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isolaradiale · 3 months ago
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Please note that this does not begin until Friday, December 20th at 12:00:01am EST. No starters, info posts, or ads can be made before that point. This is just an information post for preparation's sake!
We previously teased that we'd be doing something different for the December event, and this is it! Because everyone is busy with the holidays and there are likely event reruns some members would like to do but can't since they never win the polls, we decided to try a period where you can choose whichever event you'd like to write during the three week event period. We're posting this in advance so you can think about what you'd like to pick!
There are, of course, some rules and caveats for this:
Most events are available to be chosen but not all of them. This is because some of the staff who wrote those events are no longer with us. You can find a list of eligible events at the bottom of this post!
You must choose a single event to receive event participation with on any single blog. You're more than welcome to thread with others doing other events so that they have people to write with, but you can only claim participation for a single event during this period!
There is a flat reward of a free unlock for everyone who participates regardless of whether or not the event you pick gives an unlock. This is so everyone receives an unlock regardless of the event chosen. Picking one that gives an unlock will not give you two, you will still only receive the single unlock. You must write at least 300 IC words for your chosen event to be eligible to claim the unlock.
The usual rules on the EVENT RERUN GUIDE still apply! Your character will see the city in the state that it was in during that event, and will believe everyone is going through the same thing.
A more complete post will be made on Friday with any questions that have been asked in the interim. So if you have any questions about how things work, please send them to the masterlist (not the Discord server) before Friday!
Below you can find a list of eligible events along with links to their information posts:
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ascarletflame · 4 years ago
The angry, crabby child is flying through the hallways. Unsure of what to do with himself like this, Grimm may as well try and find someone he knows... right? But it’s not really how he wanted to start this party. He can’t even mingle and gossip or drink now!
A few moments of searching this accursed castle and he finds the perfect person to watch out for him until he can figure out how to get this spell off of him or it wears off. Badou!
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Grimm darts forward like a beast, landing on Badou’s shoulder. In greeting, he starts chewing on his friend’s shirt, because of course he does.
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rexerrat · 4 years ago
@geometragic / s.c.
{ 👑 } MISTAKES WERE MADE, AND PLENTY AT that. Gangrel, in all his infinite - absence of - wisdom, and bearing a remarkable lack of alcohol-induced JUDGEMENT placed on top of that, chose to do the unthinkable, to risk it all in some unprecedented manner: he picked a random mask up off the floor and placed it over sharp, wily features. The change was instantaneous, washing over him in an INSTANT. Though, the newly crowned coward would not know of this change for quite some time. For after all, there's NOTHING at all to be afraid of. Until …
���DON'T … DON'T HURT ME,❞ HE'S BLATHERING on - of course he is. In his clumsy state of being ( what a fool he was to MIX with alcohol! ) Gangrel all but tripped backwards over himself, spilling droplets of the drink he absolutely shouldn't be drinking onto a poor stranger — emphasis on stranger. A bleary look upwards with fluttering eyes, and like a punch to the gut, he is immediately SOBERED up. Gods, he's so tall … It is a force of habit that brings him side stepping away from the other. Back pressed against the stone walls, all but plastered against the ROUGH surface.
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sakyuu · 4 years ago
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"Wait a moment. I have to apologize to you. We started off on the wrong foot, and I only made it worse.”
Alongside clothes that actually suited the occasion — and after after watching their effects on others — he’d tried out the mask given to him out of mild curiosity. Thanks to it backfiring on him spectacularly, the apology sounded sincere.
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heart3yed · 3 years ago
@ibaaraa / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || by all regards, she should have been too INTELLIGENT for this. dabbling in foreign magics should have been an unthinkable thing, particularly at the behest of faefolk. once could mistake a newly arrived satori to be so FOOLISH, but not a seasoned citizen. they're far more intelligent than the fairies of gensokyo, she has warned and been warned herself. yet, she finds herself called to place one of those masks upon the bridge of her nose and let it take her. and perhaps, that was her FIRST mistake, to think that she could use such magic to her ADVANTAGE.
❝koishi, i'm glad we're able to enjoy this TOGETHER,❞ she says, rather genuine despite the STRANGENESS of it all. conscious gaze lowers to her dormant third eye, and she wonders if koishi often did the same when she closed hers. eyes lift, to take instead the open ceiling, seemingly STRETCHING a mile high. she feels so small … even smaller than usual. ❝i … would you like to dance with me? i think i could use a DISTRACTION such as that.❞
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bulletrein · 4 years ago
THE HALLS FEEL BIG, EVEN FOR him. wandering, observing, taking in all the sights. he's a STRANGER to the environment, only having seen pictures of castles in books and from a distance within the intraspace. he'd not consider himself OVERWHELMED by it all, but it certainly isn't a sight one is used to --- it very nearly reminds him of that museum that opened a few months ago. it really isn't his kind of thing, but barret would much rather grin and bear a FANCY party for a free meal than to wander aimlessly without much thought. for as much as the high class lifestyle irritates him --- he hates being ALONE.
almost does he kick up an object during his walk, pausing, almost at the last second, to AVOID what would be, without a shadow of a doubt, certain doom. instead, the very tip of his boot just barely grazes against the object in question, feeling it rattle against his touch. brows crease together in the middle as he crouches down, fingers soft as they LIFT the mask off the ground … only for a small spider to come TUMBLING forth!
