#ENT specialist in Novena
entclinicnovena · 3 years
Earache in Children: What Causes It & Treatment
Ear pain is a common issue in children as compared to adults. It might be the case that your kid aged between 6 months to 2 years suffer from an acute ear pain. It could be a serious condition in children and necessary to check with an ENT specialist in Novena for treatment.
But before that, you should know the seriousness of earache in children by reading the information below. 
What Causes Earache in Kids?
Young ones face the common problem of mild to serious ear pain due to the following few reasons:
Why Earache in Children is More than Adults?
There are several reasons children are more likely to experience ear pain as compared to adults.
* Small kids have delicate Eustachian tubes that are generally smaller than adults. In normal circumstances, Eustachian tubes in kids are unable to drain water out of the ear that causing swollen tubes or blocked mucus due to cold conditions.
* Children do not have that strong immune system due to their young age. It is still developing. It makes it difficult for kids to fight off ear infections and suffer from pain.
How to Identify Ear Pain in Babies?
There are several ways you can follow to find whether the small kid is suffering from ear pain or not.
* Rubbing or pulling the ear
* If the kid is suffering from fever and earache at the same time
* Not eating too much food
* Pus coming out of the ear
* The kid is irritable or fussy
* Difficulty in lying down or sleeping pattern
* Keep losing the balance 
When You Should Consult an ENT in Novena?
In normal circumstances, ear pain in children should go away in 2 days. However, if it is still intact, then you need to see an ENT specialist due to the following conditions.
* Your kid is suffering from earache for more than 3 to 4 days.
* Child might also suffer other conditions like fever, sore throat, discharge of blood, pus coming out of the ear, and more. 
Your young kid suffering from ear pain should not be ignored. There can be any reason for the young one to experience mild to serious earache. The best way to treat the condition is to see an ENT specialist and avail of the required treatment. Also, take care of the delicate ears of kids by following the suggested ways by the doctor. 
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entclinicnovena · 3 years
Nutrients that Help Improving your Hearing Health to Optimum Extent
What you put into your body directly affects your well-being and health. Supplements like nutrients and minerals are needed to keep your body solid and work appropriately.
All things considered, one of the manners in which you can secure your ears is to eat a greater amount of the food varieties that work on hearing. A proper and nutritious diet can be the best remedy to fix hearing issue along with over health as well. All more important is to create your diet chart ready from the ENT specialist in Mount Elizabeth Novena with no further delay. 
Consider it one more type of hearing assurance, outside of wearing commotion- dropping earphones or earplugs.
Top Nutrients Options for Healthy Hearing 
1. Folate: It helps in generation of new cell growth and increases circulation in the body.  Legitimate flow helps keep the inward ear's hair cells solid, so it's reasonable that getting sufficient folate in your eating routine can assist with forestalling hearing misfortune. Up your folate admission by eating these folate-rich food varieties.
Food to Try Out: melons, bananas, eggs, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, peas, kidney beans, etc.
2. Potassium: It helps in regulating the level of fluid in the body and tissues. For the purpose of improving hearing health, fluid plays a vital role inside the ear to translate noises you hear into electrical impulses the brain which interprets its sound. 
Food to Try Out: Spinach, bananas, eggs, sweet potatoes, oranges, pears, watermelon, and more.
3. Magnesium: Magnesium battles the impacts of free revolutionaries radiated during clear commotions — practically like a defensive obstruction for the sensitive hair cells in the inward ear. The absence of sufficient magnesium in the inward ear makes the veins shrivel. Also, it is imperative to know its importance for the better ear from an ENT specialist in Novena.
Foods to Try Out: Avocados, kale, spinach, flax seeds, dark chocolate, whole grains, etc. 
4. Zinc: Zinc supports the body's invulnerable framework and is likewise liable for cell development and recuperating wounds. So, it's possibly useful in warding off microorganisms that cause the normal cold and surprisingly annoying ear diseases. A few investigations recommend it's likewise viable in treating tinnitus in people with ordinary hearing.
