such an emotionally charged moment, it just happened. The sudden euphoria of realizing that you were kissing him overpowered any rational thought. He knew he must be insane. 
And of all days, it was the day of your debut.
He had to make this right. 
He returned to your waiting room but it was already empty. He kept walking around the building trying to find you, even running into your bandmates, but you were nowhere to be found. 
Then he tried calling you, but he was sent to voicemail after the first ring. You declined his call. Finally he texted you, although he really didn't want to have this conversation over text. He knew he needed to do a better job at apologizing than just sending a few texts 
“Can we please talk about this? I'm so sorry I just walked out, I wasn't thinking, I need to talk to you.” 
You didn't reply. 
The next day he called again, and still you didn't pick up. 
The truth was, you were too embarrassed. Seeing him again, after he'd rejected you like that, was just too mortifying to consider. You felt so stupid. Of course kissing him was an outrageously dumb thing to do. He was your mentor, of course anything romantic was off the table. But you had a crush, and the adrenaline, combined with how sweet he was to you, made you lose any sense of reason. 
Stupid little girl, kissing the man she never even had a chance with, because her emotions got the best of her. 
But then why did he kiss you back? 
That was what drove you insane. Of course you had a crush on him, it was painfully obvious from the first day you'd met him, but he'd always stayed professional, never giving you any reason to think that it was anything more than how a fan feels toward their idol, and that it ever would be. Unfortunately for you, your feelings towards him only got stronger over time. 
Baekhyun had convinced himself that it was a good thing you liked him, that with him as your mentor, you'd work that much harder. He thought it was cute, the same way he thought of other fans' attitudes towards him, during fansigns and the like. He hadn't considered that maybe he'd gotten a little too close with you, that those lines started to feel blurred. In reality, you weren't just another fan, you were far from it. You were a real friend, you knew him. 
It was easy for him to understand why you didn't want to see or talk to him after what happened. He knew he messed up, both when he kissed you back, and when he left the room. He couldn't even imagine what must've been going through your head. He hoped you weren't blaming yourself, sure you're an adult, but at ten whole years older than you, he knew he was the one responsible for making sure things stayed appropriate between you two, and he'd failed. 
To his relief, you still did amazing for the rest of the debut promotions. He watched every performance, wishing he could've been there to support you. 
Because of how busy you were you'd agreed a while ago to skip lessons for the first two weeks after debut, and as the days dragged on, Baekhyun was starting to worry that he wouldn't get to see you again for a lot longer than he'd like. He still knew he needed to apologize to you, and the longer you avoided him the guiltier he felt. 
When promotions ended and he still hadn't heard from you, he reached out to your manager, asking when you'd have time for a lesson again. 
She assured him that you'd be there next week at the same time and place as usual, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The days before the lesson dragged on for what felt like ages to him, but at least there was an end in sight. 
When the time finally came, you were mortified, almost as badly as the first day you'd met him, or during your first lesson together, maybe even worse. He greeted you just as warmly as he always did, emphasizing how well you'd done during all the performances, and how he wished he could've been there for you. He did everything he could to try and relieve some of the tension and awkwardness, but you weren't there yet. 
You were bright red, hating the unpleasant heat sweeping over you, burning your cheeks and making you uncomfortably sweaty. You couldn't talk to him, or even make eye contact, you were still too ashamed. 
“Y/n?” You saw in your peripheral how he looked at you, and your eyes started to water. “I need to apologize for what happened after the showcase, I'm so sorry, I never should've put you in that situation, or kissed you back, or just left like I did. I was being reckless and stupid, the fault is all mine, and I understand if not, but I really hope you can forgive me.” 
His heart sank when you started to cry, and although he'd told himself a million times that he wouldn't, that any physical contact with you was inappropriate, he still ended up holding you, giving you a shoulder to cry on. 
“I'm such a fucking idiot.” You eventually let out between sobs, and he detached himself from you, finally meeting your eyes. 
“Please don't say that, this is all on me. I'm the one who fucked up, not you.” 
“But I'm the one- I-”
“Because I was being inappropriate. Like I said, I shouldn't have put you in that situation, that was my mistake.”
“I'm just so embarrassed.” It came out barely above a whisper. 
“Nobody saw us, and I could never judge you for that. I know you just got caught up in the moment.” 
You did your best to smile and nod, but the tears just kept coming. His words were sweet but did little to mend the pain and shame you still felt. 
He wanted to reach out and wipe away your tears, to hold you, to comfort you as best he could, but he knew it would only worsen things. Once again, however, when you leaned into him for comfort, he let you do as you pleased, cursing himself for letting his very necessary boundaries slip away so easily. 
This was bad, he knew it was. He didn't have the strength to push you away though he really should've. If this was going to continue, he had to do better, but he was coming to terms with the fact that he just wasn't able to. 
He stayed holding you until the tears eventually slowed down, and came to a stop. Now that your face wasn't buried in his chest anymore, he shot you a soft smile. “Do you want to get to singing?” 
Finally, you let out a small laugh. “Do we have to? Can we just talk? I missed you.” 
He sighed, but nodded. He'd missed you too, but saying so didn't feel like a good idea. 
He kept the conversation light, trying to make you laugh, anything to brighten your mood, if only for a little while. When the end of the lesson came, he knew he was going to have to be the bearer of bad news. 
“Next week I promise we can actually sing again.” You told him as he led you to his car to bring you home. 
He took a few deep breaths, and you were on your way to your dorm when he finally replied. 
“I don't think it's a good idea for me to be mentoring you, or giving your lessons anymore.” 
He stopped at a red light, and the look of hurt and disappointment he saw when he looked over at you made his throat feel tight. 
“I'll talk to your original voice teacher, to see when he can fit you into his schedule again, now that you're getting more advanced it'll be better for you to train with him anyway.”
You felt your lip start to quiver again. “You just don't want to be around me anymore now, I get it.” You mumbled, trying to hide the shakiness in your voice. 
Baekhyun’s eyes squeezed shut for a second, “it's really not that, not at all.” 
He was pulling up to your dorm and you just wanted to get away from him now before he saw you start to cry again. “You don't have to keep lying to me, I know I'm the one who fucked everything up with that stupid kiss.” 
He parked, trying to think of how he could finally convince you that it wasn't your fault, but you were reaching for the door before he had the chance to say anything. 
“Y/n, wait, please-” 
You were already gone though, shutting the door behind you. As soon as you were outside of his car the tears came, and you tried to wipe them away as best you could as you hurried to your dorm. 
When you got to the elevator you prayed nobody would see you like this. You'd spent so much of the evening in tears, you knew you looked an absolute mess. You just wanted to get to your room where you could finally be alone and let it all out. 
“Y/n, wait!” 
You turned around, and there he was, jogging towards where you stood. Your stomach suddenly felt like it was in your throat, and then he was in front of you once again, this time taking both of your hands in his.
“I don't know what to tell you, for you to believe me, but it's not your fault, I swear. I- I don't want to stop teaching you either, really, but I can't keep being alone with you, not when I can't trust myself.” 
All you could do was stare back at him, knowing that you were a tearful mess. What he was telling you didn't make any sense in your mind. You kissed him. Not the other way around. 
“Please say something.” He was still panting a little as he said it, winded from having run after you. 
“What does that even m-mean, you can't trust yourself? I'm the one who kissed you, and I'm definitely not stupid enough to try that again, so what does it matter?” 
“I already told you, I shouldn't have put you, or us, in that situation in the first place.” 
“But that doesn't fucking matter! Who cares if we're alone, we've been alone for the last two hours and it was fine.” 
Only it really hadn't been fine, he knew that he shouldn't have been touching you at all.
You were staring back at him through tear filled eyes, and he felt absolutely terrible. He wanted to be able to comfort you, and eventually just gave in, throwing caution to the wind and wrapping his arms around you. 
He just didn't have it in him to stand and watch you cry, knowing that he was the reason. This time he felt the way you grabbed onto the back of his shirt, keeping him from moving away. 
“Please don't cry, I'm sorry, really, I just want what's best for you. We would still see each other occasionally around the company, it's not like this is goodbye forever.” 
“I- I don't want lessons with anyone else. You're the whole reason I was able to debut, you can't just leave me now. Please.” 
You were still holding onto him, and with every “please” you added, he was slipping. He hoped that you would eventually calm down, and he would be able to reason with you, to finally make you understand why he couldn't be around you so much anymore. 
He had no such luck. All you could think about was how badly you would miss him, how lost you would feel if he stopped mentoring you, the last few weeks had been bad enough already, the only thing that got you through without him was your embarrassment and how busy you'd been. You couldn't lose him, you needed him. 
Every minute that he listened to you cry because of him, he felt his rationality fade. As much as he knew he needed to distance himself, he wasn't going to do it if it hurt you that badly. 
You felt him take a deep breath, and finally, a soft “okay” fell from his lips. 
It wasn't until then that he felt your grip on him loosen, and you looked up at him. 
“What? Really?” You sniffled, face still wet. 
He nodded, running one hand through your hair, moving it from where it had started to stick to your face. 
Once again, your arms were thrown around him, but at least this time, it was because you were happy. You must've said thank you to him a million times that night, as you felt the relief wash over you. Baekhyun was all too aware of the way your chest pressed against his own. 
When he was finally free of your arms around him, you were beaming up at him, and he couldn't help but smile back. “You should get to your dorm before people start getting worried.” 
You nodded, pressing the button and hugging him one more time before the elevator arrived. 
“Bye” he waved, as you stepped inside and the doors started to shut “see you next week.” 
He knew he was in too deep, and he was a fool to give in to you, but now it was too late. He was going to have to live with his decision and try to keep things from going further, but he 
knew deep down that realistically, he didn’t have that kind of self control, not with you. 
Baekhyun hadn’t planned on seeing you again until the next lesson, but when your debut song entered the top ten on all the major charts just a few days later, he wanted to celebrate, and invited you to a nice dinner. That day you spent hours getting ready, putting on your favorite dress and making sure your hair and makeup were perfect. You knew that it wasn’t a date, but the way you felt leading up to him arriving could’ve fooled you. 
He picked you up and drove you to the restaurant, pulling up in the back where there was already somebody waiting to lead you to a private dining area where you’d be out of sight of the public. You hadn’t really thought about it, but you understood why it would probably be better for your dinner with him to stay between the two of you. 
It was the first time you’d been around him just to hang out, more as a friend than a student, and you thought it was magical. You were nervous at first, still having all of the past drama with him on your mind, but he was his usual wonderful self, easily leading the conversation, making you laugh until your stomach hurt, and he too felt it, how easy and right this was. You ended up at the restaurant with him for over two hours, neither of you wanting the night to end. Finally the awkward tension from the previous weeks was gone, replaced with optimism and gratitude for still having him in your life. 
When he finally dropped you off, he got out of the car to walk you inside, and you ended up alone with him, standing in front of the elevator once again. 
“Thank you for tonight,” You started, “everything still feels kind of surreal, I can’t believe this is actually my life now. And it’s all thanks to you.” 
“You always had it in you.” He said and smiled that lovely warm smile. You were about to press the button to take you upstairs, but he stopped you, looking around to make sure you were alone. “Wait- I know I tell you all the time that I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come, but I really can’t say it enough. I’m really lucky that I get to teach you. You have something special, truly.” 
You and him got stuck in a weird place, neither one talking, but not making any effort to leave either. The way he was looking at you pulled you in, and you thought you saw something flash across his face, something you hadn’t seen before. He stepped closer, close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin, and your heart rate skyrocketed, confused. He wasn’t sure what came over him, he must be insane. 
“Baekhyun?” You barely whispered, but he didn’t explain himself, instead he leaned in, and he kissed you. 
Your mind was going a million miles a minute and it made no sense to you whatsoever, but he was kissing you, softly, sweetly, like something out of one of the many day dreams you’d had about him. As quickly as it started he was pulling away again, his face tinted a deep shade of pink, smiling a bit bashfully at you, still too shocked to react. 
“Goodnight.” He whispered, and then he was walking back to his car. 
After that, things felt completely different with him. The hugs got longer, his words sweeter, and every time he dropped you off, he’d again kiss you goodnight. It wasn’t only after your weekly lessons together that he would drive you around either, you and him began to spend more and more time together, and had to get more and more cautious about not being seen. 
You would sneak out in big hoodies with a mask on to walk to where he was waiting in the parking lot, just to drive around all night with him in one of his fancy cars, talking, singing, and sometimes pulling off to the side of a quiet road where he would lean over and kiss you, though it never went any further. He knew that sneaking around with and kissing his student was bad enough, anything more, and in public, would be a whole different kind of stupid. 
Both of you started to lie a lot, to your managers, friends, anyone really who would question or even just ask about your relationship. To everyone else, he was still just your mentor, a strict student-teacher agreement and no more. The lying should’ve been your first clue as to how wrong it all was, but you were blinded by your feelings for him. Getting to be alone with him, kiss him, and talk to him about things no one else knew was too all consuming for you to even think twice about it.
How you talked to each other changed too. When you were alone with him he would call you baby, treating you less like a student, or even just a friend, and more as a lover. You should’ve been happy, thrilled, even, and you were when you were with him, but when he’d drop you off and you’d be alone in your dorm again, you’d break down.
The late nights together, the romance, the kisses, they were all wonderful in the moment, but afterwards you’d always part ways, realizing that it was all fleeting, that any relationship beyond what you already had with him was impossible, because no matter how you might feel about each other, you were still his student, and far too young to be involved with him in any deeper way. No number of kisses or secret rendezvous would make him yours, he made that clear. You would always end up alone in your dorm at the end of it all, crying, knowing it would never turn into anything more.
Seeing him during lessons was a different experience now. There would be other people around, and they didn’t think twice seeing you together, but you and Baekhyun would give each other knowing looks, or he’d wink at you, or something else to signify your little secret. You and him almost had a special secret language, joking with each other often with little more than a glance.
Even your manager didn’t know about you and him, she knew that he was mentoring you, but she’d known him for so long, she never even suspected that he might be acting inappropriately with you, he just didn’t seem like that kind of guy. 
The two of you had everyone fooled, and while it felt exciting on the surface, it also grew a new kind of shame within you, knowing that what you were doing was deeply wrong. 
What you had with him wasn’t real, and never should or could be, and it was starting to tear you apart. It took you weeks of working up the courage to do so, but finally, during a lesson, you decided you were going to confront him with all of it. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
Baekhyun shrugged. “Sure.” 
“But you have to promise you'll answer honestly!” 
“Okay! I promise.”
You took a deep breath. “What are we doing?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“You know exactly what I mean. The sneaking around, the kissing, what is that about?” 
He'd been perfectly relaxed, but you could see how he tensed up as he realized what you were talking about. 
“Y/n, I don't think it's a good idea for us to talk about that right now-” 
“You said you'd answer!” 
A long sigh left him, eyes squeezing shut for a second. “Okay, okay. I’m just doing what feels right. You know I like you, but you also know that we can’t just act like we’re together either.” 
“You know why.” 
“Cause it’s inappropriate? We both know that this entire arrangement hasn't been appropriate since you decided to mentor me, knowing that I have a huge crush on you.” 
You wanted to finally hear it from him, wanted him to admit that he'd been just as irresponsible as you, and Baekhyun didn't say a word. It was the hard truth that he'd been trying for so long to avoid, and you threw it right in his face. 
“Ever since then it feels like you've been slowly leading me on, acting like we have something special but never letting it feel completely real, when you're the one who started all this in the first place, and let it get this far.” 
He stared at you, and he knew he couldn't keep it up anymore, couldn't keep ignoring it. He saw your hurt and frustration clear as day, and finally, he broke. 
“I'm a fucking idiot. I know I am, I'm an idiot and knew that getting so close with you was a terrible idea but I ignored all of that because I like you too much, I never intended for us to end up like this and feel like a huge asshole because I know I'm in a position where it's completely wrong of me to touch you at all because of how we met and the power dynamic but still every time I see you that's all I can think about.” 
“Do you really not understand how cruel you're being?” 
You scoffed at how genuinely confused he looked. 