❝ah! what the HELL? you … okay?❞
@tarantucutie liked for a starter.
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rexerrat · 3 years ago
{ 👑 } THE SIGHT OF THE GODDESS AT first brings forth fear, but quickly does the rumbling of his tiny heart slow down. more curious than sadistic, gangrel could probably make a list of people who would rather kill a frog than BEFRIEND one ( and not even he is that cruel! ), much to his dismay. almost does he find himself struggling again at the telepathic communication, but this is, quite frankly, hardly the first time THAT has happened, either.
❝I'VE BEEN CURSED! CURSED, DAMN IT!❞ He tries to say, but words do not leave his maw, just angry croaking. Webbed feet raise to cover his large, bulbous eyes, tentatively relaying his words into thoughts. I … I stole from these fairies. Can't say it is the smartest decision I could make. Bah it was only a SINGLE spoon …
her plans for the evening had not included finding frogs, but she supposes this is yet another oddity that could be considered commonplace in a realm such as this. ❝ well, how has a creature such as yourself ended up here, ❞ she says, squatting to examine the amphibian.
of course, this is a frog, so she is not expecting any kind of answer. nor is she certain whether or not it can even understand what she is saying to it. humming in thought, she reaches out with her mind and touches that of the–
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« you are no frog, are you? » sothis’ lips purse and she scoops the frog-not-frog up, lest it be trampled. « what has been done to you that you assume this form? »
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you are just a little creechur, @rexerrat​
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spiderstaff · 4 years ago
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“This isn’t your fight, Link” Kay says. She’s holding one unsuspecting partygoer up by the collar of their shirt after they had dared get in her way when she notices someone looking at her. Someone familiar... not that she plans to stop anytime soon, even for him.
“Stay out of it. I have no quarrel with you.”
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deniedcrown · 4 years ago
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       “ okay, now i really am starting to get concerned about all the demons & undead here. especially with this party goin’ on. ”
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heart3yed · 4 years ago
💛 💜 ❤️ || she took to exploring the rooms as though the mere THOUGHT was second nature. satori did not care much for dancing, nor social graces, preferring instead to allow her feet to WANDER the premises. wandering gave her the excuse to rest her third eye or otherwise focus on a single entity in the entire castle. she did not intend to stop and chat, body language enough for her to notice that gelebor is NOT in the mood for merriment.
but, well, if he wishes to share his WOES, then who is she to deny them?
❝i'm just walking on by. i HARDLY even noticed you until you spoke up.❞ despite that INSISTENCE, she does not continue in her path, taking a seat just a few empty chairs away. sitting down rather unladylike, with hands clasped together between her knees. ❝what would you say is this ‘nothing good’ that you have to OFFER up?❞ a single brow raises as she tilts her head up. he certainly looks somewhat different now, and his mind ECHOES those sentiments, but she wants to hear it herself.
@heart3yed liked for a starter
( ☀ ) ─ There were few quiet places to such a grand soiree. Yet Gelebor had found one, tucked away behind a stack of chairs in a dead end of a hallway. In a place of dulled stillness, with only muffled cheers and chatter for company, away from the cacophony of noise and the delicious tune of thrumming heartbeats- A dry swallow, caught only by a scratch of teeth against tongue. The pause between memorised chants and muttering prayers lays longer than expected, and ears twitch to the tap, tap, tapping of approaching steps. Familiar, rosy locks peak by the corner, and his breath hitches to a hungry fever pitch, caught in his throat, and fought back only by the hopeful reminders that Auri-El had yet to look away from him. Surely.
“Do you chase foul thoughts where-ever they are, or do you happen upon them?” A little more curt than intended, fists clutched tight in his lap as he glances back down to dusty floored. “Forgive me, you may not want to stay here, for I have nothing good to give for now.”
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isolaradiale · 2 months ago
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We previously teased that we'd be doing something different for the December event, and this is it! Because everyone is busy with the holidays and there are likely event reruns some members would like to do but can't since they never win the polls, we decided to try a period where you can choose whichever event you'd like to write during the three week event period.
There are, of course, some rules and caveats for this:
Most events are available to be chosen but not all of them. This is because some of the staff who wrote those events are no longer with us. You can find a list of eligible events at the bottom of this post!
You must choose a single event to receive event participation with on any single blog. You're more than welcome to thread with others doing other events so that they have people to write with, but you can only claim participation for a single event during this period!
There is a flat reward of a free unlock for everyone who participates regardless of whether or not the event you pick gives an unlock. This is so everyone receives an unlock regardless of the event chosen. Picking one that gives an unlock will not give you two, you will still only receive the single unlock. You must write at least 300 IC words for your chosen event to be eligible to claim the unlock.