Foods to Try Out: Mushrooms, oysters, yoghurt, beans, oatmeal, Dark chocolate, beef, pork, etc. 
Take the best care of your ear and enhance the hearing power along with overall health with top-notch nutrition suggested by an ENT specialist.
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entclinicnovena · 3 years
Treat Hoarseness - A Condition of Scratchy Throat With Aid of ENT Specialist
Do you feel the condition of harshness in your voice? Or a little scratchiness inside your throat? In case you feel both symptoms, then you must be suffering from the medical underlying condition of hoarseness. And, this could turn into a serious throat issue of dysphonia, if not treated at an early stage.
There are times when people face the adverse throat condition of infection, harshness, or some kind of irritation inside. It could be due to any reason like cold, cough, fever, or anything else.
However, you need to be very careful about this irritating throat condition that might turn into hoarseness and could end up losing your voice. So, better hurry up and treat it properly with the expert guidance of an ENT specialist in Novena.
What are the Reasons of Suffering Hoarseness?
As we have already told earlier, hoarseness is not exactly a disease but an underlying medical condition of an already affected throat. However, this can be a serious throat problem in the long run if not discussed with an ENT expert.
Now talking about the reasons, most people face the difficult throat condition of hoarseness is due to any injection or previous ailment. Most commonly, there are few main causes of facing this condition.
* Overusing the voice * Heartburn * Rapid inflammation of vocal cords * Vocal cord spasms * Allergies * Intubation * Side effects of oral medication
How Long Does Hoarseness Last?
You must be thinking about when to exactly consult a professional ENT clinic in Novena while facing the consequences of hoarseness. Well, if your throat condition is treated within the first 10 days, then there is no need to pay a visit. On the other side, it is more than 2 weeks, then you need to book an appointment with an ENT specialist. It is because you might be facing the below-mentioned disorders as well.
* Swallowing * Difficulty in breathing * Rapid voice change * Coming of Blood while coughing
No disease, even a little irritation in the throat should not be ignored. Better to know more about the possible throat and other ENT issues to get reliable treatment at the right point in time.
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entclinicnovena · 3 years
Things to Know About Nasal Valve Collapse & Treatment
Do you know that your nostrils are more than just two holes? There are several small air passages inside the nostrils, and any blockage in the same can result in severe breathing issues & sleepless nights.
It is a fact that 1 out of every 4 individuals suffers from mild to severe breathing issues. It could be while outside the pollution-struck streets or at home. One of the common causes of frequent nasal blockage is Nasal Valve Collapse that obstructs the movement of air into the nostrils small passage.
So, what exactly is Nasal Valve Collapse? What are the symptoms? How can it be the treatment? Does it require the assistance of a specialist ENT in Novena for treatment?
This will answer all such questions here and makes you aware of this common yet serious breathing issue.
What is Nasal Valve Collapse?
A nasal valve collapse is a condition in which the air passage nasal valve gets narrowed or becomes weak. As a result, it limits the flow of air inside the nose and causes severe breathing issues.
There are two types of conditions that result in collapsing the nasal valve.
* Internal Nasal Valve Collapse: It is the largest part of the nasal valve which is located between the skin and the respiratory epithelium. In this case, the valve gets narrowed down to obstruct the movement of air and moisture.
* External Nasal Valve Collapse: The external part lies between the columella (a piece of skin), the nasal floor, and the nasal rim. It causes continuous breathing issues and blocks both sides of the nose.
Symptoms to Look For
* Breathing difficulty
* Congestion
* Snoring at night
* Frequent obstruction at the nasal passage
* Not able to smell
* Nasal bleeding
How to Treat Nasal Valve Collapse?
One of the best ways to treat the medical issue is undergoing a minimally invasive surgical treatment. An expert ENT specialist performs the small surgery by performing a cartilage graft.
In the surgical treatment, an ENT professional takes a piece of cartilage from another area and attacks the collapsed cartilage of the nasal valve. Once the surgery is done, it takes around a week to fully recover and breathe the fresh air again without any obstruction.
