#EMS Billing Services in Texas
armanagementsolutions · 6 months
AR Management & Solutions is a company based in Texas that specializes in providing 911EMS billing services for emergency medical services providers across the state. The company works closely with fire departments, ambulance companies, and other first responders to ensure they receive proper reimbursement for the lifesaving care they provide.
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May 7, 2024
MAY 08, 2024
The past two days of former president Trump’s criminal trial for falsifying business records to hide a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels, to silence her before the 2016 election have been illuminating in different ways.
Yesterday, witnesses established that the paper trail of payments to Trump fixer Michael Cohen, who forwarded the money to Daniels, had been falsified. That paper trail included invoices, checks, and records. Witnesses also established that Trump micromanaged his finances, making it hard to believe he didn’t know about the scheme. 
That scheme looked like this: Former Trump Organization employee Jeffrey McConney said that Trump’s former financial chief Allen Weisselberg, who has gone to jail twice in two years for his participation in Trump’s financial schemes and is there now, told him to send money to Cohen. Cohen had paid Daniels $130,000 from a home equity loan in 2016 to buy her silence about a sexual encounter with Trump. Cohen received 11 checks totaling $420,000 in repayment, including enough money to cover the taxes he would have to pay for claiming the payments as income for legal services, and a bonus. 
Nine of those checks came from Trump’s personal bank account. His team sent the checks to him at the White House for his personal signature. 
A number of observers have suggested that the evidence presented through documents yesterday was not riveting, but historians would disagree. Exhibit 35 was Cohen’s bank statement, on which Weisselberg had written the numbers to reflect the higher payment necessary to cover Cohen’s tax bill for the money. Exhibit 36 was a sheet of paper on which McConney had recorded in his own hand how the payments to Cohen would work. The sheet of paper had the TRUMP logo on it. 
“It’s rare to see folks put the key to a criminal conspiracy in writing,” legal analyst Joyce White Vance wrote in Civil Discourse, “but here it is. It’s great evidence for the prosecution.” 
Today, Daniels took the stand, where she testified about how she had met Trump, he had invited her to dinner but greeted her in silk or satin pajamas, then went on to describe their sexual encounter. The testimony was damaging enough that Trump’s lawyers asked for a mistrial, which Judge Juan Merchan denied, noting that the lawyers had not objected to much of the testimony and must assume at least some responsibility for that. 
The case is not about sex but about business records. But it is hugely significant that the story Daniels told today is the one Trump was determined that voters would not hear before the 2016 election, especially after the “grab ‘em by the p*ssy” statement in the Access Hollywood tape, which was released in early October 2016. While his base appears to be cemented to him now, in 2016 he appeared to think that the story of him having sex with an adult film star while his wife had a four-month old baby at home could cost him dearly at the ballot box. 
The other election-related cases involving Trump indict him for his determination to cling to power after voters had turned him out in 2020. This case, from before he took office, illuminates that his willingness to manipulate election processes was always part of his approach to politics. 
Joyce White Vance is right that it’s rare to see folks put a criminal conspiracy in writing, but it is not unheard of. In our own history, the big ranchers in Johnson County, Wyoming, organized as the Wyoming Stock Growers’ Association, decided in 1892 to clear out the smaller cattlemen pushing their animals onto the federal land and the railroad land the ranchers considered their own. They hired 50 gunmen in Texas to kill their competitors, and they gave them a written list of the men they wanted dead. 
The gunmen killed four of the smaller cattlemen after cornering them in a cabin, but outraged settlers surrounded the gunmen and threatened to hang them all. Local law enforcement sided with the small cattlemen, and the Wyoming Stock Grower’s Association appealed to the governor for help in restoring order. The governor, in turn, appealed to President Benjamin Harrison, who sent troops to rescue the stock growers’ men from the angry settlers and lawmen. The expense of keeping the stock growers’ men imprisoned nearly broke the state.
Witnesses became mum, and the cases against the Texas gunmen fell apart. The stock growers had first intimidated and then killed those who tried to challenge their monopoly on the Wyoming cattle industry. Then, thwarted by local lawmen, they called in the federal government, and those stock growers involved in the Johnson County War actually got away with murder.
This evening, Judge Aileen Cannon vacated the May 20, 2024, trial date for the criminal case of Trump’s retention of classified documents and declined to set a new date. With so many remaining issues unresolved, she wrote, it would be “imprudent” to set a new trial date. 
This is the case in which the U.S. government accuses Trump of retaining hundreds of classified documents that compromised the work of the Central Intelligence Agency, which provides intelligence on foreign countries and global issues; the Department of Defense, which provides military forces to ensure national security; the National Security Agency, which collects intelligence from communications and information systems; the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, which provides intelligence from imagery; the National Reconnaissance Office, which operates satellites and reconnaissance systems; the Department of Energy, which manages nuclear weapons; and the Department of State, including the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, which provides intelligence to U.S. diplomats. 
These are the documents the Federal Bureau of Investigation later recovered from Mar-a-Lago, where they were stored in public spaces, including a bathroom, after Trump first retained them, then denied he had them, and then tried to hide them. 
The U.S. government charges that “[t]he classified documents TRUMP stored in his boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the United States and foreign countries; United States nuclear programs; potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack; and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack. The unauthorized disclosure of these classified documents could put at risk the national security of the United States, foreign relations, the safety of the United States military, and human sources and the continued viability of sensitive intelligence collection methods.” 
Today, Trump's trial for his retention of these classified documents is indefinitely postponed.
Trump appointed Cannon to the bench, and the Senate confirmed her after he lost the 2020 presidential election. She has seemed to be in no hurry to bring the case to trial before the 2024 election, a case that, if he is reelected, Trump will almost certainly quash. 
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theoldhempfarmer · 2 years
The Devil is in the Details...
Dateline 4-23-23
This morning it’s a rather cool start to the day here in Middle Tennessee. And as usual The Old Hemp Farmer is enjoying a cup of Indonesian organic coffee and noshing on Siriana Costa Rican Cacao fortified with Tennessee homegrown Cannabis extract trying to put some structure on my thoughts about the events of this year’s 420. The holiday of 420 started as a counter culture homage to Cannabis and the outlaw sentiment of getting out in public with a group of Cannabis aficionados to consume a little Cannabis and thumb their noses at “The Man”. The evolution of 420 changed as the status of Cannabis changed and now 420 has become a marketing vehicle for Cannabis businesses and more and more for fast food chains and restaurants. However in Tennessee 420 this year is quite melancholy because the state of Tennessee dropped the hammer on the Hemp derived Cannabinoid industry. In a very perverse sense of humor, the Tennessee legislature passed HB0403/SB0378 on 420. In my humble opinion, this law is a step back for the advancement of Cannabis in Tennessee and I will list those reasons later.
First, I would like to thank all of the folks that trudged up to the Statehouse to lobby for sensible Cannabis laws that would ensure people would no longer face incarceration while ensuring public safety. For folks unfamiliar with politics in Tennessee, the majority of duly elected officials still equate Cannabis use with the criminal element, minorities and Liberals which means any progressive Cannabis legislation is pretty much dead on arrival. So the pro Cannabis lobbyists were dealt very bad cards in a Texas Hold-em poker game where the Republican Super majority had the best cards but also knew what you were holding nothing. It’s extremely hard to lobby people that had already made up their mind before you got in the building. In the end, the pro Cannabis lobbyists got a Cannabis Derived Cannabis Bill that was worse than having no Cannabis bill passed at all. For all those spent their money and time fighting the good fight, your efforts won’t be forgotten.