“I've liked you so much for so long, you know I have, and you just waltz into my life and start talking to me and then teaching me and then offering to mentor me, when you know I can't help but fall for you. You even make it clear that you like me back, inviting me out with you and kissing me but never truly acknowledging what it means, it feels fucking awful. You keep stringing me along because you like me even though you know you can't give me what I really want. You're such a selfish asshole for that.” 
Your voice grew less and less stable and Baekhyun saw how the tears gathered in your eyes, threatening to spill over. 
He knew there was no use trying to argue with you, he'd gotten himself into this mess and he knew he was the one to blame. “What do you want me to do?” 
“I don’t know. But it can’t go on like this, it hurts too much.”
The small room fell silent and all you could do was stare at each other. You looked so defeated, the guilt nearly brought him to tears, and he did the only thing he could think to do. 
He held your face in his hands, bringing you close, letting his lips meet your own. 
Kissing him was just as electrifying as it always was, only this time, he didn't stop, didn't hold back. You got lost in the feeling, savoring the familiar taste and feel of finally getting what you craved again. This time though, it couldn't end the way it always did. Something had to change, so you pulled away.  
“You can’t just kiss me again and then keep on the same way. Please, I need more.” 
His face fell, because he knew he couldn’t give you that. “Y/n, I’m sorry, but you know why I can’t do that, why it has to be like this.” 
And he was right, of course you understood, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. It would be the end of his career if he was seen with you, and even his close friends would be raising eyebrows. He was so much older, your teacher, and your idol. What you wanted was completely impossible. “I care about you, a lot, you know I do. I also wish it wasn’t like this but we don’t have another choice.” 
“So what? You keep stringing me along, and I just have to live with it? Knowing that no matter how much we may want it, we’ll never be able to be together?” 
He sighed, and frowned at how sad you looked. “Can’t we just be grateful for what we do have?” 
You shook your head, “I want too much.” 
Despite everything you said, you and him both knew that you wouldn't be able to walk away, and neither would he. So when he took your face in his hands, whispered another “I'm sorry,” and kissed you again, you melted into him effortlessly. 
It was heated and messy, both letting out all your grief and frustration, clinging to each other almost desperately. He kissed you harder, deeper than he had before, until this time he was the one to pull away, though he didn't move far, looking at you with a look that while apologetic, was still hopeful.  
“I can't give you what you want, but if we're careful, I can take you home with me. For tonight, we can act like it’s real.” 
Before, taking you home with him had always been off the table. You were both too easily recognizable, and being seen in his building together would make it dead obvious that your relationship was more than it should be, so it didn’t even seem like an option. 
Wide eyed, you nodded, and not even a half hour into the lesson he was sneaking you carefully out of the practice room, and then the building, into his car. You texted your manager some bullshit excuse as to why you'd be gone for the night, and then you were on your way to his place, for the very first time.  
You could hear the rapid pounding of your own heart as he drove you through the night, unsure but excited. Even if it was only for one night, and he was risking far too much, you were going to hold onto whatever you could get. 
When he pulled into his building’s garage, he gave you a hat and a mask to put on, he pulled up his hood and put his own mask on, saying a short prayer before getting out of the car, and walking in with you. If anyone saw and recognized you both, he would be fucked, so he hurried, and luckily you made it to his apartment without running into anyone. 
Once inside you both let out a sigh of relief. You were alone with him, truly alone, no chance of passers by seeing you, or label mates catching onto your relationship, just you and him, all night. 
When you felt his hand on your own, pulling you closer, it robbed you of your breath. He took his mask off, and then yours, and leaned in, though his lips only barely met your own before he was looking at you once again. “I’ve wanted you so badly, and I know it’s wrong and I’m an idiot and an asshole for doing this, but I just can’t bring myself to stay away from you.” 
“So don’t. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. I’m all yours.” 
You looked up at him, eyes sparking with all the hope and clueless naivety he should expect from you, a girl of barely twenty, who’d grown up loving him, and was powerless not to fall into his trap, whether he’d set it on purpose or not. He was a man ten years your senior, who positioned himself as an authority figure in your life, someone who should never touch you, kiss you, or anything even close. 
The guilt manifested as a lump in his throat, knowing that your feelings for him, your willingness to ignore how wrong it all was, were because of him. 
Still, he kissed you, with a kind of passion that was new to you both. Without any risk of getting caught, he let himself hold you tighter, let the kiss get more and more heated. He led you to the couch, where you ended up on his lap, his hands on your hips as his lips wandered to your neck, kissing, biting, enough to make you gasp and shiver, but not leave marks. 
For you it was otherworldly, lightheaded and dizzy with disbelief as his hands and lips stayed glued to your skin, finally living out the fantasies that played in your head when you laid alone at night, longing for him. You’d kissed boys in the past, but none of them came anywhere close to the way he made you feel. You were convinced nobody could ever make you feel the things Baekhyun could, and all he’d done was kiss you. He wasn’t some boy, he was a man, he knew what he was doing, and you wanted more. Every last little piece of him. 
The restraint was gone. He wanted you just as badly, and that was all he could focus on. When you pushed your hips further into him, he groaned at the friction, easily getting carried away. You felt, looked, sounded, tasted, even smelled divine to him. He’d been hard for a good while already, and this time when you rolled your hips and he felt you against him, he let out a satisfied groan. 
That only encouraged you further and you kept moving, lips moving heatedly against his, as you started to get yourself off against him, his hands on your ass guiding you. 
“I want more.” You breathed out when he pulled back for air. “Where’s your bedroom?” 
Baekhyun didn’t answer, rather he stood, your legs still wrapped around him as he carried you away, until gently laying you down on his mattress. 
With you he became a gentle, caring lover. Maybe it was your age, or the fact that he’d been your mentor, but the way he touched you was like you were something precious. Like if he wasn’t careful, you would break. Even as he positioned himself between your thighs, he was cautious, never moving too quickly, watching for any hesitation on your end. 
But there was none, your desire for him was all-consuming in a way that was hard to understand, even in the moment. Without him pressed against you, you felt like you might actually die. 
“I’m not made of glass, Baek. You don’t have to be so careful.” 
“I know, I just… I want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I want this to be special.” 
When his lips met yours for the nth time that day, you started to tug on his clothes, until his shirt was being pulled over his head and he got to work undressing you as well. One by one he took off your blouse, followed by the skirt you were wearing, next unhooking your bra, until all that was left on your body was a pair of lacy underwear. Still desperate for his affection, you kept your lips glued to his all you could, the added feel of his warm skin against your own stealing any rationality from your mind. All you could think of was him, you wanted him in a way you didn’t even know was possible. 
He froze above you when your hand reached down, trying to get the button of his jeans undone. 
Even the few seconds when his touch left you completely as he finished undressing himself felt torturous. A breath got stuck in your throat when you felt his hands at your hips, slowly pulling the last piece of clothing from your body before reclaiming his place between your thighs. 
As your eyes met his and he started to move closer, you realized that there was something he needed to know. 
“Wait- I should probably tell you, I’ve never done this before.”
You watched as the color drained from Baekhyun’s face, eyes wide. He hadn’t even considered that you might be a virgin, you were old enough to have some experience, but it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise to him either. Those five words hit him like a punch in the gut. 
He rolled off of you, hands running through his hair, eyes squeezed shut. “God, this is so fucked up.” 
You sat up, taking one of his hands and he looked at you with uncertainty. “It’s not a big deal, but I’m sorry if that was a bit of a shock.” 
He gave you a sympathetic, but worried look. “It is a big deal though, at least to me. This would be irresponsible enough if it wasn’t your first time, I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t want to be responsible for how you’ll feel afterwards.” 
His words made your heart sink and a lump form in your throat. “What? No, please, Baekhyun, trust me, there isn’t anyone in the entire world that I would rather do this with than you, here and now. Please. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything this badly.” 
“You have to realize how tough of a spot you’re putting me in.” 
“I don’t care. I just want you, I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life. Please.” 
You moved closer to him, linking your hands behind the back of his neck, taking him with you as you fell back onto the mattress. He looked down at you, still unsure. 
He shushed you with another kiss, but had his own conditions if he was really going to be your first. “You have to tell me immediately if you feel uncomfortable at all, or if it hurts, and you can stop me at any point if you don’t want it anymore.” 
You could see in his eyes the concern and uncertainty he was feeling, but you had gotten this far, and you knew what you wanted, and you wanted it bad. You nodded, and he was between your legs once again, the anticipation rising. 
Baekhyun didn’t miss the way you gasped at the first touch of his length against your inner thigh. He wanted to make sure you were ready, that it didn’t hurt too badly, so he started with one finger inside you, slowly working it in and out, before adding a second. The wetness and your whimpers told him you were more than ready, easily taking his digits, and finally, he moved to replace them with his length.  
You felt him position himself at your entrance, and you were certain you’d never felt that kind anticipation before, leaving you a shaking, panting mess underneath him. 
You felt his hand softly against your cheek, and your eyes opened to meet his. “Y/n, baby. You’re sure you want this?” 
You nodded without even a second of hesitation. “Yes, god, please.” 
The softness of his kiss was a stark contrast to the intrusion of him pushing inside, the pain making your eyes squeeze shut and a whine pass your lips. 
He stopped moving when he saw your reaction, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. “Am I hurting you?” 
It did hurt, but your desire overpowered any sign of discomfort. “Please don’t stop.” 
With his forehead pressed to yours he kept going, until his hips were flush with yours. He felt your discomfort in how tense you were, staying still to let the pain subside. 
“Baekhyun, please.” 
You might’ve not minded the pain, too concerned with the intense need for more, but he wasn’t going to move until he knew you were okay. 
“I know it hurts baby, you have to relax, can you do that for me?” 
You whined in response but realized that he was right, you were extremely un-relaxed, and as you made a conscious effort to let go of all the tension in your body, the pain faded away. 
He felt it, and saw how you melted into the mattress, and took it as his cue to start moving. 
The first thrust had your back arching, moaning his name and he just kept going, setting a slow rhythm. You clung to him, moaning unabashedly, losing yourself to the new and incredible feeling of him inside you. Nothing could’ve prepared you for it, this was so much better than anything you’d been able to come up with in your own fantasies. Just the weight and warmth of him on top of you overwhelmed you, combined with the feeling of him pushing in, pulling out almost completely each time, before sinking back into you, it was like your own personal heaven. He was your own personal heaven. 
It only got better as he kept moving, that familiar warm feeling building in the pit of your stomach. You’d had orgasms before, but what you could do with your own hands didn’t even compare to what he was doing to you. It was a wholly different, and far more intense sensation. 
His lips collided with yours in a messy, lustful haze, praises passing his lips in between breaths.  “You feel so good baby, so perfect, so beautiful.”
Those words heightened everything even more, his low voice sending chills running down your spine. 
“Baek, please.” 
You didn’t even know what you were begging for anymore, you were just imploring him for more, everything and anything he could give you, you wanted it. The feeling of him rolling his hips into you again and again clearing your mind, your pleasure and desire all consuming. 
However he could see it in your eyes, how you needed more, and picked up the pace. The way he pushed himself into you, now faster, and with more force, had the tightness in your belly growing more intense by the second. 
The build up was more intense than you ever knew possible, losing control as he continued his ministrations, until all at once, you fell. 
The orgasm raged through you, leaving every nerve ablaze, as you shook and gasped at the overwhelming wave of pleasure. 
Above you, Baekhyun was losing control too, still pushing inside deeply, teetering on the edge, but your fucked out expression combined with the way you clenched around him had him reaching his high soon after you, shuddering with a moan as he let go. 
For a minute you both stayed just like that, panting, gasping, letting the climax slowly fade, until there was nothing left but a tangled web of sweaty limbs. 
When he pulled out and rolled off of you, the loss of his warmth made you whine. You barely even noticed when he got up, soon returning with a wet towel, and cleaning you up. 
He settled in next to you, and you smiled when his arm wrapped around you, pulling you into him. 
Luckily the exhaustion did well to lull you to sleep, any painful thoughts being pushed to the morning, but you wouldn’t be able to escape them forever. 
He woke you up with a kiss on the cheek, and at first it all felt so nice, so tender and intimate, in bed together with him as the sun began to poke through the curtains. Slowly he got up, and you followed, feeling the dull ache between your thighs as you stood. 
Seeing the way you grimaced at the soreness, he was quickly at your side. “Shit, sorry.” He muttered. 
You just let out a small laugh. “It’s okay, it was worth it, at least. Definitely worth it.” 
He smiled, pulling his clothes on as you gathered your own, before doing the same. “Let’s get you home, before it gets busy and people could see us leaving here together."
There it was, the rude call back to reality. That your night with him was over, that now you would have to hide again, to sneak around, and constantly be reminded that he wasn’t really yours, and never would be. 
Stupid, foolish girl. 
You managed to make it back home without being spotted, and even his kiss goodbye couldn’t keep the sadness from taking you over. He noticed it too, how you seemed to shut down after making it to his car. 
Back in your room, you let it all out, letting the tears seep into your pillow. Once again, he’d turned you into a complete mess, the pain and frustration leaving you broken.
Nobody could ever again give you what he could, could make you feel what he could. It was him, the man you’d looked up to and admired for so many years, and now after having slept with him, it was clearer than ever. 
That was the nature of your relationship with him. You were powerless to him, and no matter how much it would ruin you, you'd let him do it, over and over again.
For him, you would ruin yourself, a million little times.
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Being EXO’s fem!idol crush who gets shipped with them - Hyung Line Ver.
Maknae Line Ver.
a/n: this is based on the SM girl group idol au that i wrote a while back, please read that first so that the writing will make sense :) ALSO chen’s will be written platonically bc as i’ve stated before, i don’t feel comfortable writing romantic scenarios for someone who has a wife and two kids 💀 AND these scenarios are LONG so i’m splitting this into two parts! enjoy :)
TW: kissing, being held, crying, mentions of food
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You and Xiumin had been growing close as colleagues and friends for a few months now. You began hanging out on a semi-regular basis, and today he was guest starring on a live video for Etoile Clubhouse.
“You ready?” you asked him, finger hovering over mouse to click the “live” button. You were actually asking yourself if you would be able to get through a whole video with him without making a fool of yourself. Lately you had been developing the biggest crush on him, and it was highly embarrassing. Not even your members knew about it. You knew that Nabi and Marie would just tease you mercilessly, and that Iseul and Kaori would never stop bothering you with questions, so you decided to keep it to yourself.
“You know it.” he winked, leaning forward in his chair with a grin.
You nodded, letting out a small gulp as you clicked the button. In just a few seconds, fans and comments were pouring in.
“Hi Starlight! It’s your main vocalist Y/N!” you greeted your fans lovingly. Xiumin glanced over at you with an admiring sparkle in his eyes, which you didn’t seem to notice.
“Today I’m joined by my good friend, Xiumin of EXO!” you announced, gesturing over to him.
Xiumin waved at the camera. “Hi Starlight! It’s good to see you!”
You began scrolling through some of the comments.
ugh, my two biases together, my heart can’t take it 😭
look at the way he’s looking at her 🥺💞
You tried to control the blush smile that threatened to make its way onto your face, leaning back in your chair. “Well, they’re certainly happy to see you too!”
He smiled appreciatively, giving the camera a small bow. “Thank you, Starlight. It’s an honor to be here with the lovely Y/N.”
You hit his arm playfully. “Stop trying to butter me up! You’re not stealing any of my fans!”
He laughed at you, ruffling your hair slightly. “Awh, you know I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, I could never betray EXO-L like that.” He flashed a finger heart at the camera with a cute wink.
You rolled your eyes, then went back to reading some of the comments.
just ask her out already xiumin 😑
the banter??? they’re so cute omg
oh they’re definitely dating 👀
“Wow, you guys really have a lot to say today.” you chuckled nervously.
Xiumin glanced over at you again with a reassuring smile, his eyes so full of compassion that you could melt. “We do make a pretty good team, Y/N. You can’t blame them for being honest.”
