boxwinebaddie · 4 months
same nervous anon from earlier anddd i graduated!! idk why i was scared i was totally fine lmaosl im the queen of overreacting. anyways im officially a graduate and i got SUMMA CUM LAUDE HELL YEAH
hello, baby!!!!! first of all, i just want to say...
graduating is no easy feat, seriously. i am so fucking proud of you, i was so excited to finally have enough time to answer this because i am so happy that my face hurts from SMILING SO BIG!!!! :DDD
you did the damn thing!!! like i know that at points it was really hard, but you powered through it and i am so excited for you to start this new chapter of your life and see what life has in store for you. <3
i am glad your culmination went smoothly because hooooly fuck, chaperoning the culmination from my school was HELL ON EARTH, hoooooly shit. parents are so entitled and so mean to me like yeah, okay maam, i'm sorry that you are sitting in the fourth row and you wanted to sit in the front row, SO DID EVERY OTHER FUCKING FAMILY HERE TOLD, like i don't care how much you donate to the school???? i didn't make the damn seating chart, yell at the WALL!
it was...oh my god. i still get flashbacks, bro.
and congratulations to all my friends in school or not, whatever you are doing, and however well or not well you think you are doing, know you are very loved and i am very, very proud of you.
sorry, i haven't been around...again, if you were dying during finals week, so am i because i am GIVING THOSE FINALS when teachers decide to rage quit and take their vacations early like??? thanks so much, legend! it's not like i...you know...have never ran your class before and i have to comfort nervous students WHO AREN'T MINE?
but yes, mwah mwah mWAH! i love you guys, i posted a very lame ask meme finally after 73093740934 years and i'm sorry, but because i am so busy i may go dark randomly and come back. the posting is slow goings and i am worried about how stressful working summer camp will be ( though, i am stoked for the structure ) but if you're on the struggle bus, its the hello kitty bus and i'm driving.
which unfortunately is not great news...
because i can't drive.
anyways! cheers! mazel! <3333
-uncle nina, grinning ear to ear
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malyen0retsev · 2 years
i wish everyone who made kit connor feel he had to come out a very merry FUCK YOU. you forced an eighteen year old into coming out publicly, before he was ready, when he stated many many times he wanted to keep it private. how many more times does this shit have to fucking happen before some of you fucking clock that YOU CANNOT QUEERBAIT IN REAL LIFE. this is the natural end to the discourse of ‘if somebody is in the public eye playing a queer person they owe us their sexuality’, and it’s DEEPLY FUCKED UP, they do NOT owe you an answer, and this mindset JUST FORCED AN EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD TO OUT HIMSELF BEFORE HE WAS READY TO
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tangledinink · 1 year
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day nine of cringetober is rarepair, and there is truly nothing rarer or cringier than a canon/oc pairing. so here's gemini!donnie and the stupid cat he ends up with, sorrelshine, who y'all have briefly met before. they're the first person donnie befriends once they're no longer living under big mama's thumb, and they do, in fact, eventually become an item down the line because i'm a fucking sucker for that shit.
(they also eventually have a pair of oopsie babies, and sorrelshine argues SOOO hard to get to give them traditional bakeneko-styled names like their own)
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(... an arguement which they eventually win.)
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kkoct-ik · 24 days
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yttds (twitter meme)
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sirguyofdykesborn · 6 months
please tell me you're still a he/him lesbian it's the only thing that keeps me going
nothing ever changed about me i just like injecting things into my bloodstream with a huge needle
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peppermintmochafem · 15 days
I'm like if a girl was a femme who is a bar certified lawyer 🥰🥰🥰
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weñl since I'm new to the AU and already ate every post.... Could you drop some lore of The Prototype and his link to the toys? (especially with Catnap seeing as how he recently calls him "dad" but I wonder how before he allowed Theo to consider him a God and worship him)
For my AU, the Prototype was originally Elliot Ludwig himself. He had an adopted daughter and lost her due to an illness, and then had the brilliant idea to start dubiously ethical experiments in order to bring her back. He eventually volunteered himself to be the first human to become a toy, only to realize, far too late, that without him in charge mr. Harley "what is ethics if not another rule to break in the name of SCIENCE" Sawyer would go "what if i broke every single rule Elliot ever imposed on me". Also I have adopted @lassieposting's hc about Elliot being a military veteran, which is important for this because now this man feels like he, once again, is seeing a tragedy that should have never existed at ALL.
Prototype took care of little Theo/Catnap as if he were his own son (also taken from lassieposting because good headcanons are GOOD headcanons), and after the Hour of Joy and him realizing that the toys can't go outside without risking even more death and people hunting them, he taught Catnap how to hunt. After he learned how to look after himself Catnap became more independent, and Theo was always a kind of religious boy, and that combined with him seeing Prototype as a hero made him undergo the biggest catholic moment in the history of Playtime Co.
Prototype doesn't like being called a god, but Catnap doing that did help him impose more rules on the toys ("don't go outside so humans won't find us and capture us again", "don't torture each other even if you are really hungry", "if you see a human kill it and give it to me so we can all have food"). Unfortunately their distance grew as time went on, and Prototype just. Never actually tried doing anything to stop Catnap from being like That. Again, it was helping him, and he sees Catnap as the child he failed to protect, and he just never knew how to address the elephant in the room. This entire situation was 100% Prototype's fault for not attempting to sit down with Catnap and tell him to cut it off.
Prototype has a trillion communication issues, honestly. For this AU he helped deliver Poppy's call for help to the Player/Angel, not that she knew that, because he decided that everyone had enough. He wanted someone to save the toys, even if by "saving" it meant "killing them off", because Prototype figured it was better than being alive in that nightmare.