Suffering from nasal valve collapse is a common breathing issue faced by many people around. Thus, it is important to know the harsh effects of the disease and proper treatment conducted by a professional ENT Mount Elizabeth in Novena, available for your assistance.
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entclinicnovena · 2 years
Useful Treatment Options for Tinnitus to Receive At ENT Clinic in Novena
Tinnitus is an ear-related medical condition in which you get to experience the ringing, whistling, buzzing, or hissing sound. It is not really a disease but could be a serious medical issue, if not treated at the earliest stage at the ENT clinic in Novena with help of an expert.
Around 10% of the population suffer from tinnitus conditions and find it difficult to concentrate on working, hearing, & sleeping. It’s not just the sound that you feel while suffering from tinnitus. There could be additional symptoms like heart disease, sinus, ear infections, hearing loss, circulatory system issues, etc.
No matter whichever stage is better receive tinnitus treatment in Singapore from an ENT specialist and know the possible way to treat the issue.
Here, we let you know a few common and useful treatment options to get rid of the tinnitus issue completely.
1. Using Hearing Aids: For those people slowly developing the symptom of hearing loss due to tinnitus is recommended to use hearing aids. It is a small device that uses a microphone, speaker, and amplifier to increase the external noises and helps the brain to receive sound seamlessly.
2. Sound-Masking Devices: These are the devices that provide pleasant external sound into your ears while totally diminishing the buzzing of tinnitus. You can lay hands on several devices for tabletop sound, machines to small devices that are inserted in your ear.
3. Customized Sound Machines: There are some devices available that help creates customized sounds based on your requirements. Such devices can be worn occasionally to improve the long-term improvement in the loudness of machines.
4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Tinnitus sometimes can be turned into a serious matter of stress, depression, and anxiety. In such conditions, an ENT specialist recommends cognitive behavioral therapy to treat the people. It is basically a talk therapy that helps you learn more about tinnitus and find ways to treat the same. CBT is recommended to improve the overall quality of your life and eliminate the symptoms of depression.
Tinnitus, which is an ear-related condition, could be serious at times, if not treated properly or at the early stage of diagnosis. It is imperative for you to know the possible tinnitus treatment options depending on your condition to receive the best aid. Discuss your condition with an ENT specialist to receive the ideal treatment and recover from this condition with ease.
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entclinicnovena · 3 years
What is GERD Cough and How Can you Treat It?
Have you ever heard of this type of throat disease which is called the GERD cough? If not, then you should know about it here.
GERD cough is an extreme condition of coughing when infected that can turn into a serious chronic disease.
As per the data, 25% of people suffering from a cough may not know the fact that they are suffering from a GERD cough.
But what exactly is that? What causes this kind of cough? What are the common symptoms of GERD cough? You will get answers to all such questions here.
What is a GERD Cough?
GERD has a full form called gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when acid from the stomach directly move towards the throat i.e. esophagus. In this condition, you feel heartburn also.
However, heartburn cannot be treated using antacids under the GERD cough condition. It requires special treatment for that. However, there would be difficulty in swallowing the food and you might even feel the vomit.
So, it is imperative to know about it and then book your online appointment with an ENT specialist in Novena to witness the further treatment.
What Causes this Throat Issue?
The primary cause of suffering from GERD cough condition is due to the lower esophageal sphincter. When this condition happens, then the acids in the stomach comes up straight to the throat and causes uneasiness. It is when the sphincter is weakened and the acid irritates your throat lining along with causing inflammation.
Common Symptoms of GERD Cough
Here, we have enlisted some of the common symptoms you feel while suffering from the serious throat condition of GERD cough.
* Sleep issue
* Difficulty in swallowing food
* Vomit feeling
* Chronic cough
* Heartburn issue
* Hoarseness
* Feeling of lump in the throat
How to Best Treat GERD Cough?
Now, we come to the part of treating the GERD cough by following some of the mentioned precautionary measures after your session at the ENT clinic in Novena.