One of my main reasons that The Old Hemp Farmer really doesn’t like this legislation is the 10 year ban of anyone with a Cannabis related felony from being a Producer or Retailer. Once again the people that have started the Cannabis business but had the misfortune of getting busted will be punished and this will keep more minorities (who get arrested way more than White folks) from participating. Another thing that bothers yours truly is the hypocrisy that if you have a pre-existing store that sells Hemp Derived Cannabis products near a school it’s okay but you can’t open a new store any closer than a 1,000 feet. Evidently the safety of children isn’t as important as an established business. The other reason that HB0403/SB0378 is a bad bill is that it really doesn’t address several important aspects such as THCa flower, online sales, courier services and testing enforcement. The State dumped the majority of the implementation of this law to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and left town. That act alone is a travesty. The TDA is great group of people that never wanted to be in the Cannabinoid business and pushed back hard not be involved but in the end they got stuck with a hastily written Cannabis law. If you study the more successful Cannabis programs in other states they have one thing in common, the have one department that is totally dedicated to overseeing Cannabis. Dropping a bad Cannabis law on a department already stretched thin and is ill prepared for implementation, doesn’t bode well for the Cannabis Industry in Tennessee. Anyway as always, Hemp Dawgs and Hemp Puppies keep one eye on the weather and the other eye on the market.
Visit our Tennessee Homegrown web site to try our great products: https://www.tnhomegrown.com
Our Podcast - Full Contact Cannabis: https://fullcontactcannabis.podbean.com
The Wife's web site: https://www.theoldhempfarmerswife.com
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cooper730 · 2 years
Its 2 am in the morning
Ever since Covid, I developed a horrible sleep pattern. Nothing like being isolated and alone in a place with no friends or family to start questioning everything around you. I believe it largely started due to being laid off right at the start of the pandemic and starting off 2020 in Colorado where I new very little people. I am a very competitive person, especially when it comes to hustling in the job market. I excel in opportunity. I always have. I never feel like the odds are stacked against me. But rather this is my opportunity to shine. "I'll show em all" type of mentality. From the people I interacted with through various internet and social media forums in quarantine, it seemed like they weren't even trying. It was like apathy or something on an extreme level. Like if the world is going to shit we might as well have fun and drink and stay up all night. My personality type would never allow me to do this. From the point of being laid off, I hit the job market. Insanely enough I was getting a shit ton of hits. At one point I was interviewing with 5 different companies a week in 2020 from Feb until about July. I interview with Salesforce, Amazon Web Services, Nutanix, Dell Computers, some start ups, ServiceNow, Google. You name em, I interviewed with em. As glad as I was to be interviewing with these companies, I had never faced such harsh and critical components of the hiring process. I was doing mock sales calls, presentations, behavioral, case studies, etc. Never had I had to try so hard for a job than in 2020. But I was in pure survival mode. That's the way my mind and body was trained. I don't give up. There has to be a tomorrow. As I went through this process, the realism of the surmounting "End" came to the forefront of my mind. I started to feel like I couldnt breathe anymore. Every day was pent up anxiety. We weren't meant to live this way. No hope. No future. Every interview would last up to about 5 to 10 stages. It was always wind up something like "Our HR departments gave us new numbers, what was once 10 positions for this role, is now only one, IF that" I was chasing ghosts while I was wasting away So much of this, it truly started to affect my sleep. I'd go to bed with nothing in my bones except anxiety and hopelessness. Every day for 6 months straight, I'd wake up between 2 am and 3 am with a huge shot of adrenaline and start obsessing over anxious thoughts. I didn't even remember them half the time the next day. Finally I would get up walk around and analyze the clock. I wanted so much to feel home. To feel warmth. To feel family. I would watch YouTube videos of Texas football media at those hours. Highlights of the boys in burnt orange always brought me happiness. Turning on a show or a movie was completely out of the picture because any little point of negativity would send me down a negative spiral. Because of my love for youtube research, I started to really research my sleep anxiety. What I found was the "fight or flight response" "The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening. The perception of threat activates the sympathetic nervous system and triggers an acute stress response that prepares the body to fight or flee."-Psychology Today As I did more research I found that in order to conquer my sleep anxiety, I would need to regulate my emotions, not let my emotions have control over me. I needed to use my prefrontal cortex to determine what is rational and what was not. Are these crazy anxious thoughts I am having at two am rational? Is the world gonna end? Was that bill paid? Is my car gonna break down, again? Am I going to go into debt? Will I ever be able to afford the life I wanna live? Will this pandemic ever end? Will life ever be normal again? Did I really miss my chance at happiness by not going after that girl I really liked? Are these things I can solve at 2 am in the morning? No. Even if I was awake could they be solved tomorrow? Probably not. I did more research on regulating the physiological symptoms of anxiety. I feel like I was trying to outsmart my anxious thoughts by creating more problems, inadvertently of course. What I learned? BREATHE SPENCER, JUST BREATHE By allowing oxygen into my brain and control my breathing, I came to discover that I had my control over myself. Fight or Flight. Allowing oxygen into your brain will allow you to think rationally. Think about it. If you are choked up or have a stuffy nose are you usually thinking clearly? Not really. Allowing oxygen into your brain on a regualted level will allow you to have so much more peace. Once I started doing this. I came to find that I was able to sleep better. Waking up at 2 am still happened but by breathing I was able to get back to sleep and get better rest. I know it feels like the world is on fire most days. Take a deep breath and enjoy life every once in a while is what I've learned.
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the-wolf-emoji · 3 years
Nick was entirely too high for this.
Well, really he was as high as he needed to be for when Bill forced him to work Valentine's, even though it was the first time he'd ever actually had a boyfriend to share it with. For that situation he was the perfect amount of high. No one came to Wendy's on Valentine's day, not when there was a perfectly good "literally anywhere else" in town. Even the people who didn't want to drive the 15 minutes into the city proper had TGI Friday's and Bennigan's. He should have been in the clear to get blazed as fuck in his Cherokee Sport during his 15.
But when he came back, Aaron was still fucking around in the freezer and that meant there was no one manning the counter. Nick groaned as he saw the woman waiting, put on his most sober customer service voice and did his best to look like he gave a shit. Once the order was in, he banged on the freezer door and Aaron sluggishly came out, looking as if he had just been woken up from the deepest sleep of his life.
Nick ran the card, and felt his heart pound as the accepted message flashed across the POS.
"What is it?" He tried to say, at least, as far as Nick could tell. The actual words were somewhat slurred and buried beneath a pretty thick east Texas accent that Nick had only just begun to learn to decipher.
"Two number threes and a four piece nugget," Nick responded, already pouring the two Cokes she asked for.
With some muttered cursing and splashed grease, Aaron pulled the order together. He was being pretty drag-ass about it, but until Nick saw the heat lamp he couldn't figure out why.
"How many nuggets did you make?" Nick asked in disbelief, staring at the heaping pile of nuggets, still glistening from the fryer.
"I figured we'd get some more orders in, and if not we could take 'em home," Aaron replied, or something like it, and Nick groaned. Bill would fucking kill them. Or at least get them fired. He was already out for them, and this would be all the excuse he needed to get rid of them. Then it would be what, back to Hot Topic? Renting out shoes at the bowling alley? Circle K was already out of the question.
"Hello?" She asked. "How much longer do you think?"
Nick's head pounded as he rounded up the items into a red and white bag and passed them over the counter with a strained smile on his face. He laid his head in his arms, trying to recover, when he heard the door open again.
"Welcome to Wendy's, can I get you..?" Nick asked, trailing off as he saw that no one was there save a speckled tan mutt in front of the counter. It was bigger than most dogs he had seen, but a bit lankier, with pointy ears.