And then Angel saved Huggy, throwing Prototype's whole plan away.
And then Bunzo, the mini huggies, PJ Pug-a-Pillar, and then Mommy Long Legs, and then Miss Delight and Dogday, and then Catnap, even when the big feline begged Prototype to end his suffering. The Angel took care of all of them. They never dared leave anyone behind.
Prototype changed his plan for it to just be for him to die, because he caused everyone to become a toy. He deserved that fate more than anyone, at least in his eyes.
And then Angel convinced him to live. The deal they made was for Prototype to help them take care of everyone and stop anyone from ever find all the documentation about how the experiments were done, and only just enough info for the humans outside to know the toys are alive and were previously innocent children. After Angel finds a bigger house, Catnap convinces Prototype to come in with them, and he reluctantly agrees.
It'll be really funny when Angel realizes Poppy was Elliot's daughter, because our favorite porcelain doll does NOT know Elliot is the Prototype. Actually, NO ONE knows that, not even Catnap himself. When Angel finds out they DEMAND Prototype to talk to Poppy because what the HECK, you already failed to communicate with one kid and now you fail to communicate with ANOTHER?
Anyways, family drama aside, Angel and Prototype unironically make a very good parent duo. Prototype knows how the toys work, while Angel knows how to be gentle and assuring. They teach the other a lot about what to do, but the majority of the toys are too afraid to talk with Prototype to learn that he's Father Material If You Ignore The Communication Issues. Catnap can confirm!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
@here4dragons, this is for you, sweetheart <3
(mood music - "Motion" by Peter Sandberg)
Abel sighed tiredly. He'd lost track of the time again. But honestly, this time alone was the only part of the day he could relax, in a sense. Ever since his promotion to being captain of the royal guard, he'd been running around nonstop. He'd never really contemplated how much work went into just being in charge, but he absolutely despised it.
It wasn't as if he weren't grateful, honored for this position, of course. He still wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed to get it. A small, insecure part of him wondered if it was simply because the king had found out that the princess' appointed knight was his son. Link's fame was certainly growing ever since he'd rescued Princess Zelda from that rogue guardian. Abel still felt his stomach squirm uncomfortably, his heart swell with pride but shrivel in fear at the sight of his boy cradling his broken arm after deflecting the shot.
It had been entirely too chilling a reminder of the dangers Link was going to face.
But the boy had been fine. He would be fine. He was an amazing warrior, a better swordfighter than anyone, and he was only sixteen. He'd be seventeen soon, and he would continue to grow and improve. It would be all right. He would be alright.
Abel paced his quarters. The private room was one of the few wonderful benefits of his promotion. It gave him time to himself, something he felt like he never really had anymore.
But sometimes, even the quiet of his room wasn't enough. He had his window open, letting a cool breeze inside, listening to the crickets chirp, watching the fireflies lazily float by, but it wasn't enough. So he sighed again and took a candle, heading outside.
It was amazing how quiet the castle could be at night, given how lively it was during the day. There was usually a constant hustle, royal scientists scrambling about with notes, servants moving quickly to ensure everything ran smoothly, soldiers patrolling, guardians' gears whirring as the large metallic beasts tested their legs, nobles tutting about trying to get the attention of the king, citizens from near and far coming with petitions and pleas.
It was tedious. It was exhausting.
Abel was a man of action. He'd always preferred just being a knight. When he'd been assigned to the castle, he'd viewed it as a great honor, but also...
He'd never wanted it. He'd seen enough politics in the Domain, but even there he was happier. An assignment like this, being captain of the royal guard... he imagined it would have made his father proud.
His father. He couldn't even remember what the man looked like anymore. Just what his rotting body had smelled like. Just how his mother's cries had sounded.
Abel swallowed, his throat dry as he made his way outside. His candle attracted the attention of the fireflies, and they flitted about slowly, reflecting its light on their bellies, winking at the man. Abel smiled at them, smiled at the gentle trickle of water from the nearby fountain, smiled at the cool breeze that brushed the warm flush of worry from his cheeks.
He took a deep breath in, trying to soak in the moment, grateful for little occasions like this.
His promotion was so new, so strange, so different. He wasn't just a knight alongside everyone else anymore. It was freeing, it was terrifying. He had so much riding on him now, had others looking to him for guidance and help. The king sometimes asked for his advice. The blasted King of Hyrule.
Abel sighed a little, pulling a letter out from where he'd tucked it into his belt. He'd received it this morning, but hadn't had a chance to read it all day, as busy as he'd been. Finding a bench, he settled down and opened it, reading its contents in the moonlight as the fireflies made daring little dashes for his candle beside him.
My love,
I received your letter a little while ago and only just now had the chance to reply! Oh, you wouldn't believe how busy it's been in Hateno lately! So many people have been passing through. I think that new dye shop is really doing something for the village, it's pretty amazing!
Lyra is doing great. She found a stray cucco and adopted it, so now I have to constantly clean up after it, but she loves it very much. She named her Mipha, and I have to laugh every time I hear it, because somehow I think the princess would be fine with it but Link would not haha! Lyra is so free spirited, it's such a joy spending time with her. I know she misses you very much, and I've got her working on her very own letter to send you as well.
Speaking of princesses, though, can you tell me how Link is doing with his new assignment? I haven't heard from him in a while, and I know I shouldn't worry, but well. I do sometimes. And I know you do too. But I pray for you both every day. I know Hylia is looking out for you, beloved.
I just wanted to say again how proud I am of you, Abel. You have one of the highest ranks in all of Hyrule! Can you believe that? I knew you could reach such heights, but I still have to wrap my head around it sometimes! You and Link are so magnificent, I'm sometimes just baffled that I even know you two, that you're my husband and he's my baby boy. I am so blessed to have you two in my life.