You laughed at his comment, easing up a bit. As the live went on, you both just answered some questions and talked about the projects you’d been working on lately. There were a lot of laughs, and overall you were very satisfied with the fan turnout. A lot of EXO-L’s had heard that Xiumin was on your live, and popped over to say hi as well.
“Well, we’re approaching our hour mark, so unfortunately it’s time to say goodbye.” you huffed disappointedly. You always hated saying goodbye to your fans.
“I suppose so…” Xiumin sighed. He pouted at the camera, making you chuckle.
“Alright, until next time, stay twinkly!” you smiled at the camera, pressing you hand to your lips to do your signature ending. You always blew a kiss to the camera at the end of a live.
However, as you did, Xiumin pressed a kiss to your cheek. You froze, hand falling away from your lips slowly.
“Did you just…?” you asked in bewilderment, looking over at him with doe eyes.
He just sat there with a content shit-eating grin on his face, looking at you innocently.
You looked over at the monitor to see what the fans were saying.
“ALRIGHT, it’s time to say goodbye Starlight!” you chuckled anxiously, quickly blowing a kiss before exiting out of the live. You swiveled around in your chair to face Xiumin. “What was that?”
“It was just a kiss on the cheek.” he chirped, resting his chin on his hand.
“Yes, but on live? That could’ve been a disaster! What if the fans-“
“What if the fans what?” he interrupted, grabbing your hand and rubbing his thumb long the back of it. “They obviously liked us together. And so do I.”
Your heart stopped, and you looked up at him in disbelief. “You… you do?”
He nodded, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I do. I really do. I want something more with you Y/N.”
You gave him a small smile, placing your hand over his. “I do too Xiumin. I’ve wanted it for a while now. I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“It’s understandable. What I did was kind of risky.” he chuckled.
“You think?” you replied sarcastically.
“Come here…” he grumbled, tugging you closer to him. He brought his hands up to the sides of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. It was sweet and delicate, and everything you had been hoping for. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you leaned into it, deepening it slightly. As you pulled away, your foreheads came to rest against each other.
“You make me so happy, Y/N.” he whispered, squinting his eyes.
“Ditto.” you replied, pecking his lips again.
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It was the long anticipated MAMA awards, and you and your group were all dressed up in matching indigo gowns. You were all sitting together in your row, watching the performances and applauding as the awards were presented. You were especially entertained by one of the hosts… Suho from EXO.
“Wow, you’re really engrossed in the ceremony Y/N.” Nabi commented, leaning over and nudging you in your side.
“Oh, shut up!” you grunted, slapping her arm away. “I’m just excited to see all our colleagues get rewarded for how hard they’ve worked this year.”
“Yeah, and it has nothing to do with how you’ve had a crush on Suho since the day he accidentally walked in on our dance practice back when we were trainees.” Marie teased you from your other side.
“I’m feeling very ganged up on right now.” you grumbled, crossing your arms. “At least the maknaes respect me enough not to make fun of me.”
“That’s only because they’re such big STAYS that they can’t take their eyes off the stage long enough to realize you’re making googly eyes at the host.” Nabi retorted.
You glanced over at Iseul and Kaori who were totally immersed in Stray Kids’ performance. They were totally in love with Felix and Changbin respectively, and were so jealous when you got to make a cameo in one of their music videos. You promised to get them autographs, but it only eased the pain a little bit.
Everyone broke out into applause as Stray Kids exited the stage and returned to their seats. Suho and Irene walked back to the center of the stage to announce the next award, and a hush fell upon the audience. You looked up at the stage with bright eyes, trying to act as if you were looking at both the hosts, and not just Suho.
“What a wonderful performance from Stray Kids!” he congratulated. “It’s no wonder they’ve already received three awards tonight.”
You laughed along with everyone else, making Nabi and Marie share a knowing glance. You hit them both lightly on the thigh, making them snap away from each other quickly. Sometimes your unni-card came in handy.
“That’s true, but now it’s time to announce the winner of best female group!” Irene beamed, waving the envelope in her hands.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and all five of you looked at each other with wide eyes. It was your first year in the running, and while you weren’t expecting to win, the anticipation was killing you all. Etoile had really taken off last year after Andromeda was released, and was already considered in the realms of Twice and Red Velvet. It was certainly going to be a tense moment, and the whole audience knew it.
You grabbed onto Nabi and Marie’s hands, immediately forgetting about how frustrated they had made you earlier. Marie reached over to hold Iseul and Kaori’s hands. It was a tradition you all started after you won your first award with Andromeda. Even if you weren’t expecting to win, you all held hands to signify your unity. Irene began to unfold the envelope, and everyone was on the edge of their seats.
You glanced up at the stage, and for a moment, you could swear that Suho was looking at you. His eyes were full of admiration and joy. Your heart stopped, and you gripped onto your members hands even harder. Suddenly, Suho glanced over at the envelope in Irene’s hands. His eyebrows raised and his mouth fell open slightly. Forgetting himself, he looked back over at you in the crowd and gave you a small wink. Did that mean that…?
“And the MAMA award for best female group goes to Etoile!” Irene cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly.
The five of you sprung up from your seats, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. There was no way! This had to be a joke. But when you looked behind you and saw nearly all your colleagues, senior and junior, looking at you with praise and pride, you knew it was real.
You looked over at Nabi, who already had tears streaming down your face. You giggled at her emotional reaction, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You okay?”
She shook her head, wiping her tears. “I’m… I’m…”
You chuckled at her, taking her hands in your own. “Come on, we have to go accept the award.”
As you led your leader out into the aisle way, you glanced back to see Marie clinging onto her, then Iseul clinging onto Marie, and Kaori clinging onto Iseul. They were all sobbing and barely making it out of their seats without passing out. You shook your head with an amused smile. This always happened. Your members would all be blubbering messes and you were always the only calm one, leading them up the stage like a mother hen.
As you reached the stairs, you looked up to see Suho rushing over to help you up. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that was plastered on your face as his eyes met yours. You took his hand and allowed him to lead you up the steps, with him taking extra care to move slowly enough so that you wouldn’t trip in your heels. As you ascended the last step, he gingerly placed a kiss over the back of your hand. Your eyes went wide, and you could hear your members giggling behind you.
“Congratulations. You deserve this.” he told you, gesturing over to Irene, who was waiting to give you your award.
You gave him an excited, blushy smile and rushed over to Irene, who already had her arms extended to give you a huge hug. As she pulled away, she handed you your award. “I knew you could do it, little sis.” she grinned admiringly.
“Thank you, big sis.” you replied with a small bow, leading your girls over to the microphone to give the speech.
Later that night, you were all at the after party, and everyone there was treating you like the guests of honor. Your friends from Stray Kids came over to congratulate you, making Iseul and Kaori’s millennium.
“Did you see the way Changbin looked at me?” your maknae squealed, clutching the award to her chest. She hadn’t let go of it all night long, treating it like it was her own child. You had to admit, it was adorable to see your “daughter” so excited about your groups’ achievement.
“Yeah, it was the same way Suho was looking at our Y/N during the ceremony.” Nabi teased you once again.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, well you couldn’t look at anything during the ceremony because your eyes were flooded with tears.”
The other girls laughed along with you, except Nabi, who scoffed annoyedly.
“I still can’t believe he kissed your hand though.” Iseul commented, shaking your shoulders excitedly. “I really think you should shoot your shot with him!”
“All I want to do right now is go get some air.” you shut her down, patting her shoulder lovingly. “All this interrogation is making me feel suffocated.”
The four girls chuckled at you, waving you off as you made your way to a secluded hallway. You knew they meant well, but god they were insufferable sometimes.
However as you turnt the corner, lost in thought, you came face first with a solid brick wall. At least, that’s what you thought it was until you looked up to see Suho’s eyes locked in on yours.
“Oh, forgive me, I’m so clumsy!” you apologized frantically, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“No, it’s alright!” he reassured you, placing his hands gingerly on your arms to stabilize you. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I just had to get some air.”
“I get it. Being so successful is exhausting.” he replied.
You smiled at him before glancing down at the ground nervously. “We really weren’t expecting to win.”
“What?” he asked you, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Why not? I thought you guys were an absolute shoo-in.”
“Is that why you were staring at me in the crowd?” you asked, feeling a bit more bold.
Now it was his turn to blush and glance down at his shoes. “Maybe. I just knew that my favorite junior group had worked really hard this year and deserved to win the award.”
Your heart slipped a beat. “We’re your favorite junior group?”
He nodded with a playful grin. “Absolutely. And you’re my bias.”
Your mouth impulsively dropped open, making you feel like an idiot. You quickly slapped it shut, adjusting your hair anxiously. “That’s really funny, because you happen to be my bias.”
“Really?” he gaped, copying the same actions you had just taken. You giggled with a nod, making him chuckle. “I guess EXO-L and Starlight are right, we do make a good pairing.”
You squinted your eyes in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you must have been so busy out there that you haven’t had the chance to check social media!” he realized, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. He pulled up a popular fanpage and handed it to you. “It’s all anyone can talk about. Along with how adorable you were leading your group down the aisle.”
You scrolled through the comments, eyes bulging out of your head at how many there were.
suho was so cute kissing Y/N’s hand 🥺 i’m so jealous but i think they’d make an adorable couple
suho rushing over to help Y/N up the stage was the cutest thing ever! he definitely has a lil crush on her <3
did anyone else notice how Suho winked at Y/N in the audience??? and how Y/N was looking at Suho the whole time he was hosting??? they’re literally so in love idc 😤
You fought back the tugging at the corner of your lips, handing Suho back his phone. “That’s amazing.”
“I know. I guess the only thing left for us to do is go out on a date.”
You nodded. “I’d like that very much.”
You both exchanged numbers, then said your goodbyes as he made his way back out into the party. As you got to the bathroom, you shut the door behind you and pressed your back against it, clutching your chest. You had just gotten the award of your dreams and the man of your dreams, all in the same night. How much more lucky could you get?
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You were having a great time in China with Marie, being chosen as guest mentors for an idol training program. A lot of the girls on the show were fans, and your appearances were bringing in a lot of new Chinese Starlights.
You were reaching the end of your filming, running through the last steps of your dance practice with the girls. You and Marie were standing at the front of the room with your backs’ to the door, and you were so entranced with watching your girls’ practice that you didn’t even hear the door open behind you.
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms was thrown around the two of you, making you both jump. Your head whipped around quickly, and your eyes widened as you realized who it was.
“Yixing!” you both cheered, turning around in his arms to hug him.
He flashed a smile at you before wrapping his arms around the two of you tightly.
The girls all finished their dance and cheered at the arrival of another mentor, one that they had been working with for quite a while now.
“Alright girls, I think it’s time for a break!” you announced. They all thanked you and bowed before filing out, leaving the three of you alone in the dance practice room.
“I didn’t know you guys’ were going to be on the show!” Yixing beamed, putting his hands on his hips. “I came in to do the dance practice with the girls today and they were all gone, then the producers told me you were guest mentoring today, and I just had to come say hi.”
“Yes you did!” you agreed. “We’ve missed you so much at SM! You were our favorite senior!”
He blushed slightly, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve missed you guys too. But I really like the work I’m doing over here.”
“Of course, we understand that.” Marie reassured him. “It just gets hard without your expertise sometimes.”
You all laughed, shifting slightly.
“Alright, I think that’s enough footage for now.” the camera man announced. “The main focus of the episode is going to be the vocal practice so you guys are good to go.”
You and Marie thanked him, then turned back to Yixing.
“So, if you guys aren’t doing anything tonight, do you wanna get dinner together? It’ll be my treat.” he offered with a cute smile.
You blushed slightly. “I’d love to.”
“Thank you, but I’ll pass. I think I pulled something in my shoulder today.” Marie grumbled, rolling her shoulder back a few times. “But you guys have fun.”
“Okay, no worries. Y/N and I will have a great time together without you.” Yixing teased her, ruffling her hair. She pushed him away with a scowl. He had always treated Marie like a little sister, which made you laugh because she was usually so tough and headstrong.
He turned back towards you. “Text me which hotel you’re at, and we can meet up around 7 if that’s okay?”
You nodded, smiling brightly at him. “It’s a date!” You cringed internally. Why would you say that?
He said his goodbyes and left the room, leaving you and Marie to yourselves.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” she huffed, punching you on the arm lightly.
“For what?” you asked, grabbing your purse.
“For making up that lie about my shoulder so you could have a dinner alone with Yixing.” she grinned, taking a few swigs from her water bottle before continuing. “I’m missing out on a great dinner just so you can make a move with your crush, so you better not waste it.”
“And so I’m standing there in the middle of the subway in a Sailor Moon costume, looking around for my members, and they’re just nowhere to be seen! I had to take the subway all the way back to the dorms in that ridiculous outfit!”
Yixing threw his head back in laughter at your story, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. “Oh my gosh, they did not leave you there by yourself!”
“Yes they did! And that’s why you don’t leave the group to get coffee after shooting a music video.” you concluded, rolling your eyes.
He was rolling, small tears forming in the corners of his eyes from how hard he was laughing. “Ah, that’s too funny. I mean, not for you, but… as a listener.”
You nodded, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “No it’s okay. It’s unfortunate, but hilarious.”
“I’m so glad I asked you out to dinner tonight.” he commented, eyes looking into yours and sparkling with sincerity. “I meant it when I said I’ve missed you.”
“I did too. It’s not the same without you there.” you replied.
He seemed to be reaching across the table for your hand. Your heart stopped in anticipation.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
You squinted your eyes and exhaled an annoyed sigh. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, go ahead and answer it.” he chuckled awkwardly.
You practically ripped your phone out of your purse and hit the answer button, hardly even looking at who it was. “What?!” you spat.
“Y/N! For the love of god check your phone!” Nabi screeched on the other end of the line.
“Nabi? Why, what’s going on? Are the girls okay?” you asked worriedly.
“Yeah, we’re all fine! Just check your phone!” your leader demanded, then hung up the phone.
You looked over at Yixing in confusion.
“Everything okay?” he asked, concerned.
“I don’t know. Nabi just screamed at me to check my phone.” you shrugged, beginning to scroll through your text messages. First was the group chat you had with the members.
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “Relax, I just ditched dinner so she could be alone with Yixing. They’re not dating yet. No one call her, you’ll ruin their date.”
Iseul 🐶: “YES! FINALLY!”
Kaori 🐥: “Wait, Y/N and Yixing are dating???”
Iseul 🐶: “Y/N? Who asked who out?”
Kaori 🐥: “I’m so glad my parents are finally together :)”
Nabi 🦋: “CALL ME RN.”
Marie 🐈‍⬛: “You guys are literal idiots.”
You knit your brows in confusion before switching over to your other text messages. Why were they talking about you and Yixing dating? And how did they even know you were out with him?
Yeri 💜: “bestie, have you seen this?” *article attached*
Taeyong 🌹: “Y/N, have you been on twitter recently? There’s some stuff you might wanna see…”
Karina ❤️: “yessss get it girl!” *photo attached*
Manager 🫡: “Call me when you get a chance. It’s important.”
Yixing reached for your hand again, actually holding it this time. “Y/N… what’s going on?”
You looked at him helplessly, feeling your heart swell with anxiety. “There’s dating rumors about us. I’m guessing the fans saw us on that tv show and then saw us here together.”
He looked like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by his own cell phone ringing loudly in his pocket.
He sighed, grabbing his coat. “Let’s go to my place. I have a feeling we’ll be sorting this out all night.”
You had just gotten back to Yixing’s place, and were currently sitting on the sofa waiting for your manager to pick up his phone. He had gone into his bedroom to talk to his own manager, telling you to just make yourself comfortable.
You tapped your foot anxiously as your phone rang. You had no idea what your manager was going to say. Would he be angry? Understanding? Just as confused as you were?
“Hey Y/N.” he finally answered.
“Hey.” you sighed, feeling your stomach turn. You prepared yourself for the worst.
“How are you holding up kid?” he asked, seemingly genuinely concerned.
“About as good as I can. I still don’t really know what’s going on.” you replied.