"Huh, a coyote," Aaron said behind him, pronouncing it as two syllables. Simple and matter of fact, announcing it's presence rather than ask what it was doing in a suburban Illinois fast food chain as if it had every right to be here.
The coyote stood on two legs, placing its paws on the counter, and Nick realized that it was holding a folding leather wallet in its mouth. It dropped the wallet on the counter, pushed it towards Nick with its nose, and then let out a short, purposeful yap.
He was entirely too high for this. He opened the wallet, expecting to find out more about the owner, only to sit in a stunned silence as he saw the ID. It had a picture of not just a coyote, but the coyote in front of him, down to the speckling on his forehead and the particular shade of sienna on its ears.
"Coyote Latrans," Nick read aloud in a daze. "Eyes golden, sex m. Birthdate 11/13/93. Restrictions: none."
The coyote levelled its gaze at Nick, who realized there was a credit card in the pocket. It was heavy, some kind of metal, and was black with a roman warrior on it. The name read "C. Latrans." Nick coughed and spoke up.
"Um, sorry sir. Can I get you anything?" He asked, as if forgetting for a moment that he was speaking with a glorified dog. The coyote yapped in reply, a response that was little help. Nonetheless, Nick nodded as if he understood perfectly.
"Yes, right away sir."
Nick pulled Aaron back to the kitchen to the latter's confusion.
"What is it?" Aaron asked, barely becoming more legible. "It's just a coyote."
"Aaron," Nick hissed under his breath. "That coyote has a black card."
"A black card?" He asked, unimpressed.
"Yeah, like... They're a secret thing that they only give to really rich people, and you have to get invited to apply. They don't have a credit limit, and you can buy anything with it."
"How do you know it's his?"
"It's got his name on it!"
Aaron glared at him, his face deadpan.
"The coyote... Has a secret black credit card that ordinary people can't get... And you can tell it's his... Because his name is on it."
"Well," Nick started. "What kind of credit card do you expect a coyote to have?"
The pair sat in silence for a moment, until the coyote yapped again from the counter.
"Okay, what does he want?" Aaron asked.
Nick fumbled for a response. He hadn't considered that the coyote might want something specific. He couldn't exactly ask for his order, and the canid was apparently starting to get impatient. Suddenly, Nick had an idea.
"Let's give him some chicken nuggets!"
"Like hell I am," Aaron said, his words drawing long. "Those are my nuggets!"
"Tell that to Bill," Nick said under his breath as he started to fill a bag with the nuggets.
"Man, fuck Bill!" Aaron said, and made a grab for the bag. Nick held fast, and after moments of struggle, the bag tore in half, spilling nuggets onto the floor. The coyote whined from the counter.
"Are you happy?" Nick asked, watching Aaron pick up a nugget off the kitchen floor and eat it. "When you get done, fry up some more nuggets so we can finish his order."
"Why do we have to fry more? These are fine. Besides, I bet he normally eats roadkill," Aaron said, his mouth full.
"You think the coyote with a credit card eats roadkill." Nick replied, unamused.
Aaron picked up another chicken nugget off the ground and took a bite.
"Fine, how many?"
"I don't know," Nick said. "How many chicken nuggets do you think a coyote wants?"
Neither had a good answer. Nick groaned and grabbed the box of nuggets from the freezer and started frying them himself, leaving Aaron to deal with the mess on the floor.
He was too fucking high for this.
"Alright," Nick said, passing a tray of six bags filled to the brim with nuggets over the counter. "1,000 chicken nuggets should bring you up to... Roughly $150. Will that be cash or credit?"
The coyote looked up at him with pleading eyes, offering no response.
"Right, credit it is."
He returned the card to the wallet and let the coyote pick it up, then followed the coyote over to a booth. He sat the tray down, and the coyote hopped into the seat. It pulled a hundred dollar bill out of the wallet and offered it to him.
"I'm sorry sir, we can't accept tips."
The coyote growled, and Nick took the bill from the coyote's mouth, and the coyote's disposition instantly improved. He experimentally nosed the bag, ate a chicken nugget whole, then gave Nick a happy lick on the cheek. Nick took a step back and sighed.
"Sir, this is a Wendy's."
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frannyzooey · 4 years
The madam knew that she should turn Jack “Whiskey” Daniels away, she knew he was
more trouble than he was worth, but she just couldn’t find it in her to say no. Every time he waltzed through that brothel door, trouble was likely to follow. If he didn’t bring trouble with him, he would surely find some, usually at the card table. Walking in, he always caught her watchful eye, his smile cracking from under his mustache. He would tip his hat her way, with a playful, “Afternoon, ma’am”.
By the time he made it to the card table for some poker with a glass of his namesake, Gracie would usually be right by his side. If it was anyone else, the madam would be reminding Gracie that she had a job to do and money to be earnin’, but she was Jack’s favorite and he would always pay good money for an hour or two with his girl. Gracie always ended up on his lap as his “lucky charm”. None of the other men gave it a second thought, she was only a pretty face.
The joke was on them, though, Gracie was absolutely brilliant when it came to cards. Poker, Texas hold ‘em, she could win them all. She was even better at cheating, no one would ever catch her, for they were too busy focusing on her tits flowing out of the top of her tight corset. By the time she and Jack had won their fourth or fifth round in a row, the other gents would get agitated. That was always around the time the madam would give her the signal to wrap it up, it would usually come to blows if they pushed it any farther. This time was no exception.
One of the other men had said something nasty about Gracie which had Jack up in arms. The next comment landed the man on the floor after Whiskey’s fist hit his face and all hell broke loose. Fists were flying, prostitutes were scrambling out of the way, and chaos reigned free.
Gracie grabbed the winnings in one hand, Jack’s in the other, dragging him away from the fight. As they passed the madam, Jack smiled sheepishly, he knew he would be in for it if he didn’t move his ass up the stairs into Gracie’s room. He passed her a few bills, murmured an apology, and told her he’d have his girl for two hours and the extra was an apology for the trouble. She shook her head, watching the pair run up the stairs, hearing Gracie giggle as they went.
By the time their two hours were up, everything had calmed down. The men had been serviced, the mess had been cleaned, the women were busily luring in customers, both new and old alike. The ambiance was once again restored. Jack made his way down the stairs, Gracie at his side. She was slightly disheveled, but that wasn’t anything new. Their hours were always more on the active side. Then, the madam’s eyes zeroed in on her employee’s neck. A hickey, dammit!
“Jack Daniels, you know the rules! ​No marks​! I’m gonna have to try and cover that up for at least a week. Haven’t you caused enough trouble tonight? I have half a mind to throw your ass right out the window and not let you back in here. Anyone else, and they’d be gone already.”
At least Jack had the decency to look slightly embarrassed as she berated him.
“Ma’am, I’m awfully sorry for the mishap. I may have gotten a bit overenthusiastic with my favorite gal Gracie here. All the excitement at the poker table got me riled up. I promise there won’t be any markin’ next time. I’d be sorely missin’ my gal if you throw me out.”
The madam shook her head, rolling her eyes. He would be the death of her, she was sure. “See you next time, Jack, behave yourself.”
He tipped his hat, sweeping Gracie into a deep kiss, and waltzing out the door. Just like
that, all the trouble went with him.
That fucking menace, Jack Daniels 
“Oh god, baby”, Gracie sighs between kisses, “We did so good tonight.”
“It was all you, sugar”, Jack grins, tugging her slip down low in the front. His mouth trailing over her cheek, along her jaw, he nibbles on her collarbone and finding the spot she likes the best, the soft skin where her shoulder meets her neck, he opens his mouth wide, dragging his tongue over it before biting down sharply. 