I love you so much, Abel. I hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Tilieth
Abel read the words again and again, bringing the letter to his chest and closing his eyes. The parchment crinkled in his gentle grip as he tried to hug his wife through the words, as he could feel her hugging him in return. Then he smiled in anticipation, pulling out the second letter, seeing the far clumsier handwriting and feeling his heart flutter with joy and excitement at it.
Dear Papa,
Mama let me actually write my own letter this time, and I wanted to include some feathers from Mipha so she could say hi to you too! Anyway, I wanted to say hi and I love you. Mama's food is really good and I can't wait for you to come home and have it and so you can see Mipha. Also it's really hot right now, so I hope it isn't hot where you are. Because it's to hot I feel like a carrot in Mama's cooking pot. But not a tomato because those are gross. And I'm not that red.
Mama talks about you getting some new job, so I wanted to say good job. But I don't think it's as hard as Mama's job because she's always working. So you should send her flowers.
Papa, I was wondering when you were coming home? Do I need to write to the king? Mama says he's why you and Link are still gone. And I know you guys leave a lot for knight duty but you didn't used to be gone for this long. It's been like over a year since I saw you, and I think the king doesn't know that, so you should tell him. If you can't because you're busy, that's ok. I can tell him too.
Anyway there's this new die shop that Mama loves and I think you should take her to it. She took me to it and it was really cool. Lots of people like it! We should get Link and make him splash in it. Blue is the best color, so he should swim in blue paint. I don't know why they call it die because that seems like a bad word for it. The clothes don't die or anything. But I guess they look different, so they die to how they used to be. Something like that.
Papa, I love you. I miss you. I want to hug you, so please come home soon!
Love, Lyra
Abel found himself chuckling as he finished the letter. Goddess, he missed his daughter. Lyra was just as quirky and silly as Tilieth, and she encompassed Tilieth's social boldness with Abel's force of will. That girl was going to be a menace when she became a teenager.
She was right, though. It had been a long time since Abel had gone home. His longest assignment had been at Zora's Domain, spanning years, but that was before Lyra had been born. He'd always been able to see his family at least once a year since then. Now...
He couldn't complain, honestly. He shouldn't. He was proud to serve his country, honored to be able to have such freedom to help others in this new position. And he could see Link so often. It was a blessing.
He smiled again at the letters, holding them to his heart. He would see his wife and daughter again soon someday. He would bring Tilieth flowers. He would play with Lyra and her little pet. He would go to the dye shop (and teach his daughter how to spell dye). And he would take Link with him.
Someday. Perhaps when this crisis was over, when Princess Zelda discovered her powers.
In the meantime, he would treasure these letters. He would write whenever he could. And he would fully utilize the honors given to him so that he could help Hyrule as much as possible, whether he deserved this prestige or not.
I love you too, he whispered in his heart to his beloveds. And then he looked up at the sky, face glowing in the moonlight, heart lighter, and he prayed in thanks to Hylia.
They'd be alright, in the end. They'd be alright.
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stelera · 1 year
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So @its-just-a-phage sent me some art of a character I wasn't familiar with catching a fish with his mouth. He thought it was my blorbo, but unfortunately not all feral blonde men are Deidara. However once the idea was planted in my mind I couldn't NOT draw Deidara catching a fish with his mouth.
I shared the first doodle with some other friends, and @solarfox6 said I should draw him with a fish in EACH of his mouths. And like... I couldn't NOT do that either??
I mentioned it to @pleasedontstealmysoul and SHE said "do it no balls". And like... I couldn't NOT include that somehow either???
So now here we are...
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 13 days
Characters as things I've said/heard people say
This was all at church so I'm putting them together for convenience: Featuring Angel Dust
Angel: I NEED this damn picnic I'm surviving off caffeine and nicotine right now
Angel: Where have you been you're taking forever
Husk: I don't know, man, things keep happening
Husk: *walking away and whispering in horror* Things are always happening
Angel: I need to go to sleep I've been thinking about musical theater again
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moeblob · 7 months
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There was a post I saw about someone who mutually ghosted a guy after a date and kept matching with him and they're not interested but it's the longest "relationship" the person had been in at that point and I'm like. Karen would mutually ghost someone.
She doesn't really tell Brent/Right/Evelyn/Chris his name (he has a double first name, Patrick is not his last name) and just refers to him as "My Guy". Like "Ah damn, My Guy matched again. End my suffering." And when she tries to explain it to Right who does NOT understand how it's different, her logical answer is "it's my God given right to ghost a polite man!"
Also I just imagine her confiding in Paul about Rick and he's like "is his name Patrick" and she's like "kinda". And after that, Paul calls him "Pattycakes" cause he's never even seen the guy so why not give him a funny little nickname. He's allowed to do so at this point probably.