“Well, I just got done talking to the company. They said the response is mostly positive. They’ve given you the okay to confirm the relationship.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. That was pretty much the opposite of what you were expecting to hear. “Really?”
“Yeah, it’s really interesting. Apparently they saw the two of you hugging and bantering on that idol show you’re on right now and thought it was really sweet. Then someone posted that picture of the two of you at that restaurant and the comments were just flooded with approval.” he laughed, seemingly just as perplexed as you were. “I’ve gotta say, I have to agree with them. You guys do look good together.”
You chuckled, pushing your hair back in amazement. “Oh my gosh. I have no idea what to do now.”
“Are you with Yixing right now?” your manager asked.
“Mmhm. He’s in the other room talking to his manager.” you replied.
“Okay. You two can talk it over for a bit. Let me know what decision you come to.” he instructed. “Take care, kid.”
“Okay, I will. Talk to you in a bit.” you told him, hanging up the phone. You sighed in relief, tossing your phone onto the coffee table. You sunk down onto the sofa and shut your eyes, rubbing them slightly.
Suddenly, Yixing emerged from the hallway. He chuckled at your disheveled appearance, walking over to sit down next to you. “You good?”
“Honestly, I’m better off than I thought I would be.” you answered with an amused smirk. “My manager just told me the response is mostly positive.
“Mine said the same thing.” he nodded. “Now it’s just up to us.”
You sat up, folding your hands in your lap. “So, what do we want to do?”
He shrugged casually. “I’d like to confirm it.”
Your heart stopped. “You do?”
He smiled, dimples showing prominently. “Y/N, I’ve had a crush on you for years. Now thanks to the fans, I might actually have a chance with you.
Your face broke out into an enormous grin, and you began to feel butterflies in your stomach. This was really too good to be true.
“Alright, I’ll call my manager and tell him to confirm it.” you beamed, reaching for your phone.
He grabbed your wrist delicately, stopping you. “Wait, just a second…” He then leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on your cheek.
Your face heated up, and you touched your hand to your cheek lightly, looking at him perplexedly. “What was that for?”
“For giving me a night I’ll never forget.”
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It was the fans’ dream come true. A collab between SuperM and GOT the Beat. All the male and female legends of SM were going to be together in one music video.
You were all currently shooting the music video. The director’s vision was to mix up the different ages and genders in individual cuts to showcase the true unity of the super groups. Taemin, Hyoyeon, and Kai were put together since they were a fan favorite grouping. Taeyong and Taeyeon were another paring. Ten and Seulgi were partners, as well as Mark and Iseul. Then, Karina and Winter did their section together. BoA, Wendy, and Lucas were the last trio. That left you and Baekhyun, who had been your idol and celebrity crush since you were 16.
Karina and Iseul winked at you before walking off into their own groupings, making you scowl and roll your eyes. You turned back to Baekhyun with a weak smile, bowing politely.
“It’s so nice to meet you formally.” you stammered meekly. “I’m a huge fan. You’re actually one of my biggest inspirations as a main vocalist.”
Damnit, you thought, that probably made me sound like such a nerd.
Baekhyun’s face lit up in the most genuine smile, he was practically giggling in contentment at your confession. “That’s so wonderful to hear! I’m honored to have inspired the best female vocalist at this company.”
You gasped, eyes going wide. “Oh I’d hardly call myself the best, especially considering what powerhouses I get to work with in GTB!”
He chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning closer to you. “Your nickname is ‘angel voice’ for a reason.” He seemed to be getting more and more comfortable with you by the second. The two of you seemed to just click instantly.
“Would you like to hear a secret?” he practically whispered. You nodded and turnt your ear towards his lips with an intrigued grin. “You give quite a bit of inspiration to me as well Y/N. I might just be your biggest Starlight.”
You gasped again, this time out of excitement. “You’re kidding!” you exclaimed.
He shook his head, playful smile still wide on his face. “Why would I lie to my favorite junior?”
You rolled your eyes and blushed, looking away in embarrassment. He really knew how to fluster you. Luckily, the director had just walked over to you and was about to start shooting.
“Alright Y/N and Baekhyun! We’ve got a lot of good visuals and vocals between the two of you so I’m very excited to shoot these cuts!” she beamed, clapping her hands together. “We’re going to take a teaser photo first, then we’re just going to roll the cameras to get some b roll for the music video.” The both of you nodded understandingly before moving over to the shooting area.
“Let’s start by having Y/N stand in the foreground looking straight at the camera.” the director ordered. “Baekhyun, how about you put an arm around her chest and place the other hand delicately on her waist. Now, tilt your head towards her as if you’re whispering in her ear.”
Your heart stopped as you both assumed the position. You had filmed music videos with other male artists before, so the intimacy wasn’t the issue. It was the fact that Byun Baekhyun was going to be just inches away from your ear and holding you close to him.
You froze as he placed his hand on your waist.
“Is this okay?” he asked softly enough that only you could hear him.
You smiled appreciatively and nodded slightly. He then placed the other arm around your chest and gripped his fingers securely onto your shoulder as if to comfort you. He was really making it easy to lean into his touch, and soon you were comfortably standing there in his arms, giving the camera your best smize.
“You’re breathtaking, Y/N.” he murmured, a wholesome smirk evident on his face. You couldn’t help but flash a huge, toothy grin at his compliment. As soon as you did, the cameras flashed, signaling that your photo had been taken.
“Beautiful, you guys! That was a perfect photo!” the director praised. “We don’t even need to take a second one. Now just do your thing while we roll the cameras for some b roll.”
“The camera loves us together.” Baekhyun commented, resting his head on your shoulder with a sigh.
You glanced down at him with a teasing side eye, clamping your hands onto the arm he had around your chest. “Well, the camera’s apparantley not the only one.”
“Ah, so sassy for a junior.” he scoffed, leaning closer to your ear. “Someone should teach you a thing or two about respecting your elders.” he hissed out teasingly.
“And are you going to be that someone?” you chuckled, an amused grin making its way onto your expression despite how hard you tried to fight it.
“I might be.” he grinned, rocking you in his arms a bit. “But I’d have to take you out first.”
You turned around to face him, forgetting about the cameras in front of you for a second. “Are you genuinely asking me out on a date?” you inquired.
“That’s usually what someone means when they say they’d like to take you out. Unless they’re an assassin.” he chuckled, placing his hands on your hips.
You laughed nervously, gripping onto his arms with your hands. “Baekhyun, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I mean, we’re idols. I know we don’t have a dating ban anymore, but it’s still risky.”
“I’m willing to take that chance.” he reassured you, staring into your eyes with a carefree smile. “You’d be worth it, without question.”
You grinned uncontrollably wide, glancing down at the floor bashfully. “I… I just don’t know.”
“Think about it, okay?” he practically pleaded.
You looked up into his big brown puppy dog eyes, which were glimmering with hope and sincerity. It was impossible to say no. “Okay, I will. I promise.”
“That was incredible guys!” the director suddenly interrupted your intimate moment, making you spring away from each other. “Now let’s do some lip synching to the lyrics!”
The fans’ response the collab was amazing. Many were calling it a shoo-in for song of the year, and one of the best decisions SM had ever made.
“Hey Y/N! Have you read the comments on our music video?” Karina asked you as she approached you in the SM hallway on your way back from vocal practice.
“No, I haven’t gotten the chance to yet.” you explained. “Why?”
She raised her eyebrows at you suggestively. “Well, you definitely should. Apparantley there’s a lot about you and a certain main vocalist you were paired up with.”
Your heart sunk. “Oh no, are the fans upset?”
“No, not at all!” your junior chuckled. “In fact, they’re shipping you guys together.”
You couldn’t help the idiotic smile that flashed onto your face. “Really?”
“Yes, so why don’t you just go out with him already? Taeyong and Ten told me he’s absolutely smitten with you!” Karina whined, tugging on your arm slightly.
You rolled your eyes, pushing her away. “Shouldn’t you be getting to your dance practice, Miss Leader?”
She gasped and began to take off down the hall. “Shoot, you’re right! See you later, Y/N!”
You chuckled at her silliness, then leaned up against the wall and whipped out your phone. You pulled up the music video and began scrolling through the comments.
Wow, Y/N and Baekhyun look really good together <3
Y/N-hyun is my new favorite ship 👀
Anyone else think Baekhyun and Y/N would make the best power couple in kpop history???
You let out a baffled scoff at the positive response. Maybe it was silly to be so worried about dating him. Suddenly, you took off down the hallway with renewed purpose, knowing exactly where you had to go.
As you arrived at Baekhyun’s studio, you knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. And he did, peering out with a smile and fixing his hair at the sight of you.
“Y/N? What are you-“
He was cut off by you grabbing his face and delicately pressing your lips against his. It was just a small peck, but it was ever so sweet, and let him know just how you felt about him.
“I thought about it.” you said once you pulled away. “Let’s go out.”
He put his hands on your hips, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank god. I was starting to think you didn’t like me.” He leaned down to kiss you again, longer and more passionately than the last time.
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“That was awesome, Kaori!” you complimented your maknae from the other side of the recording booth. She had just finished her rap feature for one of the songs on your solo album. “You’re good to go, kid.”
“You sure?” she asked, removing her headphones. “I can stay and help you with the rest if you want.”
“Nah it’s cool, you’re a growing girl. You need your sleep.” you told her with a reassuring smile. “Besides, you know how particular I am about things.”
“Alright mom.” she chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. “Just don’t pass out in the studio again. Nabi ran all over like a mad woman trying to find you last time.”
“I promise I won’t. I’ll see you back at the dorms in the morning.” you replied, waving her off.
You sighed as the door shut behind her, slumping down in your chair. You moved on to organizing all your tracks and adjusting them to your liking. It was a tedious process, but you knew it would be worth it when your solo album was finally out. You wanted to do this, for yourself and for your fans.
After what felt like a few hours of working, someone came through the door. You huffed irritatedly.
“Kaori, I told you to go to sleep…” you stopped mid-sentence as you realized the person at the door was definitely not Kaori. “Oh, Chen! What are you doing here?”
He chuckled at your sudden change of attitude. “Oh, I was working in the studio at the end of the hall and heard someone tinkering around on my way out. I thought I’d check it out.” He sat down in the chair next to yours. “How long have you been at this?”
You glanced at the clock. How the hell was it 3 am? You sighed before answering him. “Five hours, I suppose”
He pressed his lips together and nodded understandingly. “Yeah, that’s about what I figured. Come on, we’re taking a break.” He patted your shoulder and stood up from his chair.
“What? No, I can’t…” you protested, gesturing to the monitor in front of you.
“You most certainly can.” he retorted, putting his hands on his hips assertively, but still keeping a smile on his face. “Let’s go get you some food and water, and we’ll come right back. It won’t take more than ten minutes.”
You sat there for a moment, just staring at him blankly, not quite knowing what else to say that might make him give up.
“Don’t make me use my dad voice.” he threatened.
“Alright, I’m going…” you sighed defeatedly, grabbing your coat as you stood up and followed him out into the hallway.
He was true to his word, the walk to the convenience store and back only took about ten minutes. You were now back in the recording room, snacks strewn about everywhere, going over your tracks with Chen.
“I think this is really solid!” he complimented you. “Obviously you’ll want to do a few tweaks here and there, but this is really good. You should be proud.”
“Awh, thanks Chen!” you replied gratefully. “One of the things I was thinking about doing was…”
The two of you went back and forth bouncing ideas between each other, adjusting parts of the songs and making them perfect.
“Okay, I’m gonna save your original, but I’ll tweak it how I would do it, and then I’ll show it to you.” he proposed, taking over the sound board. “Just hang tight for a sec, okay?”
“Roger that.” you told him, giving him a thumbs up. You rested your head against your arms, which were folded up on the desk in front of you. Suddenly it hit you how tired you were. Your eyelids felt like they weighed 100 pounds, and the soft clicks of Chen using the keyboard seemed to be lulling you off to sleep like a metronome. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes closed for the last time, and you were dozing off right there in the studio.
“Okay, I’m done…” he stated, swiveling around to face you. He chuckled as he realized you had fallen asleep right next to him. “This kid…” he laughed, shaking his head. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of you, posting it on instagram and tagging Etoile’s account.
Hey Starlight, just thought you’d like to know how hard your main vocal is working on her solo album! I know I can’t wait for it to come out!
He clicked the post button, then shoved his phone back in his pocket. He saved all your work, then shut off all the lights and machines. Once everything was taken care of, he grabbed one of your arms and threw you over his back, beginning to carry you back to the dorms.
Needless to say, you were highly confused when you woke up in your own bed the next day. Furrowing your brows, you threw on your slippers and walked out into the dining room to see Nabi and Kaori at the table eating breakfast.
“There’s our sleeping beauty.” Nabi teased with a loving smirk. “Got in pretty late last night, huh?”
“Dude, I don’t even know how I got home.” you yawned, trudging over to the coffee pot.
“Oh, you don’t remember? Chen brought you home!” Kaori told you. “He said you passed out in the studio again.
“Yeah, the fans are talking about the picture he posted. They think it’s super cute.” Nabi explained, pulling up the post on her phone.
You took a sip of your coffee before grabbing the phone from her hand. You smiled as you read the caption, then began scrolling through the comments.
awh, chen is such a good big brother to our y/n! 🥺
thank you for saving y/n from nabi’s wrath XD
look at chen being a proud dad, i’m sobbing 😭
i love the wholesome sibling vibes these two have!
You grinned as you gave Nabi her phone back. “He is kind of like an older brother. That was really sweet of him to bring me home. I should thank him.”
You sat down at the table with your coffee and pulled out your phone, only to see that he had already texted you.
Chen ✌🏻: “Just so you know, I’m making you feature in one of MY solo songs sometime soon. I can already tell your album is going to be huge, and I need your talents 👀”
You laughed at his demanding tone, typing up your own reply.
Y/N 🦢: “aye aye cap’n 🫡 also thanks for getting me home last night :)”
Chen ✌🏻: “No problem, just don’t pass out in the studio again or Nabi and I will BOTH come after you 👊🏻”
“So if you’re my mom, and Chen is your big brother, does that make him my uncle?” Kaori asked with a confused expression.
“I guess so.” you shrugged with a smile. Your found family at SM just seemed to keep growing and growing, but you couldn’t complain. It was nice to work with people who cared about you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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shocymer · 5 months
121U. 「 Want To Want You 」
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"Accidentally crash in to the afterparty of your college football club. There's not a single thought that you end up making out with their hot quarterback."
Pairing : Baekhyun × afab! reader
Word counts : 1.5k
Contents & Warning : suggestive, university! AU, football player! Baekhyun, strangers to lovers, inspired by Day6 -121U.
× Happy late-Birthday, Baekhyun! × | masterlist | a cup of ☕
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“Where? Huh? Your major’s festival? Okay okay I’ll be there, I’ll call you back later.” Hanging up the call with your bestie, you rushed up to her faculty building.
Now is 11 p.m. In fact, your best friend asked you to join her since the afternoon. But you've need to gather some reference books in the library first. Too immersed in it, you can’t believe it's almost midnight already.
Isn't it too lively at this late hour? Many tents were still set up firmly, decorated with vivid hanging lamps on each booth. There are still a lot of visitors coming in and out. Feels so different on the first time you set foot here, especially seeing the unusual views. Yeah you admit that you’re not such an update student when it’s come to campus events. Seems like what your best friend said is true, you need to have a little fun at least during your college year.
‘Ding’ a notification sound lit up your phone screen under your grasp. A simple text message showed up the second you are tapping on it.
(Bestie) bae don't call me, my phone is nearly dying. Oh I’m in the blue one! Cya xoxoxo
Ah, seriously? You thought while typing a quick reply.
(You) mkayy
Whether you’re tired or something, the first thing you do is looking for a blue tent just like what 'you assume' she said. As far as the eye could see, there’s no sign of a blue tent around. You let out a deep sigh before decided to left the festival area. Thinking that it will be easier to find those place outside rather than in there.