“Jack”, Gracie moans, a sharp inhale at the sudden bite and she feels him smile against her skin, his tongue laving over the spot before pressing a kiss to it. 
He moves down, dragging his lips over her chest and down to her breast, drawing the pebbled peak of it into his mouth and she slides her fingers up through his thick hair, holding him close. This is what Gracie likes the best, when his warm, wet mouth worships her like this and she leans into him; letting out a soft sigh when he moves over to her other nipple. 
“Listen”, he mumbles against her skin, his moustache tickling her, “I want you to take this off.”
“Okay”, she replies slowly, her eyes closed at the way his knuckles are dragging along her thighs as he pulls up the hem of her slip. 
“I want you to get up on that bed”, he continues, holding the slippery fabric around her hips with a fist while slipping his hand between her legs, his fingers skating along her folds. She sucks in, her mouth an open circle when he slides two fingers into her and his mouth goes back to her chest, pressing the flat of his tongue against her nipple before sucking on it; his fingers slowly moving in and out of her wet heat. 
“I want you to get up there and spread those legs for me, honey”, he finally finishes, pressing a kiss to her nipple while sliding his fingers out. She whimpers at the loss, her body needing him to put them back and he smirks at the sound. His glistening fingers are coated with her slick and he swipes them over her nipple, coating the bud with it, admiring the shiny skin before leaning down to taste it with his mouth. 
They both make a sound - his deeper groan of content mixed with her higher one - and squeezes her breast in his broad hand, pulling it deeper into his mouth. 
“You just keep distracting me”, he says with a smile, looking up at her and she laughs; the only one distracting him is himself. 
“As I was saying”, he says, kissing his way back up her chest, his mouth warm and delicate against her throat, “I want you to get up on that bed and spread those legs for me. It’s been too long since I’ve tasted this sweet cunt and I wanna feast on it tonight, sugar.” 
Smiling at him, she reaches down to grab the hem of her slip, pulling it up over her head. Dropping it on the floor, she slowly walks backwards toward the bed; Jack following her every step. 
Her knees bumping against the edge of the mattress, she sits down hard on the soft bedding and reaches for him, pulling him between her legs by his belt. 
“What if I don’t listen, daddy?”, she coos, slowly undoing the buckle. “You gonna spank me?”
His eyes seem to both shine bright and also darken at the words; she always knows just how he likes it and he leers at her, cupping her chin in his hand. 
“Oh I think you better listen, girl”, he softly scolds, a smile tugging at his lips as he slowly tightens his grip on her, “or I might use the belt this time.”
Her eyes widen both in shock and excitement, her hands stilling in their movements to unbutton his pants and he tips her head up for a kiss; once, twice. 
“I’m not gonna spank you, honey”, he says, resting his hand over hers. “I’m gonna cinch it around your thighs.” Slowly moving her hand down over the buttons of his pants, he rests it on the growing bulge of his cock and he presses her hand tightly to it, cupping him. “And then I’m gonna flip you over and fuck that pretty pussy until you cry.”
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
Do you have any recs for One Direction/Harry fics that feature kink negotiation?
YOU KNOW I DO!! This one feels kinda tricky, though, because a lot of times negotiation is part of discovery or exploration, but I picked these particular fics because the authors actually used the kink negotiation tag, which made it easy to find/filter them, or I remembered them immediately as involving a negotiation element or scene (translation: there are probably TONS more in ye olde bookmarke collectione, my apologies for truncating). Note that a lot of these authors have written multiple fics in this area, so rather than rec alllllll of them (which I absolutely do), I’ll just mention that so you can dig further at your leisure. Hope some of these tick the box of what you’re looking for! 
pink like the halls in your heart, haemophilus, 1.5k, harry/mitch. A first-time spanking fic, with so much packed into just a few words
Powerless (and I Don’t Care It’s Obvious), objectlesson, 4k, harry/louis. Phoenix’s jam in this pairing is kink negotiation, so definitely read ‘em all! This one has a special spot in my heart because it was a gift to me, plus pee kink, swoon!
There’s something I want to try... series, TheMagicWord, 4.6k, harry/louis. The whole point of this series of very short stories is how one of them introduces an “odd” kink to try, then they figure out how they’ll do it (banter ahoy)
Sweet Baby, jishler, 5.4k, harry/louis. This one’s definitely kink discovery, followed swiftly by negotiation, all of it brand new and sweet and tender, too
Tigers Play Too Rough, by Blake/ @newleafover, 5.9k, harry/louis. Read all of Blake’s work in this pairing, not only because it’s simply outstanding, but also because they really explore the kink negotiation dynamic in so many ways (this fic doesn’t get as much love as it should, but it’s all about first-time exploring and negotiating when the first time doesn’t feel “right”)
Wolves series, @rosemarianthyme, 6.9k, harry/louis. This series is so GOOD, all about role-playing a/b/o dynamics, and what happens when you’re trying to figure out your partner’s kinks and how to make them work
Gentle Sin, userkant, 7.5k, harry/louis. Another one that rides the fine line of kink discovery, exploration, and negotiation, all while being ever so soft/gentle
I May Be Crazy, Don’t Mind Me, ShapeOfLou, 8.3k, harry/louis. Harry has a pregnancy kink that he isn’t sure how to bring up, but once Louis works it out, dirty talk saves the day (is my shitty summary of an excellent fic, sigh)
Meow series, @dimpled-halo, 8.7k, harry/louis. Not enough petplay kink, imo, but this series is a great one for it!! I love clueless Louis connecting the dots, then REALLY getting into it (so yes, another one in the discovery, exploration, negotiation triad)
trusting things beyond mistake, sarcasticfluentry, 9.8k, harry/louis. Okay, listen, this is one of my all-time fave authors, DEFINITELY read everything they’ve ever written, I’d even argue that it ain’t trickin’ if ya got it has more negotiation because Louis can’t ~handle the daddy kink until he absolutely can, but this particular fic actually uses the tag, it’s about self-bondage, and it’s still amazing anyway, so here’s a twofer!
canon-ish series,, moonshinelouis, 10.8k, harry/louis. This series blows me away with the way it tackles everything from how Louis grapples with kink negotiation, to how Harry does, to the ways they find to play.
into another (another) serotonin overflow, mercutionotromeo, 11k, harry/louis. One of my favorite authors, I definitely rec ALL their fics, but this one is especially loaded with kink discovery, exploration, and negotiation, plus it’s the perfect high school AU
sweet harmony series, colourexplosion, 12k, harry/louis. I could rec desperate pee kink fic all day long, there are at least two more that fit the perfect negotiation bill, too, but I love the arc of this one, another fantastic series told in short stories of discovery, exploration, negotiation
Don’t Have to Be Good to Be My Girl, @homosociallyyours, 12.8k, harry/louis. A girl direction with daddy kink, BE STILL MY HEART, and this one is wonderfully done w/r/t incomplete aftercare
Canon Compliant BDSM series, @sadaveniren, 20k, harry/louis. This author’s another one that has a TON of amazing kink discovery, exploration, and negotiation, so definitely check ‘em all out...this series is a gem because it has bite-sized pieces, plus it’s just SO into its canon feels
Make Tea, Not War, adventuring and howdoyouwhisk, 20k, harry/louis. So many amazing things to unpack here, especially service kink related, but lots of negotiation, too
hand over, crybaby, 60k, harry/louis, harry/others. This one has so much going on, and yes, there’s a lot of kink exploration here, but because of the nature of this kink list, a ton of negotiation, too
Texas Fic series, @vondrostes, 62k, harry/omc. THIS SERIES IS SO GOOD, HOLY SHIT!!! Terran’s galaxy brain, and all of this was before Orville, I can’t help but randomly imagine him in the Texas role, lmao, but honestly, read Terran’s other fic, too, there’s so much of it, and there’s also a lot of negotiation happening, too (Terran has written incredible harry/louis fic, too, if that’s what you need to see, but he definitely excels with other pairings, too)
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armanagementsolutions · 7 months
AR Management & Solutions is an EMS consulting Services Company located in Texas that specializes in EMS billing services. With years of experience in the emergency medical services industry, AR Management & Solutions offers comprehensive billing solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of EMS agencies and fire departments. Their teams of certified EMS billing experts work closely with clients to ensure accurate claim submission, follow up on unpaid claims, and maximize reimbursement. They understand the complexities of EMS billing and work to simplify the process so their clients can focus on providing quality patient care.