#my characters#also i just think it would be so funny to have him walk into the bar when karen and the boys are all there#and she sees him and is like OH MY GOD ITS MY GUY AND HE HAS A WOMAN WITH HIM I have to go congratulate him#and she jumps out of the booth to go say hi to him and the rest of her group is staring with wide eyes because whomst#and then her shoulders drop and the guy looks nervous and then karen is just gesturing to her group#and she walks him over and is like hey this is my guy and his cousin i hate my life#and then introduces rick to her friends/coworkers in the worst way ever like.... so lackluster#thats right and hes gay and pining and possibly dating#thats brent and hes pining and possibly dating#thats chris and he might have a divorce on his track record (HEY!) but we still love him#and thats paul the disaster bisexual currently pining#she sighs then points to the bar and goes AND I GUESS ILL INCLUDE the pining hot bartender in the introductions#everyone meet rick and his cousin and rick is like oh ! paul! hes your best friend!#cause he KNOWS that name from their ONE DATE that they both pretend didn't happen#and paul is just sunshine and flowers and beaming like oh ?? OH ??? KAREN? BESTIE? MY BEST FRIEND?#and she blushes and glares at rick because DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A FACE THAT CAN HANDLE COMPLIMENTS YOU JERK look what you did to him#and rick is v sorry and feels bad about it cause hes really just some random polite guy and thats why it would never work#hes too nice for karen and she CRAVES the teasing THE BANTER THE LANGUAGE and no hes just nice bye#so he leaves with his cousin to get some drinks and walks back over after hes done#and stares at paul as he says wow the bartender really is pining like you said in response to karen and paul wants to melt into his seat#therefore karen will forgive her guy for telling paul he was her best friend (its true tho) bc he made paul embarrassed#and he smiles at her and says bye and she just nods and is like yup talk to you next time we match#and its never romantic its always platonic#they are always going to match but its NEVER going to go beyond friends#though they do become friends and hang out eventually!#yes you can tell i thought about this A LOT on the drive#oops i fell in love
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butch-prettyboy · 18 days
out: unemployment
in: getting a job offer that pays more than my last job
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izzyspussy · 6 days
my sister is telling my dad the story of last night and they are hard core both sidesing it. "well, you know, she doesn't take apologies well..." 1. that's her fucking problem not mine. 2. that doesn't have any fucking bearing on the two and a half hours straight of transphobic talk. 3. not taking an apology well is one thing, telling someone they're "lucky" you're not assaulting them when they say they're sorry for being a bit rude is actually a totally different thing LOL!
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bloodheartz · 10 months
Just gonna say that mocking people for voicing their disappointment over the stream (spongebobscreamingwithflyingicecreamtruck.png “IN A CIVIL AND POLITE MANNER”) just makes you like. An asshole lmao. People are gonna be disappointed when they’re told they’re getting one thing and getting another no matter what, even if what they get instead is really good/funny.
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llovely · 18 days
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
Happy bday Miles!!!
it was miles' bday yesterday! i was hard at work pumping this thing out but alas it was already past my bedtime when i finally finished it u_u
this is... very last minute and i'm p sure you can tell but i hope yall enjoy anyhow LOL
for my (belated) gift to the mileses i present: miles and miles g celebrating their birthday together! and g getting a gift better than anything anyone could wrap up for him :) <3
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Miles G was nervous. Very nervous.
It was already August third, a date he never really ever paid much attention to before today, but here it was.
The day.
His birthday. His 16th birthday, to be exact. And not just his birthday, but the birthday that other dimensional variants of himself shared as well.
Namely, one Miles Morales from Earth-1610 came to mind, especially now as he held his wrapped package in one hand and shuffled nervously from one foot to another.
The suffocating darkness of Earth-42’s late evening was falling and falling quickly, which would otherwise ignite something in him on a normal day. But, as he fiddled with his dimensional watch strapped to his right wrist, he knew this wasn’t any normal evening out.
After the events of… the utter and total chaos of his inter-dimensional doppelganger crashing into their universe out of nowhere once many months ago, life was never the same for him or his family.
As a result of the inter-dimensional shenanigans that ensued, his mother Rio finally found out about his secret identity and his illicit vigilante dealings on the nights he usually got away with his uncle Aaron, and that was… well.
It was a Time, alright.
Eventually, after boxing both his and his uncle’s ears and giving them a stern lecture, Rio slowly warmed up to the idea of her son going out and doing what he needed to do in order to assist with NYC’s battle against the fascist oppression that the Sinister Six were insisting upon the city. With help, of course.
Rio’s one condition was that Miles G’s new spider-themed friends would come and help and make sure her son was still on the straight and narrow, that he wasn’t going to get too hurt.
She figured that if Miles G wasn’t going to back down from being a hero in his own right, then he might as well have someone by his side helping him achieve his goals… and helping out at the hospital and F.E.A.S.T. as well every now and then, of course!
Now, she was waiting right by the door to the rooftop, holding it open with a hip and looking on at her son approvingly. It was August of course, but that night on Earth-42 happened to be a bit chillier than normal. Her hair frizzed with the humidity that hung thick in the air and she wrapped her hands around her arms as she smiled.
Miles glances up and notices the rolling darkness overhead moving in a bit too quickly. Must be a storm brewing again, then. It sure smelled like it, anyways.
“Good luck, mijo! Tell them I said happy birthday to the other you!” Rio calls, just as something suspiciously thunder-like starts growling on the other end of the city. “Y no te preocupes tanto, Miles! Tu pareces tan nervioso! Relax a little, it’ll be a fun time, right?”
Miles G offers her a crooked smile. It didn’t really feel genuine at all, just a mask he plasters onto his face to hopefully placate his mother, which seems to work. Rio beams at him and then the winds start picking up.
“Okay, goodnight Miles! Te amo!” Her voice is almost drowned out by the sudden chilly gust that blows through and whips her hair in different directions. She gives her son one final wave before turning and letting the door shut behind her.
Miles breathes in the ozone that materializes in the air, trying to ground himself in the sudden temperature drop before a streak of lightning bursts through the clouds and flashes out of the corner of his eye. Feeling his anxiety bubbling through his nerves and into his chest, he hastily starts the search for his “twin’s” dimension.
The idea of going to a party and celebrating his birthday for the first time in years, alongside his doppelganger and his family in a dimension that isn’t his-- but probably should have been-- made his stomach roil a bit.
But thunderstorms? Those were a whole different level of hell no.
The quickly-developing storm gave Miles G just that last bit of courage he needed to take the leap, metaphorically speaking.