Once taking a few steps out of the entrance gate, you see a beam of blue light radiating in the corner of the groups of tents. You approach where the light initially came from in confidence. Hoping to find your best friend then drag her home right away. But after you are getting closer, seems like it came through from a different place, which turned out to be separated from the festival booths. However, you still give it a go. Who knows she might be there, right?
The vibe is obviously too contrast, a faint upbeat music began to be heard clearly as you slowly enter the tent. Lot of unfamiliar faces are busy talking to each other. At the time like this, you regret not to be friends with another major students long before.
Beyond your expectation, the tent is connected to a building you've never been to. The deeper you go, the blue light becomes denser. You look around, groups of supposed to be female students surrounded each of male students, having an exhilarating convo that you still unsure about. But It’s giving a party to celebrate something. A slight hint of alcohol odor is also filled the room made you so sure of it. Your curiosity is answered once you saw a pile of football helmet proudly placed at the corner along with a big trophy next to it.
Well, it looks like you got lost here. Automatically shook your head after thinking of how this party coincides with the festival outside. You intended to get out as soon as possible. Alas, the group of girls you saw earlier simultaneously ran after one of the football players, till you pushed to the side.
Hand grabbed the door handle in reflex as you tried to stand still, “crazy, how famous are these guys here?” You said irritably.
Little did you know there’s someone next to you, chuckling at your words. His long fingers covered the thin lips of his, trying to muffle the laughter. Those voice was so satisfactionaly crisp that it tickled your ears. He stopped doing so after both of your eyes met.
Breathtaking. is the first word that comes to your mind. The way those eye smile formed when he is laughing despite a few strands of damp hair subtly covered it. His tall and quite slender figures caught your eyes the most. You can’t believe with those delicate look, he is literally one of them as the game jersey still wrapped around his torso perfectly fit. You stare at him in awe, wondering how pretty his pair of orbs can be if there’s a chance to looking at it up-close.
“Are you okay?” He asked after realizing you were lost in thought for a moment.
“Y-Yeah I’m totally fine.”
Leaning closer to you, he raised his voice a little bit right next to your ear. “But you don’t seem so. Perhaps, do you need something to drink?”
You're the one who's gone crazy, the music has been this loud ever since. How can you mesmerized at this man to the point you could caught his laughter so clearly before. You tried to collect your own sanity before lean over to him,
“No thanks, there’s only booze that I see around.”
His mouth form an “A” shape for a couple of seconds, before fully suggested you something, “I have some water. If you don’t mind, c’mere.”
You nodded as following his back behind, opening the door that you held for your dear life a few minutes ago, which is the football team’s locker room. Even this room decorated with much darker blue light just to match the party vibes. At least your hearing is saved as only less loud music can be heard outside.
He handed you a black metallic water bottle, “I never see you before.”
“Uhm well, actually my faculty is 5 buildings away from here. So.. Yeah” You gulped down the water that he offer to you. “Thanks by the way.”
“Sure no problems.”
After that only silence remained, the mood’s shifting undeniably fast. Looking at how awkward both of you right now. You pay close attention to what is printed on his back. ‘Baekhyun’ and number ‘04’ are visibly written on it. Sometimes he took a glance at you only to catch you red-handed staring at him so intent. Feeling like a blood rushed up to his head, he's too shy to say anything. He decided to brush it aside by ruffling his still damped hair.
Your fingertips itching to reach his front bangs while blurting out few words under your sense, “you’ll catch a cold if you don’t dry your hair properly.”
As your hand nearly touch his hair, he grab it swift motion. “Just.. don’t touch it.”
“Ah sorry I didn’t mea-”
Before you succeed pulling your hand back, he brought it to his cheek while keeping the eye contact with you. Slowly, his lips putting a soft kisses by the end of your palm. “Can you dry it off for me?”
Without a single thought, you reach an unclaimed towel that’s neatly folded on the bench. Then stretching out your hands to dry his hair off as you positioned yourself face to face along to him. At first you actually did that heartily. But after you realized he didn't let go of his gaze towards you as if you would disappear at any moment, your rationality poofs away.
Too dangerous. Your heart beats goes up in rapid speed. If it’s not under the dim light the flushed cheeks of yours would definitely be seen by him,
“why.. you keep staring at me like that?”
“Because I want to.”
“What If.. I want you?” Fingers squeezing through the hem of slightly wet cloth that cling on top his head as you expected perhaps a rejection.
“Well, If that’s the case,” he tucked your hair behind your ear, “I will let you have me.”
His index finger lifted your chin, demanding an eye contact meanwhile his other hand busy untangled your clenched digits to be interlocked with his. Bodies lean forward, the tip of lips are nearly touching, the scent of soft linen and a hint of floral mixed into one only to tease your sense of smell. His warm breath sparked the overflowing desire,
“Please.. don’t tease me..”
He chuckled with head hanging low for a mere seconds before his deep brown orbs seeking through into yours for once again, “first I need to know your name, young lady.” While planting a quick kiss on the back of your hand.
Your lips trembled, stumbling upon the word by word of your own government name which ended up make him burst in laughter. He find you too cute to be true. “Your name is beautiful, just like you.”
He pulled you into deep yet passionate kisses. A slight of naughty smile formed on his lips, the way he felt your body shudder as soon as his fingers running from the nape of your neck down to the lower back. Moving in painfully slow motion.
Head’s going blank, eyelids are too heavy to open, you murmured between the making out session under your control. “But.. I’m not as beautiful as you Baekhyun..”
Out of everyone’s encounter him in romantic ways, you’re the one and only who’s flatter him using the word ‘beautiful’ at such timing. He couldn’t help, hiding an ear to ear smile against your shoulder. Till his soft whisper blown into your sensitive ear.
“Just wait, I will prove you wrong after this.” following by a michievous wink in the end.
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a.n. I know it's a sudden baekhyun fic because I miss him lately after I rewatch exo's killing voice T.T He's my ult bias in exo and I really want to tell him that he's so beautiful, gorgeous, spectacular, amazing, breathtaking, scrumptious, immaculate + other praises following behind. Oh well, Happy Birthday Byun Baekhyun! ♡
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justwritedreams · 5 months
Hypnotic | Chanyeol
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Chanyeol x Reader, bffs to lovers au! Word count: 2469 Genre: smut Author: maari  Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!! Sex without condom (don't do this at home), fingering and oral (f receiving), sex in the pool, big dick energy, we have a tiny voyeurism. This is pure filthy. Note: I swear I'm trying to improve my smuts, they look so much better in my head lol and also, you guys were reading my mind because I've been wanting to write the sequel for a while. Can be read as a standalone but of course I'm gonna recommend you to read the part 1. Request: so a few months back I requested a Chanyeol fic with a innocent reader and I was hoping if you could make a part two to it the fic is call sexual fantasy’s ⫷ Exo Masterlist
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Chanyeol and Y/N ran their hands over each other's bodies truthfully, while she took the opportunity to scratch his back covered by the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing, Chanyeol had his torso pressed against hers on the mattress and his indecisive hands took turns between grab the back of her head or chin.
Their kiss was desperate and quick, as if the world was about to end and they only had that moment for their hungry lips to meet and at the same time, to make up for lost time.
They couldn't waste a single minute.
Y/N felt her lips numb, she had no idea how long they had been there savoring each other's taste but she didn't want to stop, and Chanyeol felt the air running out of his lungs but all he did was press his body even more against her.
The atmosphere in the room was hot, that was exactly how they both felt, as if they were in a fire and everything seemed to explode quickly when Y/N's bold hands invaded inside his shirt, caressing and scratching his hot skin.
It was enough for Chanyeol to break the kiss by biting her bottom lip eagerly, pulling towards him in a way that made her hiss, he pulled away when he released her lip and pressed their foreheads together, his panting breath hitting Y/'s face, who only opened her eyes to let herself be mesmerized by the image of Chanyeol so close to her.
“Naughty.” he laughed softly, making her entire body shiver.
“Still think I’m innocent?” she asked, breathless.
She saw him open his eyes and raise his eyebrow.
“I don’t know, I’m still confused.” Y/N narrowed her eyes and before she could retort his large hand found her soaked panties, the only response she could give was rolling her eyes before closing them and swallowing a moan.
She felt her entire face heat up and lost the image of Chanyeol smiling dirtily at her.It was impossible to control the force as her body brushed against his palm. He was touching her in the most superficial way and yet he already had her completely in his hand, literally.
But all that bubble of excitement for what was to come was interrupted by the ringing of Chanyeol's phone, she opened her eyes at the same moment and looked pleadingly at him, who just continued smiling and took his phone out of his pocket with his other hand, answering it.
"Hey." He managed to keep his voice at a normal tone but Y/N had to bring both hands to her mouth to muffle the sound of her moaning when he stuck two fingers inside her. "What am I doing?" His eyes had a gleam of amusement and Y/N pressed her lips together when he began to move his fingers slowly inside her. “Taking care of a really bad girl.” She opened her eyes wide and he winked at her, then laughed while still moving his fingers inside her hot, wet flesh. “Of course it’s Zzar I’m talking about, Sehun-ah.”
Y/N felt her whole face heat up with embarrassment as her legs shook and she wriggled her toes, Chanyeol had long fingers that were reaching a spot she wanted but without increasing the speed, it bordered on torture.
It was the perfect punishment.
"What now?" he stopped moving his fingers and Y/N complained softly, watching him carefully. Chanyeol took a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll be right there.”
He removed his fingers from her and Y/N felt a gigantic cold, as well as frustration, as soon as he turned off the phone she took her hands away from her mouth. She was breathing so heavily that she drew his eyes to her.
"What?" Y/N's voice came out with no strength and practically no sound.
“I'm going to have to go to the studio.” he said angrily.
"Now?" she spoke a little louder, in disbelief, resting her elbows on the bed.
He smirked and got up from the bed, adjusting his pants, Y/N's eyes focused on the visible erection and she felt her mouth water.
Chanyeol walked over to her and bent down so he could speak close to her ear, which gave her goosebumps before his voice even came out.
“Don’t you dare leave, we still have a lot to do.”
Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine and bit her lip to contain her wide smile, she looked at him and nodded. Even if she wanted to leave, she didn't have the strength in her legs to do so.
She didn't need any other promise from Chanyeol, because as soon as he left the room, he stopped at the door and took the fingers that were previously inside her to his mouth, savoring what he had collected and let out a loud grunt that caused Y/N's panties to become even wetter and rub against her legs to create some kind of friction.
Torture would be waiting for him to come back because even though she could use her own fingers again, she knew it wouldn't be enough.
Y/N felt anxiety take over her body, she was sweating cold but her body felt warm. How was that possible?
The panties were still wet and even though it had only been an hour since Chanyeol had left, it felt like an eternity, she looked like she would climb the walls at any moment. She needed his fingers again to finish what she had started, she needed more than that actually. A lot more.
When she heard the door of the house open, she ran over there, seemed completely desperate? Yes, but she didn't care.
Chanyeol entered and as soon as he saw her anxiously in front of him, he smiled, closing the door and locking it again.
Although she wanted to ask something naughty or directly if they were going to finish what they had started soon because the soaked pussy was starting to frustrate her, she couldn't. Not when his eyes seemed focused on her like prey.
"Come with me." he said and grabbed her hand before dropping his keys and phone haphazardly on the couch.
Y/N let herself be led to the back of the house and frowned when he took her to the edge of the pool, but she became even more confused when he started taking off his clothes right there.
Not that she would complain, but she was curious to know what was going on in his mind.
Chanyeol was left in just his underwear and was practically eaten by Y/N's watchful eyes. She had seen photos of him without a shirt before, the same ones that the entire internet had seen, but in person it was much better.
All she wanted was to scratch his broad shoulders.
“Are you just going to watch?” he raised an eyebrow when he saw her biting her lip hard and she looked at him. “Won’t you want to come in?”
He entered the pool and purposely moaned when the cold water dominated his body. He continued looking at her as he moved away from the edge, he wanted to find some sign of giving up but he didn't see it in her eyes.
Quite the opposite in fact, Y/N smiled lightly and took off Chanyeol's hoodie in one quick movement, her body shivered from the low temperature of the night and also from the way Chanyeol observed her body from top to bottom, he looked as mesmerized as she was.
And Y/N wasn't going to lie, it was making her feel powerful.
Y/N's underwear, although simple, was also delicate, in a pastel tone she looked really innocent. She entered the pool so slowly and without taking her eyes off him that Chanyeol couldn't take his attention away from her.
However, as soon as she approached him, all that slow provocation evaporated into thin air when he pulled her by the waist so they could start a quick and desperate kiss, her hands automatically went to his shoulders, the kiss was eager and almost sloppy. Tongues and tastes mixed as if they wanted to be one.
Chanyeol's hands pressed on Y/N's waist, who understood the message and wrapped her legs around his waist, unable to contain herself, she began to rub her hips against his while Chanyeol walked to the edge so he could lean her there.
There wasn't a single part of their bodies that weren't touching and even that wasn't enough, the heavy breathing and stolen air wasn't a concern for either of them.
Chanyeol broke the kiss and before Y/N could start a new one, he lifted her by the waist until she sat on the edge, feeling the excitement in her belly and knowing what she would see next, she just let him pull her panties away with his hand.
Without wasting time, he eagerly brought his mouth to her pussy, Y/N just sighed softly as she grabbed his hair and closed her eyes, feeling his tongue deftly roam the entire length of her flesh.
He sucked her greedily, his tongue pressed on the right spots and Y/N felt her strength drain away with each lick of him, all she could do was plead in a suffering whisper while she pulled his hair.
But he had no intention of stopping, so he placed his hand on her navel and made her lie down on the floor, put her legs over his shoulder and went back to eating her with the insatiable hunger he felt for her.
Y/N felt her body tremble and heat up at the same time, the sensation he was taking to her lower abdomen was so delicious that she had nothing to do but beg him to go faster, her heart was beating hard and she felt that could cum at any minute.
However, Chanyeol didn't want to end her pleasure so quickly, this was just the beginning, there was no need to rush it. That's why he alternated the speed of his tongue, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
Her moans and the sound her wet pussy made every time his tongue licked her were music to his ears, and even though his cock was pulsing to be inside her, he didn't want to stop.
Y/N moaned a little louder when she felt his fingers enter her pussy while his tongue lingered on her clit, she felt like she was about to explode and pressed her thighs against his face.
It all became too much for her to handle the moment he spoke against her pussy.
“Cum in my mouth, baby girl.”
It was enough for her to come undone and obey him, cumming violently while moaning for a long time.
"Good girl." he spoke as he drank every drop of her pleasure, causing her body's involuntary spasms to only increase.
Y/N took a deep breath, without strength in her legs and looked at him as he took his face from between her legs, licking his lips, he had a lust on his face that made her pussy throb even more.
He got out of the pool, wet and with his erection visible, after putting her panties in place and Y/N considered sucking him right there, but he held out his hand so she could get up and she did.
Without having anything to say, they kissed again, Y/N feeling her own taste in his mouth, and then they walked blindly back into the house without worrying about getting the floor wet.
“Have you given up swimming in the pool?” she asked between the kiss as she felt his hands run all over her body.
"I want you in my bed." he replied and started kissing her neck, distributing bites. “We can fuck in the pool another day.”
Y/N smiled mischievously at the idea of being together again in such a carnal way, after all that was what she always wanted.
He took her to the bedroom and the rest of the wet clothes they were still wearing fell along the way on the floor, Y/N brought her hands to scratch his back as she felt his teeth penetrate her skin.
Chanyeol lay on top of her, placing his hands on her thighs so that she lifted her legs towards his waist. They both moaned at the shallow contact of their hot hips.
He pulled his face away to look at her firmly and intensely.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked quietly, seeing her nod.
“Fuck me, Park.”
He smiled evilly, held his dick to line up at her entrance and penetrated at once, firm and hard, making her moan loudly and grab his back as she lost the air in her lungs.
Y/N wanted to see his face fucking her up close but she couldn't as her eyes rolled back in pleasure and she closed them tightly feeling him enter her as deep as no one else had done. He seemed to tear her apart from the inside and her pussy contracted internally, causing him to moan against her ear.