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cksmart-world · 4 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
March 16, 2021
Ready for some fun? The Salt Lake Tribune recently published a readers quiz called “Think You Know Utah?” asking questions, such as: Why did Mark Hofmann ruin reporter Peggy Stack's first day at The Tribune; and “What does A.G. Sean Reyes do under his desk every morning? Well, it got the staff here at Smart Bomb to thinking, maybe we, too, should have a quiz. We'll call it, “Do You Get Zion?”
1- Where did the Utah Democratic Party get those Klingon Cloaking Devices?
2- Why did Burgess Owens bet his Covid Relief $$ that Nancy Pelosi is a lesbian?
3- Which donut shop in Provo is best to spot two polygamist at the same time?
4- What combinations of drugs does Gov. Spencer Cox take to remain so blissful?
5- Why did Lawmakers' prayers to save The Hill Cummorah Pageant go unanswered?
6- What happens to LGBTQ students at BYU keggers?
7- Who warned LDS Pres. Russel M. Nelson to never say,“Salamander?”
8- Why do some Democrats object to renaming Dixie State as Cotton Pickers U?
The answers will be posted on the door of the Utah Democratic Party if we ever find the place. Hey Democrats, turn off those damn Klingon Cloaking Devices.
Show us a good loser and we'll show you a loser. Damn straight and Republicans know what they have to do since losing the White House and the Senate — make voting more difficult, er uh, that is, “restore public confidence in our elections.” In recent weeks, Red State legislatures have put forth over 200 bills to restore confidence for Trumpish voters, including Arizona, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Of course, Georgia led the way by making it illegal for black people to vote. “We'll cut Stacey Abrams off at the knees,” said GOP operative, Lauren Witzke. So what do those damn FDR Democrats do in response — they invent HR1 and have the audacity to call it the “For The People Act of 2021,” because it would expand voter registration, implement fair redistricting and restore The Voting Rights Act. Well, Utah's designated spokesman for righteous indignation, Mike Lee, wasn't having any of it. “This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself.” You tell 'em Mike. “It's an effort to ensure an institutional, revolutionary Democratic Party of sorts,” he whined, “one that can remain in power for many decades to come." Those bastards. Let's all meet in D.C., attack the Capitol and take our country back from black people.
As Republicans begin fund-raising for a Rush Limbaugh Memorial in Washington, D.C., no one has yet to embrace the Elephant in the room: Who will replace the greatest human being to ever prevaricate into a microphone? Like him or hate him, Rush was a giant who defined Republican core values for decades. In fact, some ultra-conservatives are thinking about something like Mount Rushmore with Rush and Newt Gingrich carved on a big rock cliff so that no one can ever forget how much red-blooded American white grievance they brought us. As Rush once said: “The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons.” And this: "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society." And this: "When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it's an invitation." Yes, it will be a challenge to replace him — false prophets don't come along every day. But hopefully a new grand wizard will soon appear because there is little time to waste as hate-radio audiences are aging quickly — averaging over 65. Young, white people just aren't into hate as much as their parents and grandparents. What is this country coming to?
Post script — OK sports fans, that about does it for another week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of the GOP-QAnon merger, so you don't have to. Those convulsions you see are really that of a political party stretching in ghastly ways like a dividing amoeba pulling apart — or perhaps it's more akin to the female robot, Ava, in Ex-Machina, who eliminates her creator because, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, she wants to kill something. If you like melodrama with psychic violence, tune in as the Party of Trump slowly melts like the Wicked Witch of West after injecting disinfectant to kill Coronavirus. Say goodbye to the Grand Old Party's chorus of small government and balanced budgets. The Trump base of white grievance isn't going anywhere soon but might become disquieted when Uncle Joe's Covid Relief package gets the economy humming like Mitch McConnell's Mercedes — or if they ever realize  that cash donations to donaldjturmp.com are going to the Trump Organization's debt service and to keep the lights on at Mar-A-Lago. Of course, this news may come slowly to Utah and Red States dominated by strange weather patterns and websites that create twisters and rabbit holes. But remember, Rome didn't burn in a day.
Well shucks, Wilson, you and guys in the band have been awfully quiet. You're not all hungover by any chance. Of course not. Alright, but do you think you can pull it together and take us out with a little something for Mike Lee and his friend:
I lit out from Reno, I was trailed by twenty hounds Didn't get to sleep last night 'till the morning came around. Set out runnin' but I take my time A friend of the devil is a friend of mine If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight. Ran into the devil, babe, he loaned me twenty bills I spent the night in Utah in a cave up in the hills. Set out runnin' but I take my time, a friend of the devil is a friend of mine, If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight. Got two reasons why I cry away each lonely night, The first one's named Sweet Anne Marie, and she's my hearts delight. The second one is prison, babe, the sheriff's on my trail, And if he catches up with me, I'll spend my life in jail...
(Friend of the Devil — Grateful Dead)
PPS — During this difficult time for newspapers please make a donation to our very important local alternative news source, Salt Lake City Weekly, at PressBackers.com, a nonprofit dedicated to help fund local journalism. Thank you.
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There are a large number of online casinos
Which people can play casino games such as Roulette, Blackjack, Craps, and many others. These games are played against the "house", which makes money due to the fact that the odds are slightly in its favour. Some unscrupulous sites have been proven to offer rigged games, which are less mathematically fair than they appear.
Online poker
There are a large number of online poker rooms which offer various games of Poker, most commonly Texas hold 'em, but also Omaha, Seven-card stud, and other game types. Players Online gambling play against each other, with the "house" making its money through the "rake".
Online sports betting
Several major bookmakers offer fixed-odds gambling over the internet, with gamblers typically betting on the results of sporting events. A relatively new internet innovation is the bet exchange, which allows individuals to place bets with each other (with the "house" taking a small commission).
Funds Transfers
Typically, gamblers upload funds to the online gambling company, make bets or play the games that it offers, and then cash out any winnings. European gamblers can often fund gambling accounts by credit card or debit card, and cash out winnings directly back to the card. Because of the questionable legality of online gambling in the United States, however, U.S. credit cards frequently fail to be accepted. However, a number of intermediary companies - such as Firepay, Neteller, and Moneybookers - offer accounts with which (among other things) online gambling can be funded. Casino operators and online poker rooms often offer incentives for using these 'alternative payment methods'. Payment by cheque and wire transfer is also common.
General legal issues
Online gambling is legal and regulated in many countries including the United Kingdom and several nations in and around the Caribbean Sea. The United States Federal Appeals Courts has ruled that the Federal Wire Act prohibits electronic transmission of information for sports betting across state lines. There is no law prohibiting gambling of any other kind. Some states have specific laws against online gambling of any kind. Also, owning an online gaming operation without proper licensing would be illegal, and no states are currently granting online gaming licenses. The government of the island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, which licenses Internet gambling entities, made a complaint to the World Trade Organization about the U.S. government's actions to impede online gaming.