The portal he opens once he finds Earth-1610 almost instantaneously blinks into existence right before him. Well, also literally speaking, too, he muses sardonically as well, peering into the bright neon hues of his own custom-made portal.
He didn’t really know whether he liked Hobie Brown from Earth-138 yet, but he sure as hell was never going to get used to the fact that that kid straight up just reverse-engineered technology from the future, on his own. That alone put Hobie high up on the ranks of respect in Miles’ own mind.
Well. No more time to waste. Another burst of electricity streaked through the night sky, illuminating the angry dark rain clouds advancing on the city like jaguars ready to pounce. The anxiety threatened to burst forth from Miles’ chest just like the booming thunder that clapped in the air just then, and he took that as his cue to move.
He hated jumping through these portals, but hated storms even more. With one breath held tightly into his lungs, he stepped forward…
… And landed on some cardboard boxes.
Not a bad place to land, though, given his watch was still a prototype Hobie had cooked up last-minute to enable non-superpowered beings to travel through space and time without getting their nuclei scrambled like omelets.
All in all, not the worst position he’s found himself in, either. Not like that one time with those guard dogs… shudder. Anyways.
Miles G slowly stood up, head on a swivel as he immediately takes in his surroundings, hoping no one saw the giant burst of purple and blue lights that his portal emitted. Behind him, the aforementioned portal quickly fizzled out and blinked out of existence.
He seemed to land in an empty, but very smelly alleyway next to some restaurant on Earth-1610, if the wafting smell of greasy food hitting his nostrils was anything to go by. Dozens of styrofoam containers and wet-looking garbage bags sat piled up next to an overflowing dumpster, and a rat or two started to make their break for it once Miles lifted his legs out of the pile he landed in to connect sneaker soles to concrete.
He dusts himself off, groaning something about needing to find that twiggy punk and throttle him for not getting him his own stabilized watch sooner, when the back door of said restaurant suddenly swung open and a mean-looking, heavyset man with a hell of a beer gut started scowling at him.
“Aye! Whaddya doin’ back here, dumpster diving? Punk kid! Get outta here!”
Miles G’s own upper lip curled with full teenage disdain. “I’m not dumpster diving, genius. I’m takin’ a shortcut through here. That alright with you? It ain’t illegal,”
“Takin a shortcut?” The man’s eyes bulge out with rage. “Lyin’ punk! Get on outta here!” He hurls more curse words at Miles and shakes his fist like a cartoon character yelling at someone to get off their lawn.
Miles simply rolls his eyes, stoops over to fetch his gift from the giant pile of discarded cardboard boxes and brushes it off as well. He tosses a sarcastic salute at the man as he makes his way down the alleyway.
“Stay classy, my man,” he grumbles and steps out into the blinding rays of the late August evening on Earth-1610.
It was lucky he was found by this man on this dimension rather than back home, because otherwise his encounter would have been possibly twice as deadly than a grumpy old restaurant cook simply shaking a fist at him.
It was one of the many things about this mirror-dimension that he needed to get used to, at first. The adults back on 42 were twice as aggressive and authoritative as the ones from here, and it was something very relieving to find out once he first stepped into this world.
Here-- even though things didn’t quite sit right in his cells about being in a world so similar to his, but yet slightly skewed-- he could really relax. He could let his shoulders down a bit, loosen his muscles, not hold his head up so high. He could truly live.
So now, even though he was most definitely going to be late to this party at his twin’s house (if his directional instinct was anything close to accurate), he was relatively chill.
Miles G strolled through the city streets of what looked to be Queens, though whether he was in the east side or the northern side was really up in the air. He turned on his heels towards a subway station and made a beeline for the underground oasis in the desert only to find that the subway map on Earth-1610 was completely flipped from the ones in his dimension.
Damnit. Damn it all. Well, then. Looks like he was gonna be even more late to the party.
He sent his dimensional twin a quick update text and began the long and frustrating process of taking pictures of maps, attempting to turnstile-hop as often as he could, and asking New Yorkers for directions.
Asking for directions and train info from New Yorkers here seemed to have the exact same success rate as it did back home; that is to say, little to none. Great. Miles stopped asking New Yorkers for directions after a while.
It killed him that he couldn’t just go as the crow flies with his gear, on account of needing to keep a low profile in order to not land 1610’s Miles in any hot water.
He missed his bungee and parkour gear something fierce after getting turned around yet again, hands picking at the stupid present’s gift wrapping impatiently after hopping onto the correct train this time. You’d think that a kid living and getting by all on his own in the city would make him a better navigator of public transportation, but alas. Even a 16 year old kid living his entire life in the bowels of the concrete jungle gets inbound and outbound trains confused sometimes. Go figure.
It seemed like it took forever and a half to finally find himself setting foot on the familiar streets of the Williamsburg area in Brooklyn, but the brownstones and corner streets eventually started shaping themselves into something much more familiar to him, much to his relief.
Cool. So this was Miles G’s domain, finally.
Even if all of the details were slightly off, even if some stores weren’t quite named correctly enough not to tickle a weird part in his brain as he walked past them, this was home. He knew it, and he felt his own “spidey senses” go off once he made his way closer and closer to his-- and Miles’-- apartment block.
G did a double take as he walked past the usual stream of faceless pedestrians and spotted a familiar puff of dark hair in the crowd. It was Miles!
Miles G may not have had that strange precognitive superpower that all of the other spider-people seemed to have, but it looked as though his body's cells had minds of their own as they gravitated towards his dimensional doppelganger bounding up to him with a joyful gait.
Miles was clad in his usual bright sporty colors, grinning as brightly as the sunset that cast everything in a nice warm hue all around them.
They dapped each other up as a casual greeting, immediately starting up their banter.