He kept the rhythm steady and deep, she was so hot it was driving him crazy and irrational, he was moving in and out of her like an animal just to hear her moan beautifully beneath him.
Y/N took her hands to his ass and squeezed, she wanted it even deeper as if she could make him go even deeper inside her, Chanyeol then took his hands to her waist and pinned her against the mattress and started thrusting even deeper, Y/N's moans only increased as did the speed at which he entered and exited her.
She begged him with disjointed sentences, her voice barely came out as he grunted hoarsely and the sounds that their hips made in that sensual and carnal dance was making the room even more erotic.
But it was only when he took a finger to her clitoris and applied the right pressure, following the same speed as his hips, that Y/N moaned loudly and then came. Chanyeol kept thrusting, making her hypersensitive, until he reached his own climax, which didn't take long.
He fell on top of her, breathing heavily as she ran out of strength, hands falling to her sides as she swallowed hard, trying to recover.
Chanyeol got out of her and lay down next to her, taking his hand to gently caress Y/N's face, who opened her eyes to look at him with a genuine smile.
“Catch your breath because I’m not done yet.” he said, smiling widely.
"Great, me either."
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paintingwhiteceilings · 11 months
❃How EXO acts around their crush❃
a/n: This is 10000% just for my own pleasure. I may have had this in my drafts for weeks... I am totally okay with all the Kyungsoo solo content and EXO ladder dropping. Totally. Super functional, delusional who?
ALSO to any EXO-L that are sharing Chen's LEAKED wedding photos. Please be respectful and either delete them or, at the very least, blur out his wife's face. Chen has gone to great lengths to safeguard her privacy, as she is not famous nor wants to be in the spotlight. Not to mention that there could be crazy sasaengs out there with ill intent. Sharing her info is basically doxing, and it is insane to me how many people shared these posts without much thought. Anyway, I needed to share my frustrations.
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✾ He is a lot shyer than the other members; where most of EXO probably feels comfortable enough to act on their crushes, he is a bit more reserved. He wants to test the waters first, ascertaining whether the feeling is mutual. Whenever you are around and are talking to other people, he sits back silently, observing your reactions.
✾ Xiumin is smiling so widely around you that the other members worry that his muscles might start cramping up soon. The moment he sees you, his bubbly personality starts to really shine through, and sometimes you can't help but wonder whether this man truly is 33.
✾ That being said, from the moment that anyone offers Xiumin a couple of drinks, his confidence spikes, and he will start flirting with you. His flirting is still extremely sweet and cute; Xiumin can be incredibly charming when he wants to be.
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✾ He is such a gentleman around you, trying to make you feel at ease with his kind gestures. Whether it is him pulling back a chair or opening a door for you, he will do anything to make you feel like a princess.
✾ Being one of EXO's proud black card owners, he will casually buy you whatever you need. He keeps repeating that he wants to treat his friends when you try to interject. You can't completely refute it; he does spend a lot of money on the members. Yet, you can't help but feel like his gifts are slightly too expensive and excessive for 'just friends'.
✾ So. Many. Soft. Glances. Suho looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars; you catch him staring at you almost every time you look over. Conversations with him can, therefore, be a tad awkward. He doesn't always register what you are saying; he is so absorbed in watching you that he forgets to listen.
✾ The other members relentlessly tease him for it. If you don't catch on based on Suho's actions, you will definitely catch on due to his members' relentless teasing. Whenever he does anything remotely romantic around you, their faces light up like Christmas came early. The members are not subtle about it whatsoever, thoroughly enjoying putting their leader in a slightly uncomfortable position.
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✾ The members didn't think it was possible, but Baekhyun somehow became louder. It is as if he wants to draw your attention simply by screaming, as he no longer has any volume control when you are around. Everyone can hear your conversation from across the room, and his laughter becomes borderline obnoxious as it overpowers any other sound.
✾ He is such a tease and a suggestive one at that. Considering he has no problem revealing intimate, not suitable to be aired on national TV, details about the members' bodies, he won't have any trouble suggestively flirting with you. Where Xiumin's pick-up lines are cute, Baekhyun's are far from it. Give this man some holy water, Jesus.
✾ He is so intense with his flirting that it sometimes crosses the line of sexy to parody, coming off as a joke. Baekyhyun has a very flirty personality and isn't above flirting with his friends. Even though he isn't subtle about his crush, he can accidentally fall into the "he flirts with everyone" category, making you question whether he genuinely likes you or is just being friendly.
✾ He really enjoys the chase when it comes to relationships. Thus, it will take him quite some time before he asks you out, simply because he likes the push-and-pull game.
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✾ There is nothing subtle about Mr. Park Chanyeol. The moment he sees someone he wants to date, he is going for it full steam ahead. Puppy Chanyeol is momentarily retired as he makes his way over to you; Chanyeol knows that he is handsome and sexy, and he is ready to show it to you. I hope you weren't interested in anyone else because the moment you return any of his interest, he will be flirting with you like there is no tomorrow.
✾ Internally, he is so excited to be talking to you, and sometimes, you will see glimpses of his cute puppy-like persona, especially once he feels like you are just as interested. Still, the words coming out of this man's mouth, Jesus part two. Please go and ask Baekyhun to pass the holy water.
✾ That being said, he will get embarrassed when the other members are around or slightly bashful when you return his flirting at full force. I don't think Chanyeol is used to anyone sharing his level of intensity, so once you do, he gets a bit flustered. He absolutely loves it, though. Your compliments got him grinning from ear to ear.
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✾ Don't get me wrong, I adore this man to a delusional extent, but he is absolutely hopeless when it comes to communicating with his crush. He won't go anywhere near you if he can't help it; he prefers looking at you from afar. He is someone who favours being approached first over approaching you himself. It isn't that he doesn't want to talk to you; he simply isn't the type of person to initiate contact with his crush and tends to stay back when he can tell that someone else is interested, too. 
✾ Even if he finds himself near you, don't expect him to have a full-blown conversation with you. He already tends to be a man of little words, but when it comes to you, he is a man of not a single word. Being around you is enough to make him happy; he doesn't really need to have a deep conversation. 
✾ Nevertheless, his actions make more than up for it. He is such a gentleman, being the definition of preferential treatment. You don't have a chair to sit on? He will quietly offer you his. Your sweater got caught on something? He will silently help you get it out. Although he may not say much to you, he communicates his feelings through his actions. 
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✾ If you think Xiumin or Kyungsoo are shy, you have not yet met Kai with a crush. He turns into absolute mush the moment he sees you, giggling and blushing whenever you do as much as breathing. You can't even see him because he has resorted to hiding behind the other members, preferably Sehun or Chanyeol, as they are tall enough to obscure him completely.
✾ If he somehow musters up the courage to talk to you, good luck having it go anywhere because he can barely make it through a sentence without giggling. It is obvious to everyone around him that he is smitten with you; his laughs are awkwardly loud, and his eyes are literally shooting hearts.
✾ The moment he manages to ask you to dance, his shy demeanour completely changes. His movement… His expressions… The way he is smirking at you… Maybe you should go and ask Chanyeol whether there is anything left of the holy water he borrowed from Baekyhun.
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✾ He has one of two ways of acting around his crush: either he acts super bratty or becomes painfully shy. It depends on whether he has met and talked to you before. But, if you are complete strangers, he would be so quiet, hiding in the furthest corner he can find.
✾ He will pester the members to go over and collect as much information as they can about you. They will do it because he will whine the entire night about it if they don't and, repeat with me, what Sehun wants, Sehun gets. The members try to convince Sehun to go talk to you himself, but Sehun stubbornly refuses. Bro will be playing the Maknae card harder than he ever has in his entire life.
✾ In the end, he will drag Suho with him, trying to 'casually' strike up a conversation with you. The small talk is painful, and in all honesty, Suho, with his dad jokes, isn't helping in the slightest. At the very least, it provides the two of you with a new conversational topic: the teasing of Suho.
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dpr-stay · 1 year
Through the years | D.K
Doh Kyungsoo x f1driver!Reader
Warnings: Swears, a lot of crack
WC: 9.1k (ik, kill me now)
Howdy Cowpeople! This one is... hefty. This wasn’t supposed to be as long as it was but when I get in a groove... I think I made it obvious but I just wanted it to be over L O L. This one is pretty niche, but hopefully it can be enjoyed by both sides as it is a driver!reader.
(I didn't edit this, whoops)
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“Can you explain this picture?” The reporter asks, hovering in front of you with a phone in hand. The crappy quality is amplified as they have zoomed into the point where the picture is unrecognizable. You squint your eyes to see it and can’t make out quite what they’re trying to show.
“Sorry, w-what is that?” You ask, drawing back and squinting your eyes, resisting the urge to close them from exhaustion. Whoever decided it would be a good idea to do interviews after nearly 100 continuous laps in some barely held together race car with no break was a sadist. No other explanation.
“Oh! It’s a picture of you in a car with a guy.” The reporter said eagerly and shoved the phone your way. You briefly looked at the camera, an unimpressed look on your face, before turning back to the phone and squinting again.
You paused for a minute and drew back, your face still scrunched up, and exhaled.
“Nahhhhhh.” The drew out word left your mouth.
The reporter’s head tilted and they frowned.
“But it is! It’s you in Seoul after the Japanese Grand Prix!” He continued, looking very determined. You plastered a confused expression on your face.
“I’ve never been to Seoul before.” His face dropped and he turned back to his phone, as though trying to rationalize what he was hearing.
“Have you just taken a picture of… two random people in a car? To me it honestly doesn’t even look like anything cause it’s so zoomed in but to each their own.” You finished your words with a shrug.
“No, my source told me that that was 100% you! They said they saw you get in the car at the airport.” He continued on, undeterred by your flat disregard.
“I hate to say it, your contact’s wrong. I’ve never even set foot in the country.” You shrugged before turning to your PR manager who was gesturing for you to leave, with rather forceful movements. That was to clue you in that you were in trouble. With her personally or with the boss man, you didn’t know.
“Lovely to see you again, though.” You smiled and held your hand over. The interviewer tentatively took it and you exchanged good-byes before you turned around and left to go onto more interviews. The glance you exchanged with your PR manager told you that you were lucky you had not been caught out on your multiple lies and you heaved a sigh of relief to yourself.
Being the only female driver in a heavily male dominated sport was incredibly stressful. Add to that the eyes of reporters trying to find you doing anything remotely weird to spin it into a scandal and you had a lot of things to worry about. Especially since you had just started a relationship with a highly coveted Kpop singer which you were determined to keep under wraps.
You both had a bet running with each other. The first person to reveal the relationship would lose. There was no consequence but your pride, something which both of you had a bit too much of.
And so, a game was born. It simultaneously made you more careful of revealing your relationship while also making it a fun game.
This also meant that you had to start constantly lying to reporters to get out of tricky situations. Surely nothing bad could ever come from this.
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“How does it feel to be a key contender for the championship?” Asked a reporter, directing it to, of course, Lewis Hamilton, who was sat beside Daniel in a panel of drivers. You were sat on the other side of Daniel, the small desk in front of you reaching for miles on either side.
As Lewis gave the carbon copy response that he had given to every interviewer so far, Daniel leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“I’m surprised they haven’t called him out on that yet.” He then reached for his plastic water bottle and took a sip. You considered this for a second before leaning to his side and answered, not turning your face from the crowd of reporters.
“I’m surprised they haven’t called you out on your disgusting trim.” He jolted forward at this unprompted attack on his hair and the choking sound he emanated drew attention from all in the room, all watching him with curious eyes as he tried to regain his breath.
“You alright mate?” Lewis asked, one of his eyebrows arching.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.” Daniel replied, waving his hand, eager to have attention off of his spluttering. It took a while but eventually all the cameras were aimed back at Lewis, so Daniel took the opportunity to elbow you hard in the side, your reaction being to topple off your chair dramatically. Usually one for the dramatics, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen Daniel want the cameras off him so much. 
Hidden behind a small desk, you could only hear the questioning tones calling out your name and see Daniel’s slightly panicked face urging you to get up and back on your chair. With one single hand, you reached for the desk and slowly pulled yourself up.
You released a deep breath as you hauled yourself into your seat and turned to face the crowd of reporters who were looking at you. With a grand hand gesture, you motioned for them to continue with their interviews and turned slightly to Daniel with a smile. He shot you back an exasperated glance before your name was called from the crowd of reporters. You looked towards the reporter and he began speaking.
“So, as you’re the only female on the grid I feel the need to ask, if you could date any of the drivers, who would it be?” The eager face he had contrasted with your entirely unimpressed face. You could hear Daniel begin to start speaking and you could feel the defensive energy emanating from the rest of the drivers on the panel, but before any of them could interrupt with scathing criticism about the misogyny that permeated the question, you replied to the reporter.
“Literally none of them, I’d rather die.” Your response was met with general silence before Daniel started laughing as usual.
“Really? You wouldn’t fancy any of them?” The reporter asked, almost in disbelief.
“No!” You said almost equally in disbelief.
“I’m fine with what I have at home!” You added on after a second.
“Are you saying you’re in a relationship???” The reporter was on the edge of his seat, others shoving their microphones and cameras trying to get a good shot. You dramatically pondered that for a second before replying.
“I wouldn’t say that, I just have other things at home.” You said that and then leaned back, shrugged, and didn’t say anything else into the mic even at the reporters continual uproar as they took in the implications of that statement.
You, luckily, were able to avoid the increasingly weird questions by just not answering and smiling. You weren’t as lucky to miss the smirks thrown your way by the other drivers.
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“It doesn’t count!” You said in disbelief, aiming it at the microphone of your phone.
“Mmm I’d say it counts.” Kyungsoo replied back teasingly, his voice echoing into your AirPods. 
“You can’t go back on your word!! You said it was fine last year!” You were sitting at a table in your company's hospitality, having a conversation with Kyungsoo on the phone, blissfully unaware of the interviews going on outside the building which had a clear view into the small area. 
“Yeah but it’s been two years, one of us has to call it quits soon.” Your face contorted before Kyungsoo quickly amended his statement.
“The bet! The bet! Sorry, that came out the wrong way.” 
You just shook your head, a small smile growing on your lips.
“You bastard, you had me a little worried.” He scoffed in response. He had been speaking quietly into the phone as he was hiding in a closet in the SM building, taking a break from practice to talk to you. A true charmer.
“As if.” He replied shortly, a loud scuffling heard on his side.
“One second.” He said, as a banging sound came through into your headphones.
“Come on Hyung! Get off the phone and come back before someone else finds you!” Kai’s voice could be heard through the door. A pause before the banging started again.
“Also tell her I said hello!” You giggled at the younger man’s words and Kyungsoo’s sigh in response.
“I’ll call you after the race, do your best, I love you.” Kyungsoo muttered into his phone before shouting back to Kai something about respect and to shut up. It just made you laugh more.
“I love you too, practice well and I’ll call you soon.” You finally said in response after the yelling died down.
“Bye.” He said before quickly tacking on another “love you” and then he hung up.
After he hung up you just stared at your screen for a second with a smile you would 100% not call radiant on your face. It was quickly wiped off when your PR manager popped up out of nowhere and started talking about interviews, causing you to switch to English as you stood up and followed him.
However, the interview still captured your little moment and the conversation preluding it. You knew this because, when you went back to your phone after the race, Baekhyun had sent you a picture of your smile through the tinted glass with a smirking emoji as well as a picture of Kyungsoo on the floor in the closet in the dark talking to you on the phone, not to mention the hounding you got at the next press conference.
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You knew it was risky to do a live in your own apartment, especially since you were in a completely different country than where you were claiming you were.
But your PR team wanted you to do it, and you couldn’t exactly tell them no, even if you were currently lying to them about your circumstances. You were a bit worried that something unexplainable might happen like the South Korean national anthem suddenly blaring but what you weren’t worried about was the person who you were living with coming back and interrupting your live.