* Stay on a healthy and highly nutritious diet.
* Raise the head of your bed to stay in a good position.
* Eat slow.
* Quite smoking for a while.
* Avoid wearing tight-fitted clothes.
* Do not lie down just after having your meal.
If you have experienced the GERD cough condition after looking at the mentioned symptoms, then start treating it early. Get your appointment fixed with an ENT specialist to stay out of the trouble.
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mikocat8 · 4 years
Head as Well as Neck are the Important
Head as well as neck are the important part of our body which safeguard our detects offered by our eyes, nose, ears, mouth as well as throat. There are many conditions associated with head and also neck which, if left unattended might trigger serious damages to our sense body organs, therefore, it must not be taken lightly.
There are several well-known skilled heads as well as neck experts Singapore, serving in both the general public as well as private sectors. For example, there are numerous popular around the world head and neck professionals in our federal government health centers such as Singapore General Health Center, National University Hospital, KK Women's and Children's Hospital, National Cancer Centre Singapore, along with in private clinical institutions such as Mount Elizabeth, Gleneagles and Novena ENT- Head & Neck Surgery Specialist Centre and Parkway East Medical Centre.
The expertise in the medical diagnosis as well as treatment of ear, nose, throat, and also head & neck conditions is called otolaryngology. ENT specialist also called otolaryngologists is a physician trained in both medication and surgery, who specialized to treat a number of ears, nose throat, and head & neck diseases such as cancers and tumors. The most common head & neck issues are Neck Lumps and Thyroids. Otolaryngologists are educated to treat benign and deadly contagious illnesses such as tumors facial trauma, and defects of the face as well as cosmetic plastic as well as cosmetic surgery. Researches program that by 2030, the number of brand-new cancer cell cases annually is anticipated to rise to 23.5 million. For that reason, our experience and also expert head and also neck expert at Novena ENT are at your service to offer the list below head and neck treatment and surgical procedures.
1. Thyroid Surgery
2. Parotid Surgical treatment
3. Submandibular Gland Surgical Treatment
4. Neck Dissection
5. Laryngeal Surgical procedure
6. Phonosurgery.
7. Surgical treatment for Oral and Pharyngeal Tumours.
8. Monitoring of Nasopharyngeal Cancer.
Thyroid Surgical treatment: additionally called a thyroidectomy, is used to deal with common problems as well as conditions related to the thyroid gland, development of tumors, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism because of the excess or shortage of thyroid hormonal agents. General anesthesia as well as a small cut will be involved in the treatment, followed by regular check.
Parotid Surgical procedure: The saliva secreting gland parotid lies near ear, neck, mouth, and also jawline area. Occasionally lumps might develop in these glands and also if left neglected for a long time, it might change deadly. So be vigilant of an ear infection, swelling, and discomfort of the parotid gland because of viral infection as well as make a visit to see the ear expert asap to stay clear of any kind of hearing loss.
In this treatment, Parotid Gland is surgically removed under basic anesthesia by making a cut around and also behind the ear specialist location which is hidden behind the hairline.
Submandibular Gland Surgical Procedure: Comparable to Parotid glands, another salivary gland that may be affected by benign or deadly tumors, called a submandibular gland, lies under the jawlines on both sides of the face. The submandibular gland should be removed also when they are benign as a result of their speedy procedure of becoming malignant and also prevent turning into cancer cells by seeing our skilled as well as well-known throat professional.
Neck Breakdown: Lymph vessels are a network of tubes that attach to groups of lymph nodes throughout the body. The majority of head and also neck cancers cells and tumors are able to spread to other body components with the lymph nodes rather quickly and easily. At Novena ENT, our otolaryngologists guarantee to supply you sufficient results by a surgical procedure of neck breakdown, by removing some or every one of the transmittable components.
Laryngeal Surgical Procedure: Appropriate for individuals with Larynx, generally called voice box cancer where a component or every one of the throat is eliminated. Laryngeal Surgical procedure may be encouraged to be done together with radiation treatment or radiation treatments.