“You’re finally here, man, goddamn! Gettin’ old now, getting turned around more nowadays?” Miles ribbed his twin playfully.
“Ha, ha,” Miles G replied sarcastically, “You and me are the same age, remember? Anything you say about me--”
“You say about yourself. I know that one, smartass. I was the one who came up with that first, you can’t quote me back at me!”
“Arrest me, then,” G stuck out his chin defiantly and laughed when he got a strong jab to the side.
They quibbled like this all the way down the streets, two teenage boys just basking in the last golden rays of the sunset before it finally darkened to a nice purple haze on their shared birthday. A beautiful cloudless evening, the complete and total opposite of the raging storms most likely tearing their way through Earth-42's Brooklyn night.
G was enjoying himself so much that he forgot how nervous he was before this moment.
Navigating the streets of New York City alone with not much help from his own cellphone or the people around him distracted him long enough to put his worries off to the side for a while, and now that he’s reaching the steps to his own apartment building, it seems like all those worries are bubbling back up again.
His purple sneakers freeze right on the bottom steps of the Brooklyn brownstone he always called home, watching as his doppelganger reaches for the door handle and only stopping once he notices G fall silent behind him.
They pause together, and Miles tosses an all-too-casual glance over his shoulder up towards the stairs before letting the door shut behind him again.
They sit together on the stairs, side-by-side.
Miles G is taking a couple of deep breaths, using the box breathing method Miles taught him a while ago.
Miles asks him, “you sure you wanna do this, bro?”
“Yes,” Miles G answers, a little too quickly.
Glances are exchanged, a million words shared with just one look. G sighs then.
“Okay… maybe… I mean, I do. I really do, wanna… uh,” Miles G takes another deep breath before sitting back and fiddling with the ribbon on the present once more. “… I wanna celebrate this, like not just for you. For me, because it’s… this is gonna be the first time I ever had a party since… well. Anyways, yeah, so I wanna do this. I do! This is important and I have to do this.”
“But?” Miles adds, a bit hesitant. He’d never want to make his dimensional variant feel like he’s being pushed or pressured, especially when he looks like he’s teetering on the edge of a panic attack.
“But,” G emphasizes the T, “I… fuck, this is gonna sound kinda lame but, ugh. I hate sayin’ it out loud. But…!”
“Jeff, right?” Miles offers him his most comforting expression. G hates it anyhow.
G hangs his head, clasping his hands over the box. “Yeah,” he admits, full of shame. “It’s dumb and I should be over it by now--”
“Bro, stop. Look,” Miles sighs in a way that reminds G of Rio a little too much, making his heart clench. “Your dad passed away, man. That is tough. That's the literal definition of trauma, and there’s nothing anyone can say about that. But you shouldn’t beat yourself up over not having like a linear progression on healing or whatever. You’re never really gonna get over it, like ever. And that’s okay, man. Losing a family member like that’s hard. Real hard.”
Aaron, G thinks to himself then, nodding slowly. Miles is probably the only person who understood the visceral and soul-crushing feeling of watching a beloved family member die at such a young age; and a father figure as well, at that.
Sure, all the other spider-people lost their uncle Bens or Tonys or whatever they said their uncles’ names were. But Miles lost Aaron. Aaron Davis. A man that was held in such high regard by the both of them, a key player in the way they both grew up and formed their own personalities as kids. There was nobody like him, and that was a fact.
It felt simultaneously weird and also comforting to know exactly what Miles was thinking, feeling, because in a lot of small but significant ways, their pain mirrored each other’s. Miles knew. G knew.
There wasn’t anything else left to say.
“I gotta go up,” Miles G said quietly after a small bout of silence.
Miles shrugged non-committaly. “Only if you’re ready,” he replied.
“No,” G shook his head, his neatly-done braids wiggling alongside the movement. “I have got to man up and stop bein’ so pussy right now. He’s not my dad. He isn’t my dad and I can do this!”
Miles blew out a breath and leaned back on the stairs behind him, legs spread as he crosses his arms. “Dude, look at me. Dad’s not gonna be weird this time, okay? We talked to him and he’s cool about everything and he is not gonna be weird. Everyone understands if you need some time to yourself, like in my room or up on the roof, just in case. This isn’t mandatory, you know. You don't have to push yourself.”
“I know this isn’t mandatory but I don’t wanna ruin your special day, alright? I’ve gone years with no birthdays, I’ll be fine. I’ll live,” Miles G bit out. It was much harsher than he intended it to come out, so he tried to save the conversation. “I uhm… sorry. I mean… it’s no biggie to me if I have to skip out or whatever. If it’s too weird, y’know? If you guys don’t want me here... I just don’t wanna, like, step all over your guys’… lives. The way you all do things. I know it’s different.” G gives a half-hearted shrug, hoping his twin will catch on to what he’s trying to convey.
Miles leans forward then, clapping a hand on G’s shoulder and shaking him a bit. “Man, you worry too much. Just like me,” he laughs, “I can’t believe I’m like this! Goddamn,” he shakes his head.
G groans. “Am I, though? Am I worrying too much? Ain’t this whole situation just… weird?”
Miles waves his hands around as he speaks. “Yeah, but… teen heroes in spandex costumes shooting webs out of their wrists is weird, too. I promise you’re not ruining anyone’s day by existing. My parents love you, dude, you’re fine. Either way, no one’s gonna think bad of you if you wanna stay or go.”
G sighs deeply, steeling himself. “Then I’ll stay. We’ll do… the birthday things. It’ll be fine,”
“If you insist!” Miles shrugs again and moves to stand up.
G snorts derisively and puffs himself up to his twin’s height once they’re both on their feet. “I hate when you do that shit, man!”
