No thoughts just:
FL chuffing like a tiger :]
ohhhhh yes. yes absolutely yes. extremely good, excellent (anyone who has never heard a tiger chuff, PLEASE look up a video it's adorable!!!)
ok hear me out: that's the sound he makes while he's recovering and at ease. it's already difficult for him to speak in Foul Legacy, so when you first find him his voice is even more disjointed than normal since he's been fending for himself for a good while. one day he's snuggled in your lap, you gently petting his hair and fluff, when he starts chuffing. you're a bit worried at first since he's never made that sound before, but Childe bumping his head into your hands and leaning into your touch convinces you to keep petting him. turns out, when he's healthy he can purr, but when he's sick or has throat issues the purrs are limited to chuffing sounds!! it's a way to express that although he's hurting he's still happy when you're here <33
Childe does sometimes chuff when he's not sick tho just because you love the sound so much- you'll be hugging and fawning over him when suddenly he starts chuffing even though he's completely healthy, and in that case it's a way to make you smile more!! it also happens when he's drowsy or half awake, since he doesn't have the energy to do full purrs
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