Phonosurgery: Comparable to the Laryngeal surgery, Phonosurgery is advised for those whose previous therapies have actually proven not to be reliable in order to intend the root cause of the problem for longterm remedy rather than looking for short-term treatment.
Surgical treatment for Dental and Pharyngeal Tumours: Throat and also mouth are a really vital component for of our body as they allow us to consume and also swallow, as a result in order to treat tumors in the Oral Cavity and also Throat, a procedure will certainly be recommended by our knowledgeable ENT specialist, adhered to by the replacing and restructure of the mouth and also throat specialist Singapore.
Administration of Nasopharyngeal Cancer cells: Nasopharynx cancer cells is the most usual cancers cells affecting the head and also neck area. Radiation Oncologists and also Medical Oncologists are recommended for individuals dealing with Nasopharyngeal Cancer cells together with the coordinated care and normal follow up therapy.
Cancer is amongst the leading causes of death in the world but with the innovation in clinical science, it has actually been feasible to treat cancer if it is found at a beginning. According to a research study, the number of cancer cells survivors is anticipated to enhance to 20.3 million by 2025. So if you suspect any type of swelling around your neck location, or believe any one of the signs, go for a check-up to consult your trusted head and neck specialist in Singapore at Novena ENT,, in order to discover the cancer cells at a beginning and to stop it from spreading soonest to be able to obtain the current cutting-edge treatment you are worthy of.
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mikocat8 · 5 years
Hoarseness of Voice
Hoarseness generally refers to abnormal voice changes, including fluctuations in quality, volume and pitch. This is sometimes due to ailments, irritation of or injury to the vocal cords, which are two groups of muscle in the larynx or voice box. When breathing, the vocal cords remain apart; when listening or talking, they inhale, vibrate and produce sound. 
Swelling or lumps on the vocal cords can keep them from contracting correctly, inducing changes in the voice. What causes hoarseness? Hoarseness can be caused by several ailments, such as acute laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords), vocal nodules, thyroid issues, and cancers of the audio box and gullet. A thorough examination and identification is required to accurately pinpoint the cause. 
Can I seek medical attention? You need to see a physician if the hoarseness of voice stays for over a couple of weeks, or in the event that you also experience a reduction or severe change in voice, trouble in swallowing or a bulge in the neck. Paediatric ENT Our team of sub-specialist surgeons and allied health professionals has extensive experience in caring for infants and children with ear, nose and throat ailments. This can be complemented with the dedicated paediatric facilities within our centre and a variety of services and treatments as listed below.
 Hearing Loss and Rehabilitation Infants and Children Kids have particular needs and require specialised care. The ability to listen is the foundation of a child's capacity to learn so it's very important to identify any hearing loss early. If left untreated, hearing loss might lead to developmental milestones delay, particularly in speech and language. Thus, early access to sound amplification is vital for a child's speech, language and instructional improvement. Hearing can be examined in children of any age.
A variety of techniques can be used to test children's hearing depending on their age, developmental level and cooperation. We offer a range of analysis services to cater to the needs of children of all ages. • Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) • Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR) • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) • Play Audiometry Discover more about these assessments at, Infants & Children Hearing Assessments. Remedy We plan to optimize ear health in children in a holistic manner, consistent with international best practices. Besides drugs and surgical experience available to restore normal functions, hearing impaired children often benefit from the a number of different services given in our Centre. 
These include services for hearing aids, cochlear implants, and auditory rehabilitation. To Learn More about these services, consult with Hearing Aids, Cochlear Implants Additional Hearing Technology, and Rehabilitation and Treatment Services. Tonsil & Adenoid Infections Hearing Loss & Rehabilitation Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Middle Ear Infections Nasal Allergies Consult our physicians by making an appointment today. 
Around Novena ENT The Novena ENT-Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Centre is a team clinic founded on the collective expertise and experience of four major medical professionals. Our ENT surgeons are recognised leaders in their respective sub-speciality fields and bring with them more than 100 years of combined experience. 
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