#EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency
indizombie · 2 years
Data centres need to become more energy efficient, reuse waste energy such as heat, and use more renewable energy sources, with a view to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030, the EC policy states. The Commission aims to rely a mix of existing instruments, reviews of existing legislation and new initiatives to achieve that goal, including the Ecodesign Regulation on servers and data storage products, the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency and the EU Green Public Procurement criteria for data centres, server rooms and cloud services. There are other relevant policies and funding initiatives that data centres fall under, including the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Taxonomy Regulation, a framework and classification system for when something can be qualified as sustainable. Lanza adds the Commission's amendment to energy statistics regulations, adopted in February 2022, which includes new data reporting requirements for data centres. Some countries have already published country-level data centre energy consumption estimates in recent years, including Ireland and the Netherlands.
Aoife Ryan-Christensen, ‘Data centres: a view from Europe’, RTE
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mismosystems-blog · 7 years
Microsoft Azure Storage
Microsoft Azure Enterprise cloud hosting services includes Virtual Machines, Storage (Blob, Files, Tables, nosql, unstructured, media files), Database, Networking, Disaster Recovery, Backup, Site Recovery, and Application Services. It can manage highly scalable durable petabytes of data. It can keep 3 copies within a single region. A geo-redundancy option creates 3 additional copies. It is a cloud computing application and very user friendly. Azure is a platform for cloud storage.
Reasons to buy Microsoft Azure storage online:
EU specific data redundancy options
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Pay per GB per month
High availability and scalability. Scale to petabytes on demand
Benefits of Microsoft Azure storage:
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Leverage Microsoft’s security and compliance controls
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Supports of Azure storage
Support service type: There are three types of azure storage are Service desk, email, Phone. Support is accessible to any third-party suppliers.
Support availability: Various levels of support are available for business hours all the time.
Standard support response time:  Depending upon the support option and severity level of issue the response times range from <15 minutes to <8 hours.
 Access of Microsoft azure
Supported web browsers: internet Explorer 10+, Firefox , chrome, safari.
Supported devices are: PC, Mac, Smart phone, tablets
 Microsoft Azure’s Certifications
Microsoft Azure storage online Vendor certification(s): ISO 27001 , EU model clauses, US-EU Safe Harbor , SSAE 16, HIPAA BAA, FISMA, Currently holds UK PGA accreditation to OFFICIA.
 Data storage in Microsoft Azure 
Data  centre adhere to the EU code of conduct for energy-efficient data   centre
User-defined  data location
Data  centre tier
Backup,  disaster recovery and resilience plan in place
Data  extraction/removal plan in place
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