“Do what?” Miles holds his palms aloft, grinning crookedly.
“Don’t play dumb, Morales. Just…” G wedges the box he was holding in between the ornate railings of the stairs and pops back up, annoyed. “Look at me. I look fine, right? I’m not dressed down too much?” He holds his arms akimbo.
Miles laughs again, giving his twin a well-meaning once-over.
“Hair good, kicks good?” Miles G presses, sending Miles a look all the while.
“Yes, yeah, dude. You look fine. Everything’s gonna be fine! Stop freakin’ out!”
“You’re pulling your stupid nonchalant cool guy shtick and I hate it. You know that makes me even more nervous, right? It does not help, not even a little,”
Miles cackles as he pulls the door open once more, motioning for G to hand him the wrapped present. “You are unbelievable, man. Completamente insoportable!”
They bicker once again all the way up three flights of stairs, as naturally as if they had done it for years until they reach Miles’ family apartment and push their way through the doorframe.
They don’t even get to set one Jordan into the living room before Earth-1610’s Rio is leaping out from right around the corner and shouting SURPRISE!!! right into their faces.
Behind her, Jeff wears a party hat and blows on a dinky little party horn.
Both Mileses stood frozen staring into the face of their excited mother before Miles opens his mouth to speak.
“Mamí, I already told you this wasn’t a surprise party!”
“No, pero yo quería, como… hacer un algito para el niño, sabes?" Rio answers innocently, cheesy grin plastered on her face as she reaches for a balloon floating nearby and hands it to G.
“Anyways,” Miles gives his twin a sidelong glance and holds his present aloft, picking his way past the balloons on the floor to deposit it next to a pile of boxes and bags. "Sorry about them, they're... y'know. They mean well, but--"
"Of course we do! What's with this attitude all of a sudden?" Jeff complains, taking off his comically small party hat and setting it aside.
“Last night, we had my party with the fam on the rooftop, and today it’s just us here. We’re gonna watch a movie and eat together if you don’t mind,” Miles begins again, by way of explaining the massive pile of gifts in the living room corner. “I figured your first party in a while should be more... lowkey. Just a totally casual and definitely not weird birthday celebration, right guys?” He shoots looks at both of his parents, who both nod.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Totally casual. We cool, we cool,” Jeff assures his son, punching at his shoulder playfully. “When have we ever not been cool? About, y’know… this whole inter-dimensional universe stuff?”
“Dad!” Miles groans.
G smiles a bit, shoving his hands in his pockets and hiking his shoulders up to his ears. “Yeah this sounds cool, actually. Real good, better than…”
“Than what you thought it’d be?” Miles grins, “you really think I’d just throw you into a massive block party with the whole family out of nowhere?”
“No, but,” G kicks off his sneakers as their parents go into the kitchen and start laying pots and bowls out onto the dining room table. “I dunno… I thought it’d be more than just us. But this is nice, yeah. I don’t mind this at all.”
“As I knew you wouldn’t!” Then, a little louder, “what’d I say, dad?”
“I still got some of the crew on speed dial with gifts if you want!” Jeff calls out from the kitchen.
G laughs aloud and shakes his head, finally relaxing for the first time in what seemed like forever.
Together, the four set up dinner on the table to laugh and eat, celebrating two birthdays with two versions of the same Miles. They toast to another happy birthday, tacking on a little “here’s hoping G survives until the next one” for good measure.
Miles elbowed his father for that, but G was more than grateful that he had some more people in his corner, even if they were from different dimensions. Knowing that he had another set of parents praying for his health and his safety in a world that seemed so far away and distant as to be from a completely different galaxy made his heart clench in a way he didn’t know how to articulate yet.
He raised his own glass and prayed for their health and safety as well.
Then they settled into the living room together to watch a goofy horror-comedy movie that Jeff insisted on picking out himself.
“So Miles let me know the other day that he doesn't really actually like horror movies much, which was-- y’know definitely not feeling betrayed or anything ‘cause of that, but.” He shot his son a look.
“Oh my god, this again,” Miles groans, rolling his eyes and smiling exasperatedly.
“Anyways, dunno what your horror tolerance is, is all. Don’t know if you love it or hate it, but my wife hates horror and I love it. I figure this one’s a good middle ground.”
G sat forward, clasping his hands together in front of him. “You hate horror movies?” He asks his twin.
Miles throws his hands up in the air. “Do not tell me you’re gonna say that you’re shocked ‘cause you love it,”
G bobs his head and laughs. “I’m gonna say that I’m shocked ‘cause I absolutely love horror. Huh! That’s… that’s kinda funny we’re different like that,” he hummed in thought.
Miles sighs. “Oh right, of course. My twin who is absolutely better than me at everything ever happens to love the same stuff my dad does. Man, y’know what, I’m wavin’ the white flag. You can have him if you want!”
“Huh?” Jeff looks back and forth between his two sons as they laugh.
"Pero así tampoco!" Rio laughs along with them. “No one is stealing anyone’s father tonight, boys. Come on now,”
“I’m saying!” Miles offers anyways.
“I’m good,” G replies good-naturedly.
“Hold on, you two are not saying what I think you’re saying,” Jeff finally catches up to speed.
The whole room laughs at that, joy and comfort palpable in the air as the family settles down after bantering some more. They pass the bowls of popcorn and watch their movie, commenting on terrible acting and cackling at bad jokes.
G settles down, really relaxing this time, as he sinks deeper into the comfortable couch cushions and basks in the normalcy of this life. He was grateful the family didn’t make him feel like he was a guest, or an intruder into their seemingly perfect lives of familial affection. This was a million times better than awkward happy birthday songs and loud music,. It was much more… intimate. Intimate in ways that G himself hadn’t been allowed to feel since his own father’s passing.