The Caribbean country won the preliminary ruling but WTO's appeals body has partially reversed that favorable ruling in April, 2005. The appeals decision effectively allowed state laws prohibiting gambling in Louisiana, Massachusetts, South Dakota and Utah. However, the appeals panel also ruled that the United States may be violating global trade rules because its laws regulating horse-racing bets were not applied equitably to foreign and domestic online betting companies. The panel also held that certain online gambling restrictions imposed under US federal laws were inconsistent with the trade body's GATS services agreement.
In March 2003, Deputy Assistant Attorney General John G. Malcolm testified before the Senate Banking Committee regarding the special problems presented by online gambling. A major concern of the United States Department of Justice is online money laundering. The anonymous nature of the Internet and the use of encryption make it especially difficult to trace online money laundering transactions.
In April 2004 Google and Yahoo!, the internet's two largest search engines, announced that they were removing online gambling advertising from their sites. The move followed a United States Department of Justice announcement that, in what some say is a contradiction of the Appeals Court ruling, the Wire Act relating to telephone betting applies to all forms of Internet gambling, and that any advertising of such gambling "may" be deemed as aiding and abetting. Critics of the Justice Department's move say that it has no legal basis for pressuring companies to remove advertisements and that the advertisements are protected by the First Amendment. As of April 2005, Yahoo! has provided advertising for "play money" online gaming.
In February 2005 the North Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill to legalize and regulate online poker and online poker cardroom operators in the State. Testifying before the State Senate, the CEO of one online cardroom, Paradise Poker, pledged to relocate to the state if the bill became law. However, the measure was defeated by the State Senate in March 2005. Jim Kasper, the Representative who sponsored the bill, plans a 2006 ballot initiative on the topic.
Problem gambling
Because the internet brings gambling right into a player's home, there is concern that online gambling increases the level of problem gambling. In the United States, the link between availability and problem gambling was investigated in 1999 by the National Gambling Impact Study, which found that "the presence of a gambling facility within 50 miles roughly doubles the prevalence of problem and pathological gamblers". If this finding is correct, it is reasonable to expect that easy access to gambling online would also increase problem gambling.
That same report noted the possibility that "the high-speed instant gratification of Internet games and the high level of privacy they offer may exacerbate problem and pathological gambling". Bernie Horn, of the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling, testified before Congress that the availability of online gambling "magnifies the potential destructiveness of the addiction".
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osg777blog · 5 years
Common On-line Gambling Game titles
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It was 1994 in the small island country of Antigua and Barbuda, a specific legislation was passed which produced the area a lawful jurisdiction, making it possible for it to issue gambling licenses. This legislation paved way for on-line gaming and right until right now, most gambling providers would foundation their business in the region to utilize their license. The gaming software program arrived years before the graduation of online gaming. An Isle on Guy-primarily based program company identified as Microgaming made the initial absolutely operational on the web casino software program which gave birth to many on-line gambling internet sites. Whereas Cryptologic, an on the net protection software package company, provided the indispensable computer software which made net transaction secure, protected and workable. By 1995, the to start with on the net casino was launched. If you have virtually any concerns concerning where and the best way to work with http://osg777.fun/, you are able to email us on the site. Like lots of issues that did not have a sleek begin, the start of online gambling also fulfilled lots of obstacles. One important challenge it satisfied along the way was the legality of the trade. The pretty strategy and notion of on-line gambling was opposed and resisted by many and primarily in the United States. Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona for various occasions tried out to stop American citizens from gambling on the web and also promoted anti-gambling campaigns. Not long ago, on September thirty, 2006, the US Congress passed a bill stating the it is illegal for financial institutions and credit history card firms to system payments from US inhabitants to on line gambling corporations. This bill afterwards became a regulation which President Bush signed on Oct 13. But even though on-line gambling have up to now been fought from by many individuals, corporations and even the federal government, several are continue to captivated by the allure of this habit. Hence inspite of all the disputes, supporters and players all-around the world are hooked in taking part to on-line gambling. Most frequent on-line gambling online games are: On the net Poker, or Web Poker, is recognised to be partly responsible for the dramatic enhance in the number of poker players worldwide. On the net poker tables largely host games of Texas keep 'em, Omaha, 7-card stud and razz, both equally in match and ring recreation constructions. On the net Casinos make the most of the world wide web to engage in on line casino video games roulette, blackjack, pachinko, baccarat and lots of other folks. Internet casinos may perhaps also be divided into 3 groups according to their interface: Website primarily based casinos, Down load-primarily based casinos, and Are living casinos. World wide web primarily based casinos are performed with no the want to obtain software for enjoying video games. Plug-ins ought to be put in in the browser to accommodate this sort of video games. Down load-primarily based casinos have to have purchasers to obtain computer software in purchase to perform and wager on the casino video games supplied. The software package connects to the casino services service provider and handles get hold of without having browser assist. Whilst Live-based casinos make it possible for on-line gamers to play and interact with the video games performed in serious environment casinos. In this placing, players connected on-line could see, listen to and interact with are living dealers at tables in casino studios all over the environment.  
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laurellynnleake · 6 years
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Fight To Protect Immigrants! - Resource & Organization Masterlist (updated: 6/22/18)
If you need help and/or want to help others trapped in the brutal US immigration system, let me get you started! Regardless of your time and abilities, you can help in countless ways big and small. Head to Informed Immigrant to find local/national/global orgs supporting undocumented immigrants - you can donate money/time/transportation, join protest actions, register voters, cook dinners, watch kids, and simply provide emotional support to people!
I’ve gathered together some useful links and resources here - please help me spread ‘em around, and add any of your own links and info too (and let me know if you donate/contact reps and I’ll draw you some art).
Calling Scripts: 
Check out Celeste Pewter’s twitter for up-to-date call scripts and resources for contacting your reps and fighting for human rights (@ her or use #Icalledmyreps after you call to get a boost and/or share info). She eventually transcribes most scripts here, but can take several days, so while these links below go to images on twitter I’ve also included captions under the cut.
Tips for calling your electeds
Calling Senate/House for Feinstein/Nadler’s Keep Families Together Act post EO (6/22), and for Texans near the border (6/13)
Call scripts pushing for House/Senators to investigate DHS’s Zero Tolerance Policy (6/22), and for contacting the DOJ/DHS to protest the Zero Tolerence Policy post executive order (6/20)
Call scripts for governors to refuse to send the National Guard to the border (6/22) and calling for Sec Nielson’s resignation (6/18)
Calling Congress re: Kids already separated, and rumors of military lawyers (06/22)
Calling governors, federal reps, and state attorney’s about joining the multi-state lawsuit (6/22)
General Guides for Contacting Reps:
Find My Reps
Resistbot (emails and faxes reps for you)
Herd on the Hill a FB group of dedicated volunteers who will print out your letters, and deliver them.
How to Call Your Reps When You Have Social Anxiety
Legislative & Organizing Resources:
Join a local protest at FamiliesBelong.org. Donate here.
ACLU Know Your Rights pocket guides includes ICE Visits (ICE Visitas), If Questioned About Imm. Status (Que Hacer Si Le Preguntan Acerca de su Estatus Migratorio), and What To Do If Stopped By Police (Qué Debe Hacer Si la Policía/Agentes de Inmigración/FBI) in English and en Español, as well as guides for protests.
Know Your Rights Handouts: If ICE Raids a Home/Employer/Public Space (AILA) in Español, Chinese, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, & Punjabi
Indivisible’s Immigration News Resources
Indivisible’s Immigrant Ally Toolkit
Tisp for attending protests and rallies and advice for white allies
Look up ICE detention centers here
Internet security: FB centric, basic computer security, more elaborate
Organizations to Join/Support:
Use the Informed Immigrant to find groups near you, find legal aid, and join the fight!  