Kyungsoo was at practice and, while you were ok with him skipping it to talk to you on the phone, you didn’t want him to skip it now, as you had been promised a few days without any interruption if he went to every practice. So he was at practice and you were fulfilling all your expected PR duties for the next couple of days, which included the live.
Regardless of your hesitations, you set up your phone on your coffee table facing the entrance to your home and sat on the couch before turning on the live. Immediately people joined, flooding the chat and making your phone vibrate.
“Uhhh hello everyone.” You awkwardly greeted as you tried to think of things to say. Kyungsoo would be fantastic at this, you couldn’t help but think, always having to do live’s with his members.
“How’s everyone’s days been?” You settled on and watched the responses roll into the chat. You noticed a few drivers had joined your live and even a few of the boys from F2 and F3 were watching, which you thought was pretty nice of them considering it was mainly you rambling for around 30 minutes.
Your manager wanted you to do an hour minimum for the live and the time seemed to stretch for years, you continuously making small talk and occasionally replying to comments. You even snuck in a few jokes for the other drivers before, around the 55 minute mark, a sound came from your end.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you wondered where the noise was coming from, looking around the apartment. Quickly standing up, you looked around the apartment, making a lighthearted joke about ghosts as you nervously tried to find the origin of the sound.
You realised that sound was the wrong key being put in the lock as soon as you registered the sound of the correct key being put in.
As Kyungsoo opened the door, you made the biggest leap you think you have ever made. It would’ve had to have been around 4 meters surely. Somehow you had leapt onto the coffee table, knocking your phone down. Kyungsoo was staring at you weirdly as you violently gestured at him to shush. He raised an eyebrow.
“Are you ok?” He asked, his deep voice sounding as lovely as ever. You took a second, contemplating your options in this circumstance before coming to a logical conclusion.
You started to scream.
“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!” Kyungsoo’s face shifted to one of confusion as yours was full of desperation.
“YOU CRAZY PSYCHO! GET OUT!!” You continued to yell in perfect English, a contrast from his peaceful question, and gestured for Kyungsoo to close the door, which he did, albeit very confused.
As soon as he closed the door, you maneuvered yourself so that you weren’t facing him and quickly picked up your phone from underneath you.
“Oh my god, what just happened.” You said, showing the camera your roof. You picked up the phone and started fidgeting with it.
“‘Are you ok?’ Yeah I’m fine, I just gotta figure out how to change the locks. I’ll uh.. I’ll get back to you guys. See you later.” You said absentmindedly, as you ended the live.
You paused for a second, sat back on your heels, and sighed, staring up at the roof. The sound of footfalls reached your ears and you didn’t react when Kyungsoo placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m not losing this bet.” You mumbled, staring at the ground. An incredulous laugh left him at that as he reached his hand further and brought your face to look at him. A smile that there was no other way to describe but goofy was spread across his face.
“You’re still thinking of that?” He asked and you nodded.
“I take our bet very seriously.” You said before he slightly shook his head, gave you a kiss on the forehead, and moved towards the kitchen.
You picked yourself up and moved to the dining table as he started work in the kitchen. And, as he made a delicious dinner that you both enjoyed, you started to field off your PR team asking who was in your house and ignoring the comments wondering why the guy was speaking Korean in the middle of England.
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It was approximately ten minutes before you had to be in the car and ready to go, and you were half-way there. You had your fireproofs and race suit on and you were being herded towards your car by a crowd of engineers. Strategies and specifics were being directed at you and you could only nod and act as though you were absorbing what they were saying.
Even after four years on the job some people felt they just couldn’t rely on you. Honestly, they should just let you do your thing, you knew what you were doing. 
No! God, ever since Kyungsoo had joined the military you’d been irritable and quick to anger on the track. Your poor engineers were trying their best to get through to you, likely because they wanted to keep their jobs, but you’d been incredibly closed off since after you got back from the honeymoon. 
Oh yeah, you got married. During a break and right before Kyungsoo was scheduled to start his enlistment, you got married down in a small courthouse with only a few people from either side. You had your family, a few close friends, and a few drivers while Kyungsoo had his family, a few close friends, and the whole of EXO.
It was very emotional and intimate, but that was how you’d describe your relationship so you were very happy with it. You were also extremely happy with the week get-away in the middle of nowhere in New Zealand that followed after, a week of people not recognising both you, farmers markets, and sheep. Lot’s of sheep.
But ever since he’d flown off to do his duty to his country (and shaved his head, no one should look that good with a shaved head) and you’d flown to your next race, you’d been incredibly… angry.
You didn’t know if it had to do with not seeing Kyungsoo for the better part of two years or having that split immediately after the wedding, but what you did know was that it was affecting your racing so you had to snap out of it.
Being dragged back to the present you quickly hopped in the car and performed all of your checks on the steering wheel and adjusted things while people flitted around outside the car, adjusting things and making sure the car was in proper state.
After a quick radio check, the call to start up for the formation lap (you were in P11 after a pretty dodgy qualifying) was relayed and all around you could hear car’s engines coming to life. You glanced at your engineers and snapped down your visor at their nod, starting the car.
Before you pressed the throttle something quickly came to mind. You rapidly gestured for one of your engineers to come close to you, incredibly conscious of all the cars revving around you. The poor engineer almost sprinted to you as you started to fiddle with the zip of your racesuit, the gloves you were wearing prohibiting you from unzipping it.
The engineer's face was comically concerned and he slowly reached forwards before you looked up and grabbed his outreached hand. His face immediately went to one of shock as you made his hand grab the zip and unzip the front part of the suit.
Choosing to ignore the cameras capturing this interaction you continued unzipping it till it lay around your collarbones, hoping the cameras don’t catch any of your naked shoulders. The engineer's face then relaxed as he saw the necklace around your neck and he quickly reached in, almost leaning over the car, to move your necklace around your neck till the latch was in front of him.
He cautiously unlatched the necklace before zipping up your race suit. You immediately relaxed as the pressure around your neck was relieved. Before he could retreat back to the crowd of engineers, you grabbed the hand that wasn’t holding your necklace and slapped it appreciatively with your other hand.
He retreated as you powered up the car and started to move it forwards, letting all the cars that needed to go before go before you started to move. 
Your team radio started up as you were leaving the pit lane.
“You all had us very confused there.” Your race engineer said as you started your cruise around the track. 
“Yeah, sorry I completely forgot about it. But I thought it was better to take it off.” You said, pressing down on the throttle. 
“He better not lose that though. I want that back at the end of the race.” You subtly threatened, suddenly thinking of the rings that were attached to the necklace. You hoped that maybe the cameras hadn’t seen your wedding and engagement rings but you knew there was no chance they hadn’t not captured it. Oh well.
“I don’t know if you’ll get it back by the end of the race.” Your engineer said, her tone almost sarcastic. 
“What’s that mean?” You asked, letting the car cruise.
“You’ll probably be killed by your PR team first.” She said bluntly. So bluntly it made you laugh. 
“I’ve got a race to focus on.” You reminded her, leaving out the part that you had a race to think of an excuse as to why you have two rings attached to a necklace around your neck.
And you did think of an excuse, wearing the necklace proudly during post-race interviews and saying it was a family heirloom that had been passed on to you by your grandma whenever you were questioned about it.
The moment still went viral though, people questioning the relationship between you and the engineer. It went viral enough to that you had to suffer through teasing by Daniel and his accomplice Max Verstappen (you didn’t know how the kid knew you were married but you suspected it had something to do with an annoying Australian) not to mention the shit being talked in the EXO group chat you were in.
I mean seriously, all of those guys are millionaires, does Chen have nothing else to do with his time than bully the wife of his bandmate?
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2020: (sorry Alex)
Somehow you got signed to RedBull on a year contract. Not to say you weren’t grateful for the opportunity but you were definitely a bit confused. But anyway, you let bygones be bygones and now you had a 22 year-old dutch nuisance under your wing.
He was a great kid but god, was he traumatized. You were convinced he’d never seen a healthy family dynamic, so you were more than happy to let him see how you and Kyungsoo functioned. Or at least how you functioned when he was not in the military.
You kind of felt like a life coach for the kid, telling him when he was being taken advantage of or when he should continue with something. You’d been woken up plenty of times in the middle of the night by him drunkenly whining into the phone about wanting to go “home”, something neither of you commented on when he woke up on your couch the next day.
So, safe to say, you’d practically adopted a child without the permission of your husband.
This extended to on the track as well, you’d gotten into a few mild disagreements with Jos Verstappen after his cruel comments which often involved you looking at him angrily and him shit-talking you in interviews about you being a woman. You’d often have to refrain from saying that you’d always be more of a man than him, but alas, you didn’t want to get kicked from your seat.
You knew that Max was extremely appreciative of your dynamic, even commenting on it a few times during interviews, saying that he was very happy to have you as a teammate. After that interview you almost felt like you and his lover, Daniel, were able to give him some sort of an idea of what a normal family relationship should look like.
This sentiment was definitely reinforced when a loud knocking on your Monaco apartment door happened in the early afternoon. It was a weekend with no race, so you were soaking in relaxation. You were having a nice bubble bath after having read for the whole morning, so you were hesitant to hop out of the bath. 
The knocking persisted however, and with a sigh, you got out of the bath and wrapped a bathrobe around you before loudly yelling you’d be a minute. You tugged on some sweats which weren’t yours and put your hair in a towel before eventually making your way to the door. 
You might’ve taken more than a minute, but it didn’t matter when you opened the door and were greeted with the image of Max Verstappen on his knees, face pressed into the expensive hallway carpet. What a sight to see, the prodigy and most highly anticipated driver of his time, lying face-first on the floor.
“What the fuck?” You asked, immediately crouching down to his level after a quick glance to see that none of your neighbors had left their apartments to check on the banging (pretentious, self-concerned people). 
You rolled him over, your confusion doubling as you took in the remorseful look etched across the young man's face, almost tripling as you took in the barely concealed tears in his eyes. Your heart ached though and you pulled him up so that he was sitting on his knees.
“I’m so sorry.” He muttered as your face contorted in confusion. What had happened? “Come inside Max.” You said quietly, helping him up from his spot on the floor and leading him inside, locking the door after you both. Leading him to the couch, you left him after putting the throw blanket over his shoulders, and went to make both of you a tea.
You noticed your phone constantly vibrating on your kitchen counter and quickly chucked it on do not disturb, not checking the notifications because you were more concerned with your teary teammate. 
After grabbing the teas you made your way to the couch, setting them down on coasters on the coffee table, before sitting on the edge of the ‘L’ piece of the couch, so you were facing Max. You grabbed his hand from his lap where he had been nervously picking at his nail beds.
“What’s wrong Max?” You asked calmly, bringing his hand to your lap to stop him from hurting himself. He looked up at you, a few tears having rolled down his cheeks. 
Whatever had happened had fucked him up. You didn’t think it was a fight with his dad, he’d sadly become pretty unresponsive to those. You briefly considered him losing his seat but shook that off, he was doing exceptionally well. 
Maybe you’d lost your seat and he was sent to deliver the news. That would make more sense, especially as your phone was blowing up. You hadn’t been performing very well, but you didn’t think they’d drop you from your seat midway through the season, especially during a season as turbulent as this one.
It was the only reason that made sense though, so you prepared yourself for the news that you would be unemployed. Maybe you’d go back to F2 or maybe IndyCar? Or you could just move to South Korea and live there permanently, letting Kyungsoo fulfill his passion for acting and singing while you did a few kart races to occasionally quench your thirst for adrenaline. 
That actually didn’t sound too bad, though you’d definitely have to discuss it with Kyungsoo when he got back from enlistment, which meant around 5 months of unemployment. But hey, you had the money and so did Kyungsoo.
Max snapped you from your thoughts of the future by clearing his throat.
“You don’t know?” He asked, curiously glancing up at you. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“No…” You said, conveying your confusion. “Should I?” 
“Have you checked your phone recently?” Yep, you were definitely getting fired. You should probably start packing now. Maybe Daniel could get his seat back? You shook your head in response to his quiet question.
“I’ve just been reading all morning.” Max nodded, a small ‘ah’ leaving his mouth as he stared at the floor. He reached for his tea, his hand leaving your lap. You narrowed your eyes at that, following his movements as he sipped, a gasp immediately leaving his throat as he burnt it.
You immediately cussed and sprung up from your couch to grab a glass of cold water, running back to the couch and giving it to Max, watching as he gulped down the glass. When he finished he turned back to you and thanked you, before pausing for a second and bursting into another round of tears. You placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re really freaking me out Max. Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” You asked gently, trying to make him catch your eye.
“Promise you won't hate me?” His small voice asked and you internally crumpled at his vulnerable question. Honestly you never thought you’d end up gentle-parenting a teammate like he was a child of yours, especially since you were only like 5 years older than him, but here you were, caring for him like family.
“Yes, I won’t hate you Max.” You repeated as he finally caught your eye. He took a deep breath before starting to speak.
“I was doing an interview for the press and they started asking questions about other drivers and my relationship to them. They then asked about you and I said that I’m really close to you and etcetera.” Ok, seems pretty normal so far. At least you weren’t getting fired, hopefully.
“And they asked if I see you more as a mother figure or a romantic interest.” He said before quickly turning his eyes away. This confused you before you clued in.
“Oh Max.” You said quietly and he turned back to you. “I’m flattered you feel that way but I am married and I am loyal-”
“No, no, no!” He said, louder than he’d ever spoken in the time since he was on the floor. His cheeks had turned bright red as he looked in your eyes.
“No, I didn’t say that I saw you romantically!” He quickly amended and you breathed a sigh of relief, smiling.
“Ok, that’s good! I didn’t want our friendship to be awkward.” You said, looking at him for a response. He just grimaced and averted his gaze. You gestured for him to go on confusedly and he began speaking again.
“And I said more like a mother-figure.” A statement which made you feel positive things you don’t want to address. “Then I may have accidentally said that, even though I haven’t met him, I see your husband as more of a father-figure as well.” He quickly rushed the last part out and you sat, stunned. 
The room went silent while you processed what he told you. Fuuuuckkk. How much trouble were you going to be in? I mean the team knew, but this wasn’t something you could pass off as your grandmother's rings. This was undeniable proof that you had a husband. God press days were going to suck after this unless you could somehow make an excuse.
As time went on he seemed to collapse in on himself, the energy quickly switching to something you didn’t like.
“To be honest I thought you were going to tell me I’d lost my seat.” You said and Max’s head snapped up. “What?” He asked, disbelieving.
“Yeah I know, crazy.” You laughed, dragging out the last word, trying to establish a more relaxed aura in the room.
“No, why haven’t you kicked me out yet?” It was at times like this you really wanted to punch Jos Verstappen in the face. You made an over exaggerated confused face, hoping the fact that that had never gone through your mind was on display in your face.
“Max, why would I do that?” You asked, your voice very quickly becoming soothing.
“Why aren’t you mad at me? You’ve spent years hiding this! You should be yelling at me!” He said, standing up. You tried, in vain, to get him to sit down by gently calling him, but he started pacing.
“I’ve just ruined your chances at revealing this yourself, at ever having another peaceful day in your marriage, and all you can do is make a joke?!” He almost started yelling, clenching his fists. You got fed-up and yelled his name, calling his attention to you.
“You’re in my house as my guest. You will not tell me what to do or how to handle situations. Sit your ass down.” You yelled, your voice incredibly commanding. He followed your instructions and sat smally in front of you.
“Max. It was eventually going to come out. I don’t mind. I’d much rather it come off handedly from you than maliciously leaked by a random instagram page.” You said and he looked up, almost looking close to tears. You frowned before bringing the boy up into a hug. You stayed like that for a few minutes before you had to ask a question.
“You didn’t reveal who he was though, no?” You asked, still in the hug. You felt Max shake his head and you silently fistpumped behind his back. It wasn’t your fault, so it technically didn’t count and you hadn’t lost the bet.
You were right, by the way, press days were soon filled with questions about your mystery husband instead of your racing. But it was fine, you were somehow able to twist it as though you’d made a joke about having a husband and Max took it seriously.