He was grateful that his own dimensional variant understood what it was that he could handle, and what he couldn’t, completely judgement-free. It left a warm feeling deep in his chest he hadn’t ever known he was even capable of feeling. Maybe that was Miles’ real gift to G, the perfect environment for anyone to be able to let their walls down, even just a little.
It made the homemade sketchbook as his gift to his twin seem so silly in comparison, in the end. Oh well.
The night ended wonderfully, with each parent getting G his own gifts on top of the one Miles dumped unceremoniously in his lap towards the end of his visit.
But it was getting late, and the night was getting progressively darker.
The nighttime wasn’t nearly as suffocating and all-encompassing as Earth-42’s nights, especially considering it was a clear and crisp night on 1610, the total opposite of the angry weather back home… but the hour was getting longer nonetheless and G’s tranquil visit to this dimension was drawing to a close.
“I wish you could sleep over this time, y’know. Kind of a bummer that you can’t”, Miles bumped shoulders with G as they sat side-by-side on the couch.
“Mmmn, yeah” G sighed.
“Hold on, what am I missing here? I thought he was going to stay tonight!” Rio pipes up from her end of the couch, brow raised.
G looks up at her. “Uhh, no. I have, uh, I have a thing… in the morning, with uncle Aaron. So,”
Jeff grunts disapprovingly, earning him a glare from Miles.
Miles then turns back to his twin. “It’s fine, we get it. Let’s try to make some more time in the future to hang soon, though, right? This was fun!”
They both smile at each other and then start to get up, gathering discarded wrapping paper from Miles opening his gift from G.
G himself tries tucking his unopened presents into his light sweater, zipping it up and holding the boxes against him with crossed arms.
“If I don’t hold ‘em like this, they’ll go flying everywhere in the portal back home,” he explains to Miles’ parents.
Miles shoves his hands in his pockets and agrees that that's a great idea before suggesting they not open a portal in the middle of the living room where all of his birthday balloons and gifts were still in neat piles.
G finally bids everyone a good night before climbing up the final set of stairs up to the rooftop, with Miles right on his heels.
They dap each other up again and Miles eventually pulls G into a hug.
“Man, what you doin’ that soft shit for?” G ribs Miles playfully, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
“I dunno, you look like you could use some soft shit after tonight. You looked like you didn’t even wanna leave my apartment,”
G rolls his eyes but concedes anyways. “Uh huh, yeah… shit was nice there, for a second… things were real nice.” He trails off, then gathers himself back up again. “Your dad was great back there, by the way. So… looks like your talk with him was good, it was effective.” He sniffed.
Miles purses his lips. “Hmmm, was he, though? He coulda been a little better, honestly.”
G shakes his head, laughing. “You need to stop being so hard on your parents, kid. They’re great. They are.”
“Yeah, I know. Your fam’s great, too, by the way. Let Aaron know that I really love his gift he left me the other day, when you get back,”
G does a double take. “That he-- that he left you? How? He’s got a watch now?”
“I think…? I think he stole yours, honestly, bro. Or… I dunno, knowing him, he might’ve already reverse engineered his own by now,” Miles offers a wincing shrug, chuckling a bit at the shocked expression on his own face standing a little ways away from him.
“Wh--! Goddamn. Well.” G sniffed again and fixed the hoodie of his sweater casually, adjusting the gifts inside. “Well, damn. Thanks for letting me know about that, I guess.”
Miles throws G a salute and steps back, right by the rooftop door and then G's suddenly reminded of his own mother most likely already asleep back home.
He loves 1610, sure, but in that very moment, his heart ached for his own-- definitely not perfect but-- comforting home.
He opens his portal behind him, purple neon rings and hazy blue light emitting from it, an occasional green static flickering in and out, and the smell of wet pavement and rain hits them both almost instantaneously. Potted plants, chairs and crates sat nearby start floating in the air.
Miles whistles low. “It’s raining back where you’re at, man. I’m jealous. You get to fall asleep to rain!”
G only shrugs, not wanting to let his twin know anything about his fear of storms. That was a topic that would have to brought up later. “You have a good night, too, man. You can look up rain sounds on Youtube if you need to,”
Miles huffs out a laugh. “You got jokes! Nice!”
“Always, genius. I always do. Take it easy, man.”
G steps backwards, his last sight of 1610 being his twin standing by the half-open door to the roof, warm hallway light illuminating him from behind, small pinpricks of little sparkles in the deep blue night sky high above them…
And lands right onto his own bed.
G gasps, not possibly believing his own luck this time!
He scrambles around in the dark as quietly as he can, reaching for his lamp by his drafting table and flicking it on. His eyes bounce around the room, taking in every single little familiar detail of his posters, hats lined above the window frame, record player on top of stacked crates in the corner…
It’s home. Thank goodness. No need to traverse the dangerous roads at night past the state-mandated curfew.
Tonight was really shaping up to be an amazing night. What a relief…
Miles G laid back after eventually finishing his night routine and making sure his mother was asleep in her room, hopefully breathing. He had his arms behind his head and a big smile on his face as he thought back to the presents he received from the 1610 Morales family, now stacked neatly on his drafting table to be opened in the morning.
He thought back to the fond gazes he received at the dinner table as they had all chatted over pastelitos and refried beans. He thought back to the warm glow that the city took on during the sunset, how his train rides over to Brooklyn were always much less stress-inducing than the rides on Earth-42 were, no matter how late G was getting to be. He was unbelievably grateful that he got to experience it at all, and that it wasn’t all a fever dream his half-baked brain cooked up on little to no sleep.
No matter what his presents from the Morales family turned out to be, he was already grateful for the best gift that Earth-1610 could ever give him: peace.
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