Pueblos Sin Fronteras provides humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees. Donate here.
Al Otro Lado is a bi-national, direct legal services organization serving indigent deportees/migrants/refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Donate here.
The Florence Project provides free legal services to adults and unaccompanied children in imm. custody in Arizona. Donate here.
Border Angels serves San Diego County’s immigrant population through various migrant outreach programs such as Day Laborer outreach, a free legal assistance program, and more. Donate here.
RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas. Donate here.
The Immigrant Children’s Assistance Project is an American Bar Association project currently helping unaccompanied children in South Texas w/ knowing their rights. Donate here.
United We Dream is the largest immigrant-youth led group in the USA, and their site provides news, event info, as well as guides and toolkits for fighting the system, protecting LGBTQ immigrants, and taking care of your mental health. Donate here.
The Black Alliance for Just Immigration “educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social, and economic justice.” Donate here.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is one of the largest civil rights and advocacy organizations dedicated to fighting against discrimination against Muslims. Click here to donate to the national organization or a specific campaign, or click here to find your local CAIR chapter (which needs your support as much/even more).
CUNY CLEAR provides representation and rights training to Muslim communities targeted by law enforcement. Donate here.
Families for Freedom fights on behalf of families facing deportation. “We are immigrant prisoners (detainees), former immigrant prisoners, their loved ones, or individuals at risk of deportation.” Donate here.
The Immigrant Defense Project uses impact litigation, advocacy, and public education to fight to stop mass deportations and an unjust immigration system. Donate here.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national resource center that helps train immigration lawyers and advocates on the local, state and federal level. Donate here.
The International Rescue Committee works to provide aid to people affected by humanitarian crises. You can donate to specifically support U.S. refugee resettlement programs re: Trump’s Muslim Ban here, and see other ways to get involved (volunteering/calling reps) here.
The International Refugee Assistance Project works to organize lawyers and law students to fight for the human and legal rights of refugees through legal aid and policy advocacy. For legal help click here, and to donate click here.
Make the Road New York uses policy advocacy, organizing, education, and survival services (including workforce training and adult education) to improve the lives of immigrants—in particular Latino and working class communities—in NYC. Donate here, get involved here.
Mariposas Sin Fronteras works with LGBTQ people detained in immigration facilities and works to get vulnerable detainees out on bond. Donate here.
MPower Change does grassroots organizing, campaigning, and storytelling to empower Muslim communities in the USA. Donate here.
National Immigration Law Center works for the rights of low-income immigrants through impact legislation, policy analysis and advocacy, communications, and education programs. Donate here.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project offers legal services directly to immigrants with its network of 350 pro-bono attorneys. Donate here.
Remember, one person alone can’t do everything, so please take care of yourself and each other - but if we all do a little, we can make a difference together!
Captions for the Pewter call scripts under the cut, as well as a list of pro-bono legal aid and therapist volunteers organized by Joanna Rothkopf.
Tips for calling your electeds, especially if you’re leaving a VM
If you’re leaving a voicemail, make sure you clearly state your name and where you are calling from. (Zip, etc.)
Make sure you have a concrete ask, or specify a specific opinion. Imagine a staffer asking: “What’s the best outcome/resolution for you?” and frame your comment that way. E.g. If you want them to specifically oppose an amendment, say that, and explain why.
Always clarify if you would like a response, and leave a way for the office to reach you. (Phone number, email, etc.)
If you have another issue, bring it up on the phone at the time. Always personalize your comments.
For Cruz/Cornyn constituents on the TX detention facilities: (06/18, tweaked by OP)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zıp code]. You: I am calling today to ask [Cruz/Cornyn] take a stand... 
Opposing the detention facilities for young people in Texas, and
To also oppose the DHS’s overall zero tolerance policy.
You: The horrific conditions being experienced by these children are absolutely unacceptable, and betray the values of our state.
You: <Insert optional comments here>
You: Furthermore, I am also calling on [Cruz/Cornyn] to support their colleague Senator Feinstein’s Keep Families Together Act. President Trump has clearly and repeatedly stated he would support a bill to keep families together, so I expect [Cruz/Cornyn] to follow the GOP agenda.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points for Texas residents re: local/state electeds re: the detention facilities (06/13)
What did the city/county/state know about these proposals to hold children in warehouses, with limited access to fresh air? Does local city/county/state official condone these practices?
If yes: does [official] understand that these kids are in conditions that are comparable to what certain criminals experience in jail?
If no: great. How will [elected] address this with their federal counterparts? I do not support facilities like these, and want [elected] to exert all possible pressure with their federal counterparts.
Will [elected] come out with a public statement condemning these facilities?
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTEPEWTER
For House/Senators re: DHS’s Zero tolerance policy (opening investigations) Talking points post-Trump executive order (6/20)
The Executive Order would only create family detention centers which would continue to lead to expanded camps.
The executive order doesn't offer recourse for reuniting already- separated families The EO gives wide discretion to DHS Secretary Nielsen
Crossing the border will be deemed a criminal violation, vs. a civil one (which will lead to parents being charged criminally; and children likely being taken)
The EO doesn't address asylum seekers, and will still prohibit anyone seeking asylum under domestic violence/gang violence from seeking asylum
The House bill (Border Security and Immigration Reform Act) will also not fully address these concerns.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: the DOJ/DHS following Trump's Executive Order signing (6/20)
Ask the DOJ/DHS stop lying about the origins of zero tolerance policy - it's well documented it's a Trump Administration policy
Stop using Flores to justify this policy.
Stop saying it's about the wall. Democrats have actually offered funding for the wall before (during the DACA debate) and the GOP/Trump Administration passed. This is NOT about the wall
Per news reports this morning, DHS thought the zero tolerance policy would deter border crossings. According to public documents sited by outlets like the Hill, crossings have actually gone up, including crossings by unaccompanied minor children
The Executive order doesn't have a recourse for how families will be reunited. How will the DOJ/DHS address this?
Stop insisting this is up to Congress to act - this is a DHS/DOJ created problem
Call your SENATORS post-Trump's executive order signing re: family separation (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code} You: I am calling to ask Senators to continue to do everything in their legislative power to address the DHS/DOJ's zero tolerance policy. You: This week's executive order does not adequately solve the problem of family separation; it just creates family detention centers, and doesn't address the overarching problem. You: We also need clarity on how this executive order helps the children who have already been separated. The administration is claiming 500 kids have been reunited. When will we get proof? When is this rumored staging ground in Texas supposed to be complete?
Dem Senators: Finally, I'd like to call on [Senator] to continue to express support for Feinstein's Keep Families Together Act. GOP Senators: I am calling on [Senator] to support Feinstein's Keep Families Together. You: <Additional comments>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call both chambers re: asking for Secretary Nielsen's resignation (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]. You: I am calling on [elected] to issue a public statement to ask for Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation. Not only has she been complicit in helping the Trump Administration institute their new zero tolerance policy, she has lied repeatedly to the public on the policy, and what it does and doesn't do. You: I am calling on [elected] to follow in congressional colleague Senator Kamala Harris's footsteps, and call for Secretary Nielsen's resignation immediately. You: <insert optional comment>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to direct the national guard to NOT send resources to the border (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to please follow Governor Baker of Massachusetts, by instructing the national guard to not deploy to the US-Mexico border. The National Guard cannot and should not be used to further assist in enforcing the Zero Tolerance policy being enacted by the Trump Administration.