The usual rules on the EVENT RERUN GUIDE still apply! Your character will see the city in the state that it was in during that event, and will believe everyone is going through the same thing.
As a preliminary reminder: you can only claim participation for a single event regardless of how many you participate in. Participating in multiple events is more to help others get interactions as most members will be choosing different things.
Characters are sent to a different digital reconstruction of the city depending on which rerun you're doing. Areas unique to the event are recreated in this space too.
Characters will not remember being in multiple events at the same time during the event period. You can't have a thread in Subversion and then hop into The Maskerade Festival and have your character recall being in Subversion right before that. They will remember all of the events after this event period is over, however.
Because the event reruns take place in a digital space, there is no 1:1 timeline with the outside world. Reruns have no tangible effect on the city where business continues as usual. Just because your character feels like they spent a week in an event does not mean a week has passed in the city proper. Just keep in mind that events do canonically last two to four weeks depending on the event, so your character couldn't spend more than that amount of time (from their perspective) in a single event rerun.
Below you can find a list of eligible events along with links to their information posts:
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ascarletflame · 4 years ago
Grimm, colored in scarlet, watches Ismael in the ballroom—she doesn’t yet notice him. He silently strides up behind her and gently takes her hand, glancing affectionately. It feels as though it’s been a while since they were able to have a good conversation... has it?
In his zeal to protect her from harm, he realizes he’s not seen her much in a while.
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“My dear. Are you enjoying yourself? You are well, yes?”
...Has she spoken to Nero, he wonders? Grimm isn’t sure what happened after he’d fled the scene. Surely he’d escaped, with so many worrying for him. Not that such an extravagant backdrop is the place for such a discussion...
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rexerrat · 4 years ago
@psychiatriae / s.c.
{ 👑 } OUT OF ALL THE SITUATIONS FOR him to land in, he expected not to be caught filching silverware. There's a forlorn stare upwards at the now massively tall figure of his beloved, thankful that NABOR chose to be looking AWAY in the exact moment that he enacted his misdeeds. If Gangrel was lucky, Nabor would not find out the reason as to why he's croaking mournfully on the table, the sheen of his skin as red as the hair which once rested upon his brow. Round eyes blink reproachfully, before he jumps towards Nabor's chest. Well, if I am going to be stuck in this form for a whole day, I might as well ENJOY it.
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palevessel · 4 years ago
This is a strange gathering, full of unfamiliar creatures who do not at all seem part of the royal court. But the air about the castle has a comforting familiarity, like the halls the vessel has walked much of its life.
(The mask offered at the door has reverted it to prime form: pristine, undamaged, gleaming. The way it was supposed to be. As if nothing had ever happened.)
Among the crowds, the Hollow Knight recognizes one bug. A higher being, though in diminished form; a friend of Father’s.
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Nightmare’s flame. You yet walk this waking realm?
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heart3yed · 3 years ago
@geometragic / starter call.
💛 💜 ❤️ || satori does not much like the social LIMELIGHT, or at the very least, she didn't. she was born to stand at the sidelines, a wallflower of DELICATE proportions. made to observe and watch and keep a close eye on her surroundings - an ENLIGHTENED eye. social gatherings are meant for observation at her most passive, and great political engagement at her least. satori needed not to be any more than a shadow on the wall during this soiree, and a shadow on the wall, she so CHOOSES to be.
being a shadow on the wall certainly has PERKS of its own, for she can observe her surroundings in stark silence, take in the festivities without truly PARTICIPATING in them. a calm gaze turned to nervous energy at the sight of something that could only be considered as breaking the silence. to herself, satori ponders the RAMIFICATIONS of butting in or staying silent, two weighted options that come at a head — only for the cause of the problem to all but STORM in her direction.
oh … oh dear.
❝sir ...❞ she inches out slowly, hands FOLDED before her bosom. for such a small girl, satori is unafraid. ❝i know of some place quiet if you want to COOL your head.❞ peeking over his shoulder, she can tell that the folks arguing with him will NOT be satisfied so easily. ❝unless you WANT to keep picking fights...❞
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bulletrein · 4 years ago
HE'S TAKEN TO EXPLORING HIS SURROUNDINGS with a keen stance. not truly trusting himself not to make a muck out of the situation, he's kept his hands OFF the strange, mind altering masks the fairies have provided. he's heard ENOUGH of their kind to assume the worst, with whatever few encounters he's had on the island been utterly DISASTROUS in nature. knowing my luck, one of those things will make me a coward or a weakling.
rumours of a low-key location not unlike a bar do catch his attention, however. a striking location compared to the rest of the cold, medieval castle, where even the island's citizens seem to be SWALLOWED by the fanciful displays. his footsteps travel downwards into the depths, searching in silence for some hidden nook and cranny. shinra knew how to hide things, but that never stopped barret and avalanche from finding them. this here castle isn't any DIFFERENT. he takes in someone who doesn't seem all too happy about being here either - ❝know where the cellar is?❞
@kabufuki liked for a starter.
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