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2021: (sorry latifi)
“And so today you will be reacting to fan edits of yourselves!” The lady behind the camera finished, prompting you and George to look at eachother. It was early in the season and, even though you’d raced together for a few years, you weren’t exactly close, being that before pre-season meetings, you hadn’t ever talked. At all.
This meant he didn’t know much about your personal life or the whole ‘husband’ thing. Which was fine, you’d tell him in your own time, when you felt your friendship was strong enough. He seemed to be a great kid, though you were determined to not adopt another grown child, especially after the look you got from Kyungsoo when you mentioned the fact you may have ‘accidentally’ had Christmas with Max Verstappen.
But hey, they had finally met during February and it was almost like a Dad saying that his daughter can’t adopt a cat while simultaneously cuddling with the cat. Kyungsoo, against his better judgment, had instantly attached to Max and now you were battling for the position of being his favourite driver. Which you were totally not bitter about (you said your favourite EXO member was Sehun in retaliation and he changed your mind very quickly).
Back to the present, the people behind the camera placed a tablet on the table in front of you. It was open on the photo gallery and you could already see some very flattering videos saved to the device.
“You wanna go first?” You asked, and George nodded before picking up the tablet and scrolling through the photo library. He closed his eyes and landed on one. Loud music immediately began playing from the device, you think ‘London Boy’ by Taylor Swift, and you both watched in varying states of horror as photos and clips of him flashed on the screen.
As the video ended you both accidentally made eye-contact. Now, as an almost 28 year old woman, the simple gesture of looking into your teammate's stricken eyes should not have made burst out laughing as hard as you did. But, god, George’s eyes were expressive. In fairness he also did laugh, though he probably was confused as to why you were laughing so much.
After you caught your breath you could only utter out,
“Your face...” Before peeling back into giggles again. He started laughing again as well before putting the tablet down. In doing so, he accidentally swiped the tablet and the Backstreet Boys started playing, an edit of the 2019 rookies playing as the video.
This chain event caused you to start gasping, the sheer ridiculousness of the videos catching up to you. George only took one look at the tears forming in your eyes before he was also wheezing out harsh breaths from laughing.
It took around 2 minutes for you to look at each other without laughing and, for you both to be able to pick up the tablet without giggling, it took another minute or so. You eventually began scrolling through the tablet, laughing at some and ‘aww’-ing at some of the sad ones. 
Eventually a video came up with the background music to ‘Give it to me’ by Sistar, an edit of you that was hot but had you gasping at the lyrics.
“What?” George looked over to you, curious as to why there was another noise that came out of your mouth than laughing or a strained ‘why?’.
“The audacity!” You said, as the music continued playing.
“What..?” George asked, more confused than previously.
“Do you want to know the lyrics they’ve just edited me to?” You asked, looking over at him, your voice pretending to be offended.
“What?” He said, his tone changing again to have a sort of goading lilt.
“Will I even get married before I turn thirty.” You said with an air of finality, turning to glare at the camera, your jaw dramatically hung open. George gasped mockingly.
“How dare they!” He said sarcastically and you nodded eagerly.
“I know right!” You responded beginning a stereotypical mean girl impression. “How dare they!” After that little fiasco, you both kept scrolling and laughing (a notable example of this being when an edit of George crying came up, him pushing your shoulders as you continued to laugh). 
Eventually the video was being wrapped up and George was preparing to do a sort of sign off when he paused and turned to you.
“I know we aren’t incredibly close…” He started and you prepared for a multitude of questions. You didn’t know him well enough to predict what he might say, so you went over your predisposed answers to questions in your head.
You knew he wouldn’t ask anything uncomfortable, like about your relationship status, or anything really weird, like how many socks do you wash at once. But that left a gaping probability for mildly-weird or mildly-uncomfortable questions. You hoped he wouldn’t ask that, but you were still prepared to be asked if you threw out your receipts or kept them.
“But I didn’t know you knew Korean. How did you learn?” 
Oh. Fuck.
You did not have an answer for that. How the fuck did you not have an answer for that? You definitely should have had an answer for that. Oh wait, you didn’t have an answer because you promised yourself not to tell anyone that you could speak Korean so that you didn’t get that question!
The real, close-friends answer was that Kyungsoo had taught you over a range of years and that you’d taken courses so that you’d be able to talk to his friends and family. However you didn’t have a PR approved answer because you’d never thought that you’d need one. Time to put your problem solving skills to the test. 
“Uhhhhh…” You said, staring confusedly at George, aware of the seconds that had passed while you were internally monologuing. You hoped your expression didn’t convey the level of gob-smacked that you felt but you think it did because George’s face contorted to be one of worry.
“If that’s a sensitive topic or something you don’t have to answer!” He quickly said as though he was trying to fix the situation. You’d later learn the George thought before your video that you were kind of ‘fucking terrifying’ (his words) and that he was scared he’d screwed up by asking you this and one of his ‘hero’s’ (his words) wouldn’t ever want to talk to him again. 
“Nah, nah. It’s ok.” You waved him off, desperately trying to think of something. Oh! You knew exactly what to say.
“Basically I just have this really good friend who is Korean and I asked him to teach me for fun.” You said simply, before realising that wasn’t good enough considering your reaction.
“I was trying to hide how good I’ve gotten to try and surprise him but I guess it’s ok.” You said, a small smile on your face. George relaxed from his tense state and nodded, a small smile playing onto his lips as well.
“Ah that’s cool. Sorry to spoil the surprise.” You waved him off again and he continued the video’s outro.
Another good save, you really oughta be hired to problem-solve. And by problem-solving you mean lying to the media. And George. Poor George. 
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2022: (yeah the timelines don’t match, don’t call me out pls)
A loud banging sounded against your hotel door. You groaned, dropping the book onto your chest from where you held it up. Glancing angrily at the door, you rolled out of bed and stomped over to the entrance. You ripped open the door and prepared to start reaming the person on the other side before letting out a high-pitched scream.
You were in Japan for the Suzuka GP. You always didn’t like the Japanese GP because, even though you were incredibly close to Kyungsoo, your schedules never lined up so you could never see him. 
That fact really grinded your gears, but it’s what you get when you try to schedule something with SM Entertainment. A decisive ‘No.’ What a great company. To be honest, was Willaims really any better?
No. No they weren’t. That mere fact infuriated you enough to make you scream. However, it wasn’t the reason you were currently screaming. That was because, standing in your doorway in the middle of the team hotel, was Kai. 
You hadn’t seen him in a few months, you both had busy schedules, so the man appearing on your doorstep was miraculous. You didn’t think of why he was there, or how he got there. You just threw your arms around him and gave him a hug.
“Oh my god!” You screamed, before immediately regretting it and quickly pulling him into your hotel room before someone came out of their rooms and wondered why he was in front of yours.
“Hi!” He said, laughing as he let himself be pushed into your room despite the fact he could pick you up and throw you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked changing your pulling into a hug, squeezing the younger man as though he was your child. You had a serious problem with that, treating men almost your age as children. But Kai was more of a brother than a child, to be quite frank. That distinction just meant that he really really bugged you.
“I have a concert tomorrow and I thought I might just stop in.” He said, a smile on his face. “Though it is only me, sorry.”
“That’s ok!” You said, still in disbelief one of your closest friends was on your doorstep.
“Does Kyungsoo know?” Kai smirked in response to your question. That was answer enough in itself and you slapped Kai on the shoulder.
“You should’ve told him! He might’ve come.” Kai gasped in mock offense.
“What am I not good enough? Would you really prefer your husband that much?” He continued in mock offense and you dead-panned him. He just laughed in response.
“I did have to tell the company I was coming though, and they asked me to film a TikTok with you.” He quickly rushed out and you groaned, staring at the sky. What was up with all of these people wanting you to do TikTok’s?! You had all of your team's PR people constantly chasing you with a camera and now you had Kai asking for a video.
“Fine.” You ground out and Kai grinned, purposely ignoring your annoyance.
“Fantastic!” He said and quickly whipped out his phone, launching into his plans of what to film. Your only artistic input was that he had to cool it on the filters or else you wouldn’t film. 
The video started with the familiar sound of Peaches by Kai and a hand knocking on your hotel door, you opening the door curiously. As the chorus sounded, you recorded Kai dancing in your doorway, incredibly aware of the chance of any of your colleagues walking into the hallway and wondering what the fuck was going on.
The video continued after the chorus, Kai recording you slamming the door in his face with a confused expression. The video then ended with a still image of the both of you doing a heart together with your hands and you let Kai go rampant on the filters, hearts and sparkles flying around on the screen. 
When you watched it back, Kai waiting at your side eagerly to see your reaction, you did your best to hide the laughing fit you had in reaction to the monstrosity. You couldn’t quite hide the gasps that were leaving you though and Kai frowned.
“It’s perfect. I love it.” You said, through your giggles and he smiled.
“I know. It’s fantastic.” You only nodded because you couldn’t trust yourself to talk, a small whine escaping through your lips at the struggle of not laughing.
“Do you want to see the caption?” He asked and you violently nodded your head. 
“P15 but still P1 EXO-L.” He read out and you just hung your jaw open. “You bastard!” You laughed out. 
“I put it in Korean as well.” Your only response was to hit him, hard, while still laughing and shaking your head.
“Should we run it by your PR team before posting?” Kai asked, taking a serious note. You looked to him and sucked in air through your teeth.
“Nahhhh.” You replied and he shrugged, and clicked post.
“I should probably tell Kyungsoo you were here before he finds out through the internet.” You said, reaching for your phone. Kai nodded vehemently.
One phone call later, an angry Kyungsoo and an apologetic Kai later, the TikTok was making its rounds and your phone was blowing up, your poor PR agent about to have a heart attack.
On that delightful note Kai left your hotel room, farewelled with a minute long hug and a well-wish for his concert, and you were left to phone your PR agent who just screamed into the phone for 10 seconds before actually speaking.
Of course, during the press releases for the rest of the season, you talked about how much of an EXO-L you were and how close of a friend you were to Kai. This didn’t come without dating rumours but, due to one poorly angled camera shot of your disgusted face when a reporter suggested dating to your face, that was shut down pretty quickly. 
Still no one had shipped you with the other EXO members though, so you weren’t even close to losing the bet. (Though you had been asked which EXO member was your favourite, which you responded to with a smirk.)
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It was a good race, you finishing P4 which was a huge improvement since last season. Your team was on top of the moon as were you, smiling from ear to ear. You were currently in the press area, getting asked questions left and right about the car and your performance.
You were adequately responding to each question, sometimes looking questioningly your PR agent when you weren’t sure how to respond. A loud crash sounded through the area that drew the attention of most in the area as a reporters chair fell to the ground. They had jumped up at something on their phone and, like everyone else in the pen, you were wondering what had them so fired up.
Then their eyes darted up and made eye-contact with you. Your internal monologue quickly changed from questioning to a repeated loop of ‘Oh no. Oh no.’ as they advanced your way, moving like a predator stalks their prey. They thrusted their phone under your nose, the shitty little mic attached to it capturing every breath you took and the many cameras in the area capturing your wide eyes.
The reporter addressed you by name before starting to speak.
“Do you know of a man by the name Doh Kyungsoo?” They asked and your world cracked. What on earth had happened? How did they know? All you knew was that it was time for the one acting class your mum had made you take to try and sway you from racing to come to full effect.
“I think he’s from that band Kai’s in, yeah?” You responded after a second of fake pondering. The reporter's eyes narrowed like a hawk.
“You wouldn’t say you were close? Not close enough to get married perhaps?” The reporter asked, clearly trying to stir the pot. Oh my god, was this a prank? How the fuck did they know? How were you supposed to play this off? Would this jeopardize your career?
“Uhhm no…?” You said, incredulously, fixing them a scandalized stare. They sarcastically nodded.
“Oh really? Then what’s this?” They said and shoved their phone closer to your face till you saw a picture of you and Kyungsoo on your wedding day. How did they get this? Had one of your small circle leaked something?
You tried not to let the bewilderment you felt show on your face.
“I’m sorry? Are you trying to pass this off as real? It’s obviously photoshopped! I’m so tired of people trying to fabricate a story of me dating every person I’ve interacted with!” You finally snapped, letting a few years of pent up tension out in this moment. The reporter only continued to smirk.
“Oh really!” They said and you wanted to punch them and their snooty little face. To try and display this, your face fell into one of contempt.
“Is that why this image was posted to Doh Kyungsoo’s official instagram account with the caption ‘Sorry for making you lie to the press for eight years!’?” 
They got you there, dam.
Your jaw dropped open, the corners of your mouth rising at the pure hilarity of this situation.
“Excuse me?” You asked, grabbing the phone off the reporter and tapping back onto the post. They were right, Kyungsoo had posted to his official instagram that exact post. It was a carousel post with pictures taken of when you’d lied to the press about him, from the initial lying about being in Seoul to a picture of your ringed necklace to a picture of you smirking after being asked which EXO member was your favourite.
You couldn’t help but release a laugh, your hand traveling to cover your open mouth. Why did he post this? 
This meant you won the bet. Your head shot up to stare at a camera.
“I won the bet.” You said quietly. The reporter snatched their phone back and stared at you confused. 
“What?” They asked and you whipped your head to them, a large smile spreading across your face.
“I won the bet!” You said eagerly, reaching out to grab their shoulders and rock them back and forth.
“I won the bet!!” You ignored how they shook you off, turning to your PR Agent instead and grabbing them and lifting them up. They hurriedly tapped your back as you lifted them, as though signaling you to drop them, but you ignored that and started spinning them around. 
“I actually can’t believe it, oh my god!” You snapped out of it and dropped your PR Agent, immediately running out of the media pen and back to your driver room, pulling your necklace out of your racesuit and pulling your rings off, placing them back on their correct fingers.
You quickly packed everything up, ignoring the ringing of your phone as your team tried to get you to go to more press conferences and briefings, and you got out of there, on the first plane to Seoul you could book.
When you arrived, after a long plane trip filled with excitement and pictures being taken of you, decked out in your team's merchandise as you sat buzzing in your seat, your phone was completely blowing up, messages from everyone in your contact list and more. You turned it off (you’d deal with it later) after calling an uber to your apartment.
You were jittery the whole ride, hoping that, despite the time of night, Kyungsoo was still awake. When you arrived outside your apartment building, you felt all the tension in your body ease, and you looked up to see the light on in your window. You smiled and took your suitcase handle in hand and ventured into the building, greeting the old lady at the desk.
Riding the lift up to your apartment nearly had you pacing and you almost ran down the hallway towards your door, quickly knocking. You felt the reverberations in the floorboards as Kyungsoo walked over to the door and a sense of euphoria filled you at the familiarity.
The door was barely open before you launched yourself at Kyungsoo, his heavenly laughter filled your ears as he caught you. You quickly found yourself in a kiss before pulling back and peppering kisses all over his face, finding his giggles more lovely than his singing.
You both pulled back just to look in eachothers eyes and you smiled simultaneously. 
“I love you.” You muttered, the happiness from the day finally catching up to you.
“I love you too.” He whispered, tilting his head before going in for another kiss. 
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“You know.” He began later that night, when you were just lying in bed cuddling together. You turned your head from its position on his chest to look at him, his eyes remaining on the roof.
“I think I won in the end.” You immediately reared your head back, prepared to object at the sheer wrongness of his answer. He anticipated this though and dropped his hand from where it was combing through your hair to your mouth. He also dropped his head as to make eye contact.
“You stuck by me through everything. Even though you had to lie almost every day and had to listen to millions of rumours about me with other people, you still stayed with me. You learned a whole other language just to know people who knew me. Nothing I will ever say will ever put into perspective how much I appreciate what you’ve done for me. The way you’ve loved me will be comparable to nothing other than how much I’ve loved you.” His heartfelt speech made your head vibrate and a few tears left your eyes at his words, him kissing each one away. 
You whined deep in the back of your throat and he released a laugh at your response. 
“You could’ve just said ‘I love you’.” You said quietly.
“That’s true too.” He said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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ahh it's over! dividers from this post btw, it's 11:59 pm let me sleep.
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