You: I am also calling on [GOVERNOR] to commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado, prohibiting any state resources from being used to asssist the Trump Administration's efforts to enforce the zero tolerance policy. I understand it's largely ceremonial, but I want [GOVERNOR] to commit to taking a stand.
You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: JAG corps allegedly being assigned to try cases at the border (06/22)
JAG lawyers have different rules to follow than civilian lawyers. How can we be sure they'll follow proper procedure when trying cases? How will any appeals process on behalf of the defendant be impacted (if applicable) given that military and civilian appeals are different?
WHY are we letting DHS/HHS utilize DOD resources, for something that is strictly in DHS/HHS territory? What is the justification?
Should we not be concerned we're allowing military personnel to handle civilian affairs? This is conflating multiple departments and cross issues.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to continue issuing directives to NOT support border efforts + support their requests for clarity on children in their respective states (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to continue to refuse to utilize any state resources that would help the federal government's zero tolerance policy. [GOVERNOR] should commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado.
If there are children in your state: I am also calling on [Governor] to continue to be vocal on the need to get accurate numbers on how many children are in our state, and where these facilities are. I ask [Governor] to do everything in their power to tour these facilities. Accountability is needed. You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your local electeds to request a resolution condemning the zero tolerance policy/family separation (6/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [address/zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to please endorse a resolution that makes clear [CITY] does not condone the Trump Administration's current immigration practices, including family separation, family detention centers, and the refusal to provide asylum to those who are seeking it under domestic violence and gang violence.
You: Yesterday's federal executive order does little to solve the problem. Families are still separated, and the executive order only opens up the pathway to family detention centers.
You: I am calling on [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to show what our city stands for, and take a stand. You: <insert optional comment here>
Call your Attorneys general, and ask them to join the multi-state lawsuit. (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling on [AG] to join the other state attorneys generals who are planning on suing the Trump Administration to compel reunification for the 2.3K children separated from their families.
You: As Maryland's AG Frosh confirmed in an interview: the executive order does not adequately address the problems that have resulted in family separation; including how to reunite the families, and the government appears to not have a concrete plan.
You: Please sign onto the lawsuit and compel the administration to act.
You: <insert optional comment>
Find your AG: http://www.naag.org/naag/attorneys- general/whos-my-ag.php
Ted Colquett, Birmingham, AL -  [email protected], (205) 245-4370
Morgan Petriello, Los Angeles, CA - [email protected], (323) 651-2577
Elleni Kalouris, Chicago suburbs, IL - [email protected]
Muni Olia, Philadelphia, PA - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - [email protected]
Ruth Durack, MSW, Peoria, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Lauren Fallon, LCSW, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Jennifer Goldstein, Chicago, IL - Therapist - [email protected]
Gloria Jetter, LMSW, New York, NY - Social Worker - [email protected]
Note: These attorneys and therapists/psychiatrists were shared via Jezebel, and have not been vetted by the website; their inclusion on the list is by request.If you are an attorney or therapist who would like to offer your services to immigrants and refugees pro-bono, email Joanna Rothkopf with your contact information at [email protected]. The descriptions I found for many of these resources are also courtesy of Rothkopf and Pewter.
Please consider boosting this post, @phonescripts​, @justsomeantifas​, and @nativenews​! 
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totojeong34-blog · 5 years
Prevalent On-line Gambling Game titles
It absolutely was 1994 during the tiny island state of Antigua and Barbuda, a certain regulation was handed which designed the location a lawful jurisdiction, letting it to difficulty gambling licenses. This legislation paved way for on the net gaming and until currently, most gambling firms would foundation their enterprise while in the nation to benefit from their license.
The gaming application arrived a long time prior to the commencement of online gaming. An Isle on Man-based software package corporation known as Microgaming designed the initial totally operational on the internet casino program which gave beginning to quite a few on-line gambling web-sites. Whereas Cryptologic, a web based stability software program company, supplied the indispensable software which created net transaction safe and sound, safe and workable. By 1995, the initial on the web on line casino was released.
Like several things which didn't use a sleek commence, the launch of on-line gambling also fulfilled numerous hurdles. 1 significant challenge it achieved along the way was the legality of the trade. The pretty strategy and notion of on the net gambling was opposed and resisted by numerous and especially in the U . s .. Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona for various occasions tried to forestall American citizens from gambling on line and likewise promoted anti-gambling strategies.
A short while ago, on September 30, 2006, the US Congress handed a monthly bill stating the it really is illegal for banking institutions and bank card businesses to process payments from US inhabitants to on line gambling corporations. This monthly bill later on turned a legislation which President Bush signed on October thirteen.
But despite the fact that on the web gambling have thus far been fought towards by numerous persons, corporations and in many cases the federal government, many remain captivated by the attract of the dependancy. So even with all the disputes, supporters and players all around the globe are hooked in collaborating to on line gambling. Most frequent on-line gambling online games are:
Online Poker, or Internet Poker, is understood to get partially accountable for that dramatic increase in the number of poker players worldwide. On the net poker tables mainly host online games of Texas keep 'em, Omaha, Seven-card stud and razz, equally in tournament and ring recreation buildings. On line Casinos use the internet to participate in casino online games roulette, blackjack, pachinko, baccarat and lots of some others. Web casinos could also be divided into 3 groups according to their interface: Net dependent casinos, Download-based casinos, and Stay casinos. World-wide-web based casinos are performed without the must obtain application for enjoying online games. Plug-ins need to be set up from the browser to support these games. Download-based casinos have to have clients to obtain software package so as to play and wager on the casino online games available. The software connects into the casino support service provider and handles contact with out browser assist. Whilst Live-based casinos allow for on the internet players to play and communicate with the video games performed in genuine world casinos. With this setting, gamers related on the internet could see, listen to and connect with live sellers at tables in on line casino studios all-around the globe. On the web Athletics Betting, where you'll find many different sporting functions that a player could wager more than the online world like fixed-odds gambling. Wagering or betting could possibly be done via Bookmakers, spread betting corporations and betting exchanges. On the net bingos may also be available by using the net. Also for Cell gambling, you will discover now developments during the utility of wi-fi and mobile gadgets in gambling notwithstanding the raucous debates for gambling on-line.
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#Voter Suppression by Texas #GOP
"Asshole of the Day - Texas State Senator Bryan Hughes, whose new bill, Senate Bill 9, will disallow driving of elderly, disabled, or poor people to the polls… DISALLOWS bringing more than 3 people with you now… so these massive efforts with vans full of elderly from nursing homes, or vans full of disabled people, or vans full of poor people who don’t have cars, will now be disallowed in Texas… and any voter that needs assistance like voting curbside, which has been a way to service vulnerable voters, there can only be three at a pop... if they can’t get up and come in on their own, then there can’t be more than 3 of them at a time… imagine the sick cruel calculating mind that comes up with these tactics to hinder voting by vulnerable groups… THIS is Republican voter suppression at is ugliest and most abusive… and most discriminatory… this Republican power era emboldens actual legislation of ideas that otherwise would be shamefully embarrassing to admit you even thought of.... every day in every red state, it is a horrifying Whack-A-Mole game of democracy-killing laws being put on the books... the horror with this round of the game is that we aren't even allowed to Whack em..."
- Rosalinda Johnson
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armanagementsolutions · 6 months
AR Management & Solutions: The Leading Ambulance and EMS Billing Services in Texas
Are you an ambulatory services provider and want to get 100% reimbursement? With all the different protocols and new rules in place, it is rather easy to get your bills rejected by the insurer. So, what is the solution? Here in this blog we will explore some proven tips that will ensure the best method to get the claims and achieve the revenue with your ambulance billing services.
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